effective agile teams - behind the open door

SARAJEVO, 27.10.2014 DAMIR IBRIŠIMOVIĆ Effective Agile Teams Behind the open door

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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The effectiveness of Agile teams is measured by the percentage of fulfillment of the committed tasks. Perfect team completes exactly what they planned, Sprint by Sprint. It is easy to establish the balance between motivation and competence. The recipe is simple; plan less and do it slowly. The huge number of agile teams builds their success on this thesis. Atlantbh implemented processes to continuously increase the efficiency of agile teams. Our doors are wide open. We share our model in order to create better environment for all of us.


Page 1: Effective Agile Teams - Behind the open door

SARAJEVO, 27.10.2014


Effective Agile TeamsBehind the open door

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Agilna metodologija razvoja softvera

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Očekivani tok procesa


• Prihvati zadatke koje možeš završiti


• Daj svoj maksimum


• Završi planirane obaveze u roku


• Predloži unaprjeđenje procesa

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Šta često dobijamo?


• Prihvati mnogo manje nego što znaš da možeš uraditi


• Radi s pola snage i pretvaraj se da ne dižeš glavu


• Završi sve planirane obaveze u zadnjoj minuti


• Predloži unaprjeđenje procesa

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Kako uposlenici vide povećanje produktivnost?

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Kako uposlenici vide veću produktivnost?

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Koji je cilj povećanja produktivnosti?

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Šta kompanija zapravo očekuje?

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Recept za produktivnost


80% razmišljanje : 20% kodiranje

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Šta nas čini sretnim?

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Šta nas čini sretnim?

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Koja kompanija je najbolja?

Page 18: Effective Agile Teams - Behind the open door

Koja kompanija je najbolja?

Ona u kojoj rade ljudi koji vole svoj posao!

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Šta je cilj svake kompanije?

Stvoriti okruženje u kome cvjetaju ljudi koji

uživaju u onom što rade!

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AGILNA METODOLOGIJAiza otvorenih vrata

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Godišnje ocjenjivanje uposlenih

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Bonus za prethodnu godinu u funkciji review score-a

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25% vlasništva nad proizvodima kompanije dati su uposlenima

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Fleksibilno radno vrijeme uz poštivanje obaveza prema timu

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Neograničen broj danaplaćenog odmora

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ocjenjivanje uposlenih

reorganizacija, povišice, bonusi


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AGILNA METODOLOGIJAiza otvorenih vrata

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Thank You