ebtati hun patrols steer help clear of sammies€¦ · monday, not. 19,1917.-the taooma...

Monday, Not. 19,1917. -THE TAOOMA TIMEB—Page Bren. OPPORTUNITY IS HERE-GRASP IT NOW TIMES WANT ADS ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 cent a word < a.B lnaeriiou—3 times for tbn price of -. 1 montli. per line per month fl.oo 5 mouths, per line per month !>5 6 months, per line per month 90 12 months, per Hue per month .Ii Swap ads 15 words, 3 tinioa, 15e, cash in advance. No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents. FIIONE MAIN 12 IBE TIM KM IK TACOMAB \u0084&«• ~- W'K UKCKlv'l"; ADS R1 i NLY INDEPENDENT afciTt:*;- v> PHONK. OUR Nt'MBKB [EWjJPAI'KR " * IS MAIN M BUSINESS AND PBQFESBIONAL DIRECTORY AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES ' S~ SicHELIN __"„_. Tires ami tubes SQUARE nf stability, auto dßi rung iupplltn, liard- AWr" 3nu>^ ware and toole— Vf\) i | , **» '""ii"« oils and STL. j,i..1.-.i". 1113 Tacoma ay. __, ,__, "",',"„-.",-? ABSTRACTS COMMONWKAj7Tir^rTTL.Hi TRUST CO. MAIN 101 Bankers Tiust BMI. ABSTRACTS OF TITL.H fACOMA~TITLK CO—Ground floor Fidelity ri.iK. Main 21»4. ""~~ AMBULANCES AUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only one In city. Main 48. "^^^^^altolrxey s » B, AI.PRICH,7Atty at~L«,w. l«lF J. CARPET CfcEANINO H. I* HOURK—Carpet beating, re- fitting and laying; feather reno- vating and upholitotlng. 2811 Bth ay. Main m. ~ ' DRATAGB*^^ ~—' Commercial Truck & Storage Co.— Furniture moved, packed and Stored. Team and auto vann. Flre- froof warehouse. Best corps of rained men In city. Main 701. "^TOIN^S^COLLEGEa GIRLS MUST"WORK ,^______^^_-_ Hundreds of MBsP^"sbl^?»*BSbl Kuis and worn- tX T+^m "> '" Tacoma .rVl\»*^.#j|»^ arc not work- r£% <**1 Ing and do not L^T \^l want to work. l*^*, £**i RetttnK fitted I WFCJi I £\V^ Business Col- •i Vtl t/^i leX«. fidelity \u25a0BtsCrfr^i^ssssi nidg. COUNTRY WATER SUPPLIES SeX make connections to new heat- Ing company. Coifee Plumbing Co. Main «70. WJ^Ja%r CIHROPRACTIC IRA W DIJ^CK7Tp. C C. graduate). 40« Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1472. T EMII..Y CLARKE, graduate chiro- practor; (nalnless method). 301 80. »th. Mnln 4452. OKO. R. SMITH (Palmer gradu- ate). 711 Nat. Realty Bid. M. 1153. DR. A. BOYER Chiropodist. Mal- strom's Drug Store. Main 35. DR. McCAIN. Chiropodist. Provident Bldg. Main 8741. "Just a little different. FOOT^SPECIALIST""" "^^ liHKUMATISM, bunionsTnalls, brok- * en arches treated. Dr. Jones, Ave- nue Hotel. INSECTICIDES AND BPRAYB OARBOLINKUM and Cre Sol for chicken lice. Cnrco Vegetable •Dray, water glass. Standard Chemical Co.. Main 5431. >^viAn"<wEirDS WELL DIGGER, a T. Birch. Park- land. Wash. RAZOR 3 SHARPENED ALL work guaranteed. Shaw Bup- pi, »ll Paclflo j *fuwur-r^ JUmTDBALERS^ J^ j ALASKA JUVK CO.—26Shand goods, all k'nds junfc 1819 Mkt. M. USB JAMES A. HAYS, 105 Bank of Cal Bldg. Income, Personal and Cor- £ oration Life Insurance. Phone lain T928; Proctor 2809-J. ~^~PHYmcTANS ~~~~ DR. LA OASA, Surgeon, Diseases of women; genlto-urlnary. Realty Bldg. DR. ELWIN BROWN, physician and \u25a0urgeon. Office 1016 Fidelity Bldg. Main 234; R. Main 8229. DR. WARREN BROWN DuTeaMts of women and gtnlto-urlnary and \u25a0kin dlseaKPß. 1103 Commerce St. DR. JONEZ—SUrtGKON Diseases of Women. Fidelity Bldg. DR. FOREMAN, SUHGEON, Bank- ers Trust Bldg., Tonsils and Ad- nolds special attention. ErT~B.~ELIZABETH DRAKE. Phys- ician and Surgeon. 1010 Fldelitj Bldg. Main 284: Proctor 648; Mad. Ison 117 HI. DR. PETERSEN-DANA. 220 Berlin Bldg. (Scandinavian Am., Bank) Office, Main S37»j_j^s., Main 877 DRS7 WHKKLKR and VAN PELT Ey*. Rar. Noro and Throat. 1107 Fidelity Bldg Hrs. 8 to 5, 7 to S. —\u25a0 "\u25a0" r . MONEY TO LOAN IfONKY on 1...ii.i tor unproved prop- erty hians. 201 Hank nf Cat. U:,,i{ MONEY to loan on Improved city and farm properties. Malcolm Ii Qunston Co. 4PS Berlin Hldg. PKIVATK nion. y to loan. SSO to •leeo; do commUilon. Payments to suit. Call (118 So. FfJe. Kolli Duhois. 125,000 eastern money to loan at •\u25a0 7 and 8 per cent. Inquir* J. L. Bnapp. 1221 Fidelity Bldg. ON IMPROVKD property. Loans for building a specialty. Also monthly Installments. L. R. MANNING! CO. Tel Main it. Equitable Bidg. REAL ESTATE LOANS." term or monthly payments. Murcb-Mc- CHmllrss, Room 200. National Realty Bldg. ri'lt own money to loan. W. N. Poub & Co.. Inc. 604 Cal. Bldg _Maln 2188. MOiiTOAGE ix»ANSrAmoT.nU~from $200 up; rity or farm; lowest rates. KORTOM 4* CO. 210 Berlin LOANS for home buliillng or to' pay off old nnH'tK.'iKt'B. Lowest I rates, special privileges to bor- rowers— 3 to H yiarn. Money al- waw on hand—no delay H. J. SCHWINN & CO., Inc. 21 *-!» Tacoina BMb. PUBLIC STENOGRAPH KR rtlSkl c Btenoqrap"hrh"-kva k. 411 Prnv. Bid*. Mala 1831 MONEY I,OANTiTToN "jrTVVeT/RY MONEY loaned on watches, dia- monds, etc.; unrecieemecl Jewelry at lowest prices. Everything guar- anteed. Pioneer Loan Office. 