echimes for november 7 & 14, 2010

FPC connects The Chimes Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta nline SUNDAY SCHEDULE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 MISSION SUNDAY • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School for Children and Youth - 10:05 am Combined Adult Sunday school - 10:05 am, Fifield Hall • Youth Contemporary Worship - 10:05 am, B111 • Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am Fifield Hall • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Mission Celebration Luncheon - 12:15 pm, Fifield Hall (Free) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 COMMITMENT SUNDAY • Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall • Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel • The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm • Cherub Choir - 9:30 am • Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary • Sunday School - 10:05 am • Family Service Day - 11:00 am Fifield Hall • Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary • Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Reception Room NOVEMBER 7 & 14, 2010 CHRIST AT THE CENTER November 7 Mission Sunday Dear Partners In Mission, As we gather together for the Annual Mission Conference Sunday, we are looking forward to celebrating our Partnerships in Brazil, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica and Kenya – Partnerships which have developed over the years and bind us together in ministry and mission with our brothers and sisters around the world. As we worship, work and bear witness together with all of those who belong to our international family of faith, we strive especially to lift up the poor, to relieve the oppressed and to seek peace, justice and reconciliation for all of God’s people on earth. So please come join us on Mission Sunday, November 7, during both the 9:00 and 11:15 worship services as members of our Mission staff and lay leaders speak about what mission means to them and to our entire congregation. The theme this year is “Sharing The Love of God In The World,” and the Mission Council hopes and prays that you will be encouraged to financially support and moved to participate in the many mission opportunities to serve, including our mission trips next year. Between the worship services, we invite you to join us for the combined Sunday School program for youth and adults in Fifield Hall, including a special celebration for elementary children. And then we hope you will come to the complimentary celebration luncheon in Fifield Hall at 12:15 to hear an inspirational presentation by leaders of our church and Hillside Church. Thank you for your prayers and for your faithful support! Gratefully yours, Doug Orr and Barb Wirth, Co-Chairs, Mission Celebration Sunday November 14, Commitment Sunday Every year we celebrate Commitment Sunday, and bring our pledge cards forward during the 9:00 and 11:15 am Sunday worship services, making our commitments to the Lord and to all those whom He has called us to serve in ministry and mission. On behalf of this years chairpersons – Eddie Newsom, Stuart Bondurant and Tad Little, together with their entire Annual Giving Campaign Committee - I invite you to join us for this grand and glorious outpouring of generosity and gratitude, lifting up our praise to God for all of His blessings, and dedicating ourselves to be and become a blessing to others. Our theme for the Campaign, “In God We Trust,” recocognizes that the motto printed on all of our U.S. currency is actually the spiritual framework of Christian stewardship, summed up in that great hymn of the church: “We Give Thee But Thine Own, What E’er The Gift May Be, All That We Have Is Thine Alone, A Trust O Lord From Thee” I look forward to seeing you on both of these special days – Mission Conference Sunday, November 7 and Commitment Sunday, November 14, as we lift up our hearts to the Lord! And please invite your family and friends to come on along with you! Faithfully Yours, George B. Wirth Commitment Sunday Nov. 14 See page 7 for your pledge at work

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eChimes Newsletter for November 7 and 14, 2010


Page 1: eChimes for November 7 & 14, 2010

FPC connects

The ChimesN e w s l e t t e r o f F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f A t l a n t a



Sunday, november 7

miSSion Sunday

• Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

• Cherub Choir - 9:30 am

• Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary

• Sunday School for Children and Youth - 10:05 am

• Combined Adult Sunday school - 10:05 am, Fifield Hall

• Youth Contemporary Worship - 10:05 am, B111

• Fellowship Hour - 11:00 am Fifield Hall

• Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary

• Mission Celebration Luncheon - 12:15 pm, Fifield Hall (Free)

Sunday, november 14

Commitment Sunday

• Prayer breakfast for Homeless persons - 6:30 am, Fifield Hall

• Communion Service - 8:30 am, Winship Chapel

• The Mustard Seed Bookstore - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

