elt methods and approaches

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ELT Methods

Presented by:

Ayesha Bashir (03)

Maryam Bashir (04)

Ayesha Bashir (01)

.Ammara Qasim (34)Students of AWKUM English Department

Wajeeha Jamal (33)

ELT Methods

There are many methods of teaching languages. Some have had their heyday and have fallen into relative obscurity; others are widely used now.

Many methods have been proposed but this presentation will cover only four major methods i.e:

Grammar-Translation method

Direct Method

Audio-lingual Method

Silent Way Method

Grammar Translation Method

"a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities."

---Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2002). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics. Pearson Education Limited. pp.231.


The Grammar Translation Method was the traditional way Latin and Greek were taught in Europe.

. In the 19th century it began to be used to teach modern languages such as French, German, and English, and it is still used in some countries today.

A typical lesson consists of the presentation of a grammatical rule, a study of lists of vocabulary, and a translation exercise.

Personal understanding of this point: grammatical rules + vocabulary translation or A lesson= grammatical rules+vocabulary+translation

end up with


Because the Grammar Translation Method emphasizes reading rather than the ability to communicate in a language, there was a reaction to it in the 19th century (see NATURAL APPROACH, DIRECT METHOD), and there was later a greater emphasis on the teaching of spoken language.

Language and Learning Theory

Learning Theory: Deductive learning is essential. First, the teacher gives rules explicitly then the rules are reinforced with examples and exercises.

2. Language Theory: Language is for understanding the literature. Translation is the way to learn the language. Oral communication is not primarily important. Written language is superior to spoken language. Students also learn the structure of their own native language.


Teachers' Role: Teacher is the strict authority. Classes are teacher centred.

Students' Role: Students are the passive receivers of the new information. The teacher starts the activities and directs them. Students are supposed to memories the rules and the new vocabulary with their meanings in their native language.

Interactions: Very often Teacher Student interactions occur. Rarely Student Studentinteractions also occur.

Error correction

The teacher corrects the error strictly.Errors are not tolerated.


Culture is limited to literature and fine arts

Vocabulary Teaching:

The most common vocabulary teaching technique is the memorisation of long lists

of vocabulary with their equivalents in the students native language. Other

techniques are Teaching cognates (i.e., cinema sinema, theatre tiyatro ...,

etc).- Using synonyms and antonyms

Grammar Teaching:

The teaching of grammar is deductive. The teacher introduces the rules explicitly and wants the students to apply these rules to new examples in exercises. Students are supposed to memorise the rules. In order to explain the rules, the teacher uses comparison the meanings and contract between the students native language grammar and target language grammar.Translation is a common way to clarify of the new grammar patterns in the target language.


Texts from the target language literature are used. The teacher may either write the text or use an authentic literary text.


Structural syllabus (i.e., list of structures to be taught during the course) is used.The

order of structures starts from the easiest.

Role of L1:

L1 (i.e., students native language) has an important function in teaching

vocabulary and grammar. Since oral communication in the target language is not

important,classroom instructions are given in L1.

Students Feelings
it doesnot deal with students feelings

Evaluation: Translation is an important technique to test students progress in the

target language. In addition, fill-in-the-blank type test items are also used.

Synonyms,antonyms, and cognates can be asked to test vocabulary in formal

tests. Reading passages and comprehension questions about the passages

can also take place in tests as the reading section.

Objectives of GTM

To be able to read literature written in the target language

To be able to translate from one language to another

To develop reading and writing skill

Typical Techniques

(1) Translation of a Literary Passage

(2) Reading Comprehension Questions

(3) Antonyms/Synonyms

(4) Cognates

(5) Deductive Application of Rule

(6) Fill-in-the-blanks

(7) Memorization

(8) Use Words in Sentences

(9) Composition


Translation of a literary passage: The translation may be written or spoken or both.

The class focuses on vocabulary and grammatical structures.

Students should not translate idioms and like the literary, but rather their understanding of the meaning is important.


Reading comprehension questions:There are three kinds of group of questions:

First group of questions, students ask for information contained within the reading passage.

Second group of questions, students will have to make inferences from the passage.

Third group of questions, students are required to relate the passage to their own experience.


Anonyms/Synonyms:Students might be asked to find anonyms or synonyms in the passage.

Students might be asked to define a set of words based on their understanding in the passage.

Students might be asked to work with the vocabulary of the passage.


Deductive application of rule: Grammar rules are presented with examples.

Later students are asked to apply grammar rules to some different examples.


Cognates: (similar spelling and sound patterns that correspond in L1/L2.)Students are taught to recognize cognates in the passage.

Students are asked to memorize cognate words and their meaning in target language.


Fill-in-the-blanks: Students are given a serios of sentences with words missing.

