eden tours & travels - 8天7夜...

氣派非凡奢華的住宿享受,全程4+5星精品酒店, 豪華民宿,一日台北自由行 體驗親手拔蔥、洗蔥、DIY的三星蔥油餅 * 重金安排 * 美食饗宴 * 「東坡醉月樓自助餐」中式料理任吃到飽 星級特色風味餐:原住民風味餐,點水樓小籠包, 5星級酒店晚餐,台式料理 購物美食狂想曲:『士林,逢甲,六合,』三大夜市走透透 西門町,九份老街 Code :8TAZ-5A 第一天 吉隆坡 a 台北(桃园) ~ 士林夜市 搭乘豪华客机飞往台湾桃园机场后, 由导游带领前往台北最大的夜市 - 士林夜市.在士林夜市絕對不能錯過豪大炸鸡排 ,蚵仔煎,士林大香腸,青蛙下蛋,大饼包小饼等美食。 酒店: 台北翰品酒店或同等级 (當地精品4****酒店) 第二天 十份老街 ~ 九份老街 ~ 宜蘭 ~ 三星葱仔寮體驗農場DIY (早/晚餐) 早餐後, 前往十份老街,接着九份老街,那裡可以品嚐到草籽果,番薯芋頭丸,潮州魚丸等各式小吃。之后前往 宜兰. 來到宜蘭縣三星鄉,一定要體驗親手拔蔥、洗蔥、DIY的三星蔥油餅。 今晚將入住水岸森林民宿。水岸森林主 要有3棟建築物,建築物多屬希臘及南洋風,湖泊上、戲水池邊、林蔭間都有我們的影子、跳躍的顏色更增添了幾分 激情,空曠的視野雅緻的景觀讓我們忍不住想多寵愛自己一下. 酒店: 宜兰水岸森林民宿或同等级 (豪華民宿-品味之選) (如遇客滿,將以同等級農場或民宿代替) 1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KL Email: [email protected] KKKP 1655 183304-M edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880 8天7夜 台湾精彩 环岛新体验 8天7夜 台湾精彩 环岛新体验

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Page 1: Eden Tours & Travels - 8天7夜 台湾精彩edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/8TAZ-5A-EDEN.pdf · 2019. 7. 24. · Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel,

氣派非凡奢華的住宿享受,全程4+5星精品酒店, 豪華民宿,一日台北自由行


* 重金安排 * 美食饗宴 *「東坡醉月樓自助餐」中式料理任吃到飽


購物美食狂想曲:『士林,逢甲,六合,』三大夜市走透透 西門町,九份老街

Code :8TAZ-5A 氣派非凡奢華的住宿享受,全程4+5星精品酒店, 氣派非凡奢華的住宿享受,全程4+5星精品酒店, 豪華民宿,一日台北自由行


第一天 吉隆坡 a 台北(桃园) ~ 士林夜市搭乘豪华客机飞往台湾桃园机场后, 由导游带领前往台北最大的夜市 - 士林夜市.在士林夜市絕對不能錯過豪大炸鸡排,蚵仔煎,士林大香腸,青蛙下蛋,大饼包小饼等美食。酒店: 台北翰品酒店或同等级 (當地精品4****酒店)

第二天 十份老街 ~ 九份老街 ~ 宜蘭 ~ 三星葱仔寮體驗農場DIY (早/晚餐)早餐後, 前往十份老街,接着九份老街,那裡可以品嚐到草籽果,番薯芋頭丸,潮州魚丸等各式小吃。之后前往宜兰. 來到宜蘭縣三星鄉,一定要體驗親手拔蔥、洗蔥、DIY的三星蔥油餅。 今晚將入住水岸森林民宿。水岸森林主要有3棟建築物,建築物多屬希臘及南洋風,湖泊上、戲水池邊、林蔭間都有我們的影子、跳躍的顏色更增添了幾分激情,空曠的視野雅緻的景觀讓我們忍不住想多寵愛自己一下.酒店: 宜兰水岸森林民宿或同等级 (豪華民宿-品味之選) (如遇客滿,將以同等級農場或民宿代替)

1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KLEmail: [email protected] 1655 183304-M

edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880

8天7夜 台湾精彩 环岛新体验

8天7夜 台湾精彩 环岛新体验

Page 2: Eden Tours & Travels - 8天7夜 台湾精彩edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/8TAZ-5A-EDEN.pdf · 2019. 7. 24. · Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel,

