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  • 8/18/2019 Dwa 6 - Αντιγραφή


  • 8/18/2019 Dwa 6 - Αντιγραφή


    Motorcycle data/dealership details

    Motorcycle data


    Vehicle identification number

    Colour code

    Date of first registration

    Registration number

    Dealership details

    Person to contact in Service department


    Phone number

    Dealership address/phone number (com-pany stamp)

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    Details described or illustratedin this booklet may differ fromthe motorcycle's actual specifica-tion as purchased, the accessor-ies fitted or the national-market

    specification. No claims will beentertained as a result of suchdiscrepancies.

    Dimensions, weights, fuel con-sumption and performance dataare quoted to the customary tol-erances.

    The right to modify designs,equipment and accessories isreserved.

    Errors and omissions excepted.

    © 2008 BMW Motorrad

    Not to be reproduced eitherwholly or in part without written

    permission from BMW Motorrad,After Sales.

    Printed in Germany.

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    BMW recommends

    Order No. 01 41 7 714 371

    05.2008, 5th edition*01417714371*

  • 8/18/2019 Dwa 6 - Αντιγραφή


    Welcome to BMW Mo-torrad

    We congratulate you on yourchoice of the BMW MotorradDWA 6 anti-theft alarm.

    Familiarise yourself with all theapplicable procedures before youuse the system for the first time.These instructions for use con-tain the information you need, soplease study them carefully.

    If you have questions concern-ing this BMW Motorrad anti-theftalarm, your authorised BMW Mo-torrad dealer will gladly provideadvice and assistance.

    We hope that you will enjoy us-ing your DWA 6 system and thatall your journeys will be pleasant

    and safe.

    BMW Motorrad.

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    Table of Contents

    You can also consult the index atthe end of this Rider's Manual if you want to find a particular topic

    or item of information.1 General instructions . . . . 3Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Abbreviations andsymbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    2 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5General information about theanti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    3 Operation.. .. ... .. .. ... .. . 7Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Alarm function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Registration of the remotecontrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    4 Technical data .. .. .. .. .. 17Anti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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    General instructions

    Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Abbreviations and symbols . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

    Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


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    Chapter 2 of these instructionsfor use will provide you withan initial overview of the anti-

    theft alarm. Chapter 3 describeshow to use the anti-theft alarm,Chapter 4 contains a list of the most important technicalfeatures.

    Abbreviations andsymbols

    Indicates warnings that youmust comply with for reas-

    ons of your safety and the safetyof others, and to protect yourmotorcycle against damage.

    Specific instructions onhow to operate, control, ad-

     just or look after items of equip-ment on the motorcycle.

    Indicates the end of anitem of information.


    Result of an activity.

    Reference to a page with

    more detailed informa-tion.

    Indicates the end of apassage relating to spe-cific accessories or itemsof equipment.

    Tightening torque.

    Item of technical data.


    The high safety and quality levels

    of BMW accessories are ensuredby a process of continuing evol-ution. Because of this, the ac-cessory you have purchased maydiffer from the information sup-plied in the instructions for use.

    Nor can BMW Motorrad entirelyrule out errors and omissions.We hope you will appreciate thatno claims can be entertained onthe basis of the data, illustrations

    or descriptions in this manual.

    Technical data

    All dimensions, weights andpower ratings stated in theinstructions for use are quoted tothe standards and comply with

    the tolerance requirements of theDeutsches Institut für Normunge.V. (DIN). Versions for individualcountries may differ.


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    General information about the anti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


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    General informationabout the anti-theftalarm

    Any attempt to move the motor-

    cycle, change its position, startit without an authorised key ordisconnect the starter battery willtrigger the alarm. The sensitivityof the system is parameterisedso that slight vibrations will nottrigger the alarm. Once the sys-tem has been activated, any at-

    tempt to tamper with the motor-cycle is indicated acoustically bythe siren and visually by all fourturn indicators flashing in unison.

    You can change some of youralarm system's parameters to suityour personal preferences.

    Conserving battery powerIn order to conserve the powerof the starter battery and ensurethat the motorcycle will start, theanti-theft alarm switches off auto-

    matically a few days after beingactivated. In most cases, how-ever, it will remain active for atleast seven days.

    Radio interferenceRadio systems or devices trans-mitting on the same frequencyas the remote control of the anti-theft alarm can interfere with op-eration of the system. If prob-lems of this nature occur, pointthe remote control toward the

    motorcycle from another direc-tion.


    1   Left button (ribbed) ( 8)

    2   Right button ( 9)

    3   LED

    See your Rider's Manualfor details of the position of 

    the status-indicator LED on themotorcycle.


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    Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Alarm function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Registration of the remote con-trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Synchronisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


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    Activating with motionsensor

    To activate the alarm function,press button  1  on the remotecontrol once or  switch off theignition (if programmed).

