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1 Drumlomman Parish Cavan Ireland Census 1821 PATRICIA GILLIGAN 1955-2007

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    Drumlomman Parish Cavan Ireland

    Census 1821



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    I would like to sincerely thank my sisters, Annette Gannon and Josie

    Briody, my sisters in law, Esther and Catherine Gilligan for proof

    reading my work. My thanks also to Colin OReilly for setting up the

    database and Paul Newsome for assisting with the design. To Sean

    Murphy, my tutor, I am for ever grateful for all his advice, guidance and

    encouragement over the last three years. I am also very grateful to the

    National Archives Dublin for their assistance on this project.

    Finally a heartfelt thank you to my husband, Thomas for his patience

    and support and my children, Ciarn, Aishling Crna and Shane for

    manning the IT helpdesk at all times!

    Patricia Gilligan

    March 2006.

    The Genealogical Society of Ireland has converted this transcription and analysis

    to make it available on their website with the permission of the Gilligan family.

    The Genealogical Society of Ireland would also like to thank the National

    Archives of Ireland for their permission to make this census transcription

    available on their website.

    October 2013

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    1821 Census Drumlomman Parish Co Cavan



    Acknowledgments 2

    Index to Transcription by Townland 4

    Introduction and Analysis 5 to 16

    Transcribed Census 17 to 214

    People and Household Index 215 to 375

  • 4

    Townlands in Drumlomman Parish as used in 1821 Census

    Index to Transcription Townland Page

    Bawn 17 -18

    Bracklagh 18 -19

    Callanagh 19 - 27

    Carrigakilliu 27 - 32

    Caronagh Lower 32 - 36

    Caronagh Upper 36 - 39

    Carrick 39 - 43

    Carrigabawn 44 - 45

    Cartonfree 46 -51

    Clonkiffer 51 - 65

    Clonlohan 65 - 73

    Clonuse 73 -78

    Cortrasona 78 - 79

    Drumbannon 79 - 80

    Drumbrookless 80 - 85

    Drumcorr 85 - 86

    Drumgore 87 - 90

    Drumhowna 90 -92

    Drumhowragh 92 - 97

    Dundavan 98 - 99

    Freeduff 100 -104

    Grousehall 104 -107

    Kilgola 107 -116

    Killyboy 117 -119

    Killyboy Lower 119 -122

    Killydoon 123 -124

    Killydriam 125 -128

    Killyogan.Kilcogy 129 -142

    Kilsarran 142 -148

    Legwee 148 -152

    Lisnadara 153 -156

    Loughdavin 156 -161

    Lysinny 162 -166

    Magheraboy 166 -175

    Magheraboy Lower 175 -176

    Minagh Lower 176 -181

    Minagh Upper 181 -189

    Mullyhorn 189 -201

    Pollabawn 202 -205

    Toghernaross 205 -210

    Tullygullion 210 -214

  • 5


    I have chosen to research the 1821 Census for the parish of Drumlomman in the County of Cavan. The 1821 Census

    was taken under the Act of the 55th George III. It afforded the first opportunity of compiling the population of

    Ireland, and this Act was carried into effect in the year 1821. Local Magistrates acting under the direction of the

    Chief Secretary, appointed Enumerators for each district who qualified to make a satisfactory return. After it was

    ascertained that every district was supplied with an Enumerator, a copy of printed instructions outlining the steps to

    be taken under the Act was given to each one. Each one was also supplied with a sufficient number of notebooks

    ruled in columns and on the 28th May 1821 (date fixed for this purpose). Each Enumerator commenced the

    Enumeration at a place in his district, which was convenient to him and proceeded from house to house, and from

    day to day, until he had taken down in his notebooks the name, age and occupation of every individual resident in

    his district. The 1821 census is the first authentic statement of the actual number of inhabitants in Ireland1.

    Parish of Drumlomman

    Drumlomman is a parish in the Barony of Clonmahon, County of Cavan and Province of Ulster. It is a vicerage,

    forming part of the Union of Granard2. Drumlomman is positioned in the South Westerly part of bordering on the

    counties of Longford and Westmeath. It is surrounded on the north by the parishes of Ballintemple and Killeshandra,

    on the east by Ballintemple and Ballymachugh parishes, on the south by Lough Sheelin and the parish of Foyrun in

    the county of Westmeath and on the west by Killeshandra parish and the County of Longford. Its farthest length is

    nine and a half miles, its shortest length nearly seven miles. Its farthest breadth is about four and a quarter miles

    and the shortest breadth about three and a half miles. This parish is made up a total of 16,493 acres 2 roods 23

    perches. Of this 3,262 acres are bog and 195 acres are uncultivated land. 3 [Appendix 1]

    Drumlomman is one of three parishes in Co Cavan situated in the diocese of Ardagh. The 1821 Census is of the civil

    parish of Drumlomman. The modern Catholic parish of Drumlomman North is now known as the parish of

    Mullahoran. In the middle of the eighteenth century the parish of Drumlomman South was joined with the Catholic

    parish of Ballymachugh. At a later stage a number of townlands were detached from from Drumlomman North and

    added to Drumlomman South by Dr Kilduff, Catholic Bishop of Ardagh. Fifteen of the townlands in Drumlomman

    South now belong to the Catholic parish of Ballymachugh.4

    1 Abstract of the Answers and Returns Census of Ireland 1821.Ref: IR.310C1.pg 260.

    2 A Topographical Dictionary Lewis: UCD Library R 929.4.

    3Lt. Andrew Beattie, Ordnance Survey Memoirs Counties of South Ulster 1834-38. Edited by Anglique Day and Patrick

    McWilliams. UCD Library 941.6002 4Breifne: 2 No 6 1963, (NLI Ir. 94119hi)

  • 6

    1821 Census

    The original Census for 1821 was burned in the fire in the Four Courts in Dublin in 1922. However, some parishes in

    counties Cavan, Fermanagh, Galway, Meath and Offaly made copies of the Census before the originals were sent to

    Dublin. Presently these are retained in the National Archives in Bishop St, and are on microfilm.5. Fortunately for

    me, the parish of Drumlomman in Co. Cavan is one of them.

    In the 1821 Census, the parish of Drumlomman is divided into townlands and numbered consecutively. Details of

    each household is recorded in seven separate columns and are as follows:

    Column 1: A number is given to each House.

    Column 2: The number of storeys in each house.

    Column 3: The householders name and the names of those residing with him/she and their relationship to


    Column 4: The age of each person listed.

    Column 5: The occupation (if any) of the person concerned.

    Column 6: The number of acres each householder holds.

    Column 7: For any observations

    In Column 1 each house is given a number and in all cases the first house in a townland is given the number one and

    the rest are numbered consecutively and this was an easy reference to tell how many houses were located in each


    In Column 2 every house in the parish is recorded as one storey.

    In Column 3 for each House all inhabitants are recorded and in all cases, the head of the household is recorded first,

    followed by his wife and names of members of his family living with him and their relation to him. If a household

    had a servant craftsman or a lodger these names were also given.

    5 Grenham, John, Tracing Your Irish Ancestors, Second Edition, Dublin 1999, pg 16

  • 7

    Likewise in Column 4, the head of the households age is recorded first followed by wife and the oldest of the family

    is recorded down to the youngest in that order. The ages of the servants, craftsmen and lodgers are recorded at the

    end of the family names and the ages are in no order.

    In Column 5 the occupation of the head of the household is given and in most cases these are recorded as farmers. A

    number of the farmers are also recorded as having an additional occupation such as Blacksmith, Carpenter, Weaver,

    and Wheelwright. Other occupations such as Priests and School Masters, Land Surveyor are mentioned. Also

    recorded are tradesmen such as Servant, Labourer, Tailor, Nailer, Miller. Cooper, Flax-dresser, Stucco-man, Spinner

    and Sewer.

    In Column 6 the number of acres for each farmer is recorded.

    Column 7 is for observations. The observations given are the ages of babies under the age of one stating how many

    months/weeks they are, if there are twins in a family or if wife or husband were married previously and if any house

    is unoccupied this is recorded as waste. There is also reference to schools in the townland.


    After reviewing the data in the parish of Drumlommon, a brief summary is as follows:-


    Comparing the 1821 Census with the Tithe Applotments (1827), Griffiths Valuation (1857) and the 1901 Census,

    forty-one townlands are enumerated in the 1821 Census and only thirty-six townlands are recorded in the Tithe

    Applotments. In Griffiths Valuation and the 1901 Census, fifty-four townlands are recorded.

    In one instance, the townlands of Killyboy Upper and Killyboy Lower are recorded in the 1821 Census as two

    townlands whereas in the later records they are recorded as one townland known as Cullyboy. The same applies to

    the townlands of Magheraboy and Magheraboy Lower where the townland of Maghera is only recorded in the Tithe

    Applotments. In another instance the townlands of Legwee, Drumbrookless and Drumbannon are recorded in the

    1821 Census and not recorded in the Tithe Applotments. I presume this is the reason for less townlands in the Tithe


  • 8

    In Griffiths Valuation and the 1901 Census a number of townlands are divided into upper and lower and in one case,

    one townland is divided into upper, lower and middle. This is probably the reason for an increase in townlands in

    the Griffiths Valuation and the 1901 Census.


    In the 1821 Census, the Enumerater recorded the total population as 7218. For comparison, in the Abstract of

    Answers and Returns under the Population Act of Ireland the total population recorded is 7,276. For some reason

    there is a discrepancy with the Census and the Returns and I am presuming the copyist did not record a number of

    Houses as there is disparity in the numbering.

    For comparison purposes, the population in the later Censuses may be of interest -

    Parish of Drumlomman, Co of Cavan


    Year 1821 Year 1831 Year 1841 Year 1851

    7276 8007 8807 5963


  • 9

    In the 1821 Census the total number of houses returned is 1,260 of which seven are recorded as waste. In the

    Abstract of Answers and Returns6 the total number of houses returned is 1,336 of which eight are uninhabited. As

    mentioned above, I presume the discrepancy is the same as there is no record of a number of houses in various

    townlands. In the townland of Magheraboy Lower, eight houses are omitted. The same for the townlands of

    Callenagh, Clonnuse and Drumcorr, respectively six, five, four are omitted and there is no reference to house no six

    in the townland of Lisnadara.

    Family Names

    An analysis of family names in the parish shows that the most common names were Reilly, Smyth and Sheridan. Out

    of a population of 7218, the number of Reillys recorded is 493 and Smyth 270 and Sheridans 103 and out of sixty-

    nine houses in the townland of Callenagh there were twenty three families of Reillys. The most common names in

    the parish on the male side are Pat, James and Thomas and on the female side are Mary, Catherine and Anne.


