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Jul|Aug|2014 volume 92|04 www.elp.com EPA’s Clean Power Plan  6 Deadly UVM Memes Energy-efficient Buildings,  Analytics and Con Edison King Coal is S oo n to be Dethroned

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The business of power for utility executives


volume 92|04



Events 4

Commentary 6 


Customer Service: Utility Style 8 

Cracker Jack Moments

  by Penni McLean-Conner,

  Northeast Utilities 

Economic Inquiry 10  Who’s on First?

  Ongoing Challenges

to FERC’s Jurisdiction

by Tanya Bodell, Energyzt 




How Regulation Can Drive Innovation 12

  by Michael Corvese,

  Thermo Fisher Scientific

  EPA’s Clean Power Plan 14

  by Cameron Prell,

  Crowell & Moring LLP


Legal Issues—The 6 Deadly Memes 16

  of Tree and Power Line Conflicts

  by Tracy Reichmuth, Crowell & Moring LLP,

  and Stephen R. Cieslewicz,

  CN Utility Consulting


Coal-fired Generation Update 20

  by Teresa Hansen, editor in chief

Case Study: ScottishPower’s Strategy 24

  for Asset Management and Process Safety 

by Sandra DiMatteo, Bentley Systems

Renewables/Sustainability 26   Energy Storage Going Mainstream—

  Valuation and Procurement

by Paul Maxwell, Colette Lamontagne

and Jay Paidipati, Navigant 

28   Intelligent Energy Storage—

  Key to Unlocking the Smart Grid

by John Jung, Greensmith Energy

 Management Systems Inc.

  IT/CIS & CRM30   How to Transform Data Into Value-added

Information Through Analytics

by Bijoy Chatt and Sam Sankaran, Navigant 

39 Momentum in Utility Education

by Rod Litke, CS Week 

   T&D Operations32   Intelligent Undergrounding—

  Burying Highly Reliable Cable

  When, Where it Makes Sense

by Damien Polansky and Brent Richardson, Dow Electrical & Telecommunications

34   How to Assess the Benefits

of Transmission Investment

by Dave Bryant, CTC Global Corp.

  Energy Efficiency & Demand Response36 Energy-efficient Buildings,

Analytics and Con Edison

by Rebecca Craft, Con Edison,

and Bennett Fisher, Retroficiency

 Notable Quotables

40   Customer Opinion, Fossil Fuels

Top EEI Conversations

  Quotes from Warren Buffett, Ted Craver,

Tom Fanning and Nick Akins





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Teresa Hansen, editor in chief 

Is Less Carbon Worth the Risk?

The electricity generation industry is in transition. As you’ll read in my article “King Coal isSoon to be Dethroned” beginning on Page 20, some 20 percent (60 GW) of U.S. coal-fired

power plants will be retired in the next few years.

Low natural gas prices are contributing to these retirements, but natural gas also will allow

much of the retired generation capacity to be replaced with combined-cycle gas turbines.

Electricity generators and consumers should be thankful that gas producers developed tech-

nology that can be used to extract shale gas because it is key to keeping electricity rates reasonable as coal-fired

plants are retired.

Because of space limitations, I wasn’t able to include everything I uncovered when researching coal genera-

tion, so I want to share some of it with you in this column.

I attended the Edison Electric Institute’s (EEI) Annual Convention in early June, where I heard several large

investor-owned utility executives discuss the changing generation mix and the need to retire many coal plants to

adhere to proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations; most notable, the recently released (June 2)proposed clean power standards for existing power plants 111(d) rule.

American Electric Power (AEP) Chairman, President and CEO Nicholas Akins said AEP plans to retire

6,600 MW of coal plants by late 2015 to help it meet the proposed requirements of the 111(d) rule. The utility is

one of the nation’s largest CO2 emitters,

Although such retirements will drop AEP’s CO2 emissions, they could create another issue: unreliable power

supply. Fewer operating coal-fired plants could mean that AEP cannot provide needed electricity in extreme


Supply challenges created in AEP’s service territory during winter’s polar vortex could have caused big

problems had the coal plants AEP has targeted for retirement not been available.

“During the polar vortex, 89 percent of our coal that is slated to retire in mid- to late 2015 ran at more than

50 percent capacity,” Akins said during the EEI conference. “We didn’t have a prayer of getting enough natural

gas because of pipeline infrastructure (constraints) and customer heating was the priority, and you can’t cut muchcustomer demand in the winter.”

Akins spoke about the increased winter demand caused by the polar vortex during testimony before the Sen-

ate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“This country did not just dodge a bullet—we dodged a cannonball,” he said during the testimony.

AEP is not the only utility concerned about unreliable power supply. Southern Co. Chairman, President and

CEO Tom Fanning said his company faced issues similar to AEP’s during the polar vortex. When temperatures

in the Deep South dipped to levels that are pretty much unheard of, Southern Co. called on 75 percent of its coal

units that are scheduled for closure, Fanning said.

The National Coal Council (NCC) performed a study at the request of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz that

looked at the valuable role coal generation played this past winter. The NCC found that nationwide, more than 90

percent of the increase in power generation in January and February 2014 vs. January and February 2013 came

from the existing coal fleet.Retiring these coal-fired plants could create a major problem for many utilities that have relied on coal-fired

generation to meet capacity demand.

Less CO2 in the air can’t be bad, but is it worth not having enough capacity to provide reliable electricity?

It’s something to ponder.

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A u t h o r

Penni McLean-Conner

is the chief customer

officer at Northeast

Utilities, the largestenergy delivery

company in New

England. A registered

professional engineer,

McLean-Conner is

active in the utility

industry, serving on

several boards of

directors including CS

Week and the American

Council for an Energy

Efficient Economy. Herlatest book, “Energy

Efficiency: Principles

and Practices,” is

available at www.


Reach her at penelope.

[email protected].

CS Week 2014 was held in early May

in San Antonio. The Executive Summit,which kicked off the week, attracted a

record-breaking 133 attendees.

The Executive Summit brings

together chief information technology

and customer service officers in a

highly charged, productive environment

to foster the exchange of ideas and

practical solutions.

The 2014 summit featured 11 ses-

sions that covered strategic and tacti-

cal topics, ranging from enterprise risk

management to information technologymobile strategy, smart infrastructure and

social media. But the highest-rated ses-

sion was Creating Cracker Jack Moments.

The session explored how utilities

are providing Cracker Jack moments to

their customers. Three utility customer

service executives spoke: San Diego Gas

and Electric (SDG&E) Vice President of

Customer Service and Chief Customer

Privacy Officer Caroline Winn, Con Edi-

son Senior Vice President of Customer

Operations Marilyn Caselli and DukeEnergy Senior Vice President and Chief

Customer Officer Gayle Lanier.

During the next few columns, I will

explore the Cracker Jack moments pro-

vided by these utilities. Let’s start explor-

ing the Cracker Jack moments provided

by SDG&E, one of Sempra Energy’s

regulated California utilities. Winn over-

sees all customer-related activities. She

shared several practices, including new

mover services, the Manage-Act-Save

platform and tailored treatments for tar-

geted customer segments.

New Mover Services

SDG&E, like all utilities, helps custom-

ers who are moving into the service terri-

tory get service connected. But SDG&E

is going further than just setting up the

gas and electric service for customers.

It offers “Make Moving Easier” and

connects customers with its partner, All

Connect. This provides customers one

place to transfer home phone, Internet,

TV and utility services, and it’s offeredonline and over the phone.

New mover services are not new to

the utility industry. All Connect provides

these services to many U.S. utilities.

Utilities have found that by providing this

service, they enhance customers’ overall


From the customer perspective, the

benefit is one-stop shopping. Winn shared

comments from customers who noted the

benefit of one-stop shopping.

For example, customer Walter S.wrote to SD&E, “I have been in the mili-

tary for 24 years and moved eight times.

This was by far the easiest of them all.”

Sarah W. said, “The convenience of

having someone else understand all of my

requirements and price for me versus hav-

ing to call multiple different providers to

include price and coverage was fantastic.”


The Manage-Act-Save program began

in 2013 with SDG&E’s high energy

use customers. This program featuresproactive outreach to targeted custom-

ers and provides them the opportu-

nity for a chance to win prizes and gift

cards just for saving energy. Customers

earned rewards for saving energy and

could redeem the awards at their favorite

stores. SDG&E partnered with Starbucks

and Best Buy among others.

Customer feedback on the program

was fantastic.

Wendy M. said, “I think for me the

benefit was the first reward I received, itwas a WOW. I actually got something

in return for my effort, and that in itself

made it fun.”

 Tailored Programs

In 2013, SDG&E was in the midst of rate

increases. To help mitigate the impact,

Winn said, her team reached out proac-

tively to customers who would be most

affected and offered programs and ser-

vices that could be of direct benefit, such

as discount rates, medical baseline assis-tance programs or energy efficiency pro-

grams. The proactive outreach used mul-

tiple channels including social media.

As with the others, customer feed-

back was positive. One customer, Ger-

old, was so positively affected by the

energy bill discount that he agreed to be

featured in a short YouTube video to dis-

cuss his experience.

Winn said that in Chip Bell’s book

“9 1/2 Principles of Innovative Service,”

Bell writes that “while the prize haslittle commercial value, its emotional

value was priceless. Surprise breaks the

monotony of the ho-hum, communicates

a caring attitude, and fosters an infec-

tious spirit that customers cannot wait to

narrate to others.”

SDG&E is delivering a lot of

Cracker Jack moments, evidenced by the

number of customers’ narrating their sat-


Cracker Jack Moments

by Penni McLean-Conner, Northeast Utilities


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A u t h o r

10 | ELECTRICLIGHT& POWER   Jul|Aug|2014

 Tanya Bodell

is executive

director of Energyzt,

a collaboration ofenergy experts intent

on understanding the

impacts of energy

integration. Reach her

at 617-416-0651

or tanya.bodell@


“God forbid that Judges

upon their oath should

make resolutions to

enlarge jurisdiction.”— William Cowper

(1715), as cited in

the Dictionary of

Legal Quotations

Challenging jurisdiction has  be-

come the playbook defense strategy for

market participants adversely affected

by Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-

sion (FERC) decisions.

The game of questioning

FERC’s authority is being played out

predominantly in the D.C. Circuit

Court, which recently issued rulings

about FERC’s jurisdiction over market

manipulation, demand response andcapacity markets. Although the direction

of these decisions has been mixed,

FERC intends to continue to protect its

 jurisdictional plate. Will we see a grand

slam or will FERC go down swinging?

I Say Who’s on First

Historically contested on the basis of

state rights vs. federalism, a new chal-

lenger to FERC crossed federal agency

lines when the Commodity Futures

Trading Commission (CFTC) filed apetition in support of Brian Hunter’s

claim against FERC jurisdiction in

April 2012. Hunter, a former natural

gas trader, was accused of market ma-

nipulation for trading activities during

certain periods in 2006, costing Ama-

ranth Advisors $7 billion and resulting

in its demise. After CFTC’s initial ef-

forts to bring Hunter to justice, FERC

flexed its muscle under the Energy

Policy Act of 2005 and fined him $30

million for market manipulation in2011, arguing that Hunter’s trades in

natural gas futures markets affected

physical markets, thereby falling under

FERC jurisdiction. In the first fully liti-

gated proceeding under section 4A of

the Natural Gas Act, FERC struck out.

The D.C. Circuit Court ruled March 15,

2013, that FERC did not have authority

to fine Hunter, upholding the CFTC’s

exclusive authority over all transactions

involving commodity futures contracts.

 What’s on Second

FERC’s jurisdiction was challenged

again after issuance of FERC Order No.

