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Installing dependencies on Windows Posted by shoaibi | 1 Comments Purpose: This wiki provides you step by step instructions on setting up dependencies on a Windows machine. Audience: Individuals trying to install Zurmo on a windows machine. Production There are 2 variants possible when deploying Zurmo on a Windows machine. You can either choose to run Zurmo on Apache or IIS, both run equally well while our re commended way of deployment is Apache. XAMPP If you would like to deploy Zurmo on Apache you can make it using XAMPP whic h is a bundle containing Apache, PHP, MySQL and few other nice tools Download and run the following installer. Follow XAMPP installation instructions and install it in C:\xampp (default) IIS Install and Enable IIS Download PHP (VC9 version) and install it in C:\Program Files\PHP. It is rec ommended to download Zip version and extract it. Download and install MySQL The actual configuration for using PHP and MySQL under IIS is outside the sc ope of this wiki guide. PHP Extensions and Configuration Edit php.ini(C:\xampp\php\php.ini for xampp install) Change the following lines to specified settings: date.timezone = America/Chicago memory_limit = 256M file_uploads = On upload_max_filesize = 20M post_max_size = 20M max_execution_time = 300 extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_soap.dll extension.php_pdo_mysql.dll extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_imap.dll Add the following line at the end: extension=php_apc.dll Download and save in PHP s ext directory(C:\xampp\php\ext\ for xampp) Restart webserver for changes to take effect MySQL Configuration Edit my.ini (C:\xampp\mysql\bin\ for xampp ) and follow MySQL Configuration

Wiki Restart mysql for the my.ini changes to take effect. Database and User Follow MySQL Database setup for Production Install Memcache Follow Memcache Installation Wiki for installing memcache and php-memcache extensions Path Setup Ensure that php, pear and mysql s bin directories are added to windows path. For xampp these directories are located at: C:\xampp\php\ C:\xampp\php\PEAR\ C:\xampp\mysql\bin\ Development Instructions in this section are inclusive of Production. To setup a development machine you would have to follow the instructions above and then make any amend ment/additions as described below. MySQL Database and User You would need to create 2 more pairs of user and database for development setup . Follow MySQL Database setup for Development Commandline tools Download the windows installer from: tham/putty/download.html and install it Start PuttyGen (from Start/Applications/Putty menu) Generate ssh2-rsa key When key is being generated, add your email address to Key Comment field. Th is should be the email address that you used for bitbucket account. Save public key as Login to bitbucket, go to Account, copy and paste the key into li st of your keys Save private key as id_rsa.ppk, under C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USERNAM E\.ssh. You might need to create this directory TortoiseHg Download and install TortoiseHg Create file C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_USERNAME\mercurial.ini, and add f ollowing code: [ui] username = you_bitbucket_username_here ssh="C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -i "C:\Docum ents and Settings\YOUR_USERNAME\.ssh\id_rsa.ppk" Ensure that paths to plink and id_rsa.ppk are correct.

PhpUnit If PEAR s path haven t been added to windows Path Information change directory to PE AR (C:\xampp\php for xampp) Follow PHPUnit Installation Wiki Restart your computer. Selenium Server Follow Installing Selenium Server Wiki

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