drinking water quality and management strategies …

HOUSSEINI DIADIÉ COULIBALY DRINKING WATER QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN SMALL QUEBEC UTILITIES Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval pour l’obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) Département d’Aménagement du territoire et développement régional FACULTÉ D’AMÉNAGEMENT, D’ARCHITECTURE ET DES ARTS VISUELS UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL QUÉBEC 22 DÉCEMBRE, 2003 © Housseini Diadié Coulibaly, 2003

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Thèse présentée

à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval

pour l’obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.)

Département d’Aménagement du territoire et développement régional FACULTÉ D’AMÉNAGEMENT, D’ARCHITECTURE ET DES ARTS VISUELS


22 DÉCEMBRE, 2003 © Housseini Diadié Coulibaly, 2003



Abstract This thesis presents a study of small Quebec municipal utilities (i.e., serving 10,000 people

or fewer) and includes three chapters. The first chapter focuses on a portrait of historical

quality of distributed water and on management strategies. Concurrently, it puts historical

quality and management strategies in relation to certain important water quality parameters.

Results show that for surface water utilities using chlorination alone, the mean difference of

annual system flushings between utilities that have experienced difficulties with historical

quality and those not having experienced such difficulties proved statistically significant. In

addition, some agricultural land-use indicators within the municipal territory appeared

significantly correlated with coliform occurrences. The second chapter studies the spatial

and temporal variation of drinking water quality in ten small utilities. These utilities were

divided into two groups: four utilities that had never or rarely served water violating the

provincial drinking water microbiological standards and six utilities that very often

infringed upon said standards. Results show that the differences between the two groups of

utilities are associated essentially with maintained chlorine residuals and heterotrophic

plate count bacteria populations in corresponding distribution systems and, to a lesser

extent, to the applied chlorine doses. The study includes three distinctive parts: the first one

is a portrait of studied utilities’ operational, infrastructure, and maintenance characteristics;

the second part is devoted to development of indicators of performance for the same

utilities, whereas the last part deals with human and organisational factors. The portrait

revealed interesting trends, most of which had been confirmed by utility performance

indicators. As for human and organizational factors, they allowed highlighting such issues

like educational background, supplementary training, experience, awareness of and

preparedness to take up new challenges, and support from local authorities. Overall, this

research enabled a thorough investigation of management strategies the most popular with

small drinking water utilities and the development of explanatory tools that may usefully

guide action from local managers and government bodies.



Key words: drinking water, water quality, small utilities, distribution system, coliform

occurrences, performance indicators, human factor, province of Quebec

Housseini D. Coulibaly Manuel J. Rodriguez, Ph.D., Professor

Author Supervisor



Résumé La présente thèse porte sur une étude des petits systèmes municipaux du Québec (en

l’occurrence, ceux desservant 10 000 personnes ou moins) et comporte trois volets. Le

premier volet se focalise sur un portrait historique de la qualité de l’eau distribuée et sur les

stratégies de gestion. Parallèlement, il met l'historique de la qualité et les stratégies de

gestion en relation avec certains paramètres importants de la qualité de l’eau. Les résultats

de ce volet montrent que pour les systèmes s’approvisionnant en eau de surface et

pratiquant uniquement une chloration, la différence entre le nombre annuel moyen de

rinçages des systèmes ayant connu des problèmes de qualité et ceux n’ayant pas connu de

tels problèmes s’est avérée statistiquement significative. En plus, certains indicateurs de la

pression agricole sur le territoire des municipalités concernées apparurent significativement

corrélés avec les épisodes de coliformes. Le deuxième volet porte sur une étude de la

variation spatio-temporelle de la qualité de l’eau dans dix petits systèmes. Ces systèmes

furent répartis en deux groupes : quatre systèmes qui n’ont jamais ou ont rarement distribué

de l’eau dérogeant aux normes microbiologiques provinciales relatives à l’eau potable et six

systèmes qui ont très souvent dérogé auxdites normes. Les résultats montrent que les

différences entre les deux groupes de systèmes sont essentiellement imputables aux teneurs

en chlore résiduel libre et au nombre de colonies de bactéries hétérotrophes aérobies et

anaérobies facultatives (BHAA) dans les réseaux de distribution correspondants et, dans

une moindre mesure, aux doses de chlore appliquées. Le troisième volet inclut trois

parties : la première est un portait des caractéristiques d’opération, de l’infrastructure et de

la maintenance ; la deuxième est consacrée au développement d’indicateurs de performance

pour les petits systèmes ; alors que la troisième traite des facteurs humains et

organisationnels. Le portrait a révélé des tendances intéressantes qui ont presque toutes été

confirmées par les indicateurs de performance des systèmes de distribution. Les facteurs

humains et organisationnels dégagèrent des aspects tels que les antécédents scolaires, la

formation complémentaire, l’expérience, la bonne conscience des nouveaux défis, le niveau

de préparation pour y faire face, et l’appui des autorités locales. Dans son ensemble, cette

recherche aura permis de procéder à une étude exhaustive des stratégies de gestion de la

qualité de l’eau potable généralement mises de l’avant par les gestionnaires de petits



systèmes et de développer des outils explicatifs pouvant guider utilement leur action, de

même que celle des gestionnaires relevant des divers paliers gouvernementaux.

Mots-clés : eau potable, qualité de l’eau, petits systèmes, systèmes de distribution, épisodes

de coliformes, indicateurs de performance, facteur humain, province du Québec

Housseini D. Coulibaly Manuel J. Rodriguez, Ph.D., Professeur

Auteur Directeur de recherche



Remerciements À tout seigneur, tout honneur… ! Je ne pouvais entamer cette page de remerciements que

par des mots de reconnaissance à l’endroit de mon Directeur de recherche, le Professeur

Manuel J. Rodriguez. Certes, le chemin fut long, tortueux, parfois difficile, mais votre

soutien et votre engagement, je dirais votre totale détermination à me mener à bon port dans

le cadre de ce programme de doctorat, m’ont permis d’y croire même aux moments les plus

difficiles et, enfin, d’y arriver. Permettez-moi donc, en cet instant des plus solennels pour

moi, de vous exprimer ma plus profonde gratitude pour tous les services académiques et

extra-académiques dont j’ai eu le bonheur d’être l’objet de votre part au cours de ces

années de doctorat. Puissé-je être digne de ce dévouement, de cette insigne marque de

confiance, imprégné et inspiré par un tel exemple d’engagement pour le restant de mes

jours ! Merci du fond du cœur !

Même si cela est souvent passé sous silence, une thèse de doctorat couronne toujours les

efforts de tout un groupe de personnes, en l’occurrence le candidat, son Directeur ou

Directrice de recherche, et les membres du Comité de suivi. Ces derniers, qui ont accepté

d’embarquer avec moi dans cette aventure à un moment où l’issue finale était loin d’être

certaine, me témoignant ainsi de leur confiance quant à ma capacité à mener le projet à son

terme, ont droit ici à ma plus grande reconnaissance. Leurs précieux conseils, suggestions

et recommandations ont significativement contribué à donner à cette thèse forme et surtout

contenu. Que les professeurs Jean-Baptiste Sérodes, Michel Trépanier et Patrick Levallois,

car c’est bien d’eux qu’il s’agit, trouvent donc en ces mots l’expression de ma plus

profonde gratitude. Je tiens par ailleurs à faire mention spéciale de l’honneur que m’a fait le

Professeur Jean-Baptiste Sérodes en acceptant d’être le prélecteur de cette thèse malgré ses

lourdes fonctions de Doyen de la Faculté des Sciences et Génie de l’Université Laval. En

outre, je lui dois de précieuses lettres de recommandation. Puisse-t-il donc trouver ici

l’expression de ma plus profonde reconnaissance pour tous ces gestes hautement empreints

de sollicitude.



L’argent, dit-on, et non sans raison, est le nerf de la guerre. C’est l’Agence Canadienne

pour le Développement International (ACDI) qui m’a permis de faire ce doctorat en

m’accordant une bourse d’études dans le cadre du Programme Canadien de Bourses de la

Francophonie (PCBF). À l’ACDI, en sa qualité d’agence d’exécution du Gouvernement

Canadien, et aux différents organismes auxquels la gestion quotidienne des boursiers du

PCBF a été successivement confiée au cours de mes années d’études, à savoir le Ministère

de l’Éducation du Québec, l’Association des Universités et Collèges du Canada (AUCC) et,

présentement, le Collège Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, je voudrais exprimer ici mes sincères

remerciements. Je voudrais également les assurer de ma profonde volonté de mettre les

compétences qu’ils m’ont permis d’acquérir au service du développement de mon pays, le

Mali, et du développement international, partout où mes activités futures me conduiront.

Le Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec, par l’entremise de ses employés, a été l’un de

mes principaux pourvoyeurs de données. Je voudrais mettre à profit cette tribune pour

remercier vivement Messieurs Alain Riopel et Donald Ellis, de même que Mesdames

Yolaine Blais et Isabel Parent pour avoir, à plus d’une reprise, promptement et

généreusement acquiescé à mes demandes de données. À Messieurs Alain Riopel et Donald

Ellis, je dois de la reconnaissance non seulement pour des données, mais également pour de

judicieux conseils et suggestions.

Puissent les gestionnaires principaux des dix petits systèmes municipaux étudiés dans les

chapitres 2 et 3 de cette thèse, ainsi que leurs adjoints ou suppléants, trouver ici

l’expression de ma totale gratitude pour n’avoir rien ménagé pour la réussite des volets de

la recherche ayant requis leur concours. À tous, je dis un grand merci pour cette marque de

compréhension et de responsabilité.

Que Monsieur Michel Bisping du laboratoire de Génie de l’Environnement trouve en ces

mots toute ma reconnaissance pour son aide, son amabilité. Je ne saurais oublier non plus

mes collègues étudiants, membres du Groupe de Recherche sur l’Eau Potable de

l’Université Laval (GREPUL), à qui je dois une fière chandelle pour leur grande




Outre Atlantique, mes remerciements vont à tous ceux qui, à la société Énergie du Mali

(EDM), ont permis, de par leur franche collaboration, la réussite du stage que j’y ai effectué

au cours de l’été 2000. Dans ce cadre, j’aimerais faire mention toute spéciale des membres

de la Direction de l’eau et des employés du laboratoire de l’usine d’eau potable de Bamako.

Le département d’Aménagement du Territoire et Développement Régional (ATDR) et le

Centre de Recherche en Aménagement et Développement (CRAD) ont été mon point

d’ancrage à l’Université Laval. Je voudrais en tout premier lieu exprimer mes vifs

remerciements au Professeur émérite Peter Brook Clibbon, aujourd’hui à la retraite, pour

avoir été celui qui a accepté ma candidature à ce programme de doctorat en sa qualité de

Directeur du Département d’Aménagement. Je remercie également le Professeur Mario

Carrier, actuel Directeur du Département, pour avoir accepté de prendre de son temps, que

je sais des plus précieux, pour faire, à ma demande, lecture critique de la partie de cette

thèse portant sur les facteurs humains. Ma reconnaissance s’adresse également au

Professeur Marius Thériault, Directeur du CRAD, pour le soutien financier et logistique

dont j’ai pu bénéficier de la part dudit centre tout au long de mon doctorat. Au Professeur

Claude Lavoie, Directeur actuel du Programme de Doctorat en ATDR, je voudrais exprimer

ma profonde gratitude pour avoir accepté de présider mon Jury de thèse, mais également

pour avoir spontanément acquiescé à toutes mes demandes de lettres de recommandation.

Je remercie tous les autres professeurs du Département pour leur disponibilité et leur

sollicitude. Un grand merci également de ma part aux adjoints et secrétaires aux deux

directions (ATDR et CRAD) pour leur gentillesse, efficacité et … sourire. Je ne saurais

oublier mes collègues étudiants au doctorat, à qui j’adresse mes sincères remerciements

pour leur disponibilité à chaque fois que j’ai eu recours à leurs services ou avis. Je tiens à

faire mention spéciale des cas de Messieurs Rémy Barbonne et Yan Kestens, deux

collègues devenus de vrais amis. Merci à tous les deux de votre sincère amitié et de votre


Tout commence par la famille et tout, au bout du compte, se résume en elle. En ces

moments très singuliers pour moi, j’ai une pensée tout aussi singulière pour mon père, lui

qui nous a quittés au mois de mars 2003. Papa, toi qui a été non seulement un père



exemplaire pour moi, mais également mon ami le plus proche, mon confident, mon

conseiller, ma source d’inspiration, ma référence première et ultime, je sais que tu es

heureux et fier là-haut en voyant cette thèse ; je te la dédie. Je dis merci à ma mère et à mes

frères et sœurs pour leur soutien et encouragements. Mention spéciale est due à mon

épouse, Aminata Diombélé Coulibaly, pour avoir courageusement et volontairement

accepté d’arpenter avec moi les jalons de la difficile, très exigeante vie d’étudiant au

doctorat, requérant beaucoup de sacrifices et n’offrant que très peu de répit, de réconfort.

Ma chérie, merci pour ta confiance, ton support, tes encouragements. Enfin, je ne puis clore

ces mots de reconnaissance, sans parler de la lumière de ma vie, Anna, ma fille, qui m’offre

tant de réconfort moral et m’insuffle courage et détermination.



Foreword The present thesis has been organized into three chapters, each of which corresponds to a

journal article. The first two chapters have already been published in scientific journals,

whereas the third one is being prepared for submission. Because of that, certain details,

dealing with the general problematics of the study, are repeated in chapter abstracts,

introductions and, sometimes, in chapter methodological parts. This slight redundancy has

been intentionally maintained in the present thesis, so that people interested in only a single

chapter (i.e., article) could have a whole understanding of it without being compelled to

consult other chapters. It is important to note that, due to publication restrictions, some

comments, as well as a number of tables and figures present in this thesis’ chapters could

not be included in journal articles. This is particularly true for the article coming from the

third chapter, as it excludes a whole section of the latter.

The order in which chapters are presented corresponds to the chronological unfolding of

research activities. The thesis author is also the first author of all included articles, with the

second author being the thesis supervisor. Apart from the thesis ones, all chapters have

their own English and French abstracts. Abstracts are preceded in Chapters 2 and 3 by

overview sections allowing to link all parts of the thesis together. Likewise, each chapter

has its own list of references. The references cited in introductory parts of the thesis and in

the general introduction are listed at the end of the latter. The references of the articles

included in the present thesis are as follows.


Portrait of drinking water quality in small Quebec municipal utilities

Housseini D. Coulibaly and Manuel J. Rodriguez1

Published in Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, Volume 38, No. 1, pp. 49-76


1 Département d’aménagement, Université Laval, 1624 Pavillon Savard, Quebec City, QC, G1K 7P4.




Spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality in ten small Quebec utilities

Housseini D. Coulibaly and Manuel J. Rodriguez

Published in Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, Volume 2, pp. 47-61



Development of performance indicators for small Quebec drinking water utilities.

Housseini D. Coulibaly and Manuel J. Rodriguez

Submitted to the Journal of Environmental Management in November 2003.

All information that could not be directly included in the three chapters has been presented

in appendices. The latter have been designated in the alphabetical order from A to H. Some

of them are survey or semi-directive interview questionnaires, while others contain raw or

worked data organized into tables.



À mon père, Diadié Dessé Coulibaly, à qui il manqua six petits mois pour voir cette


L’eau est, à part l’air que l’on respire, le seul nutriment qui, en terme de nécessité, est

consommé par chaque être humain du premier au dernier jour de son existence, et

elle est consommée en des quantités considérablement plus grandes que n’est le cas pour n’importe quelle autre substance

nutritive. Druckrey (1968)

Water is, apart from the air one breathes, the

only nutrient which is, as a matter of necessity, consumed by every human being

from the first day to the last day of his existence, and it is consumed in considerably

larger quantities than any other nutritional substance.

Druckrey (1968)



Table of contents

Abstract.................................................................................................................................. ii




List of tables.........................................................................................................................xvi

List of figures.................................................................................................................... xviii

General introduction ............................................................................................................1 General references ..............................................................................................................3

CHAPTER 1 Portrait of drinking water quality in small Quebec municipal utilities...........................4

1.1. Introduction..................................................................................................................5 1.2. Small Utilities in Quebec.............................................................................................6 1.3. Source of Data .............................................................................................................7

1.3.1. Database 1.............................................................................................................8 1.3.2. Database 2.............................................................................................................8 1.3.3. Database 3.............................................................................................................9 1.3.4. Database 4...........................................................................................................10 1.3.5. Other published data ...........................................................................................10

1.4. Portrait of Small Utilities...........................................................................................10 1.4.1. General characteristics and physicochemical water quality ...............................11 1.4.2. Portrait of the microbiological water quality......................................................18 1.4.3. Strategies for maintaining microbiological water quality in the distribution system..................................................................................................22 Rechlorination practices ..............................................................................22 Pipe characteristics ......................................................................................23

1.4.4. Relationships between management strategies and microbiological water quality .................................................................................................................25 1.4.5. Relationships between agricultural land use and microbiological water quality .................................................................................................................30 1.4.6. Multivariate analyses ..........................................................................................31

1.5. Conclusions................................................................................................................33 1.6. References..................................................................................................................35

CHAPTER 2 Spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality in ten small Quebec utilities..........................................................................................................38



2.1. Introduction................................................................................................................41 2.2. Methodology..............................................................................................................42

2.2.1. Small utilities under study ..................................................................................44 2.2.2. Sampling program strategy.................................................................................44 2.2.3. Analytical procedures .........................................................................................46 Microbiological analyses .............................................................................46 Physicochemical analyses............................................................................48

2.3. Results and discussion ...............................................................................................50 2.3.1. Characteristics of raw water ...............................................................................51 2.3.2. Characteristics of treated and distributed water..................................................56 Chlorination levels.......................................................................................56 Microbiological water quality......................................................................58 Residual chlorine .........................................................................................59 Chlorination by-products .............................................................................63

2.4. Multivariate analyses .................................................................................................64 2.5. Conclusions................................................................................................................68 2.6. References..................................................................................................................70

CHAPTER 3 Impact of technical and human factors on water quality in ten small Quebec utilities ...................................................................................................72

3.1. Introduction................................................................................................................74 3.2. Methodology..............................................................................................................76

3.2.1. Procedure for selecting the ten utilities...............................................................76 3.2.2. Information about the distribution system infrastructure ...................................77 3.2.3. Information about the human and organizational factors ...................................79

3.3. Results and discussion ...............................................................................................81 3.3.1. Characteristics of operation, infrastructure, and maintenance............................81 Variables on distribution system operation (i.e., disinfection-related) ..................................................................................................81 Chlorination devices .............................................................................81 Mode of chlorine injection....................................................................82 Disinfection effectiveness.....................................................................82 Usual residual chlorine checkpoints .....................................................85 Frequency of residual chlorine measurement .......................................85 Variables on distribution system infrastructure ...........................................86 Utility age .............................................................................................86 Storage tanks.........................................................................................87 Pipe material .........................................................................................88 Variables on distribution system maintenance ............................................89 Flushing ................................................................................................89 Main breakage.......................................................................................90

3.3.2. Indicators of performance for small utilities.......................................................91 Development of performance indicators.....................................................91 Analysis of the indicator results..................................................................95 Sensitivity analysis of the performance indicators .....................................99


xv Variation of sub-indicator weights .....................................................101 Exclusion of sub-indicators ................................................................102

3.3.3. Human and organizational factors ....................................................................103 Within-case analyses..................................................................................104 Across-case analyses..................................................................................105

3.4. Conclusions..............................................................................................................108 3.5. References................................................................................................................110

General conclusions and recommendations ...................................................................112


Appendix A.......................................................................................................................119

Appendix B .......................................................................................................................124

Appendix C .......................................................................................................................126

Appendix D.......................................................................................................................133

Appendix E .......................................................................................................................140

Appendix F .......................................................................................................................152

Appendix G.......................................................................................................................157

Appendix H.......................................................................................................................162



List of tables Table 1.1. Water source, treatment, and disinfectant type for the surveyed utilities ........................................ 12 Table 1.2. Water quality and operational parameters for the surveyed utilities................................................ 12 Table 1.3. Portrait of the coliform appearances in investigated small

utilities (1997 through 1999)................................................................................................................... 19 Table 1.4. Distribution of population served and coliform episodes according to water

source and treatment types (for responding utilities) .............................................................................. 21 Table 1.5. Survey responses for specific distribution system characteristics (pipe age,

pipe material, main breaks, and system flushings) .................................................................................. 22 Table 1.6. Observed relationship between the chlorine dose (mg/L) and the utility

microbiological status ............................................................................................................................. 27 Table 1.7. Observed relationship between distribution system flushings and the utility

microbiological status ......................................................................................................................... 28 Table 1.8. Observed relationship between distribution pipe age and the utility

microbiological status ............................................................................................................................. 28 Table 1.9. Observed relationship between distribution main breaks and the utility

microbiological status ............................................................................................................................. 29 Table 1.10. Observed relationship between agricultural pressure indicators and

microbiological characteristics of utilities............................................................................................... 32 Table 2.1. General characteristics of the ten small utilities .............................................................................. 50 Table 2.2. Comparison of mean differences between nonproblematic and problematic

utilities for raw water during the period under study .............................................................................. 56 Table 2.3. Comparison of mean differences between nonproblematic and problematic

utilities for distributed water quality at (a) chlorination facility outlet, (b) central part of distribution system, and (c) system extremity ............................................................................. 61

Table 2.4. Summary of multivariate analyses................................................................................................... 66 Table 3.1. Overview of water quality variation in the studied utilities ............................................................. 78 Table 3.2. Distribution system operational, infrastructure, and maintenance characteristics ........................... 79 Table 3.3. CT-value (mg⋅min/L) approximations for utilities at study ............................................................. 85 Table 3.4. Variables selected for sub-indicators and indicators and their relative weights (wi) ....................... 93 Table 3.5. Variables used for tap water quality indicators and their relative weights (wi) ............................... 94 Table 3.6. Relative level of performance (γi ) of each utility on the considered variables ............................... 96 Table 3.7. Identified sub-indicators and indicators of performance

for individual utilities (real values) ......................................................................................................... 97



Table 3.8. Identified sub-indicators and indicators of performance

for individual utilities (interpreted values) .............................................................................................. 97 Table 3.9. Recapitulation of developed indicators of performance .................................................................. 98 Table B.1. Atypical bacteria data generated by the studied utilities from 1997 through 1999 ....................... 124 Table B.2. Distribution water boiling notices issued by the studied utilities from 1996

through 2001 ......................................................................................................................................... 125 Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten

small Quebec municipal utilities ........................................................................................................... 127 Table E.1. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of nonproblematic utility

managers ............................................................................................................................................... 140 Table E.2. Organizational factor specificities in nonproblematic utilities ...................................................... 143 Table E.3. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of problematic utility managers .......................... 145 Table E.4. Organizational factor specificities in problematic utilities ............................................................ 149 Table F.1. Distribution system infrastructure information for nonproblematic utilities ................................. 152 Table F.2. Distribution system infrastructure information for problematic utilities ....................................... 154 Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into

performance scores................................................................................................................................ 157 Table H.1. Sensitivity analysis of the utility performance indicator (weight variations)................................ 162 Table H.2. Sensitivity analysis of the utility performance indicator (indicator values) .................................. 163



List of figures Figure 1.1. Distribution of water quality parameters among responding utilities:

a, turbidity; b, colour; c, chlorine dose; and d, free chlorine residual. In brackets, number of utilities; lower bar, C10; upper bar, C90; cross, mean........................................................... 13

Figure 1.2. Average total THM concentrations according to: a, source water and treatment;

b, utility size. In brackets, number of utilities; lower bar, C10; upper bar, C90; cross, mean. GW denotes Groundwater; SW denotes Surface Water. .................................................... 17

Figure 2.1. Localization of the ten small utilities.............................................................................................. 45 Figure 2.2. Comparison of raw water quality between nonproblematic (NP) and

problematic (P) utilities: a and b, turbidity; c and d, TOC; e and f, UV254 nm . Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum................................................................. 53

Figure 2.3. Comparison of raw water quality between nonproblematic (NP) and

problematic (P) utilities: a and b, total coliforms; c and d, HPC bacteria; e and f, atypical bacteria. Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum. Atypical bacteria quantification limit was 400 cfu/100 mL................................................... 54

Figure 2.4. Comparison of applied chlorine doses between a nonproblematic (NP)

utilities and b problematic (P) utilities. Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum ................................................................................................................................ 57

Figure 2.5. Comparison of HPC bacteria and Atypical bacteria between a and c

nonproblematic (NP) utilities; and b and d problematic (P) utilities. Bars represent monthly means (from left: May, June, July, August, October)................................................ 60

Figure 2.6. Comparison of free chlorine and total THMs between a and c

nonproblematic (NP) utilities; and b and d problematic (P) utilities. Bars represent monthly means (from left: May, June, July, August, October)................................................ 62

Figure 3.1. Relationships between utility performance indicators and current tap

water quality indicators in nonproblematic (NP) utilities with those in problematic (P) utilities ......................................................................................................................... 100

Figure 3.2. Relationship between utility performance indicator and current (2001)

microbiological tap water quality.......................................................................................................... 100 Figure 3.3. Graphical representation of the relationship between the utility performance

indicator (upi) and the current tap water quality indicator (twi)............................................................ 101 Figure 3.4. Clustering of the studied utilities according to the level of their being

nonproblematic or problematic ............................................................................................................. 104


General introduction The issue of access to potable water is becoming more and more worrying on a world scale.

The population of the Earth continues to grow fast, especially in developing countries,

while water resources, particularly those suitable for drinking purposes, are undergoing

rapid depletion (Petrella, 2001). At the same time, other, traditional, challenging issues

related to drinking water supply are swiftly gaining topicality and acuity. These challenges

bear on the necessity to maintain and, whenever possible, to improve the quality of raw

waters from the source to the ultimate consumer’s tap. All stakeholders of the drinking

water industry work unceasingly towards that objective, through new, state-of-the-art

equipments, technologies, as well as scientific knowledge. And that process is widely

supported and encouraged by national governments and international institutions (e.g.,

United Nations development agencies) through granting of funds and enactment of

standards and (or) regulations.

As scientific knowledge is advancing, the drinking water standards and (or) regulations are

getting stringent. This enhances the responsibility of drinking water utility managers. Large

and medium-size utilities, having sufficient financial and technical resources at their

disposal, generally take up the challenge by acquiring new equipments and (or) embracing

new technologies. But small utilities, often lacking adequate financial, technical, and

managerial capacity (USEPA 1999), cannot follow the beat, especially with present-day

very rapidly evolving and getting outdated water treatment processes.

One of the most important challenges in contemporary drinking water treatment and supply

relates to ensuring adequate simultaneous micro-organism inactivation in the plant and

control in the distribution system while minimizing the formation of potentially

carcinogenic disinfection by-products (DBPs) such as trihalomethanes (THMs) (Fowle and

Kopfler 1986; Putnam and Graham 1993). Large and medium-size utilities often easily

resolve the problem by applying relatively sophisticated treatment processes varying from

conventional treatment (i.e., coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, post-

disinfection) to membrane technologies involving nanofiltration or ultrafiltration.

Moreover, only large utilities are normally capable of using very powerful oxidants like



ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and chlorine dioxide (ClO2) that require very

qualified personnel for appropriate handling as well as sophisticated equipments and

processes to be produced. For small utilities however, the challenge of simultaneously

ensuring adequate micro-organism inactivation and DBP control can turn out to be truly

overwhelming, especially for utilities serving surface waters with no other treatment than


In North America, small drinking water utilities (i.e., those serving 10,000 or fewer people)

are known to experience much more difficulty than larger utilities to serve water that

constantly corresponds the established quality standards (AWWA 2000). In the province of

Quebec (Canada), small utilities have been found to be those most frequently violating

drinking water regulations (Gouvernement du Québec, 1997). Adding to this already

complicated situation, new Quebec Drinking Water Regulations (QDWR) (Gouvernement

du Québec, 2001), brought big new challenges for small utility managers, since new

requirements or stringent standards are considered for turbidity of water, micro-organism

inactivation (virus, Giardia and Cryptosporidium), bacterial monitoring, minimum levels of

residual chlorine and maximum annual average THM levels in the distribution systems.

The main objective of this research is to explore ways and means that may allow small

Quebec drinking water utilities to acquire the capacity to constantly serve, on the long-term

basis, water of irreproachable quality to their customers. This main objective resulted in

three specific objectives, which are: 1) drawing an overall state-of-situation picture of

drinking water quality and management strategies in small Quebec utilities; 2) conducting

an in-depth study of current distributed water quality in a limited number of those utilities;

and 3) investigating the impact of utility operational, as well as infrastructure and

maintenance characteristics on the current distributed water quality, through development

of indicators of performance for small utilities. This specific objective also includes parallel

exploration of the impact of human and organizational factors relating to the principal

utility manager on historically distributed water quality.

In the past, very few studies have been done on these questions, particularly for small

utilities. Moreover, the multi-disciplinary nature of the study (encompassing technical, as



well as physical planning and human aspects) confers it a particular stamp. Therefore,

although this research can be considered a case study exclusively conducted in Quebec, its

results may be useful for utility managers and government bodies in many other areas

around the world.

General references AWWA. 2000. Disinfection at small systems. AWWA Water Quality Division Disinfection Systems

Committee report. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 92:24–31. Druckrey, H. 1968. Chlorientes Trinkwasser, Toxizitäts-Prüfungen an Ratten über sieben Generationen. Food

Cosmet. Toxicol. 6: 147-154. Fowle III, J.R., and Kopfler, F.C. 1986. Water disinfection : microbes versus molecules – an introduction of

issues. Environmental Health Perspectives 69: 3–6. Gouvernement du Québec. 1997. L’eau potable au Québec, un second bilan de sa qualité : 1989–1994.

Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, Québec, 36 p. Gouvernement du Québec. 2001. Règlement sur la qualité de l’eau potable. Ministère de l’Environnement,

Québec, 19 p. Petrella, R. 2001. The water manifesto: arguments for a world water contract. London : Zed Books ; Halifax,

N.S. : Fernwood publishing. Putnam, W.S., and Graham, J.D. 1993. Chemicals versus microbials in drinking water: a decision sciences

perspective. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 85: 57–61. USEPA. 1999. Handbook for capacity development: developing water system capacity under the Safe

Drinking Water Act as amended in 1996. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water (4606), EPA 816-R-99-012.


CHAPTER 1 Portrait of drinking water quality in small Quebec

municipal utilities

Abstract. This study of small Quebec municipal drinking water utilities (i.e., those

serving 10,000 or fewer people) focuses on a portrait of microbiological water quality

(based on total and fecal coliform data) and distribution system management strategies. It

also addresses relationships between some important water quality and operational

parameters and management strategies on the one hand, and total or fecal coliform

occurrences, on the other. Along with descriptive analyses, statistical means tests (Student

t-tests) were performed to identify significant differences between utilities with high

coliform occurrence and utilities with low coliform occurrence according to chlorine dose,

distribution system flushings, pipe age, main breakage, and some environmental factors.

Even though many interesting trends have been noted, only few of them resulted in

statistically significant differences. For surface water utilities using chlorination alone, the

mean difference of annual system flushings proved statistically significant. In addition,

some agricultural land use indicators within the municipal territory appeared significantly

correlated with coliform occurrences.

Key words: drinking water, water quality, small utilities, coliform occurrences, distribution

system, Quebec

Résumé. Cette étude des petits systèmes municipaux de distribution d’eau potable du

Québec (à savoir, ceux desservant 10 000 personnes ou moins) se focalise sur un portrait de

la qualité microbiologique (basé sur des données de coliformes totaux et fécaux) et sur les

stratégies de gestion des systèmes de distribution. L’étude s’intéresse également aux

relations entre certains paramètres importants de qualité d’eau et les stratégies de gestion,

de même que les épisodes de coliformes totaux ou fécaux. Parallèlement aux analyses

descriptives, des tests statistiques de moyenne (tests du t de Student) ont été réalisés afin

d’identifier les différences significatives entre les systèmes avec des épisodes fréquents de

coliformes et les systèmes avec très peu de ces épisodes, et ce, en se basant sur les doses de

chlore administrées, les rinçages du réseau de distribution, l’âge des conduites, les bris de



conduites, et certains facteurs environnementaux. Bien que de nombreuses tendances

intéressantes fussent notées, seulement quelques-unes donnèrent lieu à des différences

statistiquement significatives. Pour les systèmes s’approvisionnant en eau de surface et

pratiquant uniquement une chloration, la différence de moyenne portant sur le nombre

annuel de rinçages s’est avérée statistiquement significative. En plus, certains indicateurs

de la pression agricole sur le territoire des municipalités concernées apparurent

significativement corrélés avec les épisodes de coliformes.

Mots-clés : eau potable, qualité de l’eau, petits systèmes, épisodes de coliformes, systèmes

de distribution, Québec

1.1. Introduction In North America, small drinking water utilities (serving 10,000 or fewer people) have

more difficulty than larger utilities to comply with the increasingly stringent regulations on

distributed water quality. Indeed, small utilities have generally limited financial and

technical resources allowing them to remove contaminants from raw water, to adequately

operate the treatment and to implement management strategies to monitor and control water

quality in the distribution systems (Gouvernement du Québec 1997; AWWA 2000).