• Cherub Choir - 9:30 am

• Worship Service - 9:00 am, Sanctuary

• Sunday School - 10:05 am

• Family Service Day - 11:00 am Fifield Hall

• Worship Service - 11:15 am, Sanctuary

• Fellowship Hour - 12:15 pm Reception Room

November 7 & 14, 2010 Christ at the CeNter

November 7 Mission SundayDear Partners In Mission, As we gather together for the Annual Mission conference Sunday, we are looking forward to celebrating our Partnerships in Brazil, haiti, honduras, Jamaica and Kenya – Partnerships which have developed over the years and bind us together in ministry and mission with our brothers and sisters around the world. As we worship, work and bear witness together with all of those who belong to our international family of faith, we strive especially to lift up the poor, to relieve the oppressed and to seek peace, justice and reconciliation for all of God’s people on earth. So please come join us on Mission Sunday, November 7, during both the 9:00 and 11:15 worship services as members of our Mission staff and lay leaders speak about what mission means to them and to our entire congregation. The theme this year is “Sharing The love of God In The World,” and the Mission council hopes and prays that you will be encouraged to financially support and moved to participate in the many mission opportunities to serve, including our mission trips next year. Between the worship services, we invite you to join us for the combined Sunday School program for youth and adults in Fifield Hall, including a special celebration for elementary children. And then we hope you will come to the complimentary celebration luncheon in Fifield Hall at 12:15 to hear an inspirational presentation by leaders of our church and hillside church. Thank you for your prayers and for your faithful support!

Gratefully yours,

Doug Orr and Barb Wirth, co-chairs, Mission celebration Sunday

November 14, Commitment Sundayevery year we celebrate commitment Sunday, and bring our pledge cards forward during the 9:00 and 11:15 am Sunday worship services, making our commitments to the lord and to all those whom he has called us to serve in ministry and mission. On behalf of this years chairpersons – eddie Newsom, Stuart Bondurant and Tad little, together with their entire Annual Giving campaign committee - I invite you to join us for this grand and glorious outpouring of generosity and gratitude, lifting up our praise to God for all of his blessings, and dedicating ourselves to be and become a blessing to others. Our theme for the campaign, “In God We Trust,” recocognizes that the motto printed on all of our U.S. currency is actually the spiritual framework of christian stewardship, summed up in that great hymn of the church:

“We Give Thee But Thine Own,

What E’er The Gift May Be,

All That We Have Is Thine Alone,

A Trust O Lord From Thee”

I look forward to seeing you on both of these special days – Mission conference Sunday, November 7 and commitment Sunday, November 14, as we lift up our hearts to the lord! And please invite your family and friends to come on along with you!

Faithfully Yours,

George B. WirthCommitment

Sunday Nov. 14See page 7 for your pledge at work

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 42

Care, Growth & events

Pastoral Care Report(As of October 27, 2010)

Recuperating: Joseph Wallace, Floy Daugherty, Eleanor Calhoun.

Deaths: We extend our deepest sympathy to Brenda Wallace

and Tanya & Brian Soderberg, following the death of father

and grandfather, Mr. Edward “Butch” Turpin, on October 19th.

PrayerS for THoSe IN MILITary SerVICe

This is a list of known servicemen/women in our Church family.

To add names, please call 404.228.7719.

Pray for:Chaplain Capt. Jamison Bowman

ABE3 Gregory Bridges Sgt. Isaiah Bridges

LCPL Austin W.P. Eskew 1st. Lt. Alexandria Victoria Miller

Captain John Warren Robey Captain Gabriel Rulewicz

Ensign David B. Sibley USNLt. Commander Ryan Tewell Col. Roderick G. Turner III

1st Sgt. Antonio G. Whitfield MC2 Tyler Wilson

he Christmas Memorial Fund is your opportu-nity to share in the Christmas Memorial Flowers. The name of the person or persons you wish to me-

morialize will be placed on a special list in our Worship Bulletin. Attach the names to be included or return the form below to the Church with your check. Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and send to the church at 1328 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta 30309-3902. Please print plainly. The names will be printed in the bulletin exactly as you print them.