745, which set the price that indepen-

dent system operators must pay demand

response. The Electric Power Supply

Association (EPSA) along with other

industry organizations supported by 21

prominent energy economists as amici

curiae challenged FERC jurisdiction

with a lawsuit at the D.C. Circuit Court.On May 23, 2014, the majority sided

with EPSA 2-1 and ruled that FERC had

acted beyond its jurisdictional authority

by attempting to set prices for retail cus-

tomers (and further noted that the price

FERC had set was unjust and discrimi-

natory). FERC immediately petitioned

the D.C. Circuit Court for an en banc

rehearing and noted that the request

was warranted, given the ruling, which

“vacated a vital rule of national impor-

tance” and “severely departs” from priorrulings’ regarding jurisdiction granted

to FERC under the Federal Power Act.

The D.C. Circuit Court has asked for a

reply from challengers.

I Don’t Know’s on Third

FERC finally hit one home with a re-

cent D.C. Circuit Court decision. Some

market participants had filed a petition

against FERC orders related to the Inde-

pendent System Operator-New England

Forward Capacity Market and raisedconcerns’ regarding FERC jurisdiction.

On July 8, 2014, the D.C. Circuit Court

denied the petitions for review, holding

that FERC’s ratemaking authority clear-

ly extends to capacity market pricing

parameters and FERC had exercised its

oversight appropriately. This decision—

less than seven weeks after the court’s

decision to vacate FERC’s decision re-

garding demand response resources in

wholesale energy markets—indicates

the fine line over which the D.C. CircuitCourt can cry foul.

I Said I Don’t Give a Darn!

Despite continuing challenges, FERC

is not going to take its enforcement bat

and go home. Two months after the D.C.

Circuit Court issued the Hunter deci-

sion, FERC assessed a $488 million fine

against Barclays for market manipula-

tion in western electricity markets; Bar-

clays subsequently challenged FERC

 jurisdiction over financial derivativesbefore a California federal judge. Five

months after Hunter, FERC issued a

show cause order against BP for manip-

ulation of physical gas markets in Texas;

BP filed a motion to dismiss, including

a challenge to FERC’s authority over in-

trastate natural gas transactions, which

FERC recently denied. At the begin-

ning of 2014, FERC and CFTC joined

teams and signed two memoranda of

understanding that address overlapping

 jurisdiction, promise to share informa-tion, and look to coordinate agency en-

forcement activities across jurisdictional

lines—a critical concession given the in-

creasingly sophisticated trading hedges

that combine financial and physical

positions. It is too soon to say how the

series will end. More likely than not,

FERC will continue to win some and

lose some, clearly defining its ability to

oversee integrating energy markets in

the process.

Who’s on First? Ongoing Challengesto FERC’s Jurisdiction

by Tanya Bodell, Energyzt

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12 | ELECTRICLIGHT& POWER    Jul|Aug|2014


This article was ready to submit weeks before the

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its June

2 Clean Power Plan. It will take some time to analyze the

impact of the proposed carbon rules, but until we know more,

our existing premise still holds: Extensive dialogue takes

place before, during and after regulations are implemented,

and it’s best to withhold judgment until we can see the long-

term effects of implementation.

In other words, we’ll learn more about the Clean PowerPlan in the coming months, so we’ll hold off on discussing

these newest regulations for now.

The new 111(d) rules and other EPA regulations apply

only to U.S. businesses, but remember: This is a global

issue. Most governments worldwide place at least some

restrictions on the emissions of utilities that operate within

their borders, and regulations in these countries are at varying

levels of maturity. What’s common, however, is that although

regulations play an important role in protecting public health

and the environment, they also challenge utilities that must

operate under them. But these challenges are not the only

story with environmental regulation.On its website, the EPA outlines myriad ways that

compliance with the Clean Air Act has benefitted society, from

“fewer premature deaths” to “better worker productivity.”

It concludes, “The Act has created market opportunities

that have helped to inspire innovation in cleaner

technologies—technologies in which the U.S. has become a

global market leader.”

Regulation burdens industry, especially in the short

run, but it also challenges the status quo and provides an

opportunity for long-term leaders to emerge. Yes, many

benefits of regulation accrue outside the core industry to those

who provide the new compliance services and technologies,

but benefits do accrue to industry in the form of enhanced

reputation and a prominent seat at the table to help design a

future where their leadership can endure.

 A History of Regulation and Innovation

To argue that the Clean Air Act of 1970 disrupted the status

quo in the U.S. utility market would be an understatement.

The focus on the six criteria pollutants—sulfur dioxide(SO

2), nitrogen oxides (NO

X), ozone (O

3), carbon monoxide

(CO), particulate matter (PM) and lead (Pb)—gave the EPA

purview over nearly every domestic power producer. It was

sweeping and unprecedented.

Since 1970, many industries have been affected by the

by Michael Cor vese, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Michael Corvese is

director of business


environmental and

process monitoring at Thermo Fisher Scientific.

A u t h o r


How    Can


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FeatureClean Air Act, from new automobile standards to the removal of lead

from gasoline. Changes in these industries addressed Pb and CO

levels, but achieving reductions in SO2  and NO

X  fell to the power

industry through regulations such as the Acid Rain Program in 1990,

which led to one of the first cap-and-trade programs and an entirely

new paradigm for energy economics.

Meanwhile, the power industry was busy developing newtechnologies for environmental monitoring, an effort that featured

regular dialogue among regulators and industry that led to new

compliance methods that were less onerous and costly. An early

example of this involves measurement of particulate emissions,

which originally involved taking readings of the opacity of the stack

gas. The EPA recognized the need for a less quantitative solution,

so it worked with private industry and academia to develop optical

instruments that measured the transmittance of light to determine

stack gas contents.

More recently, new EPA rules such as the Mercury and Air Toxics

Standards (MATS), due to come into effect in 2015, drove the rapid

development of particulate matter continuous emissions monitoringsystems (PM CEMS), which use more modern technologies such as

tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM). TEOM samplers

operate continuously, and this innovation, produced in part through

collaboration, provides significant savings over prior technologies.

What’s clear is the EPA hasn’t regulated from on high; it has

worked closely with parties involved to drive innovation that would

reduce the cost and impact of compliance.

Monitoring Expands Around the Globe

The EPA model can be seen in action outside the U.S. China, for

example, has been attacking air pollution aggressively, and the EPA’s

influence within the national Chinese Ministry of EnvironmentalProtection (MEP) and provincial Chinese Environmental Monitoring

Centers (EMC) is well-known. This has provided yet another

opportunity for regulation to lead to innovation. When China adopted

EPA-like standards for SO2 and NO

X, for example, the requirements

were far from a mystery to Chinese industry. They were prepared and

could plan proactively for implementation, and this enabled a much

more efficient and cost-effective rollout for utilities.

China also is working to address PM 2.5. This criteria pollutant,

primarily made of heavy metals and released into the atmosphere in

the form of fly ash, is associated with a wide range of adverse health

effects. Because coal-fired power plants produce a significant amount

of PM 2.5, the Chinese government announced a major measure in2013 to cut coal’s percentage of the total energy mix to below 65

percent by 2017—down from 66.8 percent in 2012. PM and other

pollutants from coal have created significant demand for pollution

measurement and control technology, driving the development of

alternative, lower-polluting energy sources.

Balancing Regulatory Challenge and Opportunity 

Regardless of your position on regulation, there’s more to it than

many realize. Extensive dialogue takes place before, during and after

regulations are implemented that doesn’t become apparent until years

later, much like the benefits. From our perspective over the years,

regulators don’t trivialize the massive costs, business impacts are

weighed and great care is taken to ensure that technology exists to help

industry meet the advanced monitoring and control requirements. In

other words, there appears to be an effort to strike a balance betweenthe need to serve society and businesses’ ability to grow.

Power companies that actively participate in the industry

dialogue gain an advantage over those that do not. Although they’re

helping shape policy that is unquestionably onerous in the near

term, they also are doing long-range planning. Regulation is more

than just a burden; it’s also an impetus to test what’s coming and

what’s possible. And by working together with all key stakeholders,

public and private, today’s power industry leaders can ensure that,

among other things, compliance requirements are barriers to entry

that discriminate against less vigilant and innovative companies that

are unlikely to be in this business for the long haul.

Innovative power companies can use regulations and compliance requirements totheir advantage and become industry leaders in the process.

 The implementation of new regulations, such as the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, canbe an expensive burden for power plants when it comes to purchasing necessary

equipment, but it also can spark technological advances.

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This summer’s highly anticipated proposal from the Environ-

mental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate carbon dioxide

(CO2) emission from existing fossil fuel power plants already

has raised near-term risks and questions for state governments,

electric utilities and business interests.

How those issues get resolved will play out through state-

level negotiation with far-reaching implications.

The EPA’s proposal, called the Clean Power Plan (CPP),

charts novel and untested legal and jurisdictional territory un-

der section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act, and some or all of the

proposed rulemaking might be rejected or remanded throughthe all-but-certain litigation challenges to come.

Yet stakeholders might not have time to find out. Absent

a federal court’s staying the effectiveness of a final rule—an-

ticipated to be issued in 2015—states will have to submit in-

trastate compliance plans by 2017 or multistate compliance

plans by 2018.

Litigation could take five years or more (approximately

2019-2020) to conclude, well after states devise the suite of

policies and regulations to meet compliance obligations by

2029 and 2030, and could involve amending existing state

energy regulations to coordinating with interstate utilities,

other states and regional transmission organizations in the

establishment of market-based carbon pricing regimes.

In the aggregate, the CPP could initiate up to 49 sets of

such complicated, state-specific negotiations (Vermont is not

included in the CPP) over how to best reduce the carbon in-

tensity of the state electric grid in a manner that achieves the

CPP’s designated performance standard, called state goal, in a

cost-efficient manner.

The biggest challenge for utilities is navigating this ac-

celerated planning process while accounting for all market,

legal and policy contingencies.In some states, the calculus may be to assume, for ex-

ample, out of necessity that the CPP could pass legal muster

and be enforced as proposed, particularly in states where the

emission-reducing activities’ being targeted require longer

lead time planning.

Conversion to natural gas-fired power, increased renew-

able energy and distributed generation integration, and end-

use energy efficiency are not new phenomena in some parts

of the country.

The challenges before many utility executives will

be which of these options are most cost-effective and what

by Cameron Prell, Crowell & Moring LLP

Cameron Prell is

a counsel in the

Energy Group in

Crowell & Moring’s

Washington, D.C., office.His practice focuses on

the business of climate

change and the

convergence of energy

and environmental

law and finance.

A u t h o r

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Legal Issues:The 6 Deadly

Memes of Tree

and Power LineConflicts

Legal Issues:The 6 Deadly

Memes of Tree

and Power LineConflicts

Legal Issues:The 6 Deadly

Memes of Tree

and Power LineConflicts

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A u t h o r

 Tracy Reichmuth is a

counsel in Crowell &

Moring’s San Francisco

office, where she focuses

on complex commercialitigation, including antitrust

law, unfair competition,

commercial contract

disputes, business torts

and consumer class action

defense. She is a graduate

of Stanford University and

University of California,

Berkeley, School of Law.

Stephen R. Cieslewicz is

president of CN UtilityConsulting. He has more

than 30 years of experience

working with utilities,

regulators and service

providers around the world,

ranging from investigating

the UVM-related causes

of the 2003 Northeast

Blackout to testifying in

legal and regulatory cases.

wby Tracy Reichmuth, Crowell & Moring , and Stephen R. Cieslewicz, CN Utility Consulting 

When trees conflict with energized lines, a lot can go wrong.

The consequences of this type of occurrence can include

power outages or blackouts, fires and, most tragic, accidental

injuries or deaths.

Avoiding these scenarios is among the principal reasons

the utility industry spends billions of dollars annually onutility vegetation management (UVM). These efforts over

the years have reduced significantly the number of serious

incidents’ involving these tree and power line conflicts.

