eco house brochure

Natal | London | Singapore | Dubai | Toronto INVESTING IN YOUR WORLD ECOHOUSE Group

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Natal | London | Singapore | Dubai | Toronto



Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Ralph Waldo Emerson“ ”

Introduction from the chairmanHere at EcoHouse Developments we have one simple philosophy. It’s that we are only interested in providing global investors with straightforward real estate products that are the best of their kind wherever they may be in the world.

Our overall ‘product’ has strong investment yields with both a low entry level and an easily-defined exit. We are currently focused on providing for the needs of families of modest means in North East Brazil. We enable them to move into high quality social housing units under the Brazilian Government’s Minha Casa Minha Vida programme.

Let us show you why real investment with EcoHouse doesn’t need to be complicated, why you should invest with a company that can prove success and how, at EcoHouse, we are delivering on what we promise TODAY. It’s the EcoHouse way!


Anthony Armstrong Emery, CEO EcoHouse Developments Ltd


It could be the best move of your life

Such stuff as dreams are made of.William Shakespeare

Such stuff as dreams are made of.William Shakespeare“ ”

Anyone can build houses but we build Homes!We are proud of our achievements. We

were chosen to be the international builder entrusted by Brazil’s government to be in-volved in something extremely important; the ‘Minha Casa Minha Vida’ affordable hous-ing initiative. This government sponsored public-private programme in Brazil is literally revolutionary. It’s making it possible for the very first time for citizens on modest means to own their own homes with the help of specially designed domestic mortgages.

Our first project, Arco Iris (in Natal) con-sisted of residential homes each with 2 Bed-rooms and 1 Bathroom and an area of nearly fifty-five square metres. Each unit sold for a government fixed price of 80,000 Brazilian Reais (about £25,000). Local support was vital and from the outset, Arco Iris had the support of the mayor of Natal, the municipality gener-ally, the head of the local Real Estate council and the local branch of Caixa bank (Brazil’s National Bank).

Units were all pre-sold to lower middle income residents of the area who had regis-tered to take part in the “Minha Casa Minha Vida” government programme. Because of the popularity of the exciting development all units were ‘pre-sold’ before completion.

Private investment, with good returns, pro-vided the impetus for the project, with many investors re-investing their growth in the sec-ond and third phases of the project. Our Arco Iris Social Housing Development is located just outside Natal in the community of Ceara

Mirim. The city of Natal, is the capital and larg-est city of Rio Grande do Norte, an important north-eastern state on the coast of Brazil.

Construction of Arco Iris moved along quickly with an experienced workforce of over 300 full time employees on site in Brazil. These included nearly two hundred full time building crew. EcoHouse was ini-tially the only UK Company legally building in Brazil under the Minha Casa Minha Vida social housing programme.

Arco Iris has always been the original ‘flag-ship’ of our several MCMV projects. EcoHouse is fully registered with the Brazilian govern-ment and fully backed by Brazil’s largest bank CAIXA.

In addition investors’ funds are fully secured and protected by U.K. Legislation, U.K. Escrow account regulations, also backed up with a U.K Regulated Lawyer through the world-famous Lloyds of London.

Our investors are now making a healthy re-turn on their money (starting within as little as 12 months) and many are now re-investing in our current project with an eye on the ones after that!

‘What We Have Done’... ...Arco Iris

Without ambition one starts nothing, without work one finishes nothing.

Ralph Waldo Emerson“ ”

Following our previous and very popular ‘Min-ha Casa Minha Vida’ development at Arco Iris, EcoHouse has now moved ahead to an excit-ing new project. We are very proud to intro-duce our latest development in the famous, affordable-housing MCMV programme. Again, it’s in the North East of Brazil, just north of Natal, the bustling capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

The new development is called ‘Residencial Casa Nova’ and will be situated conveniently near (but not too near!) the new international airport being built in the district.

Minha Casa Minha Vida was first launched nationally three years ago, as a large-scale government sponsored initiative which also involves the private sector. Its simple (but vi-tally important) goal is to provide over two million extra decent and affordable homes for Brazilians on modest incomes. For the very first time, this large section of the country’s emerging middle class are able to buy their own family property, at a price they can afford

(maximum R$ 80,000 / £25,000) , helped by the new-style mortgages which have become recently available.

