effective communication


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  • Rebuild Your Life Through Effective CommunicationDr Ali Sajid, PhD, PEC, ISLAMABAD

  • Dont curse the darkness light a candleChinese Proverb

  • Sharing of Resources"A candle loses nothing by Lighting another candle"

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    If you have your sight, you are blessed. If you have insight, you are a thousand times blessed.

  • Words Are EnergyNever use words like defeats, failure & problem. Always talk of Hope, Belief, Faith, Victory & Success. When you use a Positive word, a wave of Positive word, engulfs you, raising your Energy Levels & Putting you in a Winning Frame of Mind.Words are Energy use them in your favour!!

  • To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Benjamin Disraeli

  • Doing is Believing"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." (Confucius 551-479 BC)

  • Communication"He who wishes to talk well must first think well."When you speak, your speech should be better than your silence would have been." (Origin unknown)

  • New Style?"I praise loudly. I blame softly. (Catherine the Great, 1729-1796.)

  • Test of Intellect"Whoever in debate quotes authority uses not intellect, but memory." (Leonardo Da Vinci)

  • Good Writing"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure." (Samuel Johnson.)

  • Bad Attitude of Employee Dont waste your time trying to change employees, Who have bad attitudesInn Pareen a Kaleesa koo Kaleesa say hatta doon

  • "Great speakers are not born, they're trained." -- Dale Carnegie "Perhaps you will forget tomorrow the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime. Dale Carnegie

  • Conversation with Wise Man A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study. --Chinese Proverb

  • Light

    Be a light, not a judge. Be a model, not a critic. - Stephen Covey

  • "Communication skills are the lifeblood of a successful life...if you plan on spending any time there..." -- Doug Firebaugh "Communication is really all anyone ever gets paid for ultimately...and if you cannot effectively communicate...you will PAY...not get paid..." -- Doug Firebaugh

  • "Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, help to make earth happy like the heaven above." Julia A. Fletcher Carney Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important

  • "You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say." Martin Luther

  • "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Theresa of Calcuta

  • Challenge


  • Management ProcessExternal EnvironmentCustomersSuppliersStockholdersGovernmentsCommunityothersCommunicationPlanningOrganizingLeadingControllingPurpose & Function of Communication

  • Mgrl Effectiveness Through Communication You Spend Most of Your Time at Work Communicating.Your Success- Based on Strong Communication Skills.Communication Is Becoming in Increasingly Important In Increased Globalization, Diversity Workplace Specialization.Communication Tech Offers New Opportunities of Communicate More Often & More Efficiently Than Ever Before.

  • Managerial Function of CommunicationManagers have three basic jobs.Collect Information : Collect relevant info from conversations, phone calls, memos, office memo, Reports, databases, & internet.

    Convey Info & Decision : To inside & outside org through speeches, press releases, videos, memos, letters.

    Promote Interpersonal Unity : Motivate people through speeches, conversations on lunch & on ceremonies & through walking around.

    ( garmoo ghamoo ka lahoo zooq a yaqan say)


  • Toward Effective CommunicationOrg goalGoals-relatedbehaviorCommunication network objectivesCommunicationpoliciesCommunication activitiesRelationship of Communication Factors to Org Goals

  • Mgr as nerve centre in Info Processing NetworkManager as monitorGathers external info(through liaison role) form contacts, informers, peers, & expertsManager as monitorGathers internal info(through leader role)Form subordinatesManager as nerve center in information-processing networkMgr as disseminatorDistributes information to subordinatesMgr as spokesperson

  • Need for Communication

    Very strong in Human beings Considered as a basic need, as in the case of eating, sleeping, etc. Established as both a social & individual need

  • Interpersonal CommunicationThree Broad TypesOral, Written, NonverbalOral Communication: Consists of all forms of spoken info\Most preferred type of communication used by mgrs. Mgrs prefer face-to-face & telephone communication to written communication because it permits immediate feedback.Written Communication: letters, memos, policy manuals, reports, forms, & other documents used to share info in org.Nonverbal Communication Involves all messages - non language responses. Anything that sends message. Mgrs often underestimate its importance. Hidden messages & can influence process & outcomes of face-to-face communication.