Despite utilities’ best efforts, however, things can and

will go wrong. During the aftermath of these events, a utility

can expect to end up in front of a judge or jury to explain how

it could not have prevented an occurrence or at least how it

acted reasonably in trying to prevent it.

Unfortunately, bad memes, or ideas that pass through the

community, regarding UVM can color the public’s perception

of a utility’s actions’ leading up to an incident.

These preconceived notions mean that decision-makersfrom regulators and legislators to judges and juries might act

without understanding what the utility industry can do and

does do to keep lines clear, what the industry is required to do

by law, and the limitations and hurdles the industry faces. As

a result, these bad memes can make for bad decisions.

 Types of Tree, Power Line Conflicts

Tree-related incidents are the most common cause of routine

outages and a significant contributor to large-scale blackouts,

such as the one that affected large parts of the Northeast in


Although tree-related fires are comparatively rare, whenthey happen they are among the most devastating types of


Tree-related fires frequently occur at times that already

are conducive to the spread of fire: during hot, dry and windy

conditions. In a recent group discussion, participants from

large investor-owned utilities ranked the possibility of a

massive fire after a tree-power line conflict No. 2 on their

list of most-feared catastrophic incidents, second only to a

nuclear power plant accident.

Another significant threat involves public and worker

safety. One fatality every week likely is influenced by the

proximity of trees to energized lines.In recent years, judgments and settlements related to

these types of events have climbed steadily into the billions

of dollars. Fire claims, for example, even have prompted

insurance carriers to stop providing umbrella insurance to

certain utilities and service providers.

Monetary judgments and insurance coverage, however,

should not be the only utility concern. The harm that these

bad memes do to the public’s perception of utilities can

be much more damaging. These misconceptions and the

accompanying legal consequences can destroy a company’s

brand image and, in turn, the company.

 The Six Deadly Memes

CN Utility Consulting studies have shown that most large

utilities acknowledge a disconnect between the industry

standards for vegetation management and the public’s


Contained within this disconnect are at least six commonbut false memes that routinely show up in court and regulatory

cases in the aftermath of tree and power line incidents. These

are routinely assumed, albeit erroneous, beliefs held by most

laypeople, including those on juries:

1. Every tree within falling distance is inspected

routinely and comprehensively. Plaintiffs often have

made this claim in cases where a tree fell from outside

of normal clearing limits and caused a fire or accident.

From this starting premise, plaintiffs might argue that

a utility did not meet the appropriate standard of care

by failing to identify a problem tree. Contrary to this

erroneous meme, utilities do not routinely inspect everytree that could fall through electric lines. A quick method

to dispel this myth is to drive down a typical road and

identify every tree that could fall through the lines. It

should become apparent quickly that to accomplish

100 percent of these inspections, a utility would have to

take ownership of a large percentage of urban and rural


2. Tree failures can be predicted easily. This premise

assumes that any old arborist would have known a

particular tree would fail and was a hazard. No qualified

2006: 86%

replied “yes”

2012 Survey Sample Size: 26

2002: 80%

replied “yes”

Is There a Disconnect Between Industry

Standards and Your Customers and

Local Agencies?



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arborist or tree expert, however, would suggest it is possible

to predict all tree failures. It is recognized widely within the

industry that neither the expertise nor technology would enable

accurate prediction of all tree failures, as reflected in disclaimers

found in all hazard tree guides and best practices publications.

This fact is compounded by the impact of winds on trees.

Research is underway to understand tree failures better, but acompletely healthy tree with no visible signs of decay, rot or

structural defect can shed limbs or fail completely when winds

exceed 39 mph.

3. Utilities are obligated by law to prevent all tree-related

problems. This common belief demonstrates how little those

outside the industry understand regulatory requirements and

the responsibility placed on utilities. For transmission voltages,

utilities generally must maintain prescribed clearances and

address hazard trees within their defined easements, per the

North American Electric Reliability Corp.’s (NERC’s) FAC-003.

The principal regulatory requirements for distribution lines are

found in NESC Rule 218 and are adopted or not by state. NESC

Rule 218 does not require utilities to prevent all tree-related

incidents or to remove all trees that could cause such incidents.NESC Rule 218 recognizes that “it is not practical to prevent all

tree-conductor contacts on overhead lines.”

4. Utilities have the right to prevent all tree-related problems.

Plaintiffs often assert that utilities have the right to enter private

land to inspect, remove or prune any trees near overhead lines.

This is false. Even where utilities have documented easements,

they have met resistance from property owners. In two recent

cases in California and Ohio, utilities faced years of litigation

with property owners over their right to remove or prune problem

trees, despite that the utilities had documented easements across

the properties with documented rights to remove trees.

5. The trees were there first. Another common belief is that tree-

related incidents are caused by the utilities’ placement of power

lines. In our experience, most tree-related incidents are initiated

after property owners plant incompatible vegetation near existing

 True or false?

Utilities in the United States are obligated by law to

prevent all tree-related problems.

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power lines. Put differently, many of these conflicts occur from

bad planting choices completely outside the utilities’ control.

6. Utilities should prune rather than remove incompatible trees

on transmission rights of way (ROWs).The public often assumes

frequent pruning can remedy the danger caused by incompatible

vegetation on transmission ROWs; however, the forced frequencywith which trees must be pruned affect the health of the trees and

lead to even more dangerous conditions.

Allowing any incompatible vegetation

on ROWs is contrary to everything the

industry knows about proper UVM. It is

costly to everyone, and it was a principal

contributing factor of the 2003 Northeast


 The Impact of the Memes

These memes can affect the utility industry

in countless ways, including the applied legalstandard of liability. For example, it seems

unreasonable to impose strict liability on a

utility for a tree-related incident (as opposed

to a negligence or reasonable care standard)

where the company does not have the legal

right to inspect or remedy problem trees be-

fore an incident.

Similarly, a juror who does not under-

stand industry standards and the realities of

UVM might incorrectly assume what a utility

can and should do. A juror who incorrectly

assumes it is standard practice to inspect andprune every tree that might touch an overhead

line might erroneously find a utility negligent

for not doing so, even if the utility complied

with industry standards and federal and state


 What the Industry Can Do

Utilities must take every opportunity to

educate the public, legislators, regulators and,

when litigation is filed, judges and juries.

Comprehensive public education campaigns

that proactively inform the public about UVM goals, efforts and

limitations are a good place to start.

It also might be advisable to seek legislation and regulations that

address the bad memes and limit liability to what is reasonable and

within the company’s ability to control.

If a lawsuit is unavoidable, a utility should set out the realities

of the industry carefully to the judge and jury. Better yet, change thememes before a case is filed. 

 True or false?Utilities should prune rather than

remove incompatible trees on

transmissio rights of way.

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aKing Coal is Soon to be Dethroned

by Teresa Hansen, editor in chief As recently as 2003, coal was used to generate some 53 percent

of all electricity consumed in the United States. Its share of thegeneration mix, however, has dropped significantly since then,

accounting for only some 37 percent of the 4 trillion gigawatt-

hours (GWh) of electricity generated in 2012, according to the

Energy Information Administration (EIA), which tracks U.S.

electricity generation trends among other things.

Coal remains king of U.S. electricity generation for now.

Natural gas is second at 30 percent, but the EIA predicts that

by 2040, natural gas will supply 35 percent of the generation

mix and coal will drop to 32 percent of the mix (see Figure 1).

Figure 2 illustrates the history of generation capacity ad-

ditions and predicted additions. Overall, capacity additions are

predicted to slow considerably during the next 25 years. Natu-

ral gas is expected to be the fuel of choice for new generation.EIA predictions for new capacity additions include that:

natural gas-fired plants will account for 73 percent of addi-

tions through 2040; renewables will account for some 24 per-

cent; nuclear power will provide some 3 percent; and coal-

fired power plants will be almost nonexistent for the next 25

years—just 1 percent of new capacity additions.

The main drivers behind decreasing coal-fired generation

are low natural gas prices and U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) regulations.

Natural Gas Prices Squeeze Coal

Low natural gas prices have allowed the most efficientnatural gas-fired plants to generate electricity at lower

operating costs than coal-fired plants in many U.S. re-

gions. Gas plants, therefore, are being dispatched be-

fore coal.

Natural gas prices have dropped significantly be-

cause of the U.S. shale gas boom. Natural gas hit its

highest price—just more than $15 per million cubic feet

(Mcf)—in 2005. Just seven years later in April 2012,

natural gas prices hit a decade low of just more than

$1.80 per Mcf on the spot market. The price has risen

since then, but not much. In 2014, natural gas prices

have ranged between just below $4 to about $4.85 perMcf; high enough to keep most producers drilling and

low enough to make natural gas attractive for power


The American Natural Gas Alliance predicts natu-

ral gas will remain between $4 and $6 per Mcf through 2035.

Horizontal drilling coupled with hydraulic fracturing,

or “fracking,” have allowed

producers to recover natural gas

from sedimentary rock formations

and shale plays. Shale gas, which

provided less than 1 percent of

natural gas produced in the U.S.in 2000, provides more than 20

percent today and is expected to

provide some 53 percent of all

natural gas produced in the U.S. by

2040, according to the EIA. (More

details on natural gas’ growing role

in power generation are available in

the article “Natural Gas Heats up

Generation Discussions Again” in

the Jan/Feb 2014 issue of  Electric

 Light & Power .)

Electricity Generation by Fuel,

1990-2040 (Trillion kWh)Figure 1:

Sources: Energy Information Administration. Annual Energy Outlook 2014 Early Release Overview 

1990 2000 2010

2012History Projections

2020 2030 2040














Oil and other liquids



Natural gas







Historic and Future Capacity Additions in U.S.Figure 2:

Other Renewables



Natural Gas/Oil





1985 1995 2005 2020 2030 2040


      G      W





History 2012 Projections

Source: Energy Information Administration

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EPA Regulations

Many electricity generation and coal industry experts have accused

President Barack Obama and his administration of waging a war

on coal. While energy insiders, politicians and regulators debate

this, the EPA—headed by Obama appointee Gina McCarthy—

has proposed and enacted stringent rules that have made and will

continue to make it difficult for many coal-fired plant owners andoperators to generate electricity.

During her Climate Action Tour in May, McCarthy called

carbon dioxide (CO2) “the biggest public health threat of our time”

and said it needs to be regulated now. The EPA is obligated under

the Clean Air Act to address pollution from power plants, and it has

addressed all other pollutants, McCarthy said.

“Carbon pollution should not be treated any differently,” she


The table on Page 22 lists recently proposed and enacted EPA

regulations that address CO2 and other power plant emissions. The

table is not a complete list of EPA-enacted and proposed coal-

related regulations but includes those that have or will have thegreatest impacts on coal-fired generators.

Some coal-fired power plants cannot afford to comply with

even one of the regulations. As a result, their owners and operators

will retire them rather than invest in pollution-control technologies

to keep them operating. For many other

coal-fired plants, spending money to comply

with one or two EPA regulations might be

economically feasible, but when combined,

the regulations become too costly.

The EIA predicts that between 2012 and

2020, some 60 GW of the nation’s current

310 GW of coal-fired capacity will be retired.Coal plants that will not attempt to comply

with EPA regulations are a big part of this


Declining electricity demand during a

sluggish, post-Great Recession economy and

EPA regulations made 2012 a record year for

coal plant retirements (see Figure 3). It was

the year natural gas prices hit a decade low.

And retirements in 2015 are expected to

trump those in 2012. Many of the retirements

are planned just before the EPA’s Mercury

and Air Toxic Standards (MATS) becomeeffective.

Data from The Brattle Group shows

some 93 percent of coal plants lack at least

one major piece of equipment required to

control air emissions.

The clean power plant standard for new

power plants, the 111(b) rule proposed by

the EPA in fall 2013, is the main reason no

construction is planned for new coal-fired

power plants. Under the proposed rules, new

coal-fired units would need to emit less than

1,100 pounds of CO2 per MWh. The average U.S. coal plant emits

1,768 pounds of CO2 per MWh; new units would have to use carbon

capture and storage (CCS) technology to meet the new requirements.