921 Pacific ay. C. O. LYNnTcO.. Funeraf nrrectora. 910 Vin-oma ay. Main 77<i5. BUCK r.KY-KINO CO.—Profession V. Furipral Directors. 730-31 St. Helens. Phone Mnln 412. CA SRKDy & ALLEN CO.—Funeral _dlrectors._lllo So. 12th. Main i!6l. SO. TACOMA FUNKRAL PARLORS H33 Union ay. Main 1081. Qeo. W. Piper. wT^dow^cTeTnino"" 1 ~~~ ClTY^Window Cleaning Co., vjiciium cleaning. Main 4633. "^^^pTctu^e^rTmino ARTISTIC and rpflnod work. Mill- tary work a upeclalty. Holt An Store. 773 Broadway. SCAVENGERS)"* ~~* AMERICAN~ITaRBAGB (O"^- Re- movlnß garbage ar.a refuse of all kinJh 215 Puy. ay. M. 742. R., 7D3». "^POULTRY WANTED^ TDP prices paid for poultry. W IL i-i..l.it. 114? Market. Main 314«. ~~' MOVING A HOLROTD. MADISON IWfc LOCAL moving by contract or hour, $1.5fl per hour 2 men. Good mov- ers. Proctor 2837-R. LIBERTY TRANSFER CO7~ All. kinds of moving done with dispatch and care. Main 2917 and 5722. 1020 Tacoma Bldg. ' "\TKI)jJxTmiY \u25a0 WANTED TO RUY—Good wheel chair. Madison 1165. IWANTKD— 600 No! I wood. Quoto cash price, f. o. b. cars. W. M , care Tauoma Times. WE PAT highest prices for used furniture, stoves and carpets at Tacoma Aye. Furniture Exchange. 913 Tacoma ay. Main 3367. HIGHKST prices paid for complete lioiisi-liolil furnishings, ranges), stoves of all kinds. Deal with a reliable firm. Tacoma Furniture Co.. 1305 Broadway. WANTIOD TO BUT—Hardwood lum- ber—maple \u25a0 and alder, any amounts. State price delivered at Tacoma. H. S. Valentine * Co.. 1107 A St.. Perkins Bldg. P. O. BM 458. TRADE I HAVE $200 worth of pearls and f1 nmonds to trado on Ford touring enr as first payment and balnnce by the month. Call *before noon. Address 5647 So. Alder. J <h MET* OFF LAND IN Southwest Washington to set- tlers only $5.00 per acre and up. Ten years to pay. Interest st (%. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tncomn Rldg Tacoma. Wash. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—Bough dry waihlng. 6th Addition Hand Laundry, 1710 So. /T. Ma'llson 811. HOTELS OAKS HOTBU W\b 80. 10th St., 1 strlctlr modern; rates reasonable. Private baths. Main Hit. THE TRAVELERS; transient from 100 up. spcrlal rates br week or month. 150ttt Paolflo ay. BOTBL STnATKORD—Mod. outside rooms, fl. I! 50 and II oar we«k up. IQo nl«ht up 111* Markat. FISHER HOTEl^—Modern: 600 up. _lIBOH Pacific. Main 1645. MAZE HOTEL, SI 1 Pacific Steam heat, baths, hot water. Mo up, y week 11.00 up. Main »>«l. s\V»NUB lIOTRL. strictly modern. | private bath 1201) V, Pacllfc aye. Main SITS. RENT HOUSES 4 NICK rooms, suitable for photo- graph Knllery or tailor Hh»p. All outside rooms. 1702 Jefferson nvc\ $10—4 flni: looms, Bml 2fith and I). $ls —6-r. li)iiißo, bath, biißement, No. :10th, by Pt. Mr line. BrcnTENSONT & CO. f'cinrilnavlan-Anierican Hunk Rider. "Ofi Kant 27. 4 mom* only SHOO K. 1.. HinKltLY & CO., 504 l'rov. HOL'BRS, for rent or aale. H B. Hits & Co.. 62a California bldg. FIRM Insurance. Hiberly, 504 I'inv. fTninn rP|io»m(\»i' Furnlt"r" "nr| inllOll I I JlllSlOl plan,, moving. Long distance hauling Main 74. I.ONO DIHTANCIC Moving—Get Our Prices MrLEAN. MAIN 1850 UATW 'iOrifl I'oea! and Long iHAIIN OUVV Distance Moving. Storage. Nights and Sundays. M_A I X 3008 City Moving & Storage Co. FIREPROOF stoiagre.* (15 Tac. ay FiiUNTsTnaTTloijj^ KEEPING ROOMS FINE housekeeping rooms at 70»H Pacific ay. tMPKRIAL. Fin* hskpg. rot. " )I mo. up- walking dlatanca. Ho. 10th and Yaklma. RENT—OPFIoiS PRIVATE office, use of recaption room. Inquire 1221 Fidelity Bids. Tel. Main 4'Jit4. "situation' female WANTED—Light work by the day. SBI4 No. 9th. Proctor 1065. "ITklp—FT:m ale" INVESTIGATE EQUITY, shares at 10c, all atateniHiits will be proven. 1313 Broadway. WANTED—Experienced sewing ma- chine operators can securs steady employment at government wages on army breeches. Apply at shull- Day Company, MEN and women wanted to repre- sent The Tacoma Times on R. F. D. routes ani In small towns out- side of Tacoma. We have a very attractive proposition to offer re- sponsible people who wish to de- vote all or part of the time to neighborhood work. Writs to I: O. Smith, Cir. M«r. Th» Tacoma Times, Tacoma, Wn. " LOBT " ' LOST—Llsrht bay horse, In vicinity of Portland ay. ami 48th st. Please return to fifitli and East R. BTUDBBAKER 2*> running; condi- tion, gooA appearance, lots of good service In this car for some one who will take time to make minor repairs. Best cash offer takes it. M-3. Times. USED CARS BUY a BOOd lined car. don't make any mistake. We have the best used cars for sale at reasonable terms that carry the prices. Usual guar- antee. Sen Little & Kennedy Co. Used Car Dept. Motor Bids;. 