dušan jovanović, maša pelko Žrtve radia bum bum...

AKADEMIJA ZA GLEDALIŠČE, RADIO, FILM IN TELEVIZIJO UNIVERZE V LJUBLJANI ACADEMY FOR THEATRE, RADIO, FILM AND TELEVISION UNIVERSOTY OF LJUBLJANA Dušan Jovanović, Maša Pelko ŽRTVE RADIA BUM BUM VICTIMS OF RADIO BOOM BOOM Radijska igra Radio Play Prevod/Translation Maša Pelko University of Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television A: Nazorjeva ulica 3, 1000 Ljubljana W: www.agrft.uni-lj.si E: [email protected] – director; [email protected] – producer

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Prevod/Translation Maša Pelko

University of Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television A: Nazorjeva ulica 3, 1000 Ljubljana W: www.agrft.uni-lj.si E: [email protected] – director; [email protected] – producer

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Žrtve radia bum bum je avtorska adaptacija kultnega dramskega besedila Žrtve mode

bum bum Dušana Jovanovića iz leta 1975, ki še danes velja za prelomni dogodek v

zgodovini uprizarjanja in dramatike.

Žrtve mode bum bum nosijo podnaslov scenarij za gledališko predstavo, saj je

sestavljen kot kolaž nagovorov in prizorov ženskega in moškega zbora, ki spominja na

antično tragedijo. Tudi jezikovno gre za popoln eksperiment: gre za kompilacijo fraz,

pregovorov, podob iz mitologije, citatov iz literature, besednih zvez, vse to pa se

prepleta z jasnim protivojnim sporočilom, ki včasih deluje neposredno, včasih ironično,

včasih asociativno, vedno pa jasno nastopa proti vojnem in nasilnem angažmaju

države in posameznika.

Več kot štirideset let kasneje smo se študenti 4. letnika dramske igre ter radijske in

gledališke režije lotiti avtorske adaptacije, kjer smo hoteli opozoriti na sporočilo, ki ga

podaja že originalna predloga: zgodovina naše civilizacije ni nič drugega kot

ponavljanje nasilja, uničevanja, trpljenja in nesvobode.

S tem poudarjamo, da se svet naših očetov ni razlikoval od našega, predvsem pa, da

nasilje deluje tudi na bazi političnega, družbenega, ekonomskega, duhovnega,

ideološkega ter medijskega angažmaja. Prav slednje je bila iztočnica za postavitev

besedila v radijsko igro in namesto modne revije, kot se pojavlja v Jovanovićevem

kolažu, mi uporabljamo dogodke iz zgodovine radija: kako pomembno vlogo je imel v

prelomnih historičnih trenutkih, kdaj je človeštvo povezal in na katerih točkah je bil

uporabljen kot orožje.

Tehnika kolaža in montaže besed omogoča izjemno dimenzijo zvočne podobe, ritem in

melodija pa omogočata še bolj jasno pomensko in vsebinsko strukturo, ki še bolj

ironizira banalnost nasilja.

Ob tem je pomembno omeniti tudi, da si, tako kot v izhodiščni ideji, besedilo podaja

neimenovan zbor moških in žensk, ki jim je bila odvzeta identiteta, hkrati pa upamo, da

nam bo naša vrnjena.

Maša Pelko, režiserka

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The Victims of Radio Boom Boom are an original adaptation of the cult drama from

1975 by Dušan Jovanović titled Victims of Fashion Boom Boom, that is stil considered

as a turning event in the history of staging and dramatics.

The Victims of Fashion Boom Boom are subtitled as scenario for the theater

performance, as it is composed as a collage of speeches and scenes of a female and

male choir, that resembles an ancient tragedy. It is also composed as a perfect

experiment: a compilation of phrases, prepositions, images from mythology, quotations

from literature, phrases, all of which interwoven with a clear antiwar message,

sometimes acting directly, sometimes ironic, sometimes asociative, but always clearly

against war and violent engagement of the state and the individual.

