
Measuring the burden on employees

52% of patients consider healthcare affordable in 2014, which is down 9% from 61% from 2013.

37% say that they or an immediate family member has trouble keeping up with medical bills

How this impacts your employee’s health

Nearly a third (31%) say that they have gone without medical treatment because of cost.

25% either did not fill prescriptions or they cut their pills in half because they couldn’t afford them.

78% of people say the #1 reason they are less likely to go to the

doctor is because of cost

Part of the problem

Most Americans (eight in 10) say their doctor should discuss cost of medical treatment with them ahead of time, but only about half actually do.

The solution

Successful solutions continuously put the patient at the forefront of every healthcare decision.

The solution

Employees need to be informed, protected, and defended. A fully integrated solution is necessary to bridge the gaps between care and cost.

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