    In a number of households, the ages of one hundred and sixty nine are not recorded. In the observation column the

    ages of babies under the age of one were recorded as how many months or weeks they are. A number of the wives

    in the census were married very young. If the ages given are reasonably accurate, some girls were married at the age

    of thirteen. Fourteen, fifteen and sixteen were common marrying years. The following graph gives the statistics of

    the ages of persons in the 1821 Census.

    6 Abstract of the Answers and Returns Census of Ireland 1821 Ref IR 310 CI pg 260 Cavan

  • 10

    Parish of Drumlomman, Co. of Cavan

    Age (years) Number of People Age (years) Number of People

    0-5 1008.00 41-45 162

    5-10 994 46-50 336

    11-15 881 51-55 124

    16-20 1023 56-60 327

    21-25 619 61-65 74

    26-30 609 66-70 74

    31-35 281 71-75 29

    36-40 448 76-80 42

    81-85 4

  • 11


    There is only one priest recorded in the parish. He resided in the townland of Dundavan with his sister and stated as

    the owner of 12 acres of land.

    4.7 Schools

    In the 1821 Census only five schools are recorded in the parish and these were located in Pollabawn, Mullyhorn,

    Drumhowna, Killydriam and Carigakilliu. According to the Index of Names of Schoolmasters and Schoolmistresses

    18261827, seven schools were recorded and the names of the teachers and their pay. In the 1824 Second Report

    of the Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry (dated16th September 1826) eleven schools is recorded giving other

    information with regard to description of the school and the number of pupils attending. A synopsis of the

    information is as follows:

    Parish of Drumlomman, Co. of Cavan








    0-5 5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-85

    Age (years)



    er o

    f P



  • 12

    1821 Census

    Name of School Observations

    Pollabawn In this town there is a school containing 35 males and 15 females

    Mullyhorn In this town there is a popish chapel and school containing 35 males

    and 15 females.

    Drumhowna In this town there is a chapel and school containing 50 males and 10


    Killydriam In this town there is a school containing 36 males and 14 females.

    Carigakilliu In this town there is a school containing 40 males and 26 females.

    Second Report of the Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry, 1826

    Name of School Observations

    Drunhonnagh Daniel Brady: RC: pay 30: the parish chapel: stone and lime: M75 /


    Callanaugh Patrick Connelly: RC: pay 20: stone and lime: M44/F31

    Drumlomman Chapel Patrick Keoghan: (pay not stated) Parish Chapel: M5/F nil

    Carrickakilliu Patrick Lynch: RC: pay 9: Parish Chapel: F60/M20

    Mullughorne Thomas Reilly: RC: pay 20: Mullughorne Chapel: M22/F8

    Moynagh John Smith: RC: pay 6: a miserable hut: M30/F12

    Dundaven Patrick Smith: RC: pay 9: a poor cabin: M24/F22

    Tulligullen; Thomas Smith: RC: pay 10: a miserable hut: M24/F22

    CartonfreeSecond Daniel Creamer: RC: pay 20: miserable hut: M35/F22

    Clooncavate James Kiernan;: RC: pay 31: miserable hut: M60/F25

    Two of the schools located in Pollabawn and Killydriam recorded in the 1821 Census were not returned in the Index

    nor in the Report mentioned above. We must remember that those poor schools were maintained and the teachers

  • 13

    paid solely by the parents of the children attending them, but without any grants from the State. The Board of

    National Education was set up in 1831. It was authorized to make grants to existing schools for the payment of

    teachers, to provide equipment and also to further the building of new schools. Carrick was the first school to be

    built in the Parish in 1832. Kilcogy and Loughduff were built in 1834, and Cloncovid was built in 1835


    The main occupation of the population is recorded as farming, labouring and weaving:

    (a) Farming: The greater number of house holders are returned as farmers. In all, there are seven hundred and

    sixteen farmers listed. A number of them have other occupations like weaving or another trade.

    (b) Labouring: Three hundred and sixty one are returned as labourers. A number of them are farmers sons, but

    the majority of them are householders. Some have other occupations, such as weaving, copper, nailor, and taylor


    (c) Weaving: One hundred and twenty nine householders are recorded as weavers and all of these are recorded

    as male and a number of farmers were also weavers. At that time, weaving was a common occupation and it is

    unusual that no female is recorded as a weaver except for one recorded as spinner and sewer. According to The

    Economic History of Ireland from the Union of the Famine7many weavers who were small farmers, had three to six

    looms in their houses. The spinning and various preparatory processes, which the flax underwent were chiefly

    performed by the female branches of the family. The owner, his apprentices worked either at the loom or in the

    field. The linen when manufactured was sold in the brown linen markets, which were under the regulation of the

    Linen Board.

    Miscellaneous Items

    From my research on the 1821 Census, I would like to comment on a number of points of interest. The area of land

    in respect of fifty-four farmers is not recorded. The spelling of townlands and surnames are inconsistent. For

    example, Cloncovid as known today is recorded as Clonkiffer. The same applies for the surname Coyle - sometimes it

    was spelled Coil and other times Coile and in some cases it had the correct spelling. There are a small number of

    occupants recorded as pensioners and all were middle aged men and I take it that these may be in receipt of an

    army pension.8

    7 George O Brien: The Economic History of Ireland from the Union to the Famine: UCD Library 330.9415 pg 316.

    8 Notes on the 1821 Census of Lavey Parish, Vol 1, No 3 1961 pg 205

  • 14

    As mentioned above, the majority of occupations were farmers, weavers and labourers and to a lesser extent the

    other occupations are recorded as flax-growers, flax-dressers, coopers, taylors (sic), nailors, shoemakers, blacksmith,

    stuccoman, (stucco was a plaster used as a coating for walls) millers, spinner, wheelwrights, (a maker of wheels and

    wheeled carriages) a sewer, whos daughter was a mantua-maker. (I am guessing this is a mantlemaker who make

    cloaks or capes). Also recorded are a land surveyor, plasterer, apprentice weaver, shoemaker, blacksmith and three

    professional beggars.

    In the 1821 Census, the names of two townlands are ommited and one of these is Magherboy Upper because when I

    checked the Tithe Applotments9 and Griffiths Valuation,10 the names of the families were similar to the names

    recorded in the Census. The same applied to another townland omitted where the name of Mark Kerre Esq. and his

    family is recorded. In checking the Tithe Applotments I found a map showing Mark Kerres residence as Bracklow.

    His name and address were also recorded as Bracklow, Drumlomman.

    6. My Ancestors in the 1821 Census

    During my research of the 1821 Census, l discovered that my great-great-great grandfather, Bryan Reilly who lived in

    the townland of Carigakilliu (Carrickakillew) had a brother, John who lived in the next townland of Carrick which I

    was not aware of. Both Bryan and John had a family of eight. This was a surprise as my grandmother only spoke of

    my great-great grandfather, Hugh and his brother Fr James.

    I also discovered my great-great-great grandfather, Edward Dease lived in the townland of Kilsarrin (Kilsarn). His

    daughter, Maria married one of Bryan Reillys sons, my great-great grandfather, Hugh.

    I further discovered my great-great-grandfather, Henry Briody lived in the townland of Clonlohan (Clonloghan). I

    know that Henry had a family of seven but in the 1821 Census, five are only recorded. The above families are all on

    my fathers side of the family.

    On my mothers side whose maiden name is Tierney came from the townland of Callanagh the same townland as my

    father. In the 1821 Census, there are two families of James and Daniel Tiarney recorded for the townland of

    Mullyhoran. I am led to believe, that my great-great-grandfather, Thomas Tierney came from Mullahoran. In the

    1901 Census, the names of the families of Thomas and Patrick Tierney, my great-grandfather and my great-

    granduncle from the townland of Callanagh are similar to the family names of James and Daniel Tiarny in the 1821

    Census as listed in the Table below:

    9 Tithe Applotments: 1824 Cavan Ref 4/27

    10 Griffiths Valuation: 1857 Cavan Ref 4E9 Fiche 4

  • 15

    1821 Census 1901 Census

    JamesTiarny Daniel Tiarny Thomas Tierney Patrick Tierney




































    I hope that through further research, I will be able to confirm that these families are connected.

    My great-grandmother, Mary Reilly, Patrick Tierneys wife, came from the townland of Callanagh. Her marriage

    certificate states that her fathers name is Philip. In the 1821 Census there are twenty-two households with the

    name Reilly in the townland of Callanagh and only one householder is Philip Reilly who also has a son Philip. I am

    pretty sure that this son Philip is Mary Reillys father as she was always known to my family as Mary (Phildy) Reilly.

  • 16


    I was born and grew up in the townland of Callanagh in the parish of Drumlommon and the majority of my ancestors

    on both sides of my parents also came from this Parish. The names of the townlands and the surnames of the

    householders were familiar to me and therefore made it much easier to research and reproduce the 1821 Census.

    The 1821 Census has been a wonderful source of information for me and I was very fortunate to be able to carry out

    this research. I hope to publish this information in book form and make it available to the public.

  • 17

    Transcribed 1821Census Drumlomman Parish Co Cavan

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Bawn 1 1 Philip (widower) Reilly 74 Farmer 5.5

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 34

    Myles (son) Reilly 32

    Rose (daughter-in-law) Reilly 22

    Philip (grandson) Reilly 12

    2 1 James Coyle 50 Farmer 3.5

    Rose (wife) Coyle 50

    Pat (son) Coyle 27

    Micl (son) Coyle 20

    Mary (daughter) Coyle 16

    Rose (daughter) Coyle 3

    3 1 Jn Reilly 38 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Reilly 34

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 14

    James (son) Reilly 11

    Margaret (daughter) Reilly 5

    4 1 ? Smyth 60

    Mary (wife) Smyth 60

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 20

    5 1 Pat Smyth 30 Farmer 3

    Mary (wife) Smyth 30

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 4

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 3

    Bernd (son) Smyth 2

    Margt (daughter) Smyth 1

    6 1 Bryan Clark 50 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) Clark 50

    Jas (brother-in-law) Galaher 40

    Cathrine (sister-in-law) Galaher 40

    Anne (stepdaughter) Reilly 17

    7 1 Laurence Cunningham 40 Farmer 3

    Mary (wife) Cunningham 35

    Margt (daughter) Cunningham 12

    Jas (son) Cunningham 10

    Micl (son) Cunningham 8

    Eleanor (daughter) Cunningham 6

    Cathrine (daughter) Cunningham 4

    Wm (son - baby) Cunningham 0

  • 18

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Bawn (Cont) 8 1 Mathew Real 40 Farmer 3