  • The Importance of Communication Skills as Expressed by Business AuthoritiesTop executives from Fortune 500 companies rate communications skills as the most important quality for business leaders. New York Times Business Section There may be no single thing more important in our efforts to achieve meaningful work and fulfilling relationships than to learn and practice the art of communication. The Art of Leadership Max De Pree, Author

  • Evidence of Communication Weakness in BusinessIm surprised how so many people struggle with communication.--Michael Rook, Production Manager Hewlett Packard, San Diego, CA The first thing the H R Department did was give me a writing book.--Sam Reeves, IT Consultant AMS, Denver, CO

  • Cost of CorrespondenceOne page business letter that took 10 minutes to dicate cost between $13.60 and $20.52 in 1996.Poor writing costs even more since itWaste Time.Wastes Effort.Jeopardizes goodwill.

  • )Communication is shared feelings/shared understanding. If you can honestly achieve that goal, you are communicating.

  • Who Is Responsible? The Communicator.How Much Is The Communicator Responsible?60 Percent!

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  • **Think > listen > talk

  • **Why is communication important ?Inspires confidenceBuilds respect Helps make friendsReveals your ability to othersDevelops a distinct personality

  • **We need toimprove communication... as70 % of our communication efforts are:misunderstood misinterpreted rejected distorted or not heard

  • Copy Rights Dr SajidCommunication in OrganizationsUpward and downward communicationHorizontal or lateral communicationDiagonal communication

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  • Communicationis a two-way process of giving and receiving infothrough one or more number of channels.

  • Communication

    Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages

  • Importance Of CommunicationOrganizational / Functional: greater info access & awarenessImproves coordination: reduces logical gapsEncourages cooperation: helps bring everyone in th mainstreamGives a direction: to tasks and activitiesMorale and empowermentDecision making aidSpeeds up orgal processesBetter focus on customer requirementsGenerates a greater sense of orgal commitment & involvement A Problem Solving Tool: by clarity, preciseness & feedback

  • What needs to be communicated



  • Communication is a process through which mgrs coordinate, lead, & influence their subordinates. Ability to communicate effectively considered by most mgrs critical in determining managerial success.

  • Ability involves broad array of activities, Reading, listening, managing & interpreting info, serving clients, writing, speech-making, & use of symbolic gestures. Communication relates, directly to basic mgt functions. Delegation, Coordination, & Org change & Development also Entail Communication.

  • Essential Tool for People Who Want to Stay in Touch With Rest of World.Developing Reward systems & interacting with subordinates as part of Leading function etc Impossible w/o some form of communication

  • Essential to: Establishing standards, Monitoring performance, & Taking corrective actions. Pervasive part of virtually all managerial activates.

  • The bridge between our separate realities is communication . . . To communicate is to relate." -- Layne and Paul Cutright

  • Communication in OrgIn Enterprises, info must flow faster.Short stoppage on fast-moving production line - costly - lost output.Production Problems communicated quickly for corrective actionInfo increased - frequently causing info overload.Need more relevant info.Necessary to have for effective decision making.Getting info from mgrs superiors & subordinates - from depts & people elsewhere org.

  • Communication skills can make or break career of org.

  • Elements of CommunicationCommunicatorPerception & InterpretationEncodingMessageChannelNonverbal Communications

  • StimulusFilterDestination Message Medium FeedbackCOMMUNICATION PROCESS

  • Communication Process SenderEncodesMedium DecodesReceiverNoiseFeedbackNoiseSocial ContextBasic Element in Communication Process

  • Original Message100 PercentTop mgts understanding63 percent VP Understanding56 percentGeneral mgrs understanding20 percentEmployees understanding30 percent Unit mgrs understanding40 percentDivision mgrs understandingPercentage of Understanding lost in communication

    Average AverageInformation InformationLoss Loss

  • FEEDBACK: Process of verifying messages & receivers attempts to ensure - message be decoded is what sender really meant to convey.

  • Through feedback, communication becomes dynamic, two-way Process rather than just event.Meant To avoid communication failure as it provides preliminary info to sender.

