electric welded stainless tubing replaces seamless

Tears which can be blamed on the open-hearth shop arise from small inclusions and seams, which on being rolled form holes weakening the strip cross section, and Iaminations. A large number of tears of the strip itself also take place because of ragged edges usually at the working speed, and as a rule lead to roll-changing on two or three stands. Tinplate and pickled steel are roiled on the 1200-mm mill in approximately equal quantities. The absolute figures for the number of tears for tinplate is two to four times larger than for pickled steel: this is explained by the smaller thickness of tinplate and by the comparatively larger effect of variations in the roll's temperature profile, and also by the larger total reduction and by the longer time taken in rolling. Tearing of the strip because of technical imperfections and poor quality starting material can be considerably curtailed if the interstand tension is reduced, especially between the stands III and IV, and also between stands IV and V. A forced reduction of the interstand tensions between the last stands (this is desirable at the present time from the point of view of raising productivity) can clearly be eliminated if methods are found of controlling the distribu- tion of tension across the width. To a certain degree such a satisfactory roiling rggime is successfully accomplished when the temperature profile of the working rolls is held steady for a long period of time. At the present time, the intensity of roll cooling on the mill is inadequate. Moreover, a uniform distribution of lubricant over the width of the strip must be achieved, and also the setting-up of the mill must be substantially improved. The fitting of the mill with dynomometers and the instailation of contactless micrometers will make it possible to improve the quality of, and to accelerate, the setting-up of the mill, and to maintain the reduction schedule more accurately at the working speed. All these measures, without large capital expenditure, will reduce tears in the strip itself and will raise the mill's productivity by 10-12%. The reduction in the tearing of the strip itself, together with increased ability of the seam to pass through, will make it possible to considerably increase the mill's productivity by 20-25~ ELECTRIC WELDED STAINLESS TUBING V. I. Gapich and G. D. Duplii Nikopolsk South Tube Factory Translated from Metallurg, No. 5, pp. 19-21, May, 1968 REPLACES SEAMLESS The wide use of welding in all sectors of the national economy has made it possible to go over to the produc- tion of welded tubing instead of seamIess, while ensuring that their properties are equivalent. The value of this is especially important for the production of small diameter tube from stainless and special steels that are difficult to work, since the possibility opens up of producing tube from sheet with a high surface quality and highly accurate geometrical dimensions. To solve the problem put by the Party and government of replacing seamless stainless and acid-resistant tubing by welded tubing, the production of welded tubing by argon-arc welding with a nonconsumable electrode was mastered at the Nikopolsk South Tube Factory. Welded stainless tubing is usually dispatched in the welded condition without heat treatment. In this form the tubes have a work-hardened surface on the metal of the tubing, and an as-east, not normalized, structure in theweld- seam metal. This considerably lowers the total corrosion resistance of the tubing and especially of the searn. Welded tubes of stainless and acid-resistant steels in the welded condition do not, therefore, always satisfy the requirements of the chemical industry and of chemical machine-construction as to geometrical dimensions in the seam zone, and also as to technical properties and corrosion resistance. 213

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Page 1: Electric welded stainless tubing replaces seamless

Tears which can be blamed on the open-hear th shop arise from small inclusions and seams, which on being

rolled form holes weakening the strip cross section, and Iaminations. A large number of tears of the strip i tself also

take place because of ragged edges usually at the working speed, and as a rule lead to rol l -changing on two or three stands.

Tinpla te and pickled steel are roiled on the 1200-mm mil l in approximate ly equal quantities. The absolute figures for the number of tears for t inplate is two to four times larger than for pickled steel: this is explained by the smaller thickness of t inplate and by the compara t ive ly larger effect of variations in the roll 's temperature profile, and also by the larger total reduction and by the longer t ime taken in rolling.

Tearing of the strip because of technical imperfections and poor quality starting mater ia l can be considerably curtai led if the interstand tension is reduced, especia l ly between the stands III and IV, and also between stands IV and V.