They fill in the blanks with new vocabulary idioms or with items of a particular grammar type such as prepositions or verbs with different tenses.


Memorization: Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their native language equivalents.

Students are asked to memorize the given words.

Students are also required to memorize grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms such as conjugations.


Use words in sentences: Students make up sentences in which they use new words.


Composition: The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language.

The topic is based upon some aspect of the reading passage of the lesson.

It is an easy method in which the child proceeds from the known to unknown. It helps in building vocabulary and saves teacher labour but it is an un natural method and does not follow the natural order of learning a language. It neglects speech and teaches English by rules not by use.

Direct Method of Language Teaching

Teach the Language Not About the LanguageNo TranslationNo Use of Native Language


In the mid and late 19 century, Europe experienced a wave of increasing opportunities of communication, due to industrialization and international trade and travel.

A need was felt to develop oral proficiency in foreign languages.

Language teachers had already found Grammar-translation method inadequate and ineffective in developing 'communicative ability' in learners.


They strongly advocate an alternative method in which language was presented in contexts and the mother tongue was avoided.

Its principal advocates were Pendergast and Sauveur who proposed what they called Natural Method that suggest radical change from Grammar- translation method. It is this method that later on came to be known as the Direct Method

Theoretical Assumption:

Language can be learnt only through demonstration. Instead of analytical procedures of explaining grammar rules, students must be encourage to use language naturally and spontaneously so that they induce grammar.

Theoretical Assumption:

The learning of second language was seen as parallel to the acquisition of the child's first language.

This method therefore emphasize the importance of sounds , simple sentences and direct association of language with object and person of immediate environment- the classroom, the home, the garden, etc.

Basic Principles

1. Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the target language. The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate.



Basic Principles

2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught. BASIC VOCABULARY IS GIVEN FIRST

3. Vocabulary is taught through known words, demonstration, authentic objects (realia), pictures.

Basic Principles

4.Grammar is taught inductively. There may never be an explicit grammar rule given.


Basic Principles

5. New teaching points are introduced orally. ORAL TRANSMISSION

6. Both speech and listening comprehension are taught.

Basic Principles

7. The teacher, by asking the student to make a choice, gets him to correct his own error. LEARNING BY SELF-CORRECTION

8. The syllabus is based on situations or topicsCONTEXTUAL/TOPICAL TEACHING

Basic Principles

9. Correct pronunciation is emphasized.

10. Students should learn to think in the target language as soon as possible

Basic Principles

11.The purpose of language learning is communication; therefore students need to learn how to ask questions as well as answer them. COMMUNICATION-FIRST PREFERENCE


Q & A: The teacher asks questions of any nature and the students answer.

Dictation: The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage and reads the text

aloud. Teacher reads the passage three times


Reading Aloud:

Students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or dialogue out loud.


Map Drawing: Students are given a map without labeled then the students label it by using the directions the teacher gives.

Paragraph Writing : The students are asked to write a passage in their own words.



One of its positive points is that it promises to teach the language and Not about the language.

It is a natural method which teaches language in the same way the mother tongue is acquired. Only the target language is used and the learning is contextualized..

Its emphasis on speech made it more attractive for those who have needs of real communication in the target language. It is one of the first methods to introduce the teaching of vocabulary through realias.


In spite of its achievements, the direct method fell short from fulfilling the needs of educational systems. One of its major shortcomings is that it was hard for public schools to integrate it. As R. Brown (1994:56) points out, the Direct Method did not take well in public schools where the constraints of budget, classroom size, time, and teacher background (native speakers or native like fluency) made such a method difficult to use.

After a short popularity in the beginning of the 20th century, it soon began to lose its appeal because of these constraints. It then paved the way to the Audio-lingual Method.

The Audio-Lingual Method

The audio-lingual method was widely used in the United States and other countries in the 1950's and 1960's. It is still used in some programs today.

Also known as Oral Method/The Army Method/ The New Method


The Audio-Lingual Method

Similar to the direct method:

They both are oral-based approaches pronunciation and ability of speaking in the target language is superior to other skills

Grammar is learnt inductively

Different from the direct method:Not only vocabulary but also grammatical sentence patterns

Stronger theoretical base in linguistics (structural linguistics) and psychology (behavioural psychology)

Founded around 1950s and 1960s, AL was based on an : the way to acquire the sentence patterns of the target language is repetition of dialogues about every day situations that are imitated and drilled to make the response automatic.


Language TheoryLanguage is a system of structural related elements, like phonological units, grammatical units, and lexical items, for the transmission of meaning. So to learn the target language is to mater the elements of the target language system.

Structural Linguistic

Learning TheoryLanguage learning is habit-formation.

Mistakes, the bad habit, should be avoided.

Language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form.

The meaning of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context.