Among the important challenges for managers of small drinking water utilities are the

necessity of simultaneously ensuring adequate microorganism inactivation in the plant and

control in the distribution system and minimizing the formation of disinfection by-products

potentially carcinogenic, such as trihalomethanes (THMs). When surface waters are utilized

as raw water and chlorine is used as the principal disinfectant, such challenges become

more considerable. In the U.S., small water utilities using either surface or groundwater

will, in the coming months or years, have to comply with a number of new National

Primary Drinking Water Regulations such as stage 1 of the Disinfectants/DBP rule (for

residual disinfectant, maximum DBP levels and required treatment for organic carbon

removal), the long term 1 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (requirements for CT

calculations and filter monitoring/performance based on turbidity) and the Groundwater



Rule (requirement of sanitary surveys, raw water monitoring and treatment based

monitoring results) (USEPA 1998a; USEPA 1998b; USEPA 2000). In Canada, the federal

government has elaborated guidelines for drinking water quality which are not mandatory,

but that can be used by provinces to promulgate regulations for utilities within their

territory (Santé Canada 1996). Before 2000, only two Canadian provinces, Alberta and

Quebec (Gouvernement du Québec 1984), had promulgated mandatory regulations.

Following the water contamination event in the small community of Walkerton (Ontario)

during the summer of 2000, in which seven people died and more than 2,000 were taken ill,

some other Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario) published new

regulations or updated their existing ones. This was the case of the Province of Quebec,

where, in June 2001, the government published new Quebec Drinking Water Regulations

(QDWR), whose application was mandatory for all utilities supplying water to more than

20 people (Gouvernement du Québec 2001). The 2001 QDWR constitutes a considerable

update of the first regulations promulgated in 1984. Small utilities in Quebec, specially

those using surface water, are particularly concerned by the 2001 QDWR, mainly because

new requirements or stringent standards are considered for turbidity of clear water,

microorganism inactivation (virus, Giardia and Cryptosporidium), bacterial monitoring,

minimum levels of residual chlorine and maximum annual average THM levels in the

distribution systems.

1.2. Small Utilities in Quebec In the Province of Quebec, there are about 1,000 municipal utilities that serve between 51

and 10,000 people. According to the Quebec Ministry of Environment (QME), small

utilities are known to have difficulties distributing water of good quality (Gouvernement du

Québec 1997). Among Quebec small municipal utilities, about 350 supply chlorinated

water with no previous physicochemical treatment to about 900,000 people (Gouvernement

du Québec 1997). The relative high concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM) in

most lakes, and the microbial pollution and high turbidity in southern Quebec streams, in

particular associated with agricultural drainage, will make compliance with the 2001

QDWR apparently very difficult for most of these utilities. In accordance with the quality



of the source water, particularly with the turbidity levels, most of these utilities will

probably have to modify their water treatment strategy in the coming years.

Even if the 2001 QDWR are currently in application, and although small utilities will be all

the more impacted by these regulations in terms of infrastructure and operation updating

requirements, there is currently very little knowledge about the characteristics of these

types of utilities, that is about their current state in terms of raw and distributed water

quality, treatment and disinfection practices, infrastructure and the strategies to maintain

the quality of water within the distribution system. In other words, at present there is no

portrait of small utilities in Quebec allowing identification of their state and their problems.

The aim of this paper is to establish a portrait of small drinking water utilities in Quebec

using a combination of data developed by the authors and public data from diverse sources.

Special emphasis will be placed on relating the state of the water quality (especially

microbiological) with the existing management practices. This portrait will allow

identification of their priorities and challenges for the upcoming years.

1.3. Source of Data To establish a portrait of Quebec’s small utilities, three main sources of data were used.

The first is a database managed by the QME, whose implementation is based on the routine

reports carried out by water utilities to comply with 1984 QDWR (Database 1). Database 1

contains mainly information on microbiological water quality for small utilities. The

second source of data was generated by the QME from sampling programs aiming to get

information about, among other things, organic substances in the distribution system

(Database 2). For the purpose of this research, Database 2 is comprised of THM data for

small utilities. The third source of data is a database developed by the authors following a

questionnaire-based survey directed to small utilities in Quebec (Database 3) in order to

obtain information about utility characteristics (treatment, operations, management,

maintenance, etc.). The fourth database comprised information on manure production in

Quebec municipalities. Other published and unpublished data developed by others is also

being considered in order to compare characteristics with those of other utilities.



1.3.1. Database 1 According to the 1984 QDWR, drinking water utilities in Quebec have had to test their

drinking water for specific parameters and send a report of results to the QME. The

frequency for parameter monitoring depends principally on the utility size (that is, the

population served). For small utilities, a very low monitoring frequency was required for

most inorganic and organic water quality parameters (in general, one or two samples per

year). These parameters include turbidity and residual chlorine, while total THMs were not

required to be monitored even if a 350 µg/L maximum contaminant level existed. However,

for microbiological quality control, from 1 to 10 samples per month (half of them taken at

distribution system extremity) were required to be analyzed (for utilities serving 201 to

10,000 people) in order to comply with regulations concerning total and fecal coliforms, the

only mandatory microbiological parameters according to 1984 QDWR (in June 2002, one

year after the promulgation of the 2001, higher monitoring frequencies and additional

microbiological parameters will be mandatory). According to this, data about total and fecal

coliform tests currently constitute the only historical information on microbiological water

quality based on utility compliance reports to QME. Consequently, database 1 consists of

this kind of data for a three-year period, 1997, 1998 and 1999. By considering this period, it

is possible to represent the recent trends and take into account variations from year to year.

Database 1 includes information on 927 utilities. The latter are municipal utilities that serve

from 201 to 10,000 people and which transmitted data on bacteriological control (i.e., fecal

and total coliforms) to QME from 1997 to 1999. This choice was based on the fact that in

accordance with the Quebec 1984 drinking water regulations (Gouvernement du Québec

1984), utilities serving from 51 to 200 people had to take only two samples per year for

bacteriological analyses.

1.3.2. Database 2 Since 1987, the QME has carried out sampling campaigns in selected Quebec water utilities

in order to investigate, among other things, the occurrence of organic compounds (called



the Surveillance Program) (Riopel 1992). In this program, special attention has been

focused on THM presence, particularly in vulnerable utilities, meaning those using surface

waters with moderate or high organic carbon content, during the summer period (generally

April to October). In general, within the Surveillance Program, samples for THMs were

collected following chlorination and/or within the distribution system (about 1.5 km from

the plant). Information generated from the Surveillance Program was used by the QME, for

example, to evaluate the technical and economical feasibility of updating the 350 µg/L

THM standard included in the 1984 QDWR (Vallée et al. 1993; Rousseau 1993; Tremblay

et al. 1995). This THM standard was used only as a guideline for utilities, since monitoring

requirements were not stipulated until the publication of the 2001 QDWR. Consequently,

the information on THM occurrence provided by such sampling programs constitutes the

only data available on a historical basis for Quebec water utilities. For the purpose of this

research, Database 2 consequently consists of THM data from the small utilities, which

took part at least once (all the year or only in summer) in the QME Surveillance Program

during 1997, 1998 and 1999. These utilities had also to be among the 927 utilities of

Database 1. As a result, 158 utilities were selected to form Database 2.

1.3.3. Database 3 Databases 1 and 2 provide information about two key parameters characterizing water

quality in distribution systems, coliform counts and THM. Because there is no database

containing information on characteristics for small water utilities in Quebec, it was decided

to conduct a questionnaire-based survey specifically for utilities serving from 201 to 10,000

people. Utilities selected for the survey were part of those included in Database 1. The

survey completed in early 2000 was based on a questionnaire (see Appendix A) sent by

mail to the principal manager/operator of each utility, asking for information about various

issues. These issues include general characteristics (type of water source, population

served, number of municipalities served, flowrates, etc.), water treatment procedures,

disinfection issues, the quality of treated and distributed water, distribution system

infrastructure and strategies to maintain water quality throughout the distribution system

(see Appendix A). To validate the questionnaire (test), fifteen utilities were pre-selected at



random and asked to respond. Some minor adjustments were made, based on their

responses and comments. The questionnaire was then sent to about 25 percent of the 927

above-mentioned utilities (precisely, to 247 utilities). 114 small utilities returned the

completed questionnaire, resulting in a response rate of about 46 percent. For specific

questions within the questionnaire, however, the response rate varied considerably.

1.3.4. Database 4 In many municipalities of the Province of Quebec, agricultural pollution is of great

concern. In order to control this threat to the environment and regulate the issue, the QME

developed a database comprising data related to manure production in each municipality.

For the purpose of the present study, a subsidiary database was built up from data of

municipalities corresponding to the 114 responding utilities.

1.3.5. Other published data Results obtained from databases 1, 2 and 3 will allow the establishment of a portrait of

small utilities in Quebec. Some particular characteristics of this portrait will be in addition

compared to characteristics of small and larger utilities of the US. Basically, comparisons

will be carried out using information collected from the Water Utility Database (now

known as ‘Water:\Stats’, AWWA 1998), which is a survey conducted in 1996 essentially

among large and medium-size utilities in the U.S (i.e., those serving 10,000 or more

people) and from the results of the disinfection practices survey for U.S. small utilities

(serving 10,000 or fewer people) conducted in 1998 (AWWA 2000).

1.4. Portrait of Small Utilities The portrait of small Quebec utilities was established based on all this information. The

portrait comprises mainly the state of the microbiological water quality (Database 1), the

state of the physicochemical water quality (Databases 2 and 3), an overview of

management strategies which may influence water quality in the distribution system



(Database 3), the relationships existing between microbiological quality and some

management strategies (Databases 1 and 3), and the relationships between microbiological

quality and agricultural (environmental) factors (Databases 1 and 4).

1.4.1. General characteristics and physicochemical water quality Most of the utilities where staff completed and returned the survey questionnaire operated

very small utilities: 37 percent served from 201 to 1,000; 57 percent served from 1,001 to

5,000 and only 6 percent served from 5,001 to 10,000 people. Indeed, the survey response

rate for utilities serving from 5,001 to 10,000 was found to be considerably lower than the

response rate for the rest of the utilities (only 30.4 percent, while those serving from 201 to

1,000 and from 1,001 to 5,000 people had a response rate of 45.2 and 49.6 percent,


The majority of the surveyed utilities use surface water (i.e., water from lakes, rivers and

streams, or groundwater directly influenced by surface water) (Table 1.1). The average

served flowrate of distributed water was found to be about 2600 m3 per day according to 58

utilities who provided this information. Concerning the parameters of water quality, the

response rate was relatively low (Table 1.2). This is understandable, considering that in

1984 QDWR, requirements for monitoring physicochemical parameters were weak. Thus,

only data for parameters for which the response rate is above 15 percent are presented

(Figure 1.1). From the utilities providing quality parameter data, about 55 percent indicated

the turbidity of their raw water to be lower than 1 NTU and about 28 percent to be higher

than 5 UNT (Figure 1.1-a). All groundwater utilities providing data (except two) have

indicated turbidity levels lower than 1 UNT, whereas about one third of surface water

utilities indicated average raw water turbidity higher than 5 UNT. It is important to mention

that these turbidity values are average values, and that there may be large differences

between the average and the maximum values encountered. These maximum turbidity

values, which are not documented in this paper, are often the main source of problems.

Only one third of utilities indicated the true colour to be lower than 15 TCU, whereas about

the same proportion indicated true colour higher than 50 TCU (Figure 1.1-b). Distribution



Table 1.1. Water source, treatment, and disinfectant type for the surveyed utilities

Characteristics Number of respondents (n)

Response rate (out of 114 utilities)

Surface water 70 61.4 Source water Groundwater 44 38.6

No treatment 28 24.6 Chlorination alone 71 62.3 Treatment Treatment 15 13.1

None 28 24.6 Cl2 41 36.0 NaClO 42 36.8


Cl2 and NaClO 3


Table 1.2. Water quality and operational parameters for the surveyed utilities Parameters Number of respondents

(n) Response rate (out of 114 utilities)

winter 32 28.1 raw water summer 30


winter 28 24.6 Turbidity

treated water summer 27


winter 20 17.5 raw water summer 20


winter 18 15.8 Colour

treated water summer 18


winter 51 44.7 Chlorine dose (operational) summer 51 44.7

winter 24 21.1 treated water summer 24


winter 19 16.7 Free chlorine residual

distributed water summer 21













w inter summer w inter summer

Raw water Treated water












w inter Summer




e do

se, m


(24) (24)









w inter summer w inter summer

Treated water Distributed water




e, m











w inter summer w inter summer

Raw water Treated water



or, T


a. b.

c. d.

Figure 1.1. Distribution of water quality parameters among responding utilities: a, turbidity; b, colour; c, chlorine dose; and d, free chlorine residual. In brackets, number of utilities; lower bar, C10; upper bar, C90; cross, mean



of turbidity and colour values indicated by respondents was significantly higher in summer

than in winter. A reasonable explanation for this is the presence of snow/ice layers in

Southern Quebec surface watersheds during about four months of winter, which naturally

protect sources of water from watershed runoff; another possible explanation is that

because of high summer water temperatures, biological activity, planktonic in particular, is

much higher.

Very few surveyed utilities indicated the use of a physicochemical treatment to remove

turbidity, colour and organic carbon (Table 1.1). Practically all those utilities (with one

exception) indicated the use of surface water as a water source. However, only 20 percent

of utilities using surface water apply other treatment before chlorination (flocculation,

settling, filtration). This is extremely different from the results obtained by others in the

U.S., where 94 percent of surveyed small utilities indicated the use of at least filtration

before disinfection (AWWA 2000), which is a direct consequence of the U.S National

Primary Drinking Water Regulations (USEPA 1989). A more surprising result is that about

one fourth of small Quebec utilities do not apply any treatment or disinfection (even for

residual disinfectant maintenance) before delivering water into the distribution system.

However, practically all of these utilities use groundwater as a raw water source (only one

utility indicated using surface water without any treatment). All utilities that disinfect water

before distribution use chlorine-based disinfectant, the same proportion with gas chlorine

and with calcium/sodium hypochlorite. The use of hypochlorite as chlorine-based

disinfectant appeared a little more widespread in small Quebec utilities (in 50 percent of

utilities with disinfection) than in small U.S. utilities (34 percent) (AWWA 2000).

Applied chlorine doses before water distribution appeared to be higher in summer than in

winter (Figure 1.1-c). This is not consistent with the fact that chlorine efficacy for micro-

organism inactivation is higher in warm waters than in cold ones. However, these data

appear realistic, considering that chlorine is the unique disinfectant applied in the surveyed

utilities, that is, it is utilized simultaneously for ensuring inactivation and to maintain

residual chlorine levels in the distribution system. For the latter purpose, higher chlorine

doses are generally applied in summer to counterbalance the rapid decay of residual



chlorine associated with higher water temperatures. These results are comparable to those

of research programs undertaken by the authors with medium and large drinking water

utilities of Quebec (Milot et al. 2000; Rodriguez et al. 2000; Rodriguez et al. 2001). It was

also observed that average dose levels for small Quebec utilities were higher among

utilities not using treatment (1.44 mg/L on average) than among those using treatment (1.12

mg/L on average). The higher doses were indicated by utilities that chlorinate surface

waters without any previous physicochemical treatment (on average, 1.66 mg/L).

Concerning the physicochemical quality in treated water (before distribution), more than 80

percent of responding utilities indicated producing drinking water with less than 1 UNT and

about 50 percent with less than 0.5 UNT, which is the standard of the Quebec 2001 QDWR

(Figure 1.1-a). A surprising result is that no responding utility indicated producing treated

water with turbidity levels higher than 5 UNT, which was the maximum acceptable level in

the 1984 QDWR. Average values for true colour indicated by respondents were lower than

5 TCU in more than 75 percent of the utilities (Figure 1.1-b). Also, according to the

respondents, levels of both turbidity and colour in the distribution system were comparable

to levels of these parameters in treated water. It was observed that utilities using treatment

(all with surface water, except for one) had the best quality according to both parameters

(average values for turbidity and colour in treated water equal 0.2 NTU and 1.2 TCU,

respectively), followed by groundwater utilities with or without treatment (average values

for turbidity and colour in treated water equal 0.7 NTU and 4.8 TCU, respectively).

Utilities applying direct chlorination to surface water had the lowest physicochemical water

quality (average values for turbidity and colour in treated water equal 0.7 NTU and 19.3

TCU, respectively). In the case of free residual chlorine in the water leaving the plant

(following chlorination), practically all utilities reported more than 0.2 mg/L (which was

the standard included in the 1984 QDWR), with higher values in summer than in winter

(Figure 1.1-d). Moreover, all utilities reported having detectable levels for this parameter at

the extremity of the distribution system: about 90 percent of the surveyed utilities reported

levels for this parameter as being above 0.1 mg/L, whereas more than half reported values

above 0.2 mg/L. These reported values appear higher than expected (especially in summer,



when chlorine demand is high), considering that all utilities reported maximum residence

time of water higher than 12 hours.

Considering the fact that a new standard for THMs is included in the Quebec 2001 QDWR

(80 µg/L based on a quarterly annual average of samples taken at the extremity of the

distribution system), it was considered appropriate to create a portrait of concentrations of

this parameter in small Quebec utilities. Because only about 2 percent of responding

utilities provided data about THMs, the portrait for these parameters was made on the basis

of information included in Database 2 (Figure 1.2-a and Figure 1.2-b). According to results,

in more than 30 percent of the utilities THM levels in the distribution system (that is, 1.5

km from the plant) were below 50 µg/L, and in more than 55 percent below 80 µg/L.

Considering that all available data were generated from samples taken between April and

October, it is probable that the annual average concentration of THMs for these utilities are

in reality further below the THM values shown in Figure 1.2. This allows us to infer that, if

for such utilities sample location represents the extremity of the distribution system, the

majority of utilities would comply with the 2001 QDWR. According to Figure 1.2, utilities

more susceptible to not complying with the THM standard are those that directly chlorinate

surface waters (without any previous treatment). This is understandable, considering that

THM precursors contained in raw waters (natural organic matter) are not removed by a

physicochemical treatment in these utilities (mean TOC values are 3.22 mg/L, 3.81 mg/L,

and 3.10 mg/L for groundwater plus chlorination alone, surface water plus chlorination

alone and surface water plus treatment, respectively).










GW+chlorination SW+chlorination SW+treatment


l TH




(n = 64) (n = 79)

(n = 15)






201-1000 1001-5000 5001-10000

System size (population served)


l TH




a. b.

Figure 1.2. Average total THM concentrations according to: a, source water and treatment; b, utility size. In brackets, number of utilities; lower bar, C10; upper bar, C90; cross, mean. GW denotes Groundwater; SW denotes Surface Water.



1.4.2. Portrait of the microbiological water quality To establish the portrait of microbiological water quality of the treated and the distributed

water of small Quebec utilities, two indicators were built up using the information

concerning total coliform (TC) and fecal coliform (FC) counts of database 1. To distinguish

water samples considered microbiologically contaminated from those not contaminated, TC

and FC data were initially converted in a dummy variable, indicating negative samples for

TC (less than 10 organisms/100 mL, the maximum that does not systematically infringe

upon the Quebec QDWR) and positive samples for TC (more than 10 organisms/100 mL).

As for FC, any count different from zero was considered positive. From this new variable,

two indicators were created. The first is called coliform episode and indicates one or a set

of coliform positive samples occurring in a given distribution system during the three-year

period (1997-1999), separated by at least 15 days from any other coliform positive sample

in the same system. Such a criterion allows us to consider as a unique episode a number of

positive samples occurring in a short period of time, and that have probably been associated

with the same cause. This criterion also allows us not to consider as independent episodes

the number of positive samples encountered following the intensive sampling program that

generally follows the detection of a first positive sample for TC or FC (sampling carried out

in the days following the laboratory results). The second indicator is called problematic

utility and designates a utility that registered one or more coliform episodes in at least two

of the three reference years. Consequently, utilities that registered no coliform episode, or

had episodes in only one of the above-mentioned three years, were called nonproblematic

utilities. This indicator allows distinguishing utilities with recurrent coliform occurrences

from those with rare or no such occurrences.

Using data about total and fecal coliform of database 1 and the two indicators described

above, a portrait of water quality was built up (Table 1.3.). Judging by data of Table 1.3., it

would be hard to say that the respondents’ sample is representative of the population.

However, since emphasis, as stated above, is put on relating the microbiological water

quality with the existing management practices, the responding sample representativeness



Table 1.3. Portrait of the coliform appearances in investigated small utilities (1997 through 1999)

Target utilities (n = 927)

Responding utilities (n = 114)

Percent out of concerned utilities total ⎯ 12

Percent out of total population served ⎯ 14

Average population served 1807 2062

200 – 1000 * 2.7 4.0 1001 – 5000 1.3 2.0

Percent of coliform positive samples in summer (April through September) 5001 - 10000 0.8 0.9

200 – 1000 1.3 1.1 1001 – 5000 0.4 0.5

Percent of coliform positive samples in winter (October through March) 5001 - 10000 0.2 0.3

200 – 1000 55 79 1001 – 5000 50 66 Percent of utilities with at least

1 coliform episode 5001 - 10000 42 57 **

200 – 1000 2.6 3.2 1001 – 5000 2.4 2.6

Average number of coliform episodes for utilities with at least 1 episode 5001 - 10000 2.2 3.7

200-1000 27 55 1001-5000 21 34 Percent of problematic utilities

out of total number of utilities 5001-1000 16 57 **

200 – 1000 50 70 1001 – 5000 42 51

Percent of problematic utilities among those with at least 1 coliform episode 5001 - 10000 37 100 **

200 – 1000 3.8 3.9 1001 – 5000 3.9 3.8 Average number of episodes

for problematic utilities 5001 - 10000 3.9

3.7 * Population served ** Such abnormally high values are due to a very small total for this group (7 utilities only, compared to 83 among the 927). may be of less concern, the central issue being rather to look for factors that may explain

coliform appearances (i.e., episodes) in studied distribution systems. Moreover, even

assuming that the survey sample (n = 247) is representative of the population of utilities (n

= 927), it would be impossible to ensure that the respondents’ sample be representative,



since one could have no control on the ultimate decision of a surveyed utility manager to

respond or not. Information in Table 1.3. shows that even though the average percentage of

coliform positive samples appears relatively low (about 1 percent), a high number of

utilities have experienced microbiological water quality problems. According to the period

under study, half of small Quebec utilities have experienced one or more coliform episodes.

Among these utilities, the average number of episodes was about 2.4, whereas one fifth of

utilities experienced more than three episodes (only 1 percent experienced all of them in

one year). About 25 percent of all are problematic utilities, that is, having experienced

recurrent microbiological problems in the distributed water. It is also observed that the

portrait for microbiological water quality varies considerably according to the utility size.

Indeed, more than 2 percent of all water samples collected in very small utilities (serving

between 201 and 1,000 people) during the period under investigation were found coliform

positive, this percentage being significantly higher during summer periods. However, no

significant differences were observed between samples taken in the distribution system

extremities in comparison with those taken in other locations (data not shown in Table

1.3.), which is a surprising result considering that it is well known that extremities

constitute favourable locations for biofilm development and locations at which levels of

residual chlorine are the lowest. Differences between utilities according to their size are

also observable when examining both indicators, coliform episodes and problematic

utilities, but such differences appeared less important (in terms of relative value) than in the

case when only the percentage of coliform positive samples are examined. Such a result

means that in very small utilities, a single coliform episode is represented by a higher

number of positive TC or FC samples than in larger utilities. This suggests that in larger

utilities (specially those serving between 5,000 and 10,000 persons), coliform episodes are

relatively short, probably related to the shorter time required in these utilities (having

generally more human and technical resources) for identifying the source of micro-

organisms and the more rapid and efficient measures taken to resolve the problem.

Differences in microbiological water quality according to the utility size appear directly

related to the source of water and the treatment process applied (Table 1.4.). Indeed,



Table 1.4. Distribution of population served and coliform episodes according to water source and treatment types (for responding utilities)

Type of treatment No treatment * Chlorination alone Treatment ** Groundwater

n = 27 Surface water

n = 55 Groundwater

n = 16 Surface water

n = 14

Percent out of total number of respondents 24 48 14 12

Percent out of population served by responding utilities 17 46 17 19

Average population served 1478 1965 2504 3242

Percent of utilities with at least 1 coliform episode 59 82 75 43

Average number of episodes for utilities with at least 1 episode 2.6 3.2 2.6 2.7

Percent of problematic utilities 33 53 37 29

Average number of episodes for problematic utilities 3.2 4.2 3.5 3.5

* There was only one utility which used surface water and no treatment; that case was ignored. ** So was the sole utility that used groundwater and treatment. utilities using physicochemical treatment before chlorination, which are those that serve

larger populations on average, have experienced significantly fewer problems of

microbiological water quality in the distribution system than utilities using chlorination

alone (from surface or groundwater sources) or utilities that do not use treatment at all.

Utilities that encountered the most important and frequent difficulties of microbiological

water quality in the distribution system are those that directly chlorinate surface waters.

One can notice from the analysis made earlier that the same group of utilities (which

represent one third of small Quebec utilities) are those that also have the highest values of

THMs. Finally, this group is also the one that encompasses the highest percentage of



utilities that experienced at least one coliform episode, the highest percentage of

problematic utilities, and the highest average number of episodes. Generally speaking, the

coliform occurrences appear more recurrent for utilities supplied by surface sources,

confirming the high vulnerability to microbial intrusion for such utilities.

1.4.3. Strategies for maintaining microbiological water quality in the distribution system

Small utilities were also asked during the survey for information about characteristics of

their infrastructure and the routine and long-term strategies to manage water quality in the

distribution system. Issues investigated, such as rechlorination and pipe characteristics and

maintenance (age, material, break rate, corrosion strategies and pipe cleaning strategies),

can directly or indirectly affect the water quality within the distribution system. Table 1.5.

presents the information obtained for some of these issues.

Table 1.5. Survey responses for specific distribution system characteristics (pipe age, pipe material, main breaks, and system flushings)

Percentiles Characteristics Respondents

(n) Minimum

C10 C50 C90 Maximum Mean

Pipe age, years 104 2.00 20.0 33.5 60.0 100 36.2

Cast-iron 100 0.00 2.20 75.0 100 100 62.8 PVC 100 0.00 0.00 20.0 75.0 100 27.8 Percent of total

pipe material others 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.9 100 9.52

Number of main breaks/km/year 95 0.01 0.07 0.22 0.62 1.50 0.29

Number of flushings per year

104 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00

12 1.93 Rechlorination practices Residual chlorine is recognized to be an indicator of water quality in a distribution system,

particularly because it can reduce the risk of microbial regrowth (Sobsey et al. 1993;



Sérodes et al. 1998; Haas 1999; LeChevallier 1999). It is noteworthy however that the issue

of maintaining a residual is not clear cut, and has generated some controversy in recent

years. In this respect, a number of authors consider that the necessity of chlorine residual

maintenance is arguable due to its poor efficacy to inactivate waterborne pathogens in

drinking water distribution systems (Payment 1999; van der Kooij et al. 1999). Because

chlorine reacts with organic and inorganic compounds when added to water in the plant

before distribution, residual chlorine levels can rapidly decay and even disappear at

extremities, especially for utilities with extensive distribution systems and long retention

times (Kirmeyer et al. 1993; Reiber 1993). Rechlorination of water within the distribution

system may counterbalance initial chlorine decay. According to small Quebec utility

respondents, only a small percentage of utilities (about 10 percent), particularly the larger

ones (in terms of both population served and pipeline length), use rechlorination facilities

within the distribution system to maintain sufficient residual chlorine levels. However, it

was found that the average residual chlorine for small responding utilities using

rechlorination is practically the same in winter and significantly lower in summer than

average residual for utilities not practicing rechlorination. It is interesting to observe that

almost all responding utilities that rechlorinate are surface water utilities that do not use any

treatment before chlorination. This is probably due to the fact that the chlorine demand

following the dose application is higher for those utilities because of the lower quality of

water. Thus, to compensate for high initial chlorine demand, rechlorination generally

appears to be a good strategy to ensure minimal levels of residual chlorine and minimize

the probability for bacterial regrowth. Pipe characteristics The issue of water main assessment and associated research needs is well documented

(AWWA 1994; Rajani et al. 1995; Kitaura et al. 1996; Makar 2000; Rajani et al. 2000).

Aging distribution system pipes, in particular those made of iron-based material, can cause

water quality deterioration within the distribution system, especially through corrosion. In

addition to favouring precipitation of metal ions, which can cause coloured water, pipe

corrosion may favour the formation of tubercles within which a biological film can form or



cause breaks in the main, both aspects being favourable conditions for deterioration of

microbiological water quality (LeChevallier et al. 1990). Distribution system pipes of the

responding small utilities appeared, surprisingly, relatively older in comparison to medium

and large utilities in Quebec. Indeed, an average of about 57 percent of pipes of small

Quebec utilities are, according to respondents, 35 years old or less, compared to an average

of 65 percent of medium and large Quebec utilities (Villeneuve et al. 1998; Fougères et al.

1998), and 24 percent of responding utility pipes are 20 years or less, compared to 34

percent for medium and large utilities. However, only a minority (about 30 percent) of

responding small Quebec utilities acknowledged that their pipes suffered from corrosion

problems, and only a third of those utilities implemented corrosion control strategies

(generally by ensuring a relatively high pH by adding calcium or phosphate). This result

appeared surprising, considering that on average, 63 percent of the distribution system

pipes are made of cast iron (on average, 28 percent made of PVC).

Concerning the infrastructure of the distribution system, small Quebec utilities reported an

average rate of breaks which can be considered acceptable according to McDonald et al.

1997, who judged that a main break rate can be considered abnormally high when it

exceeds 40/100km/year (78 percent have had this many or less). However, it is observed

that only half the utilities reported a break rate that is lower than 25/100km/year, which is

the average for distribution systems of Ontario towns, according to the Ontario Sewer and

Watermain Contractors Association (CMCH 1992). The average break rate indicated by

responding utilities (about 29/100km/year) is also more than double the one for US towns

distribution systems, that is, about 13/100km/year (AWWA 1994). Results indicate that the

average main break rate for responding utilities more than 50 years old (30/100km/year) is

slightly lower than the one for those with ages ranging from 31 through 50 years

(32/100km/year), whereas, as expected, the younger utilities (30 years old or less)

experienced much fewer main breaks (27/100km/year). The average for all utilities more

than 30 years old is also about 32/100km/year. Surprisingly, the average main break rate

for utilities which suffer from corrosion problems is slightly lower than the one for those

not experiencing such problems: 29/100km/year and 30/100km/year, respectively.

Moreover, the mean age for utilities experiencing corrosion (about 41 years) is higher than



the one for utilities without corrosion (about 35 years). Utilities applying corrosion control

strategies had significantly fewer breaks (24/100km/year) than those, which have not

developed such strategies (33/100km/year), but the former are younger than the latter

(mean ages of 39 and 44 years, respectively). So, it seems that all of this is tied to pipe age,

hence the importance of an adequate pipe replacement policy. Besides, according to

Villeneuve et al. 1998, only about one percent of the total pipe mileage of Quebec utilities

is replaced every year. This replacement rate may appear too low, judging by the above-

mentioned (observed) breakage rates.

One important strategy for maintenance of water quality in distribution systems is to carry

out periodic flushing in order to take out different natures of deposits in the pipe wall

internal surface. Flushing is considered an efficient strategy; particularly to take out biofilm

and corrosion tubercles which both favour microbiological deterioration within the

distribution system (Antoun et al. 1999; Duranceau et al. 1999). All small Quebec utilities

reported flushing the distribution system at least once each year and more than half reported

at least 2 flushings. Most of the utilities carrying out only one flushing usually made it later

in summer or in fall. According to Antoun et al. 1999, this may be a good management

strategy, because it ensures pipeline cleaning after the period within which biofilm

development is most proliferate. This similarity appears surprising, but encouraging,

considering that generally speaking, larger utilities possess higher financial capacities for

maintenance of infrastructure. However, it was also observed that very small Quebec water

utilities (those serving less than 1,000 persons) carry out as many flushings as larger ones

(on average 2 per year).

1.4.4. Relationships between management strategies and microbiological water quality

The portrait of microbiological water quality was also investigated in accordance with the

management strategies mentioned earlier. It was developed principally by combining the

information contained in Databases 1 and 3. Table 1.6. to Table 1.9. present the results

concerning these analyses. Particular attention was paid to the more vulnerable utilities,



meaning those which directly chlorinate surface waters. According to results, utilities not

having water quality problems generally apply lower chlorine doses, during both winter and

summer (Table 1.6.). These results appear surprising, because it is expected that higher

chlorine doses ensure higher microbial inactivation and higher free chlorine residual

concentration and, thus, greater protection from microbiological degradation of water

quality in the distribution system. These results suggest that in small utilities where there

exist recurrent microbiological problems, managers use higher chlorine doses as a

corrective measure, but that such strategy does not necessarily prevent or reduce these

problems. Certainly, increasing the applied chlorine dose does not necessarily ensure an

increase of residual chlorine in every location of the distribution system, and thus does not

necessarily ensure an improvement of microbiological water quality, since many other

factors can be related to coliform regrowth in drinking water (LeChevallier 1996).

According to Table 1.7., utilities with recurrent water quality problems practice less

flushings on average of their distribution system than those which do not have such

problems. Even if the median for the number of annual flushings is similar for utilities with

and without recurrent problems, it appears that utilities which make two or more flushings

per year have better results within a perspective of microbiological water quality than those

which make only one. This trend was much stronger and statistically significant (P < 0.1)

for utilities which directly chlorinate surface waters. The results in Table 1.7. suggest that

generally, flushing has real positive impacts on distribution system water quality.

As mentioned earlier, it is well known that aging distribution systems may favour corrosion

and biofilm development in the pipe wall, thereby possibly affecting water quality.