第三天 宜蘭 ~ 搭乘火车前往花莲 ~ 太鲁阁国家公園 ~ 太鲁阁牌楼 ~ 长春祠 ~ 原住民山产中心 ~ 鲤鱼潭(骑脚踏车环潭) ~ 池上飯包文化告诉館 ~ 五星级温泉泡湯體驗 (早/午/晚餐)早餐後,搭乘火车前往花莲。首先参观太魯閣國家公園.太魯閣峽谷是一個足以傲視全世界的地理景觀,接著前往富有中國味的小型牌樓太魯閣牌坊。午餐後,前往花東縱谷國家風景區最北端的鯉魚潭. 潭畔有親水公園、露營區、自行車歩道等相關設施提供遊客使用,帶著家人、情人漫步於此,感受充滿綠意與波光的愜意,美好生活就在此。客人可自費騎乘自行車環繞湖畔。今晚您将入住舒适的五星级温泉饭店,讓您有機會体验一下泡溫泉SPA的乐趣,渡過一個輕鬆的夜晚。(自備泳衣泳帽)酒店: 台东知本金联世纪酒店或同等级 (國際5*****溫泉度假酒店)

第四天 台东 ~ 高雄 ~ 佛光山 ~ 駁二文化園區 ~ 六合夜市 (早/午餐)早餐后出发前往台湾第二大城市-高雄參觀佛光山。佛光山是台灣最大的佛教道場,創辦人為星雲法師,除了最主要的寺院建築外,其『大佛城』為主要地標。接着来到以前衛、實驗、創新為理念來打造成為高雄國際藝術平台的駁二文化園區. 来到高雄肯定不能错过到六合夜市.各種本地可口美食琳琅滿目.其中鹽蒸蝦、木瓜牛奶、筒仔米糕、臭豆腐等都是高雄市的招牌特色。酒店: 高雄国宾饭店或同等级 (當地5*****酒店)

第五天 日月潭 ~ 微笑天梯~ 文武庙 ~ 邵族文史馆 ~ 逢甲夜市 (早/午餐)早餐后,出发前往南投超人氣景點 - 微笑之桥。接着去台灣最大的淡水湖泊,也是最美麗的高山湖泊 - 日月潭.日月潭地形依山傍水,全潭以光華島為界,北面如日,南面如月故名日月潭。顺道参观文武庙和邵族文史館.晚上前往全台灣規模最大, 取得最美味、最受歡迎頭銜的觀光夜市-逢甲夜市。它是特色小吃聚集的地區,包括大腸包小腸,懶人蝦,天下第一菇.酒店: 台中碧根行馆或同等级 (當地精品4****酒店)

第六天 忠烈祠 ~ 天祿藝術中心 ~ 台北101購物中心 ~ 韩系美妆名店 ~ 西门町 (早/午餐)早餐后,返回台北市,前往忠烈祠觀賞衛兵換班交接儀式, 接著前往天祿藝品中心和台北101购物中心.之后前往西門町商圈,俗語說:不到西門町永遠不知道台北的熱鬧!它是匯集了潮流,美食,購物的逛街娛樂大本營。 來到西門町一定不能錯過站著吃的阿宗麵線。今晚特別安排入住汽車旅館,感受不一樣的住宿樂趣!汽車旅館的設計豪華創新,每間房間的主題風格都與總不同。設備也充滿心思。(將視乎當晚飯店最後安排的房型為準)酒店: 台北宜家飯店或同等级 (當地精品4****酒店)

第七天 台北自由行 (早餐)

第八天 桃园 a 吉隆坡 (早餐)

§ 以上行程內容僅供參考,內容或有更動微調的可能,本公司保有修正的權利 §本行程、班次時間及住宿飯店之確認將儘量忠於原行程。若遇特殊情況將會前後更動或互換觀光點或退費處理,



edenvacation.com 客户热线 : +603-2148 3880

Page 3: Eden Tours & Travels - 8天7夜 台湾精彩edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/8TAZ-5A-EDEN.pdf · 2019. 7. 24. · Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel,

Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel, Luxury Villa / Farm stay, 1 Day Taipei Free & Easy

Spring Onion Pancake DIY experience

Enjoy Local Famous Culinary :Taiwanese Cuisine, Dinshui Dumpling Restaurant,

Luxury 5 Star Hotel Cuisine, Aboriginal Local Cuisine

Melt your taste bud with our special arranged“Chinese Style Buffet”


Day 01 Kuala Lumpur a TaipeiAssemble at KLIA for your flight to Taipei. Upon arrival will visit to Taipei biggest night market – Shinlin Night Market. There have many different delicious snacks, such as big fried chicken, fried omelette with oyster , Shihlin sausage and etc.Hotel : Taipei Chateau De Chine Hotel or similar class