Behavioral Psychology

To enable students to speak and write in target language

To make students able to use target language automatically without stopping to think

To form new habits in the target language


Speaking and listening competence preceded reading and writing competence.

Use of MT is highly discouraged in the classroom.

The development of language skills is a matter of habit formation.

Students practice particular patterns of language through structured dialogue and drill until response is automatic.

Structured patterns in language are taught using repetitive drills.


The emphasis is on having students produce error free utterances.

This method of language learning supports kinesthetic learning styles.

Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures. Abstract vocabulary is taught through association of ideas.

The printed word must be kept away from the second language learner as long as possible

Grammar TeachingExplicit rules are not provided. student induce the rules through examples and Drills.

Vocabulary TeachingMeaning is taught directly. Vocabulary is introduced through Dialogues.

The syllabus:Audio lingual Method uses a structural syllabus.

Dialogue Memorization

Backward Build-up (Expansion) Drill

Repetition Drill

Chain Drill

Transformation Drill

Question-and-answer Drill

Techniques of the Audio-lingual method

Students take the role of one person in the dialogue and the teacher the other.

Switch roles and memorize the other persons part.

Half of the class to take one role and the other half to take the other.

Some pairs of students might perform the dialogue for the rest of the class.

Techniques of AL
Dialog Memorization

T: Hello. How are you?S: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Fine. Where are you going?S: Im going to the school. Would you like to come?T: Sure. Lets go together.

Techniques of AL
Dialog Memorization

Backward build-up drill: to teach long lines of dialogues:

break down the line into several parts

repeat a part of the sentence

follow the teacher, students expand

what they repeated part by part until they are able repeat the entire line.

Techniques of AL
Backward-up drill

T: Repeat after me: post office.S: Post office.T: To the post office.S: To the post office.T: Going to the post office.S: Going to the post office.T: Im going to the post office.S: Im going to the post office.

Backward build-up drill

Techniques of AL
Repetition Drill

Students repeat the teachers model as accurately and as quickly as possible to learn the lines of the dialog

To make students ask and answer questions with each other.

It allows some controlled communication among students and give the teacher an opportunity to check students speech.

Techniques of AL
Chain Drill

To change a certain kind of sentence pattern to another form.

to transform an affirmative S. into a negative S.

to transform a statement into a question.

to transform an active S. into a passive S.

to transform a direct speech into reported speech

Statement QuestionActive PassiveAffirmative Negative

Techniques of AL
Transformation Drill

T: They are going to the bank.S: Are they going to the bank?orT: Giang buys a new car.S: A new car is bought by Giang.

Transformation drill

Students practice the target language with answering questions and the question patterns.

Students answer the teachers question quickly.

Techniques of AL
Question & Answer Drill


T: Are you going to the bank?S: Yes, I am. Im going to the bankLibrary

T: Are you going to the zoo?S: No, Im not going to the zoo. Im going to the library

Techniques of AL
Question & Answer Drill

PronunciationCharacteristicsGrammarvocabularyteaching materials.

Listening, speaking

-Depending on context.-Overlearning: students learn to answer automatically without stopping to think.-Language cannot be separated from culture.

Other features

Reading, writing

Most of the interactions is between teacher and students and is initiated by the teacher.

Teacher Role/Student RoleThe teacher is like an orchestra leader.

Providing students with a good model for imitation.

Students are imitators.

The nature of student-teacher interaction




Everyday speech is emphasized in the Audio-lingual Method. The level of complexity of the speech is graded, so that beginning students are presented with only simple patterns. Culture consists of the everyday behavior and lifestyle of the target language speakers.

How is language viewed?

Vocabulary is kept to a minimum while the students are mastering the grammatical patterns.

The oral skills receive most of the attention. Pronunciation is taught from the beginning.

What areas of language are emphasized?

The target language is used in the classroom, not the students native language.

How is evaluation accomplished? Students might be asked to distinguish between words in a minimal pair, for example, or to supply an appropriate verb form in a sentence.

The role of the students native language

Student errors are to be avoided if at all possible through the teachers awareness of where the students will have difficulty and restriction of what they are taught to say.

The role of instructional materialsInstructional materials in the Audiolingual Method assist the teacher to develop language mastery in the learner. They are primary teacher-oriented.

Tape recorders and audiovisual equipment often have central roles in an audio lingual course.

How does the teacher respond to student errors?

Language is speech, not writing.

A language is a set of habits.

Teach the language,not about the language.

A language is what native speakers say,not what someone else thinks they ought to say.

Languages are different.


The Silent Way: Method of Language Learning

by Caleb Gattegno


The silent way (SW), a method of

language teaching, originated in the early 1970s and introduced by Caleb Gattegno in his book: Teaching Foreign Language in School.