More than forty years later, students of the 4th year of drama acting and theatre and

radio directing made an original adaptation of the text, where we wanted to draw

attention to the message that is already given in the original proposal: the history of our

civilization is nothing more than a repetition of violence, destruction, suffering and


With this, we emphasize that the world of our fathers was no different from ours, but

above all, that violence also works on the basis of political, social, economic, spiritual,

ideological and media engagement. The latter was the starting point for putting the text

into a radio play and instead of a fashion show, as it appears in Jovanović's collage, we

use events from the history of the radio: how important was it in the crucial historical

moments, when did it connect the humanity and on which points it was used as a


The technique of collage and assembly of words provides an exceptional dimension of

the sound image, while the rhythm and melody enable an even clearer semantic and

content structure that even ironifies the banality of violence.

It is also worth mentioning that, as in the initial idea, the players are formed by an

unnamed choir of men and women who were stripped of their identity, but at the same

time we hope that our generation will get one.

Maša Pelko, director

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Ženske Lina Akif, Lucija Harum, Anuša Kodelja, Ana Penca, Beti Strgar Moški Borut Doljšak, Timotej Novaković, Gregor Podričnik, Blaž Popovski, Matic Valič, Lovro Zafred Uporabljeni originalni posnetki Orson Welles: War of the Worlds (1938, CBS Radio Station) Neville Chameberlain: War Declaration (1939, BBC Radio Station) Winston Churchill: We shall fight on the beaches (1940) Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have a Dream (1963) Režiserka Maša Pelko Tonski mojster Urban Fonetična operma in jezikovni pregled Klemen Markovčič Mentorja prof. Aleš Jan, prof. Klemen Markovčič Trajanje Produkcija Akademije za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo in Uredništva igranega programa Radia Slovenija Posneto v studiih Radia Slovenija

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Women Lina Akif, Lucija Harum, Anuša Kodelja, Ana Penca, Beti Strgar Man Borut Doljšak, Timotej Novaković, Gregor Podričnik, Blaž Popovski, Matic Valič, Lovro Zafred Original records used Orson Welles: War of the Worlds (1938, CBS Radio Station) Neville Chameberlain: War Declaration (1939, BBC Radio Station) Winston Churchill: We shall fight on the beaches (1940) Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have a Dream (1963) Director Maša Pelko Sound engineer Urban Phonetic equipment and proof-reading Klemen Markovčič Mentors prof. Aleš Jan, prof. Klemen Markovčič Duration Produced by Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television and by the Drama Department of Radio Slovenija Registered in the studios of Radio Slovenija

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OPOMBA Število igralcev je neomejeno, mora pa jih nastopati vsaj deset ( 5 žensk in 5 moških). Uvodni odstavki so lahko razdeljeni po želji avtorja, prizori pa nas so deljeni kot je zapisano: m – moški igralec ž – ženska igralka vsi m – moški zbor vse ž – ženski zbor vsi – vsi nastopajoči

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NOTE The play can be played by any number of actors, but there must be at least ten of them (5 woman and 5 man). The introductory parts can be divided as wished, the scenes are to be divided as written: m – one male player w – one woman player all m – male chorus all w – woman chorus all – all the actors included

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I. VITEZI Spoštovani prijatelji radijskega medija, drage prijateljice in občudovalke radijskih programov! Radijska igra, ki se razprostira pred vami, bo za vse poznavalce gotovo osvežujoča poslastica, hkrati pa za vse radovedneže, ki jim radio še ni blizu, predstavlja možnost, da se prepustijo zanimivim in poučnim nastopom. Vpliv radia se danes rado zapostavlja, mi pa smo tu, da vam pokažemo številne zgodovinske trenutke, ki jih je radio spremljal na vsakem koraku. Saj menda ne mislite, da je zgodovina sama pisala svojo zgodbo?

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I. KNIGHTS Respectfull friends of radio, dear admirerers of radio stations! Radio show, presented in front of you, will be a refreshing delicacy for all radio connoisseurs and at the same time an opportunity for everybody curious enough, to enjoy in interesting and instructive performances. Influence of radio can easily be neglected, but we are here, to show you many important historical moments, that radio has followed. You don’t believe, that history wrote its own story, do you?