Name of Contributor:

Name(s) to be listed:

Amount of contribution enclosed: $




It is time to deck the halls, and you are invited to join for the 20th annual Hanging of the Greens. We’ll enjoy dinner, decorating, crafting and carol-ing as we begin celebrating the season of Advent. Please join us for a re-laxed and festive evening for all ages.

Registration and dinner reservations are required and can be made online or during the Fellowship Hour.

Sunday, November 28, 20105:00 - 7:00 pm in Fifield Hall

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4

ProGrams & events


W E D N E S D A Y @ F I R S T

November 10 & 17

WEDNESDAYthe muStard Seed 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, 4:30 - 6:30 pm Books, gifts and cards for all ages.

dinner 5:00 - 6:30 pm Adults and Youth: $8 Children 3-12: $4

PreSChool 5:30 - 8:00 pm Bible, crafts & fellowship. Childcare available.

elementary aCtivitieS 5:00 - 7:30 pm LOGOS: dinner, choir, study, and recreation.

youth 5:30 - 7:30 pm b111 All youth are invited to join us for Fellowship, Food and Bible Study.

WedneSday night ChoirS5:45 - 6:30 pm Archangel Choir5:30 - 6:25 pm Handbell Choir6:30 - 7:25 pm St. Cecilia Consort7:30 - 9:00 pm Chancel Choir

WedneSday night StudieS & WorShiP

6:00 - 6:55 pm Reception Room The Gospel Stage Dessert, Fellowship, Study and Worship Led by Rev. Lindsay Armstrong, Rev. Kevin D. Knab and Rev. Hardy Kim

6:55 - 7:30 pm Worship Nov. 10: Taize, Winship ChapelNov. 17: Thanksgiving Service, Reception Room

6:30 - 7:20 pm Room 223 Music Appreciation for Adults Led by Mr. Jonathan Pilkington

the Lay aCademy 6:30 - 9:00 pm Room 156 The Lay Academy: Rehearsing the Text. Dr. Anna Carter Florence, Peter Marshall Associate Professor of Preaching, Columbia Theological Seminary.

Join us!

Join us for our 2010 Mission Celebration on November 1st! During our Sunday Worship services, we will hear

inspiring stories celebrating 32 years of First Presbyte-rian Church missions around the world. Following the 11:15 worship service, all are invited to attend a Mission Celebration Luncheon in Fifield Hall.

S U N D A Y N O V. 7

2 0 1 0





N O V E M B E R 7

9:00a.m. – Worship Service in Sanctuary lead by Rev. Connie Lee, Ms. Rose Emily Bermudez, Ms. Sidney West, and Mr. Craig Maxwell & family

10:00a.m. – Combined Sunday school program for Adults and Youth in Fifield Hall; Special Sunday school program for Elementary Children.

11:15a.m. – Worship Service in Sanctuary lead by Rev. Connie Lee, Ms. Rose Emily Bermudez, Ms. Sidney West, and Mr. Craig Maxwell & family

12:15p.m. – Celebration luncheon in Fifield Hall for the congregation with an inspirational presentation by the Hillside Presbyterian Church Dance Ministry. We look forward to seeing everyone on this special Sunday!

6:00 pm in Reception Room for the “The Gospel Stage”, Worship at 6:55 pm in Winship Chapel.

Wednesday @First Worship ~ November 10th T A I Z É

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4

ProGrams & events


Christmas Pageant practices begin soon, so mark your calendars!

• 5th Grade Rehearsals(Narrators, Advent Wreath Lighters& Prayer Readers)Sunday, Nov. 14, 21, 28 & Dec. 510:15 -11:00 am in the 5th Grade classroom• Preschool Rehearsal(Rainbows, Butterflies & Stars only)Sunday, December 510:15 -11:00 am in the Sanctuary(Please drop children off at Sunday School and teachers will escort them to the Sanctuary)• 2nd and 5th Grade RehearsalWednesday, December 87:00 pm in the Sanctuary(Immediately following the Family Advent Service)• Elementary Rehearsal(1st through 5th Grades)Saturday, December 111:00 - 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary• The Christmas Pageant(All Children)Sunday, December 129:00 - 10:00 am in the Sanctuary

• If your child cannot attend his or her practice(s), please contact Ann Council at (770) 452-8428, [email protected] or Gail Price at (404) 724-9570, [email protected].

r e h e a r s a l s

ChrisTmas PageanT

The C h i l d r e n’s

The Christmas Pageant


DECEMBER 9, 2007


Starts October 24th This is a class competition for Elementary children!