  • Listening: Key to UnderstandMgr must avoid interrupting subordinates & putting them on defensive. To elicit honest feedback, mgr should develop atmosphere of trust & confidence & Supportive Leadership Style, With de-emphasis on status.

  • Dr. Sajid, Communication, Oct 2k8Characteristics of Effective & Ineffective Feedback1. Intended to help the employee.1. Intended to belittle the employee.2. Specific.2. General.3. Descriptive.3. Judgmental.4. Useful.4. Inappropriate.5. Timely.5. Untimely.6. Willingly heard by employee.6. Makes the employee defensive.7. Clear.7. Not understandable.8. Valid.8. Inaccurate.

  • Noise Internal or external interference with or distraction form intended message.Can cause distortion in sending & receiving of messages. In addition to physical conditions- make communication more difficult- Emotional states can also create noise.

  • Some Basic Truths about CommunicationMeanings sent are not always received. Meaning is in the mind. Symbols of communication - imperfect.

  • Elements of Good TalkingVoice QualityTalking StyleWord Choice & VocabularyListening: Key to UnderstandRushed, Never-listening mgr will Seldom Get Objective View of Function of Org.

  • How to overcome Communication Roadblocks ?

    Effective Listening Reading body language Effective Speaking Skill Training

  • The Process of Listening

  • Types of ListeningActive vs. Passive Positive vs. Negative

    What Kind is it?Appreciative Empathic DiscriminativeAnalytical

  • Effective Listening

    Behaviors that support effective listening

    Behaviors that hinder effective listening

  • Effective Listening

    Behaviors that support effective listening

    Maintaining relaxed body posture Leaning slightly forward if sitting Facing person squarely at eye level Maintaining an open posture Maintaining appropriate distance Offering simple acknowledgements Reflecting meaning (paraphrase) Reflecting emotions Using eye contact Providing non-distracting environment

  • Effective Listening

    Behaviors that hinder effective listening

    Acting distracted No response Invalidating response, put downs Interrupting Criticizing Judging Diagnosing Giving advice/solutions Changing the subject Reassuring without acknowledgment

  • Importance of Listening"There is none so blind as those who will not listen." (William Slater)

  • Test of Listening"If you don't agree with me it means you haven't been listening. (Sam Markewich.)

  • When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  • "Listening looks easy, but it's not that simple. Every head is a world." ---Cuban proverb "Do not save your loving speeches for your friends till they are dead; do not write them on their tombstones, speak them rather now instead." --- Anna Cummins

  • Time, Empathy, & Concentration on communicator's messages are Prerequisites for understanding.

  • People want to be heard, want to be taken seriously, want to be understood. "Effective communications starts with listening." --Robert Gately

  • Importance of ListeningExists as first verbal skill people learnAccounts for most of communication timeRanks hi in businessRequires high in businessRequires clear thinking, patience motivation, & hard workOften overestimated in effectiveness

  • Truly listening to someone is one of the greatest gifts we give to each other.

    Listening from our hearts- open and waiting for the other to speak what is truly in their heart - is a ministry of hospitality. It is holy work. Speaking from the heart takes courage to risk & be vulnerable with another." Kay Lindahl

  • Nature of Listening


  • "How often could things be remedied by a word. How often is it left unspoken." -- Norman Douglas"Silence is the training ground for the art of listening." -- Linda Douty,

  • "Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer." - Dalai Lama

  • "Responsible Listening is speaking we do to prove to the other person that we understand what his or her total message said. saves us from attacking & defending. allows for no judgment of the other person's character. Its only function is to present, what speaker meant at this moment, in this conversation. Listening is suspension of judgments-until we gain new info" Peter deLisser

  • The Listening ProcessBegins with symbols - entering receivers sensory worldInvolves process of selective perceptionDepends upon listeners (a) sensory limitations, (b) degree of alertness, (c) conditioningEntails Nervous system & filtering by the mindContinues with search for ways to express meaningEnds by sending message

  • More & Less Effective Listening SkillsPassive, laid backEasily distracted Asks no questionHas preconceptionsDisregards informationAssimilates informationKeeps open mindAsks questionsPays attentionActive, focused