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Tehnična osnova in patenti radijskih sprejemnikov so nastajli skozi dolgotrajen proces, med začetniki je že Nikola Teslo kdo? konec 19. stoletja kdaj? ter James Clerk Maxwell, kdo? ki je predvidel obstoj elektromagnetnih valov, dobrih dvajset let kasneje kdaj? je Heinrich Rudolf Hertz kdo? njegovo teorijo potrdil tudi v praksi. Pa vendar: za začetnika radijske komunikacije imenujemo Guglielma Marconija, koga? ki se je zapisal v zgodovino, ko je leta 1901 kdaj? iz Cornwall v Veliki Britaniji poslal na Novo Funlandijo v Kanadi črko S. sssssss Ne, v Morsejevi abecedi. Prenos zvoka po radijskih signalih je v trenutku osvojil naš planet in rojen je bil nov medij, rojena je bila nova komunikacija in rojen je bil nov svet. ž: AAAAAAAAAAA m: najprej tu raste le redka trava in bodičasno grmičevje m: potem pa ž: AAAAAAAAAAAA m: dolgo je rojevala ž: au m: v porodnih krčih ž: au m: težek porod ž: au m: srečen porod ž: au

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BIRTH / HOSTAGES FOR FREEDOM Technical basis and patents of radio receivers were constructed in a long lasting process, at the beginning of which we find Nikola Tesla who? at the end of 19th century when? and James Clerk Maxwell, who? that predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, that was confirmed in praxis approximately twenty years later when? by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. who? Still, today the founder of radio communication is considered to be Guglielmo Marconi, who? that was written in history for sending letter S sssssss no, in Morse's alphabet from Cornwall in Great Britain to Newfoundland in Canada in 1901. when? The transfer of sounds by radio signals immediately captured our planet and a new medium was born, a new communication was born and a new world was born. w: AAAAAAAAAAA m: first here only a few grasses and shrubs grow m: and then w: AAAAAAAAAAAA m: she was giving birth for a long time w: auch! m: in labor cramps w: auch! m: difficult birth w: auch! m: happy birth w: auch!

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vsi: rodi se ž: svoboda vsi: rodi se ž: svobodoljubnež vsi: rodi se ž: svobodomiselnež vsi: rodi se m: svoboda govora vsi: rodi se m: pod svobodnim soncem vsi: rodi se m: neodvisnost vsi: rodi se m: prostost vsi: zdaj zdaj zdaj zdaj ž: zdaj bo vse drugače

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all: and it was born w: freedom all: and it was born w: freedom-loving all: and it was born w: free thinker all: and it was born m: freedom of speech! all: and it was born m: under the free sun all: and it was born m: independence all: and it was born m: liberty all: now now now now w: now everything will be different

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30. oktober 1938. kdaj? Komaj 23-letni Orson Welles kdo? ob osmi uri zvečer kdaj? na radijski postaji CBS doživeto odigral svojo radijsko igro War of the Worlds. Vojna svetov. Od eksplozij na Marsu bum! pa meteroita v New Jerseyu, bum! je največ poslušalcev pritegnilo panično opisovanje Marsovcev, E.T. goes home ki so pristali na Zemlji in zapuščali svoja plovila. “Izgleda, kot da imajo lovke. Pravkar vidim telo tega stvora. Velik je, veliko kot medved. Njegov obraz pa… Dame in gospodje, ne morem ga opisati. Komaj sem se prisilil, da ga gledam, tako grozen je.” Takratno poslušalstvo, ki je štelo miljone, ni prepoznalo formata fikcije in Ameriko je zajela vsesplošna panika ter histerija v begu pred invazijo nezemljanov. vsi m: reva! ž: iz doline so se zaslišali glasovi prihajajočih sovražnikov vsi m: reva! ž: zajokala je na ves glas vsi m: reva! ž: po vasi se je razlegel glas zvonov vsi m: reva! ž: glas konjskih kopit vsi m: reva! ž: glas trobente vsi m: reva! ž: glas o tem je šel po vsem svetu m: hočeš reč vsi m: glas skupnosti? ž: ne, vse ž: glas ljudstva vsi m: glas skupnosti vse ž: glas ljudstva (5x) ž: dost! m: raje smo poslušali je glas srca ž: kaj pa očitajoč notranji glas?