However, according to Table 1.8., no significant differences in microbiological water

quality were observed in small Quebec utilities according to the age of the distribution

system, even if the age variations of the utilities under study are important (as presented

earlier in Table 1.5.). A possible explanation for this is that the average age of the

distribution system pipes is not necessarily representative of the entire utility (that is, very

large age pipe variations can exist in a single utility), because it is very probable that some



Table 1.6. Observed relationship between the chlorine dose (mg/L) and the utility microbiological status All responding utilities

(N = 114)

Surface water utilities using chlorination alone

( N = 55)


Median of dose

Mean dose



Median of dose

Mean dose


Utilities with no episode 14 0.55 0.95 5 0.50 1.34 Utilities ≥ 1 episode 37 1.00 1.22 0.43 24 1.50 1.41 0.94

Nonproblematic utilities 33 1.00 1.11 18 1.15 1.38 Winter

Problematic utilities 18 1.25 1.21 0.70 11 1.50 1.41 0.94

Utilities with no episode 14 0.90 1.23 5 0.80 1.50 Utilities ≥ 1 episode 37 1.50 1.74 0.22 25 2.00 2.01 0.62

Nonproblematic utilities 32 1.20 1.56 18 1.35 1.90 Summer

Problematic utilities 19 1.50 1.67 0.76 12 2.25 1.95 0.92

P : significance level of the means test



Table 1.7. Observed relationship between distribution system flushings and the utility microbiological status

All responding utilities

(N = 114)

Surface water utilities using chlorination alone

( N = 55)

n Median of flushings

Mean of flushings



Median of flushings

Mean of flushings


Utilities with no episode 30 2.00 2.20 9 2.00 3.78 Utilities ≥ 1 episode 74 2.00 1.82 0.29

43 2.00 1.84 0.005

Nonproblematic utilities 59 2.00 2.12 24 2.00 2.58 Problematic utilities 45 2.00 1.69 0.14

28 2.00 1.82 0.16

P : significance level of the means test Table 1.8. Observed relationship between distribution pipe age and the utility microbiological status

All responding utilities

(N = 114)

Surface water utilities using chlorination alone

( N = 55)

n Median of age

Mean age P


Median of age

Mean age P

Utilities with no episode 32 31.5 35.0 10 22.0 27.2 Utilities ≥ 1 episode 72 34.0 36.8 0.65 42 32.0 36.6 0.20

Nonproblematic utilities 60 30.0 34.9 25 25.0 32.5 Problematic utilities 44 35.0 38.0 0.37 27 34.0 36.9 0.39

P : significance level of the means test



Table 1.9. Observed relationship between distribution main breaks and the utility microbiological status

All responding utilities

(N = 114)

Surface water utilities using chlorination alone

( N = 55)

n Median of

breaks Mean of breaks



Median of breaks

Mean of breaks


Utilities with no episode 28 0.20 0.31 8 0.24 0.43 Utilities ≥ 1 episode 67 0.25 0.29

0.82 39 0.17 0.23


Nonproblematic utilities 54 0.23 0.30 22 0.17 0.31 Problematic utilities 41 0.22 0.28

0.67 25 0.17 0.23


P : significance level of the means test



pipes have never been replaced, while others could have been replaced very recently.

However, no information about pipe replacement rate was available from Database 3.

Finally, even if pipe breaks are known to be a possible source of microbial intrusion in

distribution systems, no significant differences of the annual breakage rate were observed

between utilities having water quality problems and those not having them (Table 1.9.).

However, a surprising result is observed for utilities that directly chlorinate surface waters.

Among these utilities, those not having microbiological problems at all (that is any episode

at all) have significantly higher pipe breakage rates (for both mean and median values) than

those that do have quality problems. In addition, the average pipe breakage rate in these

utilities appeared higher than the maximum acceptable recommended (Ontario, MacDonald

1994). Many possible explanations may be put forward to explain this apparently illogical

result. First, it appears that extreme breakage statistics are more frequent among utilities

experiencing 29 breaks/100km/year (the overall average value) or fewer. Second, the

relative weight of utilities practicing chlorination alone (which were found to be more often

problematic than all others) is bigger among this same group. Third, the age, type and

corrodibility of pipe material may also be involved; for instance, for utilities having less

than 50 percent of their pipelines made of PVC, the average number of main breaks is

much higher than that for utilities with more than 50 percent PVC (32 breaks/100km/year

and 22 breaks/100km/year, respectively).

1.4.5. Relationships between agricultural land use and microbiological water quality

As part of Quebec’s recent regulations about agricultural pollution, and in order to control

cattle breeding expansion in locations where agriculture is already too intensive, all

municipalities of the province have been designated a manure status (as specified in data

received from QME). Such a status is a function of the intensity of agriculture pressure on

their territory (soils). This factor is measured by the annual balance of phosphorus in terms

of kilograms of phosphorous (P2O5) per hectare. It considers total manure production

within the municipality, the nutrient requirements of crops and the cultivated area. When



the annual balance is more than 20 kg P2O5/ha/year, the authorities consider the

corresponding municipality as being in manure surplus. However, for a number of

municipalities, even a zero annual balance is considered an administrative surplus, because

they are situated in watersheds with already significant phosphorus excess. Even if such an

annual balance was not calculated based on watershed limits but rather on municipal limits,

it can be used as an indicator of the susceptibility of surface waters to be contaminated by

surface or subsurface runoff. For the purpose of this study, information about the manure

status had been considered under four variables in order to associate it with water quality in

small utilities. These variables are: zone with/without manure production, zone

administratively/not administratively in a surplus situation, annual manure balance less or

equal to/more than 0 kg P2O5/ha, and surplus of phosphorus less/equal to or more than 20

kg P2O5/ha/year. The impact of each of these factors on microbiological water quality is

analyzed in Table 1.10. The results indicate that on the whole, utilities located in zones

with high agricultural pressure experienced more water quality problems (related to total or

fecal coliforms). The impact of agricultural pressure on water quality appeared significant

for the more vulnerable utilities, that is, those chlorinating surface water without any

previous treatment. Indeed, two of the four manure-related variables, (i.e., “administratively

in phosphorus surplus” and “phosphorus annual balance”) were found to be significantly

correlated with the variable “number of coliform episodes”. This suggests that future

controlling of cattle breeding expansion will have a considerable effect on small vulnerable


1.4.6. Multivariate analyses In order to evaluate interactions between variables or potential collective impacts of the

studied management strategies on microbiological water quality, multivariate analyses were

carried out. Three variables: “problematic/nonproblematic”, “episodes/no episode”, and

“number of episodes” had to be explained. Because the first two are dichotomous, a binary

stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed to search for factors explaining them.



Table 1.10. Observed relationship between agricultural pressure indicators and microbiological characteristics of utilities

All responding utilities

(N = 114)

Surface water utilities using chlorination alone

( N = 55)

n Utilities ≥ 1 episode,


Problematic utilities, %

Average episode number

P n Utilities ≥ 1 episode,


Problematic utilities, %

Average episode number


Zone with manure production 93 72 44 2.13 43 84 53 2.65 Zone without manure production 21 62 38 1.71 0.427 12 75 50 2.33 0.691

Zone administratively in surplus 23 65 43 2.39 9 100 78 4.67 Zone administratively not in surplus 91 71 43 1.97 0.471 46 78 48 2.17 0.020

Manure balance > 0 kg P2O5/ha/year 31 68 48 2.29 16 87 69 3.37 Manure balance ≤ 0 kg P2O5/ha/year 83 71 41 1.96 0.501 39 79 46 2.26 0.141

Surplus ≥ 20 kg P2O5/ha/year 16 69 37 2.06 6 100 67 3.83 Surplus < 20 kg P2O5/ha/year 98 70 44 2.05 0.984 49 80 51 2.43 0.208

P : significance level of the means test



For the continuous variable (“number of episodes”), a linear regression analysis was used.

First, analyses were carried out for all responding utilities, and then for respondents using

surface water and chlorination alone. When all respondents are considered, the only

variable that exhibits a significant relationship with the three specified dependent variables

is the treatment type. This is obvious, and needs no particular explanation. So, no

multivariate model emerges for the whole set of respondents. As for surface water utilities

using chlorination alone, one model comes out and indicates that 33 percent of the

explained variance related to the dichotomous variable “problematic/nonproblematic” is

tied to variables “phosphorus annual balance” and “phosphorus surplus more than 20 kg

P2O5/ha/year”, with the model being significant at the 1 percent (0.01) level (logistic

regression analysis: χ2 = 11.9; R2 = 0.33; P = 0.003). This suggests that the fact that a

surface water utility with chlorination alone is either problematic or nonproblematic with

regard to microbiological quality (total or fecal coliforms) is relatively easy to explain by

the agricultural land use of the municipality where the utility is located. Such an indication

seems easily explicable, since it is well known that cattle feces and piggery effluents

contain great quantities of bacteria and parasites that may eventually find their way into

water springs by means of agricultural runoff or infiltration into ground water.

1.5. Conclusions This research has documented some important characteristics of small Quebec drinking

water utilities. First of all, one notes that even though all of these utilities are called small

utilities, and are supposed to have very comparable financial and technical resources, the

quality of their distributed water may vary considerably. Actually, three groups of utilities

emerged during this study: first, utilities which never experienced problems with

microbiological water quality during the reference three-year period (1997 through 1999);

second, utilities that occasionally encountered difficulties complying with drinking water

regulations relating to total coliforms; and, third, utilities which very often infringed upon

quality standards. The first two groups can be considered as distributing relatively safe

water to their customers. The last group obviously consists of utilities that have major




Most of the latter are utilities that directly chlorinate surface waters without any other

treatment. These problematic utilities may need to acquire a treatment facility, especially

considering the new and much more stringent QDWR promulgated by the Quebec

government in June 2001. These utilities, unable to comply with coliform standards, will

now have to cope with parasites, viruses, and monitoring of trihalomethanes, to name but a

few. It is hard to believe that small problematic utilities will overcome such obstacles,

without managing, at least in a filtration facility, to reduce NOM content in their distributed

water. In any case, they will have to apply filtration in a relatively near future, since new

QDWR (that will come into force in June 2002, except for a few recently amended clauses

including filtration, the effective date for the latter being postponed until June 2005 for

utilities serving fewer than 50,000 people, and until June 2007 for those serving 50,000 or

more people) make filtration practically inevitable for all Quebec surface water utilities.

Concerning infrastructure and water quality maintenance, small utilities appeared to be

aging, compared to medium-size and large ones. This may be attributable to the fact that

most of medium-size and large utilities pertain to numerous relatively young suburbs that

grew all around big Quebec metropolitan areas like Montreal or Quebec City, some 40 to

50 years ago. Among distribution water quality management strategies analyzed, some

interesting trends were noted when comparing mean values for utilities with no episode to

those with episodes on the one hand, and for problematic and nonproblematic utilities, on

the other. However, very few of these trends were confirmed by results of bivariate or

multivariate analyses (possibly due to the very discrete nature of microbial dissemination in

distribution systems). Apart from treatment-related variables, only the manure-related

variables exhibit some statistical impact. This may not be surprising, considering that many

of the responding utilities are located in zones under high agricultural pressure.

In terms of strict public health concern, it must be underlined that the so-called problematic

utilities are not necessarily serving water bearing more of a health threat than the water

served by the nonproblematic ones. In fact, most of reported episodes concern total

coliforms, which may tell more about the general salubriousness of the distribution system

than about real health hazards. Moreover, databases used for this study did not include data



on parasites like Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum, nor on viruses or other

waterborne pathogens. These micro-organisms are of great concern, since they have been

tied to waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States and elsewhere. The only reason

these parameters were not included in this study is that there is an almost total lack of data

about them in small Quebec utilities.

The fact that data came from different sources has led to different data considerations,

which, to some extent, hindered this study. This situation may render difficult a comparison

of these results to those of other studies. Despite these limitations, this study has the

advantage of trying to create an overall portrait of microbiological and physicochemical

water quality in small Quebec utilities, and trying to establish and explain relationships

between the portrayed quality and some management practices or environmental factors

(manure). This may be interesting for those who want to know more about the specificity of

small utilities and the challenges they face, for instance, from a regulatory point of view.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that historical atypical bacteria data and water boiling

notices data were obtained from some of the studied herein small utilities. These data

strongly support the distinction made between nonproblematic and problematic utilities

(see Appendix B). However, the data were found about two years after the management

practices survey answers were obtained. At that time, this part of the research was already

completed. That is why atypical bacteria and water boiling notices data were not included

in this chapter.

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Rodriguez, M.J., Sérodes, J.-B., and Morin, M. 2000. Estimation of water utility compliance with trihalomethane regulations using a modelling approach. Journal of Water Supply : Research and Technology – Aqua 49: 57–73.

Rodriguez, M.J., and Sérodes, J.-B. 2001. Spatial and temporal evolution of trihalomethanes in three water distribution systems. Water Res. 35: 1572–1586.

Rousseau, H. 1993. Suivi des concentrations de THM dans huit (8) réseaux de distribution d’eau potable au Québec. Division des eaux de consommation, Direction des écosystèmes urbains, Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, Gouvernement du Québec, 54 p.

Santé Canada. 1996. Recommandations pour la qualité de l’eau potable au Canada. Sixième édition. Édition du Groupe Communication Canada, Ottawa, 102 p.

Sérodes J.B., Rodriguez, M.J., and Ponton, A. 1998. Development and on-site evaluation of a decision-making tool for chlorine disinfection dose and residual control. Presented at the 8th National Conference on Drinking Water, Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 28-30 October.



Sobsey, M.D., Dufour, P.A., Gerba, C.P., LeChevallier, M.W., and Payment, P. 1993. Using a conceptual framework for assessing risks to health from microbes in drinking water. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 85: 44–48.

Tremblay, H., et Trinh-Viet, H. 1995. Réseaux municipaux visés par le règlement sur l’eau potable susceptibles de présenter une concentration moyenne annuelle de THM supérieure à 100 µg/l : estimation des coûts de réalisation des ouvrages. Service de l’assainissement des eaux et du traitement des eaux de consommation, Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, Gouvernement du Québec, 31 p.

USEPA. 1989. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : filtration, disinfection, turbidity, Giardia lamblia, viruses, Legionella, and heterotrophic bacteria. Final rule. Fed. Reg., 54:124:27486.

USEPA. 1998a. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : disinfectants and disinfection by-products. Final rule. Fed. Reg., 63:241:69389.

USEPA. 1998b. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : interim enhanced surface water treatment rule. Fed. Reg., 63:241:69477.

USEPA. 1999. Handbook for capacity development: developing water system capacity under the Safe Drinking Water Act as amended in 1996. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water (4606), EPA 816-R-99-012.

USEPA. 2000. National Primary Drinking Water Regulations : groundwater rule. Proposed rule. Fed. Reg., 65:91:30194.

van der Kooij, D., van Lieverloo, J.H.M., Schellart, J., and Hiemstra, P. 1999. Maintaining quality without a disinfectant residual. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 91: 55–64.

Villeneuve, J.P., and Hamel, P.J. 1998. Synthèse des rapports INRS-Urbanisation et INRS-Eau sur les besoins des municipalités québécoises en réfection et construction d’infrastructures d’eaux. INRS-Urbanisation, Montréal, 50 p.


CHAPTER 2 Spatial and temporal variation of drinking water

quality in ten small Quebec utilities Overview. The first part of this study has allowed identifying two types of small

municipal drinking water utilities in the province of Quebec: those that historically did not

have problems with distribution water quality, i.e., nonproblematic utilities, and those that

did have such problems, i.e., problematic utilities. That portrait focused on microbiological

water quality and management strategies, while also attempting to disclose relationships

between them and some important water quality and operational parameters. As such, the

portrait gives a general overview of the situation of small Quebec utilities.

Although that portrait was a very important and necessary first step to understanding the

situation of small Quebec utilities, it, nonetheless, had certain limits, since bearing

essentially on data that have been gathered a number of years before the study, that is

historical data. The question is whether or not the overall picture reflected through the

portrait corresponds to the current situation of the portrayed utilities as for water quality all

along the distribution systems, based on the opposition nonproblematic vs. problematic,

and what are the potential water quality parameters explaining the observed differences

between the two distinguished groups of utilities. This may allow identifying the

parameters upon which it would be possible to act to achieve better water quality in each of

the two utility groups, along with exploring the capacity of such utilities to simultaneously

and effectively handle the acute disease risk, associated with micro-organisms, and the

chronic health hazard tied to chlorination by-products. All of these raised questions made

indispensable initiating fieldwork in the corresponding municipalities to find answers. That

fieldwork, which represented the second part of this study, has been designed as a water

sampling campaign aiming at studying the spatial and temporal variation of drinking water

quality in a number of small Quebec municipal utilities.



Abstract. A comparative study relating to distributed water quality was undertaken in ten

small municipal drinking water utilities in Quebec. All of these utilities apply direct

chlorination to surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water

without any previous treatment. These utilities were divided into two groups: four utilities

that had never or rarely served water infringing upon the provincial drinking water

microbiological standards (relating to fecal and/or total coliform bacteria), and six utilities

that very often infringed upon said standards. The objective of this study was to identify

key parameters responsible for the differences between the two groups of utilities, to

explore the capacity of studied utilities to simultaneously and effectively handle the acute

disease risk associated with micro-organisms and the chronic health hazard linked to

chlorination by-products, and to identify the parameters upon which it may be possible to

act in order to achieve better water quality in each of the two utility groups. The study

includes comparisons of characteristics of water quality at the source, chlorination

conditions in the plant, and water quality from the entrance to the extremity of the

distribution system. Results show that the differences between the two groups of utilities

are associated essentially with maintained chlorine residuals and heterotrophic plate count

bacteria populations in corresponding distribution systems and, to a lesser extent, to the

applied chlorine doses. Subsequent multivariate analyses allowed identification of variables

upon which utility managers may act in order to improve the quality of distributed water in

each group of utilities. For the group of utilities that had very little or no infringement,

these factors are related to disinfection levels, whereas for the group that often infringed

upon quality standards, raw water natural organic matter content reduction through source

water protection and raised chlorine doses and residuals appear to be the factors that may

lead to better microbiological quality of distributed water.

Key words: drinking water, water quality, distribution systems, small utilities, Quebec

Résumé. Une étude comparative sur la qualité de l’eau d’adduction a été menée dans dix

petits systèmes municipaux de distribution d’eau potable au Québec. Tous ces systèmes

appliquent une chloration directe à de l’eau de surface ou à de l’eau souterraine sous

influence directe de l’eau de surface, sans aucun autre traitement. Ces systèmes furent



répartis en deux groupes : quatre systèmes qui n’ont jamais ou ont rarement distribué de

l’eau dérogeant aux normes microbiologiques provinciales relatives à l’eau potable (en ce

qui a trait aux coliformes fécaux et/ou aux totaux) et six systèmes qui ont très souvent

dérogé auxdites normes. L’objectif de cette étude était d’identifier les paramètres clés

responsables des différences entre les deux groupes, d’explorer la capacité des systèmes à

l’étude à faire face simultanément et efficacement au risque de maladie aiguë associé aux

micro-organismes pathogènes d’une part, et au risque de maladie chronique relié aux sous-

produits de la chloration d’autre part, de même que d’identifier les paramètres sur lesquels

il serait possible d’agir afin d’obtenir une meilleure qualité de l’eau distribuée par chacun

des deux groupes de systèmes. L’étude comprend des comparaisons des caractéristiques de

la qualité de l’eau à la source, des comparaisons des conditions d’ajout du chlore aux postes

de chloration respectifs, et de la qualité de l’eau de l’entrée du système de distribution à

l’extrémité de celui-ci. Les résultats montrent que les différences entre les deux groupes de

systèmes de distribution d’eau potable sont principalement associées aux teneurs en chlore

résiduel libre et au nombre de colonies de bactéries hétérotrophes aérobies et anaérobies

facultatives (BHAA) dans les réseaux de distribution correspondants et, dans une moindre

mesure, aux doses de chlore appliquées. Des analyses multivariées subséquentes ont permis

l’identification de variables (ou facteurs) sur lesquels peuvent agir les gestionnaires des

systèmes municipaux en vue d’améliorer la qualité de l’eau distribuée par chaque groupe de

systèmes. Pour le groupe de systèmes qui n’avaient pas ou avaient peu de dérogations aux

normes provinciales de qualité, ces facteurs étaient associés aux niveaux de chloration,

tandis que pour le groupe qui dérogeait souvent aux normes susmentionnées, les facteurs

qui pourraient mener à une meilleure qualité microbiologique de l’eau distribuée seraient la

réduction de la teneur en matière organique naturelle de l’eau brute par une protection

adéquate de la source, de même que le rehaussement des doses et des résiduels de chlore.

Mots-clés : eau potable, qualité de l’eau, système de distribution, petits systèmes

municipaux, Québec



2.1. Introduction Small drinking water utilities have unique challenges: they have limited financial and

technical resources, often lack full-time staff to manage the utility, and may be

geographically isolated in rural areas where agricultural pollution is substantial. There are

about 1,000 small municipal utilities (i.e., serving 10,000 people or less) in Quebec, which

serve approximately 20% of the province’s population, or about one million people

(Gouvernement du Québec 1997). Most of these utilities apply simple chlorination (to

surface or groundwater) or no treatment at all (essentially groundwater). According to the

Quebec Ministry of Environment (QME), small utilities are known to have more difficulty

in ensuring distribution to their customers at all times of drinking water that complies with

established standards (Gouvernement du Québec 1997). Indeed, the majority of violations

of the 1984 Quebec drinking water regulations (QDWR) (Gouvernement du Québec, 1984)

concerned utilities serving fewer than 5,000 people.

Like some other Canadian provinces, Quebec updated its drinking water regulations shortly

after the E. coli outbreak in the small community of Walkerton (Ontario), in which 7 people

died and 2,300 became ill due to contaminated water. The new QDWR issued in June 2001

added new parameters (e.g., disinfection efficiency requirements for inactivation of Giardia

cysts, Cryptosporidium oocysts and viruses, as well as control over heterotrophic plate

count –HPC– bacteria and atypical bacteria, etc.) and strengthened control over others (e.g.,

turbidity, trihalomethanes –THMs–, etc.) (Gouvernement du Québec 2001). In doing so,

the 2001 QDWR make the challenges facing the province’s small utilities even greater,

especially considering the fact that very little is known about these utilities and the quality

of the water they serve. For instance, as a direct consequence of the 2001 QDWR,

practically all utilities which directly chlorinate surface water will have to either apply

filtration or opt for groundwater sources. In the U.S., small water utilities using either

surface or groundwater will, in the near future, have to comply with new National Primary

Drinking Water Regulations (USEPA 1989; USEPA 1998a; USEPA 1998b; USEPA 2000).

Additionally, as more and tighter regulations to enhance public health protection take



effect, the cost of providing safe drinking water in compliance with the updated regulations

will increase.

This article presents a study of spatial and temporal variation of distributed water quality in

ten (10) small utilities in Quebec. All of the utilities have chlorination as the only treatment

applied and use surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water.

Four (4) utilities that historically did not have problems with microbiological water quality

(relating to total coliforms) and six (6) that did have such problems are compared through

microbiological and physicochemical water quality. The objectives of this study were: 1) to

identify key parameters responsible for the differences between the two groups of utilities;

2) to explore the capacity of studied utilities to simultaneously and effectively handle the

acute disease risk associated with micro-organisms and the chronic health hazard tied to the

presence of chlorinated disinfection by-products – DBPs – in drinking water; and 3) to

identify the variables (i.e., parameters) upon which it may be possible to act upon in order

to achieve better water quality in each of the two utility groups. Such information may be

important for managers of small utilities and for government officials in terms of policy


2.2. Methodology Under the provisions of the 1984 QDWR, all utilities serving 51 or more people had to send

results of their microbiological and physicochemical distribution water testing to the QME

at a frequency related to their size. It is important to note that the same requirement is valid

in the 2001 QDWR for utilities serving 21 or more people. In a database of small municipal

utilities obtained from the QME in 1999, and containing data gathered by virtue of the 1984

QDWR follow-up, it was possible to distinguish between two types of utilities. The first

type included utilities that had never recorded coliform positive samples or had recorded

such samples only on rare occasions. The second type encompassed utilities that often

recorded coliform positive samples. For the purpose of this research, data from three years

(i.e., 1997 through 1999) were utilized. Based on data received from the QME, two

concepts were defined: coliform episode and problematic utility. A coliform episode



indicated one or a set of coliform positive samples occurring in a given distribution system

during the three-year period (1997-1999), separated by at least 15 days from any other

coliform positive sample in the same system. A problematic utility was defined as a utility

that recorded one or more coliform episodes in at least two of the three reference years.

Consequently, utilities that recorded no coliform episode, or had episodes in only one of the

above-mentioned three years, were called nonproblematic utilities.

It is important to note that this research had been originally designed with the main goal of

finding some responses and/or giving some explanations with respect to a statement of fact

made by the QME in its document entitled “L’eau potable au Québec. Un second bilan de

sa qualité : 1989–1994” (Gouvernement du Québec 1997) where the term “réseaux

problématiques” was used to designate small or large distribution systems that frequently

recorded coliform occurrences between 1989 and 1994). That statement of fact can be

formulated as follows: utilities that have comparable technical, human and financial

resources may be very different as for their historical microbiological water quality, and

this is particularly frequent among small utilities. Moreover, in the QME small utility

database originally used to determine the concept of “problematic utility”, and that

contained results of about 65,000 water sample analyses for the period from January 1997

to December 1999, it was found that about 25 percent of the 927 small utilities (that is

about 230 utilities) experienced repetitive coliform episodes. It was that fact that led to the

division of small utilities into “nonproblematic” and “problematic” based on their historical

microbiological water quality. The ten small utilities described in this paper have been

chosen among the 927 mentioned earlier, with the “microbiological status” they had (i.e.,

having already been classified as problematic or not) in the initial QME database according

to the number of coliform episodes they experienced from 1997 to 1999. It is reasonable to

think that even though the historical data received from the QME may be resulting from

periodic and sparse monitoring of bacteriological samples in distribution systems, drawing

valid conclusions is possible when a high number of utilities (927 utilities, with 65,000

water samples analyzed) is involved and multiyear historical data are available for each




2.2.1. Small utilities under study In 1999, a mail survey was conducted by the authors to enquire about small utilities

management practices (Rodriguez et al. 2002). The questionnaire was sent to about 250

Quebec utilities serving from 201 to 10,000 people. 114 utilities responded, resulting in a

response rate of about 46%. From these 114 utilities, 10 were selected for further study.

The 10 utilities were selected based on the following criteria: 1) they used either surface

water (lake or stream) or groundwater under direct influence of runoff (from surface wells);

2) chlorination was the only treatment applied ; 3) for logistic reasons, they had to be

located relatively close (within a radius of about 150 km; see Figure 2.1) to the Quebec

City area, where the analytical laboratory is located (Laval University); 4) the 10 utilities

encompassed a group of problematic utilities and a group of nonproblematic utilities; and

5) utility managers had to be in agreement with the proposed study and offer to co-operate

by favoring easy access to sampling points and historical data on water quality. Under these

criteria, four nonproblematic and six problematic utilities were selected.

2.2.2. Sampling program strategy In order to generate information about microbiological and physicochemical water quality

of the 10 utilities under study on a spatial and temporal basis, five sampling campaigns

were undertaken between May and October 2001. In the Quebec City area, this period

encompasses spring, summer and fall conditions, the period during which surface water

quality varies considerably with water temperatures generally higher than 5 °C (for the rest

of the year, the ice cover protects surface waters naturally from runoff-related

contaminants). The period from May to October corresponds relatively well to the critical

period for microbial growth within distribution systems, with subsequent biofilm

development, odour and taste problems and other problems.

Each utility was sampled five times, or once a month (May, June, July, August and

October), at four different sampling points: raw water, chlorinated water (i.e., water from

the chlorination facility outlet), water from the central part of the distribution system, and



Figure 2.1. Localization of the ten small utilities

Bas-Saint-Laurent administrative region Chaudière-Appalaches administrative region

Quebec-City administrative region Centre-of-Quebec

administrative region







water from the system’s extremity. In each campaign, 10 water quality parameters were

measured: three microbiological (total coliform, HPC and atypical bacteria) and seven

physicochemical (temperature, pH, turbidity, total organic carbon –TOC–, ultraviolet

absorbance at the 254 nanometer wavelength –UV254 nm–, free chlorine residuals and

THMs). Three parameters (temperature, pH and free chlorine residuals) were measured on-

site, whereas the seven others were measured in the laboratory at Laval University. An

important operational parameter, the chlorine dose, was also taken into consideration. The

chlorine dose value was obtained either directly from the operator’s report book or

calculated from utility meter readings and the quantity of chlorine utilized.

2.2.3. Analytical procedures Microbiological analyses Samples for bacteriological testing were collected in Nalgene® polypropylene 500-mL

screw capped bottles. Before sampling, 2 mL of sodium thiosulfate 5% w/v were added to

the bottles, which were then sterilized in an autoclave for 15 minutes at 135 °C. All

samples were collected after flushing the spigots for 3 to 5 minutes according to Standard

Methods (APHA-AWWA-WEF 1998). Sterile bottles were only opened at the very

moment of their filling, and were carefully handled to avoid potential extraneous

contamination. Samples were then placed on ice for transport to the laboratory. Prior to any

handling, the working surface was disinfected with a disinfectant soap (±4% v/v).

Moreover, all handling was done near a flame to prevent extraneous contamination and

maintain a sterile working zone.

The three microbiological parameters used for the purpose of this study were total coliform

bacteria, HPC bacteria and atypical bacteria. As in the U.S. (USEPA 1993), the presence of

coliform bacteria is used by Quebec drinking water professionals as an indicator of possible

microbiological contamination. Based on World Health Organization (WHO) reports,

coliform bacteria are the micro-organisms most commonly used to assess drinking water

quality around the world (OMS 1994).



HPC bacteria are found both in bulk water and biofilm. HPC bacteria may be good

indicators of the overall microbiological quality of distributed water. According to QME,

these bacteria may be even better indicators than total coliforms (Gouvernement du Québec

1997). LeChevallier et al. (1990) mentioned that HPC bacteria could interfere with the

coliform analysis. Others emphasize that abnormally high HPC counts could cause taste

and odour problems in tap water (Pipes 1982; Reasoner 1990). Levels of HPC bacteria may

also be used to assess microbial growth on distribution pipe surfaces and to measure

bacterial after-growth in water mains (LeChevallier et al.1990; Carter et al. 2000).

Atypical bacteria may also be considered as distribution water quality indicators

(Gouvernement du Québec 1997). This group of bacteria is somewhat difficult to define,

because it encompasses a number of genera and species. These bacteria are able to grow on

m-Endo LES medium but their colonies may or may not show the green sheen typical of

true coliform bacteria; i.e., they are atypical. Atypical bacteria counts higher than 200

cfu/100 mL may hinder coliform detection in water samples, since the latter may not be

able to grow under such conditions (Gouvernement du Québec 1997). So, from the strict

point of view of a potential threat to public health, it appears that high HPC bacteria counts

are less harmful than high atypical bacteria counts. The reason is that high HPC bacteria

counts may only cause organoleptic degradations of distributed water quality, while high

atypical bacteria counts may indicate the presence of harmful organisms in distributed


Total coliforms were enumerated by the membrane filter procedure with 0.45-µm-pore-size

membrane filters and m-ENDO LES (APHA-AWWA-WEF 1998). This culture medium is

the standard medium for total coliform testing in the U.S.; coliform colonies have a typical

metallic green sheen. The coliform plates were incubated for 48 ± 2 hours at 35 ± 2 °C

rather than 24 ± 2 hours at 35 ± 0.5 °C because the authors used method 9225-C of

Standard Methods for the Examination of water and wastewater (APHA-AWWA-WEF

1998) rather than method 9225-B. Culture purification has not been done and no

confirmation test has been performed. As a consequence, the total coliform results must be

considered as presumptive total coliform counts. HPC bacteria were enumerated by the



spread plate procedure with R2A agar incubated at 35 ± 2 °C for 48 ± 2 hours. Atypical

bacteria were enumerated on the same filter media as total coliforms. Even though m-

ENDO LES is considered a selective medium, some other bacterial species can grow on it.

Hence, all colonies not showing the metallic green sheen were classified as atypical.

Controls were prepared from sterile demineralized water for all bacteriological analyses.

The procedures for preparing the controls were the same as those used for the samples. This

ensured that no extraneous contamination took place and skewed the results. Moreover, all

microbiological determinations were performed in triplicate to ensure that the results were

reproducible and, once again, to ensure that observed data were not distorted because of

potential extraneous microbial contamination. Incubation temperatures and duration for

coliform and atypical bacteria were identical to those mentioned for HPC. The enumeration

was performed by counting the colonies on filter media. Since triplicate analyses were

available, a mean colony number was calculated from the three obtained results. This

number was then converted into cfu/100 mL, for coliform and atypical bacteria, or into

cfu/mL for HPC bacteria. Please note that all microbiological sampling campaign data are

shown in Appendix C. Physicochemical analyses Physicochemical parameters analyzed during the sampling campaign were temperature, pH,

turbidity, TOC, UV254 nm, free chlorine, and THMs. Temperature, pH, and free residual

chlorine were measured at the sampling sites. For turbidity, TOC and UV254 nm, Nalgene®

polypropylene or high-density polyethylene bottles were used to collect water samples. The

water temperature was measured using a standard glass alcohol column thermometer

(Fisher–14–997) or, when pH and temperature were measured at the same sampling point,

with the use of a thermocouple probe. Water pH was measured using an Accumet® model

25 pH/ion-meter and a Hanna HI–1332–B probe. Turbidity was measured using a Hach

2100–N turbidimeter. Thirty milliliter (30 mL) sample volumes were used to measure this

parameter once the instrument was calibrated against a secondary standard consisting of a

metal oxide suspension in a gel. Free residual chlorine was determined by the DPD



(diethyl-para-phenylenediamine) colorimetric method using a Hach DR/890 colorimeter

and Hach DPD free chlorine reagents (using 10 mL water samples) (APHA-AWWA-WEF

1998). The procedure used for water organic carbon measurement actually determined not

TOC but non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC). NPOC was measured by authors instead

of TOC only because of laboratory restrictions (the analyzer available at the laboratory was

not designed for samples high in inorganic carbon, therefore it becomes necessary to purge

the acidified samples). Moreover, the authors assumed that the fraction of volatile organic

carbon (VOC) was negligible in waters analyzed in this study, as is generally the case for

natural raw waters. This is why NPOC content was considered approximately the same as

TOC content and interpreted as such. TOC was determined by means of a Shimadzu TOC-

5000 total organic carbon analyzer. The method consisted of 200 µL HCl-acidified water

samples aerated with pure ultra zero air (Praxair Specialty Gases and Equipments) in order

to remove inorganic carbon. Finally, UV254 nm was determined using a Jenway 6405—

UV/Vis (ultraviolet and visible) spectrophotometer at 254-nanometer wavelength (using a 1

cm Suprasil® quartz cell).