Most utility experts agree that CCS technology is still in research

and development and is not ready for large-scale implementation. Inaddition, it’s expensive.

In comparison, combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants

emit 800-850 pounds of CO2  per MWh; they already meet the



Need to meet


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Program/Compliance Reviews | Expert Witness | Software

LIDAR | QA/QC | Turn-Key UVM Operations

Figure 3:

2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015

 Year Source: Energy Information Administration

   C   a   p   a   c   i   t  y   (   G   W   )
















Historic and Planned Coal Plant Retirements

   N  u   m   b   e   r   o   f   U   n

   i   t   s

Historic Planned

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In early June, the EPA proposed its anticipated clean power

standard for existing power plants, the 111(d) rule. The planrecommends that coal plants reduce CO

2 emissions up to 30 percent

by 2030 compared with 2005 levels.

The EPA has given states the authority to determine how they

will meet the new targets. States have until June 2016 to submit

their detailed plans. It’s unclear what technology plants might use

to comply with the proposed reductions, but most states likely will

include some sort of carbon trading system as part of their plans.

Some states are ahead of the feds in reducing CO2 in plants.

Most experts have said the most successful plan is the

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cooperative carbon

reduction plan that is administered by several states: Connecticut,

Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, NewYork, Rhode Island and Vermont. The RGGI is the first mandatory

market-based regulatory program in the U.S. to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions. Under the plan, states sell emission allowances

through auctions and invest proceeds in energy efficiency,

renewable energy and other consumer benefit programs. Each

participating state has its own CO2Budget Trading Program.

Another state-initiated initiative is the Western Climate

Initiative (WCI), a cap and trade program that includes British

Columbia, California and Quebec.

Despite Challenges, Coal is not Going Away 

Although few new coal plants are expected to be built during thenext 25 years and some 20 percent of the U.S. coal fleet will be

retired soon, coal will continue to provide significantly to the

nation’s 1,063 GW of total generating capacity. Effective pollution

control, coal-gasification and CCS technologies along with CO2 

cap and trade programs will be developed to ensure coal remains

viable for electricity generation. Nevertheless, these measures will

not allow coal to remain the low-cost fuel for electricity generation

that it has been in the U.S.—at least not as long as natural gas

remains at or near its current price.

In addition, despite decreased coal use in North America and

the EU during the past several years, global coal consumption is at

an all-time high and continues to grow. Its increased use is beingdriven by growing and power-hungry markets around the world,

most notable, China and India. Worldwide carbon emissions are

growing, as well: 2.2 percent annually on average from 2000 to

2010 and at an even higher annual rate since 2010, according to a

report released this year by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate


Despite the scientific community’s urgent call to reduce carbon

emissions, coal remains king globally, and its use is expected to


Regulation Status Pollutants Targeted Compliance Options Expected Date Effect on Coal

MATS Final HAPs Baghouse, FGD/DSI, advanced coal 2015/2016 Large

(mercury, acid gases, PM). technologies

Clean Power Plan EPA issued proposed GHG (carbon). Currently there is no commercial-scale No later than Large

(GHG Standards for rule standards Limit CO2 emissions of technology to reach levels in coal-fired May 20, 2016.New Plants – 111(b)) September 2013. new power plants. plants. Gas-fired has no problem

meeting limits.

Clean Power Plan EPA issued proposed GHG (carbon). Unknown. ~2020. Large

(GHG Standards rule June 2014. Reduce CO2 emissions from Potential for trading of allowances. The EPA has given the 50

for Existing Plants – existing coal plants up to States to decide. states until June 2016 to

111(d)) 30% by 2030 compared submit plans that detail

with 2005 levels. how they intend to meet

new targets.

 316(b) Final May 2014 Cooling water intake Impingement: mesh screens; Within eight years. Moderate

structures. Entrainment: case by case, No later than 2021.

may include cooling towers. 

Regional Haze Final May 2012 NOx, SO2, PM SCR/SNCR, FGD/DSI, baghouse/ESP, Typically five years after Couldcombustion controls. ruling. be large


on state.

Cross State Air Pollution Upheld by NOx, SO

2SCR/SNCR, FGD/DSI, fuel switching, ~2015 Moderate

Rule (CSAPR) Supreme Court 2014. allowance purchases

Combustion Byproducts Final expected Ash control equipment Bottom ash dewatering, dry fly ash Uncertain, potentially Moderate

(ash) December 2014. waste. silos, etc. ~2020.

Sources: Energy Information Administration, The Brattle Group, Environmental Protection Agency 

EPA Regulations’ Affecting Coal-fired Power PlantsTable:

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eA u t h o r

Sandra DiMatteo is

director of applications

advantage, asset

management and

operations at BentleySystems, where she

leads the marketing

strategy and positioning

for Bentley’s asset

management and

operations products.

She founded and is on

the board of the Society

of Maintenance and

Reliability Professionals

Ontario Canada Chapter

and has an HonoursBachelor of Commerce

from McMaster

University in

Hamilton, Ontario.

Case Study: ScottishPower’sStrategy for Asset Management

and Process Safetyby Sandra DiMatteo, Bentley Systems

Energy company ScottishPower, a division of Iberdrola,

was the first power generator and the second company

in the world to be certified on BSI Publicly Available

Specification 55 (PAS 55:2008), which benchmarks best

practices in asset management.

AssetWise Performance Management and the Bentley

Asset Performance Management (APM) Methodology and

the Amor Group Process Safety Methodology and KPI (key

performance indicators) Dashboard played key roles inScottishPower’s achievement.

 The Need for Change, Challenges

A series of industrial incidents including one at Scottish-

Power Longannet Generating Station, coupled with the

publication of U.K. standards HSE RR509-Plant Ageing

Report, integrity guidelines HSE HSG254 and asset man-

agement standard PAS 55 2008, highlighted ScottishPow-

er’s vulnerability to a major incident and the need to make

asset management and process safety a priority. In particu-

lar, the Baker Panel report into the BP Texas City refinery

fire motivated ScottishPower to carry out a self-audit thatassessed whether a similar catastrophic incident could hap-

pen within its operations, and if so, how well risks could

be managed.

Pathway to a High-reliability Organization

ScottishPower developed sustainable processes to address the

British Government’s Health and Safety Executive HSE Plant

Ageing report of 2006 (RR509) and to attain PAS 55 accredi-


It was time to change a reactive culture in older coal-fired

plants to a proactive culture while addressing knowledge lost

because of employee attrition and the lack of technology to

support the approved business model. A road map establishedand implemented the vision for operational transformation.

An aligned information technology (IT) strategy and system

lies at the heart of ScottishPower’s success with the program.

Significant groundwork was performed during 2006-2008

to consolidate the business on a small set of best-of-breed

applications, including AssetWise Performance Management

integrated with IBM Maximo.

AssetWise provided a robust and automated source of

data required to derive leading KPIs each day. And rather than

having many KPI reporting systems, ScottishPower adopted

a unified approach that has eliminated any conflict over data

collection.Early in the program, a partnership was formed with the

Amor Group to develop an integrated data management sys-

tem to meet integrity guidelines HSE HSG254.

From Reactive to a Proactive Culture












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The system aggregates performance data for KPIs from core

operational business applications, including AssetWise Performance

Management to manage the business and asset integrity.

 The Operational and Maintenance Excellence Strategy 

The scope of the initial implementation included two coal-fired power

stations in Scotland and three combined-cycle gas turbine power sta-

tions in England.

To enable the organization to ingrain the process of asset man-

agement and process safety across multiple plants, ScottishPower lev-eraged the Bentley APM methodology to guide the implementation

through business, organizational and technology alignment to PAS 55.

The complete Bentley APM solution, supported by maintenance

task analysis failure modes and effects analyses, along with previ-

ously completed world-class reliability-centered maintenance and a

new internally developed peer-to-peer review practice enabled by the

technology AssetWise Performance Management, provided a cohe-

sive and integrated approach to develop, implement and manage a

living program.

Risk ManagementScottishPower took a simple view that incidents and near misses were

the single source of lagging indicators.

It implemented a new incident management process to capture

this data and drive consistent investigation of causes.

Incidents were classified as major, significant or minor (based on

API 754 Process safety performance indicators for the refining and pet-

rochemical industries) related to the underlying 42 risk control systems.

 The Smart Use of IT and Mobile Technology

The smart use of IT and handheld data collectors that run AssetWise

Performance Management means data management systems are in-

tegrated into process plant and other day-to-day operational systems.This enables the company to drill down from each headline KPI

to reveal the underlying causes, trends and transactions in the Bent-

ley APM methodology. With these core systems, ScottishPower can

assess performance and drive progress toward targets.

The information is available to everyone in the company at any

time and enables them to identify and act upon problems within their

system before it affects business or safety.

This information is not stand-alone; it is part of a complete sys-

tem of plant, people and process residing within a strong leadership

framework where senior management understands process safety and

asset management that directly links to business performance.


In only two years, ScottishPower established the asset management

and process safety framework that has led to improved plant reliability.

As a result, it has improved performance and transparency of key

processes and has experienced fewer unplanned outages and break-

downs with significant cost savings:

■  36 percent reduction in operations and maintenance costs;

■  22 percent increase in plant availability;

■  52 percent reduction in plant forced outage rates; and

■  10 percent reduction in insurance premiums.

As a high-reliability organization, ScottishPower produces itsproduct consistently over long and sustained periods.

The proactive culture is one of continual vigilance and lacks


Employees act strongly to weak signals and set their threshold

for intervening very low, given the understanding of the condition of

their assets.

Senior management has visibility of core operational processes.

This has increased confidence and assurance from board to plant level.

The result has been improved cooperation among leadership,

work force and regulatory bodies and the drive to deliver a high-

reliability organization.

Project Summary Organization: ScottishPower 

Solution: Power Generation

Location: Scotland, U.K.

Project Objective■  Address the HSE Plant Ageing report RR509

and attain PAS 55 accreditation.

■  Avoid incidents and disaster by setting a high standard

for asset management and process safety.

Products Used: AssetWise Performance Management

Fast Facts

■  AssetWise Performance Management was chosen

after a generating station experienced catastrophic

failure that resulted in plant shutdown.

■  ScottishPower is the second company in theworld to be certified on BSI Publicly Available

Specification 55 (PAS 55:2008).

■  AssetWise enables ScottishPower to drill drown from

each KPI to reveal underlying cases and trends.


■  36 percent reduction in operations and maintenance costs;

■  22 percent increase in plant availability;

■  10 percent reduction in insurance premiums; and

■  52 percent reduction in plant forced outage rates.

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dEnergy Storage GoingMainstream—Valuation

and ProcurementDuring the past five years, energy storage technologies have

experienced unprecedented funding by public and private

sources for research, development and demonstration.

For example, the Department of Energy provided some

$185 million in funding for 16 energy storage demonstrations

through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

(ARRA) Smart Grid Demonstration program.

These demonstrations are nearing completion, and the

results are validating the technology performance, which is

necessary for the technologies to be commercialized.This growth is supported further by the recent California

Public Utilities Commission decision that requires California

investor-owned utilities to procure more than 1.3 GW of

energy storage projects by 2020.

As a result, energy storage is enjoying a renaissance

among utility planners, regulators and system operators as

a tool for load leveling, grid operational support and grid

stabilization (see Figure 1).

Harnessing energy storage in these applications can

offer economic, reliability or environmental benefits such

as ancillary services revenue and deferred transmission and

distribution investments, as well as reduced electricity losses,power interruptions and emissions.

The value of each benefit varies significantly, depending

on the energy storage technology, location on the grid, market

structure and type of owner.

For utilities to develop successful procurement plans,

they must be able to assess the benefit and overall value of

energy storage.