A forced reduction of the interstand tensions between the last stands (this is desirable at the present t ime from the point of view of raising productivity) can c lear ly be e l imina ted if methods are found of controlling the distribu- t ion of tension across the width. To a certain degree such a satisfactory roiling rggime is successfully accomplished when the temperature profile of the working rolls is held steady for a long period of t ime. At the present t ime, the intensity of roll cooling on the mil l is inadequate. Moreover, a uniform distribution of lubricant over the width of the strip must be achieved, and also the set t ing-up of the mi l l must be substantially improved.

The fitting of the mi l l with dynomometers and the instai la t ion of contactless micrometers will make it possible to improve the qual i ty of, and to acce le ra te , the set t ing-up of the mi l l , and to mainta in the reduction schedule more accura te ly at the working speed. All these measures, without large capi ta l expenditure, wil l reduce tears in the strip i tself and wil l raise the mi l l ' s productivity by 10-12%.

The reduction in the tearing of the strip itself, together with increased abi l i ty of the seam to pass through, wil l make it possible to considerably increase the mi l l ' s productivity by 20-25~


V. I . G a p i c h a n d G. D. D u p l i i

Nikopolsk South Tube Factory Translated from Metallurg, No. 5, pp. 19-21, May, 1968


The wide use of welding in al l sectors of the national economy has made i t possible to go over to the produc- t ion of welded tubing instead of seamIess, while ensuring that their properties are equivalent .

The value of this is especia l ly important for the production of small d iameter tube from stainless and special steels that are difficult to work, since the possibili ty opens up of producing tube from sheet with a high surface quali ty and highly accurate geometr ica l dimensions.

To solve the problem put by the Party and government of replacing seamless stainless and acid-resis tant tubing by welded tubing, the production of welded tubing by argon-arc welding with a nonconsumable e lectrode was mastered at the Nikopolsk South Tube Factory.

Welded stainless tubing is usually dispatched in the welded condition without heat t reatment . In this form the tubes have a work-hardened surface on the meta l of the tubing, and an as-east , not normalized, structure in theweld - seam meta l . This considerably lowers the total corrosion resistance of the tubing and especial ly of the searn.

Welded tubes of stainless and acid-resis tant steels in the welded condition do not, therefore, always satisfy the requirements of the chemica l industry and of chemica l machine-construct ion as to geometr ica l dimensions in the seam zone, and also as to technical properties and corrosion resistance.


Page 2: Electric welded stainless tubing replaces seamless

Fig. 1. Defects on the externalsurface of the welded seam. Fig. 2. A lap on the internal burr of welded tubing.

Heat t rea tment considerably improves the technica l and mechanica l properties of the tubing, making them approach those of seamless tubing, and raises the corrosion resistance of the seam and tube metal : i t does not i m - prove its geometry, however.

To obtain tubing equivalent to seamless in geometry, surface quali ty, and technical properties, and in a number

of cases to ensure equal corrosion resistance and to widen the range of products considerably, the necessity arose of co ld- ro l l ing the welded tubing in cold-rol l ing mil ls .

The production of cold-deformed stainless tubes from a welded tube-b i l l e t has a nm-nber of advantages over their production from a hot - ro l led seamless tube-b i l l e t . One of the chief advantages is the fact that from a welded tube -b i l l e t it is always possible to obtain the finished tube in one pass on cold-rol l ing mil ls . The price of the welded tube-b i l l e t going for cold reduction is 10-15% less than the price of a hot- rol led intermediate product. Expenses on cold-reducing the tube -b i l l e t are also several t imes less, since the cycle of cold reduction is considerably shortened. Moreover, a high accuracy in geometr ica l dimensions, and the absence of hot-rolling defects on the inside surface are ensured.

There is especial importance in the production of th in-wal led tubing from a welded tube-b i l l e t of steels and alloys that are diff icult to pierce, since the technical cycle of their cold reduction is thus made several t imes shorter,

and difficult operations, such as the boring and dressing of the tube-bi l le t , are done away with. Production expenses and the yard required for equipment are correspondingly reduced.

In mastering the production of intermediate tubes and in developing the production technique for cold-deformed stainless tubing from a welded tube-b i l l e t , the following difficulties were met at the Nikopolsk South Tube Factory.