Samples for THM determinations were collected in 300 mL glass BOD (biochemical

oxygen demand) bottles, which are airtight thus avoiding THM volatilization. Before

collecting samples, a standardized dose (approximately 500 mg/L) of a dechlorinating

agent (sodium thiosulfate or ammonium chloride) was added to each bottle, which was then

placed in a Thelco® Model 18 PS (Precision Scientific) incubator for 12 hours at 110 oC to

evaporate the water. THMs were then measured using a Perkin Elmer (Autosystem XL) gas

chromatograph (GC) equipped with an electron-capture detector and a ZB–624 column (30

m X 0.32 mm ID X 1.8 µm FT). Analytical criteria for this determination were injector,

oven and detector temperatures (175 oC, 80 oC and 375 oC, respectively), carrier gas

(helium: 8.5 mL/min during 7 minutes, followed by a flow ramp of 3.5 mL/min until 15

minutes, then by a flow of ramp of 15 mL/min during 11 minutes), make-up gas

argon/methane P5 Mix at 30 mL/min (Praxair Specialty Gases and Equipments) , analysis

duration (17 minutes) and injection volume (1 µL of the sample). The THMs in the water

sample are concentrated by liquid-liquid extraction with pentane. GC analysis was



conducted based on USEPA method 551.1 described by Rodriguez and Sérodes (2001).

Please note that all microbiological sampling campaign data are shown in Appendix C.

2.3. Results and discussion Table 2.1 presents general characteristics of the 10 studied utilities. As shown, only two

utilities obtain their raw water from lakes; the others obtain it from surface wells (in the

form of springs with a single basin or with horizontal drainpipes). All of them use

chlorination as the only treatment, using a 12% sodium hypochlorite solution. Only two

utilities are located in municipalities under very high agricultural pressure.

Table 2.1. General characteristics of the ten small utilities

Utilities Population served

Water source Agricultural status of municipality under


Coliform episodes in 1997-1999

Utility microbiological status

I. 1200 Lake No 2 Problematic

II. 1933 Lake No 1 Nonproblematic

III. 1166 Surface well No 0 Nonproblematic

IV. 500 Surface well No 6 Problematic

V. 2000 Surface well No 0 Nonproblematic

VI. 1075 Surface well No 8 Problematic

VII. 730 Surface well No 0 Nonproblematic

VIII. 4210 Surface well No 2 Problematic

IX. 1600 Surface well Yes 6 Problematic

X. 400 Surface well Yes 5 Problematic

* This factor is measured by the annual balance of phosphorus in terms of kilograms of phosphorous (P2O5) per hectare. It considers the total manure production within the municipality, the nutrient requirements of crops and the cultivated area. When the annual balance is more than 20 kg P2O5/ha/year or when the municipality is located in watersheds with already significant phosphorus excess in the soils, the Quebec provincial government considers the municipality as being in manure surplus. Even if such an annual balance is not calculated based on watershed limits but rather on municipal limits, it can be used as an indicator of the susceptibility of surface waters to be contaminated by surface or subsurface runoff.



2.3.1. Characteristics of raw water Raw water characteristics of nonproblematic utilities were compared to those of

problematic utilities in order to depict potential differences between them at the source

water stage. To carry out this comparison, a number of key raw water parameters were

chosen: turbidity, TOC, UV254 nm, total coliform, HPC and atypical bacteria. Abnormally

high counts of coliforms in source water would indicate poor quality requiring steady

disinfectant (i.e., chlorine) residuals to prevent breakthrough or regrowth of these

organisms in the distribution system. The absence of a treatment (e.g., coagulation,

flocculation, settling, filtration) to remove colour (due to natural organic matter – NOM –)

and suspended matter means that TOC, UV254 nm (used as indicators of organic matter in

drinking water) (Krasner 1999), and turbidity will enter the distribution system in levels

comparable to those encountered in the source water. This situation may reduce

disinfection efficiency (McCoy and Olson 1986), increase chlorine demand and favour

bacterial breakthrough, regrowth or recovery (LeChevallier et al. 1996). It is important to

mention that assimilable organic carbon – AOC – and biodegradable organic carbon –

BDOC – are better indicators of the availability of microbial nutrients in drinking water

(van der Kooij et al. 1999), but these indicators were not defined in this study.

Water temperature, an important parameter for microbial growth, remained relatively low

and showed little variation. This is understandable, since most of the utilities obtain their

water from surface wells, with the water remaining relatively cool, even during summer

months, because of natural protection from the rays of the sun. Overall, the average raw

water temperature recorded was 8.9 oC (with the 10th percentile = 6.5 oC and the 90th = 15.3 oC).

In general terms, the raw water appeared to be of good quality in both groups of utilities.

Indeed, only two of them draw their raw water from strictly surface water sources, —i.e.,

lakes—; the others supplied from surface wells. Consequently, during the study period, the

average raw water turbidity, UV254 nm and TOC levels were low. Average values for

those parameters were 0.5 ntu, 0.046 cm-1 and 1.7 mg/L, respectively (for the two lakes, the

average values were 1.16 ntu, 0.115 cm-1 and 3.68 mg/L, respectively). Moreover, previous



studies showed that these values could be much higher in surface raw waters in southern

Quebec (Milot et al. 2000; Vinette 2001). Raw water total coliform counts also appeared

very low in comparison with other southern raw waters in Quebec (Payment et al. 2000).

Figure 2.2-a to Figure 2.2-f feature some differences with regard to source water

physicochemical quality between the two groups of utilities. These figures illustrate group

differences as well as monthly differences. In both groups, the highest mean values for

these three parameters (corresponding to lesser water quality) were observed in June and, in

nonproblematic utilities, to a lesser degree in October. For turbidity, measured value

variations appeared higher in nonproblematic utilities, but mean values are relatively

comparable for all months between the two groups of utilities, with the exception of June.

For UV254 nm, mean values were generally higher in nonproblematic utilities, but

maximum values were much higher in problematic utilities. UV254 nm appeared subject to

important value fluctuations in the problematic utilities: minima were very low, maxima

relatively high. As for TOC, June and October exhibited relatively important differences in

terms of mean values when the two groups of utilities were compared.

Differences with respect to raw water microbiological quality are shown in Figure 2.3-a

toFigure 2.3-f. At first glance, monthly differences appear much greater between the two

groups for microbiological raw water quality than they are for physicochemical quality.

Hence, for total coliforms, June and October showed the highest counts in nonproblematic

utilities, whereas July was the month with the highest count in problematic utilities. For all

other months, even maximum values rarely reached 30 cfu/100 mL. It is important to note

however, that for all months other than June and October, problematic utilities recorded

higher counts in terms both of mean values and maxima. This may be an indication that

problematic utilities are at more frequent risk of coliform contamination. Another important

indication is that the highest counts for total coliforms correspond to the highest measured

values of turbidity, UV254 nm, and TOC in both nonproblematic (June and October) and

problematic utilities (June, July, August); however, this appears particularly clear in

nonproblematic utilities. As far as HPC bacteria are concerned, May and June are the two








May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



, ntu






May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


4 nm

, cm







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


4 nm

, cm







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


, mg/







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


, mg/







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



, ntu

a. b.

(NP) (P) c. d. (NP) (P) e. f.

(NP) (P)

Figure 2.2. Comparison of raw water quality between nonproblematic (NP) and problematic (P) utilities: a and b, turbidity; c and d, TOC; e and f, UV254 nm . Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum








May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


l col


s, c









May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months


l col


s, c








May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months




, cfu






May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months




, cfu







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



l bac


, cfu








May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



l bac


, cfu



a. b.

(NP) (P) c. d.

(NP) (P) e. f.

(NP) (P)

Figure 2.3. Comparison of raw water quality between nonproblematic (NP) and problematic (P) utilities: a and b, total coliforms; c and d, HPC bacteria; e and f, atypical bacteria. Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum. Atypical bacteria quantification limit was 400 cfu/100 mL.



months that showed significant differences between the two groups. This parameter appears

less influenced than the three above-mentioned physicochemical ones, but the fact that it

exhibits its highest values in July and August may indicate a greater dependence on

temperature. Atypical bacteria counts show their highest mean values in June and October

in nonproblematic utilities. It is interesting to note that the same trend is observed for total

coliform counts in these utilities. In problematic utilities, May, July, and August recorded

the highest mean values of atypical bacteria counts. These counts show a monthly trend that

is different from the one exhibited by coliform counts in problematic utilities; rather, it

indicates a much greater similarity with HPC bacteria counts in the same group (as shown

by comparing monthly trends for May, July, and August). This fact is surprising, since the

same type of bacteria seemed to behave differently depending on the group of utilities. In

fact, for problematic utilities, atypical bacteria appear to behave in a way similar to HPC

bacteria, having their numbers boosted by warm water temperatures (that favour bacterial

growth and multiplication), especially in July and August. In nonproblematic utilities, the

similarity in monthly trends with total coliform counts, as well as turbidity, UV254 nm, and

TOC, may suggest a possible impact of these three physicochemical parameters on total

coliform and atypical bacteria counts. It is important to note that in Figure 2.3-e and Figure

2.3-f maximum atypical bacteria counts are assumed equal to 400 cfu/100 mL because the

colony counting method utilized did not allow counting of plates over 400 cfu/100 mL.

Such value has been considered as maximum although some monthly atypical bacteria

counts may in reality be higher.

As a conclusion to these monthly water quality profiles, it must be noted that the

differences in raw water quality between the two groups of utilities were not great. In order

to determine if the observed differences are statistically significant, a test of means

(independent samples t test) was performed. It indicates, as shown in Table 2.2, that the

observed mean differences between nonproblematic and problematic utilities were not

significant (the difference being statistically significant when P<0.10). The results of this

statistical analysis suggest that other factors (related for instance to disinfection practices,

distribution system management or properties, etc.) could have a greater impact than the

raw water on the microbiological water quality in the distribution system.



Table 2.2. Comparison of mean differences between nonproblematic and problematic utilities for raw water during the period under study

Parameters Utilities Number of samples

Mean P*

nonproblematic 20 .57 Turbidity, ntu problematic 30 .45


nonproblematic 20 .055 UV254 nm, cm-1 problematic 30 .038 .152

nonproblematic 20 1.90 TOC, mg/L problematic 30 1.42 .223

nonproblematic 20 18 Total coliforms, cfu/100 mL problematic 30 15 .684

nonproblematic 20 704 HPC bacteria, cfu/mL problematic 30 885 .601

nonproblematic 20 172 Atypical bacteria, cfu/100 mL problematic 30 117 .236

* Means test significance level (Student’s t-test)

2.3.2. Characteristics of treated and distributed water A comparative study of the water quality at the chlorination facility outlet and in the

distribution system was also carried out. Emphasis was placed on the applied chlorine dose,

the HPC and atypical bacteria, as well as on residual chlorine and chlorination by-products

(THMs). Chlorination levels

All the utilities in this study use chlorination as the unique treatment. The chlorination dose

is an important operational parameter that affects micro-organism inactivation, available

residual chlorine and DBP occurrence in distributed water (Connell 1996; Rodriguez et al.








May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



e do

se, m







May June July Aug. Oct.

Sampling campaign months



e do

se, m


1999). Figure 2.4-a and Figure 2.4-b feature this parameter. The mean values were

relatively close, although generally slightly higher in nonproblematic utilities (Figure 2.4-

a). However, monthly standard deviations (as much as 2.90 mg/L in July) and maxima in

the latter are almost twice as high as those of corresponding sampling months for

problematic utilities. Nonetheless, the subsequent means test performed for the dose

confirms that the statistical difference between the mean values is not significant (P =

0.352, mean value for nonproblematic utilities = 2.63 mg/L and the mean value for

problematic utilities = 2.19 mg/L). Because of a lack of adequate data (for example, no

information was available about the hydraulic efficiency factor), the disinfection

effectiveness (i.e., the CT values) could not be estimated. Thus, the emphasis was placed on

the impact of the dose on microbiological water quality, as well as on the free residual

chlorine concentration and THMs.

a. b.

(NP) (NP)

Figure 2.4. Comparison of applied chlorine doses between a nonproblematic (NP) utilities and b problematic (P) utilities. Bar, mean value; upper bar, maximum; lower bar, minimum


58 Microbiological water quality During the five-month sampling campaign, seven total coliform positive samples for total

coliforms were recorded. Three were found in samples from nonproblematic utilities (one

at a chlorination facility outlet, two in the central part of distribution system) and four in

samples from problematic utilities (two at a chlorination facility outlet, two in the central

part of distribution system). It was surprising that three of the total coliform positive

samples came from a chlorination facility outlet. This may have been the result of either

poor chlorination effectiveness (bad mixing or insufficient contact time of chlorine with

water) or extraneous contamination (for example, coming from operators). Likewise, it was

surprising that none of the positive coliform samples came from a distribution system

extremity which is known to be a location where free residual chlorine and water flowrate

are generally low. However, the detected coliform cases could not be classified as

violations of the QDWR in force, since none of them recorded more than 10 cfu/100 mL.

As for HPC bacteria, three violations (i.e., > 500 cfu/mL) of the QDWR were recorded in

distribution systems. All of them were from problematic utilities: one from the central part

of the distribution system and two from the extremity of systems. It is interesting to note

that problematic utilities appeared to exhibit a greater predisposition to HPC bacterial

growth, particularly when considering the potential links that may exist between HPC and

coliform bacteria (LeChevallier 1990). The fact that practically all violations linked to HPC

bacteria came from a distribution system extremity also supports the widespread opinion

that control samples for these organisms must be taken precisely at that location

(Gouvernement du Québec 2001). Only one violation (i.e., > 200 cfu/100 mL) on the

QDWR was recorded for atypical bacteria counts in a distribution system. It came from the

chlorination facility outlet at a problematic utility. The fact that atypical bacteria were

detected in abnormal numbers at the same location where coliforms were detected three

times is interesting, considering the relationship that may exist between atypical and

coliform bacteria (Gouvernement du Québec 1997). However, the chlorination

effectiveness may also be a factor.



Average HPC counts in nonproblematic utilities were compared to those in problematic

utilities (Figure 2.5-a, Figure 2.5-b). It appears that regrowth takes place in both cases, but

the phenomenon is of greater magnitude in problematic utilities. Moreover, the means

difference between the two groups of utilities is statistically significant (P<0.10) for the

chlorination facility outlet (Table 2.3). This indicates a possible deficiency in the

disinfection procedures of problematic utilities (which exhibited a much higher mean count

value). However, this difference is also important for the other sampling points, although

not statistically significant. Since levels for indicators of organic matter were found to be

relatively comparable between the two groups, the observed result seems to be related to: 1)

insufficient mixing of recently- added chlorine with bulk water, or 2) very low residual

chlorine in problematic utilities.

The results obtained for atypical bacteria showed no significant difference between the two

groups of utilities in terms of growth (Figure 2.5-c, Figure 2.5-d). Likewise, statistical

results of means tests proved not to be significant between the groups, despite obvious

monthly fluctuations in average counts. It appears that HPC bacteria grew more actively in

both utility groups than the atypical bacteria did, and monthly growth patterns were very

different from those observed from compared raw water values. Residual chlorine Maintaining an adequate level of residual chlorine is of great importance in terms of

distribution water quality management (Sérodes et al. 1998; Haas 1999). Figure 2.6-a and

Figure 2.6-b indicate a considerable difference between free chlorine levels of

nonproblematic and problematic utilities. Average concentrations of measured residual

chlorine of nonproblematic utilities were higher than 0.2 mg/L during the period under

study at the three sampling points: the chlorination facility outlet water, water from the

central part of the distribution system, and water from the system’s extremity. Conversely,

in problematic utilities, levels of free residual chlorine in both the central part and the

distribution system extremity were on average lower than 0.1 mg/L. This level of residual

chlorine may appear as a minimum in order to prevent microbiological deterioration of








facility center extremity





, cfu







facility center extremity




l bac


, cfu








facility center extremity




l bac


, cfu








facility center extremity





, cfu


a. b.

(NP) (P)

c. d.

(NP) (P)

Figure 2.5. Comparison of HPC bacteria and Atypical bacteria between a and c nonproblematic (NP) utilities; and b and d problematic (P) utilities. Bars represent monthly means (from left: May, June, July, August, October)



Table 2.3. Comparison of mean differences between nonproblematic and problematic utilities for distributed water quality at (a) chlorination facility outlet, (b) central part of distribution system, and (c) system extremity Parameters Utilities Number of

samples Mean P*

nonproblematic 20 13 HPC bacteria (a) problematic 30 28 .055

nonproblematic 20 50 HPC bacteria (b) problematic 30 96 .194

nonproblematic 20 52 HPC bacteria (c) problematic 30 115 .217

nonproblematic 20 3 Atypical bacteria** (a) problematic 30 22 .181

nonproblematic 20 2 Atypical bacteria** (b) Problematic 30 12 .139

nonproblematic 20 2 Atypical bacteria** (c) Problematic 30 13 .177

nonproblematic 20 0.69 Free chlorine (a) problematic 30 0.39 .081

nonproblematic 20 0.33 Free chlorine (b) problematic 30 0.14 .074

nonproblematic 20 0.30 Free chlorine (c) problematic 30 0.12 .085

nonproblematic 20 14.4 Total THMs (a) problematic 30 8.49 .153

nonproblematic 20 21.5 Total THMs (b) problematic 30 12.0 .100

nonproblematic 20 22.3 Total THMs (c) problematic 30 12.2 .083

* Means test significance level (Student’s t-test) ** Calculated with assumed maximum value of 400 cfu/100 mL








facility center extremity





e, m







facility center extremity





e, m







facility center extremity



l TH









facility center extremity


tal T


s, u


a. b.

(NP) (P) c. d.

(NP) (P)

Figure 2.6. Comparison of free chlorine and total THMs between a and c nonproblematic (NP) utilities; and b and d problematic (P) utilities. Bars represent monthly means (from left: May, June, July, August, October)



water quality within the distribution system since, according to Haas (1999), water

distribution systems in the United States usually carry residuals more than 0.1 mg/L. The

difference in average residual chlorine between the two types of utilities was found to be

statistically significant (P<0.10) for each of the three sampling locations (Table 2.3). Such

results give a good indication of the benefits of sufficient levels of residual chlorine.

Considering that indicators of chlorine demand related to raw water (TOC, UV254 nm,

turbidity) were relatively close between the two groups of utilities, observed differences of

residual chlorine levels are most probably associated with chlorination practices at the

facility (applied chlorine doses, contact time, etc.) or to the presence of oxidizable material

attached to the pipe surfaces in the distribution system. However, it is important to mention

that there are many other factors that likely affect chlorine decay, including the type of

TOC, ammonia, iron, etc. Chlorination by-products When added to water, chlorine reacts with NOM, resulting in the formation of DBPs

(Bellar et al. 1974; Rook 1974), which have a carcinogenic potential. Four THMs are the

most commonly known group of DBPs: chloroform, bromoform, chlorodibromomethane

and bromodichloromethane (Levallois 1997). The sum of the values of these four species is

called total THMs. Because one of the authors’ goals is to explore the capacity of the

studied utilities to simultaneously handle the acute disease risk associated with

microorganisms and the chronic health hazard linked to the presence of DBPs in drinking

water (Fowle and Kopfler 1986; Putnam and Graham 1993), total THMs were analyzed

concurrently with microorganisms. THM levels observed during the sampling campaign are

low (the average for nonproblematic utilities was: at the facility outlet, 14.4 µg/L, at the

system extremity, 22.3 µg/L; for problematic utilities: at the facility outlet, 8.49 µg/L, at the

extremity, 12.2 µg/L). This is because 8 out of 10 utilities extract their raw water from

surface wells, such water sources containing relatively little NOM, the principal THM

precursor. By comparison, the two utilities that draw their raw water from lakes had an

average THM level of 33.0 µg/L at the facility outlet, and 49.6 µg/L at distribution system

extremity. Mean differences for total THM appear significant at first glance (Figure 2.6-c



and Figure 2.6-d). In fact, statistical tests show that mean total THM differences between

the two groups are almost significant for water sampled at the chlorination facility outlet,

and significant (P<0.10) for water from the central part of the distribution system and for

water at the system extremity (Table 2.3). In all three cases, average THM levels in

nonproblematic utilities were almost twice the levels found in problematic ones. This result

means that utilities that are nonproblematic from a microbial point of view may experience

some difficulties with DBP occurrence (measured values being, however, notably below

the maximum contaminant levels of the QDWR in force). This result is very probably

related to the higher chlorine doses applied in nonproblematic utilities in comparison to

problematic ones. Such doses ensure higher levels of residual chlorine in the distribution

system in nonproblematic utilities, but also generate higher levels of THMs. In addition,

one may also suspect the reactivity of the NOM to be a supplementary factor explaining

such important differences (mean values of measured UV254 nm being slightly higher in

nonproblematic utilities). These results underscore the difficulty small utilities experience

by not having treatment before chlorination to efficiently handle microbial and chronic

health risks simultaneously.

2.4. Multivariate analyses Previous analyses showed that factors explaining differences between nonproblematic and

problematic utilities are the applied chlorine dose, free residual chlorine and HPC bacteria

counts in distribution systems, with the last two factors showing significant differences. To

better understand factors that significantly influence the distributed water quality,

multivariate analyses were performed. The purpose of these analyses is to explain the water

quality within each group of utilities after chlorination, i.e., from the chlorination facility

outlet to the distribution system extremity.

Because of the nature of the variables to explain (called dependent variables), a linear

multivariate regression analysis was performed. This analysis provides an estimate of the

linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more explanatory variables

(called independent variables). In fact, the linear regression estimates the coefficients of the



linear equation, involving one or more independent variables that best predict the value of

the dependent variable (Norušis 2000). The statistical software package SPSS® 10.0 (SPSS

for Windows 1999) was used to perform these multivariate analyses (based on a stepwise

method for variable selection).

In these analyses, the variables to be explained were HPC and atypical bacteria counts and

total THM levels. The development of multivariate regression models was carried out for

each of these dependent variables for data from the following locations: the chlorination

facility outlet, the distribution system (average of central part and system extremity values),

and the distribution system extremity. Raw water quality and/or operational parameters

(i.e., variables) were used to explain the chlorination facility outlet water quality. Similarly,

chlorination facility outlet variables were used to explain distribution system and extremity

water quality. The successful models (i.e., those that gave significant results; P<0.10) are

shown in Table 2.4.

Multivariate analyses yielded interesting descriptive models. First, it must be noted that

models related to THMs provided better results (higher R2 giving higher explained variance

ratios) than those related to HPC bacteria. A possible explanation involves the very discrete

nature of microbial dissemination within water distribution lines (presence in bulk water,

attached to pipe wall, presence within corrosion tubercles). No significant multivariate

model was found to explain atypical bacteria presence in the studied utilities, even though

some variables (e.g., temperature, UV254 nm) showed significant correlations on a

bivariate basis. This is possibly linked to the fact that this group of micro-organisms is a

complex mixture of species (as mentioned earlier) for which the determining factors may

be various, so that no one factor materializes as vital for all species.

On the whole, HPC bacteria presence at chlorination facility outlets was relatively well

explained by variables bearing on the natural logarithm of HPC bacteria counts in raw

water, and occasionally, NOM-related variables (UV254 nm, TOC) and pH. It is surprising



Table 2.4. Summary of multivariate analyses Independent variables included in the model

p* Dependent variables n† AdjustedR2‡ P§

Models relating to nonproblematic utilities

HPC_raw_water PH_raw_water TOC_raw_water

0.005 <0.001 <0.001

Ln_HPC_facility 15 0.79 <.001

Log_HPC_facility pH_facility

0.022 0.047 Ln_HPC_distribution system 15 0.42 .012

HPC_facility pH_facility

0.047 0.089 Ln_HPC_extremity 15 0.32 .034

No significant variable n/a‼ Total_THMs_facility 19 n/a n/a

Total_THMs_facility Free_chlorine_facility UV254_facility

<0.001 0.009 0.019

Total_THMs_distribution system 19 0.86 <.001

Total_THMs_facility Free_chlorine_facility UV254_facility

<0.001 0.002 0.030

Total_THMs_extremity 19 0.88 <.001

Models relating to problematic utilities

UV254_raw_water HPC_raw_water

0.002 0.096 Ln_HPC_facility 21 0.41 .002

No significant variable n/a Ln_HPC_distribution system 21 n/a n/a

No significant variable n/a Ln_HPC_extremity 21 n/a n/a

UV254_raw_water TOC_raw_water

0.025 0.097 Total_THMs_facility 29 0.70 <.001

Total_THMs_facility UV254_facility

<0.001 0.005 Total_THMs_distribution system 29 0.85 <.001

UV254_facility Total_THMs_facility

<0.001 0.002 Total_THMs_extremity 29 0.83 <.001

* Significance level for the variable § Significance level for the model † Number of cases ‼ Not applicable ‡ Pearson determination coefficient



to note that raw water temperature did not appear among the significant variables. This may

be explained by the relatively low variability of water temperature during the period under

study. It is interesting to point out that disinfectant-related variables (chlorine dose, free

residual chlorine) appeared in most models relating to nonproblematic utilities, but in none

of those bearing on problematic utilities. The chlorine dose appeared in the initial model,

explaining the logarithm of HPC bacteria counts in raw water for nonproblematic utilities,

but when TOC was introduced, the dose was removed. The model improved with TOC

replacing the chlorine dose, but the latter showed a significant bivariate correlation with the

logarithm of HPC bacteria. So, it is obvious that the dose plays a major role, even if it does

not appear in the final model. It is also understandable that the chlorine dose and the TOC

are antagonistic, since the former kills micro-organisms, whereas the latter contributes to

their nutrition. UV254 nm appeared in all models relating to problematic utilities, which

suggests that this parameter, reflecting NOM reactivity, may be much more critical for this

group of utilities although its mean value appears lower than for nonproblematic utilities.

For average total THMs within a distribution system and at its extremity, the prevailing

explanatory factors in nonproblematic utilities are total THMs, free residual chlorine, and

UV254 nm (all at the facility outlet). In fact, a study by Vinette (2001) with three large

utilities demonstrated that up to 50 percent of total THMs present in distribution system

could already be formed in water leaving the treatment plant or chlorination facility.

However, in problematic utilities, only total THMs and NOM-related variables appeared.

The absence of residual chlorine in these models may be explained by low variability of

this variable in problematic utilities. As for total THMs at the facility outlet, they are well

explained by raw water NOM-related variables.

The implications of these models in terms of distribution system management are the

following: the nonproblematic utilities should place more emphasis on chlorine doses and

residuals by applying appropriate doses and maintaining adequate residuals. In fact, utilities

of this group tend to apply too much chlorine. Although this allows effective control of

distribution system microbial flora, it may generate bad tap water taste (chlorine taste) and

result in a relatively high potential for DBP formation. Conversely, in problematic utilities

better management of chlorination doses and residuals would probably improve



microbiological water quality by achieving better control of micro-organisms within the

distribution mains. Better protection of source water would also allow these utilities

increased control over NOM-related water quality parameters (especially UV254 nm),

which appear critical to them, even though average values for these parameters are below

those of nonproblematic utilities. The issue about controlling NOM is not easy and may

appear really impractical compared to simply installing some sort treatment for example,

but it does make sense to protect water sources, to the extent possible, from any kind of

pollution where conditions for that exist and appear adequate. To end, controlling man-

made wastes and wastes originating from human-directed activities (like those related to

agricultural land use) remains an effective preventive measure that both utility groups

should implement.

2.5. Conclusions The results of this investigation effectively demonstrate that problematic utilities (defined

as having recurrent occurrences of coliforms based on historical regulatory information)

have lower overall microbiological water quality from the plant to the distribution

extremity. Indeed, for all of the studied parameters that characterize treated and distributed

water quality, except for THMs, the situation is better in nonproblematic utilities. During

the time period of this study, all observed violations of the 2001 QDWR occurred in

problematic utilities (three times for HPC bacteria, once for atypical bacteria counts).

The average applied chlorine doses appeared only slightly different between the two groups

of utilities. However, significant differences in free residual chlorine levels were found

between them all along the distribution system. The study results suggest that maintaining

average residual chlorine in problematic utilities comparable to those used in

nonproblematic utilities (i.e., about 0.7-0.8 mg/L at the facility outlet, and 0.3-0.5 mg/L at

distribution system extremity) would likely bring about significant changes in

microbiological water quality. It is noteworthy that significantly higher concentrations of

THMs were observed in nonproblematic utilities.



Because of the characteristics of the raw waters used by the ten investigated utilities,

nonproblematic utilities appear to be able to successfully deal with the challenge of

efficient and simultaneous control of the acute disease risk (represented by pathogenic

micro-organisms) and the chronic health hazard linked to DBPs, even if measured THMs

were higher than those in problematic systems.

Univariate (means tests) analyses indicated that differences in distributed water quality

between problematic and nonproblematic utilities are related to applied chlorine doses and,

to a much greater extent, to HPC bacteria counts and free residual chlorine. As for

multivariate models, they indicated that in terms of distributed water quality management

priorities, nonproblematic utilities should devote more attention to appropriate, balanced

disinfection practices and avoid continually overestimating the microbial risk. This would

allow them to serve their customers with safe and palatable drinking water with a much

lower incidence of chronic health hazards. Problematic utilities need to achieve better

control of UV254 nm and TOC through adequate water source protection, combined with

an important increase of chlorine doses and residuals. If these conditions were fulfilled,

they could attain high, sustainable water quality standards.

The 2001 QDWR require that all surface water utilities conduct at least a filtration prior to

chlorination. Most of the ten utilities chosen for this study are not typical surface water

utilities. Eight of them obtain raw water halfway between surface and groundwater, i.e.,

from surface wells. Thus, these utilities do not fall directly into the category for which

filtration is required. Therefore, they will have to scientifically demonstrate that they

possess the technical and operational capabilities to produce water that consistently meets

the new provincial standards without filtration. Understanding the parameters identified

herein as explaining differences between nonproblematic and problematic utilities, as well

as those identified as explanatory variables in multivariate analyses, may help these

utilities, especially problematic ones, to find ways to comply with the 2001 QDWR

standards. Nevertheless, the situation obviously will require significant readjustments in

disinfection practices, and may necessitate hiring qualified operators. The utilities that will

undoubtedly have to install filtration (e.g., the two utilities that draw their raw water from



lakes), should devote significant attention to CT requirements and post-chlorination THM


From a strict public health standpoint, it must be mentioned that water distributed by

problematic utilities selected in this study does not necessarily present more of a threat than

the water served by nonproblematic utilities. In fact, microbiological parameters considered

in this study (i.e., total coliform, HPC and atypical bacteria) are essentially hygienically

relevant and do not represent a real or direct disease risk, since it is recognized that these

organisms are not normally pathogenic. Thus, more attention must be given to the potential

relationships that may exist between the presence of these bacteria and the potential

presence of real pathogens such as parasites, viruses and others.

In the future, the task of maintaining water quality that corresponds at all times to

increasingly stringent standards will continue to be very challenging for small utilities,

since they are handicapped by technical, managerial and financial deficiencies.

2.6. References APHA-AWWA-WEF. 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 20th Edition.

American Public Health association, 1015, 15th Street NW, Washington D.C. 20005-2605. Bellar, T.A., Lichtenberg, J.J., and Kroner, R.C. 1974. The Occurrence of organohalides in chlorinated

drinking water. J. Am. Water Works Assoc. 66: 703. Carter, J.T., Rice, E.W., Buchberger, S.G., and Lee, Y. 2000. Relationship between levels of heterotrophic

bacteria and water quality parameters in a drinking water distribution system. Water Research 34: 1495–1502.

Connell, G. F. 1996. The chlorination/chloramination handbook. Water Disinfection Series. American Water Works Association, Denver, CO.

Fowle III, J.R., and Kopfler, F.C. 1986. Water disinfection : microbes versus molecules – an introduction of issues. Environmental Health Perspectives 69: 3–6.

Gouvernement du Québec. 1984. Règlement sur l’eau potable. Éditeur officiel du Québec, Québec. 7 p. Gouvernement du Québec. 1997. L’eau potable au Québec. Un second bilan de sa qualité : 1989–1994.

Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Faune, Québec. 36 p. Gouvernement du Québec. 2001. Règlement sur la qualité de l’eau potable. Ministère de l’Environnement,

Québec. 19 p. Haas, C.N. 1999. Benefits of employing a disinfection residual. Journal of Water SRT—Aqua 48: 11–15. Krasner, S.W. 1999. Chemistry of disinfection by-product formation. In: Formation and control of

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CHAPTER 3 Impact of technical and human factors on water

quality in ten small Quebec utilities Overview. The spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality in ten small

Quebec municipal utilities examined in the second chapter of this study has brought a

number of precious indications as for factors, i.e. parameters, potentially responsible for the

difference observed in distributed water quality between nonproblematic and problematic

utilities on a historical basis, while also enabling to document the water quality in studied

utilities from the source to the consumer’s tap. This second stage of the present study was

very important, since it allowed searching for potential causes of observed historical

differences directly in water that currently reaches the local consumers. It allowed as well

identifying factors upon which utility managers may act to improve the quality of

distributed water in each of the two opposed utility groups (i.e., nonproblematic vs.


Despite those all-interesting results, the second chapter obviously left aside certain

potential explaining factors. The latter are factors relating to the whole range of operational

(i.e., disinfection-related), as well as infrastructure and maintenance characteristics, to go

with human and organizational factors specific to each of the studied utilities. So, to make

the study complete, it appeared essential to consider exploring all of the aforementioned

characteristics, as potential factors explaining both current and historical water quality in

the studied utilities. This is what is being done in the next and last chapter of the present


Abstract. Ten small Quebec municipal drinking water utilities have been studied as for

their operational, infrastructure, and maintenance characteristics, along with human and

organizational factors governing the utilities’ life. All of these utilities use surface water or

groundwater under the direct influence of surface water and apply chlorination as the only

treatment before distribution. The ten utilities were subsequently divided into two groups:

four utilities that had never or rarely served water infringing upon the provincial drinking



water microbiological standards (relating to fecal and/or total coliform bacteria), and six

utilities that very often infringed upon said standards. The objective of this study was to

investigate the impact of the utility operational, as well as infrastructure, and maintenance

characteristics on current distributed water quality in small utilities and to explore the

impact of human and organizational factors, which govern the principal utility manager's

action, on historical water quality in the same utilities. The study includes three distinctive

parts: the first one is a portrait of studied utilities’ operational, infrastructure, and

maintenance characteristics; the second part is devoted to development of indicators of

performance for the same utilities, whereas the last part deals with human and

organisational factors. The portrait revealed interesting trends in terms of distinctive

features between nonproblematic and problematic utilities. Utility performance indicators

were systematically better for the nonproblematic group as compared to the problematic

one, with a major input from disinfection-related performance sub-indicators, and those

bearing on infrastructure and its maintenance. As for human and organizational factors,

they allowed highlighting such issues like educational background, supplementary training,

experience, awareness of and preparedness to take up new challenges, and support from

local authorities.

Key words: drinking water, water quality, small utilities, performance indicators, human

factor, Quebec

Résumé. Dix petits systèmes municipaux de distribution d’eau potable au Québec ont été

étudiés en ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques d’opération, de même qu’à celles liées à

l’infrastructure et à sa maintenance, auxquelles ont été joints les facteurs humains et

organisationnels régissant la vie de ces systèmes. Tous ces systèmes utilisent de l’eau de

surface ou de l’eau souterraine sous influence directe de l’eau de surface et pratiquent une

simple chloration. Les dix systèmes furent par la suite répartis en deux groupes : quatre

systèmes qui n’ont jamais ou ont rarement distribué de l’eau dérogeant aux normes

microbiologiques provinciales relatives à l’eau potable (en ce qui a trait aux coliformes

fécaux et/ou totaux) et six systèmes qui ont très souvent dérogé aux dites normes.

L’objectif de cette étude était d’explorer l’impact des caractéristiques opérationnelles, de



même que celles de l’infrastructure, et de la maintenance sur la qualité courante de l’eau

distribuée par ces petits systèmes, et de sonder l’impact de facteurs humains et

organisationnels liés à la personne du gestionnaire principal sur la qualité historique de

l’eau desservie par les mêmes systèmes. L’étude inclut trois parties : la première est un

portait des caractéristiques d’opération, de l’infrastructure et de la maintenance ; la

deuxième est consacrée au développement d’indicateurs de performance pour les petits

systèmes ; quant à la troisième, elle traite des facteurs humains et organisationnels. Le

portrait a révélé des tendances intéressantes en terme de traits distinctifs entre systèmes

non-problématiques et problématiques. Les indicateurs de performance des systèmes étaient

systématiquement meilleurs dans le groupe des non-problématiques comparativement à

celui des problématiques, avec un apport crucial des sous-indicateurs de performance de la

désinfection et de ceux ayant trait à l’infrastructure et à sa maintenance. Pour ce qui est des

facteurs humains et organisationnels, ils ont permis de mettre en exergue des aspects tels

que la formation principale, la formation complémentaire, l’expérience, la conscience des

nouveaux défis et du niveau de préparation requis pour y faire face, et enfin l’appui des

autorités locales.

Mots-clés : eau potable, qualité de l’eau, petits systèmes, indicateurs de performance,

facteur humain, Québec

3.1. Introduction There are about 1,000 small municipal drinking water utilities (i.e., serving 10,000 people

or less) in Quebec (Gouvernement du Québec 1997). Utilities of that size are the most

numerous in the province. In other respects, it is well known that small utilities often lack

adequate technical, managerial, and financial capacity (USEPA 1999).

In Quebec, small municipal utilities that have chlorination as the only treatment applied to

drinking water before its distribution to their customers had been found most frequently

violating provincial drinking water standards regarding microbiological quality

(Gouvernement du Québec 1997). This has been mentioned by the Quebec Ministry of



Environment (QME) based on 1984 Quebec drinking water regulations (QDWR) follow-up

information (Gouvernement du Québec 1984), before the publication of new QDWR in

June 2001. These new QDWR have already affected or will affect infrastructure needs and

human resources in practically all small Quebec drinking water utilities. This opinion is

based on new, very stringent, microbial inactivation and (or) removal requirements, not to

mention personnel training and many other new requirements (Gouvernement du Québec


The role of the distribution system infrastructure in serving drinking water with

irreproachable quality is vital. For instance, storage tanks (Opferman et al. 1995) and

distribution mains physical and chemical properties (LeChevallier et al. 1990) play a big

role in the possibility for utility managers to maintain the quality unchanged from the point

of treatment to the point of consumption. In recent years, numerous publications have

focused on the impact of some distribution system infrastructure components (e.g., pipe

material, storage tanks) on consumer’s tap water quality (Opferman et al. 1995; AWWA

1998). However, very few of those studies considered the impact of the supply system as a

whole (including source characteristics, treatment plant, storage tanks, distribution pipes,

and all other components). Similarly, very few studies considered the impact of the

characteristics of utility management by the principal operator/manager (henceforward:

manager), that is the organizational and human factors. In addition, interest in these aspects

has been much higher in median and large utilities than in small ones.

The objectives of this study are: 1) to investigate the impact of the system infrastructure as

well as the operational and maintenance characteristics on the distributed water quality in

small utilities; and 2) to explore the impact of human and organizational factors tied to the

utility manager.

This case study bears on ten small utilities of the province of Quebec (Canada). To

determine their significance, utility and human factor characteristics are related to current

and historical water quality in the distribution system. Utility characteristics are integrated

through performance indicators, while human and organizational factors are analyzed on a

qualitative basis.



3.2. Methodology

3.2.1. Procedure for selecting the ten utilities Based on a Quebec Ministry of Environment (QME) database on regulatory follow-up,

with data for 1997, 1998, and 1999, two types of small utilities were distinguished. The

first type included utilities that had never registered coliform positive samples or had

registered such samples only on extremely rare occasions. The second type encompassed

utilities that often registered coliform positive samples. Based on these remarks, two

concepts were defined: coliform episode and problematic utility. A coliform episode

indicated one or a set of coliform positive samples occurring in a given distribution system

during the three-year period (1997-1999), separated by at least 15 days from any other

coliform positive sample in the same system. A problematic utility was defined as a utility

that registered one or more coliform episodes in at least two of the three reference years.

Consequently, utilities that registered no coliform episode, or had episodes in only one of

the above-mentioned three years, were designated as nonproblematic utilities. It is

important to note that the concerned QME database comprised data from 927 small Quebec

utilities with results of about 65,000 water sample analyses for the above-mentioned three-

year period. It has been noticed that about 25% of the 927 utilities (that is, 230 utilities)

have been experiencing repetitive coliform episodes. It was precisely that fact that led to

the differentiation into “nonproblematic” and “problematic”.

Among utilities appearing in the QME database, ten have been subsequently chosen for the

present study. The selection of these ten utilities was based on the following criteria: 1)

they used either surface water (lake or stream) or groundwater under direct influence of

runoff (surface wells); 2) chlorination was the only treatment applied; 3) for logistic

reasons, they had to be located relatively close (within a radius of about 150 km) to

Quebec-City; 4) the 10 utilities encompassed a group of problematic utilities and a group of

nonproblematic utilities; and 5) utility managers had to be in agreement with the proposed

study and offer to co-operate by favouring easy access to all infrastructure components and

archived water quality data, and being available for interviews. Under these criteria, four

nonproblematic and six problematic utilities were selected.



First, a study of the spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality was done in the

ten utilities (see previous chapter; see also Coulibaly and Rodrigez, 2003b). Table 3.1 gives

an overview of some specificities of the studied utilities, along with some data showing

water quality variability all along the distribution systems.

3.2.2. Information about the distribution system infrastructure Information about distribution system infrastructure bore on characteristics like

chlorination plant and machinery, storage tanks, and distribution network (pipelines). To

gather that kind of information, a questionnaire was built up in October 2001 and the

manager of each of the ten utilities was asked to answer its content during a semi-directive

interview with inquiries focused on distribution system components, operational practices

(i.e., disinfection-related variables), and maintenance practices (see Appendix D).

Questions about the distribution system components bore on the presence/absence,

dimensions (or capacity) of some components (e.g., emergency chlorinator, storage tank,

etc.), or the relative importance of some kind of material (e.g., percent of cast iron pipes, of

PVC pipes, etc. in the total length of the distribution lines). Questions about operational

practices were on details like the method of chlorine injection or the frequency of chlorine

residual measurements. As for maintenance practices, they bore essentially on distribution

network flushing and pipe break management. Personal observations made by the authors

during an eight-month field work corresponding to sampling campaign in the ten concerned

municipalities in 2001, as well as all information drawn from local archives or from usual

ordinary talk with respective utility personnel will also be considered.


Table 3.1. Overview of water quality variation in the studied utilities

Utility historical water quality status Raw water quality Distributed water quality

Chlorine residuals (mg/L)‡

HPC bacteria (cfu/mL)‡

Atypical bacteria (cfu/100 mL)‡

Turbidity (ntu)†

TOC* (mg/L)†

Total coliform Bacteria

(cfu/100 mL)†

HPC** bacteria


Atypical bacteria

(cfu/100 mL)†

Entrance Centre Extremity Entrance Centre Extremity Entrance Centre Extremity


II. 1.26 3.20 28 1544 329 1.54 0.76 0.64 8 44 54 1 1 1

III. 0.26 1.36 11 638 161 0.46 0.21 0.21 20 88 82 10 3 5

V. 0.54 0.53 30 526 187 0.57 0.38 0.29 17 24 35 2 0 0

VII. 0.22 2.51 3 106 12 0.18 0.06 0.04 6 31 38 1 1 0


I. 1.06 4.16 41 1052 239 0.68 0.02 0.02 10 128 112 15 9 16

IV. 0.50 0.59 17 2212 111 0.61 0.51 0.49 50 56 58 18 13 6

VI. 0.55 0.29 2 886 28 0.44 0.15 0.09 20 32 131 81 0 0

VIII. 0.18 0.84 20 155 91 0.09 0.04 0.07 32 40 43 1 0 0

IX. 0.26 0.85 4 672 84 0.31 0.20 < 0.01 46 86 265 15 16 20

X. 0.14 1.78 5 332 145 0.19 0.02 0.04 9 116 79 2 28 37

† Average of 5 monthly values * Total organic carbon ‡ Average of 5 monthly values at each location ** Heterotrophic plate count bacteria


Table 3.2 shows the main studied characteristics of distribution system operation,

infrastructure, and maintenance.

Table 3.2. Distribution system operational, infrastructure, and maintenance characteristics

System management components Considered characteristics

Chlorination devices Mode of chlorine injection Disinfection effectiveness Usual residual chlorine checkpoints

Operation (disinfection-related)

Frequency of residual chlorine measurement

Utility age Storage tanks Infrastructure Pipe material

Pipe breakage Maintenance System flushing

3.2.3. Information about the human and organizational factors

It is important to recall that all ten studied utilities have chlorination as the only treatment

applied and use surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water.

This fact makes much greater the role and potential impact of an efficient and competent

manager to ensure that these systems constantly serve water of irreproachable quality. So,

human and organizational factors are being considered herein for the ten small municipal

drinking water utilities with regard to the main managerial personnel (see Appendix E).



The information (or data) collection method used was also a semi-directive interview of the

manager of each of the concerned ten small utilities. This allowed asking all questions that

appeared on a questionnaire at hand while enabling him to tackle his specific issues of

interest. The questionnaire comprised two sections and thirteen clusters of questions (see

Appendix D). The first section contained general information on the manager, whereas the

second section was constituted of inquiries about the distribution system management. The

questionnaire, in its entirety, permitted to inquire about the utility manager’s

socioprofessional characteristics and the organizational factors influencing his work. The

manager’s socioprofessional characteristics encompassed major professional indicators of

competency such as his general education and (or) academic standard regarding the

drinking water field, knowledge of regulatory texts or standards, being up-to-date on the

drinking water industry burning questions, and so forth. As for organizational factors, they

include the manager’s whole working universe (environment), with all of the latter’s

influences and interactions like the manager’s networking capabilities (that is, relationships

with peers, experts, consultancy; subscription to water quality/water resources management

journals, membership of associations or other organizations working in the field of drinking

water, etc.). Organizational factors also include the direct or indirect influences of local

administration (i.e., municipal officials) and its policy in the field of drinking water.

The information collected on human and organizational factors was treated using the

analytical techniques (or methods, processes) of the positivist/postpositivist stance. The

positivist/postpositivist stance (see Denzin 1994; Huberman and Miles 1994; Guba and

Lincoln 1989) may enable linking the analyzed socioprofessional features of each manager

and the whole organizational structure surrounding the utility with its historical water

quality, in terms of causes and effect.



3.3. Results and discussion

3.3.1. Characteristics of operation, infrastructure, and maintenance The analysis was done in two steps: first, a comparative portrait of the different studied

variables (i.e., characteristics) was drawn up between nonproblematic and problematic

utilities; then, an integration of these variables is carried out through development of utility

performance indicators. Such explanatory indicators may help revealing the potential

contribution of the examined variables in explaining observed differences in the distributed

water quality. Variables on distribution system operation (i.e., disinfection-related) Chlorination devices The presence or absence of an emergency chlorinating device (or chlorinator) in the

distribution system was the first disinfection-related variable examined (see Appendix F).

It appeared that such a device was mostly absent in both groups of utilities. However, it

was interesting to note that measures existed (or were planned for near future) wherever the

concerned mechanism was absent among nonproblematic utilities, whereas nothing existed,

nor was planned, to compensate for the absence of emergency chlorinator among the

problematic utilities.

As for the type of chlorinator, devices in the two groups were similar. No manually

chlorinating utility was found among the nonproblematic (there was one among the

problematic). Manual chlorination, obviously, is much less efficient than using a well

calibrated chlorinator, since it can in no way ensure an equitable distribution of the applied

chlorine dose according to water flowrate at any time of the day (or night) like the

chlorinator does. And, this may mean total depletion of chlorine residuals, with subsequent

microbial regrowth or recovery within distribution networks and the potential public health

repercussions of such phenomena. So, the chlorination devices variable is of great

importance, since it probably affects the disinfection effectiveness (i.e., CT value). And,



indicators of disinfection efficacy to come will sum up potential impacts of this and other

disinfection-related variables. Mode of chlorine injection

This operational variable gives another perspective of the question. All nonproblematic

utilities injected the disinfectant according to flowrate, whereas only 2 out of the 6

problematic did so (with 3 of them performing constant injection over time, and the last

one—manually). Chlorinating according to flowrate over time is more efficient than the

other two methods, since it is the only one that permits automatic adjustment of the applied

chlorine dose concurrently to water demand ups and downs (AWWA 1996). Constant

injection, that is, administering the same dose all time, no matter what water demand is,

may result sometimes in very high doses (when demand is low), and other times in too

small doses (when water demand goes up). As for manual chlorination, it is assuredly the

worst one: a daily sudden raise in water chlorine content that steadily fades over time until

total disappearance of chlorine residuals in distributed water before the next dose is applied.

Therefore, the mode of chlorine injection is of great importance too, since it very likely

affects the disinfection effectiveness. Disinfection effectiveness The efficacy of drinking water disinfection procedures is estimated using the CT concept.

The CT is a concept that aims at ensuring sufficient contact time (T) and maintenance of

adequate disinfectant residual concentration (C) to attain disinfection objectives set by the

utility designer, guided by water quality standards promulgated by regulatory institutions

(Gouvernement du Québec 2002).

Pathogens contained in source waters must be removed before water is served to

consumers. Microbial cells can be eliminated either by physical removal (i.e., via diverse

filter media) or by chemical inactivation (i.e., using disinfecting agents). According to



Gouvernement du Québec (2002), the resulting “log” of cell reduction can be estimated as


Log of reduction = ∑ physical removals + ∑ chemical inactivations

Since the ten small utilities of this study have no other treatment than disinfection (i.e.,

chlorination), only inactivation can be considered. Furthermore, that situation makes

chlorination the only barrier between potential source water pathogens and the consumer’s

tap. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that that barrier be as effective as it could be. The

disinfection effectiveness is evaluated in terms of “log” of inactivation (Gouvernement du

Québec 2002, USEPA 1999). This value is determined using the following formula:

Log of inactivation = CTavailable / CTrequired

As its name suggests, the CTavailable is the actual CT value measured at the utility by the

designers. As for the CTrequired, it is a value the designer is provided with via tables

compiled by the USEPA (1991 and 1999) that indicates the required CT value to inactivate

1 log of a given microorganism (virus or Giardia or Cryptosporidium) in water with given

characteristics (pH, temperature, etc.) (Gouvernement du Québec 2002).

CTavailable = Cresidual x T10 = Cresidual x Vu/QMAX x T10/T

Where : Cresidual is the disinfectant concentration at the chlorination facility storage tank outlet; QMAX is the peak flowrate at the storage tank outlet; Vu is the useful volume in the storage tank (not the latter’s capacity); and T10/T is the hydraulic efficiency factor Based on these considerations, the following approximate CT values have been calculated

for the utilities at study (see Table 3.3). These CT approximates, calculated using the

relatively limited (primarily for T10/T and secondarily for QMAX) data available with the ten

utility managers, enabled making relative comparisons between nonproblematic and

problematic utilities as for disinfection efficacy.



Cresidual has been estimated by taking the mean of residual chlorine concentrations recorded

at the facility outlet and the distribution system central part, since there was no sampling

point available directly at storage tank outlets. QMAX was obtained directly with utility

managers, which considered it as equalling the overall power of available distribution

system feed pumps. Vu was considered as equalling 80 percent of the storage tank capacity.

And, very conservatively, the T10/T factor (which varies between 0 and 1) was considered

equalling 0.2 when chlorinated water is stored in a tank before its distribution, and

equalling 0.6 when chlorination is done directly into the water main en route for the

consumer’s tap.

Average CT values for nonproblematic utilities are significantly higher than those recorded

for problematic utilities (229 mg⋅min/L vs 106 mg⋅min/L, respectively). This supports

findings made in previous work (see Coulibaly and Rodriguez 2003b), where disinfection-

related water quality parameters were constantly found better in nonproblematic utilities,

and that, all along the distribution network. If disinfection parameters were always better in

nonproblematic utilities as compared to problematic ones, so it may be logical to presume

that water quality as a whole was better in the nonproblematic group, since there was no

other treatment than chlorination. With chlorination alone, the maximum reasonable

disinfection objective for such utilities appears the 4-log virus inactivation (required by the

2001 QDWR for surface water systems), which is achievable with a CT of 15 to 60

mg⋅min/L for most temperatures according to USEPA (1999). As for the 3-log Giardia

cysts and, especially, the 2-log Cryptosporidium oocysts inactivation (two of the many

other requirements brought in by the 2001 QDWR for surface water systems), they will

necessitate supplementary disinfection, most probably ultraviolet (UV) radiation or ozone

(O3). Note that while chlorine can achieve 3-log Giardia cyst inactivation, the CT

requirement for 3-log inactivation of 100 to more than 300 mg⋅min/L will require high

chlorine doses and (or) long contact times (USEPA, 1999). The performance indicators, to

be addressed later on, will make clearer the differences foreseen.



Table 3.3. CT-value (mg⋅min/L) approximations for utilities at study

Utility historical water quality status

Cresidual, mg/L

QMAX, m3/min

Vu, m3 T10/T CT, mg⋅min/L

Nonproblematic II. 1.15 1.36 545 0.6 276 III. 0.34 0.55 726 0.2 90 V. 0.48 1.62 2724 0.6 485 VII. 0.12 0.34 908 0.2 64

Problematic I. 0.35 0.55 1090 0.2 139 IV. 0.56 0.90 291 0.2 36 VI. 0.30 0.55 1090 0.6 357 VIII. 0.07 0.38 458 0.6 51 IX. 0.26 0.76 726 0.2 50 X. 0.10 0.90 218 0.2 5 Usual residual chlorine checkpoints Usual residual chlorine checkpoints give a similar portrait in the two groups. While all

nonproblematic utilities usually check for residuals at the chlorination facility outlet, only 4

out of the 6 problematic ones do likewise. Checking for free chlorine residuals at the

facility outlet is somewhat dictated by present QDWR, since the latter require that utility

managers ensure a minimum of 0.3 mg/L free chlorine concentration at the facility outlet.

Nonetheless, doing that properly is certainly a sign of good management routines. Frequency of residual chlorine measurement

All nonproblematic utility managers declared measuring free residual chlorine

concentration at the chlorination facility outlet every day, whereas only half of problematic

utilities mentioned doing so (with the other half measuring it every two days). Since a more



frequent checking of disinfectant residuals favours timely adjustments of applied doses, this

also points towards better management routines among nonproblematic utilities as

compared to problematic ones. Variables on distribution system infrastructure Utility age The first studied infrastructure characteristic was the utility age (see Appendix F). Aging

water mains, especially those made of iron-based material, can cause water quality

deterioration within the distribution network, particularly through corrosion. In addition to

favouring precipitation of metal ions, which can cause coloured water, pipe corrosion may

favour the formation of tubercles within which a biological film can form or cause breaks

in the main, both aspects being favourable conditions for deterioration of microbiological

water quality (LeChevallier et al. 1990). A brief comparison of nonproblematic utilities to

problematic ones according to their age permitted to find out that the average age is higher

for nonproblematic utilities (42 years versus 37.7 years). However, 3 out of the 4

nonproblematic utilities are less than 30 years, whereas only 3 out of the 6 problematic

utilities in that situation. In fact, withdrawing the “extremely aged” utility in each group

(i.e., nonproblematic utility III and problematic utility I) would have made the

nonproblematic group appear significantly younger than the problematic group: average

age of 26 years vs. 33 years. For a better idea of what that represents, it may be helpful to

mention that survey results for medium and large Quebec utilities (Villeneuve and Hamel

1998; Fougères et al. 1998) showed that 65% of them are 35 years old or less. In

comparison, 3 out of the four nonproblematic utilities studied herein are in such a situation,

whereas only half of problematic ones could claim being in that category. However, these

are only general portrait considerations; categorizations and (or) conceptualizations to come

in the indicators portion will be more appropriate for identifying the potential impact of the

age factor on the groups’ historical water quality indicator.


87 Storage tanks Storage tanks may have different types of impact on distributed water quality according to

their physical and (or) chemical properties (Opferman et al. 1995). According to their

internal wall properties, they may improve chlorine contact with bulk water, thereby

enhancing microbial inactivation. However, when tank capacities are big and water demand

low (i.e., water travel time too long), storage tanks could also be locations were chlorine

residuals undergo rapid decay even before water begins its travel through the distribution

network, en route for the consumer’s tap. Based on these considerations, the storage tank

variable was included in the CT variable at the indicator development stage. In other

respects, possessing sufficient storage capacity may appear as a sign of clearsightedness

from the utility designers, in case an emergency strikes (firefighting, draught, important

main breaks, and so forth). Because sufficient data are available only for making

comparisons between the two groups of utilities according to storage tank numbers,

capacities, average storage durations, and storage tanks localization, comments will be

restricted to general portrait aspects at this stage. Thus, all nonproblematic utilities but one

have two storage tanks each, whereas only 2 out of 6 are in that situation among

problematic utilities (see Appendix F). It has been noticed that the nonproblematic group

average tank capacity (875.6 m3) is significantly bigger than the one for the problematic

utility group (604.9 m3). Likewise, the average storage volume per nonproblematic utility

(1532.2 m3) is much more important than the same average per problematic utility (806.6

m3). The average storage duration is the same in the two groups (that is, about 42 hours). It

may be interesting to note that 2 out of the 4 nonproblematic utilities had a storage time of

48 hours or more in comparison to 4 out of the 6 for problematic utilities. As for

information on storage tanks localization, it shows that, in both groups, only half of them

are located at the chlorination facility. This situation may have different consequences

according to the general configuration of each distribution system. Further, conceptualized,

analysis will be done later for exploring the potential impact of storage tank characteristics

on distributed water quality.


88 Pipe material The type of pipes (i.e., cast iron pipe, PVC pipe, etc.) chosen by utility designers and

managers is of great importance in terms of distributed water microbiological and

physicochemical quality. For example, as mentioned earlier, iron-based pipe material may

cause water quality deterioration within the distribution network through corrosion, with its

corollary being coloured water, tubercles and biofilm formation, and even main breaks

(LeChevallier et al. 1990).

Pipe material composition was as follows: 1.2% grey cast iron, 71.4% ductile cast iron,

26.2% PVC, and 1.2% other material—on average for nonproblematic utilities versus

22.8% grey cast iron, 46.7% ductile cast iron, 29.5% PVC, and 1% other material—on

average for problematic utilities (percentage calculated from data shown in Appendix F).

The most important distinction seems to be tied to the proportion of grey cast iron—22.8%

for problematic utilities (that is, exactly 19 times as much as in the nonproblematic group).

Such a proportion appears huge, since grey cast iron pipes, which are being progressively

abandoned (Villeneuve and Hamel 1998; Fougères et al. 1998), are known to be very

sensitive to corrosion, which can be detrimental to distributed water microbiological and

physicochemical quality. Secondarily, the proportion of ductile cast iron is much bigger in

the nonproblematic group than in the problematic one (nearly the double). Ductile cast iron,

especially when coated, is considered a much more resistant material to corrosion than grey

cast iron. As for PVC pipes, their proportion is approximately the same in the two groups.

PVC pipes are not corrodible; however, they are much less resistant to pressure than cast

iron pipes, and have been found to release their own substances in distributed water. On the

whole, the proportion of PVC pipes appears normal in for both groups, and so is the case

for the proportion of cast iron pipes (72.6% for nonproblematic group versus 69.5% for

problematic one), judging by results of a 1999-2000 survey of small Quebec utilities (see

Rodriguez et al. 2002; Coulibaly and Rodriguez 2003a): on average, 63% of the

distribution pipes were made of cast iron, and 28% made of PVC. Further attempts to

characterize the impact of pipe material on tap water quality will be made later through

development of related indicators.


89 Variables on distribution system maintenance Flushing Periodical flushing may be an efficient way to ensure distribution system overall

healthiness, since it makes possible taking out biofilm and corrosion tubercles, both of

which favour drinking water microbiological quality deterioration within distribution lines

(Antoun et al. 1999; Duranceau et al. 1999).

On average, nonproblematic utilities had 1.75 flushing events per year, whereas the

problematic group average was 2.17. Moreover, 4 out of the 6 problematic utilities had at

least 2 flushing events per year, with two utilities doing more; in comparison, none of the

nonproblematic utilities had more than 2 flushing events in any one year. It is at first sight

surprising to see that the higher average flushing number pertained to the group with the

worse water quality record. However, the most important difference may not be in the

number but in the way flushing is performed, the portions flushed (entire distribution

network or only chosen parts of it), at what season(s) flushing is performed, and which are

the reasons that made utility personnel flush the system.

The utility manager’s opinion on distribution network flushing frequency may be

interesting to know, since it gives an indication of his propensity to maintain the status quo

or make changes for the future. It also allows having a relatively good idea of why and how

flushings have been executed in the past. Generally speaking, all managers are rather of the

opinion that distribution system flushing events are not uncommon at their respective

utilities. A proactive stance seemed however to dominate among nonproblematic utilities,

which, on the whole, considered flushing exclusively as a preventive sanitary measure to

consolidate their distribution system overall healthiness. As far as the problematic group of

utilities was concerned, a clearly reactive stance could be foreseen: flushing seemed to be

considered in that case as a curative measure to get rid of repetitive microbial invasions.

That is probably the main reason why problematic utilities performed more flushing than

nonproblematic ones. However historical water quality indicators rather tended to prove

that flushing alone could not solve the problem. And new indicators bearing on that



variable, among others, will allow for a more realistic estimation of the impact of that

management practice on distributed water quality. Main breakage Main breaks are known to be a possible gate for micro-organism and (or) other contaminant

entrance into distribution systems (McDonald et al. 1997; CMHC 1992). This means that

good management of drinking water main breaks could only be beneficial to the ultimate

consumer’s tap water quality. While main breakage rates appear much higher among

problematic utilities as compared to nonproblematic ones (see Appendix F), it is

surprising to note that in both groups, the highest breakage rate pertained to a relatively

young utility (i.e., 28 for the nonproblematic, and 26 for the problematic). The overall

group breakage rate for the nonproblematic utilities was only about 6/100 km/year, whereas

the problematic group recorded more than twice as much (about 14/100 km/year). In other

respects, it is interesting to note that only half of nonproblematic utilities declared having

experienced main breaks in the previous year, whereas 4 out of the 6 problematic ones

acknowledged having had them. Nevertheless, the main breakage rate in both groups might

be considered as not giving serious cause for concern, since, according to McDonald et al.

(1997), main break rate can be considered abnormally high when it exceeds 40/ 100

km/year (none of the ten utilities had this many). The group main break averages

mentioned above (i.e., about 6/100 km/year for the nonproblematic, and about 14/100

km/year for the problematic) also appear rather acceptable, compared to the average for

drinking water distribution systems of Ontario towns (25/100 km/year) (CMHC 1992), the

average for U.S. towns’ distribution systems (about 13/100 km/year) (AWWA 1994), and

the average for 114 small Quebec utilities (about 29/100 km/year) (Coulibaly and

Rodriguez 2003a).

Main break frequency and distribution main leakage did not appear to cause any big

concern among utility managers. This may be easily understandable, since, as seen

previously, the overall nonproblematic and problematic group breakage rates are relatively

low compared to those of other North American utilities. As for water loss through leaks,

its impact seemed decidedly very little, which could mean that the overall portion of



unaccounted for water was not bigger than 10 to 15%. All of the just said about breaks and

leaks is in total agreement with the relatively young age of both utility groups. Indicators

that will be identified below for main breakage will allow for more conclusive


3.3.2. Indicators of performance for small utilities An abundant literature has been produced about water and environmental quality indices or

indicators over the last three decades (Brown et al. 1970; Ott 1978; Yu and Fogel 1978;

Dunette 1979; Ball et al. 1980; Porcella et al. 1980; Béron et al. 1982; Couillard et

Lefebvre 1986; UNEP 1994; Zandbergen and Hall 1998; Cluis et al. 2001; Lence and

Ruszczynski 2001). Development of performance indicators

Unlike usual water quality indices that are generally intended for characterizing a variable’s

‘‘state of being’’ in relation to a specified use (Laroux et Weber 1994), the performance

indicators that are being developed herein will be oriented towards explaining a situation or

demonstrating a phenomenon. As a matter of fact, these indicators will aim at explaining

why the quality of the distributed water is better in nonproblematic utilities than in

problematic ones (that is, the historical water quality), thereby demonstrating the impact of

a number of crucial variables on the current (i.e., recent) water quality.

As indicated by Béron et al. (1982), for the identification of good indicators, it is better to

stick to a relatively limited number of crucial variables, rather than trying to encompass all

variables that may influence the phenomenon being characterized. Based on these

considerations, a number of variables have been selected from those described in the last

chapter in order to develop the indicators. The selected variables are shown in Table 3.4.

Because of normally close relationships between some of the above-mentioned variables, a

number of them have been considered as having their potential impact already expressed

through connected variables that were retained for indicator development. As an example,

the CT variable encompassed considerations for temperature, pH, free chlorine residual,



and storage tank characteristics. The last named parameters or characteristics contributed

either directly or indirectly to the CT value computation. In such cases, only the most

“comprehensive” variable (e.g., the CT value) is retained. All individual variables have

been conferred a weight, according to the relative importance of each of them based on

pertinent literature indications (e.g., Béron et al. 1982; Couillard and Lefebvre 1986) and

the concrete statistical levels of significance exhibited by the water quality, as well as

operational and maintenance parameters, in the same small utilities in the two previous

chapters (see also Coulibaly and Rodriguez 2003a,b). The parameters that exhibited the

strongest significance in those chapters (e.g., disinfection-related ones) have been given the

biggest weights.