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October 30th, 1938. when? Hardly 23-year-old Orson Welles, who? at eight o'clock in the evening, when? played his own radio play War of the Worlds on the CBS radio station. Describing everything, from explosions on Mars boom! and the meteorite in New Jersey, boom! the majority of listeners were attracted to the panic description of Martians E.T. goes home who landed on Earth and left their vessels. “They look like tentacles to me. There, I can see the thing's body. It's large, large as a bear and it glistens like wet leather. But that face, it . . . Ladies and gentlemen, it's indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it.” At the time the listeners, who counted millions, did not recognize the format of fiction, and America was caught in an all and all panic and hysteria trying to escape and protect themselves from an alien invasion. all m: coward! w: from the valley, the voices were heard of the upcoming enemies all m: coward! w: she cried in a high voice all m: coward! w: the bells were resounding through the village all m: coward! the sound of horse hooves all m: coward! sound of trumpets all m: coward! the sound of this went around the world m: you are talking about all m: community voice? w: no, all w: the voice of the people! all m: community voice? all w: the voice of the people! (5x) w: enough! m: rather we listened to the voice of the heart! w: what about a prominent inner voice?

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m: hočeš reč vsi m: božji glas? ž: ne, vse ž: ljudski glas vsi m: božji glas? vse ž: ljudski glas (5x) ž: dost! m: dober glas seže v deveto vas! ž: kam? m: v deveto vas! ž: kam? vsi: v deveto vas!!!! ž: daleč skratka.

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m: you are talking about all m: God's voice? w: No, all w: human voice! all m: God's voice all w: human voice! (5x) w: enough! m: good news travels far w: where? m: far! w: where? all: far!!! w: that’s pretty far.

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IV. DOM Radijska postaja BBC. Tretji september 1939. kdaj? 11.15 zjutraj. kdaj? Angleški premier Neville Chameberlain kdo? razglasi vojno stanje med Anglijo jeeee! in Nemčijo buuuu! Direkten prenos je potekal par minut po tem, ko je bilo potrjeno, da Hitlerjeva vojska ne bo prekinila svoje invazije na Poljsko. prasci! Slišati je bilo slavni stavek: “This country is now at war with Germay.” jeeee! Kaj je rekel? Vojna je. Aha. Okej. Začela se je druga svetovna vojna, vse ostalo je zgodovina. m: povsod je lepo, doma je najbolje! m: rad se drži doma ž: in? m: veliko časa preživi doma ž: in? m: ljubo doma, kdor ga ima ž: in? m: spodili so ga od doma ž: in? m: toži se mu po domu ž: in? m: doma ima mater ž: ha ha ha ž: od kod si doma? ž: bodi kakor doma ž: povsod je lepo, doma je najbolje, ane? m: ja! ž: prevzelo ga je domotožje, ane? m: ja! ž: odpravil se je domov, ane? m: ja! ž: ne najde domov, ane? m: ja!

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BBC Radio Station. September 3rd 1939. when? 11.15 am. when? English Prime Minister Neville Chameberlain who? declares the state of war between England yeeey! and Germany. blah! A direct radio transfer took place a few minutes after it was confirmed that Hitlers army would not stop its invasion of Poland. bastards! The famous sentence was heard: "This country is now at war with Germay." yeeey! What did he say? There is war! Aha. Okay. The Second World War has started and everything else is history. all m: there’s no place like home! m: he likes to stay home w: so? m: he spends a lot of time at home w: so? m: home sweet home w: so? m: they took him away from home w: so? m: he misses home w: so? m: he has a mother at home all w: hahaha w: where is your home? w: make yourself at home w: there’s no place like home, right? all m: yes! w: he was feeling homesick, right? all m: yes! w: he went home, right? all m: yes! w: he couldn’t find a home, right? all m: yes!