    Margt (wife) Real 0

    Mary (daughter) Real 0

    Rose (daughter) Real 0

    Margt (daughter) Real 0

    Bridget (daughter) Real 0

    Elizabeth (daughter) Real 0

    Eleanor (daughter) Real 0

    Micl (brother-in-law) Colwelle 0

    9 1 Micl Wallace 48 Farmer 5

    Mary (wife) Wallace 35

    Geo (son) Wallace 16

    Jn (son) Wallace 14

    Mary (daughter) Wallace 12

    Pat (son) Wallace 8

    Anne (daughter) Wallace 7

    Elizabeth (daughter) Wallace 4

    Philip (son) Wallace 1

    Bracklagh 1 1 Micl Cruise 42 Farmer 5

    Cathrine (wife) Cruise 60

    Bernd (son) Cruise 20

    Anne (daughter) Cruise 13

    Anne (lodger) Caffry 11

    Cathrine Masterson 20 Servant

    2 1 Bartly Linahan 34 Labourer

    Eleanor (wife) Linahan 30

    Mary (daughter) Linahan 9

    Anne (daughter) Linahan 7

    Cathrine (daughter) Linahan 1

    3 1 Pat (widower) Lynch 54 Farmer 10

    Edwd (son) Lynch 20

    Margt (daughter) Lynch 18

    Anne (daughter) Lynch 14

    Cathrine (daughter) Lynch 10

    Mary (daughter) Lynch 4

    4 1 Edwd Lynch 78

    5 1 Micl Lynch 38 Farmer 12

    Bridget (wife) Lynch 35

    Owen (son) Lynch 16

    Mary (daughter) Lynch 14

    Pat (son) Lynch 11

    Anne (daughter) Lynch 9

    Eliza (daughter) Lynch 7

    Bridgt (daughter) Lynch 4

    Bridgt Browne 19 Servant

  • 19

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Bracklagh (Cont) 6 1 Edwd Lynch 45 Farmer 8

    Eliza (wife) Lynch 35

    Bridgt (daughter) Lynch 20

    Micl (son) Lynch 17

    Thos (son) Lynch 15

    Pat (son) Lynch 12

    Jn (son) Lynch 10

    Eliza (daughter) Lynch 9

    Anne (daughter) Lynch 7

    Mary Heary 20 Servant

    7 1 Mark Kerre Esq 40 Farmer 64

    James Armstrong 40

    James Cavanagh 23

    Cathrine (wife) Kerre 21

    Rose Cavanagh 20

    Pat Regan 18

    Jane (daughter) Kerre 2

    John (son) Kerre 1

    Callanagh 1 1 Thos McDowell 40 Farmer 8

    Elizabeth (wife) McDowell 40

    Bridget (daughter) McDowell 16

    Mary (daughter) McDowell 13

    James (son) McDowell 11

    Elizabeth (daughter) McDowell 9

    Anne (daughter) McDowell 7

    Rose (daughter) McDowell 5

    Luke (son) McDowell 2

    2 1 Edwd Donnelly 40 Farmer 19

    Anne (wife) Donnelly 45

    Connor (son) Donnelly 17

    Jn (son) Donnelly 14

    Bridget (daughter) Donnelly 11

    Edwd (son) Donnelly 9

    Mary (daughter) Donnelly 7

    Luke (son) Donnelly 5

    James (son) Donnelly 2

    3 1 James Reilly 25 Farmer 24

    Owen (Brother) Reilly 21

    Anne (Sister) Reilly 20

    Thomas Black 17 Servent

    4 1 John Reilly 35

    Wheelright &

    Farmer 9.5

    Thos (father) Reilly 60

    Bridget (wife) Reilly 35

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 10

    Connor (son) Reilly 3

  • 20

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 5 1 Pat Smyth 40 Farmer & Weaver 14

    Cathrine (wife) Smyth 38

    Hugh (son) Smyth 4

    Micl (son) Smyth 1

    Pat Harahan 45 Servant

    Mic Smyth 35

    Weaver &


    Mary Reilly 15 Servant

    6 1 Daniel Reilly 60 Farmer 6

    Mary (wife) Reilly 40

    Judith (daughter) Reilly 17

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 13

    Danl (son) Reilly 6

    7 1 Bernd Reilly 40 Farmer 5

    Rose (wife) Reilly 35

    Elizabeth (daughter) Reilly 12

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 6

    Jas (son) Reilly 4

    Pat (son) Reilly 2

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 1

    Fras Farrelly 30

    Weaver &


    8 1 James Reilly 30 Farmer 5

    Mary (wife) Reilly 30

    Edwd Coyle 25 Weaver

    Ann (daughter) Reilly 6

    Pat (son) Reilly 4

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 2

    James Donaho 30 Servant

    Mary Beard 21 Servant

    9 1 Thos Boylan 40 Blacksmith 0

    Mary (wife) Boylan 40

    Mary (daughter) Boylan 15

    Bridget (daughter) Boylan 13

    10 1 Peter Smyth 25 Labourer 0

    Bridget (wife) Smyth 25

    11 1 Philip Reilly 30 Farmer 8

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 30

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 7

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 5

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 3

    Micl (son - baby) Reilly 0

  • 21

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 12 1 Bernd Brady 38 Farmer 8

    Judith (wife) Brady 36

    Rose (daughter) Brady 15

    Cathrine (daughter) Brady 13

    John (son) Brady 11

    Bridget (daughter) Brady 7

    James (son) Brady 6

    Mary (daughter) Brady 1

    13 1 Cathrine (widow) Reilly 40 Farmer 2

    Philip (son) Reilly 25

    Labourer &


    Peter (son) Reilly 20

    Eleanor (daughter) Reilly 16

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 13

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 10

    14 1 Thos Reilly 26 Labourer 0

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 25

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 1

    15 1 Hugh Smyth 37 Farmer 4.5

    Bridget (mother-in-law) Brine 58

    Mary (wife) Smyth 24

    Anne (sister-in-law)) Moore 13

    Bridget (daughter - baby) Smyth 0

    16 1 Andw McDowell 45 Labourer 0

    Bridget (wife) McDowell 45

    James (son) McDowell 20

    Mary (daughter) McDowell 16

    Margt (daughter) McDowell 14

    Thos (son - twin) McDowell 12

    Bridget (daughter - twin) McDowell 12

    Sarah (daughter) McDowell 10

    Eleanor (daughter) McDowell 5

    17 1 Pat Brady 30 Labourer 0

    Bridget (wife) Brady 29

    Margt (daughter) Brady 10

    Cathrine (daughter) Brady 7

    Mary (daughter) Brady 2

    18 1 Pat Reilly 37 Farmer 4

    Jane (lodger) Martin 60

    Mary (wife) Reilly 33

    Philip (son) Reilly 4

    Pat (son) Reilly 1

    Margt O'Donoho 20 Servant

  • 22

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 19 1 James Brennan 50 Labourer 0

    Bridget (wife) Brennan 50

    Margt (daughter) Brennan 16

    Cathrine (daughter) Brennan 14

    John (son) Brennan 12

    20 1 Philip Reilly 50 Farmer 14

    Rose (wife) Reilly 40

    Philip (son) Reilly 24

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 20

    Mathew (son) Reilly 18

    Edwd (son) Reilly 16

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 10

    John (son) Reilly 6

    Elizabeth (daughter) Reilly 3

    21 1 Margt (widow) Reilly 50 Farmer 10

    Andw (son) Reilly 26

    Eleanor (daughter) Reilly 24

    Pat (son) Reilly 22

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 20

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 16

    Pat Sweeney 26

    Weaver and


    22 1 Pat Reilly 48 Farmer 10

    Mary (wife) Reilly 48

    Bernd Reilly 24 Weaver

    Bernd Reilly 22

    Owen Reilly 20

    Pat Reilly 17

    Elizabeth Smyth 20 Servant

    23 1 Judith (widow) Donaho 70 0

    Rose (lodger) Faughnan 42

    Connor (son) Donoho 40 Labourer

    William (lodger) Faughnan 40

    Mary (lodger) Faughnan 10

    John (lodger) Faughnan 8

    24 1 Hugh (widower) Reilly 50 Farmer 5

    Rose Hane 50

    Anne (daughter) Reilly 6

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 4

    25 1 Jn Reilly 44 Farmer 5

    Philip (brother) Reilly 42

    Elizabeth (sister) Reilly 30

  • 23

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 26 1 Pat Reilly 50 Farmer 4.5

    Judith (sister) Reilly 48

    James (brother-in-law) McCann 35

    Mary (wife) Reilly 30

    Rose (niece) McEnerny 14

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 4

    27 1 Pat Donoho 50 Farmer 12

    Cathrine (sister) Donoho 48

    28 1 Hugh McEnerny 40 0

    Eleanor McEnerny 20

    James McEnerny 1

    35 1 Edwd Donaho 48 Labourer 0

    Mary (wife) Donaho 45

    Rose (daughter) Donaho 23

    36 1 Anthony Reilly 50 Farmer 9

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 50

    Ann (daughter) Reilly 34

    James (son) Reilly 30

    Edwd (son) Reilly 28

    John (son) Reilly 24

    37 1 Chas Byrne 50 Farmer 9

    Anne (wife) Byrne 46

    Danl (son) Byrne 22

    Mary (daughter) Byrne 20

    Eleanor (daughter) Byrne 16

    38 1 Micl Byrne 25 Farmer 8

    39 1 Jn Reilly 30 Farmer 0

    Margt (wife) Reilly 26

    Anne Toolin 20

    Anne Reilly 10

    Micl McCabe 8

    Mary (daughter - baby) Reilly 0

    40 1 Jn Brennan 44 Labourer 0

    Margt (wife) Brennan 23

    Mary (daughter) Brennan 4

    Eleanor (daughter) Brennan 1

    41 1 Pat (widower) Black 51 Labourer 0

    Mary (daughter) Black 13

    Pat (son) Black 9

    Bridget (daughter) Black 6

  • 24

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 42 1 Richd Black 60 Labourer 0

    Mary (wife) Black 45

    Bridget (daughter) Black 18

    43 1 Jn McDowell 40 Farmer 12

    Eleanor (wife) McDowell 32

    Bridget (daughter) McDowell 12

    Cathrine (daughter) McDowell 10

    Mary (daughter) McDowell 7

    James (son) MCDowell 4

    44 1 Owen McCabe 58 0

    Elizabeth (sister-in-law) Connell 40

    Anne (wife) McCabe 36

    Pat (son) McCabe 13

    Philip (son) McCabe 10

    Mary (daughter) McCabe 8

    Anne (daughter) McCabe 5

    Bernd (son) McCabe 2

    45 1 Jn Briody 72 Farmer 13

    Mary (wife) Briody 60

    Micl (son) Briody 32

    Jn (son) Briody 20

    Peter (grandson) Martin 16

    46 1 Hugh Briody 23 0

    Mary (wife) Briody 22

    47 1 Bridget (widow) McCabe 60 Farmer 2

    Cathrine (daughter) McCabe 30

    Wm (lodger) McDowell 4

    48 1 Micl Brennan 32 Farmer 2

    Bridget (wife) Brennan 30

    Edwd (son) Brennan 4

    Thos (son - baby) Brennan 0

    49 1 Margt (widow) Toole 73 Farmer 4

    Mathew (son) Toole 30

    Rose (daughter-in-law) Toole 25

    Margt (grandaughter) Toole 3

    Anne (grandaughter-baby) Toole 0

    50 1 Myles Kelaher 30 Farmer 4

    Cathrine (wife) Kelaher 30

    Peter (son) Kelaher 3

    Pat (son - baby) Kelaher 0

  • 25

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 51 1 Jn McGaughran 22 Farmer 8.5