71J Broadway AUTO REPAIRING " HIQH CLASS work, expert mecha- nics, ozyac#tylene weldlns;, carbon burning: prices reasonable and a square deal. Central Auto Works, N. E. Walton. Prop.. 110-11 So. Bth St. LAMPSON^WBLDINCT WORKS has moved to 184( Jefferson ay., where they will do regular work. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Carbon Burnlns;. Main 1574. Personal" TIRE Insurance^ Hiberly, 504 Pror. SITUATION M ALir~ TWO young snen want good Job of steady work. In or near oltr. N-l, Times. HOTBIi HECTOR, 1641 Broadway. Well \u2666urnlsiied. modern rooms. •team heated, reasonable rates. Hoik I, L.ANBI NO—Steam heat. hot and cold water, private bath, lutes reasonable. 1137 % Broad- war Mala MIS. WALDORF HOTEL. Til* "PaClfle _»,ve. PMI.AOR~HOTKL—Fireproof build. Inn Hot and cold water, eleva- tor all night Rates reasonable* 111! PadfTe. Main em. HOTEL MERIT RepMntion (established. Reasonable rat> ?.isi.i 11th. Court and Mar- UE ALJESTATE ID ACRKS IMI'KOYKI) i-inn shoi ciuy i;iud. 20 seres ela*r- eii. I room hinmi'. ihik,. barn, xood Kit of oiilbuildlnKH. family or- chard, liuy, Mtock. loola; - ( mil« to |».i\ f.l i.iiiil. on food county 10.i.t. i r..ini, in.ill ami bus gcrvlca', $151111. 1.l n.- JEBBE O. THOMAS, JR. s:'o Ta«om« i:|ilk. Mala 7SIS. "TWO <!O()D BUYS I *-j tuts mar Sixth hvv, Imnu'l'iw. :; rooms ami tea first floor, I bad rooms aacond floor; beallnit plant; full li.iHi'ineiit; flreplnoa, electric i-iioklna outfit uml water beater. » leriim. ButlaTUluW ami 4 larffe lots. tfOO ft. from car. rrull tre.n. 010.. |900 only, cash I.'iOO. hal.imo $7.b0 por moittb. Cit'sccni Realty Co. n.; lalltoi nut Bldg I 11:1 ln-.ni.in. «. II li.-ilv. Mlt I'niv FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWN Kit ••ROOM house with haitemcnt. I.'i. \u25a0!\u25a0. mi So. Mth uml wii.Mti rlKht; 10 fine Unit trees), boriles of till kinds; but .mil cobi water, el< rti ii- ll^bis. alectrie cook utove; liesi rar iervica. Take Obi I'uy- allup-Larohraonl Summli or W < laml Kit off at WheelriKhl. rii?bt nt the door, or take \u25a0panaway. Parkland or I'urn HIM. k'< "ff ut I-, in ii.ii. a/alh 4 block .MM. own- er wants smallar plaoa, i WATEKKUONT LAND TRADB tor city property. II neros fine noil; no bank lit frontal**, -t mllen <llk tin bor. |wo county roads, MprliiaTi small clearing slortcase j..:.ii. What have you wtirtli ;il int $600 for my ei iu |iy? |i ox I'-1, Tlmee, 11-'lltK liißiirunce. Illberly .Mil Prov. I NEW 4-room house, 2 Ini \u0084 7 liear- liik fruit trees. |1490, ;«nn cash, b;ihiiicH on terms of $s month; am leavfns; city. |M 1 Mo. lloHiiiur. HELP WIMMTED! Evpr^ man...says7heFra. badtimfnolfordtled^t five minutGs Ever/ day. \Yisdom consbts in not pxcppdingtlib limit. How docsthis strike you... Do you need HELP) columns ofthisNnrsjaper. REAL ESTATE Modern Bungalows SOl'TIl TACOMA. Just completed. He.' them iit i',K4l mid «S-ir> Ho. Union ay. Kurh has four rooms (t heilroomu, bath, iiu. and con- crete fiiniidH thin ; Kriiuiitl 82%xi20, pay.cl strrnt. Price $lllf>o on terms of *"> to 1150 cash unit small monthly pmytneati. win Kiaiiiy tfhww by iii»ihii 11 tmt'iit, Maryland Realty Co. Bungalows Exclusively 1. 504 r.-illfornla Bldg. Main litSS KIRK limunuice. Hlberly, 604 l'rov. Fnll SAI-R OR KXCHANUK. 160 acri-H of land In 11. C, I! mm tliru railway. K-l, Tlme«. FOR SAI.TC HiisTneeS property at good business corner and junc- tion throe oar lines; partly im- proved. For Information, cull at 2512 No. Proctor St., Taconiu. FIIIK Inmirnnn-. Illherly, 604 I'rov. 308 KAST 27TH KTKKIOT, 8 roonia. Can he pni' liuhpil to dona an es- tate for $1,100. 4802 S(J. J ST., 0 rooms and two lotH, unlv 11200. E. L. IIIBERLY&OO. 504 Provident Bldg. FIRE Tmurance. Iliberly, 604 Prov. PORTABLE HOUSES poUTAHT.K permnnent houses. Three ruomi 12."'^; t'ompletw, flll*-<l with iilniiil.iMK, 1400. Ss* us at once. Wmoner Mf». Co., 1107 A at. Main 1243. FOUND FOUND—Nov. 18, two liorsog, one white, one bay, 1000 Him weight. Madison 1609. WANTKI^CUmUNCr HIGHEST prices paid for men'i castorf clothing. Bob's. 1107 Com- m«rc«. DANCING IIKATH'BACAUKMY. PannlnK Knar- anle.ed. win 1- Uroadway. PrUtM reaitonabl*. Main 2598. ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ THE Acm* Transfer A Storage Co. have started nn extenHlvp freight dellvory line to Camp Ijewis which will anable merchants to maka dally deliveries. DON'T sleep on the Job, BUY' RQI'ITY n on-assessable shnres 10c. Will advance 100 per cent next few days, capitalization low. 1311 Broadway. 