Here at Casa Nova we have 515 units un-der construction and we have already sold out. Each property has its own garden and parking-space as well as a number of other features including some on the site for com-munal use. These include a swimming-pool, children’s playground, barbecue area and communal toilets as well as the fully equipped bathrooms in each house.

A novel part of the site layout is a dedicat-ed cycle-path to encourage those who like to use this healthy and ‘green’ form of transport. Security and privacy for residents are also of course important so the development has controlled access via a manned gatehouse.

As with its famous predecessor Arco Iris, our new development at Casa Nova has proved to be a great investment for those seeking their simply packaged quick yield opportunity and, once completed, will provide a fantastic new life for the residents. The buildings and layout are of the high standard you’d expect from EcoHouse and the investment proposi-tion was the same as Arco Iris so the quick sell out has not been a surprise.

What We Are Doing... ...Casa Nova

Promise only what you can deliver. Then deliver more than you promise.

J.B. Priestley“ ”

The BackgroundWe’re pleased to present Bosque Residen-cial. It’s the latest ‘Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ social housing project to be brought to you by ourselves, award-winning company Eco-House. As always, our new development en-ables people to invest safely and securely in Brazilian social housing.

The background is impressive. At the begin-ning of 2011 our first ‘affordable’ development, Arco Iris was met with an amazing response from both investors and Brazilian homeseek-ers alike, resulting in every unit being pre-sold before completion and investors’ funds being returned with growth within twelve months. Our next project, Casa Nova launched ear-lier this year and saw all four phases sold out within the first few months of its release. All that experience now leads to our latest and biggest project to date, Bosque Residencial.

The Site‘Bosque’ is an attractive and secure gated community of 2,200 units. The site offers the convenience of both an onsite shopping centre and admin offices on the doorstep for complete peace of mind, all at an afford-able price.

The development also includes a leisure club with tennis/basketball courts and cycle paths. Bosque Residencial is the largest Urban Development of its kind in North East Brazil. It’s also one of the ‘greenest’ with two trees (one full size and one sapling) being planted to replace each tree removed during the original clearance and construction!

Launching for the Future... ...Bosque Residencial

Returns and SecurityBosque properties will be built using investors’ funds and sold to people in the local area. Cur-rently there is a huge demand for affordable property of this kind but there’s still a huge shortage of it. Returns for investors are running at over 20%. Repayment will be made twelve months from the date your first payment is re-ceived into escrow. The capital and interest are repaid in full and investors will be offered early options on the next phase of the Bosque proj-ect. Investments start from £23,000. Remem-ber that in the unlikely event the project does not go ahead your funds are guaranteed to be returned by the administering lawyers from

your Escrow Account.

BOSQUE Residencial

Investment Summary

• Minimum investment just £23,000

• 20% returns on investment after just 12 Months

• All funds securely held in Lloyds Escrow Account

• Invest in the UK under UK Legislation

• Invest through our award-winning Development Company

• Set exit price means no worrying about how well your investment is doing.

• Programme set to run for 5 years so investors can re-invest, possibly more than once!

A basic joint principle of our whole opera-tion has always been providing open and transparent information coupled with at-tentive listening to YOU, our valued pub-lic. After all, without you we wouldn’t be here! So, here at EcoHouse we have always prided ourselves on our excellent two-way communications with our investors and buyers. This means we work hard to main-tain the very highest standards of clear,

Communicating with our investors

up-to-date information for you, regularly revised and updated.

The constantly developing scene on all our projects is refreshed regularly, in words and pictures on our website and in printed form too.This means you can be sure at any time of the ‘real time’ current situation about YOUR investment and/or home. We challenge you to find better construction updates anywhere in the real estate sector.

We are fiercely proud of our excellent repu-tation in the affordable homes industry. Not least in this is the general recognition that our skilled designers and artisans produce high-quality homes, built with the finest materials carefully but economically. Just one accolade we’ve received has been from The New Eu-rope magazine.