The winning class will get a Breakfast Party!

All proceeds go to the FPC Food Pantry and will be sorted on November 14th ~ Family Service Day. The children’s donations will be presented and blessed on November 21st during the 9:00 am church service.Bring in canned and boxed food ~ no glass please.

Put your donations in the bins on the N/P & Elementary halls. Elementary kids ~ rememberto count yours in your classroom first and then report the total to David!

Nursery/Preschool & Elementary


H a i t i M i s s i o n t r i pJANuARY 14 – 21, 2011

Come to Nouvelle Citè to spend time with and work alongside our partners at Holy Cross Church and School.

Space is limited so call NOW to sign up:

Norma Feagin 770-493-4414 or Barb Wirth 404-897-1381

The Kenya Committee invites you to our 2011 Mission Trip to KENYA

MAY/JuNE ( tentat ive) , 2011

e-mail Rose Emily Bermudez at [email protected]

or call the Mission office at 404-228-7733

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 45

ProGrams & events

Family Service DaySunday, November 14th

11:00 -1:00 in Fifield Hall

Come join us for a fun morning, and a chanceto share your time & talents with others.

Brunch is available for participating families.

Make Sandwiches for the Atlanta Union MissionMake Centerpieces for the Christmas Prayer Breakfast Make Gifts for Meals-On Wheels Recipients Sort & Deliver Food to the Food PantryAssemble Condiment Packs for the Christmas Prayer BreakfastDecorate Envelopes to hold Gift Cards for Christmas Prayer BreakfastMake Bookmarks for Craddock Center's Storybook ExpressMake Fleece Scarves for Community MinistryMake Greeting Cards for Mission Partners in Brazil, Jamaica, Haiti, Honduras and Kenya

Friends of Brazil invite you to join our Brazil Mission Team as we trav-el to Fortaleza in support of PRECE educational cooperative, Messejana Church, Pirambu Church/School and Camp Sara. Everyone over ten years

of age is welcome.

Rose Emily Bermudez 404-228-7733

F P C M i s s i o n T r i P J u ly 1 6 – 2 3 , 2 0 1 1

The FpC/Hillside partnership invites you to join our

2010 Mission Trip to JAMAICA

JULY 13 – 22, 2011

e-mail Connie Lee at [email protected]


Forum@FirstSponsored by the Berean Sunday School Class

A TAsTe of ThePArAbles


Dr. Steve KraftchickAssociate Professor of the Interpretation

of New TestamentCandler School of Theology

November 14, 21 & 28 10:05 am in the

Reception Room

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4


ProGrams & events

THE GOSPEL STAGESetting, Characterization, and Tone

in the story of Jesus

Each of the Gospels presents a clear depiction of Jesus the Christ and the world in which his life was lived. Yet distinguishing them week to week in our lives isa tall task. Join together as we discuss the differencesbetween the presentations of Jesus from each of the Gospel writers.

Led by Kevin Knab, Lindsay Armstrong, and Hardy Kim

Wednesdays, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 176:00 - 6:55 pm  Fellowship & Study

6:55 - 7:25 pm   WorshipReception Room


We are preparing for our Mission Trip to Haiti and invite all of FPC members to help us get the supplies we need for a successful trip. We need Chewable Vitamins for Children, Sun Glasses and Reading Glasses. Bring your “gift to Haiti” to Room B-223 and leave it outside Rose Emily’s office.



1. Handbell music brings many emotions from joy to comfort.

2. It has basically two notes per player.

3. It teaches excellent music reading & rhythm skills.

4. Handbell choir members have great fun,

fellowship and sense of community.

5. It combines the best of two worlds: music-making

and teamwork.