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ž: domov bi rad, ane? m: ja! ž: ti ne boš nikdar doma m: povsod je lepo, doma je najbolje! ž: ha ha ha ž: nikar se ne boj, pes je čisto domač ž: kar vstopi, nič nas ne motiš, saj si domač ž: po domače povej, da te bomo razumeli vsi m: mama! ž: ha ha ha

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w: he would like to go home, right? all m: yes! w: you will never be home all m: there’s no place like home! all w: ha ha ha w: do not be afraid, dog is totally homey w: come in, of course you are not bothering, feel at home w: talk to us like you talk at home all m: mommy! all w: ha ha ha

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Winston Churchill o moj bog! je prevzel angleški parlament sredi divjanja druge svetovne vojne, bogi! v zgodovino pa se je med drugim zapisal tudi s številnimi javnimi govori, ki so nudili zavetje in tolažbo v najbolj napetih vojnih urah. bravo! Med tri najpomemnejše se štejejo govori v času bitke za Francijo leta 1940 grozna bitka! in četudi je bil v živo predvajan samo zadnji izmed teh, škoda! pa so delčke govorov vseeno prebrali na večernih novicah, velikokrat! Ja, nešteto večerov zapored. “Šli bomo do konca. Borili se bomo v Franciji, borili se bomo na morju in oceanih, borili se bomo z rastočo samozavestjo in rastočo močjo v zraku, branili bomo svoj otok, ne glede na ceno. Borili se bomo na plažah, borili se bomo na tleh, borili se bomo na bojiščih in na ulicah, borili se bomo v hribih, nikoli se ne bomo predali.” ž: boj se začne ž: boj se vname ž: boj se sprejme ž: boj ž: oborožen boj ž: krvav boj ž: boj med napadalci in našimi se je močno razvnel m: spustili smo se v boj s sovražnikom m: boj na kopnem m: boj na morju m: boj na nož m: boj na življenje in smrt m: boj za obstanek m: boj za preživetje vsi: slava jim ž: slava

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Winston Churchill oh my god! has taken over the English Parliament in the midst of the Second World War, that poor thing! and until today remains a part of history also with many public speeches, which offered shelter and consolation in the most tense war time. bravo! Among the three most important ones are the speeches during the Battle of France in 1940 horrible battle! and although only the last of these was broadcast live, too bad! parts of the speeches were read on the evening news. many times! Yes, countless evenings in a row. “We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills, we shall never surrender.” w: the fight begins w: the fight ignites w: the fight is accepted w: the fight w: armed fight w: bloody fight w: the fight between the attackers and ours grew greatly m: we went down to fight the enemy m: fight on land m: fight at sea m: fight with a knife m: fighting for life and death m: fighting for survival m: fighting for existing all: glory to them w: glory

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Hladna vojna je leta 1962 kdaj? dosegla svoj vrhunec v obliki t.i. Kubanske krize, ki je svet za točno trinajst dni spravila v predvojno stanje, katere protagonista sta bila ameriški predsednik John F. Kennedy kdo? in Nikita Hruščov, kdo? takratni vodja Sovjetske zveze. Politični spor, ki bi lahko rezultiral v III. svetovno vojno KVA? Pa dej no. Ne a se zajebavate? Tretja svetovna vojna? To ni smešno. Dej spravi jo ven. Ej ne se zezat, a bomo mi vsi umrl? Pa to ni fora, jaz nočem umret, kaj je z vami, o moj bog – Tišina! Spor je zadeval vprašanje skrivnega jederskega oporišča na Kubi, ki ga je omogočila Kubanska vlada pod vodstvom Fidela Castra. koga? Kennedy je 22. oktobra kdaj? z direktnim radijskim in televizijskim prenosom nagovoril državljane, v katerih je razkril do tedaj zbrane podatke o jederski oborožitvi in postavil pogoje za nadaljevanje miru med državama. Sporazum je bil dosežen šest dni kasneje in resna nevarnost pred jedrsko vojno je bila prekinjena. Ja, hvala bogu ane! vsi m: napaaad vse ž: obramba m + ž: četa, brigada, bataljon, divizija 2x m + ž: ešalon, fronta, komanda, strelivo 6x m + ž: obkoljeni, obroč, ranjenci, sovražniki 8x m + ž: pohod, umik, straža, marš ž: en dva tri ž: alfa beta gama, gremo vsi m: bum! vse ž: pazi! ž: protiletalska obramba? m: tukaj! ž: obveščevalna služba? m: tukaj!