That publication has recently published a report, which recognizes the world’s fastest growing 50 companies. EcoHouse is proud to be named in the 2011/2012 list, and has been listed as ‘Leaving a legacy, by develop-ing properties’.

According to New Europe Magazine, we at EcoHouse have reached the very highest

Building Quality... ...Recognition

level of achievement in our field, and are a company that is driving its industry forward.

The list highlights companies for quality and excellence, and shines a spotlight on those who have both achieved certain levels of excellence, and demonstrated strong lead-ership. Membership has not been given to companies according to capitalization figures or market share, but purely on excellence within their fields.

The New Europe magazine’s dedicated re-search team follows up on invaluable nomina-tions, suggestions, and contributions of both media partners, and the readership of The New Europe to analyse new trends and unearth the brightest pioneers across all sectors.

EcoHouse Developments have reached the very highest level of achievement.

The New Europe magazine 2012“ ”

BRAZILBrazil is a country that’s really going places. As one of the emerging BRICS economic powers (Brazil, Russia, India China, South Africa) the South American giant is well-placed for this new century. Brazil is the world’s fifth largest country in terms of both size and population. It’s also heading steadily towards fifth place economically too, having become sixth earlier this year when it dislodged the UK from that place in GDP terms.

There are many aspects but let’s mention just one here. There is a property boom go-ing on in all of Brazil’s major cities and it’s being fuelled mainly by local demand for resi-dential housing.

The country has fascinated foreign travel-lers for almost a century with its offerings of sweeping vistas of white sands, stunning natural flora and fauna and some of the world’s most colourful and exciting cities. Indeed, all the data collected shows that the overall trend in tour-ism is positive, with Business Monitor Interna-

tional (BMI) forecasting a 25% increase in tour-ist arrivals in Brazil between now and 2016.Of course, both airlines and hoteliers will feel the effects of heightened tourist activity with Bra-zil hosting both the 2014 FIFA World Cup and then the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. This will pull in visitors from every corner of the planet and help put Brazil on the map as a perfect holiday as well as a top property and land investment destination.

With all this in mind, the demand for home ownership in Brazil is booming. Over R$34 billion of government funds have being in-vested into the construction of affordable social housing across the country under the Minha Casa Minha Vida (My House My Life) programme. However, supply still woefully fails to match demand, with a seven million unit housing deficit still current in Brazil. A further challenge emerges as many reports state that there is due to be a 20% rise in the country’s population over the next decade.

NATALNatal, the so-called ‘city of the sun’ is the capital of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte. This is the area of the country where to date EcoHouse has concentrated its efforts. This bustling metropolis of Natal has over a million people and is an attractive and major tourist destination within a country that is itself a big, peaceful, blessed-by-nature land.

Natal is renowned as the safest capital city in Brazil, and one of the country’s cities near-est Europe and North America. The maritime district has literally dozens of beautiful sandy, white beaches, such as Ponta Negra and its famous Morro do Careca, Tabatinga (known as the cliff of dolphins), Pirangi, Redinha, Pipa and of course Genipabu with its famous

fixed sand dunes and imported dromedar-ies.Tourism is currently the most important industry of Natal, attracting Brazilians, Euro-peans (many from Spain, England, Scandinavia, Germany, Portugal, Italy and France), and also visitors from the U.S. and elsewhere in the Americas and Asia.

Due to booming tourism and enormous potential for further growth, the municipal government has decided to build a new air-port in Natal. This will be the biggest airport in South America and the eighth biggest in the world! The airport will be specifically designed to cater for the new Airbus A-380, which will further confirm Natal’s position as the num-ber one tourist destination in Brazil.

P a c i f i cO c e a n

Atlant icOcean

B r a z i l

Joao Pessoa



Caxias Do Sul


Sao Luis



Aparecida de Goiania

Greater Porto Alegre




Ceara Mirim

São GonçaloSão Gonçalo

Parna mirim


Rio De JaneiroSao PauloSao Paulo


EcoHouse Projects







ECOHOUSEBrazil Investment Fund

We are always looking for new ways to structure our investments. Our main route remains indi-vidual units sold as singles and multiples. How-ever, we are also working on a fund structure.