  • Comparison of Non-listening & Active ListeningOrientation toward othersSignificant use of mindGood application of etiquetteEffective use of principles of effectConsideration of alternate messagesMuch empathyIntense attention to meaningEmphasis on understandingMuch personal involvementFocus on nonverbal communicationResults in rapportNon-listeningActive ListeningOrientation toward selfLittle use of mind (thinking)Lack of etiquetteInattention to principles of effectNo consideration of alternate messagesLittle empathyCasual attention to meaningEmphasis on winningLittle personal involvementInattention to nonverbal communicationResults in conflict

  • Improving Listening AbilityCommit to improveFocus attentionCultivate accuracy of filteringConcentrate on rememberingApply techniques

  • Our first responsibility as effective listeners is to understand ourselves as communicators. Just as the sources of the communication message should be trained in self-intra personal communication, so, too, should listeners know themselves." --- Carolyn Coakley

  • The Ten Commandments of ListeningStop talkingPut talker at easeShow talker you want to listenRemove distractionsEmpathize with talkerBe patientHold your temperGo easy on argument and criticismAsk questionsStop talking

  • Writing is thinking on paper. Anyone who thinks clearly should be able to write clearly about any subject at all.--William Zinsser, Author On Writing Well

  • Some Tips for Improving Written CommunicationMany people fall into habit of using technical jargon that can be understood only by experts in same field. Common problems in written communications are that writers omit conclusion or bury it in report, are too wordy, & use poor grammar, ineffective sentence structure, & incorrect spelling.

  • Some Tips for Improving Written Communication Use simple words & phrases.Use short & familiar wordsUse personal pronouns (such as you) whenever appropriate.Give illustrations & examples; use charts.Use short sentences & paragraphs.Use active verbs, as in Mgr planAvoid unnecessary words.

  • Orgl SkillsThree orgl skills - Enhance comm effectiveness for both sender & receiver a. Follow upb. Regulating info flow c. Understanding richness of different media. Following up simply involves checking at later time to be sure that message received & understood. Regulating information flow sender or receiver takes steps to ensure that overload does not occur.

  • Managing Communication Within Diverse Orgs Communication permeates every org. Some messages are clear effective; others cause confusion & errors. some messages sent throughout org contain misinfo or secret info- impede org processes.Formal communication follows chain of command & is recognized as official.Vertical Info: Flow of info both up & down chain of command. Involves exchange of message b/w two or more levels in org.

  • The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.Kin Hubbard

  • Flow of communicationAt the workplaceUpward From subordinates to superiorDownward From superiors to the subordinatesLateral From one employee to another

  • Types of communicationFormal Informal

  • COMMUNICATION NETWORKSFormal communication network : follows the hierarchical structure of the organization, or the "chain of command."

    Informal communication network: involves communication that follows the "grapevine."

  • Formal Communication


    H E A DManagersManagersWorkersWorkersEfforts at coordinationInformationInstructions and directivesWorkers

  • Formal Communication Channels.Official structure of an org.Typically shown by org chart of any org.A box -link in the Chain of Command.A line-for formal channel for transmission.Type of CommunicationCommunicating among members of an org.Formal communication channels.Informal communication channels.

  • Formal Communication Channels.Downward information flow.

    Upward information flow.

    Horizontal information flow.


    Downward communication flows from upper management down to the employees at lower ranks.

    Job instruction IdeologyInformation Feedback

    Upward communication is initiated by those at the lower levels of the organization positive timelysupport current policy

  • Downward CommunicationFlows from people at hi to lower levels in org hierarchy.Esp. in org with Authoritarian Atmosphere.Media for oral downward communication- instructions, speeches, meetings, telephone, loudspeakers, even grapevine.Memo, letters, handbooks, pamphlets, policy statements, procedures, electronic news displays.Info lost/distorted -comes down chain of command.Top mgt issuance of policies- does not ensure communication.Directives -not understood or read.Feedback essential for finding out whether info perceived as intended.Downward flow of info through org- time-consuming.Delays - frustrating - top mgrs insist info sent directly to person requiring it.