Day 02 Taipei ~ Yilan (B/D)After breakfast, visit Shifen and Jiufen. It is located within the hills in northeast of Taiwan. The village is next to the mountain and facing the sea. The most prosperous shopping district is Jiufen Old Street. It goes through most of the village. Along the street there are shops vending the most famous country snack of Jiufen, yam dish and various local dishes. There are some historical items well reserved. It is also an old mining town in the past. Transfer to Yilan. Upon arrival at Yilan Sanxing Village, we will experience the plucking, washing and DIY of spring onion pancake. Tonight will stay in a very unique accommodation – River Forest Villa. There are three main buildings in River Forest Villa designed in a rich Greek and tropical island styles. You can enjoy the colorful views from lake, pool, forest, any direction. You can spoil yourself by curling up on the exotic style outdoor couch or relaxing on the balcony and enjoying the beautiful grounds, courtyard and lakeside views.Hotel : Yilan River River Forest Villa or similar class (If fully booked, will change to other similar class farm stay or home stay)

Day 03 Yilan ~ Hualian ~ Taitung (B/L/D)After breakfast, will proceed to Hualian by train. Then you will be on an impressive touring to Taroko Gorge, one of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world. The gorge was formed by rushing river water which have cut straight through the marble and granite to create a beautiful, narrow ravine with waterfalls and patches of mist clinging to the mountains, surrounded by subtropical forest. There are several notable scenic sports in and near the gorge. Next visit to Aboriginal Local Product Center. After that will transfer to Liyu Lake. You may cycling around the lake and enjoy the scenery (cycling by own expenses). Then proceed to Ikegami rice culture village. Tonight we will stay at one of the popular Hot spring region in Taitung County. Enjoy the SPA facilities and other facilities available from this resort. Relax your body and soul by indulge in the natural hot spring water. Note: Passenger is advised to bring swimwear and capHotel : Chihpen Century Hotel or similar class

Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel, Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel, Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel, Luxury Villa / Farm stay, 1 Day Taipei Free & EasyLuxury Villa / Farm stay, 1 Day Taipei Free & Easy

Spring Onion Pancake DIY experience

Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel,

1st Flr, No. 290, Jln Pudu, 55100 KLEmail: [email protected] 1655 183304-M

edenvacation.com Hotline : +603-2148 3880



Page 4: Eden Tours & Travels - 8天7夜 台湾精彩edenvacation.com/wp-content/uploads/8TAZ-5A-EDEN.pdf · 2019. 7. 24. · Code :8TAZ-5A Enjoy luxury Accommodation - local 4+5 star hotel,

Day 04 Taitung ~ Kaohsiung (B/L)

After breakfast will transfer to Taiwan second biggest city. Then will transfer to Fo Guang Shan, this is the center of Buddhism in southern Taiwan. When you visit Fo Guang Shan, you’re not only visiting a temple, but much more than that monastery, university, meditation center, and museum. After that will visit to Pier-2 Art Center. The arts center was originally an abandoned warehouse site due to Kaohsiung’s shift from industrial city to service city. The warehouses were built in 1973. Due to the persistence of local artists, the area was finally released and remade to be an arts centre. Tonight explore the famous Leo Ho night market. Hotel : Ambassador Hotel or similar class

Day 05 Kaohsiung ~ Taichung (B/L)

Morning, will visit to very popular hot spot - Sky Bridge. After that proceed to Sun Moon Lake, a popular scenic spot known for the captivating beauty of its emerald waters surrounded by jade mountains. Thereafter, visit the nearby Wen Wu Temple (dedicated to Confusius and Kuankung) and Lin Chi Tea House. In the evening, will visit to Fengjia Night Market – Taichung’s biggest night market. Here you can enjoy the delicious local food as well as some budget shopping.Hotel : Beacon Hotel or similar class

Day 06 Taichung ~ Taipei (B/L)

In this morning, will return to Taipei, Then , witness the elaborate and graceful changing of guards’ ceremony at the Martyr’s Shrine. Then visit to Tian Lu Handicraft Center and International Cosmetic Center. After that, visit Taipei 101, enjoy your shopping at the world’s tallest building. Continuing, visit the popular district of Xi Men Ding, a shopping paradise and it’s also a popular hangout place for the local youngsters. You may want to try out the famous “Ah Zong Mian Xian”. Tonight you will have a different experience staying in a 5 star boutique style hotel.Hotel : Taipei La-Maison Hotel or similar class

Day 07 Taipei Free & Easy (B)

Day 08 Taipei a Kuala Lumpur (B)

Transfer to airport for return flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

* The above itinerary is for reference only, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirement. Keishuin Shrine closed every Monday, and will replace with other arrangement.

Final and correct accordance of itinerary will be based on Chinese version itinerary. All hotel ratings are based on local terms.

edenvacation.com Hotline : +603-2148 3880