11KN and women wanted to repre- sent The Tacoma Times on R. P. I), routes and In small towns out- side of Tacoma. have a very attractive proposition to offer re- sponsible people who wish to dn- voi \u25a0\u25a0 all or part of the time to neighborhood work. Write to R. G. Smith. Clr. Mjtr. The Tacoma Times, Tacoma, Wn. WANTED—Regular Journeyman cut- ter or one with partial experi- ence can secure steady employ- ment at good wages. Apply Shull- Day Company. BOYS WANTED THE TACOMA TIMEB has a few g;ood routes open for tJVK boys. No Sunday morning paper to de- liver. Salary nt rate of $12.00 per month tor each 100 papers deliv- ered. CIRCULATION MANAGER THK TACOMA TIMES. MOORICrtKI.D BATHS for rheuma- tlsm and lagrlppe. I.ady attend- ant. 7th and Pacific. Main HB4, WANTED —laborers to load and un- load scrap, SOc per hour, nine-hour day. Come early to start work at 7:30 a. m. Apply Store foreman's office. Chicago, Milwaukee A St. _Paul,_Tl*eflat* MEN and women, learn the barbet trade; big demand for barber*. Moler Ryntem W Barber College* Itlf Paclflo eve. Tacoma. FOH SALti MISCKIXANt'Ora AUCTION SALE Tuesday, Nnv. 20th, at 10HO a. m., at our Nalenroomx. 191 South 12th Street, of the fuiiilturo of .. five- room I'l-siilriu-*' iiidviil to our salesroom for convanlenoa of sale: Onk buok i use. iiiiiinK table, chair*, l roeki rs, kill Inn cabinet. lliubsi-Ih ruKs and carpels, library table, beds, BiiriiiMx, m ittrcKSi s, gun runifp, St. Clalr range, linoleum, 3 Cycle Inclubutorn, clover culler, aluminum Booking uteiiHlU, mir- rors, rii..i churn, ' haatars. AI,HO Very hMdSOMe black walnut bed room sit ol ii pliuex, birxc square oak dining table, wiin chain to match, leather Turkish ehalr, drop end bed lounge, onk ami maliog- ' any drMSsTB. iron bedH, HprluKH, mattrviMfl, cantrr table. Vl.-trola, blrdseye maple ilreHaiuK table mid •hair, buffet, mnnoKany npilKlit piano, iinii iiuiiieiouM other urti- cli-M. VVM riTS-HBNRT, Anil !• nicer. FOR SALE—Kirn ball piano, playor and SSO worth of munie, .-ill for fIM, AUo nearly new Majestic raliKe $40. Ovuliai.d I uiiiiliini Co., U4O Cummeice Bt. FIRE Insurance. Hlperly, 004 I'rov. TWO cowd for. sale, ji... mi auleua, no.i.i miiki i .. .1 i-. \u25a0 and ll'ii \u25a0I. Him. If. nil .; tOWII. . iiil, So. Hosmer. FITZ-HKNUVH BrKCIA 1-8. Wo have a small slue mite, Iurge slue Dick filing \u25a0\u25a0mI. In. i, x *. i M..11 oak "111,., filing culllllttt, i|iiilink, unlit*, <'uhli rasrlster, MrCaskey account system, Means typewrit- er, power and hand coffua mill, uliH'tric fan, refiiKri.il or show ca»<-R, wiill cigar cam-, < ißiir floor show cases, S h ii floor casos, 2 delicatessen ca&cs. delloatessen Marbles and kluhh shelves, an nil plute-KIuHH butter cilkp anil niarbltt top counter, 8-ft. glass floor coun- ter, l chair bootblack stand, 1 bil- liard mi. 1., 10 pool tabloß. pop corn crlnp machine—cost $7!>o, wo cun B^ll It to you for $300; Coun- ter .-i.ii.is. 'in back bur and counter with novelty box, Da Laval separator good as new. 2- oven I..inn range, 1-oven Lang 102 SOUTH 12TH STREET. ~ I FOR HAI,R at aTbargain, Royal cot- j fp« i.- i ii i, rapacity 10 to IK Mm.. ! Hiiltable for r calling peanut*. 180« Hoyt ay., Everett, Waiili. __^ 1 FOR .': \l.i;—ll..lst.-in .1. i«i > cow, ' freuli week a&u; 1 mile north of I Milton. A. MTJpratad. linn.i:v repairs each registers, computing seulea, opens Bares and | does other mechanical work, in:: , South 12th St. j WOOD for nit, l«-lnch dry ilab , wood: also 18-lnch forest wood. ' Call Main 8394. I NOTlCE—Shareholders of EQUITY ' keep In touch with progress; 100 ' per cent advance very soon, lilt , llroadway. CASH PAf5" FOR ÜBKD FITHNIT- ' TIRE AND OTHER MERCHAN- DISE. WM. FITZ-HENRT ! 102 SOUTH 12TH BTRKKT. | WK are the largest buyers of fix- tures, household goods and mer- } rhandlse In the state. Two places, , 2007 Second aye., S«attle, ansV 102 ' South 12th Ht.. Tacoma. I WM. FITZ-HRNRT. Portable Oarages Portable Houses UODRL portable ' cnlcken coops ' $».SO. Portable houses $7B and up. Wecener Mi.nufavtuilns; Co^ Main 1243. 1107 A at. nv«TI'RG Get them at th* *jlvß> Natl Klsh Co.. ltl So. 16th. NOTICB TO FARMRRS—Make your dates for your row sales now sa dates are filling rapidly. WM. FITZ-HENRY, Auctioneer. 101 South 12th St., Tacoma; 2*07 Sec- ond Aye., Seattle. fit, ajood dropD»a« Hlnjrer nwlnf machine, complete. Main S7II. lit So. 11th at f"/Th~ Watehea eleaaad or mil sOc nanus* jr*"**" JUST received. II used sewing ma- chines, all make*, prints |l to MI J. a Parbey, 1111 Broa4w«y Mala tll». WANTED—Ho«s. cattle, veal. bl4«a, poultry. Will cal for same. Paf hlgheat market price. Taecms Meal Co. Main !