Theoretical background

Challenge Audio-lingual method: students are unable to transfer habits formed in the classroom to communicate outside of it.

Language must not be considered a product of habit formation, but rule formation.

Language acquisition must be a procedure of student using their own cognition, to discover the rules of the language they are acquiring.

Learning Theory:

Cognitive approach rather than responding to stimuli.

Language learning has a sequence from the known to un known.

Student induce the rules from examples and the language they are exposed to, therefore learning is inductive.

Basic Principles:

Teaching should be subordinated to learning.

Emphasizes the autonomy of the learners.

Students are encouraged to have an active role in learning the language.

Pronunciation is seen as fundamental.

Uses a structural syllabus but implicitly.

Translation and rote repetition are avoided.


Silence is use as a tool.

To focus students attention.

To encourage them to

correct their own errors.


Teacher are still active:

Mouthing words

Using hand gestures

Encourage students to

help their peers.


Near native like fluency

in the target language.

Correct pronunciation.

Providing the learners with a basic practical

knowledge of the grammar.


Beginning with students knowledge.

Developing syllabus from easy to complex.

Role of L1

Can be used to give instructions when necessary.

During feedback sessions L1 be used at beginning levels.

L1 can be exploited. e.g., similar sounds in L1 and L2 can be used to make students aware of phonological similarites.


Teacher may never give a formal test.

Teacher assesses students learning all the time.

Continuous monitoring by the teacher is essential.

Error correction.

Errors are natural, so unavoidable.

Self-correction is necessary for the students to compare their own production with their developing inner criteria.

Peer correction is also very important, but it should be in a co-operative manner.

Peers correction


Cuisenaire rods:

Which can be used for anything from introducing simple commands to representing objects such as describing any room setting.


Sound-Color chart: Which is used to teach the language sounds.

What is the Silent Way?

It is a method of language teaching, to enable students to become independent, autonomous and responsible learners.

Though silent most of the time, the teacher plays a crucial role. The teacher is there at every moment, speaking only when necessary but listening very intently. The teacher acts as the guarantor, safeguarding the accuracy of the language (pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax).


Student cannot understand what

teacher mean totally.

Students learning results are slower.

Materials can cost a lot of time and





LEARNING THEORYDeductive learningInductive learningInductive learningInductive learning

LANGUAGE THEORYLanguage is for understanding literatureLanguage is for oral useLanguage is for oral useLanguage is for oral use

CULTURELimited to literature and fine artInclude other aspect of life, such as dressing foods etc.Include everyday behaviour and life styleInseparable part of language. language reflects culture

TEACHERS ROLETeachers strict authorityTeachers are like partnerTeacher is like an orchestral leader and a good model of T.LTeacher is silent and directs the learners through gestures


Passive receiver of informationActive participantImitators of the teachers and are activeActive participants

INTERACTIONTeacher-student interactionTeacher-student and student-student interactionTeacher-student and student-student interactionStudent-student interaction

VOCABULARY TEACHINGMemorize native language equivalent for T.L vocabularyThrough pictures, demonstration and sentences etcThrough dialoguesBy means of visual aids and words charts

GRAMMAR TEACHINGGrammar is taught deductively through explicit rulesGrammar is taught inductivelyGrammar is taught inductivelyGrammar is taught inductively

ROLE OF L1L1 is allowed.classroom instruction is given in L1L1 is not permittedL1 is not allowedL1 is permitted when needed

MATERIALText from theT.LReading passages, dialogues etcDialoguesSound color charts, color rods etc.

SYLLABUSStructural syllabusSituational and topical syllabusStructural syllabusStructural syllabus

GOALS AND OBJECTIVESTo teach translation, to read and translate literary text in T.LTo enable students to communicate in T.L as well as think in T.LTo enable students to speak and write in T.LTo enable students to use the T.L for self expression

ERROR CORRECTIONError is corrected by the teacher strictly. accuracy is emphasizedStudents self correctionError is corrected by teachers since error cause bad habit formationError are natural and inevitable and self correction is there

STUDENTS FEELINGNot dealt with students feelingsNo info about students feelingsNo info about students feelings Students feelings are taken in consideration

EVALUATIONThrough translation, fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms etcStudents ability to use language is tested, not about languageDiscrete-point testContinuous monitoring by the teacher occur. it doesnt give any formal test

SKILLSReading and writingSpeaking and listening is emphasizedListening, speaking, reading and writingListening, speaking, reading and writing

CONCENTRATE ONVocabulary and grammarPronunciation and everyday vocabularyPronunciation and grammarpronunciation

TECHNIQUESTranslation of a literary text, rote memorization etcReading aloud, question and answer exercise, conversation etcDialogue, chain drill,repititive drill etcSound color char,words chart Cuisenaire rods etc.

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