    If the alarm function isactivated by the ignition beingswitched off, a 30-second

    delay precedes the activationphase.

    Activation phase starts.

    Turn indicators flash twice.

    Alarm tone sounds twice (if programmed).

    The telltale light on the mo-torcycle starts flashing (0.1second ON, 0.9 second OFF).

    Activation phase

    The anti-theft alarm needs15 seconds to go active. Noalarm will be triggered during thistime.

    Conserving battery power

    If you decide to activate thealarm function more than oneminute after switching off theignition, you must press button  1

    for longer than one second. If itis left deactivated for longer thanapproximately one hour, the anti-theft alarm shuts itself down inorder to conserve battery power.

    If you want to activate the alarmfunction after this period of timeyou must switch the ignition onand then off again.

    Motion sensor whenmotorcycle is to betransported

    If you want to transport yourmotorcycle by train or on atrailer, for example, it is advisableto switch off the motionsensor. If the motion sensoris not switched off the severemovements occurring in transit

    could trigger the alarm.


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    Deactivating motionsensor

    Press button  1  on the remote

    control a second time duringthe activation phase.

    Turn indicators flash threetimes.

    Alarm tone sounds three times.

    Motion sensor is deactivated.

    Alarm function

    Alarm triggers

    An alarm can be triggered by

    the motion sensor

    an attempt to switch on theignition with an unauthorisedkey

    an attempt to disconnect theanti-theft alarm from the starterbattery (the built-in battery inthe anti-theft alarm automatic-ally cuts in to provide power)


    An alarm lasts for 26 seconds.The system is active again an-

    other 12 seconds later. You caninterrupt an alarm at any time bypressing button  2  on the remotecontrol. This function does notchange the status of the anti-theft alarm.

    While an alarm is in progress analarm tone sounds and the turn

    indicators flash. You can programthe type of alarm tone.


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    Reason for an alarm

    Once you have deactivated thealarm function, the anti-theftalarm telltale light flashes in codefor one minute if the alarm wastriggered while active: the codeindicates the reason for thealarm:

    1x flashing: Motion sensor;motorcycle was rocked forward/back

    2x flashing: Motion sensor;

    motorcycle was tilted to theside

    3x flashing: Attempt to switchon the ignition with unauthor-ised key

    4x flashing: Attempt to discon-nect the anti-theft alarm fromthe starter battery

    Acoustic indication thatalarm was triggered

    A signal tone sounding onceafter you switch on the ignitionis an indication that an alarm wastriggered since the alarm functionwas last activated.


    Deactivating alarmfunction

    Press button  2  on the remotecontrol once or  switch on theignition using an authorisedkey.

    Note that you can deactiv-ate the alarm function with

    the ignition key only when the killswitch is in the RUN position.

    If you use the remote con-trol to deactivate the alarm

    function and do not follow upby switching on the ignition, thealarm function is automaticallyreactivated after 30 seconds if the "activation after ignition off"parameter is set.

    Turn indicators flash once.Alarm tone sounds once (if programmed).

    Alarm function is deactivated.

    Conserving battery power

    After the alarm function has beenactive for approximately one hour,

    the receiver for the remote con-trol in the anti-theft alarm shutsdown to conserve battery power.After this period has elapsed theignition has to be switched on in


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    order for the alarm function to bedeactivated.


    Programming options

    You can customise the follow-ing parameters of your anti-theftalarm:

    Confirmation alarm tone afteractivation/deactivation of theanti-theft alarm in addition tovisual confirmation by turn in-

    dicators flashingRising and falling or intermittentalarm tone

    Automatic activation of thealarm function after the ignitionis switched off 

    Default settings

    The anti-theft alarm ships withthe following default settings:

    Alarm tone sounds as confirm-ation after activation/deactiva-tion of the alarm function: No

    Alarm tone: Intermittent

    Automatic activation of the

    alarm function after the ignitionis switched off: No

    Programming anti-theftalarm

    Deactivate the alarm function.

    Switch on the ignition.Press button 1  three times.

    Acknowledgement tone soundsonce.

    Within ten seconds, switch off the ignition.

    Press button  2  three times.

    Acknowledgement tone soundsonce.

    Within ten seconds, switch onthe ignition.

    Acknowledgement tone soundsthree times.

    The programming function isactive.

    Programming is a sequence of four steps, although no functionis assigned to step No. 2. Thenumber of times the anti-theftalarm telltale light on the mo-torcycle flashes indicates whichstep in the programming se-quence is active. An alarm tonesounds as confirmation when

    you press button  1; an acknow-ledgement tone sounds whenyou press button  2.


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    Step 1: Do you want a con-firmation tone to sound afteractivation/deactivation of theanti-theft alarm?


    Press button  1.


    Press button  2.

    Step 2:

    There is no function assigned tothis step.

    Press button  1  or button  2.