EcoHouse Brazil Investment FundEcoHouse aims to launch a suite of new investment ve-hicle suitable for pension funds, SIPP’s, SAAS’s and institutional investors in the first quarter of 2013. The funds, to be established, will aim to cover the existing locations in which Eco-House currently operates including the United Kingdom, Dubai, Singapore and Canada. More territories are likely to follow.A key benefit of pursuing a fund structure is the ability for pen-sion funds and other institutional investors to partner with EcoHouse to offer their investors

A new way to invest with EcoHouse

the kind of security backed investments cur-rently only available to private investors. This not only provides an exciting new mechanism for investment but also provides a greater level of regulation and compliance. For example, in the United Kingdom, the fund structure being considered will seek authorisation and regula-tion by the Financial Service Authority (FSA) and aims broadly to offer security akin to the direct investment model utilised to date. Be-coming FSA authorised may allow “Passport-ing” to other European territories. Approved platforms and Independent Financial Advisors will be appointed once the funds have been structured. Further details will appear on our website in due course.

In March 2009 the Brazilian Government launched a long-awaited programme to try and ease the country’s chronic housing shortage. After long consideration it was decided that the main aim in this particular programme was to build and pro-vide decent, affordable homes for sale to people of modest incomes. Obviously other social hous-ing project also existed in the country (and still do) and these continue in parallel, mainly targeting the rental market.

However it was intended that this new ‘for sale’ approach would be a combined one. It’s broadly of the type known as PPP (Public-private partner-ship) elsewhere in the world but that this specific co-operation between the two sectors would be one especially tailored for Brazilian conditions. One feature was the seeking of short to medium term private investment, with firm guarantees.

This new purchasers’ initiative was something quite new. It was named ‘Minha Casa Minha Vida’

(My House My Life) and was intended to pro-vide people of the growing middle classes for the very first time with a property-owning stake in their country. To assist them, a whole new range of mortgages for individuals was created and launched, of a type which hadn’t existed up to then.

To put the programme in a nutshell, the aim is to build three million new homes of this kind by the end of 2014, carefully distributed throughout the regions and states of Brazil. The project is now well into its second phase of development and has proved, as expected, immensely popular. This is so much true that when local developments are launched, there is a draw among eligible ap-plicants to determine priority of allocation at least among those on the more modest incomes of the two levels of eligibility.

There are firm qualifying conditions for both levels. The main one is to keep the programme

Minha Casa Minha Vida

for the people for whom it is intended .For ex-ample, applicants on the basic rung may only have incomes up to three times minimum wage and be pre-allocated suitable mortgages by Caixa. Tighter conditions apply to the ‘upper tier’ of peo-ple on incomes of between 3 and 10 times the minimum wage. These particular homes are sold by real-estate agents to suitable people according to ‘first come first served’.

There is no doubt that Minha Casa Minha Vida is fulfilling its promise of making a significant dent in the country’s housing shortage. Brazilians acknowledge that there is still far to go before homelessness has been eradicated but they are justifiably proud of this programme. EcoHouse has, if anything, been even more proud to be in the forefront of this marvellous project! Together with local and national government we hope to make the well known ‘favela’, often synonymous with Brazil, a thing of the past.

























































With over a thousand staff in five countries including a massive construction operation in Brazil it is imperative that we have the best that we can get in all disciplines of the busi-ness. We are expanding at an incredible rate but that expansion needs to be manageable and we need to be able to deliver the same excellent service to buyers, investors and part-ners wherever we operate. Training therefore plays a vital role in all that we do. We have a policy of investment in our people and we aim to develop them not only within their roles but we strive to prepare them for other roles within the organisation for the future. One example of that training is that our Brazilian office staff receive short daily English lessons to enable them to deal with the many Eng-lish speaking associates we work with around the world. We have been recognised locally and nationally by government and community leaders in Brazil for our crucial role in employ-ment and in the development of our people. This is another source of great pride to the Owners of EcoHouse.

Team EcoHouse


EcoHouse in the community

EcoHouse has always taken seriously its posi-tion in the wider community. After all, we are not just a commercial company or group of companies. We’re also a part of the lives of the towns and districts we serve with our housing projects. To emphasise this, we try to contribute positively in many different ways to the daily lives of the people we live and work amongst. This is especially true in North East-ern Brazil, our current area of focus. We’ve been involved in many different projects of which these three are our main ones.