Initially, utilities should conduct a high-level screening of

possible locations, technologies, capacities and the resulting

costs and benefits.

Next, utilities should conduct more detailed and

sophisticated analyses of the most attractive opportunities to

quantify the costs and benefits more accurately.

Although numerous energy storage models and toolssupport system planning control system operation and

measure cost-effectiveness, the wide range of technologies,

deployment locations, ownership structures and benefits

provided by energy storage poses challenges for traditional

utility proposal evaluations and procurement processes.

A recent Navigant study for the Energy Storage

Association identified and characterized existing energy

storage models and tools and how each addresses the needs of

energy storage industry stakeholders.

The study concluded that although numerous software

models are available to utilities for system planning, these

models historically have considered only large pumped-hydroelectric storage facilities.

As a result, current system planning models generally

do not account for the complex, variable operations of energy

storage systems and are just beginning to address the unique

modeling requirements needed to represent the true value of

energy storage systems.

Although no one model or software package can calculate

the value of energy storage at all locations on the grid (i.e.,

generation, transmission, distribution, behind the meter), it is

possible to use well-known, commercially available products

together with new models and tools to determine overall cost-

effectiveness.For example, at the generation level, commercially

available production cost models can be used in conjunction

with proprietary tools to dispatch resources on a subhourly

level and co-optimize between energy and ancillary services.

At the transmission and distribution levels, impacts identified

through load flow analysis can be used to calculate the value.

After modeling is complete and the most attractive

opportunities are identified, a procurement plan should be

tailored to request funding, proposals to secure the preferred

storage resources or both.

Several key issues must be considered when developing

by Paul Maxwell, Colette Lamontagne and Jay Paidipati, Navigant

A u t h o r s

Paul Maxwell assists

several clients with

feasibility studies,

market assessments

and regulatory support

for new storageprojects in California.

Colette Lamontagne works

with utility, independent

power producers,

project de velopers,

technology providers and

government clients to

identify and demonstrate

the value of energy

storage deployments and

the development ofstrategic plans.

Jay Paidipati has been

working in the energy

industry for 10 years and

has been working on

technology and business

strategy in energy storage

with utilities, governments

and equipment vendors

during the past four years.

Energy Storage ApplicationsFigure 1:

Load Leveling (Generating power off peak and using it on peak)

Q  Renewable Energy Shifting 

Q  Wholesale Market Arbitrage and Cost Avoidance

Q  Retail Market Arbitrage

Q  Asset Management

Grid Operational Support (Matching supply to demand)

Q  Load Following 

Q  Operating Reserves

Q  Regulation

Q  Renewable Energy Capacity Firming 

Q  Black Start

Grid Stabilization (Improving reliability)

Q  Renewable Energy Ramping 

Q  Renewable Energy Smoothing 

Q  Backup Power 

Q  Power Quality

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Key Considerations for an Energy 

Storage Procurement PlanFigure 2:



Utility or



Grid Domains—

Include Customer

sited?Storage Only

or Storage

and Energy

(Generator Behind

the Meter)?




of Projects?

Provide Firm

Capacity, Flex

Capacity or

Energy Only?Thermal—

Verification of


T&D Deferral

Benefit, Reliability

Improvement Benefit—

Identify Preferred

Sites in Advance?

a procurement plan (see Figure 2). The grid location of the new

energy storage system will affect interconnection costs, reliability

requirements and net metering growth across the system.

Co-location of energy storage with existing third-party-owned

generation raises questions about how to handle the incremental energy

under the existing power purchase agreement.

A requirement to provide firm or flex capacity can result in

relatively large storage systems to meet the discharge duration and

frequency standards as defined in the local market.

Last, procurement of thermal storage may require specialperformance standards and procedures to verify electricity savings.

Evaluation and resolution of these issues should include input

from key stakeholders, including energy storage technology providers,

national laboratories, consultants and the utility’s staff who have been

involved with demonstration projects.

The resulting procurement plan must be robust enough for utility

management and regulatory agency approval, yet flexible enough to

mitigate the technology, cost and counterparty risks with new and

evolving technologies such as energy storage.

The procurement plan and targets must be re-evaluated regularly

in response to lessons learned from each solicitation.

In some cases, certain emerging technologies or applicationsmust be procured on a demonstration project basis rather than a more

traditional energy purchase, capacity purchase or both to mitigate risk

and maximize operating experience in support of future traditional


Vendor proposals received must be evaluated on the

aforementioned quantitative cost and benefit metrics and on key

qualitative risk factors related to emerging technologies, including:

■  Performance. Will the technology work as expected?

■  Availability. Will the technology and operator meet requirements?

■  Degradation.  Will the technology’s performance degrade as

expected? What are the implications on revenue?

■  Project execution.  Can the technology vendor, system

integrator and EPC meet contractual schedule and performance


■  O&M costs. Will the project owner’s O&M budget be enough to

meet availability requirements and handle unforeseen issues?

■  Permitting. What are the necessary permits, and can the project

developer get them?■  Safety. Does the technology present any safety risks?

Looking Forward

Markets with high energy prices, high resource intermittency, high load

growth and poor transmission and distribution (T&D) reliability likely

will see the most early-stage deployment.

Subsequent penetration into less challenged markets likely will

hinge on the associated penetration of intermittent renewables across

both T&D domains. Will energy storage become the third pillar of the

electric power industry alongside generation and transmission? Or will

it remain a niche technology that proves cost-effective only for limited

applications?Proper valuation and procurement by utilities and delivery of

commercially viable and lower-cost storage systems by manufacturers

will be necessary for energy storage to become a valued contributor to

electric grid performance and reliability.


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A u t h o r

John Jung is the CEO

of Greensmith Energy

Management Systems

Inc. More information

is available at www.greensmithenergy.com.

oIntelligent Energy Storage—Key to Unlocking the Smart Grid

by John Jung , Greensmith Energy Management Systems Inc.

Our aged, worn electric grid has seen more changes and

been confronted with more challenges during the past

10 years than at any other time since its inception.

We’ve gone from an environment of one-way

power flows from centrally located generation in

remote areas, over long transmission and distribution

lines, then finally to homes and businesses to thenew world of bidirectional power flows where

customers also can be merchants who sell their

excess power back to grid operators.

We’ve gone from a world where generators

can be tightly managed to maintain synchronous

power output to an evolving framework of must-

take renewables that add significant intermittency and stress

throughout the network.

In addition, load curves continue to change with the

proliferation of electronics in our daily lives—cell phone

penetration exceeds 100 percent, PCs are commonplace and

the average household has 2.93 TVs.It’s outpacing a grid that was designed post-WWII for

a different load profile and that is reaching its capacity and

reliability constraints.

Into this second coming of an electron gold rush of

sorts, entrepreneurs rushed in with technology solutions to

modernize the electric grid.

Some of these innovations, such as smart meters,

provide the necessary underpinnings for more innovation in

areas such as rates and usage patterns.

Some of these innovations address single points of

failure along distribution or transmission lines.

And some of these innovations have increased gridstrain and made grid operators’ jobs more challenging.

None of these innovations address the fundamental

shortcoming of the grid: that it must be operated at scale and

increasingly on a just-in-time basis.

Utilities have understood the value of being able to

store energy to time shift its use to when it is most needed or

economical to use.

Combined gas and electric utilities practice this duality

every day, storing natural gas until demanded by customers.

In addition, large-scale electric storage through legacy

pumped hydro has existed many years.

The challenge has been to provide the same

functionality cost-effectively to customers.

In the name of American recovery, utilities have

experimented with all forms of energy storage.

They knew prices would make energy storage

a competitive grid asset. San Diego Gas and

Electric, for example, has deployed multiplecontainerized systems, each demonstrating

the value of different applications,


■  Site load management through

a behind-the-meter site integrating

photovoltaics, (PV), electric

vehicles (EVs) and storage; and

■ T&D deferral through a

1-MW system deployed behind

a known congestion point that

will provide the utility more

time to alleviate the need for new transmission upgradesand remote backup power for critical infrastructure.

These pilots have led to exciting conclusions for the

industry. Energy storage is a completely new type of asset.

It can function as a load and a resource. It can solve the

challenges of the duck curve. It can provide much faster

and accurate response to frequency regulation, avoiding the

overshooting so common using conventional resources. It

will allow much greater levels of renewables integration. It is

the silver bullet for the smart grid.

Which brings us to today. With California’s landmark

AB2514, it appears the market is lining up behind a big push

in the deployment of energy storage systems (ESS).But is the technology ready? Can it be delivered on a

cost-effective basis?

Many years from now, we will look back to 2014 and

conclude this was the end of the beginning.

Like a well-conducted orchestra, we see positive

movement on all major fronts to make energy storage a cost-

effective reality.

Utilities see the value in energy storage as a reliable

generation asset.

Regulators from Hawaii to New York are making policy

changes to explicitly include energy storage in the utilities’

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integrated resource planning, as well as their

demand response portfolios.

Wholesale markets including PJM, the New

York Independent System Operator (NYISO) and

the California ISO (CAISO) are creating products

specifically tailored for energy storage to reflect

the increased value from rapidly responding assets.Further, New York is providing incentives for

customers to deploy distributed storage systems

and will allow them to participate in wholesale


The market is evolving quickly in the time

scale of utilities. One of the most encouraging

signs is the current construction of multiple

multi-MW ESS systems by several renewables

developers that intend to use the systems for large-

scale frequency regulation in the PJM market.

These units are

being built with anROI target, and it has

advanced the dialogue

to the bankability of

these systems.

Another key factor

to watch is the cost of

the storage medium.

There is no

Moore’s law for materials science, but there is the good old Hen-

derson Experience Curve: Every time production doubles, costs can

drop 20 to 30 percent. In this case, utility ratepayers are not being

expected to shoulder the burden of R&D through high initial costs.In this case, utilities are benefiting from the investment and focus

that battery original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have placed

on developing large-format cells for the EV industry. Nearly every

major auto company has a growing line of hybrids or full EVs. Many

major battery OEMs have spent the better part of the past 10 years

developing cells to meet this rigorous environment.

This is great news for the electric sector because large-format

cells are ideal for energy applications and can be packaged easily in

racks and placed adjacent to the grid. The grid environment is less

rigorous than the EV environment, so many of these solutions are in

some ways over-engineered. With anticipated volumes set to grow for

EVs and ESS, we will soon see pricing drop below $500 per kilowatt-hour, and that will change everything.

As more systems are commissioned, we will move beyond what

energy storage can do for the grid to how to maximize the return of

energy storage—whether we consider that in terms of increasing the

asset life or prolonging the hours of operation. It is relatively simple

to follow an AGC signal and charge or discharge to meet the power

or energy requirements.

The challenge is to add intelligence to this asset through software

and analytics to maximize revenue potential from a given application

against the twin challenges of extending asset life and minimizing

the impact of round trip efficiency. Intelligent software also will be

necessary as we evolve from single-application systems

to multiple applications that are running to improve grid

function. Software will play a key role to manage storage

resources, shift capacity during peak periods, provide

ancillary services in the off-peak hours and provide standby

power for emergencies.

Meanwhile, our first glimpse into this brave new

world of energy storage is happening on an island near you. Tropical

island nations have been quick to add solar on a central station and

distributed basis.

This has been driven by fantastic solar yields and a high ceilingin terms of the price to beat. Making solar competitive against 50

cents per kilowatt-hour diesel-based generation is a lot easier than the

average 12 cents per kilowatt-hour in the continental U.S.

But all this renewable generation extracts a hidden cost on these

fragile microgrids. As solar penetration increases, it will cause many

islands to rely on a handful of generators, or, in some cases, just one.

This fragility leaves little room for error.

Couple that with intermittency, and you quickly come face-to-

face with a significant ramping challenge. Energy storage is ideal to

mitigate this problem. Placed next to a solar site and coupled with

intelligent software, energy storage can fill the gap to create a smooth

ramp rate that other resources can match though increased generation.Energy storage systems are also ideal to solve frequency

regulation challenges, as well as reactive power issues.