«M, after bual- ness hours, Prootor IJ2I. REAL EBTATI Furnished Bungalow onk sere nil iimicr cnltlvatlon, K"o.l hoII. I-room new buiiHHlow, . nil'l. ifH ful nlHlieii. Tlili |>l:i.e coal presenl owner j <l|n. but «iit sell for IliidO if takej ul on. ih be In Ikiivliik city. Terms can b«> iirranned. Da Land Hciiton (V)., Inc. fll-ll Hunkers Trust Bids. I'iiti-! Insurance. Hlbarljr, 604 run-. SMALL RANCH HOME \ Acret; 2-UiMtm House i.anp iio» sire, faces on two gated li>;uls | :n I i-s ffliccil, .-lire oleareij; him.ill new burn, well, loin of wood; Kood ii. iklilhu m.o.i, homei nil sround. I'M.-, $*oo; lluo rash, balance |in a month. I ..'-'. (»RWK)HY CO.. 41 h l-'loor \ inn., il It.-.ilty lllilaT. Sill..sin,in 111. MODERN 7-RM. HOUSE IN fine abH|ie, . .im-nt. Li", mont, uta- li<in;iry tubs, 1)4 IntH, Ktrei't llM- \u25a0easnients in and paid, I bloi ks <\u25a0> . <\u25a0 Hue. :i blocks In «. hoo», <n blorhl to f.ltiroln ilt-'i, . < I'll.,- Illtlj $3So pask, balanrn on lint tcrniM CHUUCH MAM* I-'KAV. I.N. Co:! s .in.llnii\ win-American lt;ink Bid*. M.un 1711. KIRK liiMiniiiice Ilibprly. r,04 I'rov. I POW SALE OR TRADE i ROOM hottse \u25a0 ii.) ii lets, trade for farm; will pay c;ish difference; WHIII Shirk Alhu lioiiMe, S aarea, well Improved place, to traila for v.icnnt lots. (). N. .FOIINS _Jfl2 Nat I. Hank of Tu.-oma HblaT. SAY DRUGGIST HAS A RECORD Iturry Grconwald, owner of the Tempi! drug store. 1158 Broad- way, who filed suit aKalnat the police administration last week l)i- --ta«M pollceiuen had bssM station- ed in front of the store, ha» a police record, Chief Smith an- nounced Monday. (Jreenwald was arronted In Blffalo, N. V., In 1901, h pick- pocket, and li'.s |iii-iurc suit broait- ca«t at that time, accordlns to police records. He lihh iilho linen arrested In Seattle on varloitH \u25a0barge*, the chief said. Police ('«pt. Falconer went '0 Sealln Monday to Ret Orecnwald's record there. The application for an In -million against slatiimiiu police In front of the drug store, will he heard In superior court Wednesday. Thief Changes His Mind When Woman Screams Awnkened at 2:30 Monday mnrniiiK by a burglar who was hi il. mi' a pertiistmit effort to break Into her home, Mrs. Mary J. Kennedy, 1224 North Tyler street, frightened the man away by demanding w>hat he wanted. 'I in- thief had first tried to "Jimmy" a window open, and had then Kone to the hark door, where he broke the netting from a screen door In his effort to gain en- trance. "What do you want here?" de- manded Mrs. Kennedy, from her bed. "Oh, nothing," replied the bur- glar, as he dropped his tools and ran away. Woman Fights With Burglar Miss Luce Hunt, daughter of C. C. Hunt, 723 J street, had com- pletely recovered Monday from hor battle with aburglar in the Huut residence Sunday evening. Altho the thief had thrown her heavily | to the floor, she was little the worse for her experience. The Hunt family had returned from a motor ride, and Hunt wan putting his car away when M'ss Hunt and her mother entered the house. The burglar was at work upstairs. Frightened by the re- turn of the family, the thief ran downstairs and bolted for the door. Miss Hunt seized him and screamed for her father. A lively battle ensued, ending when the burglar threw Miss Hunt to the floor and elaped over her body to the open front door. \u25a0 A quantity of jewelry and small bedroom articles had been taken by the thief, Including a D. A. R. button, an heirloom of the family. HUN PATROLS STEER CLEAR OF SAMMIES lulO'll I'rras Irmnl Wlrr.l AMKItII'AN KlKl.lt HKAD- QI'AUrKKS. KHANCK. Nov. 19.— tierinuu iii:-ht patrols are K'v>nß th« Americans a wide berth slnro Ilie Imblslm on reci'iil occasions .ii. .. i iiiit -11111 l.i i parlies such a warm reception. Tim usvihl nightly excursions over No Man's Laud Imve been without encounters with tint en- emy il in mi; i In- last few days. Desultory artilleryliiK kept up today. Thar* wore no Infantry actions. (Jen. l'ershiiiß pnld a surpr'*«: visit to Ills men in the front lino iiein-lii'n on Haturday and return ed todwy greatly pleased with their eflciency and tlie splendid discip- line they showod under f're. I lu-re was one Sammy in the trenches today who won't bo likely *<>on to strength hi:, muscles cure- U'Msly. Me was stationed at an ad- vanced Kirn poB-t, secreted behind a oliallow trench. It was ro shal- j low the husky American not i crani|>ed. Ho lnxurlatml In stretching his legs and then an! irresistible desire to stralKhten up back came over him. i-'mi 11 in". warnhiK, the American stood up languidly. STOPMARCIT TO PETROGRAD I <l'lil(.