As shown in Table 3.4, four kinds of parameters or variables have been retained for the

development of indicators. First, an environmentally relevant variable was retained, which

bears on the agricultural land use on the territory of the ten municipalities hosting the water

utilities. This variable was taken from the first chapter. Second, five raw water quality

variables were also retained from a recent sampling campaign in the same ten utilities (see

second chapter). Third, three disinfection-related variables were chosen from the same

sampling campaign. Fourth, four variables bearing on infrastructure and maintenance

characteristics were selected (Table 3.4).

A number of major raw water characteristics have been included as variables in the

determination of performance indicators. This is justified by the primary importance of

source water quality for the studied utilities since they apply no other treatment than

chlorination. The absence of sophisticated treatment (e.g., coagulation, flocculation,

settling, filtration) makes the removal of natural organic matter and potential parasite cysts

or oocysts quasi impossible. Thus, the capacity of such utilities to serve good quality water

is much more impacted on by source water quality than it is for larger utilities.



Table 3.4. Variables selected for sub-indicators and indicators and their relative weights (wi)

Variable groups Variables Weight

Agricultural land use Agricultural pressure (P2O5) 0.05

TOC 0.03 Turbidity 0.03 Total coliform bacteria 0.05 HPC bacteria 0.02

Raw water quality

Atypical bacteria 0.02

CT value 0.40 Frequency of residual chlorine checking 0.12 Disinfection-related

(or operational) Appropriateness of residual chlorine checkpoints


Utility age 0.04 Pipe material 0.08 Pipe breakage 0.06

Infrastructure and maintenance

System flushing 0.04

For indicators development, the procedure used was the following. First, four explanatory

“sub-indicators” have been identified. These sub-indicators corresponded to the four

variable groups mentioned in Table 3.4. The four sub-indicators will be used to calculate a

performance indicator for each of the ten utilities at study. Then, overall performance

indicators are determined for both nonproblematic and problematic utilities. Finally, the

two resulting overall indicators are compared to each other, and then put in relation with

the recent distribution water quality (generated in 2001), which is represented by an

indicator based on variables shown in Table 3.5. Weights of this table have been

determined based on the same criteria than for Table 3.4.

For this study, the indicator computation method to be used is the weighted additive one.

This method has been preferred to others (e.g., weighted multiplicative method) because it

allows a linear transformation of performance points into primary indicators. Most



importantly, the weighted additive method, which is based on arithmetic mean, will allow

avoiding giving to much importance to low performance scores. So, as an example, this

method is much less severe than the weighted multiplicative method (based on geometric

mean) (Couillard and Lefebvre 1986). The weighted additive method proceeds as follows:

the parameter (or variable) values are transformed into performance scores (see Appendix

G for detailed explanations of how that procedure was carried out in this study), and the

latter are weighted and added up to give a unique value (Yu and Fogel 1978; Ball et al.

1980; Béron et al. 1982; Couillard and Lefebvre 1986).

Table 3.5. Variables used for tap water quality indicators and their relative weights (wi)

Variables Weight Residual chlorine in tap water 0.5 HPC bacteria in tap water 0.2 Atypical bacteria in tap water 0.3

The general formula utilized for computations is the following:

n Ip = ∑ wiγi = w1γ1 + w2γ2+ … + wnγn (Equation 1) i=1 Where: Ip is the utility performance indicator (weighted additive indicator); wi is the weight for the ith variable; γi is the performance score of the ith variable; n is the number of variables.

As detailed in Appendix G, the performance levels vary from 0 to 100 in terms of

performance points, which generally correspond to given percentile values. Table 3.6

shows the performance scores on all considered variables for utilities at study.

Using the Equation 1, all sub-indicators have been computed (Table 3.7). Adapting

literature examples (e.g., Béron et al. 1982) to the specific nature of the variables and the



objectives of the study, the following performance significance scale has been defined for

sub-indicators and indicators: 0 through 20 ⎯ E; >20 and ≤40 ⎯ D; >40 and ≤60 ⎯ C;

>60 and ≤80 ⎯ B; >80 and ≤100 ⎯ A (Table 3.8 and Table 3.9). This scale has been made

very conservative due to the empirical nature of most of variables (e.g., pipe age, main

breaks). For utility performance sub-indicators determination, the amount of performance

points on each variable was multiplied by this variable’s weight and added to the weighted

performance points of the other variables pertaining to the same sub-indicator. Then, the

resulting weighted sum was divided by the possible maximum weighted amount of points

available on that sub-indicator and multiplied by 100. As for the utility performance

indicator, it was computed by adding up the weighted values of the four sub-indicators by

the corresponding variable group weight. Analysis of the indicator results The agricultural land use sub-indicator demonstrated a relatively good impact on tap water

quality indicator (Table 3.7 and Table 3.8). Of the four very good performances (i.e., score

A) recorded for that sub-indicator, three resulted in acceptable current tap water quality

indicator or better. On the other hand, none of the four utilities that had poor or very poor

performances on that sub-indicator was found with high current tap water quality indicator

(i.e., very good or good performance). Of the nine utilities that recorded the maximum level

of performance on the raw water quality sub-indicator (i.e., 100 points), none had that

much performance as current tap water quality indicator; instead, three of them exhibited

poor or very poor performance in terms of current tap water quality indicators. For the

disinfection-related sub-indicator (by far the most important one, since these utilities

applied no other treatment), only one out of the four utilities that recorded a very good or

good performance did not have at least an “acceptable” performance on current tap water

quality. Of the six utilities that had ‘‘acceptable’’ performance or less on that sub-indicator,

three exhibited poor or very poor performance on current tap water quality. As for the

infrastructure and maintenance sub-indicator, it also showed a positive impact on the



Table 3.6. Relative level of performance (γi ) of each utility on the considered variables

Small municipal utilities Variables I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

Agricultural pressure (P2O5) 100 50 100 100 100 50 25 25 0 0 TOC of raw water 25 50 75 100 100 100 50 100 100 75 Turbidity of raw water 75 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100Total coliform bacteria in raw water 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100HPC bacteria in raw water 50 25 75 0 75 75 100 100 75 100Atypical bacteria in raw water 50 0 50 75 50 100 100 75 75 75 CT value 50 75 50 25 100 100 25 25 25 0 Frequency of residual chlorine checking

50 100 100 50 100 50 100 100 100 100

Appropriateness of residual chlorine checkpoints

50 50 50 100 50 50 50 50 50 50

Utility age 25 75 0 75 75 75 75 50 50 75 Pipe material 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100Pipe breakage 25 75 75 75 100 0 100 100 75 100System flushing 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 50 100 100 Residual chlorine in tap water 25 100 25 75 50 25 0 0 25 0 HPC bacteria in tap water 50 75 50 75 100 50 100 75 0 50 Atypical bacteria in tap water 50 100 100 50 100 0 100 100 50 25

current tap water quality indicator, as only two of the eight utilities that recorded either very

good or good performance on that sub-indicator exhibited poor performance on current tap

water quality. At the same time, all of the two utilities that did not have more than

‘‘acceptable’’ performance on that sub-indicator showed poor performance on current tap

water quality. As for utility performance indicator and current tap water quality indicator,

they will be commented below, using Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2, and Figure 3.3.

Using the earlier mentioned historical water quality indicator (i.e., nonproblematic vs.

problematic), overall performance indicators have been identified for the two groups of

utilities (Table 3.9). The overall performance indicators corresponding to the two stances of

the historical water quality indicator were obtained by taking the non-weighted average of

the four sub-indicator values (see Table 3.7) for each of the two groups of utilities, then

weighting them by the corresponding variable group weight and adding them up. The



current overall tap water quality indicators have been calculated using the same procedure.

And, the same 0 to 100 scale, as for Table 3.8, was used to qualify utility group levels of


Table 3.7. Identified sub-indicators and indicators of performance for individual utilities (real values)

Utility sub-indicators and indicators of performance

Small municipal utilities

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural land use sub-indicator 100 50 100 100 100 50 25 25 0 0 Raw water quality sub-indicator 58 62 85 83 90 97 90 97 93 92 Disinfection-related sub-indicator 50 78 61 38 95 84 43 43 43 26 Infrastructure and maintenance sub-indicator

57 89 75 89 86 59 95 64 84 95

Utility performance indicator 55 76 69 59 92 79 61 55 57 50 Current tap water quality indicator 37 95 52 67 75 22 50 45 27 17

Table 3.8. Identified sub-indicators and indicators of performance for individual utilities (interpreted values)

Utility sub-indicators and indicators of performance

Small municipal utilities

I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X Agricultural land use sub-indicator A C A A A C D D E E Raw water quality sub-indicator C B A A A A A A A A Disinfection-related sub-indicator C B B D A A C C C D Infrastructure and maintenance sub-indicator


Utility performance indicator C B B C A B B C C C Current tap water quality indicator D A C B B D C C D E

A= Very good performance; B= Good performance; C= Acceptable performance; D= Poor performance; E= Very poor performance

There are many interesting comments to make about Table 3.9. First, all overall sub-

indicators but one favour the nonproblematic group of utilities. The only one in favour of

the problematic group is the raw water quality overall sub-indicator. Although the

nonproblematic group also performs well on that sub-indicator, this important remark



Table 3.9. Recapitulation of developed indicators of performance

Nonproblematic* Problematic* Utility group sub-indicators and indicators of performance

Indicator values

Utility group sub-indicators and indicators of performance

Indicator values

Agricultural land use overall sub-indicator

69 B Agricultural land use overall sub-indicator

46 C

Raw water quality overall sub-indicator

82 A Raw water quality overall sub-indicator

87 A

Disinfection-related overall sub-indicator

69 B Disinfection-related overall sub-indicator

47 C

Infrastructure and maintenance overall sub-indicator

86 A Infrastructure and maintenance overall sub-indicator

75 B

Overall performance indicator

75 B Overall performance indicator

59 C

Current overall tap water quality indicator

68 B Current overall tap water quality indicator

36 D

* Historical water quality indicator A = Very good performance; B = Good performance; C = Acceptable performance; D= Poor performance

furnishes a big support to comments made in the last the chapter about the fact that

differences seen in current and historical tap water quality between the two utility groups

probably have their main causes inside the distribution system, not in the source water. In

other respects, it is interesting to notice that the problematic group of utilities performs

relatively well on the infrastructure and maintenance overall sub-indicator, only slightly

less than the nonproblematic group. That indicates that infrastructure and maintenance are

in good condition in the nonproblematic and problematic group alike. However, when it

comes down to the agricultural land use overall sub-indicator and, especially, to the

disinfection-related overall sub-indicator, the situation is unequivocally in favour of the

nonproblematic group of utilities. It appears more and more probable that, for current tap

water quality, the disinfection-related overall sub-indicator is the central explaining factor

of the overall much better situation of the nonproblematic group of utilities as compared to

the problematic group. As for the overall performance indicator and current overall tap

water quality indicator, they are commented beneath, along with utility performance

indicator and current tap water quality indicator.



A graphical representation of utility- and overall performance indicators, as well as current

tap water quality- and current overall tap water quality indicators is given in Figure 3.1.

This figure shows that in every aspect of utility performance and tap water quality

indicators, the situation in the nonproblematic group of utilities is better than the one in the

problematic group. The significant differences observed between real values of the overall

performance indicators for the nonproblematic and problematic group (75 and 59,

respectively) and, particularly, between the current overall tap water indicator values (68

and 36, respectively) come in support of the last assertion. Figure 3.2 confirms the

hypothesis that better performance corresponds to better consumer’s tap water quality.

Indeed, in Figure 3.2, the current (i.e., 2001) microbiological tap water quality varies in

direct proportion to the utility performance indicator. This finds also good support in Figure

3.3, although the Pearson Determination Coefficient (adjusted R2 = 0.27) does not, at first

sight, seem to confirm it. Indeed, it is easily understandable that the R2 be not high, since

the number of observations (i.e., statistical cases; n = 10) is very limited. A careful

examination of Figure 3.3 permits to notice that, on the whole, the current tap water quality

indicator is better with higher utility performance indicator. Sensitivity analysis of the performance indicators The determination of variable weights (e.i., wi) showed in Table 3.4 and Table 3.5 was

based on two approaches. The first one consisted in taking into consideration of all

variables that exhibited a relatively good level of significance (at least at the 10% level,

P<0.1) in previous stages of the study, that is, in Chapters 1 and 2. The more significant the

variable proved to be, the bigger was its weight. The second approach entailed

consideration of all potential explanatory factors that have not yet been considered in the

ten utilities. These factors have been conferred weights based on literature indications (that

guided the author’s judgment). The fact of considering certain variables for indicator



Figure 3.1. Relationships between utility performance indicators and current tap water quality indicators in nonproblematic (NP) utilities with those in problematic (P) utilities

Figure 3.2. Relationship between utility performance indicator and current (2001) microbiological tap water quality



Figure 3.3. Graphical representation of the relationship between the utility performance indicator (upi) and the current tap water quality indicator (twi)

development because they turned out to be statistically significant in previous stages of the

study involved an a priori stance. That is the reason why variables have been fixed

conferred weights before indicators were subjected to a sensibility analysis.

Two approaches of sensitivity analyses are being proposed for the utility performance

indicator: 1) making sub-indicator weights to vary; 2) excluding (i.e., withdrawing) sub-

indicators. Variation of sub-indicator weights Varying utility performance sub-indicator weights (through doubling or halving of their

constitutive individual variable original weights) yielded eight scenarios (see Appendix H,

Table H.1). In fact, that operation represented much more than simply doubling or halving

original variable weights: it often implied simultaneous adjustment of some or all other

variable weights to maintain the sum of all weights equal to 1. When one sub-indicator



weight is doubled, the weight of at least one of the remaining three sub-indicators is

reduced. This weight reduction is mainly executed at the expense of the most weighted sub-

indicator among the other three, which often fell on the disinfection-related sub-indicator.

This process narrowed the gap between sub-indicator weights. Note that doubling the latter

sub-indicator’s weight resulted in cancelling all others’ weight since that sub-indicator

represented more than half of the overall weight. Likewise, when one sub-indicator weight

is halved, the weight of at least one of the remaining three is raised. The rise fell mainly on

the least weighted sub-indicators, which were the agricultural land use sub-indicator and

the raw water quality sub-indicator. This process also tended to diminish the gap between

sub-indicator weights. So, eventually, these weight changes had the effect of giving more

impact to sub-indicators (or variables) that did not have much of it in the original scenario.

The impact of sub-indicator weight variations is visible (see Appendix H, Table H.2).

However, in all of the eight scenarios, the nonproblematic group of utilities showed a

higher overall performance indicator. Moreover, in most cases, the gap between the overall

performance indicator values of the nonproblematic and problematic utility groups

remained very comparable to the one obtained in the original scenario (that is 75 (B) vs 59

(C), respectively; so the original gap is about 15 performance points). In fact, in seven of

the eight concerned scenarios, the gap varies between 10 and 20 performance points, with

the only one remaining being about 8 points in favour of the nonproblematic group.

Overall, the nonproblematic group of utilities had exclusively good performances, whereas

the problematic group reached such level of performance only three times out of eight. Exclusion of sub-indicators One-at-a-time cancellation of utility performance sub-indicators yielded four scenarios (see

Appendix H, Table H.1). Except for one case (when the disinfection-related sub-indicator

was cancelled, resulting in ten individual variables with equal weights), the same approach

of raising the least sub-indicator weights while reducing the biggest ones (as described

above) was applied, and with the same tendency of narrowing the gap between the

remaining sub-indicator weights.



The impact of sub-indicator cancellations is obvious. As an example, conferring an

identical weight (that is 0.1) to all other individual variables except the ones composing the

disinfection-related sub-indicator resulted in a very comparable overall performance

indicator (the closest of all) between the nonproblematic and the problematic groups of

utilities (78 and 75, respectively) (Appendix H, Table H.2). However, in all other three

scenarios, the gap between the two utility groups (in terms of performance points) varies

between 10 and 20 as was the case above. Anew, on an overall basis, the nonproblematic

group of utilities exhibited exclusively good performances in these last four scenarios,

whereas the problematic group scored as much only on two occasions out of four.

3.3.3. Human and organizational factors Because of the particular nature of this information, human and organizational aspects were

treated as a case study (see Appendix E). According to Huberman and Miles (1994), a

case is a phenomenon of some sort occurring in a bounded context—in fact, the unit of

analysis. Two cases are being analyzed in a comparative style. The first case is represented

by a group of four nonproblematic utilities; the second—by a group of six problematic

utilities (see Figure 3.4). But these two cases may not be monolithic blocks; within each

case, there may be certain differences between member utilities. And these differences may

appear interesting enough to necessitate a brief analysis herein. Hence, the analytic

strategies that will be followed are within-case comparisons (between utilities in each

group as for managers’ socioprofessional characteristics and organizational factors) and

across-case comparisons (between the two groups of utilities (i.e., cases) according to the

same variables or distinctive features). To allow for within-case analyses, clusters have

been identified whenever possible. In the first case (i.e., nonproblematic or case-1), only

cluster A could be identified, whereas two clusters (B and C) were identified in the second

case (i.e., problematic or case-2) (see Figure 3.4). The criteria for identifying the clusters

are as follows. For case-1, cluster A is constituted of utilities that recorded no more than

one coliform episode during the considered three-year period. In case-2, cluster B is formed

of utilities that recorded from two to four episodes (in fact, utilities I and VIII recorded

exactly two episodes each), and cluster C—of utilities that recorded five or more episodes



during the studied three-year period.

Case-1 (nonproblematic utilities) Case-2 (problematic utilities) Level of being nonproblematic or problematic

≤ 1 episode A few episodes (2 to 4


Many episodes

(≥ 5 episodes)

≤ 1 episode A few episodes (2 to 4


Many episodes (≥ 5 episodes)



Utility II Utility III Utility V

Utility VII


Utility IV Utility VI Utility IX Utility X



Utility I

Utility VIII

Figure 3.4. Clustering of the studied utilities according to the level of their being nonproblematic or problematic

The first step of qualitative comparative analyses will be done between clusters identified

within case-2. Hopefully, these analyses will allow for identifying certain interesting

distinctive features between case-2 member utilities. Within-case analyses Since only one cluster has been identified in case-1 (i.e., cluster A), no cluster comparison

could be made for that case. As for the two case-2 clusters (i.e., B and C), three important

differences have been noticed between them: the two cluster B managers were the only

ones to have had some educational background dealing with the water issue. They have got

the lesser problematic utilities among the problematic group. The same cluster B managers

were those who most unequivocally welcomed supplementary training to come with 2001



QDWR implementation. Surprisingly, cluster C managers, with the most problematic

utilities of all, appeared to enjoy better support from local municipal authorities than cluster

B managers.

For the first point mentioned as a difference (i.e., educational background), there is no

doubt that utility managers who have got certificates (or diplomas) in civil engineering or

water sanitation were better prepared for the job, and were much more likely to be effective

and get good results (i.e., distributed water quality records) than those who have come to

learn directly on the job (see Appendix E). The level of being problematic for the two

compared clusters supports this. The second difference is rather evocative of the managers’

mental predisposition, with those supposedly best prepared for the job being also the ones

that were most willing to get better. The third point may have something to do with the

accuracy of cluster C managers’ responses, since, usually (as it will be demonstrated by

across-case analyses), the more problematic a small municipal utility is, the weaker is the

support its manager gets from local authorities. Across-case analyses As mentioned earlier, the goal of across-case analyses is to identify and interpret significant

differences between case-1 and case-2 utilities, i.e., between nonproblematic and

problematic utilities. First of all, case-1 utility managers were older: 3 out of the 4 case-1

managers were aged (i.e., more than 50 years old), with mean age equalling 42 years,

whereas 4 out of the 6 case-2 managers were of mature years (i.e., 30 to 50 years old), with

mean age equalling about 38 years. It is important to note that none of the ten municipal

utility managers was very young (i.e., of age less than 30 years). Because, generally

speaking, experience comes with age, it is understandable to presume that case-1 managers

were also more experienced in the field of drinking water. Indeed, 3 out of the 4 case-1

managers were experienced or better, whereas 4 out of the 6 case-2 managers were little

experienced or lesser. This of course is an interesting indication, considering the historical

water quality indicators of the two groups of utilities. So, it appeared that the utilities with



the best historical water quality record were also those with the most experienced

managers. That is logical, but certainly not necessarily compulsory.

A relatively surprising finding was that none of the case-1 managers indicated to participate

in conferences or seminars, whereas one third of case-2 managers mentioned to take part in

such events. But this fact might not be so decisive: first, only 2 out of the 6 case-2

managers claimed to do so and, second, the number of those conferences and/or seminars

and their participants’ academic or training level might also mean a lot. Another somewhat

surprising finding is that only half of case-1 managers clearly claimed to have a good

knowledge of the 2001 QDWR about six months after their publication, whereas 5 out of

the 6 case-2 managers claimed good knowledge of new DWR at the same period. A

possible explanation of this seemingly laxness from apparently good managers might be

simply that “publication” did not mean immediate implementation, since the mentioned

standards had to come into effect only one year after their publication date.

And, again, half of case-1 managers were in favour of new DWR training requirements,

whereas 5 out of the 6 case-2 utilities were favourably disposed towards them. A possible

explanation of that is that case-1 managers did not see the necessity of such requirements

because of their utilities’ good historical water quality record. Moreover, half of case-1

managers considered their level of training already adequate (with regard to new DWR

implementation) versus only one third (2 out of 6) of case-2 managers; this might also be

an explaining factor.

Judging by the answers given by utility managers, case-2 utilities might appear much closer

to being ready for full compliance with new DWR than case-1 ones. However, taking into

account the whole situation of the concerned utilities, case-2 managers are rather suspected

of underestimating the immensity of challenges their respective utilities faced with regard

to new provincial standards. Conversely, case-1 managers’ relative reserve could indicate

their being really aware of the difficulty of tasks that fall on them due to new DWR, as well

as their concern about being able to take up such challenges. This would probably explain

why only 1 out of the 4 case-1 managers had clearly claimed an overall good appreciation

of 2001 QDWR, whereas 4 out of the 6 case-2 managers claimed satisfaction or better.



The higher degree of case-1 managers’ awareness of challenges facing them was confirmed

by the great relevance of issues that they mentioned as positive: half of them mentioned big

issues like strengthened bacteriological control and training needs for managers. None of

case-2 managers mentioned these factors. Instead, case-2 managers rather complained

about a supposedly excessive number of samples required by virtue of new DWR, and the

all-known financial needs. So, overall, case-1 managers’ preoccupations were much closer

to a better consumer’s tap water quality than were case-2 ones’.

The municipal authorities’ support was certainly not the least factor. All case-1 managers

stated receiving satisfactory or better support from local officials. As for case-2 utilities,

only half could claim satisfactory support. This could be a tremendous difference,

especially considering that these utilities had no other funding possibility than the one

coming through local authorities, whether that be municipal, provincial or federal money.

Finally, it is regretful to notice that across-case analyses could not be applied to the fact of

the utility manager's having educational background dealing with the water issue. In fact,

none of case-1 managers had such a background; as a result, no comparison could be made

between the two cases as for that distinctive feature. It could be reasonably presumed

however that if the concerned information were available in case-1, the comparison would

have confirmed observations made in within-case analyses (i.e., between case-2 utilities)

concerning that feature.

To conclude, across-case analyses led to the following clear distinctive features: 1) case-1

managers were older, but much more experienced; 2) case-1 managers appeared to be more

aware of challenges brought in by new 2001 QDWR and, hence, better prepared to face

them; and, 3) case-1 utilities appeared to receive significantly more support from their local

authorities than case-2 ones when it came down to the drinking water utility needs.



3.4. Conclusions Distribution system operational, infrastructure, and maintenance variables analyzed herein

showed some interesting trends in terms of distinctive features between the nonproblematic

and problematic groups of utilities in relation to their distributed water quality. The trends

noticed in the general portrait features have been almost systematically confirmed by

relating indicators.

Almost all indicators point towards better performances in nonproblematic utilities, which

are also those having the best current water quality in the distribution system. While, on the

whole all indicators are better in the nonproblematic group, a specific focus comes on

disinfection-related performance sub-indicators, and those for infrastructure and its

maintenance. It appears that these factors are really those that have the biggest impact on

distributed water quality in small utilities at study.

The sensitivity analyses applied to the utility performance indicator showed that the

methodology employed stands the test of individual variable and sub-indicator (or variable

group) weight changes. As a matter of fact, in the twelve scenarios tested, the

nonproblematic group of utilities exhibited exclusively good performances, whereas the

problematic group matched that only on some occasions (in 5 out of 12 scenarios), with

overall performance numeric values systematically lower than those of the nonproblematic

group of utilities.

The developed small utility performance indicators suggest that it is very difficult to make

good tap water from bad source water; however, it is very feasible to improve water quality

between the source and the consumer’s tap when adequate operational, infrastructure, and

maintenance, as well as human and organizational resources are brought together.

Qualitative studies in the field of drinking water are rare. This study gives indications that

human and organizational factors probably play a much more important role in the quality

of the consumer’s tap water than most stakeholders notice. It is obvious that even the most

sophisticated and complete equipment will not bring satisfaction in terms of distributed



water quality over a long span if not handled by a sufficiently qualified staff, supported by

an adequate organizational structure.

The comparative analyses accomplished in this study as for their managers’

socioprofessional characteristics and their organizational factors allowed identifying a

number of distinctive features, some of which appeared really worth attention. Within-case

analyses permitted to point out distinctive features between clusters of utilities pertaining to

case-2 (nonproblematic group). Three interesting distinctive features emerged within case-2

when clusters B and C managers were compared: 1) educational background dealing with

the water issue; 2) supplementary training issues relating to new QDWR; and 3) support

from local authorities. As for across-case analyses, they allowed highlighting such

important distinctive features as experience, awareness of and preparedness to face new

challenges brought in by 2001 QDWR, and all-around support from local authorities, all of

which heavily favoured case-1 utilities.

The findings of this study may be helpful for small utility managers, by allowing more

perceptiveness in their daily operational practices and favouring a better understanding and

awareness of their role and place in protecting public health through drinking water supply.

The findings may also be helpful for municipal officials and government bodies in terms of

personnel recruitment and (or) training policy making, and also in terms of better

understanding and assessing of the small utilities’ specific infrastructure needs and

subsequent allocation of appropriate resources.

To end, it has been identified a number of bias sources that could have affected this study’s

findings as well as their interpretations. Among the potential biases, the most important are

probably tied to little size of study sample (only ten utilities), and to manager interviews:

what they say is not necessarily what they really know, which is a common problem in

qualitative studies involving attitudes, behaviour and opinions. Nonetheless, it is reasonable

to think that the argumentations developed in this paper could be useful for those interested

in a better understanding of small utilities’ specificities and ways to make them serve, on a

constant basis, drinking water of irreproachable quality and in sufficient quantity.



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General conclusions and recommendations This research has documented many important characteristics of small Quebec drinking

water utilities. As it shows through all of chapters of the present thesis, small utilities are

not a monolithic world; instead, they may differ significantly according to number of

specificities dealing with their diverse structural components.

The first chapter allowed distinguishing three groups of utilities as for historically

distributed water quality: first, utilities which never experienced problems with

microbiological water quality during the period of reference; second, utilities that

occasionally encountered difficulties complying with drinking water regulations relating to

total coliforms; and, third, utilities which very often infringed upon quality standards. The

first two groups can be considered as distributing relatively safe water to their customers;

they have been called nonproblematic utilities. The last group obviously consists of utilities

that have major problems; thus, called problematic utilities.

From the portrait of small Quebec municipal utilities, emerged that most of problematic

utilities are indeed among those that directly chlorinate surface waters without any other

treatment. The new, 2001 QDWR made even bigger the challenges such utilities face; the

reason being that, unable to comply with coliform standards, these utilities will now have to

cope with parasites, viruses, and monitoring of trihalomethanes, to name a few. It is hard to

believe that small problematic utilities will overcome such obstacles, without managing, at

least in a filtration facility, to reduce NOM content in their distributed water.

It is to be strongly underlined, however, that, in terms of strict public health concern, the

problematic utilities are not necessarily serving water bearing more of a health threat than

the water served by the nonproblematic ones. In fact, the distinction into nonproblematic

and problematic has been made exclusively based on total coliform data, which may tell

more about the overall healthiness of the distribution system than about real health hazards.

As a matter of fact, none of databases used for this study included data on parasites like

Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum, or on viruses or other waterborne pathogens

because of an almost total lack of data about them.



Studying the spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality in the ten small

utilities allowed demonstrating in reality that problematic utilities have lower overall

microbiological water quality from the plant to the distribution extremity. However, raw

water quality appeared slightly favouring problematic utilities. So, all of these facts suggest

that the causes of observed differences between nonproblematic and problematic utilities

should be primarily searched for within the distribution system.

The most significant differences between the nonproblematic and the problematic group of

utilities were found in residual chlorine concentrations, starting at the chlorination facility

outlet and ending at distribution system extremity. Overall, disinfection-related water

quality parameters (i.e., chlorine doses and residuals) invariably favoured nonproblematic

utilities. Taking into account that all of the ten example small utilities (i.e., those studied in

Chapters 2 and 3) apply no other treatment than chlorination, this fact appears as the most

important in terms of potential explaining factor of differences observed between the two

utility groups as for historical water quality. Given the characteristics of the raw waters

used by the ten investigated utilities, the nonproblematic utilities appear to be able to

successfully deal with the challenge of efficient and simultaneous control of the acute

disease risk (represented by pathogenic micro-organisms) and the chronic health hazard

linked to DBPs, even though their THM levels were higher than those measured in

problematic utilities (with differences being not statistically significant). Nevertheless,

nonproblematic utilities should devote more attention to appropriate, balanced disinfection

practices, avoiding continually overestimating the microbial risk. As for problematic

utilities, the disinfection-related variables appeared being those upon which their managers

should primarily act to achieve relatively quick and substantial changes in terms of

distributed water quality. Problematic utilities need also a better control of natural organic

matter related parameters (i.e., TOC and UV254 nm). Among microbiological water quality

parameters in current distributed water quality, the most significant differences are related

to HPC bacteria counts. This fact points towards a better overall salubriousness within

water distribution lines pertaining to nonproblematic utilities.



Eight of the ten example small utilities obtain raw water halfway between surface and

groundwater, i.e., from surface wells. So, they do not fall directly into the category for

which filtration has been made mandatory by the 2001 QDWR. A recent visit (June 2003)

permitted to notice that all of the eight will most probably remain on the same type of raw

water. Nonetheless, they will have to demonstrate to the QME that they possess the

technical and operational capabilities to produce water that consistently meets the new

provincial standards without filtration. As an example, utility IV managers already

installed a UV-disinfection system to meet Giardia and Cryptosporidium requirements,

which they would have had very little chance to achieve with chlorination alone. It is

possible, even probable, that most of the seven others will follow in that direction. As for

the two unequivocally surface water utilities (i.e., those that drew their raw water from

lakes), they will undoubtedly have to install filtration or change water source for

groundwater. In fact, a recent visit permitted to notice that utility I is preparing to change

source for groundwater, whereas utility II is seriously engaged in a filtration facility

construction project.

The last chapter results underline the imperious need of optimization of operations and

infrastructures. Indeed, reviewing and comparing distribution operations and components

between nonproblematic and problematic utilities allowed noticing serious inaccuracies in

operations or techniques (e.g., manual chlorination) and shortages in a number of normal

distribution component parts (almost general absence of emergency chlorinators). That

being said, the indicators of performance for small utilities, developed using utility

operational, as well as infrastructure and maintenance characteristics, unequivocally point

towards better performances in nonproblematic utilities, which are also those having the

best current water quality in the distribution system, as a group. Special focus should come

on disinfection-related performance sub-indicators, and those for infrastructure and its

maintenance. It appears that these factors are really those that have the biggest impact on

distributed water quality in small utilities at study. Moreover, the developed small utility

performance indicators suggest that it is very difficult to make good tap water from bad

source water; however, it is very feasible to improve water quality between the source and



the consumer’s tap when adequate operational, infrastructure, and maintenance, as well as

human and organizational resources are brought together.

As far as human and organizational factors are concerned, indications are that they

probably play a much more important role in the quality of the consumer’s tap water than

most stakeholders notice. That is not surprising, since even the most sophisticated and

complete equipment will not bring satisfaction in terms of distributed water quality over a

long span if not handled by a sufficiently qualified staff, supported by an adequate

organizational structure. As a matter of fact, some of the analyzed utility manager

distinctive features appeared really worth attention. These related essentially to educational

background as it concerns the drinking water domain, and training issues tied to new

QDWR, experience in the drinking water field, awareness of and preparedness for the

challenges brought in by new QDWR, not to mention the all-important support from local

municipal authorities.

On the whole, the results of this research suggest that small utilities experience a serious

shortage of qualified managers. Even with the limited technical and financial resources they

have, these utilities would have achieved much better water quality standards if they were

managed by people having undergone an adequate preparation for the drinking water

industry. It is the responsibility of all levels of government (federal, provincial, municipal

or local) to ensure that this situation is corrected as soon as possible, since it represents a

big and direct threat to public health. The unfortunate incident that took place in May 2000

in the small community of Walkerton (Ontario, Canada) was mainly due to human error,

and that certainly was not an isolated case.

Small utilities are not attractive for the private sector, since their customer base is often too

narrow to allow for economies of scale. They are not rich enough to purchase new,

expensive technologies and equipments. Even when, under exceptional circumstances (e.g.,

2001 QDWR mandatory upgrading for most of provincial small utilities), they find

themselves with up-to-date drinking water facilities, they are not even well-off enough to

ensure keeping up with the times. Therefore, the public sector must bear the whole

responsibility and burden of small utilities to give them a chance to become and stay



efficient in terms of distributed water quality over the long term. Small utilities should not

be expected to take up such a challenge by their own.