    Bridget (lodger) Lang 25

    Anne (wife) McGaughran 21

    Cathrine McManus 10

    Bridget (daughter - baby) McGaughran 0

    Anne Bray 18 Servant

    52 1 Bryan McGaughran 60 Farmer 15

    Jane (wife) McGaughran 40

    Bridget (daughter) McGaughran 21

    Mary (daughter) McGaughran 20

    Bernd (son) McGaughran 18

    Anne (daughter) McGaughran 16

    Pat (son) McGaughran 14

    Eleanor (daughter) McGaughran 13

    Thos (son) McGaughran 10

    Jn McCabe 18 Servant

    53 1 James Jackson 66 0

    Judy (wife) Jackson 62

    Alexandra Byers 58 Weaver

    Margt (daughter) Jackson 20

    Robt (son) Jackson 18

    Joseph (nephew) Coin 14

    54 1 Bele (widow) Cain 58 0

    Mary (daughter) Cain 28

    ? Cain 0

    55 1 Peter Parsons 33 Farmer 6.5

    Cathrine (wife) Parsons 25

    Cathrine Cunningham 17

    Anne Keogh 8

    Mary (daughter) Parsons 2

    Pat (son - baby) Parsons 0

    56 1 Henry McEnerny 50 Farmer 4.5

    Bridget (wife) McEnerny 38

    Jas (son) McEnerny 20

    Mary (daughter) McEnerny 17

    Cathrine (daughter) McEnerny 15

    Bridget (daughter) McEnerny 9

    Margt (daughter) McEnerny 7

    Pat (son) McEnerny 5

    Eleanor (daughter) McEnerny 2

    57 1 Sylvester Reilly 50

    Farmer &

    Weaver 9

    Anne (wife) Reilly 50

    Thos Lanktree 30 Weaver

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 14

    Mary Moore 20 Servant

  • 26

    ownland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 58 1 James Reilly 40 Farmer 8

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 33

    Eleanor (daughter) Reilly 9

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 7

    Alice (daughter) Reilly 6

    John (son) Reilly 4

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 2

    Cathrine (daughter-baby) Reilly 0

    James Kiernan 17 Servant

    59 1 Tabby (widow) Reilly 70 Farmer 9

    Connor (son) Reilly 19

    60 1 Thos Reilly 48 Farmer 9

    Bridget (wife) Reilly 35

    Pat (son) Reilly 19

    Owen (son) Reilly 15

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 11

    Thos (son) Reilly 8

    James (son) Reilly 4

    Anne (daughter) Reilly 2

    Cathrine Reilly 13 Servant

    61 1 John Maguire 56 Farmer 4

    Margaret (lodger) Meehan 70

    Bridget (wife) Maguire 40

    Pat (son) Maguire 15

    Micl (son) Maguire 13

    Danl (son) Maguire 11

    Mary (daughter) Maguire 10

    Ann (daughter) Maguire 8

    62 1 Danl Byrne 60 Labourer 0

    Cathrine (wife) Byrne 60

    Anne (daughter) Byrne 24

    Danl (son) Byrne 21

    63 1 Owen Byrne 55 0

    Bridget (wife) Byrne 54

    Harrel Byrne 20

    Anne Byrne 18

    William Hand 18 Weaver

    Cathrine Coil 16

    James Byrne 15

    James Graham 10

    64 1 Philip (widower) Reilly 70 Farmer 0

    Jane (lodger) Graham 60

    Philip (son) Reilly 25

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 24

    Rose(grandaughter baby) Reilly 0

  • 27

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Callanagh (Cont) 65 1 Owen Kiernan 26 Labourer 0

    Jane (wife) Kiernan 28

    Jas (son) Kiernan 2

    66 1 Cathrine (widow) Reilly 40

    Philip (son) Reilly 9

    67 1 Pat Reilly 35 Labourer 0

    Jane (lodger) Martin 60

    Mary (wife) Reilly 32

    Philip (son) Reilly 4

    Pat (son) Reilly 1

    Margt Donoho 25 Servant

    68 1 Owen Donaho 51 Farmer 8

    Hanna (wife) Donaho 50

    Edwd (son) Donoho 20

    Mary (daughter) Donoho 18

    Pat (son) Donoho 15

    Margt (daughter) Donoho 8

    Owen (son) Donoho 5

    69 1 Thos McManus 75 Farmer 8

    Bridget (wife) McManus 70

    Owen (son) McManus 30

    Rose (daughter) McManus 28

    Bridget (daughter) McManus 26

    James (son-in-law) McCabe 26

    Bryan McIntegras 16

    Thos Hullahan 11


    1 1 Bryan Reilly 50 Farmer 26

    Mary (wife) Reilly 40

    Hugh (son) Reilly 13

    Eliza (daughter) Reilly 12

    Maria (daughter) Reilly 10

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 8

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 6

    James (son) Reilly 4

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 2

    Jn (son - baby) Reilly 0

    Elizabeth Clark 25 Servant

    Pat Dolan 20 Servant

  • 28

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrigakilliu (Cont)

    2 1 Mark Coil 24

    Terence (brother) Coil 15

    Mary (sister) Coil 13

    Ally (sister) Coil 10

    John (brother) Coil 8

    3 1 Owen Reilly 30 Farmer 5

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 27

    John (son) Reilly 4

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 1

    4 1 Peter (widower) Flood 60 Farmer 4

    Mary (daughter-in-law) Caffrey 24

    Michael (son) Flood 24

    Judith (daughter) Flood 20

    Bridgt (daughter) Flood 18

    5 1 Edwd Caffry 34 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Caffry 30

    Laurence (son) Caffry 6

    Peter (son) Caffry 5

    Anne (daughter) Caffry 3

    Rose (daughter) Caffry 1

    6 1 Jn Smyth 34 Farmer 5.5

    Farrel (brother) Smyth 32

    Eleanor (sister) Smyth 20

    7 1 Margt (widow) Flood 60 Farmer 6

    James (son-in-law) Reilly 30

    Bridgt (daughter) Flood 26

    James (son) Flood 24

    Philip (grandson) Reilly 2

    Danl (grandson - baby) Reilly 0

    8 1 Rose (widow) Coyle 60 Farmer 4

    Thos (son) Coyle 26

    9 1 Pat (widower) Cooke 60 Farmer 13

    Chas (son) Cooke 22

    Cathrine (daughter) Cooke 20

    10 1 Danl Cooke 34 Farmer 13

    Mary (wife) Cooke 28

    Pat (son) Cooke 2

    Pat Bray 28 Servant

    Margt Coil 23 Servant

  • 29

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrigakilliu (Cont)

    11 1 Mary (widow) O Neal 50

    Bryan (son) O Neal 22

    James (son) O Neal 18

    Micl (son) O Neal 12

    12 1 Dennis Keoghy 28 Labourer

    Margt (sister) Keoghy 21

    13 1 James Reilly 60 Farmer

    Bridgt (wife) Reilly 60

    Daniel (son) Reilly 26

    Myles (son) Reilly 24

    Connor (son) Reilly 22

    Luke (son) Reilly 20

    Hugh (son) Reilly 16

    Peter (son) Reilly 14

    Anne Reilly 20 Servant

    14 1 Mary (widow) Keoghy 60 Farmer 4.5

    James (lodger) Keoghy 40

    Pat (son) Keoghy 30

    Bridgt (daughter) Keoghy 24

    Elizabeth (daughter) Keoghy 20

    Anne (daughter) Keoghy 18

    Danl (son) Keoghy 16

    Edwd (son) Keoghy 14

    15 1 Bryan (widower) Neal 80

    James (son) Neal 42

    Margt (daughter-in-law) Lahy 23

    16 1 Danl Reilly 24 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Reilly 25

    17 1 Jn Sheridan 30 Farmer 4

    Judith (wife) Sheridan 22

    Mary (daughter) Sheridan 4

    18 1 Micl Sheridan 28 Farmer 2

    Bridget (mother) Sheridan 64

    Mary (wife) Sheridan 26

    Connor (son - baby) Sheridan 0

  • 30

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrigakilliu (Cont)

    19 1 Mary (widow) Russel 60

    Elizabeth (lodger) Donagho 60

    James (son) Russel 35

    Cathrine (lodger) Maguire 30

    James (lodger) Maguire 12

    20 1 Eleanor (widow) Coil 60 3

    Pat (son) Coil 26

    Mathew (son) Coil 24

    James (son) Coil 20

    Eleanor (daughter) Coil 18

    Anne (daughter) Coil 14

    21 1 Jn Bray 60 Labourer &


    Mary (wife) Bray 60

    Pat (son) Bray 16

    Anne (daughter) Bray 14

    22 1 Pat Smyth 36 Labourer

    Jane (daughter) Smyth 32

    James (son) Smyth 16

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 12

    Pat (son) Smyth 10

    Jn (son) Smyth 4

    23 1 James Black 60 Farmer 5

    Bridget (wife) Black 60

    Connor (son) Black 24

    Pat (son) Black 18

    Thos (son) Black 15

    24 1 Mary (widow) Dolan 50

    Anne (daughter) Dolan 16

    Cathrine (daughter) Dolan 10

    Mary (daughter) Dolan 8

    25 1 Jn Smyth 32 Labourer

    Margt (wife) Smyth 34

    Jn (son) Smyth 8

    Eleanor (daughter) Smyth 6

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 4

    Micl (son) Smyth 2

  • 31

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrigakilliu (Cont)

    26 1 Pat Dermody 53 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) Dermody 53