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The Cold War reached its peak in 1962, when? with the so-called Cuban crisis and which brought the world to a pre-war state for thirteen days. It’s protagonists were US President John F. Kennedy who? and Nikita Khrushchev, who? the then leader of the Soviet Union. A political dispute that could result in Third World War. WHAT? Oh c’mon. Are you kidding? Third World War? That’s not event funny – Get her out of here. Stop messing around, are we all gonna die? If there is a war and I don’t want to die and oh my god Silence! The dispute concerned the issue of a secret nuclear base in Cuba, facilitated by the Cuban government, led by Fidel Castro. who?

On 22 October, when? Kennedy addressed citizens of America with radio and television broadcasts in which he uncovered the data on nuclear weapons and set the conditions for continuing peace between the two countries. The agreement was reached six days later and a serious threat to the nuclear war was interrupted. Well thank God! all m: attaaaaaaack! all w: defense m + w: unit, brigade, battalion, division 2x m + w: echelon, front, order, ammunition 4x m + w: surrounded, mobbed, wounded, enemies 6x m + w: hike, retreat, guard, march w: one two three w: alpha beta gama, let’s go all m: boom! all w: watch out! w: anti-aircraft defense? m: here! w: intelligence service? m: here!

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ž: diverzantske akcije? m: tukaj! ž: policijski agent? m: tukaj! ž: agent v civilu? m: tukaj! ž: čelno, bočno, na krilih? m: tukaj! tukaj! tukaj! vse ž: ogeeeeenj! m: zaseda? vsi: napreeeej! m: nož, pištola, puška, top? ž: ne! m: Mitraljez, tank, letalo, granata? ž: ne! m: mina, raketa, fregata, podmornica? ž: ne! m: križarka, rušilec, dinamit, bajonet? ž: ne! m: bomba ž: mhm. vsi m: oooh! m: atomska bomba? ž: mhm. ž: to pomeni: m: atomska eksplozija ž: ojoj! m: atomska država ž: ojoj! m: atomska vojna ž: ojoj! m: ampak vse ž: vau vsi m: atomska lepotica vsi: vau

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w: diversionary actions? m: here! w: police agent? m: here! w: agent in civilian? m: here! w: front, side, on the wings? m: here! here! here! all w: fireeeee! m: ambush? all: march on! m: knife, pistol, rifle, top? all w: no! m: machine gun, tank, airplane, grenade? all w: no! m: mine, rocket, frigate, submarine? all w: no! m: cruiser, destroyer, dynamite, bayonet? all w: no! m: bomb? w: mhm. all m: oooh! m: atomic bomb? w: mhm. w: this means: m: atomic explosion w: oh no! m: atomic state w: oh no! m: atomic war w: oh no! m: but all w: wow all m: atomic beauty all: wow!