The results of this study underline the necessity to promote integrated water resources

management, from the watershed to the consumer’s tap. This requires joint governmentally

centralized management programs integrating agriculture/animal husbandry, as well as

forestry and environmental sections. The agriculture/animal husbandry section would be in

charge of agricultural land use factors (initiating measures to limit water resources

pollution tied to agricultural production and animal faeces). The forestry section would be

responsible for controlling deforestation and its corollaries, such as erosion strengthening

(erosion being considered an important contributing factor of turbidity of raw surface

waters). As for the environmental section, it would be in charge of limiting water resources

pollution directly tied to human beings and activities (sewage, leisure activities, industrial

productions, and so forth). Only specialized governmental institutions could undertake and

implement that type of joint management programs, but there is no getting away from that

if water resources are to appropriately serve the present population of the Planet, while

being adequately preserved for the future generations. These considerations are valid for

developed and developing countries alike.

Finally, it appears necessary to mention some limitations of this study. For instance, the

different data sources utilized in Chapter 1 led to different data considerations that may

render difficult a comparison of the results obtained herein to those of other studies. In

Chapter 3, the little size of study sample (only ten utilities) and the manager interviews

(who do not necessarily say all that they think or know) are probably potential sources of

bias. Future studies on small Quebec drinking water utilities may be advantaged by taking

much more important study samples (i.e., numbers of utilities) than those mentioned in this

work. As an example, surveying the whole population of small Quebec municipal utilities

(n=927) in Chapter 1, in lieu of the 250 actually surveyed, would certainly have given

much more representativeness to the results of this study. Likewise, taking all 114 Chapter

1 responding utilities for further study in Chapters 2 and 3, would also have significantly

strengthened the conclusions of the research. In Chapter 2, adding viruses and parasites to



studied current distributed water microbiological parameters would have made the study

almost complete in terms of microbial contaminants of public health relevance.

Unfortunately, all of these possibilities could not be exploited in the present study, due to

limitations in time, as well as financial, technical, and logistic means.




Appendix A

Questionnaire of the survey on drinking water quality management practices in small Quebec utilities (survey has been conducted in French)

Groupe de Recherche sur l’Eau Potable de l’Université Laval – GREPUL –


SECTION I : IDENTIFICATION 1. Nom de la municipalité ___________________________________________________ 2. Population totale de la municipalité ____________________ 3. Adresse de la municipalité _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Numéro de téléphone ____________________________ 5. Numéro de télécopie _____________________________ 6. Adresse de courrier électronique (si disponible) de la municipalité __________________ 7. Nom, fonction et numéro de téléphone du répondant _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. Date de remplissage du questionnaire _________________




9. a) Êtes-vous desservis en eau potable par une autre municipalité ?

Oui Non b) Si oui, veuillez nous retourner ce questionnaire sans répondre à aucune autre question 10. Desservez-vous une autre municipalité ? oui Non 11. Combien de personnes dessert votre système d’approvisionnement en eau potable ? ___________ 12. Quelle est votre source d’approvisionnement en eau potable ? (Veuillez indiquer le nom de la source)

Lac ________________________ Rivière _________________________ Puits

Autre (veuillez spécifier) _________________________________________________________ 13. a) Disposez-vous uniquement d’un poste de chloration ? Oui Non b) Si non, quel type de traitement de l'eau appliquez-vous ? (Veuillez en préciser les différentes étapes) ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. a) Avez-vous effectué une modification de votre chaîne de traitement après 1990 ?

Oui Non b) Si oui, quand ? __________________ , et quelles ont été les modifications apportées ? _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SECTION III : CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE L’EAU BRUTE 15. Veuillez indiquer la valeur des paramètres nommés ci-après pour votre eau brute : Hiver 1 (moyenne saisonnière) pH _______ Carbone organique total ___________ Turbidité ___________ Couleur vraie ____________ Température _________ Coliformes totaux ___________ Été 2 (moyenne saisonnière) pH _______ Carbone organique total ___________ Turbidité ___________ Couleur vraie ____________ Température _________ Coliformes totaux ___________

1 Octobre à mars 2 Avril à septembre



SECTION IV : PRATIQUES DE DÉSINFECTION 16. Quel type de désinfectant utilisez-vous ?

Chlore gazeux (Cl2) Hypochlorite de sodium (NaClO) Chloramines Autre (veuillez préciser) ____________________________________________

17. a) Disposez-vous d’un bassin de contact pour le désinfectant ?

Oui Non b) Si oui, quelle en est la capacité ? _____________________ c) Ce bassin est-il muni de chicanes ? (les schémas figurant ci-dessous servent d’exemples)

Oui Non

d) Pourriez-vous fournir une approximation du temps de séjour de l’eau dans le bassin de contact ? ______________________ 18. a) Disposez-vous d’un ou plusieurs réservoirs d’eau traitée à l’usine ?

Oui Non b) Si oui, combien sont-ils ? 1 2 3 c) Quelle est la capacité de chaque réservoir ? 1er ______________ 2ème ______________ 3ème _______________ d) Les réservoirs mentionnés comportent-ils des chicanes ? Oui Non 19. Au cas où vous n’auriez ni réservoir ni bassin de contact, de quelle façon procédez-vous au mélange du chlore avec l’eau ? ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 20. Quelle est la dose moyenne de désinfectant apportée ? Hiver ___________ Été __________

SECTION V : EAU TRAITÉE (AVANT DISTRIBUTION) 21. Quel est le débit moyen de l’eau à l’entrée du réseau ? __________________ 22. Veuillez indiquer la valeur des paramètres cités ci-dessous pour l’eau traitée, après désinfection (à l’entrée du réseau) Hiver

Schéma 1 Schéma 2


SortieSort ie



pH _____ Carbone organique total ______________ Turbidité _____________ Couleur vraie ______________ Coliformes totaux ____________ (nombre d'échantillons positifs) Chlore résiduel libre ______________ Trihalométhanes totaux ________________ Été pH _____ Carbone organique total ______________ Turbidité _____________ Couleur vraie ______________ Coliformes totaux ____________ (nombre d'échantillons positifs) Chlore résiduel libre ______________ Trihalométhanes totaux _________________


Paramètres de qualité de l’eau à l’extrémité du réseau de distribution 23. Veuillez indiquer la valeur des paramètres suivants pour l’eau, à l’extrémité du réseau de distribution Hiver pH _____ Carbone organique total ______________ Turbidité _____________ Couleur vraie _________ Coliformes totaux __________ (nombre d'échantillons positifs) Chlore résiduel libre ______________ Trihalométhanes totaux ________________ Été pH _____ Carbone organique total ______________ Turbidité _____________ Couleur vraie __________ Coliformes totaux _________ (nombre d'échantillons positifs) Chlore résiduel libre ______________ Trihalométhanes totaux ________________

Caractéristiques générales de l’infrastructure du réseau 24. Quelle est la longueur totale approximative des conduites de votre réseau ? __________ 25. Quel est l’âge approximatif de votre réseau ? _______ ans 26. Pourriez-vous nous fournir une indication (en ordre de grandeur approximatif) du pourcentage de conduites revenant à chaque type de matériau ? Fonte ________ % PVC _______ % Autres ________________________________ % 27. Auriez-vous une idée du nombre moyen de bris de conduites par année ? ___________

Pratiques d’entretien du réseau de distribution 28. a) Procédez-vous à des rinçages de votre réseau ? Oui Non b) Si oui, combien de fois par an ? ___________ , et à quelle période de l’année ?

Hiver Printemps Été Automne 29. a) Connaissez-vous des problèmes de corrosion dans votre réseau ?

Oui Non b) Dans l’affirmative, avez-vous instauré des mesures de lutte contre la corrosion des conduites dans le réseau ? Oui Non



c) Si oui, veuillez indiquer lesquelles ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pratiques de gestion de la qualité de l’eau dans le réseau 30. Auriez-vous une idée du temps de séjour de l'eau à l'extrémité du réseau ? ________________ 31. a) Procédez-vous à la rechloration au sein du réseau ? Oui Non b) Si oui, de combien de postes de rechloration disposez-vous ? ________ c) Où se situent-ils ?

À proximité de l’usine En mi-réseau Aux extrémités du réseau 32. Combien d’échantillons prélevez-vous annuellement dans le cadre du suivi de la qualité microbiologique de l’eau dans le réseau ? ____________________________ 33. Combien en prélevez-vous d’avril à septembre ? ___________________ 34. À combien estimeriez-vous le pourcentage d’échantillons pris aux extrémités du réseau ? __________ %

SECTION VII : CONTRAINTES DIVERSES RECENSÉES 35. À votre avis, quelles sont les contraintes de gestion de la qualité de l’eau auxquelles vous faites face présentement ? _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 36. Au cas où vous auriez eu des échantillons positifs de coliformes au cours des dernières années, quelles en ont été selon vous les causes (origines) ? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Appendix B

Table B.1. Atypical bacteria data generated by the studied utilities from 1997 through 1999

Number of positive samples

Percentage of total number of samples

Average colony counts, cfu/100 mL*

1997 1998 1999 1997 1998 1999 1997 1998 1999

Percentiles Percentiles Percentiles

Min C10 C50 C90 Max Mean Min C10 C50 C90 Max Mean Min C10 C50 C90 Max Mean

Nonproblematic utilities

15 11 3** 7.3 5.8 1.6** 1 1 2 200 200 2 1 1 15 200 200 6 3 3 35** 56 56 31**

Problematic utilities

23 63 48

11.9 20.6 11.7 1 1 13 200 200 12 1 1 10 200 200 26 1 1 6 165 200 24

* The determination limit was indicated by the QME accredited laboratories as > 200 cfu/100 mL; so this value has been considered herein as the maximum. ** Data obviously not representative because of too small sample size (n=3).



Table B.2. Distribution water boiling notices issued by the studied utilities from 1996 through 2001

Number of notices

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Six-year period

Single utility

Total Annual average

Single utility

Total Annual average

Single utility

Total Annual average

Single utility

Total Annual average

Single utility

Total Annual average

Single utility

Total Annual average

Six-year total

Six-year average

II. 0 0 1 0 0 1

III. 1 0 0 0 1 1

V. 0 1 0 0 1 0

Nonproblematic utilities

VII. 0

1 0.25


1 0.25


1 0.25


0 0


2 0.5


2 0.50 7 0.29

I. 0 1 1 2 1 0

IV. 0 0 2 1 0 0

VI. 1 1 5 3 0 0

VIII. 0 0 1 0 4 0

IX. 0 2 4 2 2 2

Problematic utilities

X. 0

1 0.16


4 0.66


13 2.17


10 1.67


7 1.17


3 0.50 38 1.05


Appendix C

Data gathered on spatial and temporal variation of drinking water quality in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (data presented in French) NOTES: “Systèmes” stands for drinking water utilities “Statut” denotes utilities’ water quality status (i.e., being problematic or nonproblematic) “Brute” denotes raw water “Chlorée” designates chlorinated water (i.e., sampled at facility, just after chlorination) “Poste” designates chlorination facility “Centre” indicates water sampled in the central part of distribution system “Extremité” indicates water sampled at distribution system extremity



Systèmes Statut Date Mois Brute Chlorée Extremité Brute ChloréeI P 07-mai 5 3 3 3 6,33 6,45I P 08-août 8 17,1 16,7 17,2 6,57 6,61I P 04-juin 6 10,5 10,3 9,8 7,61 7,73I P 11-juil 7 15,6 10,2 15 7,18 7,29I P 30-oct 10 8,2 8,1 12,8 6,94 7,02II NP 03-juil 7 20,1 14,5 11,5 7,89 8,16II NP 30-juil 7 22,2 16,1 13,3 7,28 7,6II NP 07-juin 6 16,3 11,2 8,2 7,79 8,12II NP 29-oct 10 8,9 11,4 12,2 7,01 7,21II NP 15-mai 5 7,2 8,4 6,5 6,24 7,68III NP 08-mai 5 6 6,2 7 8,3 8,2III NP 05-juin 6 6,6 6,8 7,5 8,02 8,23III NP 31-juil 7 8 8,2 15 7,83 7,55III NP 04-juil 7 7,3 7,5 13,6 8,29 8,09III NP 29-oct 10 8,7 8,7 13,3 7,02 7,25IV P 10-juil 7 7,9 9 12,2 7,78 7,9IV P 07-août 8 7,8 9 14,4 7,4 7,58IV P 22-mai 5 8,7 9,1 7 7,85 7,53IV P 13-juin 6 8,4 9,3 9,8 7,78 8,02IV P 31-oct 10 9,1 9,1 10,9 7,74 7,77V NP 06-juin 6 7,5 8,4 9,2 7,29 7,06V NP 31-oct 10 7 10 12 6,71 6,77V NP 09-mai 5 7 7,7 7,1 6,78 6,75V NP 05-juil 7 11,2 10,3 12 6,92 7,61V NP 01-août 8 9,7 9,4 14,2 6,33 6,36VI P 23-mai 5 6,6 6,9 6,5 7,6 7,5VI P 09-juil 7 6,4 5,8 8,6 10,38 10,4VI P 06-août 8 6,5 6 9,4 6,53 6,51VI P 18-juin 6 7 6,6 7,5 7,64 7,53VI P 31-oct 10 6,6 6,7 8,5 7,37 7,35VII NP 24-mai 5 6,7 7,2 9,6 8,07 7,82VII NP 19-juin 6 7 8,9 12,5 8,11 7,93VII NP 18-juil 7 7 9,5 16,1 7,95 7,7VII NP 14-août 8 6,9 9,6 18 7,63 7,85VII NP 31-oct 10 8 9 14 7,82 7,89VIII P 20-juin 6 9,3 8,7 10,5 6,85 7,01VIII P 16-juil 7 7,9 8,8 9,5 6,28 6,3VIII P 15-août 8 8 10,5 15,5 6,36 6,4VIII P 25-mai 5 8 8,5 10,5 6,84 6,89VIII P 29-oct 10 7,7 8 10 6,64 6,72IX P 14-mai 5 6,9 8 6,2 7,72 7,26IX P 13-août 8 8,8 9,8 14,2 7,17 6,9IX P 11-juin 6 7,5 8,4 8,7 7,45 7,5IX P 17-juil 7 8,7 9,6 13,2 7,64 7,23IX P 30-oct 10 13,1 9 12,5 7,13 6,96X P 06-juil 7 8,9 9,3 12,6 7,89 7,79X P 30-oct 10 11,5 12 12 7,46 7,57X P 18-mai 5 6,2 6,6 6 7,76 7,97X P 12-juin 6 7,4 9,1 10,1 7,75 7,93X P 02-août 8 9,3 11,4 14,8 7,29 7,31

Température, oC pH

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities



Systèmes Statut Date Mois Brute Chlorée Extrémité Brute Chlorée ExtrémitéI P 07-mai 5 0,42 0,34 0,36 3,25 3,18 3,18I P 08-août 8 1,51 1,34 1,31 3,94 3,95 3,8I P 04-juin 6 0,81 0,55 0,56 6,67 6,95 6,42I P 11-juil 7 1,7 0,82 0,75 3,5 3,45 3,26I P 30-oct 10 0,87 1,05 1,25 3,44 3,58 3,34II NP 03-juil 7 1,26 1,03 0,83 2,53 2,71 2,68II NP 30-juil 7 1,02 0,88 0,91 2,68 2,82 2,8II NP 07-juin 6 1,1 1,1 0,86 5,14 5,55 5,47II NP 29-oct 10 1,66 1,2 0,84 2,9 3,11 2,66II NP 15-mai 5 1,24 1,22 1,29 2,76 2,9 2,83III NP 08-mai 5 0,19 0,15 0,12 0,95 0,95 0,97III NP 05-juin 6 0,4 0,27 0,2 2,23 2,61 1,67III NP 31-juil 7 0,3 0,2 0,16 1,01 0,96 0,96III NP 04-juil 7 0,24 0,31 0,16 1,5 1,24 1,11III NP 29-oct 10 0,19 0,23 0,19 1,11 1,3 1IV P 10-juil 7 0,24 0,72 0,75 0,43 0,45 0,53IV P 07-août 8 0,62 0,72 0,78 0,41 0,34 0,45IV P 22-mai 5 0,29 0,35 1,2 0,84 0,43 0,4IV P 13-juin 6 1,02 0,37 0,49 0,92 1,02 1,16IV P 31-oct 10 0,33 0,51 0,5 0,37 0,56 0,39V NP 06-juin 6 2,15 2,4 0,15 1,07 1,3 1,06V NP 31-oct 10 0,2 0,32 0,38 0,3 0,41 0,66V NP 09-mai 5 0,11 0,15 0,14 0,42 0,37 0,35V NP 05-juil 7 0,09 0,19 0,14 0,42 0,42 0,46V NP 01-août 8 0,15 0,12 3,93 0,44 0,38 0,91VI P 23-mai 5 0,43 0,35 0,36 0,23 0,21 0,24VI P 09-juil 7 0,28 0,21 0,4 0,33 0,36 0,32VI P 06-août 8 0,57 0,3 0,22 0,26 0,25 0,27VI P 18-juin 6 1,03 0,45 0,17 0,29 0,37 0,22VI P 31-oct 10 0,42 0,27 0,39 0,34 0,43 0,43VII NP 24-mai 5 0,33 0,61 0,57 2,34 1,96 1,9VII NP 19-juin 6 0,22 0,47 0,35 2,61 2,17 2,32VII NP 18-juil 7 0,16 0,43 0,31 1,55 4,62 1,58VII NP 14-août 8 0,21 0,96 0,64 2,28 1,75 2,26VII NP 31-oct 10 0,18 0,75 6,36 3,76 2,41 2,03VIII P 20-juin 6 0,1 0,08 0,08 0,81 0,82 0,91VIII P 16-juil 7 0,1 0,06 0,09 0,57 2,56 0,57VIII P 15-août 8 0,32 0,41 0,14 0,98 0,8 0,85VIII P 25-mai 5 0,15 0,12 0,07 1,11 0,83 0,82VIII P 29-oct 10 0,24 0,11 0,14 0,73 0,74 0,74IX P 14-mai 5 0,21 0,34 0,36 0,55 0,71 1,72IX P 13-août 8 0,08 0,34 0,57 0,37 0,44 0,73IX P 11-juin 6 0,28 0,42 0,32 0,93 1,18 1,1IX P 17-juil 7 0,58 0,32 0,36 2,1 4,57 2,1IX P 30-oct 10 0,14 0,33 0,27 0,3 0,53 0,56X P 06-juil 7 0,1 0,08 0,13 1,46 1,4 1,37X P 30-oct 10 0,32 0,89 0,26 1,74 1,6 1,58X P 18-mai 5 0,06 0,08 0,09 1,36 1,24 1,22X P 12-juin 6 0,08 0,08 0,07 2,67 2,61 2,79X P 02-août 8 0,14 0,21 0,22 1,67 1,49 1,43

Turbidité, utn COT, mg/l

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (Continued-1)



Systèmes Statut Date Mois Brute Chlorée Extrémité Brute Chlorée Centre ExtrémitéI P 07-mai 5 0,11 0,08 0,1 22 0 0 0I P 08-août 8 0,148 0,112 0,111 23 0 0 0I P 04-juin 6 0,15 0,121 0,121 31 0 0 0I P 11-juil 7 0,138 0,108 0,091 116 1 0 0I P 30-oct 10 0,122 0,09 0,098 13 0 0 1II NP 03-juil 7 0,092 0,07 0,066 11 0 0 0II NP 30-juil 7 0,082 0,06 0,059 0 0 0 0II NP 07-juin 6 0,133 0,108 0,099 91 0 0 0II NP 29-oct 10 0,109 0,09 0,081 28 0 0 0II NP 15-mai 5 0,07 0,047 0,047 9 0 0 0III NP 08-mai 5 0,006 0,012 0,008 4 0 0 0III NP 05-juin 6 0,047 0,039 0,035 42 0 0 0III NP 31-juil 7 0,02 0,016 0,018 0 0 0 0III NP 04-juil 7 0,025 0,022 0,023 2 0 0 0III NP 29-oct 10 0,036 0,032 0,037 6 0 0 0IV P 10-juil 7 0,013 0,018 0,019 28 0 0 0IV P 07-août 8 0,022 0,018 0,02 24 4 2 0IV P 22-mai 5 0,007 0,013 0,023 7 0 0 0IV P 13-juin 6 0,039 0,051 0,049 23 0 0 0IV P 31-oct 10 0,009 0,01 0,013 2 0 0 0V NP 06-juin 6 0,05 0,06 0,037 34 0 0 0V NP 31-oct 10 0,005 0,005 0,002 108 0 0 0V NP 09-mai 5 0,008 0,002 0,002 8 0 0 0V NP 05-juil 7 0,007 0,008 0,008 0 0 0 0V NP 01-août 8 0,008 0,007 0,023 0 0 0 0VI P 23-mai 5 0,001 0,001 0,006 2 0 0 0VI P 09-juil 7 0,007 0,007 0,007 0 0 0 0VI P 06-août 8 0 0,001 0,002 0 0 0 0VI P 18-juin 6 0,027 0,025 0,022 5 0 0 0VI P 31-oct 10 0,006 0,008 0,004 0 0 0 0VII NP 24-mai 5 0,07 0,054 0,056 4 0 1 0VII NP 19-juin 6 0,103 0,088 0,096 1 0 0 0VII NP 18-juil 7 0,081 0,06 0,065 0 0 0 0VII NP 14-août 8 0,069 0,05 0,061 2 0 0 0VII NP 31-oct 10 0,085 0,058 0,07 4 0 0 0VIII P 20-juin 6 0,035 0,038 0,037 23 0 0 0VIII P 16-juil 7 0,02 0,021 0,029 26 0 0 0VIII P 15-août 8 0,018 0,018 0,019 35 0 0 0VIII P 25-mai 5 0,016 0,017 0,016 8 0 0 0VIII P 29-oct 10 0,032 0,032 0,032 4 0 0 0IX P 14-mai 5 0,031 0,024 0,019 18 0 0 0IX P 13-août 8 0,006 0,014 0,033 0 4 4 0IX P 11-juin 6 0,037 0,042 0,048 0 0 0 0IX P 17-juil 7 0,006 0,02 0,021 0 0 0 0IX P 30-oct 10 0,007 0,003 0,012 2 0 0 0X P 06-juil 7 0,022 0,019 0,027 0 0 0 0X P 30-oct 10 0,019 0,022 0,081 8 0 0 0X P 18-mai 5 0,009 0,015 0,009 10 0 0 0X P 12-juin 6 0,047 0,046 0,054 0 0 0 0X P 02-août 8 0,023 0,021 0,029 3 0 0 0

UV254 nm Bactéries coliformes totales, ufc/100 ml

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (Continued-2)



Systèmes Statut Date Mois Brute Chlorée Centre Extrémité Brute Chlorée Centre ExtrémitéI P 07-mai 5 2040 20 50 40 400 40 3 0I P 08-août 8 2210 10 40 263 400 25 30 64I P 04-juin 6 457 10 536 216 134 0 0 11I P 11-juil 7 480 3 10 30 66 6 6 0I P 30-oct 10 70 6 3 10 195 2 3 1II NP 03-juil 7 2990 20 60 170 400 0 0 0II NP 30-juil 7 4500 10 150 60 400 1 1 1II NP 07-juin 6 60 0 0 0 349 1 0 0II NP 29-oct 10 60 3 3 10 400 3 4 3II NP 15-mai 5 106 3 6 30 93 0 0 0III NP 08-mai 5 690 20 100 30 203 42 0 0III NP 05-juin 6 170 10 40 60 400 0 0 3III NP 31-juil 7 2160 36 230 280 0 0 0 0III NP 04-juil 7 50 20 30 20 29 5 13 6III NP 29-oct 10 120 13 36 20 172 0 0 14IV P 10-juil 7 4140 126 130 160 400 18 23 24IV P 07-août 8 3800 90 53 33 41 51 29 6IV P 22-mai 5 2880 30 90 90 15 0 7 0IV P 13-juin 6 190 0 0 3 43 16 0 0IV P 31-oct 10 50 0 3 0 54 2 2 0V NP 06-juin 6 1740 30 10 20 400 5 0 0V NP 31-oct 10 130 10 3 6 223 0 0 0V NP 09-mai 5 220 20 60 70 306 0 0 0V NP 05-juil 7 100 13 30 56 3 0 0 0V NP 01-août 8 440 10 13 20 0 1 0 0VI P 23-mai 5 2206 20 100 560 7 0 0 0VI P 09-juil 7 630 10 20 23 4 2 0 0VI P 06-août 8 1340 0 23 20 120 0 0 0VI P 18-juin 6 93 70 3 33 5 400 0 0VI P 31-oct 10 160 0 10 16 0 0 0 0VII NP 24-mai 5 300 7 23 50 0 0 0 0VII NP 19-juin 6 0 0 40 42 6 1 0 0VII NP 18-juil 7 146 23 53 76 1 0 0 0VII NP 14-août 8 80 0 16 20 24 0 0 0VII NP 31-oct 10 0 0 20 0 28 0 2 0VIII P 20-juin 6 70 26 33 60 69 0 0 0VIII P 16-juil 7 113 30 45 43 176 0 0 0VIII P 15-août 8 100 10 20 40 179 1 0 0VIII P 25-mai 5 367 70 100 57 16 0 0 0VIII P 29-oct 10 123 23 0 13 14 0 0 0IX P 14-mai 5 2000 60 260 1080 400 54 69 90IX P 13-août 8 1090 20 50 150 0 18 11 1IX P 11-juin 6 140 80 20 23 0 0 0 0IX P 17-juil 7 90 66 86 53 0 0 0 0IX P 30-oct 10 40 0 13 16 18 0 0 6X P 06-juil 7 520 0 470 240 202 1 127 181X P 30-oct 10 643 0 13 36 400 0 12 3X P 18-mai 5 70 0 30 30 33 0 0 0X P 12-juin 6 290 16 20 23 12 7 1 0X P 02-août 8 135 25 46 66 78 0 0 0

BHAA, ufc/ml Bactéries atypiques, ufc/100 ml

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (Continued-3)



Dose_de_chlore, mg/lSystèmes Statut Date Mois Poste Poste Centre ExtrémitéI P 07-mai 5 2,12 0,59 0,04 0I P 08-août 8 3,06 0,52 0,03 0,05I P 04-juin 6 2,11 1,26 0,01 0I P 11-juil 7 3,47 0,09 0,01 0,03I P 30-oct 10 3,71 0,93 0,01 0,01II NP 03-juil 7 7,04 1,5 1,19 0,55II NP 30-juil 7 5,63 0,69 0,35 0,51II NP 07-juin 6 5,63 2,2 0,78 1,26II NP 29-oct 10 7,04 1,85 0,13 0,46II NP 15-mai 5 5,63 1,47 1,35 0,44III NP 08-mai 5 1,42 0,39 0,07 0,04III NP 05-juin 6 1,32 0,51 0,23 0,07III NP 31-juil 7 1,28 0,14 0,08 0,14III NP 04-juil 7 1,37 0,02 0,01 0,02III NP 29-oct 10 1,98 1,24 0,66 0,8IV P 10-juil 7 3,39 0,02 0 0IV P 07-août 8 2,54 0 0,03 0IV P 22-mai 5 4,24 0,43 0,27 0,16IV P 13-juin 6 3,39 2,2 2,2 2,2IV P 31-oct 10 3,39 0,38 0,07 0,11V NP 06-juin 6 0,49 0,25 0,42 0,38V NP 31-oct 10 0,7 0,4 0,18 0,17V NP 09-mai 5 0,47 0,96 0,59 0,31V NP 05-juil 7 0,62 0,63 0,42 0,35V NP 01-août 8 0,51 0,63 0,29 0,24VI P 23-mai 5 1,3 0,12 0,03 0,04VI P 09-juil 7 1,5 0,34 0,25 0,16VI P 06-août 8 1,2 0,4 0,19 0,07VI P 18-juin 6 1,2 0,17 0,13 0,11VI P 31-oct 10 1,3 1,18 0,17 0,08VII NP 24-mai 5 3,19 0,19 0,11 0,03VII NP 19-juin 6 1,53 0,13 0,04 0,02VII NP 18-juil 7 2,15 0,12 0,04 0,03VII NP 14-août 8 2,79 0,33 0,01 0,01VII NP 31-oct 10 1,79 0,12 0,09 0,12VIII P 20-juin 6 1,55 0,14 0,02 0,03VIII P 16-juil 7 2,88 0,1 0,08 0,12VIII P 15-août 8 3,17 0,1 0,08 0,11VIII P 25-mai 5 1,84 0,08 0,04 0,07VIII P 29-oct 10 2,07 0,05 0 0IX P 14-mai 5 2,02 0,47 0,03 0,01IX P 13-août 8 2,42 0,03 0,05 0IX P 11-juin 6 1,73 0,59 0,52 0,01IX P 17-juil 7 2,45 0,06 0,04 0IX P 30-oct 10 2,33 0,4 0,38 0X P 06-juil 7 1,02 0,03 0 0X P 30-oct 10 1,19 0,5 0,07 0,02X P 18-mai 5 0,62 0,09 0,02 0,18X P 12-juin 6 0,42 0,01 0 0X P 02-août 8 2,13 0,32 0 0

Chlore_résiduel_libre, mg/l

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (Continued-4)



Systèmes Statut Date Mois Poste Centre ExtrémitéI P 07-mai 5 20,9 9,77 23,67I P 08-août 8 22,44 28,14 31,51I P 04-juin 6 44,05 67,89 57,04I P 11-juil 7 16,86 51,67 56,5I P 30-oct 10 45,95 67,94 44,44II NP 03-juil 7 50,33 70,03 74,66II NP 30-juil 7 41,71 56,63 39,6II NP 07-juin 6 20,15 38,83 57,5II NP 29-oct 10 17,28 60,58 50,92II NP 15-mai 5 50,77 37,59 59,86III NP 08-mai 5 15,79 13,31 11,81III NP 05-juin 6 9,21 9,53 14,14III NP 31-juil 7 4,47 5,1 12,05III NP 04-juil 7 2,32 3,34 13,78III NP 29-oct 10 13,59 18,31 17,11IV P 10-juil 7 0 0,72 0IV P 07-août 8 0 0 0IV P 22-mai 5 5,52 5,18 4,19IV P 13-juin 6 7,11 8,42 8,43IV P 31-oct 10 7,8 7,73 8,66V NP 06-juin 6 6,17 5,67 6,77V NP 31-oct 10 6,8 10,21 9,04V NP 09-mai 5 4,63 8,96 7,66V NP 05-juil 7 1,51 1,85 4,41V NP 01-août 8 0 1,28 1,89VI P 23-mai 5 0,9 2,08 3,8VI P 09-juil 7 0 1,82 0VI P 06-août 8 0,15 1,32 2,19VI P 18-juin 6 11,03 6,06 10,2VI P 31-oct 10 7,28 7,23 0,48VII NP 24-mai 5 4,49 12,2 9,98VII NP 19-juin 6 13,28 15,45 12,22VII NP 18-juil 7 8,08 5,61 8,23VII NP 14-août 8 7,1 7,8 6,71VII NP 31-oct 10 10,14 32,35 27,88VIII P 20-juin 6 8,21 9,66 14,95VIII P 16-juil 7 0,23 1,58 6,7VIII P 15-août 8 2,27 0,72 1,65VIII P 25-mai 5 5,2 5 4,82VIII P 29-oct 10 0 8,74 4,65IX P 14-mai 5 3,86 1,52 17,39IX P 13-août 8 1,61 0 1,16IX P 11-juin 6 4,36 8,18 5,18IX P 17-juil 7 2,89 7,91 2,63IX P 30-oct 10 11,07 11,36 15,21X P 06-juil 7 0,59 0,95 0,83X P 30-oct 10 7,86 25 19,12X P 18-mai 5 4,08 5,01 7,23X P 12-juin 6 5,38 3,09 7,77X P 02-août 8 7,26 1 5,67

THM_totaux, ug/l

Table C.1. Water quality data gathered in result of the 2001 sampling campaign in ten small Quebec municipal utilities (Continued-5)


Appendix D

Questionnaire of the survey on utility operation, infrastructure, and maintenance, as well as human and organizational factors in the ten studied small Quebec municipal utilities (survey has been conducted in French)

ENQUÊTE TECHNIQUE ET SOCIOLOGIQUE I. ENQUÊTE TECHNIQUE SECTION 1 : IDENTIFICATION DU RÉPONDANT 1. Nom de la municipalité _____________________________________________________ 2. Nom et fonction du répondant __________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Date de remplissage du questionnaire __________________________________________ SECTION 2 : INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES SUR LES COMPOSANTES DU SYSTÈME DE DISTRIBUTION 4. Âge du réseau de distribution __________________________________________________ 5. En dehors de la chloration, faites-vous un autre traitement ou ajustement (filtration, ajout de chaux, de polyphosphates, autre) ? _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Disposez-vous d’un chlorateur d’urgence ? Avez-vous eu à en faire usage (lors de défaillances avérées du système principal de désinfection) ? ______________________________________



_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Quel type de désinfectant avez-vous utilisé au cours des cinq dernières années ? _________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Procédez-vous à une injection du chlore en continu ? De quel type de chlorateur disposez-vous ? Où est situé le chlorateur ? Disposez-vous d’un bassin ou d’un réservoir de contact? Veuillez en fournir les caractéristiques (dimensions, rainures ou chicanes internes, temps de séjour de l’eau). Où s’effectue habituellement la mesure de la dose administrée et du chlore résiduel libre ? Selon quelle périodicité ? Intégrez-vous le facteur C x T dans vos critères de désinfection ? Que représente-t-il pour vous ? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Avez-vous des réservoirs de stockage dans le système ? À quel endroit? Quelle en est la capacité ? Quel est le temps moyen de séjour de l’eau dans ce(s) réservoir(s) ? ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



10. Quelle est l’importance relative des divers types de conduites et la profondeur de leur enfouissement ? ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. La longueur, la configuration de votre réseau ou l’état de vos conduites rendent-ils nécessaires l’érection de postes de rechloration ? En disposez-vous ? Si oui, à quel niveau ? Comment percevez-vous l’impact de la longueur sur la qualité ? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 12. La corrosion des conduites métalliques est-elle un problème dans votre réseau ? Quelles en sont les manifestations concrètes et quelles sont les mesures éventuelles prises pour sinon l’endiguer du moins l’atténuer ? Comment percevez-vous l’impact de la corrosion sur la qualité? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. Les rinçages du réseau sont-elles une pratique courante au niveau de votre système ? Quelle en est la périodicité ? Quelles en sont les raisons et/ou circonstances ? Comment percevez-vous l’impact des rinçages sur la qualité ? _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



_____________________________________________________________________________ 14. Enregistrez-vous fréquemment des bris de conduite dans votre réseau ? Quelle en serait la fréquence moyenne ? Combien de temps vous faut-il en général pour y trouver solution ? Qu’en est-il des fuites (pourcentage des pertes d’eau qui y seraient liées) ? _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ II. ENQUÊTE SOCIOLOGIQUE SECTION 3 : INFORMATIONS GÉNÉRALES SUR LE GESTIONNAIRE / OPÉRATEUR 15. Depuis combien de temps exercez-vous dans le domaine ?___________________________ Corollaire : jeune (< 30 ans)______ d’âge mûr (30-50 ans) ______ âgé (> 50 ans)_____ 16. Qualification professionnelle (diplôme, formation accélérée, apprentissage sur le tas, autre) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 17. Réseau d’experts auquel il a accès (sources d’informations techniques : revues, publications diverses régulièrement consultées ; contacts socioprofessionnels, etc.) ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 4 : RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LA GESTION DU SYSTÈME DE DISTRIBUTION 18. Êtes-vous seulement chargé de gérer le système de distribution d’eau potable ? Si non, quelles autres activités menez-vous et quelle proportion de votre temps y consacrez-vous ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 19. Avez-vous un adjoint ou suppléant ? Si oui, quelle formation ce dernier a-t-il suivi (école professionnelle, stages pratiques, apprentissage sur le tas, etc.) ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 20. Avez-vous pris connaissance du nouveau règlement ? Que pensez-vous des dispositions y figurant concernant la formation des gestionnaires et/ou opérateurs ? ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 21. Estimez-vous votre formation adéquate pour l’atteinte des objectifs mis en avant dans le cadre du règlement ? Qu’en est-il de votre adjoint ou suppléant éventuel ? __________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 22. Comment percevez-vous votre système de distribution du point de vue fiabilité et performance des équipements, des infrastructures ? Êtes-vous satisfait de son état présent ou pensez-vous que des améliorations y sont nécessaires voire indispensables ? _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 23. Ces améliorations, qui répondraient de toute évidence à des besoins clairement exprimés et correspondant à des contraintes de gestion bien identifiées, porteraient-elles sur les équipements, les infrastructures, les ressources humaines ? _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



24. Les dispositions préconisées par le nouveau règlement permettront-elles à votre avis de lever les contraintes de gestion relevées ci-dessus ? En clair, ce règlement rendra-t-il votre système plus gérable ? En quoi ? _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 25. Vous croyez-vous techniquement, financièrement et humainement prêt à appliquer immédiatement toutes les dispositions du nouveau règlement ? Si non, quel serait à vos yeux le délai raisonnable pour pouvoir vous y conformer entièrement ? ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 26. De façon générale, le nouveau règlement a-t-il répondu à vos attentes, vos aspirations ? Quels en sont à vos yeux les dispositions pertinentes et les points qui mériteraient d’être revus ? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 27. La question de l’approvisionnement de la population en eau potable est-elle une préoccupation majeure des élus municipaux ? Vous sentez-vous soutenu dans vos démarches, requêtes, activités



visant à assurer la desserte d’une eau qui soit toujours de la meilleure qualité ?______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Appendix E

Table E.1. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of nonproblematic utility managers

Variables or distinctive features Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Age Aged Of mature years Aged Aged

Experience Little experienced Experienced Very experienced Experienced

Training background in the field of drinking water

Learning on the job, and a three-day training course

Learning on the job Learning on the job, and a few training sessions

Learning on the job

Percentage of overall work time devoted to drinking water utility management

20 percent 25 percent 30 percent 25 to 30 percent

Level of knowledge of new (2001) QDWR Good knowledge Good knowledge No knowledge Partial knowledge

Other duties

Road works; sewer; building Director of Public Works: roads, sewer, etc.

