dr. nick loehr · 2020. 3. 18. · marshalluniversitydepartmentofmathematics...

Marshall University Department of Mathematics Advanced Research Initiative Invited Speaker Dr. Nick Loehr Associate Professor of Mathematics Virginia Tech “Sweep Maps and Bounce Paths” Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Smith Hall 621 4:00pm Abstract Mathematics is lled with open (unsolved) problems, ranging from deep foundational issues of physics, computation, geometry, and number theory to highly specialized research ques- tions. is talk describes an open problem in algebraic combinatorics that can be stated and investigated with virtually no mathematical background, although the problem appears to be endishly challenging to solve. We dene a family of maps on words, called ”sweep maps.” A sweep map assigns a level to each letter in a word according to a simple rule, then sorts the letters according to their level. Surprisingly, although sweep maps act by sorting, they appear to be invertible: i.e., dierent input words are always sent to dierent output words by any given sweep map. e open problem is to prove the invertibility of all sweep maps, preferably by explicitly describing the inverse functions. We explain some known special cases of this problem using a model in which words are visualized using lattice paths. In some cases, we can pass from a lattice path to an associated ”bounce path,” which provides the additional data needed to invert the sweep map. ese bounce paths originally arose in the study of objects called q,t-Catalan polynomials. Many algorithms that have appeared in the q,t-Catalan literature over the last years turn out to be particular instances of the sweep maps or their inverses. e sweep maps thus provide a simple unifying framework for understanding all of these algorithms. Department of Mathematics College of Science Marshall University 1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington WV 25755 (304) 696-6482

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Page 1: Dr. Nick Loehr · 2020. 3. 18. · MarshallUniversityDepartmentofMathematics AdvancedResearchInitiative Invited Speaker Dr. Nick Loehr Associate Professor of Mathematics Virginia

Marshall University Department of MathematicsAdvanced Research Initiative

Invited Speaker

Dr. Nick LoehrAssociate Professor of MathematicsVirginia Tech

“Sweep Maps and Bounce Paths”Tuesday, September 29, 2015 • Smith Hall 621 • 4:00pm


Mathematics is �lled with open (unsolved) problems, ranging from deep foundational issuesof physics, computation, geometry, and number theory to highly specialized research ques-tions. �is talk describes an open problem in algebraic combinatorics that can be stated andinvestigated with virtually no mathematical background, although the problem appears to be�endishly challenging to solve. We de�ne a family of maps on words, called ”sweep maps.”A sweep map assigns a level to each letter in a word according to a simple rule, then sortsthe letters according to their level. Surprisingly, although sweep maps act by sorting, theyappear to be invertible: i.e., di�erent input words are always sent to di�erent output wordsby any given sweep map. �e open problem is to prove the invertibility of all sweep maps,preferably by explicitly describing the inverse functions. We explain some known specialcases of this problem using a model in which words are visualized using lattice paths. Insome cases, we can pass from a lattice path to an associated ”bounce path,” which providesthe additional data needed to invert the sweep map. �ese bounce paths originally arose inthe study of objects called q,t-Catalan polynomials. Many algorithms that have appearedin the q,t-Catalan literature over the last 20 years turn out to be particular instances of thesweep maps or their inverses. �e sweep maps thus provide a simple unifying framework forunderstanding all of these algorithms.

Department of Mathematics College of Science Marshall University1 John Marshall Drive, Huntington WV 25755 (304) 696-6482