The smart grid is already here, able to provide: two-way

power flows, support generation both in remote areas connected by

transmission and distribution among homes and businesses, integrate

intermittent renewables, and support massive ramp rates from solar,

wind and EV charging.

Energy storage might be the silver bullet after a decade of industry

research. Never before has the industry had a tool so powerful be a

load and a resource with the ability to transform the grid to a flexible,

two-way power system to support modern lifestyles.

Software will play a key role to manage storage

resources, shift capacity during peak periods,

provide ancillary services in the off-peak hours and

provide standby power for emergencies.

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A u t h o r s

Bijoy Chattopadhyay,

Ph.D., is a director with

Navigant’s energy

practice. He has more

than 30 years ofexperience and is based

in San Francisco. Reach

him at bijoy.chattopad

[email protected].

Sam Sankaran is an

associate director with

Navigant’s energy

practice. He has 14

years of electric

utility experience and

is based in Burlington,Massachusetts. Reach

him at sam.sankaran@


lLarge-scale deployment of advanced metering infrastruc-

ture (AMI) and intelligent energy devices (IEDs) combined

with grid edge power conditioning equipment and availabil-

ity of sensor data has created a tremendous need for data

storage and analysis. The application of analytics, however,

lags in several areas.

Big Data’s Growth

International Data Corp. (IDC), a provider of market intel-

ligence in the information technology (IT), telecommunica-tions and consumer technology markets, predicted big data

will grow 30 percent in 2014 by developing “data-optimized

cloud platforms” that will leverage high volumes of real-

time and nonreal-time data streams. On the flipside, Gartner

reported in 2013 that big data didn’t drive big growth in the

worldwide business intelligence and analytics market.

“Even though big data hype reached a fever pitch in

2013, this did little to move the dial for analytics,” accord-

ing to Gartner.

The business intelligence and analytics market grew

some 8 percent to $14.4 billion in 2013; the uptick could

have been even greater. Only 8 percent of organizationssurveyed by Gartner have deployed a big data project, with

some 57 percent still in the research and planning stages.

Regardless, the analytics of the large volumes of data ap-

pears to be one of the most critical, yet lacking elements

of big data. The analytics value proposition also remains

unclear to many in the industry.

 What is Big Data?

Big data refers to data sets with size beyond the ability

of typical database software tools to capture, store, man-

age and analyze. Structured data is obtained from data that

conforms to a construct or has a preset pattern that can beanalyzed with traditional methods and business intelligence

techniques. Unstructured data consists of large sets of un-

structured information obtained from the social Web (i.e.,

social media, digital photographs, online videos), sensors

and other sources that pose a more complex challenge in

analysis but might provide greater value. The major attri-

butes of big data are:

■  Volume.  The vast amounts of data generated every

second. Potentially greater than terabytes (1012) and

petabytes (1015) and could reach the zettabytes (1021)

and brontobytes (1027) range.

■  Velocity.  The speed at which new data is generated

and at which data moves. Big data technology allows

for analysis of the data while it is being generated

without ever putting it into databases.

■  Variety.  The different types of data. Although the

structured relational databases that neatly fit into ta-

bles are small, some 80 percent of the world’s data is

unstructured and cannot be put into tables easily.

■  Veracity. The messiness or trustworthiness of the data.

With many forms of big data, quality and accuracy areless controllable (e.g., Twitter posts with hashtags, ab-

breviations, typos and colloquial speech, as well as the

reliability and accuracy of content).

Utility Data Growth

AMI has increased the volume of utility data by the order

of thousands (see Figure 1). Before smart meters, each cus-

tomer meter was read monthly: 12 reads annually. Smart

meters produce data at 15-minute intervals: 35,040 reads an-

nually, or some 400 MB of raw data per year per meter. This

data grows in magnitude after it is analyzed. And, with some

utilities’ considering five-minute intervals, the data volumecontinues growing. When Austin Energy deployed 500,000

smart meters, its data storage requirements grew to 200 tera-

bytes based on 15-minute reads. Those needs are expected to

grow to 800 terabytes if interval reads are increased from 15

minutes to five minutes. With some 140 million smart meters

deployed across the U.S., it is expected that close to 100

petabytes of information will be generated over 10 years.

 A Utility Perspective of Big Data

Utilities envisioned applications from the massive amounts

of data being collected through AMI, supervisory control

and data acquisition and other sensors, including:■  Protecting revenue from theft;

■  Targeting demand response (prioritizing customers for

energy conservation and demand response programs

using geospatial techniques, energy density mapping);

■  Distribution operations planning (targeting customers

with high peak loads to help reduce peaks by staggering

power for ventilation, heating, cooling and lighting);

■  Transformer load management (identifying transform-

ers that are overloaded or underused);

■  Quality assurance and quality control data (improv-

ing the quality of connectivity information including

How to Transform DataInto Value-added Information

Through Analytics by Bijoy Chatt and Sam Sankaran, Navigant

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■  Voltage correlation (using analytics to link meters to trans-formers including phase);

■  Energy modeling (analyzing usage patterns including unmetered

usage from streetlights and other devices);

■  Voltage deviation (identifying transformers with voltage deviat-

ing from the rated voltage by 2 to 3 percent or more);

■  Geospatial outage frequency analysis (analyzing outage patterns


■  Predictive analytics for electric vehicle (EV) adoption (identify-

ing plug-in EV owners and predicting demand patterns to ensure

adequate transformer capacity); and

■  Asset management.

Big Data Applications in Asset Management

There is an increasing trend of developing predictive maintenance

programs for the efficient use and management of utility assets. The

management of those assets requires data from different sources and

structured and unstructured data. Thus, big data could be deployed

to address predictive maintenance in the asset management space.

One specific application for transformers is illustrated in Figure 2,

where data comes from different data-gathering systems in either astructured or unstructured fashion. These data are processed, mod-

eled and formatted for further analysis. Algorithms in the analytics

engine correlate with different information to make a decision and

provide a trending analysis of the equipment’s health.

Figure 3 provides an example of a transformer health assess-

ment based on winding temperature, differential temperature of

online tap changer and main tank temperature, dissolved gas analy-

sis and hourly loading of the transformer, among other things. Al-

though Figure 3 shows a simple qualitative assessment of the equip-

ment’s health by developing a watch list of transformers that need

early attention, a more sophisticated quantities assessment can be

made easily from the collected data.


Transformers are just one example of how big data and analytics can

aid utilities in asset maintenance. A similar analytical approach can

be used for circuit breakers or other utility assets to assess equipment

health conditions and for developing subsequent mitigation plans.

Growth of Utility DataFigure 1:

Sources: Electric Power Research Institute, 2008.

New Devices in Home

Enabled by Smart Meter 


   A   n   n  u   a   l   R   a   t   e

   o   f   D   a   t   a

   I   n   t   a   k   e 800 TB

600 TB

400 TB

200 TB

0 TB

OMS Upgrade

RTU Upgrade

Mobile Data Goes Live

 You arehere.

Distribution Automation

Work Force Management Project 

Substation Automation System

GIS System Deployment 

DistributionManagement Rollout 

AMI Deployment 


Communicating  Thermostat Come Online

Growth of Utility DataFigure 2:


 Analytic Engine

Data Gathering and Data Modeling 


SCADA: Supervisory Control& Data Acquisition System

DFR: Digital Fault Recorder 

DGA: Dissolve Gas Analysis

AMI: Advanced Metering Infrastructure

EMS: EnergyManagement System

EMS DGA Inspection AMIRelay/


  SCADA DFR/Relay Inspection AMI

  Main Analytics

Tank LTC LTC Tap Results/

Transformer Oil Tank Change Winding Cooling Through Asset

Identification Temp Temp Times/Day Temp Fan DGA Fault IR Loading Health

 Transformer No. 1 Normal Normal Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

 Transformer No. 2 Normal Normal Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

 Transformer No. 3 Abnormal Normal Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Abnormal Watch

 Transformer No. 4 Normal Normal Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

 Transformer No. 5 High High High High On Abnormal Abnormal Normal Abnormal Watch

 Transformer No. 6 Low Low Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

 Transformer No. 7 Low Normal Normal Normal On Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal

 Transformer No. 8 High Normal High Normal Off Normal Normal Abnormal Normal Watch

Example of Data Analytics for Transformer Health Assessment and Watch List CreationFigure 3: 

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A u t h o r s

wDamien Polansky is global

strategic marketing

director of Dow Electrical

& Telecommunications.

Brent Richardson is

North American manager

of end use marketing

at Dow Electrical &


Whether talking about aesthetic appeal

in new residential and commercial zones,

obtaining legal rights of way or economic

loss from storm-related power outages,

putting transmission and distribution

infrastructure underground is a hot topic.

Although underground distribution

is common, one of the largest pain points

is the perceived cost of installation forunderground transmission.

High-voltage underground

transmission installations typically have

higher up-front price tags than overhead

lines; however, as new trenching methods

such as horizontal directional drilling

become more readily available and

technologies create more reliable long-

life cables, costs are moving to a more

equitable position with overhead lines.

This is true especially when seen in the

light of ongoing costs for repair andmaintenance of overhead lines over the life

of the system.

An article in the February 2013 issue of Electric Light

& Power   by Frank Alonso and Carolyn Greenwell, both

transmission line engineers with SAIC, aptly states, “The

time is quickly approaching when utility customers and

government officials will demand an answer that provides

a more in-depth, independent look at how much more

expensive underground power delivery is compared with

overhead power delivery. Changes will be precipitated by

power outages associated with natural disasters, citizens

who don’t want their homes devalued by nearby overheadlines, and competitive economic forces that drive utilities to

consider placing power lines underground.”

An August 2013 report from the White House,

“Economic benefits of increasing electric grid resilience to

weather outage,” further supported a position for underground


“Between 2003 and 2012 roughly 679 power outages,

each affecting at least 50,000 customers, occurred due to

weather events,” according to the report. “Monetary costs of

these outages account for up to between $18 billion and $33

billion annually.”

 The Case for Intelligent Undergrounding 

Businesses within the entire power industry value chain—

from compound suppliers, accessory component producers to

cable makers, installers and utilities—all have a vested interest

in improving electrical system reliability. This is why Dow

Electrical & Telecommunications (Dow E&T) is advocating

intelligent undergrounding, which is to bury highly reliable,

Intelligent Undergrounding—Burying Highly Reliable Cable

When, Where it Makes Senseby Damien Polansky and Brent Ri chardson, Dow Electrical & Telecommunications

Observed Outages 1992-2012

Sources: Energy Information Administration

1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012













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polyethylene-based cable when and where it makes sense: cross-

linked polyethylene (XLPE) for high-voltage transmission and tree-

retardant XLPE (TR-XLPE) for medium-voltage distribution.

Three recent examples include projects initiated by Wisconsin

Public Service (WPS), which services 440,000 customers in rural

Wisconsin, and Dominion Virginia Power, the largest electric utility

in Virginia with 2.3 million customers.1. As reported in the July 23, 2013, issue of the Milwaukee Journal

Sentinel, “The five-year project (for WPS) will involve burying

distribution lines underground along hundreds of miles of power

lines in rural areas.” Vern Peterson, vice president of energy

delivery for WPS, was quoted as saying, “In the affected areas,

electric reliability is significantly lower than state and national

averages. The areas we will target are those in which customers

are repeatedly faced with the loss of power due to storms—

sometimes for several days.” The article went on to state, “The

project is expected to add between $4 and $5 a month for a

typical utility customer.”

2. In another good example of intelligent undergrounding,Dominion Virginia Power won a Southeastern Electric Exchange

(SEE) Industry Excellence Award in the Transmission Line

Category for its Pleasant View-Hamilton 230-kV project in 2011.