    Step 3: Which alarm tone doyou want to use?

    Rising and falling:

    Press button  1.


    Press button  2.Step 4: Do you want to havethe alarm function activatedautomatically after the ignitionis switched off?


    Press button  1.


    Press button  2.

    Under whatcircumstances isprogramming aborted?

    Programming is aborted

    if the ignition is switched off before completion of the laststep in the programming se-quence

    or  automatically, if more than30 seconds elapse betweenany two steps in the program-ming sequence.

    The new settings are not saved if programming is aborted.

    Saving programmedsettings

    Programming is saved

    when the ignition is switchedoff after completion of the laststep in the programming se-quence

    or   automatically 30 secondsafter completion of the laststep in the programming se-quence

    The anti-theft alarm telltale lightstops flashing and four acknow-ledgement tones sound.

    Registration of theremote control

    When is it necessary toregister a remote control?

    If you want to register an addi-tional remote control or registera remote control as a replace-ment for one that has been mis-laid, you must always register all


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    the remote control units with theanti-theft alarm. You can registera maximum of four remote con-trol units.

    Registering remotecontrol

    Deactivate the alarm function.

    Switch on the ignition.

    Press button  2   three times.

    Acknowledgement tone sounds

    once.Within ten seconds, switch off the ignition.

    Press button  2   three times.

    Acknowledgement tone soundsonce.

    Within ten seconds, switch onthe ignition.

    Acknowledgement tone sounds

    twice.You can now register a maximumof four remote control units withthe anti-theft alarm. Registrationis a three-step process for eachremote control.

    Press and hold down button  1and button  2.

    LED flashes for ten seconds.

    As soon as the LED goes out,release button  1  and button  2.

    LED lights up.

    Press button 1  or button  2.

    Alarm tone sounds once.

    LED goes out.

    Remote control has been re-gistered.

    Repeat this three-step proced-ure for each additional remotecontrol.

    Termination of registration

    Registration is terminated when

    four remote control units havebeen registered

    the ignition is switched off 

    30 seconds elapse without abutton being pressed after theignition has been switched off 

    30 seconds elapse without abutton being pressed after aremote control unit has been


    When registration terminates theLED flashes and the acknow-ledgement tone sounds threetimes.


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    When is it necessary tosynchronise the remotecontrol?

    The remote control has to besynchronised if the buttons of the remote control have beenpressed more than 256 timesoutside the receiver's range.Once this limit has been reached,the receiver on the motorcyclewill no longer react to the signals

    from the remote control.

    Synchronising remotecontrol

    Press and hold down button  1

    and button  2.LED flashes for ten seconds.

    As soon as the LED goes out,release button 1  and button  2.

    LED lights up.

    Press button  1  or button  2.

    LED goes out.

    Remote control has been syn-chronised.


    When does the batteryhave to be changed?

    The battery in the remote control

    is due to be changed after ap-proximately 2 - 3 years. You cantell that the battery is weak if theLED does not light up or lightsup only briefly when a button ispressed.

    Changing battery

    Remove screw  4  and removebottom part of housing  5.

    Slide old battery  8  forwardfrom under retainer 6.


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    Using a battery of thewrong type or inserting the

    battery with the polarity reversedcan cause irreparable damage tothe device.

    Use only the specified type of battery (see "Technical Data").When inserting the battery,always make sure polarity iscorrect.

    Slip the new battery into posi-tion, making sure that the pos-

    itive terminal of the battery isfacing up.

    Position the bottom part of thehousing at projection 9  of thefront edge and close the hous-ing, noting two guide pins  7.

    Install screw  4.

    The LED on the remote con-

    trol lights up, indicating that theremote control has to be syn-chronised.

    To synchronise the remotecontrol, make sure that it iswithin range of the receiver and

    press button 1  twice.LED  3  starts flashing and thengoes out after a few seconds.

    The remote control is againready for use.


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    Technical data

    Anti-theft alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


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    Anti-theft alarm

    Time to active after activation 15 s

    Alarm duration 26 s

    Activation time between two alarms 12 sTemperature range -40...85 °C

    Operating voltage 9...16 V

    Remote control

    Range of the remote control 10 m

    Reception standby for signal from remote control 1 h, After ignition off Signal frequency 25 kHz, Broadband

    Transmission frequency 433.92 MHz

    Operating voltage 3 V

    Battery type CR 2032

    Battery type Lithium


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    AAbbreviations and symbols, 4

    Activatingwith motion sensor, 8

    Alarm function

    Deactivating, 10


    changing, 14

    CCurrency, 4


    Alarm, 10

    Motion sensor, 9

    Default settings, 11

    MMotion sensor

    Deactivating, 9

    PProgramming, 11


    Remote control, 13

    Remote controlregistering, 13

    synchronising, 14

    TTechnical data

    Standards, 4


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