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VII. TRPLJENJE 28. avgusta 1963 kdaj? je v Washingtonu potekal eden napomembnejših protestov do sedaj, t.i. Washingtonski marš, v borbi za osnovne ekonomske in socialne pravice ter zahtevi po koncu rasizma. / aplavz / Najslavnejši govornik do danes ostaja aktivist Martin Luther King Jr., kdo? ki je z nagovorom 250 tisoč ljudi na stopnicah Lincolnovega spomenika izrekel slavne besede: I have a dream. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” Martin Luther King je leto za podanim govorom prejel Nobelovo nagrado za mir, leta 1968 pa je bil ubit v atentatu. Ni je bilo radijske postaje na svetu, ki o tem ne bi poročala. m: dež bije ob okna vse ž: do krvi m: debele kaplje so mu bile v lice vse ž: do krvi m: toča bije po strehi vse ž: do krvi m: togotno je bil s pestjo ob mizo vse ž: do krvi m: bil ga je do krvi vsi m: krvi krvi krvi …. ž: bil ga je in udrihal po glavi ž: bili so nas kot živino ž: ura je bila dvanajsto uro ž: žila še komajda bije ž: srce bije kot kladivo ž: bije mu zadnja ura (2x) m: mi pa m: bijemo se ž: do krvi m: bijemo se na življenje in smrt ž: do krvi m: bili se bomo za svoje pravice ž: do krvi m: bili se bomo do zadnjega vse ž: do zadnje kaplje krvi

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VII. SUFFERING On August 28, 1963, when? one of the more important protests took place in Washington, the so-called Washington March, which was striving to achieve basic economic and social rights and demanded the end of racism. / applause / To this day, the most famous speaker remains the activist Martin Luther King Jr., who? addresing more than 250,000 people on the steps of Lincoln's monument, said the famous words: I have a dream. “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.” Martin Luther King received the Nobel Peace Prize for peace a year after his speech, and in 1968 he was killed in the assassination. There was no radio station in the world that would not report it. m: the rain hits against the windows all w: until it bleeds m: thick drops hit his face all w: until he bleeds m: the hail hits the roof all w: until it bleeds m: he hits his fists at the table all w: until he bleeds m: he hits him until he bleeds all m: bleeds bleeds bleeds w: he hit him and smashed his head w: they hit us like livestock w: the hour hit twelve o'clock w: the vein was hiting his heart w: the heart hits like a hammer w: he's been hitting his last hour (2x) m: we are m: we are fighting w: until we bleed m: we are fighting for life w: until we bleed m: we fight for our rights w: until we bleed m: we are fighting until the end all w: until we bleed out

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VIII. ČLOVEK / DEMONSTRACIJA UBIJALSKIH SPRETNOSTI Vdih. Izdih. April do julij 1994. kdaj? pššt. Ruanda. Eden največjih svetovnih genocidov Na eni strani ekstremistični Hutiji in na drugi pripadniki etnične skupine Tutsijev. Najbolj vplivno orožje genocida? Takratna radijska postaja Radio- Télévision Libre des Mille Collines oziroma RTLM. Kaj? Ne razumem? Razloži? Radijska ekipa, sestavljena večinoma iz Hutijev in nekaj belcev je poslušalce na aktiven genocid pripravljala več mesecev na podoben princip kot se gradi volilno kampanijo, polno sponzorjev, hujskanj in obljub. Kako? Program je obsegal pop glasbo, športne napovedi, pristranska poročila ter jasne, hladnokrvne in brezkompromisno sovražne pozive k nujnosti genocida in množičnim pobojem. Vdih. Izdih. Rezultat je bilo krvoločno pobitje več kot miljon Tutsijev. ž: pridi sem, če si upaš m: ti bom zbil vse zobe ž: pridi, pridi m: ti bom dal čreva sončit ž: no, kje si? m: ti bom glavco odsekal ž: pridi sem, dej no m: ti bom nogco izruval ž: ej, kam si se skril? m: te bom na dvoje presekal ž: pridi, pridi m: ubil te bom m: kri je špricala vse ž: to pa m: smo jim nagnali strah v kosti vse ž: to pa m: smo jih naučil kozjih molitvic vse ž: to pa