1. The tube-b i l l e t , welded by the organ-arc method in the middle of the seam had, on the inside surface, a network of holes and porosity.

2. A loose layer of meta l was formed on the external surface of the seam: this lead to the format ionofdefects on the seam in cold-rol l ing the tubing (Fig. 1), and reduced the corrosion resistance of the seam meta l in aggressive media .

3. The internal burr turned out, as a rule, to be high, and this led to the formation of a lap in the form of a seam at the edges of the weld-seam during the cold-roi l ing of the tubing (Fig. 2).

The reason for the formation of holes and porosity on the internal surface of the seam and for the loose l aye ro f seam meta l on the outside was the absence of an effect ive method of cleaning the edges of the strip before welding.

In shaping the strip into the tube-b i l l e t , an ernulsion was fed onto the bottom rolls of the shaping mil l to prevent the meta l sticking to the rolls and harming the surface of the tube-b i l l e t . In addit ion this contaminated the edges, which had a harmful effect on the quali ty of the welded seam and its corrosion resistance.

To obtain an in termedia te tube-b i l l e t , welded by the argon-arc method with a sound seam and without an in- ternal burr, the following measures were put into effect .

1. Degreasing of the strip was introduced into the welding mi l l l ine, with the appl ica t ion of ultrasound in a UZV-4 bath (composit ion of the solution: 3 g of trisodium phosphate per l i ter of water and 3 g of an OP-10 addit ion per l i ter of water; temperature 55-60~ with subsequent washing with hot water and drying. Ultrasonic waves are imparted to the strip from a UZG-10 ultrasonic generator . Degreasing of the strip is made necessary because the strip is contaminated during transport.

2. Shaping of the strip with bui l t -up roils of textol i te and steel was introduced (Fig. 3).


Page 3: Electric welded stainless tubing replaces seamless

3. A new nozzle design was developed and introduced for the gas supply to shield the weld pool inside the

the tube with a supply of argon (Fig. 4).

4. Dressing of the outside surface (removal of the layer of loose meta l ) of the seam in the welding mi l l l ine with a wire brush was introduced. It can thus be guaranteed that an in termediate tube -b i l l e t is obtained without an internal burr and with a high qual i ty surface. However, in rolling such a tube -b i l l e t on cold-rol l ing mills in roils with grooves ca lcula ted according to the groove-design adopted in the factory, cracks of varying depth were formed on the inside surface of the tube at the boundary of the seam with the base meta l . As a result of experiments it was

established that the reason for the formation of these cracks

l t /


Fig. 3. Textol i te roll with steel core (a).

was the large d iameter - reduct ion given to the tube-b i l l e t without a reduction in wall thickness; this is bas ica l ly the foundation of the factory's existing groove design. By an exper imenta l method it was established that tubes, welded by the argon-arc method allow a d iameter - reduct ion , with- out a decrease in wall- thickness, of not more than 8 % of the external d iameter .

To observe this given condition, the gap in d iameter between the cyl indrical part of the mandrel and wall of the tube-b i l l e t should in pract ice be not more than 2 mm

for KhPT-32 mil ls , and not more than 3 mm for KhPT-S5 mil ls . With this condition it is in pract ice impossible to

obtain a considerable reduction in tube -b i l l e t d iameter with a possible large detbrmat ion in the wail. Thus, on

KhPT-32 mil ls with a mandrel taper of 0.02, the max imum possible reduction in tube -b i l l e t d iameter is 11 m m schedule 38x2 .5 m m --," 27x 1 .0 ram,mandre l 31x 25 ram).

The planning of cold-roi l ing schedules for welded tube on mandrels with a small taper with a small reduction in tube -b i l l e t d iameter is uneconomical , since, to obtain tube of small d iameter (less than 15 ram) numecbus co ld- drawing drafts are required after cold rol l ing.

To ensure a large reduction in the tube-b i l l e t d iameter with considerable wall deformation, the possibili ty was investigated of rolling on mandrels with a large taper.

