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Page 1: Dr.Zain Hafiz English CV - جامعة الملك سعودfac.ksu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/Dr.Zain_Hafiz_English_CV_0.pdf · -Native language : Arabic (spoken & written) -Se cond

Curric ulum Vita e

PersonalData: • Name: Zain Zaki R. Hafiz • Nationality: Saudi • Languages:

- N a tiv e la ng ua g e : Arabic (s poke n & writte n) - S e c o nd la ng ua g e : Englis h (s poke n & writte n)

Address: P .O. Box 60169, Riyadh 11545 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ContactNumbers: Off iceNumber: - 01- 467- 6648 Off iceNumber(Fax): - 01- 467- 9017

EmailAddress:Dr_Za inh@ y aho o . c om Education:

• Have graduate d from high s chool by an e xce lle nt grade in 2000 • Bache lor De gre e of De ntal Surge ry, BDS from King

Saud Unive rs ity, Colle ge of De ntis try Major: Ge ne ral De ntis try, 2006- 2007 ProfessionalCertif ication:

• Have be e n ce r tifie d as Bas ic life s uppor t (BLS) in Nov. 2011

• Have s ucce s s fully pas s e d Saudi Council Se le ction

Exam on Se pte mbe r 2006 by a s core of 76% (maximum grade was 78%)

Page 2: Dr.Zain Hafiz English CV - جامعة الملك سعودfac.ksu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/Dr.Zain_Hafiz_English_CV_0.pdf · -Native language : Arabic (spoken & written) -Se cond


• Star te d on 26 th/7/2006 and e nde d on 14 th/7/2007 • As following: Service Insti tut ion Duration

Ge ne ral Practitione r R.K.H 2 months Ge ne ral Practitione r K.S.U De ntal

Colle ge (MUC) 2 months

Ge ne ral Practitione r R.K.H 2 months Ge ne ral Practitione r KAMC- NGHA 2 months Ge ne ral Practitione r KAMC- NGHA 2 months Surge ry RMC 2 months • Working at King Saud Unive rs ity as a de mons trator in the

divis ion of pe diatr ic de ntis try in de ntal colle ge Membership:

• Active me mbe r in T he Saudi De ntal Socie ty s ince ye ar 2002

Page 3: Dr.Zain Hafiz English CV - جامعة الملك سعودfac.ksu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/Dr.Zain_Hafiz_English_CV_0.pdf · -Native language : Arabic (spoken & written) -Se cond


• April/2002, the 7 th Saudi De ntal Congre s s (30 cre dit hours )

• June /2005, Continuing Education Cours e on: Ear ly Or thodontic T re atme nt (EOT ): How Ear ly is Ear ly (3 cre dit hours )

• June /2005, T he SDS annual Scie ntific and IADR Saudi Arabian Se ction Me e tings "Evide nce Bas e d De ntis try" (25 cre dit hours )

• Jan/2006, T he 17 th Saudi Inte rnational De ntal Congre s s (21 cre dit hours )

• 2006, T he Firs t Annual Saudi Or thodontic Socie ty Me e ting (9 cre dit hours )

• Jan/2007, T he 18 th Saudi Inte rnational De ntal Congre s s (24 cre dit hours )

• April/2007, 1s t National Guard De ntal Sympos ium and Works hops for De ntis ts , Hygie nis ts , De ntal As s is tants and T e chnicians (22 cre dit hours )

• April/2007, Minis cre ws in Or thodontics (AT OZ) Works hop (6 cre dit hours )

• April/2007, Pe r iodontal Acce le rate d Os te oge nic Or thodontics (PAOO) Works hop (7 cre dit hours )

• April- May/2007, 3 rd Je ddah De ntal Es the tic Confe re nce 2007 (24 cre dit hours )

• Nove mbe r /2007, Advance d De ntal and Surgical Cras h Cours e 2007 "Ne w T re nds in Pe diatr ic Patie nts " (5 cre dit hours )

• April 2009, T he 20 th Saudi De ntal Socie ty and 2nd National Guard Ne w De ntal Era Inte rnational Confe re nce and Works hops and IADR Saudi Arabian Se ction and Ge ne ral As s e mbly Me e ting (18 cre dit hours )

• Fe bruary 2010, King Saud Unive rs ity 13 th Inte rnational De ntal Confe re nce and T he 21s t for the Saudi De ntal Socie ty

• Fe bruary 2012, King Saud Unive rs ity 14 th Inte rnational De ntal Confe re nce , T he 23rd for the De ntal Socie ty with

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the the me “Eme rging Hor izons in De ntis try” (30 cre dit hours )

ExtracurricularActivit ies:

• Atte ndance of tra ining program in Ge ne ral De ntis try in both s umme rs of 2004 and 2005 at National Guard Hos pita l (King Abdulaziz De ntal Ce ntre ) in Riyadh City

• Have be e n a group le ade r for 6 ye ars dur ing the unde rgraduate s tudie s

• Pre s e nte d a le cture in a pr ivate kinde r garde n s chool for pre s chool childre n about (Impor tance of T e e th and How to Maintain T he Oral He alth) on 12 th/Nov/07

• Par tic ipate d in the e ducational program done in the De ntal Colle ge in Malaz Campus to e ducate the unive rs ity pre s chool childre n about the oral cavity, the impor tance of oral he alth and how to maintain it (2007)

Page 5: Dr.Zain Hafiz English CV - جامعة الملك سعودfac.ksu.edu.sa/sites/default/files/Dr.Zain_Hafiz_English_CV_0.pdf · -Native language : Arabic (spoken & written) -Se cond


• Ha v e pre s e nte d s e v e ra l to pic s , ma y be the mo s t me mo ra ble a re the fo l lo w ing s :

- Xe ros tomia (2006) - Orthodontic As s e s s me nt (2006) - Cas e Pre s e ntation in Compre he ns ive De ntal Care

Cours e (2006) - Cas e Pre s e ntation in Pe diatr ic De ntis try Cours e

(2006) - Community Proje ct about [ How to Maintain Oral

He alth among 1ry School Childre n - 1s t,2nd,3 rd Grade s - in s ome pr ivate s chools in Riyadh City(2006)]

- Conducte d a re s e arch with my colle ague on Status of Occlus ion in a Sample of Saudi Pre s chool Childre n pre s e nte d on 20 th/March/2007 and publis he d in JPDA(March 2007)

- Pre par ing for my mas te r the s is de fe ns e e ntitle d “De te rmination of the Root Canal Le ngth in Pr imary Ante r ior T e e th Us ing Ele ctronic Ape x Locator (Root ZX, Root ZX mini) and Conve ntional Radiography”