-il Prrna I r,,mr<\ Wur.) STOCKHOLM, Nov. 19.—Pro- visional government forrm have \u25baflopped their march toward Petro- Krad, according to ditt|>:itchc.H re- celvod today from the i.'u.i.ui cap-1 ml The decision not to attempt in- vestment of the city wan due, I*. was reported, ti continued Ignor- ance of the troo|is uh to Premier Kerensky's whereabouts. General DaiiUhoninc. chief of the army Keii--i.il staff, Issued the ordora halting the udvance. CONSENT TO ARBITRATION Mm. Nellie Luwrmicu, 111 So. 17lh Mtreet, was painfully Injured In an uuto accident Sunday even- ing caiiHod by congestion of trafflo nn the army post road. Tho ae- riii.-iit occurred near the speed- way, when iui army post bus, cut- ting in front of two other nara, rmiHod one car to stop suddenly in avoid a collision. The second far, driven by l<oo Kelly, an artll- i leryman, crashed Into the first machine, Iliruwtn; Mra.' Lawrence and her .••-on. Marion, to the pave- ment. The woman HtiHtalnad se- vcro fl< \u25a0 :ii wiiinid . about the head. Marlon HUHtuined a grained wrist. (United I'kss LmM«| Wlrti.- WASIIIMiTON, D. <'•, Nov. 19 —The railroads today MMptMf arbitration of their employe: wac,i demands and placed thoil IntoroKtH "uni«'scrvodly" in tin handH of I'rosidiMit Wilson. A letter to Judge Chumliors of the IT. 8. hoard of mediation and con- ciliation from the rallroada' war board announced tills decision. Gin With Opera Voice Sings for Sammies A young girl who has made two debuts—one In grand opera, the other In a prominent social set— is the daughter of Mont D. Rogers of New York. Miss Rogers is All- American. She received all her voice training in this country and now is turning her gift to pa- triotic service. She has been sing- Ing frequently this fall for war re- lief charities and for the enter- tainment of soldiers and sailor* I'll era was an Instantaneous bang and a small shell whlssed across Nu Man'g i..nnl The Incau- tious Sammy was the target. Tim missile struck tin- butt of hat rifle and pa ..1 nu. exploding wickedly It feet distaut. The American soldier was knocked off liU feet. He arose to his ku.es. cursing flu- ently, wiped the dirt off himself, hi ill holding iii'hi to the splinter- ed piece of rifle. "Why, the -nils nf gunst" ha drawled, Htid heat It back quickly tv c.'-i another rifle. ALIEN ENEMY RESTRICTIONS il niK.i >NM i.raacd Wlra.l WASHINGTON, U. C, Nov. 19. —All eiieuiy ullcus are barred from the. District of Columbia and the Panama canal zone, in a proc- lamation issued by i'reudeint Wilson today. It drastically restricts th« moveinentH of all oueuiy aliens la the LI. S. Thu proclamation provides that no alien enemy shall come nearer ilian 100 yards of any canal, wharf, pier, or drydock used by *ny vessel of over 500 tons en- gaged in foreign or domeatlo trade. This prohibition blho extends to grain elevatorx, warehouses, rail- road depots, yards or terminal* which are used hi connection with the docks and piers. Alien enemies must keep off all boats except public ferries on oceim, bay, river or other waters] v.iliiin three miles of the short) linn of the United States or Its territorials. Congestion Is Cause of Smash Mayor Against New Sidewalks "In these dnys nf the high cost of living, and with the people be- ing forced by buy Liberty bonds and pay war taxes, I don't believe It is fair for th« city to order any Improvements that will cost the taxpayers more money." This wa« Mayor Fawcett's ob- jection Monday to a proposed sld«- walk district in the North Bnd, bounded by 42nd, 46th, Orchard and Cheyenne streets. Several property owners objected. There were 600 lots in the dis- trict, and only 30 persons object- ing, so the council ordered the sidewalks installed. Commission- er Drake voted with Mayor Faw- cett against the work. The side- walks will cost 120,400. In Drug Ring; Gets Six Months "Blackle" Chandler, a colored drug (lend, arrested Saturday night on chargen that 4ie was carrying drugs to soldiers at Camp Lew in, was given a* six months' sentence by Police Jndg* (iraham Monday. Chandler was caught near the base hospital of the cantonment. A quantity of drug* were found on his person. Military polio* say that he was a member of the alleged "drug ring" that had been organised to supply cocaine and morphine to soldiers of the camp. Just Fill the Blank and Watch Carrier Takehoma Times to You Circulation Manager, j The Times, Tacoma, j Please begin delivering me The Times, at your regular rates j and oblige. j i «.. (Name) j . ..„ , (Address) '1 j.