From tube-b i l l e t (steel 1Khl8N9T), welded by the argon-arc method, a large batch of tubes was rolled accord- ing to the schedule 38x 2.5 -> 25x 0.96 mm with subsequent cold-drawing without a mandrel according to the schedule 25 x 0.95 -~ 19 x 0.98 ~ 16 x 1.0 ram. This made sure of a high surface quali ty, and the absence of cracks on the ex - ternal surface of the tube at the boundary between the weld seam and the base meta l . Moreover, a number of batches

of tube were prepared with different amounts of deformation in the tube-b i l l e t 5 -6 diameter and wall . The productivity of cold-rolling mil ls in rol l ing the welded

~ A ~ I tube-b i l l e t was proved to be the same as the productivity in roll ing tube from a ~ t < A _ _ J r ~ seamless tube-b i l le t .

/!S~l The marked increase in the mandrel taper, necessary for the large reduc- - 7 5 - - - tion of the tube-b i l l e t d iameter with the large deformation of the wall , led to a

considerable lowering of the coid-rol l ing mi l l ' s productivity. In roll ing tube a c - Fig. 4. Nozzle for gas supply to

the internal burr. cording to the schedule 38x 2.5 ~ 2 0 x 0.9fi m m the mi l l ' s productivity was iow- ered by a factor of about two, and tube surface quality was impaired. This is explained by the fact that, with a considerable increase in mandrel taper, and

consequently in the steepness of the groove flange as well , it becomes necessary to increase groove width: this leads to an impai rment of the meta l deformation conditions, since the tube becomes oval in the compression part of the grooves.

To ensure a high interior surface quali ty on the tubes in the welded seam zone, rolling has to be carried out with a m i n i m u m gap between the cyl indr ical part of the mandrel and the interior surface of the tube-b i l l e t , that is, with a m i n i m u m diameter reduction.

To obtain cold-deformed tube with a high exterior surface quali ty in the seam zone, one must ensure that a good quali ty surface is obtained with final cleaning off of the upper toose layer either in or outside the welding mi l l l ine .


Page 4: Electric welded stainless tubing replaces seamless

Progress must be made in the direct ion of replacing the steel rolls of the forming and sizing mills with rolls made of plastics or other mater ia ls , which will accomplish the forming and sizing of the tube without the roils ' being

supplied with cooling or lubricat ing fluids, and which have adequate hardness and strength. This will ensure a high seam quali ty and will make it possible to hea t - t r ea t the welded tube-b i l l e t without its pre l iminary degreasing.


Y a . I . M o i o d a n o v

Groove designer, Lugansk October Revolution Locomotive Factory Translated from Metallurg, No. 5, pp. 22-23, May, 1963

For a number of years, a cogging stand on a 500-ram section rolling mil l with combined diamond grooves has been in use at the Lugansk Locomotive Factory.

The 500-ram mil l in our factory is designed for the production of small batches, 5-10 tons in weight, of various sections and bi l le ts . The cogging stand rolls blooms and ingots of 200-ram square section from carbon steels of ordi- nary quali ty according to GOST 380-60, and converter steel according to GOST 9543-60. The stand is equipped at the front with a working rol ler-conveyor and ti l t ing fingers and at the rear, with a lifting and tilting table.

The groove design of the cogging stand gives the possibility of producing a large number of square billets of various dimensions: 130, 125, 100, 90, 85, 75, 63, 50 ram, and starting squares for rolling rounds, strip, and other

sections on the 500-mm rail1.


Fig. 1. Init ial design of the linked com- bined diamond groove.


Fig. 2. Groove design for the rolls of [he cogging stand.

The output from the cogging stand (set out ina single train with the mill) of billets of al l the necessary d imen- sions should be ensured, without roll changing, ona single set of rolls.

The smallest section bi l le t (50-mm square) is ob- tained in 12 passes. The even number of passes was fixed by the positioning on one side of the mil l of the preheat- ing furnace and the cutting equipment. This also gave rise to the necessit / of developing a new groove design for the three-high cogging stand with unusual linked com- bined diamond grooves, formed from various triangular grooves. The use of such grooves was also occasioned by

Fig. 3. Design of upper combined linked diamond groove.