Hospital Varela SantiagoFirst of all there’s our new Community/Hos-pital scheme. Here’s how it will work ;For our new MCMV development at ‘Bosque Resi-dencial’, instead of charging each buyer the normal preliminary fees to cover real estate costs, contractual and paperwork fees etc (a value that can reach up to R$4000) EcoHouse will only charge a token fee of R$1 and a large can of powdered milk to each buyer which will then be donated to the orphanages. Also to help the special children’s hospital that we feel so passionately about EcoHouse will con-tribute an extra R$100 for each buyer to this special selected childrens hospital.

Our other two projects are linked ones and concern local sporting teams. EcoHouse Brasil is now the main sponsor for Alecrim Rugby and Football Club. Although football has al-ways been a very popular sport in Brazil, rug-by has been relevantly unknown up to now. However, it’s now gaining nationwide support and growing from strength to strength.

Alecrim Rugby ClubEcoHouse is also proud to report that Ale-crim Rugby, with the full backing of EcoHouse, has contested the Brazilian Rugby Cup final in Sao Paolo. In so doing it has made history as the first club from North East Brazil to appear in the country’s showpiece rugby event. Ale-crim lost but hopes are high for a successful future with EcoHouse as backers.

Alecrim Football Club Alecrim Football Club is not a wealthy club and has struggled over the years to gain the neces-sary financial support and to stay afloat. Alecrim is supported by the more economically margin-alised and lower income people of Natal and therefore does not have the necessary money or backing needed to compete effectively. See-ing the situation of the club, EcoHouse CEO Anthony Armstrong Emery, an Englishman and a great lover of football, wanted to not only support and restore Alecrim to its former glory but also to give the supporters and community something to be proud of. Anthony Armstrong Emery is proud to be the President and Owner

of the club. EcoHouse has committed to be-ing their main sponsor and to rebuilding their stadium, investing in new players, providing new uniforms, initiating exchanges and train-ing camps with other teams as well as allow-ing the community to become involved in the development of the team, through open days and training camps for both rugby and football. EcoHouse feels strongly about investing in the community and this is one way to bring it pride. It’s also a good way to give the youth of the area extra-curricular activities, opportunities and sporting interests that would have other-wise been unavailable.

EcoHouse is to be congratulated. What one sees and feels is attention to quality of construction, innovation and comfort for the end Brazilian buyer - Brazilian Federal

Government Minister of Social Security.Garibaldi Alves Filho


EcoHouse is creating employment infrastructure and a general betterment of quality of life for our citizens and is directly responsible for 71% of the town’s development.

Secretary of Environment and Urban Development São Gonçalo do Amarante.

Helio Dantas Duarte



Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

EcoHouse Brazil, Rua Otávio Lamartine, n°521. Petrópolis, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, CEP:59020-050telephone : +55 (84) 2010 7770email : [email protected]

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

EcoHouse Dubai, Emirates Towers, Level 42, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, PO Box 31303telephone : +971 (0) 50 2478482email : [email protected]

London, United Kingdom

EcoHouse Developments2A Onslow Hall, Little Green, Richmond, London, Surrey, TW9 1QS, UK telephone : +44 (0) 203 468 6910email : [email protected]

Mississauga, Toronto, Canada

EcoHouse Canada, Mississauga Excecutive Centre,1530 - 4 Robert Speck Parkway, Mississauga Toronto, Ontario, Canada, L4Z-1S1telephone : +1 (905) 366 7297email : [email protected]

Singapore, Asia Pacific

EcoHouse Singapore8 Shenton Way, #04-02, AXA TowerSingapore, 068811telephone : +65 62251211email : [email protected]

There’s no doubt that over the years Eco-House has gone from strength to strength. Our success can be measured in terms of the satisfaction of our investors and homebuyers but in another way too. That is quite simply our own judgment of our performance, com-pared to the very highest professional stan-dards we set ourselves. We are proud of our performance and will work hard to maintain it as we look ahead to an exciting future.