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Post on 02-Nov-2020




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    1 cent a word < a.B lnaeriiou—3 times for tbn price of -.1 montli. per line per month fl.oo5 mouths, per line per month !>56 months, per line per month 9012 months, per Hue per month .Ii

    Swap ads 15 words, 3 tinioa, 15e, cash in advance.No advertisement taken for less than 15 cents.



    __"„_. Tires ami tubesSQUARE nf stability, autodßi rung iupplltn, liard-

    AWr" 3nu>^ ware and toole—Vf\)i

    | , **»'""ii"« oils andSTL. j,i..1.-.i".

    1113 Tacoma ay. __, ,__, "",',"„-.",-?ABSTRACTS


    MAIN 101Bankers Tiust BMI.


    Fidelity ri.iK. Main 21»4.""~~

    AMBULANCESAUTOMOBILE ambulance. Only one

    In city. Main 48."^^^^^altolrxey s» B, AI.PRICH,7Atty at~L«,w. l«lF J.

    CARPET CfcEANINOH. I* HOURK—Carpet beating, re-

    fitting and laying; feather reno-vating and upholitotlng. 2811 Bthay. Main m.~ ' DRATAGB*^^ ~—'

    Commercial Truck & Storage Co.—Furniture moved, packed andStored. Team and auto vann. Flre-

    froof warehouse. Best corps ofrained men In city. Main 701."^TOIN^S^COLLEGEa

    GIRLS MUST"WORK,^______^^_-_ Hundreds ofMBsP^"sbl^?»*BSbl Kuis and worn-

    tX T+^m "> '" Tacoma.rVl\»*^.#j|»^ arc not work-r£% :; rooms ami tea first floor, I badrooms aacond floor; beallnit plant;full li.iHi'ineiit; flreplnoa, electrici-iioklna outfit uml water beater.» leriim.

    ButlaTUluW ami 4 larffe lots. tfOO ft.from car. rrull tre.n. 010.. |900only, cash I.'iOO. hal.imo $7.b0 pormoittb.

    Cit'sccni Realty Co.n.; lalltoi nut Bldg

    I 11:1 ln-.ni.in. «. II li.-ilv. Mlt I'niv


    ••ROOM house with haitemcnt. •I.'i. \u25a0!\u25a0. mi So. Mth uml wii.MtirlKht; 10 fine Unit trees), borilesof till kinds; but .mil cobi water,el< rti ii- ll^bis. alectrie cook utove;liesi rar iervica. Take Obi I'uy-allup-Larohraonl Summli or W <laml Kit off at WheelriKhl. rii?btnt the door, or take \u25a0panaway.Parkland or I'urn HIM. k'< "ff utI-, in ii.ii. a/alh 4 block .MM. own-er wants smallar plaoa,

    i WATEKKUONT LAND TRADB torcity property. II neros fine noil;no bank lit frontal**, -t mllen Natl Klsh Co..ltl So. 16th.

    NOTICB TO FARMRRS—Make yourdates for your row sales now sadates are filling rapidly. WM.FITZ-HENRY, Auctioneer. 101South 12th St., Tacoma; 2*07 Sec-ond Aye., Seattle.

    fit, ajood dropD»a« Hlnjrer nwlnfmachine, complete. Main S7II.lit So. 11th at

    f"/Th~ Watehea eleaaad or milsOc nanus* jr*"**"JUST received. II used sewing ma-

    chines, all make*, prints |l to MIJ. a Parbey, 1111 Broa4w«yMala tll».

    WANTED—Ho«s. cattle, veal. bl4«a,poultry. Will cal for same. Pafhlgheat market price. TaecmsMeal Co. Main !«M, after bual-ness hours, Prootor IJ2I. •

    REAL EBTATIFurnished Bungalow

    onk sere nil iimicr cnltlvatlon,K"o.l hoII. I-room new buiiHHlow,. nil'l. ifH ful nlHlieii. Tlili |>l:i.ecoal presenl owner j iirranned.