6. Allows anyone to “play an instrument.”

Contact the music ministry office today!

ring Bells: six reasons Playing handbells is Good for You!



vE Th

E plATE • NOv 12

ThE FIRST p R E S A l l C h u R C h pOT-luCK D I N N E R SNOVEMBER 12

dinners hOsTs:

Florida and Doug Ellis Buckhead/Vinings area

Donna and Jim Philips decatur area

Julie and Craig Maxwell ansley Park

Caroline and Jack Hardin Young adults

Susan and Don Freeman Families with young

childrenCarol and Jim Dew


mark your calendar for Friday, November 12th to join other church members in a home near you for dinner and fellowship. Sign-up on Sundays through November 7th. Come join us for a fun evening and a great chance to meet and greet old and new church members.

For more information call or email Church Growth Office, (404) 228-7737

or [email protected].

Page 7: eChimes for November 7 & 14, 2010

The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4

ProGrams & events


Mission is fundamental to the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church. In mission, we share the message of Hope with people in Atlanta, our country and around the globe. First Presbyterian Church is deeply com-mitted to responding to the needs of others and to reaching out to our partners to make a dif-ference in people’s lives. Your Annual Giving pledge supports the work of the Mission Council including:

BRAZIl Through its faith- based partnerships founded for the purpose of sharing resources and spreading God’s word, FPC supports efforts to improve liv-ing conditions, enhance educa-tional opportunities (through PRECE) and increase economic development (through micro credit lending) for the extended church community.

hAITI Our Haitian partner-ship continues to support the fa-cilities at Holy Cross Church and School as well as teacher salaries and school lunches. We hope to add more lunch-days per week and improve parent participation establishing a program for earn-ing tuition credits through work and agricultural contributions. Many in the community await expansion of the successful Mi-croCredit program.

KENYA The Presbyterian Uni-versity of East Africa celebrated the dedication of its new dormi-tory to Ed Albright this year, and plans are underway to begin an anatomy building to support the beginning of a medical school.

The chil-dren at the T u m a i n i Orphanage are enjoying their new home. Our r e s o u r c e s helped pro-vide a van for

the orphanage. With help from our Mt. Kenya Academy partners, a very successful MicroCredit program has become a reality, and we continue to assist Chania and Mukuri elementary schools.

JAMAICA Through our unique Partnership with Hillside Presby-terian Church, we assist in their local mission at the Mount Olivet Boys Home. The home pro-vides a safe and loving environ-ment for up to 50 boys whose families are unable to care for them and we have watched many of the boys become young men with dreams and desires for their future. Our work in Negril at the Theodora Project has introduced us to young adults rescued from the human traffick-ing trade and children living in the community nearby. We have

led VBS, sang songs, provided requested resources and shared the love of Christ in many ways with our brothers and sisters in Jamaica.

hONDuRAS The Youth of FPC have been and are commit-ted to our partnership with the people of Honduras! Serving faithfully since 1993, our work has included updating homes of poor Honduran families – ce-menting floors, installing plumb-ing and chimneys, building la-trines, building beds for families, working in the orphanages and hospitals and so much more.

ThERE ARE SEvERAl oth-er important ministries of the Mission Council which include: vIllA INTERNATIONAl, an ecumenical ministry offering af-fordable, safe and convenient short-term housing; ChIlD-SpRING INTERNATIONAl, a powerful ministry helping chil-dren from over 38 countries come to the United States for severe

medical; AMIS, which stands for Atlanta Ministry with

International Stu-dents, offers an ec-umenical program of friendship and hospitality to the thousands

of international students studying

in metro-Atlanta col-leges and universities; and,

REFuGEE RESETTlEMENT pROGRAM which helps refugee families get resettled in Atlanta.

2011 Annual Giving Campaign

Y o u r P l e d G e a t w o r k

International Mission

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The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4

Fall Food drive The food drive for all elementary and Preschool children and families is under-way and will run through Sunday, November 21. All donations will be sorted and taken to the FPC Food Pantry. The elementary class that donates the most food will have a party during Sunday School!

