Page 1: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

1. Introduction: The term Web 2.0 is now more relevant than ever. The so-called social media,

ie. Web 2.0, point out to a new generation, a new perception of the Web. We mean collaborative

and interactive elements of the WWW. The content and information is created interactively,

edited and distributed; networking is an important keyword.



•Microblogging (Twitter)

•Social networks (Facebook)1

•Social bookmarks


•Imagehoster (Flickr)

Page 2: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

Libraries and museums are using these new media much more frequently than archives. An

example: as Twitter in Germany is used by extremly few archives (currently there are two

archives, Frankfurt and Speyer - and?), use plenty of museums and similar organizations this

short blog service (like „NRW-Forum Düsseldorf“: more than 13.000 Follower).

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Page 4: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

2. Web 2.0 in archives: Facebook and Twitter

3. City archives Speyer: Web 2.0 (concept and implementation)

Page 5: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

2. Web 2.0 in archives: Facebook and Twitter


•Facebook has currently over half a billion (Milliarde) users, it is the world's largest social

network. Users can create a free profile, share with "Friends" and "follow" them. Likewise,

messages ("Status Messages"), photos and the like are written and uploaded, there is an email-

and a chat-feature. External websites may be linked to the own profile, other Web 2.0-

applications can be integrated. Facebook can be an important instrument of promotion for

companies and for cultural bodies (archives, libraries, museums …) as well.

•Many archives already have a Facebook presence (USA, Australia, UK … ; much less: other

european states/central europe).

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Page 10: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

2. Web 2.0 in archives: Facebook and Twitter


•Other archives are (it seems) in „fear“ of Facebook, and even Web 2.0: Germany is to be

mentioned here. There is almost no single archive that works with Facebook and Twitter. The

State Archives Munich (Staatsarchiv München) last year was (of course as the first archive in

Germany) exactly four days on Facebook (12 to 15 July 2010). Then it had to be closed (Blog

Archivalia: „Causa Facebook“).

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Page 12: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

2. Web 2.0 in archives: Facebook and Twitter


•Twitter is the most important service for micro-blogging (140 characters per message/Tweet).

Tweets are drafted or even subscribed (to „follow“). Tweets of others can be disseminated as


•Even more than at "Facebook" are at "Twitter" archives in comparison to libraries and museums

in minority. In Germany just two archives „twitter“: Frankfurt am Main city archives and Speyer

city archives (since few weeks).

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Page 15: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

2. Web 2.0 in archives: Facebook and Twitter


•Also in the field of research and science is Twitter very widespread. The short message service

provides at conferences as a resource (conference-Hashtags, Twitterwalls). Example: Conference

Archives on the web. Experiences, challenges, visions (Vienna 2010).

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Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

3. City archives Speyer: Web 2.0 (concept and implementation)

•The city archives of Speyer is one of the most important and oldest municipal archives in the

state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany). The tradition goes back to the 12th Century. It is the

central point of contact for all questions of local history and the historic memory of the city. This

is even important than today Speyer itself is a cultural and touristy-marked city.

•The city archives has been in the public perception still not very present. This was also on the

Homepage, which contained little more than a few facts about the history and the collections and

contact information. A revision of the site has already taken place, the information has been

expanded. The renewed website is the basis for Web 2.0.

Page 17: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

3. City archives Speyer: Web 2.0 (concept and implementation)

•Information and current news that can be found on the website are also common, for example,

on Facebook. On the other hand, a larger and younger audience is addressed, opportunities for

contact and discussions will be offered (archivists, historians, Speyer-audience and region…).

•Some examples: New finding aids; information about new charges/transfers to the archive;

fotos; everyday-work in archive; events; history of the city …

•The city Archives started (officially) in March 2011 in Web 2.0 (Facebook, Twitter and

Slideshare). The archive is next to the tourism-agency of Speyer and the press-office a pilot-

project. The city has commissioned an advertising agency with the advice of the projects.

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Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

3. City archives Speyer: Web 2.0 (concept and implementation)

•The Facebook-page will start in April 2011; it will be a central workspace for the archive.

•Twitter serves as an active agent in public relations. The number of followers is still relatively

low, but it will certainly increase, combined with Facebook (no question). Only when everything

is in Facebook, the archives and the city will really make advertising for Web 2.0.

•A small by-product is the site Slideshare. It is an application for presentation of PowerPoint etc.

Here we will gradually publish articles and presentations.

•But most importantly: Since the city archives Speyer has relatively few staff, therefore the

activities should be well planned. Nothing is worse than a Facebook- or Twitter-presence, which

is static and does not respond to user queries. As the city archives Speyer is very much involved

in the Web 2.0 concept of the city, I am actually very optimistic about the future.

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Page 24: Zwischen Facebook, Twitter und Blogs... (english version)


Between Facebook, Twitter and blogs. New forms of work for

archives and archivists by the example of the city archives SpeyerRadenci, 8.4. 2011; Joachim Kemper (Speyer)

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