Our underlying philosophy is always that our commercial profit-seeking is only worth-while if we continue to offer good products in an ethical and responsible way. To begin with, there’s our continuing success in the ‘affordable homes’ sector in Brazil, the Minha Casa Minha Vida scheme. We’ve three major projects un-dertaken so far (plus several smaller ones) and many more to come. Expansion plans for EcoHouse involve some commercial and non-social housing sites too. Developments else-where in the world, in Canada, the UK and the Philippines also feature in our plans. But wherever we work and whatever we do, we will stay completely true to our promises, de-livering well-built homes, completed to superb standards and of course. on time!

Whenever appropriate, EcoHouse believes too in ‘common sense’ working co-operation rather than conflict with other organisations, whenever this is to the benefit of our clients, investors and buyers. Clearly this involves other commercial bodies but also (as with MCMV) public sector national and/or local government agencies too.

We are extremely excited about one par-ticular aspect of our growth which is the Es-tate Agency side and this is already operating well in London, Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Dubai. So far they’ve dealt with our own proj-ects but will soon also include those from oth-er constructors, subject to our careful scrutiny, as always!

Our expanding operations worldwide also mean that we are recruiting new high-calibre industry professionals to our team, people who we carefully select for their ability, expe-rience and skill.

Last but by no means least, we are planning to expand our own ‘social ‘or charitable proj-ects. These are aimed to assist communities where we can with their ‘quality of life’ needs. We have always seen this as a very important part of our relations with the wider world.

Our Vision, our Future

The EcoHouse Partners’ Programme is cen-tral to our sales strategy. With a real estate investment product such as ours we have an extremely global appeal. Buyer markets as diverse as Singapore, Malaysia, China, Scandi-navia, the UK, Canada and the USA have all produced buyers for our first social housing developments. The global nature of our busi-ness means that we could not possibly market direct and reach all of the groups we need to reach on our own. We would rather focus on ensuring that the product is delivered on time, to sufficient quality and that the inves-tor returns are delivered as promised. We also would prefer to focus on planning for the pro-duction of the attractive projects of the future for our partners to sell.

Whilst we believe that our developments are outstanding in many ways we do recog-nise and appreciate that good agents will be offered a vast range of real estate products around the world. We therefore strive to pro-vide agents with the very best support so that we may compete on more than just product but on service too.

We provide comprehensive training should you want it online and face to face. We also

aim to be as responsive as possible when it comes to supplying you with the highest qual-ity marketing materials. Commissions are competitive and paid promptly. We are flex-ible and with the right agents in the right mar-kets we will consider full or partial exclusivity depending on the situation.

We use an innovative reporting system to ensure that you know exactly what is happening to your clients and to your com-mission payments. As there is a 12 month investment cycle and as many EcoHouse clients so far have chosen to “roll back” in to other projects it is especially important that you have accurate reporting on con-struction progress and completion dates. We provide all of this as well as a dedicated agent manager.

Finally, we are extremely flexible with our agents. For whatever reason some agents of-ten know that they could produce successful marketing initiatives but they may not be able to cash flow these. We are able to offer be-spoke agreements to support such partners, again once we understand the potential of the particular agent to help drive our business through their channels in the right way.

The EcoHouse Partners’ Programme

Arco Iris

Casa Nova

Bosque Residencial

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

Robert Louis Stevenson“ ”

The information contained in this document is provided by way of preliminary information only. It is, at the time of

writing, believed to be true but it cannot be guaranteed. We accept no liability for this information, whether on the basis

of negligence or otherwise.

All images and other information about the development are provided as an indication of the likely final style and

specification of the development. These plans are not yet finalised and may change at any time.

You are advised to seek independent legal advice before

entering into any contract to buy any property.

© EcoHouse Developments


Our mission is to behave like a regulated business in an unregulated real estate industry by doing simple things

like delivering against the promises we make, by being best of breed in customer service, by creating property

solutions that are simple yet effective and by encouraging innovation in all areas of our business.


Head Office EcoHouse Brazil, Rua Otávio Lamartine, n°521. Petrópolis, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,

CEP:59020-050. telephone : +55 (84) 2010 7770 email : [email protected]