The project addressed electricity demand and desired property

aesthetics. As stated in the presentation abstract, “To meet the

increased demand for electricity in western Loudoun County,

Dominion Virginia Power built a new 230 kV transmission line

to serve the areas west of Leesburg. The total length of new

line is 12 miles, with 2 miles installed underground with solid

dielectric XLPE cable. The underground portion of the project is

sited in an upscale neighborhood along a popular nature trail.”

3. Similarly, in the July 19, 2013, Richmond Times-Dispatch,Dominion Virginia Power released information from a study

that indicated, “Undergrounding 20 percent of the company’s

worst-performing residential lines could reduce by 63 percent

the number of repairs required to restore power to all customers

as a result of damage from major storms.” Rodney Blevins, vice

president of distribution operations, said, “Ninety-nine percent of

the utility’s storm-related outages happen on its overhead power

lines. While underground lines are significantly more expensive

to install and maintain than lines strung on poles, restoring power

after a storm also is expensive, typically costing the company $4

million to $14 million per day of outage.” Dominion Virginia

Power has a goal to put 350 miles of line underground per year—at an estimated cost of $175 million annually— until 4,000 miles

have been moved. Senate Democratic Leader Richard L. Saslaw,

who sponsored the legislation for this underground project, said,

“The rate increase could range from 70 cents a month at the start

of the project to $4 per month by its completion.”

These examples of intelligent undergrounding underscore

the where and when it’s needed: weather-related outages, relieving

congestion and reduction in the physical space needed for rights of

way and preserving aesthetics in natural areas. They also provide a

clearer understanding regarding cost. Data that objectively compares

the upfront cost of underground vs. overhead lines is limited. Every

project is unique with widely varying costs; however, when all factors

are considered in the total life cycle of the assets, undergrounding

can be cost-effective, particularly when spread over time and among

many customers and when weighed against the cost of repairs and

reputation when it comes to system reliability.

Quality Materials Matter 

Cable compound suppliers are a critical part of the value chain in

the power industry and can have a huge impact on power system

reliability. Cable manufacturers and utilities have many choices

when it comes to specifying materials to manufacture cables. Yearsof experience and data from independent testing institutes indicate

that XLPE and TR-XLPE continue to provide the best performance

for robust manufacturing, ease of installation and high electrical

breakdown strength that ensures failure-free operation and lower

electrical losses over the lifetime of the cable.

Quality materials made to meet or exceed stringent industry

standards are key to long-life, reliable cables that extend that

reliability to the underground systems in which they are placed.

 Thinking Ahead

Ongoing scrutiny of aging power grids and decisions for the

best systems to support new infrastructure will keep the debate ofoverhead vs. underground lines going for a long while. This is where

intelligent undergrounding best fits. The industry must come together

to weigh all factors objectively into the analysis between underground

and overhead line systems. The industry, however, shouldn’t look at

underground and overhead lines as mutually exclusive, but potentially

working in tandem to quantify the first and long-term costs to

determine when and where each makes sense. All participants in the

power value chain can share their collective experience to benefit

the entire industry to ensure reliable, long-life service of electrical

infrastructure that delivers peace of mind to utilities and their

customers for decades.

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aHow to Assess the Benefitsof Transmission Investment

As electric infrastructure becomes increasingly complex and

our economic challenges progressively demanding, accurate-

ly assessing the benefits of transmission investment is becom-

ing more important.

In the past, most transmission projects were developed

by vertically integrated utilities that built new lines to connect

new generation to serve growing demand within their service

territories. Then, benefits were relatively easy to recognize

and costs easy to allocate.

Now, the grid is a complex network of power lines, sub-

stations and control centers operated by multiple entities thatoften span state, regional and international boundaries that

serve a broad range of residential, commercial

and industrial customers.

Assessing the benefits of transmission

investment is an essential part of determining

operational characteristics, reliability objectives

and capital costs, but it also is important when

considering public policy objectives, regulatory

and market conditions and economic and envi-

ronmental impact, all of which can be critical

when establishing project priorities and cost al-

locations.Although integrated utilities continue to

build transmission to serve the needs of their

customers, decisions about which projects to

pursue, what technologies to leverage and how

to recover costs for those investments still re-

quire more thorough cost-benefit assessments.

This can be particularly challenging when the target con-

tinues to move and demand growth and generation capacity

changes cannot always be accurately modeled or predicted.

These challenges are further exacerbated by ongoing changes

in cost allocation and cost recovery schemes that continue to

evolve on a case-by-case basis. Many projects are motivatedby a few key objectives, such as the integration of renewables,

improved reliability under N-1 conditions or other primary

objectives, and secondary or tertiary benefits also are general-

ly realized but not necessarily factored in during assessments.

For instance, the use of a high-capacity, low-resistance

conductor such as ACCC to increase the capacity of a section

of the grid to accommodate an N-1 condition also will reduce

its electrical resistance substantially during normal operating

conditions. This reduction in line losses will free up genera-

tion capacity, which then can be deployed to a paying cus-

tomer or, conversely, conserved to reduce fuel consumption

and associated emissions. Transmission planners might not

always recognize or consider second- or third-tier benefits,

but these benefits have a profound impact on the overall per-

formance of the grid, are quantifiable and should and will be


As the focus of transmission planning has expanded dur-

ing the past dozen or so years to better address reliability con-

cerns, market efficiency and public policy drivers, new Feder-

al Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) requirements for

cost allocations have driven the need to develop better ways

to assess transmission benefits. The cost-benefit analysisrequirement has attracted the attention of policymakers and

others who must pay for the transmission investments. As a

result, transmission companies and regional transmission op-

erators (RTOs) have developed improved methodologies for

evaluating the benefits of transmission projects.

Many of the current methodologies use formulaic meth-

ods to consider market and reliability attributes, but they of-ten rely on simplified production cost analyses to measure

economic benefits. Unfortunately, simplified production cost

analyses cannot measure many potential and significant ben-

efits associated with transmission projects that can prevent

many of the difficult-to-quantify yet desirable projects from

securing approval.

As a number of transmission planners and RTOs rec-

ognize the need to broaden their perspectives on the benefits

of transmission investment, efforts are being undertaken to

identify and communicate these benefits using a more com-

prehensive business case approach. Because no industry

by Dave Bryant, CTC Global Corp.

A u t h o r

Dave Bryant is director of

technology at CTC Global

Corp. and was one of

the original developers

of the high-capacity

low-loss ACCC conductorand ancillary hardware

components. Reach him at

[email protected].

Conventional ACSR and modern high-capacity, low-loss (ACCC) conductors

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 standard for this exists, the Working Group for Investment in Reliable

and Economic Electric Systems (WIRES) commissioned The Brattle

Group to research the subject and offer guidance. The Brattle Groupsubsequently published a report, “The Benefits of Electric Transmis-

sion: Identifying and Analyzing the Value of Investments.” This and

other informative reports are available on the WIRES website, www.


The report identifies a broad range of potential transmission-

related benefits, performance metrics and approaches through which

any specific project or group of projects can be more effectively eval-

uated. Benefit categories included traditional production cost savings,

which are commonly used to consider the economic benefits of trans-

mission investments based on estimated reductions in fuel or other

generation production costs, the impact on wholesale market pricing

(often referred to as locational marginal prices (LMPs)) and trans-mission congestion reductions based on grid constraints, load flow

approximations and other assumptions. Using this approach, RTOs

such as PJM often cite reductions in congestion costs as the primary

economic driver for transmission investment. The economic relief

of reduced congestion costs is reflected in production cost savings,

given access to lower cost generation, and reduced market supply or

demand leverage.

Although assessing production cost savings has become a wide-

ly accepted method for evaluating proposed transmission projects

and groups of projects as they are readily estimated, the results are

based on simplified assumptions and short-term dispatch cost savings

that can underestimate the actual

project value. In addition, produc-

tion cost savings only represent a

portion of the overall value of the

transmission investment benefits.

Aside from production cost

savings, The Brattle Group reportdescribes other benefits, particu-

larly those associated with im-

proved reliability, reduced genera-

tion capital costs, reduced market

leverage and several others, which

often have been omitted in many

transmission benefit-cost analy-

ses. These omitted benefits have

been considered intangible be-

cause they generally are not con-

sidered. Although some of these

additional benefits can be difficultto estimate, omitting them implies

they have no value, which is not

the case. A more accurate ap-

proach to estimations would be to

consider a broader range of likely

benefits in any given scenario. This would yield more accurate cost-

benefit analyses, provide greater insight and a better basis for project

comparison, which would reduce the likelihood that beneficial proj-

ects would be overlooked.

Other benefits might include long-term capital and operationalcost savings, line loss reductions, generation capacity cost savings,

improved grid reliability and the potential avoidance of disruptive and

costly outages. Additional benefits also could include the improved

use of existing corridors to reduce environmental impact, reductions

of greenhouse gas emissions through improved transmission effi-

ciency and by opening access to cleaner generation. Other substan-

tial benefits could include economic development opportunities that

could provide residential, commercial and industrial customers with

access to more efficient, affordable and reliable power, which is a key

component of our ability to maintain competitive businesses, employ-

ment opportunities and quality of life.

Potential transmission-related benefits include traditional

production cost savings, the impact on wholesale market

pricing and transmission congestion reductions based on grid

constraints, load flow approximations and other assumptions.

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A u t h o r s

Rebecca Craft is a

director at Con Edison

who is responsible

for the development,

implementationand management

of the utility’s

energy efficiency

and demand-side

management programs.

Bennett Fisher is CEO

of Retroficiency, which

he co-founded in 2009.

He has spent more

than a decade building

and leading companiesaround data analytics.

bBuildings consume 40 percent of all U.S. energy, and up to half

of the energy that buildings use is routinely wasted, according

to data from the Energy Information Administration and IBM.

All that waste is bad for the environment.

“Commercial buildings account for the majority of harm-

ful (CO2) emissions in U.S. cities,” according to the Environ-

mental Protection Agency, and in New York alone, “80 percent

of carbon emissions come from commercial buildings.”

It’s no wonder building efficiency is garnering so much at-

tention. North American utilities, according to the Consortium

of Energy Efficiency, budget more than $9 billion annually fordemand-side management (DSM) programs, including energy

efficiency and demand response initiatives, to reduce consump-

tion and demand. Most of this spending targets buildings.

These ratepayer-funded programs have increasingly ag-

gressive consumption-reduction goals that utilities such as Con

Edison must meet.

But DSM mandates are not the only drivers for energy ef-

ficiency and demand management efforts. DSM also can target

specific areas of the grid to manage demand growth, supply

constraints and ongoing network maintenance more effectively.

The American Association of Civil Engineers calculates

that an additional $107 billion of investment beyond the cur-rently anticipated investment of $566 billion is needed by 2020

 just to keep the power grid functioning. Nearly 90 percent of

this incremental need is for electric grid investments required to

maintain current levels of safety and reliability.

Today’s utilities face the need to build additional infra-

structure to meet increasing customer demand for electricity.

In areas such as New York City, however, the density and cost

of system upgrades can present capital expenditure and timing


DSM is a cost-effective way to address electric demand

growth via customer-sided energy management and can allevi-

ate strains on the existing power grid while deferring or avoid-ing new infrastructure needs. According to the National Acade-

my of Sciences, the United States could cost-effectively reduce

its 2020 energy consumption by 17 to 20 percent through ex-

panded use of energy efficiency technologies. Likewise, Ret-

roficiency’s data indicates that buildings, on average, can cost-

effectively save 18 percent through efficiency upgrades such as

LED lighting, high-efficiency air conditioning and streamlined

building operations.

Despite the significant opportunities, scalability of the

nation’s energy efficiency opportunity is not being realized

largely because of the significant time and expense involved

in understanding how a building uses and loses energy. For

decades, utility programs and building owners have relied on

manual and expensive in-person audits to try to identify spe-

cific energy-saving opportunities.