    Loghlin (son) Dermody 26

    Bridget (daughter) Dermody 18

    Cathrine (daughter) Dermody 16

    Pat (son) Dermody 12

    Eleanor (daughter) Dermody 8

    27 1 Owen (widower) Keoghy 60 Farmer 5

    Thos (son) Keoghy 24

    James (son) Keoghy 22

    Judith (daughter) Keoghy 20

    Eleanor (daughter) Keoghy 18

    Edwd (son) Keoghy 16

    Anne (daughter) Keoghy 14

    28 1 Thos Smyth 36 Farmer 4

    Cathrine (wife) Smyth 36

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 12

    Bridget (daughter) Smyth 10

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 8

    Margt (daughter) Smyth 4

    29 1 Jn Smyth 60 Farmer 26

    Anne (wife) Smyth 60

    Pat (son) Smyth 28

    Thos (son) Smyth 26

    Edwd (son) Smyth 24

    Wm (son) Smyth 20

    Jn (son) Smyth 18

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 15

    Mary Brady 19 Servant

    30 1 James Keoghy 24

    Bridgt (wife) Keoghy 24

    31 1 James Smyth 34 Farmer 2.5

    Margt (wife) Smyth 38

    Jn (son) Smyth 9

    Micl (son) Smyth 7

    Pat (son) Smyth 5

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 3

    Thos (son) Smyth 1

  • 32

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrigakilliu (Cont)

    32 1 Luke Carty 24 Labourer

    Anne (wife) Carty 24

    Cathrine (sister) Carty 20

    33 1 James Brady 40 Labourer

    Christian (wife) Brady 40

    Margt (daughter) Brady 11

    Bridget (daughter) Brady 9

    Anne (daughter) Brady 6

    Cathrine (daughter) Brady 3

    34 1 Mary (widow) McGuire 48

    Hugh (son) McGuire 20

    John (son) McGuire 17

    Cathrine (daughter) McGuire 14

    35 1 Owen Keoghy 40 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) Keoghy 40

    Margt (daughter) Keoghy 13

    Mary (daughter) Keoghy 4

    Bridgt (daughter - baby) Keoghy 0

    36 1 Cathrine (widow) Linahan 52

    Anne (daughter) Linahan 22

    Bridget (daughter) Linahan 20

    Cathrine (daughter) Linahan 15

    37 1 Edwd Betty 30 Farmer 17

    Bridgt (wife) Betty 26

    Bridget Betty 17

    Nichs (son) Betty 12

    Jas (son) Betty 7

    Chas (son) Betty 5

    Bernd (brother-in-law) Reilly 17 Servant

    Caronagh Lower

    1 1 Philip Reilly 58

    Mary (wife) Reilly 57

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 14

    Thos (son) Reilly 10

    James (son) Reilly 8

    Bridget Sheridan 18 Servant

  • 33

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Lower (Cont)

    2 1 Thos Reilly 40 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Reilly 30

    Thos (nephew) Reily 14

    Judith (daughter) Reilly 8

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 7

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 3

    James (son) Reilly 1

    3 1 James Sheridan 62 Farmer 16

    Hanora (wife) Sheridan 61

    Pat (son) Sheridan 25

    Owen (son) Sheridan 23

    Anne (son) Sheridan 14

    Micl (son) Sheridan 12

    Jas (son) Sheridan 2

    4 1 Thos Colwell 40 Farmer 4

    Mary (wife) Colwell 30

    Pat (son) Colwell 15

    Margt Halton 14

    Connor (son) Colwell 13

    Rose (daughter) Colwell 11

    Micl Gibhey 10

    Margt (daughter) Colwell 7

    Micl (son) Colwell 3

    Mary (daughter - baby) Colwell 0

    5 1 Edwd Smyth 44 Farmer 4

    Mary (wife) Smyth 34

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 10

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 7

    Margt (daughter) Smyth 5

    Jane (daughter) Smyth 3

    6 1 Pat Smyth 40 Farmer 4

    Jn Smyth 64

    Cathrine (wife) Smyth 40

    Margt (daughter) Smyth 6

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 4

    Rose (daughter - baby) Smyth 0

    7 1 Jas Flood 24 Farmer 8

    Anne (wife) Flood 0

    Mary (daughter -baby) Flood 0

    Margt Briody 18 Servant

  • 34

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Lower (Cont)

    8 1 Chas Dermody 53 Farmer 8

    Thos Dermody 68 Weaver

    Margt (wife) Dermody 50

    John Cullin 32 Weaver

    Bryan (son) Dermody 24

    Margt (daughter) Dermody 22

    Cathrine (daughter) Dermody 20

    Chas (son) Dermody 14

    Stephen (son) Dermody 11

    Micl (son) Dermody 9

    9 1 Edwd Galligan 60 Farmer 4

    Mary (wife) Galligan 60

    Thos (son) Galligan 30

    Margt (daughter-in-law) Gilroy 29

    Bridget (grandaughter) Calwell 12

    10 1 Micl Lynch 32 Labourer

    Jane (mother) Lynch 80

    Judith (wife) Lynch 30

    Mary (niece) Reilly 8

    James (son) Lynch 6

    Jane (daughter) Lynch 3

    Judith (daughter -baby) Lynch 0

    11 1 Micl Donaho 62 Farmer 10.5

    Eleanor (wife) Donaho 60

    James (son) Donaho 24

    Peter (son) Donaho 22

    Anne (daughter-in-law) Dermody 20

    Thos (son) Donaho 16

    Anne (daughter) Donaho 12

    Owen (son) Donaho 10

    Anne Keogan 14 Servant

    12 1 Danl Briody 64 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Briody 60

    Anne (daughter) Briody 20

    Thos daughter) Briody 18

    13 1 Fras Donaho 50 Farmer 9

    Hanesly (wife) Donaho 40

    Thomas (son) Donaho 14

    Pat (son) Donaho 12

    Bridget (daughter) Donaho 10

    Cathrine (daughter) Danaho 8

    Jn (son) Danaho 6

  • 35

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Lower (Cont)

    14 1 Hugh (widower) Donaho 60 Farmer 9

    Thos (son) Donaho 18

    Pat (son) Donaho 16

    Chas (son) Donaho 14

    Jas (son) Donaho 12

    Jn (son) Donaho 8

    Luke (son) Donaho 6

    15 1 Hugh Reilly 44 Farmer 9

    Bridget (mother) Reilly 65

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 40

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 16

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 14

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 12

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 4

    Anne (daughter) Reilly 2

    16 1 Bryan Lynch 80 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) Lynch 80

    Bryan (son) Lynch 24

    17 1 Micl Donnellan 80 Farmer 8

    Margt (wife) Donnellan 70

    Ally (daughter) Donnellan 22

    Micl (son) Donnellan 20

    18 1 Thos McCabe 24 Farmer 4

    Mary (wife) McCabe 20

    Wm (son - baby) McCabe 0

    19 1 Peter Reilly 30 Farmer 4

    Jane (wife) Reilly 26

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 7

    Thos (son) Reilly 5

    Elizabeth (daughter) Reilly 2

    20 1 Jn Donaho 28 Farmer 7

    Thomas Smyth 25 Weaver

    Bridget (wife) Donaho 20

    Eleanor (daughter) Donaho 1

    Cathrine Reilly 10 Servant

    21 1 Anne (widow) Smyth 40 Farmer 4

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 18

    Hugh (son) Smyth 15

    James (son) Smyth 13

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 11

    Bridget (daughter) Smyth 9

    Bartly (son) Smyth 3

  • 36

    Townland No of House

    No of


    Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Lower (Cont)

    22 1 Phelim Hartin 50 Farmer 10.5

    Mary (wife) Hartin 40

    James Maguire 24 Weaver

    Pat (son) Hartin 20

    Mary (daughter) Hartin 12

    Cathrine (daughter) Hartin 10

    Rose (daughter) Hartin 8

    Thos (son) Hartin 6

    Anne (daughter) Hartin 4

    Mary Brennan 20 Servant

    23 1 Micl McCahill 30 Labourer

    Judith (wife) McCahill 25

    Hugh (lodger) McCahill 20

    Hugh (son) McCahill 2

    24 1 Mathew Flood 30 Labourer

    Margt (sister) Flood 26

    Edward Brennan 19

    25 1 Pat Reilly 40 Farmer 7

    Cathrine (wife) Reilly 40

    Micl (son) Reilly 20

    26 1 Margt (widow) Divine 60

    Caronagh Upper

    1 1 John Hartin 54 Farmer 15

    Mary (wife) Hartin 50

    Hugh (son) Hartin 20

    Jas (son) Hartin 18

    Bridgt (daughter) Hartin 14

    Anne (daughter) Hartin 10

    Jn (son) Hartin 8

    Margt (daughter) Hartin 6

    Mary (daughter - baby) Hartin 0

    Mary Reilly 20 Servant

    2 1 Pat Hartin 60 Farmer

    Bridget (wife) Hartin 50

    Owen (son) Hartin 24

    Hugh (son) Hartin 20

    Bridget (lodger) McClusky 12

    Mary (daughter) Hartin 5

  • 37

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Upper(Cont)

    3 1 Pat Reilly 40 Farmer 2

    Eleanor (wife) Reilly 30

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 10

    Owen (son) Reilly 6

    Jn (son) Reilly 4

    4 1 Owen Reilly 44 Farmer 2

    Anne (wife) Reilly 34

    Elizabeth (lodger) Reynolds 32

    Jane (lodger) Reynolds 8

    Margt (lodger) Reynolds 5

    5 1 Thos Rigby 60 Farmer

    Mary (wife) Rigby 50

    Pat (son from first wife ) Rigby 40

    Micl (son) Rigby 30

    Mary (daughter) Rigby 22

    Thos (son) Rigby 18

    Margt (daughter) Rigby 15

    6 1 Jn Nixon 50 Farmer 7

    James (lodger) Doyle 59

    Bridget (wife) Nixon 40

    Bridget (daughter) Nixon 8

    Wm (son) Nixon 6

    Mary (daughter) Nixon 2

    Rose (daughter - baby) Nixon 0

    7 1 Robt Nixon 56

    Mary (wife) Nixon 40

    Mary (daughter) Nixon 12

    Jane (daughter) Nixon 10

    Margt (daughter) Nixon 8

    Rose (daughter) Nixon 6

    Elizabeth (daughter) Nixon 4

    John (son) Nixon 3

    8 1 Mary Nixon 86

    Elizabeth (daughter) Nixon 20

    9 1 Stephen Dermody 40 Labourer

    Bridget (wife) Dermody 36

    Bryan (son) Dermody 12

    Anne (daughter) Dermody 10

    Rose (daughter) Dermody 8

    Thos (son) Dermody 6

    Cathrine (daughter) Dermody 1

  • 38

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Upper(Cont)