Sewer; public works Sewer; road works



Table E.1. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of nonproblematic utility managers (continued-1)

Variables or distinctive features Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Opinion of 2001 QDWR training requirements

Training requirements pertinent Supplementary training necessary No specific opinion Training requirements pertinent, but a little too complex

Training adequacy for 2001 QDWR Training not adequate; needed to catch up Training adequate, but needed improvements concerning regulatory follow-up

Training sufficient as things stood (a year from retirement)

Training not adequate; planned to catch up

Satisfaction with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied Satisfied Total satisfaction Satisfied

Utility management aspects in which 2001 QDWR brought improvements

Water supply safety Water quality monitoring (control) Not acquainted enough with new DWR to express an opinion

General knowledge of drinking water issues in rise thanks to new DWR

Utility readiness for full compliance with 2001 QDWR

Not 100 percent ready to apply new DWR; cf. the above-mentioned details

Not totally ready Not acquainted with new DWR Not totally ready; especially financially



Table E.1. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of nonproblematic utility managers (continued-2)

Variables or distinctive features Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Probable period of time needed to achieve full compliance with 2001 QDWR

Needed more than a year to be 100 percent ready to comply with new DWR

Needed a few months to fully comply No idea; not acquainted with new DWR

Needed 1 through 3 years to be able to fully comply

General opinion of 2001 QDWR Generally speaking, had a good appreciation of the new DWR

No specific opinion No knowledge of new DWR Making involved parties aware of their responsibilities and accountable for them

Specifically noticed 2001 QDWR positive and negative points

Not able to make a judgment New DWR positive point(s): strengthening of total coliform bacteria testing in small utilities

No knowledge of 2001 DWR New DWR positive point(s): making training compulsory for all water utility managers



Table E.2. Organizational factor specificities in nonproblematic utilities

Variables or distinctive features Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Networking specificities QME publications; socioprofessional contacts: consulting engineers; peers

Contacts with consulting engineer firms

Socioprofessional contacts Socioprofessional contacts: Quebec Water Technicians Association; peers

Year-long assistant availability Assistant available (responsible for half of work time allotted to utility management)

No assistant No assistant No assistant

Temporary substitute availability No substitute Substitute available Substitute available Substitute available

Way assistant and/or substitute learned job Assistant learned on the job Substitute learned on the job Substitute learned on the job Substitute learned on the job

Assistant’s/substitute’s training adequacy for 2001 QDWR

Assistant will need even more training to meet new requirements

Substitute will need further training Substitute will need further training

Substitute’s training is inadequate; needs to catch up

Infrastructure and equipments reliability

Infrastructure and equipments reliable Infrastructure and equipments reliable Infrastructure and equipments reliable and efficient

Infrastructure and equipments reliable



Table E.2. Organizational factor specificities in nonproblematic utilities (continued)

Variables or distinctive features Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Necessity of improvements to infrastructure and equipments in view of 2001 QDWR

Improvements necessary for infrastructure and equipments alike

Some improvements in infrastructure and equipments may be desirable

Improvements needed but not in infrastructure and equipments

Improvements necessary for infrastructure and equipments alike

Kind of improvements needed or expected Big improvements expected in equipments; some infrastructure changes to come; managing staff: from part time to full time

Improvements: infrastructure and equipments

Improvements: urgently in need of staff

Improvements: equipments, staff

Prioritization of the drinking water issue by local authorities

Drinking water is a major concern for local authorities

Drinking water issues are a priority for local officials, mayor in particular

Drinking water is an important issue for elected representatives

Elected representatives more open-minded about drinking water issues than before

Level of support displayed by local authorities

All possible municipal support offered to utility managers

Vigorous municipal support to water utility managers

Support from local authorities satisfactory (positive attitude)

Rising support from local officials with new DWR



Table E.3. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of problematic utility managers

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Age Of mature years Of mature years Of mature years Of mature years Aged Aged

Experience Very little experienced Little experienced Very experienced Very little experienced Experienced Very little experienced

Training background in the field of drinking water

General basic education in civil engineering, plus learning on the job

Learning on the job Learning on the job, general secondary education, and catch-up course in water quality

Complementary studies diploma in water sanitation

Learning on the job Learning on the job

Percentage of overall work time devoted to drinking water utility management

20 percent of work time devoted to the drinking water utility management

25 percent of work time devoted to utility management

25 percent of work time devoted to utility management

50 percent of work time devoted to utility management

10percent of work time devoted to utility management

33 percent of work time devoted to utility management

Level of knowledge of new (2001) QDWR

Good knowledge of 2001 QDWR

Good knowledge of 2001 QDWR

Good knowledge of 2001 QDWR

Good knowledge of 2001 QDWR

Good knowledge of 2001 QDWR

Partial knowledge of 2001 QDWR



Table E.3. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of problematic utility managers (continued-1)

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Other duties Other duties: town planning; road works; sewer; public works

Director of Public Works: road works, sewage, public works

Road works; snow clearance; public works

Sewer; wastewater treatment plant

Whole municipal administration

Road works; building

Opinion of 2001 QDWR training requirements

Supplementary training needed and welcomed to comply with 2001 QDWR

Training requirements pertinent, but will need time to be feasible

Training requirements pertinent

Training requirements pertinent; supplementary training welcomed

Training requirements pertinent

Training requirements acceptable if they do not demand too much time

Training adequacy for 2001 QDWR Principal manager’s training adequate

Principal manager’s training not yet adequate

Principal manager’s training adequate, but needs to catch up

Principal manager’s training not adequate; needs to catch up

Principal manager’s training not adequate; further training indispensable

Principal manager’s training not adequate; further training necessary

Satisfaction with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability

Satisfied with infrastructure and equipments performance and reliability



Table E.3. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of problematic utility managers (continued-2)

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Utility management aspects in which 2001 QDWR brought improvements

Water supply system safer and better manageable because of undergone and upcoming improvements in relation to new DWR

Improvements in water quality control; however, much more time to devote to utility management

Improvements: better water quality control

Improvements: not big for equipments, but significant as for water supply sources (active search for alternative sources under way)

Improvements: most probably more manageable, since safer, water distribution system

Improvements: better utility management through better water quality control

Utility readiness for full compliance with 2001 QDWR

No; in search of technical assistance, financial support from provincial authorities, and of at least one substitute

No; in need of federal/provincial financial contribution

100 percent ready for compliance with 2001 QDWR

No; especially from a technical point of view

No; not straight away No; human resources available, but undergoing training

Probable period of time needed to achieve full compliance with 2001 QDWR

Could not indicate a deadline for full compliance with 2001 QDWR

Needed less than a year to fully comply with new DWR

Without delay

A year would be probably sufficient to fully comply

2 years needed to be able to fully comply

A year might appear too short of a time to fully comply



Table E.3. Socioprofessional characteristics and opinions of problematic utility managers (continued-3)

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

General opinion of 2001 QDWR Generally speaking, 2001 QDWR are more difficult to comply with but reassuring from a safety standpoint

Generally speaking, satisfied with new DWR

No specific feeling New DWR came up to expectations as for regulatory control

Satisfied with water supply securitizing

No specific opinion

Specifically noticed 2001 QDWR positive and negative points

2001 QDWR positive point(s): satisfied with the new DWR in their entirety

2001 QDWR negative point(s): too high spending for small municipalities; required water sample numbers too high in relation to municipality size

2001 QDWR positive point(s): saw no negative point

2001 QDWR negative point(s): required water sample numbers might be excessive

2001 QDWR positive/negative point(s): Saw no weak point; may be funding

2001 QDWR negative point(s): a little too much rigor (severe measures)



Table E.4. Organizational factor specificities in problematic utilities

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Networking specificities Local journals; QME publications

QME publications; Quebec Municipalities Federation; socioprofessional contacts with QME agents

Journals; contacts with engineers, peers, Quebec Water Sanitation Society; accredited laboratories

“Réseau Environnement”; consulting engineer firms; accredited laboratories; meetings with peers at conferences, seminars, etc.

None Socioprofessional contacts: consulting engineer firms; participation to seminars

Year-long assistant availability No assistant No assistant Assistant available Assistant available No assistant No assistant

Temporary substitute availability Substitute available Substitute available Substitute available No substitute Substitute available Substitute available

Way assistant and/or substitute learned job Substitute learned on the job

Substitute learned on the job

Assistant and substitute learned on the job

Assistant learned on the job

Substitute learned on the job

Substitute learned on the job

Assistant’s/substitute’s training adequacy for 2001 QDWR

Substitute’s training inadequate

Substitute’s training inadequate

Both assistant and substitute will need further training

Assistant’s training insufficient; needs to catch up

Substitute’s training insufficient; further training indispensable

Substitute’s training insufficient; further training necessary



Table E.4. Organizational factor specificities in problematic utilities (continued-1)

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Infrastructure and equipments reliability Infrastructure and equipments reliable

Infrastructure and equipments reliable

Infrastructure and equipments reliable

Infrastructure and equipments performance acceptable

Infrastructure and equipments reliable

Infrastructure and equipments reliable

Necessity of improvements to infrastructure and equipments in view of 2001 QDWR

Improvements needed in infrastructure and equipments in view of 2001 QDWR

Improvements needed in chlorine dosage system: continuous readings, emergency system

Improvements needed in accordance with new DWR

Improvements needed in equipments, flushing methods, checking pumps, and the like

Improvements needed in relation to new DWR

Improvements needed in infrastructure and equipments

Kind of improvements needed or expected

Improvements needed in infrastructure, equipments, and staff

Improvements: equipments and staff

Improvements: equipments and staff training

Improvements: essentially equipments, then infrastructure and staff

Improvements desirable all along the line

Improvements desired: emergency chlorinator, colorimeter (fieldwork kit)



Table E.4. Organizational factor specificities in problematic utilities (continued-2)

Variables or distinctive features Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Prioritization of the drinking water issue by local authorities

Local officials not prioritizing drinking water issue to desired point

Drinking water is a major concern for local authorities

Local officials not always prioritizing drinking water issue

Drinking water is a major concern for local authorities

Drinking water is a major concern for local authorities

Drinking water is a major concern for local authorities

Level of support displayed by local authorities

Local support not always available: too much discussion and beating about the bush

Sufficient support: priority for local authorities and for citizens

Moderate support from local officials, especially for regulatory compliance

Some support, but not always with dispatch

All needed support from local authorities

Sufficient support from local officials


Appendix F

Table F.1. Distribution system infrastructure information for nonproblematic utilities

Characteristics Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Utility age, years 28 90 24 26

Storage tanks 1 2 2 2

Storage tanks capacity, m3 681 2 x 454 2 x 1702.5 2 x 567.5

Average storage time in tanks, h 24 24 72 48

Grey iron pipes, % 0 5 0 0

Ductile iron pipes, % 95 0 90 100

PVC pipes, % 5 90 10 0

Other material pipes, % 0 5 0 0

Infrastructure variables

Overall utility pipe length, km 12 10 17.6 3.8

Flushing periodicity, per year 2 2 1 2 Maintenance variables

Annual pipe breakage rate, breaks/100km/year 16 10 0 0



Table F.1. Distribution system infrastructure information for nonproblematic utilities (continued)

Characteristics Utility II Utility III Utility V Utility VII

Mode of chlorine injection According to flowrate According to flowrate According to flowrate According to flowrate

Usual residual chlorine checkpoint(s) Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Operational variables

Frequency of residual chlorine measurement Once a day Once a day Once a day Once a day

Storage tanks localization Middle of distribution system Chlorination facility Extremity of distribution system Chlorination facility

Emergency chlorinator Present Absent Absent Absent

Type of chlorinator Dosage pump Dosage pump Dosage pump Dosage pump Infrastructure variables

Localization of chlorinator Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Chlorination facility

Distribution network flushing Not uncommon Not uncommon Not very common Not uncommon

Reasons for flushing As a preventive measure As a curative measure As a preventive measure As a preventive measure

Impact of flushing on water quality Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact

Main break frequency Not very frequent Not very frequent No break so far No break so far

Maintenance variables

Distribution main leakage Negligible Negligible Not very significant Negligible



Table F.2. Distribution system infrastructure information for problematic utilities

Characteristics Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Utility age, years 61 23 26 41 54 21

Storage tanks 2 1 1 1 1 2

Storage tanks capacity, m3 2 x 681 363.2 1362 572 908 2 x 136.2

Average storage time in tanks, h 48 48 72 12 24 48

Grey iron pipes, % 20 0 0 40 10 0

Ductile iron pipes, % 40 0 80 60 50 10

PVC pipes, % 40 90 20 0 40 90

Other material pipes, % 0 10 0 0 0 0

Infrastructure variables

Overall utility pipe length, km 20 10 7.8 45 10 7.9

Flushing periodicity, per year 4 2 1 1 2 3 Maintenance variables

Annual pipe breakage rate, breaks/100km/year

25 10 38 0 10 0



Table F.2. Distribution system infrastructure information for problematic utilities (continued-1)

Characteristics Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Mode of chlorine injection Constant Constant According to flowrate Constant Manual According to flowrate

Usual residual chlorine checkpoint(s)

Chlorination facility Tank and extremity Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Storage tank Chlorination facility Operational variables

Frequency of residual chlorine measurement

Once in two days Once in two days Once in two days Once a day Once a day Once a day

Storage tanks localization Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Chlorination facility Midway between source and chlorination facility

Middle of distribution system


Emergency chlorinator Present Absent Present Absent Absent Absent

Type of chlorinator Dosage pump Dosage pump Dosage pump Dosage pump Manual chlorination Dosage pump

Infrastructure variables

Localization of chlorinator

Chlorination facility Storage tank inlet Chlorination facility

Chlorination facility Manually into tank Source



Table F.2. Distribution system infrastructure information for problematic utilities (continued-2)

Characteristics Utility I Utility IV Utility VI Utility VIII Utility IX Utility X

Distribution network flushing

Common practice Not uncommon Not very common Not very common Not uncommon Common practice

Reasons for flushing As a curative measure As a curative measure As a curative measure As a curative measure As a curative measure As a curative measure

Impact of flushing on water quality

Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact Positive impact

Main break frequency Not very frequent Not very frequent Not very frequent No break so far Not very frequent No break so far

Maintenance variables

Distribution main leakage

Not very significant Not significant Negligible

Not significant Negligible Negligible


Appendix G

Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into performance scores

Variables Performance points attribution details

Agricultural land use

The performance scores have been attributed based on the QME database classification mentioned in Table 2.1. For utilities located in municipalities with an annual phosphorus balance below zero (P2O5 < 0 kg/ha/year), that is, municipalities with extremely low agricultural pressure, the maximum score (e.i., 100 performance points) has been attributed. For utilities located in municipalities with P2O5 = 0 kg/ha/year, 50 performance points have been allotted. Utilities with slight phosphorus surplus, but less than the 20 kg/ha/year QME established threshold, received 25 points. And utilities located in municipalities in surplus situation (i.e., with P2O5 > 20 kg/ha/year or located in administratively designated as “surplus” municipalities) scored no performance points (i.e., 0 points) on that variable.

Raw water TOC

In the 2001 QDWR, a raw water TOC concentration of 3 mg/L was given as an indication for surface water utilities, for which filtration was not becoming compulsory. This value has been considered equalling the 50th percentile of performance points (i.e., C50 or median) on that variable. Based on that assumption, performance scores have been attributed to studied utilities as follows: 100 points for utilities with C1≤TOC≤C20, as average raw water TOC concentration (mg/L); 75 points to utilities with C20<TOC≤C40. Utilities with C40<TOC≤C60 received 50 points, and those averaging C60<TOC≤C80 received 25 points. C1, C20, C40, C60 and C80 equalled 0.06, 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, and 4.8 mg/L, respectively. None of the utilities exhibited average raw water TOC concentration exceeding the latter value.

Raw water turbidity

In the 2001 QDWR, a raw water turbidity threshold of 5 ntu was mentioned as a maximum for surface water utilities, for which filtration was not becoming compulsory. Thus, 5 ntu has been considered equalling the 100th percentile of performance points (i.e., C100 or maximum). Based on that consideration, performance scores have been allotted to utilities as follows: 100 points for utilities with C1≤turbidity≤C20, as average raw water turbidity (ntu); 75 points to utilities with C20<turbidity≤40. C1, C20, C40 equalled 0.05, 1, and 2 ntu, respectively. None of studied utilities had an average raw water turbidity exceeding 1.5 ntu.



Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into performance scores (continued-1)

Variables Performance points attribution details

Raw water total coliforms

In the 2001 QDWR, a raw water total coliform count of 100 cfu/100 mL was given as an indication for surface water utilities, for which filtration was not becoming compulsory. This value has been considered equalling the 50th percentile of performance points on that variable. Thus, performance scores have been attributed to studied utilities as follows: 100 points for utilities with C1≤total coliform counts≤C20, as average raw water total coliform counts (cfu/mL); 75 points to utilities with C20<total coliform counts≤C40. C1, C20, C40 equalled 2, 40, and 80 cfu/100 mL, respectively. None of studied utilities had average raw water total coliform counts exceeding 41 cfu/100 mL.

Raw water HPC bacteria

The 2001 QDWR gave a maximum of 500 cfu/mL at distribution system extremity for HPC bacteria. Since not distributed but rather raw water is concerned herein, this threshold is used only as an indication, to allow for relative performance comparisons between studied utilities. Therefore, the 500 cfu/mL mark has been considered as equalling the C20 of performance points on that variable. Consequently, performance scores have been allotted as follows: 100 points to utilities with C1≤HPC bacteria counts≤C20; 75 points to utilities with C20<HPC bacteria counts≤C40; 50 points to those with C40<HPC bacteria counts≤C60; 25 points to utilities with C60<HPC bacteria counts≤C80; and 0 points to those with HPC bacteria counts>C80. C1, C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 25, 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000, respectively.

Raw water atypical bacteria

The 2001 QDWR gave a maximum of 200 cfu/100mL in the distribution system for atypical bacteria. Since not distributed but rather raw water is concerned herein, this threshold is used only as an indication for comparison purposes. Thus, the 200 cfu/100mL mark has been considered as equalling the C50 of performance points on that variable. Consequently, performance scores have been allotted as follows: 100 points to utilities with C1≤atypical bacteria counts≤C20; 75 points to utilities with C20< atypical bacteria counts≤C40; 50 points to those with C40< atypical bacteria counts≤C60; 25 points to utilities with C60< atypical bacteria counts≤C80; and 0 points to those with atypical bacteria counts>C80. C1, C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 4, 80, 160, 240, and 320, respectively.



Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into performance scores (continued-2)

Variables Performance points attribution details

CT value

In the United States Environmental Protection Agency Guidance Manual entitled “Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants” (USEPA, 1999), it was mentioned, “… 4-log virus inactivation is achievable with a CT of 15 to 60 mg⋅min/L for most temperatures. These values have been considered as equalling respectively C3 and C12 of performance points on that variable. ” Since all ten utilities being studied have chlorination as the only treatment applied, it appears reasonable to think that this is the objective they should pursue, taking into account the fact that the 3-log Giardia cyst inactivation and the 2-log Cryptosporidium oocyst inactivation (all of which are required for surface water utilities in 2001 QDWR) are beyond reach with chlorination alone. Hence, very conservatively, performance scores have been attributed as indicated herein: 100 points to utilities with CT≥C60 mg⋅min/L; 75 points to those with C30≤CT<C60; 50 points to utilities with C15≤CT<C30; 25 points to those with C5≤CT<C15; and 0 points to utilities with CT<C5. Note that C5, C15, C30, and C60 equalled 25, 75, 150, and 300, respectively.

Residual chlorine checking frequency This information was obtained from utility managers before 2001 QDWR’s full implementation (October, 2001). Seven out the ten studied utilities used to check for residual chlorine on a daily basis (see Appendix F). The three others used to measure residual chlorine only once in two days. Thus, on a relative performance basis, 100 points have been allotted to those applying daily residual chlorine measurement, while those doing such a measurement once in two days received 50 points.

Residual chlorine checkpoints appropriateness

Judging by indications given in 2001 QDWR, an adequate residual chlorine controlling through the whole distribution system requires having checkpoints (or sampling points) at least in two locations, that is, the chlorination facility outlet (or storage tank outlet, if this tank is located at facility after the point of chlorine injection) and the distribution system extremity or thereabouts. Nine utility managers declared using to check for residual chlorine only at the facility (with one at the storage tank outlet), while only one utility had residual chlorine sampling points at facility and nearby system extremities. The only utility that checked for residual chlorine at both facility and extremities scored 100 points on that variable; all other nine received 50 points.



Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into performance scores (continued-3)

Variables Performance points attribution details

Utility age According to Fougères et al. (1998), the useful life of a drinking water distribution pipe can rarely go over one hundred years. So, this number has been taken as reference value, with C1 equalling 1 year and C100 being 100 years. Thus, utilities that had age≤C20 scored 100 points on that variable; 75 points for C20<age≤C40; 50 points for C40<age≤C60; 25 points for C60<age≤C80; and 0 points for utilities with age>C80 (i.e., 80 years).

Pipe material

Four types of pipe material have been identified in studied utilities (see Appendix F). According to Villeneuve et al. (1998), grey iron pipes are excessively corrodible, and are being abandoned for that reason. So no performance points had been allotted for grey iron percent of utility pipe material, nor for other pipe material percent (negligible). Only ductile iron and PVC pipe percents (i.e., the sum of the percents of these materials for each utility) have been converted into performance points. Since the possible maximum of pipe material percent is 100, this number has been taken as reference value. If the sum of ductile iron and PVC percents is =C60, the concerned utilities received 50 points; 75 points for C60<pipe material percent≤C80; and 100 points for pipe material percent >C80. No utility had percent less than C60 (that is, 60 %).

Pipe breakage

According to McDonald et al. 1997, a main break rate can be considered abnormally high when it exceeds 40/100km/year. None of studied utilities recorded as many breaks. However, that value has been taken as indication (as maximum or C100) for comparison purposes. If utility’s annual pipe breakage rate ≤C20, 100 points were allotted; 75 points for C20<pipe breakage rate≤C40; 50 points for C40<pipe breakage rate≤C60; 25 points for C60<pipe breakage rate≤C80; and 0 points for annual pipe breakage rate >C80. Note that C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 8, 16, 24, and 32breaks/100km/year, respectively.

System flushing

In the conditions of the province of Quebec (Canada), it is a sign of good management routine (or practice) to perform at least two flushings of the drinking water distribution network each year, with the first coming in early Spring (i.e., generally by April) and the second in late Autumn (by October). Many utilities perform more than two flushings per year. Thus, utilities that did only 1 flushing per year received performance 50 points on that variable; and 100 points for 2 flushings or more. All utilities did at least one flushing each year.



Table G.1. Explanations as to how the parameter values were converted into performance scores (continued-4)

Variables Performance points attribution details

Tap water residual chlorine

The maximum average residual chlorine concentration in any one of the studied distribution systems (i.e., utilities) was about 0.8 mg/L (see Appendix C). This value represents the average for water samples taken at three sampling points (that are, chlorination facility, central part of distribution system, and distribution system extremity). To allow for relative performance comparisons, the 0.8 mg/L value has been considered as equalling C100. Thus, for average tap water residual chlorine ≤C20, 0 points were allotted; 25 points for C20< tap water residual chlorine ≤C40; 50 points for C40< tap water residual chlorine ≤C60; 75 points for C60< tap water residual chlorine ≤C80; and 100 points for tap water residual chlorine >C80. Note that C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 0.16, 0.32, 0.48, and 0.64 mg/L, respectively.

Tap water HPC bacteria The maximum average HPC bacteria counts in any one of the studied distribution systems (i.e., utilities) was about 140 cfu/mL (see Appendix C). This value represents the average for water samples taken at three sampling points (that are, chlorination facility, central part of distribution system, and distribution system extremity). To allow for relative performance comparisons, that value has been considered as equalling C100 (note that the 2001 QDWR gave a threshold of 500 cfu/mL for HPC bacteria water samples to be taken at distribution system extremity). Thus, for average tap water HPC bacteria counts ≤C20, 100 points were allotted; 75 points for C20< tap water HPC bacteria counts ≤C40; 50 points for C40< tap water HPC bacteria counts ≤C60; 25 points for C60< tap water HPC bacteria counts ≤C80; and 0 points for average tap water HPC bacteria counts >C80. Note that C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 28, 56, 84, and 112 cfu/mL, respectively.

Tap water atypical bacteria The maximum average atypical bacteria counts in any one of the studied distribution systems (i.e., utilities) was about 30 cfu/100mL (see Appendix C). This value represents the average for water samples taken at three sampling points (that are, chlorination facility, central part of distribution system, and distribution system extremity). To allow for relative performance comparisons, that value has been considered as equalling C100 (note that the 2001 QDWR gave a threshold of 200 cfu/100mL for atypical bacteria in distributed water). Thus, for average tap water atypical bacteria counts ≤C20, 100 points were allotted; 75 points for C20< tap water atypical bacteria counts ≤C40; 50 points for C40< tap water atypical bacteria counts ≤C60; 25 points for C60< tap water atypical bacteria counts ≤C80; and 0 points for average tap water atypical bacteria counts >C80. Note that C20, C40, C60, and C80 equalled 6, 12, 18, and 24 cfu/100mL, respectively.


Appendix H

Table H.1. Sensitivity analysis of the utility performance indicator (weight variations)

Variation of utility performance sub-indicator weights Cancellation of respective sub-indicator weights

Agricultural land use sub-indicator

Raw water quality sub-


Disinfection-related sub-


Infrastructure and maintenance sub-


Utility performance sub-indicators


÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2

Agricultural land use sub-


Raw water quality sub-


Disinfection-related sub-


Infrastructure and maintenance


Agricultural land use sub-indicator

Agricultural pressure (P2O5) 0.025 0.1 0.065 0.05 0.07 0 0.06 0.05 0 0.1 0.1 0.07

TOC of raw water 0.03 0.03 0.015 0.06 0.07 0 0.05 0.03 0.03 0 0.1 0.07

Turbidity of raw water 0.03 0.03 0.015 0.06 0.07 0 0.05 0.03 0.03 0 0.1 0.07

Total coliform bacteria in raw water 0.055 0.05 0.025 0.1 0.07 0 0.05 0.05 0.06 0 0.1 0.07

HPC bacteria in raw water 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.07 0 0.05 0.02 0.03 0 0.1 0.07

Raw water quality sub-indicator

Atypical bacteria in raw water 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.07 0 0.05 0.02 0.03 0 0.1 0.07

CT value 0.4 0.35 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.7 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 0 0.4

Frequency of residual chlorine checking

0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.2 0.12 0.1 0.12 0.12 0 0.12 Disinfection-related sub-indicator

Appropriateness of residual chlorine checkpoints

0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.1 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0 0.06

Utility age 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.07 0 0.02 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.1 0

Pipe material 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0 0.04 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.1 0

Pipe breakage 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0 0.03 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.1 0

Infrastructure and maintenance sub-indicator

System flushing 0.04 0.04

0.07 0.04

0.07 0

0.02 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.1 0


163Table H.2. Sensitivity analysis of the utility performance indicator (indicator values)

Variation of utility performance sub-indicator weights Exclusion of respective sub-indicators

Agricultural land use sub-indicator

Raw water quality sub-indicator

Disinfection-related sub-indicator

Infrastructure and maintenance sub-



÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2 ÷ 2 × 2

Agricultural land use sub-


Raw water quality sub-


Disinfection-related sub-


Infrastructure and maintenance


I. 54 C 58 C 56 C 56 C 57 C 50 C 55 C 57 C 53 C 57 C 60 C 55 C

II. 76 B 75 B 78 B 74 B 69 B 77 B 70 B 79 B 77 B 78 B 65 B 66 B

III. 68 B 72 B 67 B 74 B 73 B 60 C 69 B 74 B 67 B 67 B 77 B 70 B

IV. 58 C 63 B 59 C 67 B 70 B 37 D 56 C 72 B 57 C 60 C 82 A 55 C

V. 92 A 92 A 91 A 91 A 88 B 95 A 92 A 89 B 91 A 91 A 85 A 92 A

VI. 80 B 76 B 76 B 78 B 78 B 85 A 82 A 71 B 81 A 72 B 75 B 86 A

VII. 63 B 61 B 60 C 70 B 73 B 42 C 59 C 75 B 64 B 57 C 85 A 58 C

VIII. 56 C 55 C 51 C 65 B 65 B 42 C 57 C 62 B 57 C 47 C 75 B 60 C

IX. 59 C 56 C 55 C 68 B 68 B 42 C 57 C 69 B 61 B 51 C 77 B 56 C

X. 52 C 50 C 48 C 63 B 66 B 25 D 48 C 69 B 54 C 45 C 82 A 46 C

75† B 75 B 74 B 78 B 76 B 69 B 73 B 79 B 75 B 73 B 78 B 71 B Overall performance indicator

60‡ C

60 C

58 C 67 B

67 B 47 C

59 C 67 B 61 B 55 C 75 B 60 C

† Nonproblematic utility group ‡ Problematic utility group