Family Service daySuNdAy, November 14TH 11:15 am-1 pmJoin us as we participate in activities that benefit our community and mission partnerships!

looking ahead Sunday, noVEMbEr 28 First Sunday of Advent Hanging of the Greens 5-7 pm


“hairSPray” UPdaTe!!! youth Musical rehearsals began Sunday, october 17 for our 2011youth Musical, “Hairspray!” Each Sunday afternoon through november and de-cember we will rehearse with our Hillside youth partners and cast mem-bers. Since it takes us time to transport the Hillside youth, we will have lunch from 12:15-1:00 and try to begin rehearsals around 1:00 PM.

Sunday, november 7: 2:00-4:00

Sunday november 14: 1:30-3:30 Sunday, november 21: 1:00-3:00 november 28: no rEHEarSaL- THanKSGIVInG

WedneSdayS in novemBer 5:30-7:30 PM beginning november 3 we will be working on backdrop painting, line rehearsal and solos. This will allow flexibility. Most of the large cast rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons because this is when Hillside can get here! Please make every effort to join us on Wednesday nights to work on props, etc.

Family Service day noVEMbEr 14 – 11:00 aM-1:00 PM

all youth and families are invited and encouraged to join the Family Service day Event. reservations are necessary for brunch. There will be

sign-up tables in the hall. Join us to serve others on Sunday morning.

PreSByTerian college yoUTh day noVEMbEr 20, 2010 all youth are invited to join us to travel to Presbyterian College for a fun day. There will be games, tours, and a football game with PC playing davidson. This event is for everyone not just juniors and seniors. We will depart FPC at 7:00 aM and return about 7:00 PM. bring money for lunch!

nurserY/PresChool & elementarY

2010 was a great year for Mission!


Fall Food Drive —

A bunch of Fruit Loops

having fun sortin

g food!


We are now accepting applications for our 2011 Youth Mission Trips. Don’t miss out!

may 29-June 4 –

College mission Trip

to Haiti

June 5-11 –

sr. high mission Trip

to Jamaica

June 12-18 –

Jr. high mission Trip

to Jamaica

July 10-16 –

Combined Youth mission Trip

to St. Louis

July 23-30 –

Youth Family mission

Trip to Roatan, Honduras

Applications are available in the Youth Room or Allison’s Office.

Page 9: eChimes for November 7 & 14, 2010

The Chimes

N o v e m b e r 7 & 1 4

Thanksgiving Worship ServiceWednesday, November 17th

7:00 - 7:30 pm ~ Reception Roomled by

Rev. Lindsay P. Armstrong

adult sundaY sChool

berean bible ClaSS Reception Room

It’s mission Celebration time, and on Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall to learn the latest about FPC’s world-wide partnerships. on Nov. 14th, our class is meeting in the berean room but combining with Forum@ First as we welcome dr. Steve Kraftchick, Associate Professor of the Interpretation of New Testament at Candler School of Theology. dr. Kraftchick will be teaching the first of three weeks on the parables.

Community bible Study Room B415On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, we will continue our lively discussion of the Gospel according to John.

Covenant ClaSS Room 230on Nov. 7th, david drake will join us to teach on the reformation & Calvin. on Nov. 14th, david drake will conclude his series with The reformation & Henry vIII, elizabeth, & the Anglican Church.

diSCovering god’S Word Room 317On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, we will discuss John Claypool’s Stories Jesus Still Tells: The Parables, Chapter 6: “Love, Fear, and our Neighbor” (Luke 10:25-37). Please join us!

emmauS ClaSS Room 227 On Nov. 7th, we’ll join others in Fifield Hall for hte mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, Lindsay Armstrong joins us to begin a 3-week series that continues our discussion of everyday abiding through personal spiritual growth and practices. Also, please remember to rSvP to Carey Peard about the bbQ dinner at bill and Carey’s on october 30th. emmaus has GreAT parties.

Faith and liFe Room 218On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, dr. martha moore-Keish will begin a two-part series on “Living Faithfully in a World of many religions.”