    10 1 James Cummisky 55 Farmer &

    Weaver 20

    Anne (wife) Cummisky 55

    Micl (son) Cummisky 28

    Edwd (son) Cummisky 25

    Bryan Galligan 16 Apprentice

    Jn Donaho 13 Apprentice

    Cathrine (grandaughter) Cummisky 1

    Cathrine Smyth 22 Servant

    Mary Reilly 22 Servant

    Cathrine Smith 20 Servant

    Jas Reilly 0 Servant

    11 1 Chas Cummisky 30 Farmer 12

    Mary (wife) Cummisky 30

    James (son) Cummisky 5

    Pat (son) Cummisky 3

    John (son) Cummisky 1

    Owen McEtegart 64 Servant

    Jn Sheridan 25 Servant &


    Richd McEtegart 12 Servant

    12 1 Laurence Bignal 54 Farmer 9

    Bridget (wife) Bignal 45

    Mary McCabe 24 Servant

    13 1 Thos Lynch 26 Labourer &


    Judith (wife) Lynch 25

    14 1 Peter Lynch 50 Farmer 6

    Judith (wife) Lynch 52

    James (son) Lynch 20

    Elizabeth (daughter) Lynch 16

    Anne (daughter) Lynch 14

    Peter (son) Lynch 9

    Pat (son) Lynch 7

    Chas (son) Lynch 5

    15 1 Bryan Cummisky 60 Farmer 15

    Mary (wife) Cummisky 60

    Mary (daughter) Cummisky 30

    Bridget (daughter) Cummisky 27

    Cathrine (daughter) Cummisky 25

    Jn (son) Cummisky 23

    Rose (daughter) Cummisky 22

    Ally (daughter) Cummisky 20

    Jas (son) Cummisky 14

    Judith (daughter) Cummisky 10

  • 39

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Caronagh Upper(Cont)

    16 1 Jas Bignal 24 Farmer 7

    Mary (wife) Bignal 24

    Cathrine Sheridan 13 Servant

    17 1 Owen Bignal 48 Farmer 7

    Mary (wife) Bignal 40

    Pat (son) Bignal 22

    Jn (son) Bignal 19

    Judith (daughter) Bignal 17

    Anne (daughter) Bignal 9

    Mary (daughter) Bignal 8

    Margt (daughter) Bignal 7

    Ally (daughter) Bignal 6

    18 1 Micl Quinn 50 Farmer 3.5

    Cathrine (wife) Quinn 40

    Terence (son) Quinn 16

    Jane (daughter) Quinn 14

    Terence (lodger) Mullin 14

    Rose (daughter) Quinn 12

    Philip (son) Quinn 10

    19 1 Philip Reilly 32 Labourer

    Anne (wife) Reilly 30

    Bridget (niece) Donaho 18

    20 1 Mary (widow) McGawran 60 Farmer 7

    Rose (grandaughter) Wilson 20

    Wm (grandson) Wilson 19

    James (grandson) Wilson 15

    21 1 James (widower) Bartly 32 Farmer 3.5

    Cathrine Winn 30

    Bryan Reilly 23

    Pat (son) Bartley 8

    Mary (daughter) Bartly 5

    Anne (daughter) Bartly 2


    1 1 Jn McGaughran 38 Farmer 5

    Mary (sister) McGaughran 40

  • 40

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrick (Cont)

    2 1 Luke Lee 36 Farmer 12

    Bridgt (wife) Lee 26

    Anne (sister) Lee 22

    Bridget (sister) Lee 20

    Honora ? 20

    Hugh Lee 18

    Eleanor (sister) Lee 11

    Christopher (son) Lee 6

    3 1 Micl Mannin 60 Farmer 2.5

    Anne (wife) Mannin 60

    Luke Lynch 28 Weaver

    Mary (daughter) Mannin 0

    Anne (daughter) Mannin 0

    Margt (daughter) Mannin 0

    4 1 Thos Coyle 60 Farmer 4

    Anne (wife) Coyle 0

    Rose (daughter) Coyle 0

    Pat (son) Coyle 0

    Cathrine (daughter) Coyle 0

    Anne (daughter) Coyle 0

    Connor (son) Coyle 0

    5 1 Mathew Heslin 80 Labourer

    Eleanor (wife) Heslin 50

    Hugh (son) Heslin 16

    6 1 Mary (widow) Dinniny 60 Farmer 2

    Mary (daughter) Dinniny 22

    Peter (son) Dinniny 20

    7 1 Judith (widow) Dunleavy 60 Farmer

    Thos (son) Dunleavy 22

    Bridgt (daughter) Dunleavy 21

    Owen (son) Dunleavy 18

    Bill (son) Dunleavy 14

    Anne (daughter) Dunleavy 9

    8 1 Eleanor (widow) Coyle 62

    Pat (son) Coyle 32

    Mary (daughter) Coyle 24

    Rose (daughter) Coyle 20

    Jn (grandson) Coyle 9

  • 41

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrick (Cont)

    9 1 Pat Dunleavy 31 Labourer

    Bridget (wife) Dunleavy 32

    Bridget (daughter) Dunleavy 2

    Christopher (son - baby) Dunleavy 0

    10 1 Eleanor (widow) Lee 52

    Mary (daughter) Lee 10

    Walice (son) Lee 9

    Eleanor (daughter) Lee 8

    11 1 Bryan (widower) Kiernan 81 Labourer

    Judith (daughter) Kiernan 30

    James (grandson) Reilly 15

    Mary (grandaughter) Reilly 2

    12 1 Peter Cullin 50 Farmer 22

    Eleanor (wife) Cullin 50

    Walter Cullin 20

    Thos (son) Cullin 10

    Pat (son) Cullin 9

    Mary (daughter) Cullin 8

    Cathrine (daughter) Cullin 4

    Cathrine Finnigan 30 Servant

    13 1 Peter Reilly 60 Farmer 2

    Mary (wife) Reilly 50

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 18

    Anne (daughter) Reilly 16

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 13

    Micl (son) Reilly 11

    Peter (son) Reilly 9

    James (son) Reilly 7

    14 1 Edwd Reilly 27 Farmer 2

    Eleanor (wife) Reilly 25

    Bridget Walsh 13 Servant

    15 1 Bryan Boylan 50 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) Boylan 40

    Bridgt (daughter) Boylan 17

    Hugh (son) Boylan 15

    Margt (daughter) Boylan 13

    Jas (son) Boylan 10

    Anne (daughter) Boylan 8

    Owen (son) Boylan 5

    Cathrine (daughter - baby) Boylan 0

  • 42

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrick (Cont)

    16 1 Jn Dermody 60 Farmer 12

    Cathrine (wife) Dermody 60

    Pat (son) Dermody 25

    Michael (son) Dermody 20

    Bridget (daughter) Dermody 19

    Mary (daughter) Dermody 17

    William (son) Demody 15

    Jn (son) Dermody 13

    Margt (daughter) Dermody 10

    17 1 James Cullin 50

    Bridget Cullin 88

    18 1 Micl Dermody 50 Farmer 4

    Ally (wife) Dermody 54

    Loghlin (son) Dermody 26

    Micl (son) Dermody 23

    Mary (daughter) Dermody 21

    Margt (daughter) Dermody 18

    19 1 Owen Reynolds 56 Farmer 30

    Mary (wife) Reynolds 40

    James (son) Reynolds 22

    Pat (son) Reynolds 20

    Anne (daughter) Reynolds 19

    Mary (daughter) Reynolds 17

    Micl (son) Reynolds 15

    Owen (son) Reynolds 12

    Luke Reilly 10

    Margt (daughter) Reynolds 9

    Barny (son) Reynolds 8

    Thos (son) Reynolds 5

    Jn (son) Reynolds 3

    Edwd (son) Reynolds 1

    20 1 Anne (widow) Dermody 70

    Sylvester (son) Dermody 36

    Pat (son) Dermody 25

    Anne (daughter) Dermody 23

    21 1 Jn Reilly 40 Labourer

    Mary (wife) Reilly 40

    Pat (son) Reilly 18

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 14

    Hugh (son) Reilly 11

    Thos (son) Reilly 10

  • 43

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Carrick (Cont)