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Inhale. Exhale. April to July 1994. when? shhh. Rwanda. One of the world's greatest genocides. On one side Hutu extremists and on the other, members of the ethnic group Tutsi. The most powerful weapon of genocide? The Radio-Télévision Libre des Mille Collines radio station or RTLM. What? I do not understand? Explain? The radio team, consisting mainly of so-called Hutu Power and some whites, has been encouraging listeners to be prepared for genocide for several months, on a similar principle as an electoral campaign is being built, full of sponsors, lies and promises. How? The program included pop music, sports forecasts, biased reports and clear, cold-blooded and uncompromisingly hostile calls to the urgency of genocide and mass killing. Inhale. Exhale. The result was killing of more than a million Tutsi. w: come here, if you dare m: I'll kick out all your teeth w: come, come m: I'll take your guts out w: well, where are you? m: I'll cut your head off w: come here, c’mon m: I'll extract your leg w: hey, where did you hide? m: I'll cut you two w: come on, come on m: I'll kill you m: blood was sprouting all w: that's right m: we scared them to the bones all w: that's right m: we taught them how to pray all w: that's right

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m: smo jim dal vetra vse ž: to pa m: ucvrl so jo, mi pa za njimi vse ž: to pa ž: tko smo jih pregonil ž: joj, kako so bežal ž: tko so tekl ž: če se je vsak deseti rešil, je velik ž: lep čas se ne bojo opomogl ž: čist smo jih potolk vsi m: to pa ž: no, ž: pridte sm, ž: če si upate. vsi m: ja, z nami ni dobr češenj zobat vsi: to pa ja!

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m: we made them fly with the wind all w: that's right m: they ran and we followed them all w: that's right w: God, how they ran w: they were running so fast w: if every tenth survived, that’s a lot w: they will not recover for a while w: we totally hammered them all m: that's right w: well w: come here w: if you dare all m: yes, it’s not smart to play with us all: that’s right alright!

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Jeseni, že skoraj pozimi leta 2018, kdaj? študenti in študentke 4. letnika dramske igre in gledališke režije in radijske! ha ha v studiih Radia televizije Slovenija snemamo radijsko igro, ki prevprašuje format radia kot medija s pomočjo besedila Dušana Jovanovića koga? Žrtve mode bum bum. bum bum bum bum Če tokrat, vsaj za trenutek, nam pripada beseda, ki jo podajamo skozi radijske valove, se sprašujemo predvsem, kam gremo in kje se lahko zgodovinski potem vojne in nasilja sploh še zaključi? Nimamo odgovora, pa vendar naivno odgovarjamo z zadnjo skico besedila. ljubezen ljubezensko pismo ljubezenske dogodivščine tragična ljubezen vzvišena ljubezen ljubezen je slepa ljubav, ljubavnik, ljubavnica ljubček in ljubica sta zaljubljena zaljubljen sem do ušes ljuboglasen ljubil sem jo čistega srca ljubila sva se leto in dan najina ljubezen bo večna srečno zaljubljen, uslišana ljubezen poljub, poljubček, poljubek ljubezen mi je vračala: mladostno ljubezen zrelo ljubezen in pa na koncu: radijska ljubezen nekoga moraš imeti rad ljubezen do človeka

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IX. LOVE In autumn, almost in the winter of 2018, when? students of the 4th year of drama acting and theater directing and radio directing! ha ha are in the studios of Radio Television Slovenia shooting a radio play that questions the format of the radio as a medium, using a text by Dušan Jovanović. whom? titled Victims of Fashion Boom Boom. boom boom boom Right now, at least for a moment, we have a voice and we are wondering where we are going and if the historical course of wars and violence can end after all? We do not have an answer, but we are naively responding with the last part of the play. love love letter love adventures tragic love sublime love love is blind love, lover, lovers they’re in love I'm completely in love my love is loud I loved her with all my heart we loved each other years and days our love will be eternal happily in love, kiss, smaller kiss, the smallest kiss she loved me back: youthful love mature love and finally: radio love you gotta love someone love a person

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ljubezen do bližnjega naša ljubezen ljubim ljubiš ljubi ljubiva ljubita ljubita ljubimo ljubite ljubijo kaj pa zdaj? mama, mama, lej kam sem prišo, na radiu sem! aja, pa diplomiro sem!


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love your neighbor our love I love you love he loves she loves it loves we love we love they love love and now what? mommy, mommy, can you hear me? I’m on the radio! and I also gratuated!