  • Upward CommunicationFrom subordinates to superiors - continues up hierarchy.Hindered by mgrs in communication chain - filter messages - transmit info- unfavorable news to bosses.Objective transmission of info essential for control.Upper mgt needs to know production performance, marketing info, financial data, what lower-level employees thinking.Primarily nondirective - found in participative -democratic orgs.Suggestion systems- appeal - grievance procedures, complaint Systems, Counseling sessions, joint setting of objectives, Grapevine, group meetings, practice open-door policy, oral Questionnaires, exit interviews, ombudsperson.

  • Upward CommunicationOmbudsman-. Originated in Sweden, - civil servant to investigate complaints about fed bureaucracy.Companies established position for person - investigates employees concerns.Anheuser-Busch, Control Data, GE, McDonnell Douglas & AT&T few companies using ombudsperson in 1986, suggesting workers trust person.Position provide Valuable Upward Communication Link - front-page scandals & legal costs by grinning improprieties - attention of appropriate person before problems.Effective communication requires environment - subordinates feel to communicate.Org climate influenced by upper mgt, creating free flow communication rests with superiors.


    Face to Face Interactive TV - high speed connections (two way) Video-Voice / Data Channel (one way) Telephone E-mail Personal written correspondence Formal written message Public speaking Data Reports Broadcast e- mails / reports

  • Formal & Informal Commun networks in a Div of a Small Mnfg CompanyNavy Solid Lines = Formal NetworkCoral Dashed Lines = Informal Network (at a moment in time, for they change often)

  • Formal Communication Channels. Distortion: misunderstanding or communication errors at different communication links in the chain.To reduce distortion reduce number of levels in the structure.Flat structure & wide span of control.Fragmented info. (isolated), Less flexibility.Informal Communication Channels.Grapevine: Supplements formal channels.80% of info that travels around through grapevine is business related & 75_95% is accurate.Informal channels increase as organization has closed formal channels.

  • Common Grapevine Chains Found in OrgGossip Chain(One person tells many)Cluster Chain(Many people tell few)

  • rationale for doing jobs organizations policies, practices performance appraisals sense of missionVertical: DownwardVertical: Upward reports on work, progress unsolved problems requiring managerial assistance Suggestions and ideas Subordinates feelings about jobs, co-workers, the organizationCOMMUNICATION PATTERNSHorizontal task coordination information sharing problem solving conflict resolution peer support


  • External Communication Network. Communication in and out of an organization. Types:Formal contacts with outsidersInformal contacts with outsiders.Devolution of responsibility.Performance based reward system.Quality teams.Suggestion schemes.Special newsletters.

  • Mgt by Wandering Around-Informal CommnPopular form of informal communication Basic idea -some mgrs keep in touch with whats going on by wandering around & talking with people immediate subordinates, subordinates far down orgl hierarchy, delivery people, customers, or anyone else who is involved with company in some way. Bill Marriott, frequently visits kitchens, loading docks, & custodial work areas when-ever he tours Marriott hotel. Claims that by talking with employee throughout hotel, he gets new ideas & has better feel for entire company.



  • Non-Verbal Communication:

    People send messages to each other without talking.

    They communicate through facial expressions, head positions, arm and hand movements, body posture, positioning of legs & feet, andthe way people use space

  • Body Language Interpreting body language is vital in any communication process Observe the body movements and postures Match the other persons body language,if appropriate and if required.

  • Types of Nonverbal CommunicationBody LanguageSpaceTimePara languageColorLayout and Design

  • Types of Nonverbal Communication:

    Kinesic behavior,-body motion such as gestures, facialexpressions, eye behavior, touching,- Body movement.

    Physical characteristics- body shape, physique, posture, height, weight, hair, & skin color.

    Paralanguage- Voice quality, volume, speech rate, pitch, &laughing.

    Environment- Building & room design, furniture & interiordecorating, light noise, & cleanliness.

    Time-Being late or early, keeping others waiting, & otherrelationships between time & status.

  • Reading Body Language Unspoken message Behavior Im nervous Clearing throat Expelling air (such as Whew!) Placing hand over mouth while speaking Hurried cigarette smoking Im superior to you. Peering over tops of eyeglasses Pointing a fingerStanding behind a desk & leaning palms down on it Holding jacket leaps while speaking

  • Interpersonal Communication

    FromAdvantagesDisadvantagesOralPromotes feedback & interchange.It easy to useMay suffer form inaccuracies.Leaves no permanent record.Seldom time for thoughtful response.WrittenTends to be more accurate. Provides record of communication.Inhibits feedback & interchange.Is more difficult & time consuming.