    22 1 Judith (widow) Dermody 60

    Rose (lodger) Reilly 60

    Bridget (daughter) Dermody 35

    Pat (lodger) Smyth 20

    23 1 John Reilly 44 Farmer 40

    Mary (wife) Reilly 36

    Owen (son) Reilly 21

    Christopher (son) Reilly 17

    James (son) Reilly 15

    Eliza (daughter) Reilly 13

    Peter (son) Reilly 11

    Bryan (son) Reilly 8

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 5

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 3

    Henry Martin 22 Servant

    Elizabeth Martin 18 Servant

    24 1 Pat Reynolds 35 Labourer

    Margt (wife) Reynolds 30

    Anne (daughter) Reynolds 7

    Thos (son) Reynolds 5

    Elizabeth (daughter) Reynolds 2

    25 1 Owen Dermody 35 Labourer

    Rose (mother) Dermody 62

    Margt (lodger) Lynch 60

    Cathrine (wife) Dermody 35

    Mary (daughter) Dermody 5

    Bridget (daughter) Dermody 3

    Pat (son) Dermody 1

    26 1 Philip Reilly 32 Farmer 4

    Jn (brother) Reilly 25

    Mary (visitor) Cullin 22

    Andw (brother-in-law) Reilly 20

    Jane (niece) Reilly 1

    Jn Sweeny 20 Servant

    James Danaho 20 Servant

    Mary Bray 19 Servant

  • 44

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres


    1 1 Micl Nealon 40 Farmer 5

    Cathrine (wife) Nealon 58

    Thos (son) Nealon 20

    Mary (daughter) Nealon 18

    Jn (son) Nealon 16

    Jas (son) Nealon 11

    Micl (son) Nealon 5

    Margt Cruise 23 Servant

    2 1 Nicholas Cain 30 Farmer 8

    Anne (wife) Cain 25

    Jn (son) Cain 2

    3 1 Mary (widow) Dinniny 40

    Terence (son) Dinniny 0

    Margt (daughter) Dinniny 0

    Edwd (son) Dinniny 0

    Jn (son) Dinniny 0

    James (son) Dinniny 0

    4 1 Pat (widower) Dinniny 52 Farmer 8

    Winny (daughter) Dinniny 14

    Mary (daughter) Dinniny 12

    Bryan (son) Dinniny 10

    Edwd (son) Dinniny 8

    5 1 Honora (widow) Flinn 60

    George (son) Flinn 0 Labourer

    Pat (son) Flinn 0

    Bridget (daughter) Flinn 0

    6 1 Bryan Dinniny 55 Farmer 15

    Anne (wife) Dinniny 50

    Terence (son) Dinniny 24

    Edwd (son) Dinniny 22

    Judith (daughter - twin) Dinniny 18

    Cathrine (daughter - twin) Dinniny 18

    Margt (daughter) Dinniny 13

    Bridgt (daughter) Dinniny 11

    Jn (son) Dinniny 9

    Pat (son) Dinniny 7

  • 45

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres


    7 1 James Dinniny 45 Farmer 15

    Cathrine (wife) Dinniny 40

    Edwd (son) Dinniny 15

    Thos (son) Dinniny 12

    Cathrine (daughter) Dinniny 7

    Eleanor (daughter) Dinniny 1

    Anne Dinniny 30 Servant

    Danl McEnally 20 Servant

    8 1 Owen (widower) Dinniny 30 Farmer 4

    Pat (son) Dinniny 2

    Mary Lee 20 Servant

    9 1 Hugh Reilly 70 Farmer

    Mary (wife) Reilly 60

    Pat (son) Reilly 32

    Margt (daughter-in-law) Lynch 25

    Mary (grandaughter) Reilly 10

    Peter (grandson) Reilly 1

    10 1 Peter Coyle 50 Farmer 4.5

    Anne (niece) McCormick 0

    Mary (daughter) Coyle 0

    Margt (daughter) Coyle 0

    Thos (son) Coyle 0

    Cathrine (daughter) Coyle 0

    Anne (daughter) Coyle 0

    Cathrine (wife) Coyle 0

    Bridgt (daughter) Coyle 0

    Hugh (son) Coyle 0

    11 1 James Black 40 Farmer

    Margt (daughter) Black 0

    Cathrine (daughter) Black 0

    12 1 Pat Dermody 42 Farmer 2

    Elizabeth (wife) Dermody 42

    Bridget (daughter) Dermody 12

    Micl (son) Dermody 11

    Rose (daughter) Dermody 4

    Anne (daughter) Dermody 1

    13 1 Bryan Keogh 30 Farmer 2.5

    Judith (wife) Keogh 40

    Mary (daughter) Keogh 9

    Cathrine (daughter) Keogh 6

    Edwd (son) Keogh 3

    Bridgt (daughter - baby) Keogh 0

  • 46

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres


    1 1 Micl Farrel 55 Weaver &


    Cathrine (wife) Farrel 50

    Edwd (son) Farrel 16

    Mary (daughter) Farrel 13

    Thos (son) Farrel 13

    Bridget (daughter) Farrel 8

    2 1 James Mathews 40 Flaxdresser

    Mary (wife) Mathews 38

    Anne (daughter) Mathews 16

    Peter (son) Mathews 11

    Jn (son) Mathews 6

    Pat (son) Mathews 2

    3 1 Micl Hierry 34

    Judith (wife) Hierry 30

    Anne (daughter) Hierry 11

    Robt (son) Hierry 9

    Bridget (daughter) Hierry 6

    Cathrine (daughter) Hierry 4

    Jn (son) Hierry 2

    4 1 Anne (widow) Hierry 60

    Bryan (son) Hierry 26

    Pat (son) Hierry 21

    5 1 Micl Smyth 50 Farmer 3.5

    Anne (wife) Smyth 50

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 18

    Rose (daughter) Smyth 16

    Bridget (daughter) Smyth 14

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 12

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 10

    Eleanor (daughter) Smyth 7

    Judith (daughter) Smyth 5

    6 1 Pat Caffray 50 Weaver & Labourer

    Margt (wife) Caffray 50

    Bridget (sister-in-law) Walsh 46

    Micl (nephew) Walsh 10

    Bridget (niece) Walsh 8

  • 47

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Cartonfree (Cont)

    7 1 Jas Fitzsimons 48 Labourer

    Margt (wife) Fitzsimons 48

    Micl (son) Fitzsimons 14

    Bridget (daughter) Fitzsimons 12

    Pat (son) Fitzsimons 8

    Wm (son) Fitzsimons 6

    Margt (daughter - baby) Fitzsimons 0

    8 1 Bridget (widow) Reynolds 63 Farmer 9

    James (son) Reynolds 0

    James Dinniny 0

    Mary (daughter) Reynolds 0

    Bridget (daughter) Reynolds 0

    Bartly (son) Reynolds 0

    Thady (grandson) Reynolds 0

    9 1 Pat Galligan 40 Weaver &


    Bridget (mother) Galligan 73

    Cathrine (wife) Galligan 30

    Thos (son) Galligan 10

    Wm (son) Galligan 7

    Micl (son) Galligan 5

    Cathrine (daughter) Galligan 2

    10 1 Hugh Conlan 40 Farmer 5

    Mary (wife) Conlan 40

    Pat (son) Conlan 19

    Cathrine (daughter) Conlan 17

    Peter (son) Conlan 14

    Jn (son) Conlan 11

    Margt (daughter) Conlan 8

    Bridget (daughter) Conlan 4

    11 1 Micl (widower) Reilly 60 Farmer 8

    Thos (son) Reilly 28

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 24

    Jn (son) Reilly 22

    Owen (son) Reilly 19

    Thos Reilly 6 Servant

    12 1 James Reilly 50 Labourer

    Owen (brother) Reilly 45

    13 1 Anne (widow) Dalton 50

    Anne (lodger) Campbell 50

    James (son) Dalton 20 Labourer

  • 48

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Cartonfree (Cont)

    14 1 Connor Caldwell 30 Farmer 4.5

    Mary (wife) Caldwell 25

    Mary Hiery 16 Servant

    Jas Smyth 15 Servant

    15 1 Edwd Lynch 47 Farmer 6

    Bridget (wife) Lynch 47

    Edwd (son) Lynch 17

    Jn (son) Lynch 14

    Cathrine (daughter) Lynch 11

    Anne (daughter) Lynch 9

    Thos (son) Lynch 5

    Mary (daughter) Lynch 3

    Margt (daughter) Lynch 2

    16 1 Laurence Dalton 25 Labourer

    Mary (lodger) Connelly 35

    Mary (wife) Dalton 32

    Thos (lodger) Connelly 9

    Pat (lodger) Connelly 6

    Mary (lodger) Connelly 4

    Anne (daughter) Dalton 3

    17 1 Edwd Dalton 48 Labourer

    Anne (wife) Dalton 48

    Mathew (son) Dalton 22 Labourer

    James (son) Dalton 20 Weaver

    18 1 Christr Dalton 45 Farmer 3.5

    Mary (wife) Dalton 44

    Bridget (daughter) Dalton 30

    Anne (daughter) Dalton 23

    Cathrine (daughter) Dalton 18

    Micl (son) Dalton 16

    James (son) Dalton 14

    Mary (daughter) Dalton 12

    19 1 Thos Feagan 44 Farmer 22.5

    Eleanor (wife) Feagan 63

    John (son) Feagan 39

    Mathw (son) Feagan 26

    Eleanor (daughter) Feagan 21

    Bridget Coil 21 Servant

    Eleanor Fitzsimons 18 Servant

    Michael Flaherty 17 Servant

    Pat Feagan 14 Servant

  • 49

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Cartonfree (Cont)

    20 1 James Dalton 62 Labourer

    Margt (wife) Dalton 62

    James (son) Dalton 20

    Ally Reilly 16 Servant

    Bernd Hiery 14 Servant

    21 1 Laurence (widower) Dalton 43 Weaver &


    Christopher (son) Dalton 0

    22 1 Phil Reilly 50 Farmer 4

    Margt (wife) Reilly 40

    Micl (son) Reilly 21

    Richd (son) Reilly 18

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 16

    Pat (son) Reilly 15

    Thos (son) Reilly 13

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 7

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 1

    23 1 Pat Drum 50 Farmer 6

    Cathrine (wife) Drum 60

    Owen (stepson) Healy 23

    24 1 Jas Healy 28 Farmer 6

    Mary (wife) Healy 28

    Andw Camp 20 Weaver &


    Wm (son) Healy 8

    Jn (son) Healy 5

    Eleanor (daughter) Healy 1

    Mary Walsh 18 Servant

    25 1 Bele (widow) Finn 60

    Jn (son) Finn 26 Labourer

    Eleanor (daughter) Finn 23

    Mary (daughter) Finn 16

    26 1 Richd Fitzsimons 60 Farmer 7

    Bridget (wife) Fitzsimons 60

    Thos (son) Fitzsimons 25

    Richd Fitzsimons 23 Weaver

    Cathrine (daughter) Fitzsimons 23

    Anne (daughter) Fitzsimons 22

    Pat Fitzsimons 18 Weaver

    Richd (son) Fitzsimons 12

    Cathrine Fitzsimons 20 Servant

    James Connellan 12 Servant

  • 50

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Cartonfree (Cont)

    27 1 Cathrine (widow) Fitzsimons 60 Farmer 7

    Pat Fitzsimons 22

    Mary Fitzsimons 20

    Thos Fitzsimons 18

    Bridgt Fitzsimons 16

    Anne Fitzsimons 14

    Peter Cunningham 18 Weaver &


    28 1 Micl Brimers 70

    Cathrine (wife) Brimers 70

    Danl (son) Brimers 26

    Bridget (daughter-in-law) Brimers 26

    Mary (grandaughter) Brimers 4

    Pat (grandson) Brimers 1

    29 1 Pat Feagan 30 Farmer 10

    Elizabeth (wife) Feagan 30

    Thos (son) Feagan 4

    Anne (daughter) Feagan 3

    Anne Collerain 26 Servant

    Micl Loughlin 26 Weaver and


    Terence Hiery 18 Servant

    30 1 Thos Fitzsimons 25 Farmer 5

    Mathew (brother) Fitzsimons 26

    Anne (sister) Fitzsimons 14

    Andw (brother) Fitzsimons 12

    31 1 Pat Smyth 60 Farmer 5

    Eleanor (wife) Smyth 50

    Margt (daughter) Smyth 20

    Peter (son) Smyth 18

    Cathrine (daughter) Smyth 16

    Pat (son) Smyth 14

    James (son) Smyth 12

    Mathw (son) Smyth 11

    Hugh (son) Smyth 10

    Eleanor (daughter) Smyth 8

    Jn (son) Smyth 7

    Henry (son) Smyth 6

  • 51

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Cartonfree (Cont)

    32 1 James Herey 60 Farmer 10

    Judith (wife) Herey 60

    Mary (daughter) Herey 26

    Bridget (daughter) Herey 24

    Cathrine (daughter) Herey 20

    Mathew (son) Herey 18

    Elizabeth (daughter) Herey 16

    James (son) Herey 14

    37 1 Ann (widow) Smyth 74 Farmer 21

    John (son) Smyth 25 Labourer

    Owen (son) Smyth 23

    Thomas Smyth 27 Servant &


    Margaret Fitzsimons 25 Servant

    Cathrine Quin 23 Servant

    James Farrell 11 Servant


    1 1 Patrick Reilly 45 Farmer 21

    Eleanor Reilly 42

    Mary (wife) Reilly 35

    Chas (son) Reilly 11

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 9

    Margt (daughter) Reilly 8

    Eleanor (daughter) Reilly 6

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 5

    James (son) Reilly 2

    Margt Mulloy 25 Servant

    Thos Reilly 20 Servant

    Pat Hana 16 Servant

    2 1 Wm Fry 52 Weaver &

    Farmer 23

    Cathrine (wife) Fry 44

    Thos Donoho 41

    Anne (niece) Johnston 21

    Margt (daughter) Fry 21

    Jas (son) Fry 19

    Jn (son) Fry 15

    Elizabeth (daughter) Fry 12

    Edwd (nephew) Johnston 11

    Wm (son) Fry 10

    Henry (son) Fry 7

    Anson (son) Fry 5

  • 52

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    3 1 Anne (widow) Mulloy 75