Retroficiency estimates that relying on those traditional

methods, it would cost some $25 billion to $50 billion to

conduct an energy audit of every commercial building in the

United States, and when completed, not a single kilowatt-

hour would have been saved.

Often when dealing with infrastructure constraints andprogram goal mandates, time is not a luxury utilities and

building owners can afford.

During the past decade, Con Edison has taken a leader-

ship role in using DSM to target areas of its electric grid in

New York City and Westchester County. The Con Edison Tar-

geted Demand Side Management (TDSM) program focuses

on mitigating peak demand and growth to optimize the use of

existing assets in the company’s electric networks. With more

than $300 million in net benefits—total benefits minus costs—

to ratepayers, Con Edison’s TDSM is an important example

of how customer demand-side reductions can be used to meet

utility supply-side needs. To date, the program has provedDSM is a viable solution to address utility infrastructure con-

straints. Continued projected increases in customer demand for

electricity make it clear to Con Edison that geo-targeted DSM

will continue to play an important role.

To accelerate and enhance its demand management initia-

tives, Con Edison is using Retroficiency’s energy analytics to

identify and evaluate energy efficiency opportunities at scale.

Retroficiency’s solution uses meter data to understand the

energy-savings potential and opportunities for each building.

Retroficiency has analyzed nearly 900 commercial and

multifamily buildings (buildings with more than 100 kW

Energy-efficient Buildings,Analytics and Con Edison

by Rebecca Craft, Con Edison, and Bennett Fisher, Retroficiency

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 Panel Session 1: Policy and Strategy Evolution

Panel Session 3: Impact on Utility Planning and Operations

Panel Session 2: Whose Customer Is It Anyway?

Panel Session 4: e View From the Top

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Katherine Hamilton Policy Director Energy Storage Association

Richard McMahonVice President Edison Electric Institute

 Mike HylandSenior Vice President, Engineering Services American Public Power Association

Heather Sanders Director, Regulatory Affairs – Distributed Energy ResourcesCalifornia ISO

 Jorge CardenasVice President of Asset Management andCentralized ServicesPSE&G

Robert F. CaldwellVice President, RenewableGeneration Development Duke Energy 

Shay Bahramirad Manager of Smart Gridand TechnologyComEd

Pete ScarpelliVice President, Global Director of Energy &SustainabilityCBRE

 Adam MillerSenior Director, InnovationDirect Energy 

Caroline WinnVice President, CustomerServices and ChiefCustomer Privacy Offi cer San Diego Gas& Electric

Pete Delaney Chairman, Presidentand CEOOGE Energy Corp.

 William H. SpenceChairman, Presidentand CEOPPL Corp.

 Joe Rigby Chairman, President and CEOPepco Holdings Inc.

Gale KlappaChairman and CEO Wisconsin Energy Corp.

 John Di StasioFormer General Manager and CEO(retired April 2014)Sacramento MunicipalUtility District


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billed high demand) in nine of Con Edison’s electric networks. These

buildings accounted for a total annual consumption of 1.4 TWh. In

total, Retroficiency identified 176.4 GWh of cost-effective savings,

a 13 percent potential kWh energy savings for the analyzed portfo-

lio. The buildings with highest potential have an average kilowatt-

hour energy-saving opportunity of 25 percent. There are a host of

operational and retrofit measure possibilities in these buildings. Theanalysis identified 23 MW of permanent demand reduction potential

during network peak times, or some 6 percent of the total peak load,

with the highest potential buildings’ averaging 11 percent in demand

reduction potential during the relevant network peak. These results

demonstrate that even with Con Edison’s successes to date, energy

efficiency and demand management remain a highly viable resource

to manage network load growth.

All of these insights were uncovered with limited information.

Con Edison provided monthly or 15-minute interval meter data and

a building address to Retroficiency. Retroficiency combined its own

data sources with publicly available data— including New York City-

specific data sets such as tax records and building information—andthen churned that information through its analytical engine, which

assessed each building in minutes.

Energy data analytics make it possible for Con Edison to assess

its customer portfolio at a rate and scale that would be impossible

through traditional in-person audit approaches and that would have

been unheard of a few years ago.

Specifically, Con Edison is leveraging analytics to help improve

two key areas of the energy efficiency and demand management de-

livery process:

1) Targeting the right buildings. Retroficiency is helping Con

Edison determine the energy and demand savings potential of

buildings in load-constrained areas to help Con Edison focusresources on the buildings with the highest savings potential.

Retroficiency data shows that 30 percent of the buildings in a

segment can account for 70 percent of the savings opportunity.

Analytics can help pinpoint buildings with opportunities for

various measures, including those that support peak reduction,

which is critical when applying energy efficiency and demand

management to alleviate grid constraints.

2) Engaging customers with specific opportunities. Advanced

energy analytics also can identify areas of building energy usage

that can benefit most from efficiency measures. With interval

meter data, for example, Retroficiency’s platform makes detailed,

building-specific capital and operational recommendationsto investigate further, all before ever going on-site. These

recommendations, combined with Con Edison’s market, customer

and building technology insights, will allow Con Edison to deliver

a personalized energy management message to each customer. To

maximize effectiveness of each customer touch point, analytics-

based insights can be delivered through multiple delivery channels,

including print, email, the Web and customer account managers.

Improving the targeting and engagement process has the poten-

tial to convert more and deeper energy savings projects, which is the

primary goal.

Improved customer engagement has several other benefits.

Multiple studies have shown that customers who participate in energy

efficiency programs are more satisfied with their utilities. In addition,

delivering detailed, meaningful information to customers positions the

utility as a trusted provider of energy management solutions. As the

utility business model evolves in the face of new competitive dynam-

ics and regulatory shifts, utilities will need to reframe their customerrelationships. Analytic-enabled engagement is a step toward that end.

When and where should utilities consider deploying energy ana-

lytic solutions? Analytics also can determine when cost-effective ener-

gy savings changes are possible, such as during peak-demand periods.

This means that analytics solutions can be leveraged for either:

1. Ratepayer-funded energy efficiency or demand reduction

programs, or

2. When utilities are seeking to employ DSM as a mechanism to

manage demand on its system.

When it comes to commercial efficiency programs, energy ana-

lytics can help achieve deeper savings as utilities and regulators seekadditional energy efficiency and demand management opportunities.

Analytics help utilities go beyond traditional reliance on lighting proj-

ects (which account only for 25 to 30 percent of a building’s overall

energy-savings potential, on average) to drive projects from a variety of

measures, according to Retroficiency data.

In addition, analytics can help tap new customer segments. Many

of the largest customers participate in energy efficiency programs, but

small to midsize customers also have significant savings potential. The

small to midsize buildings and small portfolios sector “contain(s) a

whopping 95 percent of all commercial buildings by number and rep-

resents almost half of energy consumption in commercial buildings,”

according to the Preservation Green Lab in partnership with the NewBuildings Institute. As such, this group’s energy savings potential pro-

vides significant opportunities for energy savings and demand reduc-

tions. Energy analytics are enabling utilities to evaluate their entire com-

mercial building portfolios.

Energy analytics enable DSM insights and associated solutions to

become scalable. Policy increasingly favors building fewer new power

plants and closing old, polluting coal plants while providing a steady,

safe power supply to customers. Four U.S. nuclear power plants were

retired in 2013, and there is potential for more plants to shut down. One

such plant is the Indian Point Energy Center in Westchester County. In-

dian Point supplies electricity for Con Edison customers in New York

City and Westchester.From a network management perspective, the loss of supply re-

sources must be planned for appropriately. Efficiency, demand response,

storage and other load management solutions, such as those being de-

ployed by the joint Con Edison and New York State Research and De-

velopment Authority (NYSERDA) Demand Management Program, as

well as clean generation technologies such as solar, wind and geother-

mal, will combine to play a key role in the energy landscape.

As the grid gets smarter and data more accessible, utilities such as

Con Edison are looking to energy analytics to help identify and grow

their DSM opportunities. This will help utilities focus on keeping the

power flowing safely and efficiently.

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CS Week

Momentum in Utility EducationRecord attendance, enthusiastic participants and overall growth across all the components of CS Week

2014 and Conference 38 leave us with a single question: How do we capitalize on this energy and myriad

ideas to create an even better CS Week for Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2015?

There is a synergy that develops among those utility professionals who attend their first CS Week.You can hear it between workshops, watch it develop during lunch or other social gatherings. From our

point of view, meeting the educational goals of new attendees benefits not only individuals but their utili-

ties, as well.

Executive Summit doubled in participants for 2014—a clear reflection of the pressures in the industry

and the commitment of executives to seek new, innovative solutions to strengthen their utilities. Strategic

discussions and tough topics are de rigueur for Executive Summit participants. Key Account executives

face unique challenges in their close relationships with major customers. The growth in this year’s Key

Account Forum and the caliber of participants will push the Key Account Forum steering committee to

develop ever richer content and speakers.

Meeting the challenges created by this year’s successes already has begun. The annual call for presen-

tations invites utility professionals to submit abstracts for CS Week 2015 workshops that address projects,

solutions or challenges faced in customer engagement, mobile, information technology and smart infra-structure areas. Recruiting utility speakers with their firsthand knowledge of utility-specific issues sets CS

Week apart from other conferences.

This year’s Expanding Excellence Awards, presented in concert with PennWell, reinforced the excel-

lence and ingenuity utilities are bringing to serving their customers. CS Week 2014 attendees had opportu-

nities each day to take part in workshops conducted by the two winning utilities in each category.

CS Week webinars are growing a year-round following, as is our social media presence on Facebook,

Twitter and LinkedIn. New directions, strategies and implementation will build on the growth and excite-

ment of CS Week in San Antonio as our board of directors, planning committee and executive advisory

panel meet in September to create a powerhouse CS Week 2015 in Charlotte. Mark your calendars for April

27 to May 1, 2015.

Rod Litke, CEO, CS Week 

For more information, please visit www.csweek.org 

Complete information at your

fingertips. www.csweek.org

C h a r l o t t e ( N o r t h C a r o l i n a ) C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r | A p r i l 2 7 – M a y 1 , 2 0 1 5

 Ad Index 

Ad index name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG#3M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Asplundh Tree Expert Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

CB&I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Electric Light & Power Executive Conference 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Electric Light & Power Webcasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Enoserv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

GenForum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Leidos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .C4

Navigant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Quanta Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .C2

RES Americas Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Sabre Communications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C3

Siemens AG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Siemens Corp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Wright Service Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

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40 | ELECTRICLIGHT& POWER   Jul|Aug|2014

Customer Opinion, Fossil FuelsTop EEI Conversations

Editor in Chief Teresa Hansen joined utility VIPs this summer in Las Vegas for the EEIAnnual Convention. These are the most memorable quotes from the week.

“Public opinion aboutcoal-fired power and greenhouse gas is formed.Utilities should embraceit. It’s happening. You

 have to be there whenit (public opinion) is formed. You can’t changeit once it’s formed.” 

— Warren Buffett Chairman and CEO,

Berkshire Hathaway

“As we shift to natural gas and more renewables, weare offering our customers more volatility. The riskis going up. The more generation we move to natural gas and renewables, the more we need to balancewith nuclear and coal for a sense of certainty.” 

— Tom Fanning  

Chairman, President and CEO, Southern Co.

“The price of natural gas has reordered the stack. Distributed generation will have the second biggest impact (on generation).”

— Ted Craver

Chairman, Edison International

“During the polar vortex, 89 percent of our coal that is slated toretire in mid- to late 2015 ran at more than 50 percent capacity.We didn’t have a prayer of getting enough natural gas because of pipeline infrastructure (constraints) and customer heating was the priority, and you can’t cut much customer demand in the winter.” 

— Nick Akins

Chairman, President and CEO, American Electric Power 

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Hard hats to black hats,Leidos knows utility security.