  • Communication AuditOne way to improve communication in org is to conduct communication audit.

    Such audit is tool for examining communication policies, networks & activities.

    Organizational communication is viewed as group of communication factors related to organizational goals.

  • Communication AuditOne way to improve communication in org is to conduct communication audit.

    Such audit is tool for examining communication policies, networks & activities.

    Organizational communication is viewed as group of communication factors related to organizational goals.

  • COMMUNICATING THORUGH TECHNOLOGYE-mail.Electronic meeting software.Video conferencing software.Whiteboard software.Group scheduling software.

    The InternetInternet is a network of networks.Network is a group of computers that are connected to share the information.LAN-WAN.Concept of a PAPERLESS ORGANIZATION.

  • Barriers to Effective Communication Despite its apparent simplicity, communication process rarely operates flawlessly.

    Barriers interfere with organizational excellence.

    Consequently, info transmitted form one party to another -Distorted, & communication problems -result.

  • Communication -Barriers Process BarrierEvery Step in Communication process is necessary for effective communication. Blocked steps become barriers.Following situations:

    Sender barrier. A management trainee with unusual new idea fails to speak up at meeting for fear of criticism.

    Encoding barrier. A Boluchi-speaking factory worker cannot get Sindahi-speaking supervisor to understand grievance about working conditions.

  • Process Barriers Medium Barrier. After getting no answer three times &busy signal twice, customer concludes that a storesconsumer hot line is waste of time. Decoding Barrier. A restaurant mgr does not understand unfamiliar computer jargon during a sales presentation for laptop computers.Receiver barrier. A mgr who is preoccupied with preparation of budget asks clerk to repeat earlier statement.Feedback barrier. During on-the-job training, failure of trainee ask anyquestions causes mgr to wonder if any real understandingwhat is being taken place.Choosing appropriate medium is especially important formgrs who must overcome physical barriers.A mgr with a soft voice can reach hundreds of people byusing a sound system.

  • Physical BarriersSometimes physical object blocks effective communication. For example, a Factory worker, who wears ear protectors probably could not hear someone yelling : Fire! Distance is another physical barrier.Thousand of miles between New York & Islamabad & time-zone difference can complicate communication in a global org.

  • Semantics is study of meaning of words.Words are indispensable, thought they can sometimes cause a great deal of trouble.Mgrs in such fields as accounting, computer science, or advertising may become so accustomed to their own technical language that they forget that people outside their field may not understand them.Unexpected reactions or behavior by others may signal a semantic barrier.Psychological . & social barriers are probably responsible for more blocked communication than any other type of barrier.Peoples backgrounds, racial prejudice, distrust of opposite sex, or lack of self-confidence

  • Distrust, Threat & FearUndermine communication. In climate with forces, any message will be viewed with skepticism. Distrust can be result of inconsistent behavior by superior, or it can be due to past experiences -subordinate punished for honestly reporting unfavorable, but true, information to boss.

    In light of threats whether real or imagined people tend to tighten up, become defensive, & distort information.

  • InadequateknowledgeDifferences in interpretationsLanguagedifferencesInappropriateUse of expressionsAmbiguityPolarizationVERBALNONVERBALConflicting signalsDifferences in perceptionInappropriateemotionsDistraction

  • Barriers Within Organizations.Info overload.Message complexity.Message competition.Differing status.Lack of trust.Inadequate structures.Closed communication climate.Unethical communication.Inefficient communication.Physical distraction.Incorrect choice of medium.Media richness

  • Info OverloadOccurs when amount of info -process is exceeded.Mgrs responsibility in disseminator role is to filter large volumes of info & distribute it appropriately.Info overloaded lead to:

    Failing to process or ignoring some of info.Processing info incorrectly.Delaying processing of info until info overload abates.Searching for people to help process some of info.Lowering quality of info processing.Withdrawing from info flow.

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