Forum @ FirSt FiField Hall

November 7th is mission Celebration at FPC, and the mission Council has put together an inspiring mission Sunday School class for adults. Please join us in Fifield Hall for breakfast and class. on November 14th, we are teaming up with the berean Class to welcome dr. Steve Kraftchick, Associate Professor of the Interpretation of New Testament at Candler School of Theology. dr. Kraftchick will be teaching the first of three weeks on a sideways look at the parables. you are invited to join us in the reception room for this series.

internationalS Room 327 On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, rev. Joe Watkins will speak on “Faith & Politics/ An analysis of what happened on November 2nd.”

meditation grouP Room 319 beginners and pros are both welcome as we meet for guided meditation designed to awaken us to a greater sense of the presence of God, help us relieve stress and negative emotions, remove blocked energy from our bodies and let the healing light of God surround us. Please join us!

oPen door Room 156 on Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, Professor Stan Saunders will speak on “The Church, The end of the World, and ecology”--What resources (and problems) does the New Testament offer us as we engage the environmental and security challenges we face today (including climate change, species extinctions, the carbon economy, and overpopulation)? This class will explore briefly how the beliefs of the earliest Christians might provide foundations for a more sustainable theology.

ourS For today Room B308On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, david and Caroline mcLean will lead a two-part series, “The Love dare,” based on the book by Alex and Stephen Kendrick.

SPiritual living Room B202This fall, we are reading and experiencing barbara brown Taylor’s book “An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith.” on Nov. 7th, we will discuss Chapter 6: “encountering others” and discuss our service project. on Nov. 14th, we will discuss Chapter 8: “Saying No.”the uPPer room Room 332On November 7, we join with others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. (Coffee and continental breakfast also provided).on November 14, we welcome rev. Kevin Knab as he teaches on Acts and how the early church emulated the life of Christ.

young CouPleS ClaSS Room 219On Nov. 7th, our class will join others in Fifield Hall for the mission Celebration. on Nov. 14th, we’ll continue the mission theme with a guest speaker in our class room.

Featuring the Big Band stylings of

The Usual Suspectswith FPC member Bo Jackson

Please join us as we celebrate theJoy of the Season and create a

new holiday tradition!

FPC’s ANNUALChristmas Concert

Sunday, December 5, 201010:05 a.m.

Fifield Hall



November 14, 2010

Please prayerfully consider submitting your 2011 Annual Giving pledge by this Sunday. Your timely response will help us successfully complete this year’s campaign for our church’s continuing services and outreach programs.

Page 10: eChimes for November 7 & 14, 2010

The Chimes

The Mustard Seed

The ChimesBi-weekly Newsletter of


1328 Peachtree Street, NEAtlanta, GA 30309-3209

hOW TO cONTAcT USPhone/404-892-8461

Fax/404-228-7760E-mail: [email protected]


WOrShIP Sunday Communion Service - 8:30 am

Sunday School 9:00 am

Sunday Worship Service - 10:15 am

WeeKlY BrOADcASTSSundays live at 10:15

On demand anytime

AIB cable Network (Comcast Channel 5; Smyrna Channel 22)

Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.

Wednesdays 9-1, 4:30-6:30 sundays 9-1

(404) [email protected] Stop by,

and say hi!

We offer a wide variety of books for adults and children. Stop by to select one suitable for fireside reading.

J o i n u s a t t h e R i d g e s R e s o R t

Make plans now to attend the All Church Retreat, in Hiawassee, GA at the fantastic

“Ridges” Resort!





Introit Halle, Halle – Young (Caribbean) Anthem Cantai ao Senhor (Brazil) (Excelsis Choir) Beatriz Benesi, sopranoOffertory Mwambe ni Yesu – Mutsoli (Kenya)Ben. Rsp. Halle, Halle – Young (Caribbean)

Music for November 7

Introit The Shepherd Psalm – John Carter (Archangel Choir)

Anthem It is Good to Give Thanks – Bedford (Cherub Choir 9:00)

All Things Bright & Beautiful (Archangel Choir 11:15)

Offertory Let Nothing Ever Grieve Thee –Brahms


Music for November 14