easter in estonia!

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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Vastseliina Gymnasium
    Form 4
    Easter in Estonia!

2. In the Estonian folk calendar Easter is celebrated not only as a great church holiday but also as a spring holiday to welcome the arrival of the lighter and warmer season.
Estonians do celebrate Easter, they call it Munadephad (egg holiday).
It is an important holiday with very old and strong traditions.
People paint and draw on boiled eggs and change them with each other.
3. Traditionally, eggs are painted/coloured by boiling them wrapped in the dry outer skin of onions.
4. Girls are changeing eggs and boys are knocking eggs
5. Beautiful eggs!
6. Pasha is the most common dessert: made of drained cottage cheese and later enriched with raisins, nuts, candied peel or compote berries, it is a sweet and savoury treat for people of all ages.
7. Easter greetings from Estonia!