    Da Land Hciiton (V)., Inc.fll-ll Hunkers Trust Bids.

    I'iiti-! Insurance. Hlbarljr, 604 run-.

    SMALL RANCH HOME\ Acret; 2-UiMtm House

    i.anp iio» sire, faces on two gatedli>;uls | :n I i-s ffliccil, .-lireoleareij; him.ill new burn, well, loinof wood; Kood ii. iklilhu m.o.i,homei nil sround. I'M.-, $*oo; lluorash, balance |in a month.

    I ..'-'. (»RWK)HY CO..41 h l-'loor \ inn., il It.-.ilty lllilaT.

    Sill..sin,in 111.

    MODERN 7-RM. HOUSEIN fine abH|ie, . .im-nt. Li", mont, uta-

    lihat he wanted.

    'I in- thief had first tried to"Jimmy" a window open, and hadthen Kone to the hark door, wherehe broke the netting from a screendoor In his effort to gain en-trance.

    "What do you want here?" de-manded Mrs. Kennedy, from herbed.

    "Oh, nothing," replied the bur-glar, as he dropped his tools andran away.

    Woman FightsWith Burglar

    Miss Luce Hunt, daughter of C.C. Hunt, 723 J street, had com-pletely recovered Monday from horbattle with aburglar in the Huutresidence Sunday evening. Althothe thief had thrown her heavily |to the floor, she was little theworse for her experience.

    The Hunt family had returnedfrom a motor ride, and Hunt wanputting his car away when M'ssHunt and her mother entered thehouse. The burglar was at workupstairs. Frightened by the re-turn of the family, the thief randownstairs and bolted for thedoor. Miss Hunt seized him andscreamed for her father. A livelybattle ensued, ending when theburglar threw Miss Hunt to thefloor and elaped over her body tothe open front door. \u25a0

    A quantity of jewelry and smallbedroom articles had been takenby the thief, Including a D. A. R.button, an heirloom of the family.


    • lulO'll I'rras Irmnl Wlrr.lAMKItII'AN KlKl.lt HKAD-

    QI'AUrKKS. KHANCK. Nov. 19.—tierinuu iii:-ht patrols are K'v>nßth« Americans a wide berth slnroIlie Imblslm on reci'iil occasions.ii. .. i iiiit -11111 l.i i parlies such awarm reception.

    Tim usvihl nightly excursionsover No Man's Laud Imve beenwithout encounters with tint en-emy ilin mi; i In- last few days.

    Desultory artilleryliiK kept uptoday. Thar* wore no Infantryactions.

    (Jen. l'ershiiiß pnld a surpr'*«:visit to Ills men in the front linoiiein-lii'n on Haturday and returned todwy greatly pleased with theireflciency and tlie splendid discip-line they showod under f're.

    I lu-re was one Sammy in thetrenches today who won't bo likely*on to strength hi:, muscles cure-U'Msly.

    Me was stationed at an ad-vanced Kirn poB-t, secreted behinda oliallow trench. It was ro shal- jlow the husky American not icrani|>ed. Ho lnxurlatml Instretching his legs and then an!irresistible desire to stralKhten upback came over him. i-'mi • 11 in".warnhiK, the American stood uplanguidly.


    I NM i.raacd Wlra.lWASHINGTON, U. C, Nov. 19.

    —All eiieuiy ullcus are barredfrom the. District of Columbia andthe Panama canal zone, in a proc-lamation issued by i'reudeintWilson today.

    It drastically restricts th«moveinentH of all oueuiy aliens lathe LI. S.

    Thu proclamation provides thatno alien enemy shall come nearerilian 100 yards of any canal,wharf, pier, or drydock used by*ny vessel of over 500 tons en-gaged in foreign or domeatlotrade.

    This prohibition blho extends tograin elevatorx, warehouses, rail-road depots, yards or terminal*which are used hi connection withthe docks and piers.

    Alien enemies must keep off allboats except public ferries onoceim, bay, river or other waters]v.iliiin three miles of the short)linn of the United States or Itsterritorials.

    Congestion IsCause of Smash

    Mayor AgainstNew Sidewalks

    "In these dnys nf the high costof living, and with the people be-ing forced by buy Liberty bondsand pay war taxes, I don't believeIt is fair for th« city to order anyImprovements that will cost thetaxpayers more money."

    This wa« Mayor Fawcett's ob-jection Monday to a proposed sld«-walk district in the North Bnd,bounded by 42nd, 46th, Orchardand Cheyenne streets. Severalproperty owners objected.

    There were 600 lots in the dis-trict, and only 30 persons object-ing, so the council ordered thesidewalks installed. Commission-er Drake voted with Mayor Faw-cett against the work. The side-walks will cost 120,400.

    In Drug Ring;Gets Six Months"Blackle" Chandler, a colored

    drug (lend, arrested Saturdaynight on chargen that 4ie wascarrying drugs to soldiers atCamp Lew in, was given a* sixmonths' sentence by Police Jndg*(iraham Monday.

    Chandler was caught near thebase hospital of the cantonment.A quantity of drug* were foundon his person. Military polio*say that he was a member of thealleged "drug ring" that had beenorganised to supply cocaine andmorphine to soldiers of the camp.

    Just Fill the Blank and WatchCarrier Takehoma Times to YouCirculation Manager, j

    The Times, Tacoma, jPlease begin delivering me The Times, at your regular rates j

    and oblige. ji «.. (Name) j. ..„ , (Address) '1 j.