    Lelitia (lodger) Johnston 44

    Thos (son) Mulloy 38

    4 1 Pat Cullin 60

    Mary (wife) Cullin 45

    Cathrine (daughter) Cullin 32

    Bridget (daughter) Cullin 25

    John (son) Cullin 20

    Pat (son) Cullin 12

    Phelix (grandson - baby) Reilly 0

    5 1 Margt (widow) Smyth 75

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 33

    Anne (grandaughter) Mulloy 9

    Cathrine (grandaughter) Reilly 2

    6 1 Micl Coyle 64

    Margt (wife) Coyle 50

    Micl (son) Coyle 21

    Eleanor (daughter) Coyle 12

    Jn (son) Coyle 8

    7 1 Wm McFaddin 74 Weaver

    Esther (wife) McFaddin 60

    Mary (daughter) McFaddin 30

    Elizabeth (daughter) McFaddin 25

    Wm (son) McFaddin 23

    8 1 Jas Flood 32 Weaver

    Mary (wife) Flood 25

    Jn (son) Flood 5

    Jas (son) Flood 3

    Cathrine (daughter -baby) Flood 0

    9 1 Peter McCabe 50 Labourer

    Judith (wife) McCabe 50

    Chas (stepson) Duffy 23

    Anne (stepdaughter) Duffy 14

    10 1 Micl Duffy 34 Pensioner &

    Farmer 3

    Cathrine (wife) Duffy 30

    Anne (daughter) Duffy 3

    Margt (daughter -baby) Duffy 0

  • 53

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    11 1 Bryan McDermott 35 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) McDermott 30

    12 1 Owen Flynn 32 Labourer

    Eleanor Flynn 30

    Bridget (daughter) Flynn 6

    Thomas (son) Flynn 4

    Margaret (daughter) Flynn 1

    13 1 Michael Donohoe 46 Labourer

    Rose (wife) Donohoe 26

    Patt (son) Donohoe 8

    Anne (daughter) Donohoe 7

    Bridget (daughter) Donohoe 5

    Rose (daughter) Donohoe 3

    14 1 Mary (widow) Sheridan 48

    Micl (son) Sheridan 22 Weaver

    Jane (daughter) Sheridan 21

    Jn (son) Sheridan 20

    Cathrine (daughter) Sheridan 12

    15 1 Pat Cummiskey 38 Farmer &

    Weaver 9.5

    Rose (wife) Cummiskey 30

    Cathrine Fitzpatrick 14

    Chas Reilly 18 Servant

    Marjy Coyle 18 Servant

    16 1 Eleanor (widow) Cummisky 38 Farmer 15

    Eleanor (daughter) Cummisky 15

    Pat (son) Cummisky 13

    Elizabeth (daughter) Cummisky 11

    Margt (daughter) Cummisky 9

    Thos (son) Cummisky 5

    Thos Flinn 54 Servant

    James Flood 36 Servant &


    Bridget Fitzsimons 21 Servant

    Chas Galligan 18 Servant

  • 54

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    17 1 Edwd Reilly 47 Farmer

    Bridget (wife) Reilly 46

    Thos (son) Reilly 21

    Jn (son) Reilly 20

    Rose (daughter) Reilly 18

    Anne (daughter) Reilly 16

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 14

    Jas (son) Reilly 12

    Bridget (daughter) Reilly 10

    Cathrine Coyle 23 Servant

    18 1 Cathrine (widow) Cummiskey 78 Farmer

    Thos (son) Cummiskey 28

    Mary (daughter-in-law) Cummiskey 24

    James (grandson - baby) Cummiskey 0

    James Campbell 20 Servant &


    Cathrine Cummiskey 14 Servant

    19 1 Mary (widow) Drum 50

    Richd (son-in-law) Farmer 18 Labourer

    Margt (daughter) Farmer 16

    Cathrine (daughter) Drum 14

    20 1 Owen Gafney 51 Farmer &


    Anne (wife) Gafney 46

    Laurence (son) Gafney 18

    James (son) Gafney 17

    Bridget (daughter) Gafney 16

    Jn (son) Gafney 14

    Matthew (son) Gafney 13

    21 1 James Gafney 59 Farmer 9

    Judith (wife) Gafney 56

    Pat (son) Gafney 25

    Jn (son) Gafney 23

    Cathrine (daughter) Gafney 20

    Mathew (son) Gafney 18

    James (son) Gafney 14

    22 1 Rose (widow) McCabe 70 Farmer 7

    James (son) McCabe 20

    Anne Sheridan 19 Servant

    Bryan Smyth 16 Servant &


    23 1 Jn McCabe 30 3

    Bridget (wife) McCabe 24

    Jas (son) McCabe 1

  • 55

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    24 1 Pat McCabe 27 Farmer 10

    Cathrine (wife) McCabe 21

    Bernd (son) McCabe 1

    Bridget (daughter) McCabe 0

    25 1 Jn Smyth 35 Farmer & weaver 5.5

    Mary (wife) Smyth 40

    Micl (stepson) Dolan 17

    Pat (stepson) Dolan 14

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 12

    John (son) Smyth 9

    Mathew (son) Smyth 7

    Thos (son) Smyth 5

    Hugh (son) Smyth 3

    26 1 Thos (widower) Fitzsimons 77 Farmer &

    Weaver 4

    Alice (lodger) Martin 45

    Pat (son) Fitzsimons 40

    Mary (daughter) Fitzsimons 35

    Anne (daughter) Fitzsimons 32

    27 1 Bryan Smyth 42 Farmer &

    Weaver 10

    Mary (wife) Smyth 24

    Henry (son) Smyth 2

    Jn (son - baby) Smyth 0

    Cathrine Galligan 27 Servant

    Jn Galligan 16 Servant

    Eleanor Reilly 12 Servant

    28 1 Laurence (widower) Dolan 50 Weaver and very


    Anne (daughter) Dolan 14

    Micl (son) Dolan 12

    Mary (daughter) Dolan 10

    Margt (daughter) Dolan 9

    Rose (daughter) Dolan 7

    Thos (son) Dolan 3

    29 1 Mary (widow) Sheridan 56 Farmer 5

    Elizabeth (daughter) Sheridan 27

    Alice (daughter) Sheridan 22

    Jas (son) Sheridan 20

    Margaret (daughter) Sheridan 16

    Mary (daughter) Sheridan 12

  • 56

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    30 1 Cathrine (widow) Dowlin 60 Farmer 29

    Thos (son) Dowlin 25

    Terence (son) Dowlin 23

    Anne (daughter) Dowlin 20

    Cathrine (daughter) Dowlin 18

    Elizabeth (daughter) Dowlin 15

    Mary (grandaughter) Smyth 3

    Jn Smyth 20 Servant &


    Micl Flynn 17 Servant

    Bernd McCabe 10 Servant

    31 1 John McCabe 38 Farmer 5.5

    Elizabeth (wife) McCabe 34

    Bernard (son) McCabe 5

    Edward (son) McCabe 3

    Mary (daughter) McCabe 1

    32 1 James McCabe 34 Weaver

    Ann (wife) McCabe 33

    Anne (daughter) McCabe 8

    Edward (son) McCabe 6

    Cathrine (daughter) McCabe 3

    33 1 James (widower) Clarke 60 Weaver

    Eleanor (daughter) Clarke 23

    Larrie (son) Clarke 20

    Anne (daughter) Clarke 14

    34 1 Brian Sheridan 50 Farmer

    Cathrine (wife) Sheridan 34

    Thomas (son) Sheridan 18

    35 1 Pat Flynn 36

    Mavis Flynn 32

    Michael Flynn 13

    Thomas Flynn 10

    Anne Flynn 7

    Mary Flynn 4

    36 1 James Potters 41 Farmer 3.5

    Mary (wife) Potters 37

    Ann (niece) Coyle 8

    Edward McEvoy 20 Weaver &


    Cathrine Reilly 17 Servant

  • 57

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    38 1 James Reilly 33

    Anne (wife) Reilly 29

    Mary (daughter) Reilly 8

    Micl (son) Reilly 6

    Jn (son - baby) Reilly 0

    39 1 Jn McCabe 55 Labourer

    Cathrine (wife) McCabe 60

    Jn (son) McCabe 20

    James (son) McCabe 18

    Rose (daughter) McCabe 15

    40 1 Richd Reilly 30 Farmer&weaver

    Bridget (wife) Reilly 30

    Cathrine (daughter) Reilly 2

    Micl (son - baby) Reilly 0

    41 1 Thos Reilly 34 Farmer &

    Weaver 2.5

    Bridget (wife) Reilly 34

    Pat (son) Reilly 7

    Myles (son) Reilly 5

    Jn (son) Reilly 1

    42 1 Peter Smyth 40 Farmer &

    Weaver 15.5

    Mary (wife) Smyth 30

    Mary (daughter) Smyth 8

    Anne (daughter) Smyth 6

    Eleanor (daughter) Smyth 5

    Rose (daughter) Smyth 3

    Mathew (son) Smyth 2

    Edwd Galligan 26 Servant

    Jn Reilly 20 Servant

    Eleanor Cullin 18 Servant

    Rose Mathews 17 Servant

    43 1 Mary (widow) Hagan 60 Farmer 3

    Mathew (son) Hagan 25 Weaver

    Anne (daughter) Hagan 21

    Bridget Walsh 13 Servant

    44 1 Bryan Feagan 36 Farmer 3

    Francis (wife) Feagan 22

    Chas (son) Feagan 5

    Mary (daughter) Feagan 3

    Micl (son - baby) Feagan 0

  • 58

    Townland No of


    No of

    Stories Name Age Occupation Acres

    Clonkiffer (Cont)

    45 1 Pat Feagan 36

    Bridget (wife) Feagan 31

    Mary (daughter) Feagan 11

    Chas (son) Feagan 8

    Anne (daughter) Feagan 5

    James (son) Feagan 3

    Bridget (daughter - baby) Feagan 0

    46 1 Phelim Murphy 56 Labourer

    Rose (wife) Mu