Page 1: Yarra MLLC Multi-Lingual Learning Community 7 TH August 2015

Yarra MLLCMulti-Lingual Learning Community

7TH August 2015

Page 2: Yarra MLLC Multi-Lingual Learning Community 7 TH August 2015

Welcome and PrayerOh God, our Creator and Father, we praise You and we thank You.

Bless each of us in our learning community, help us in our everyday living of sharing, giving and loving.

Firstly to you Lord and to all we meet in our daily lives.


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Warm up

Finger catch

(also great left/right practice – which happened to come up in this year’s yr 3 NAPLAN)

LI: To become comfortable with each other.SC: Smiles and laughter.

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Our Learning Intentions

To share ICT experiences

To learn with each other about applying ICT tools to learning.

To action an ICT tool in classes this term.

To reflect with others about the ICT tool.

LI: To be aware of where we are going with this meeting.SC: To find the sheets to record ideas on.

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Our Success Criteria

We trial something.

We have workshopped the details.

We contribute to reflections next meeting.

We share our plans on the weebly.

We invite another teacher or 3 to the next meeting.

Friday 4th Sept 2-4:30LI: To be aware of where we are going with this meeting.SC: To find the sheets to record ideas on.

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Our meeting culture

Listen activelyBe aware of turn-takingBe open to new ideasContribute new ideasAssume that everyone gives their best

Other thoughts?

LI: To set up shared expectations.SC: To agree that we can live with these norms.

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by automating the things that are able to be automated, we free up time for the things that can't be automated – Andrew Douch

(Teachermagazine 21 July 2014

LI: To be inspired by an ICT tools guru.SC: Interest.

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ICT is a tool


What tools?

None yet – ict co-ordinator would like to use movie maker – need to solve ict connectivity

Projector and laptop, flash player – you tube, languages online, audio

Ipads for translating with google translate. – with voice. Backwards translate where students spoke italian into google translate on ipads.

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ICT is a tool, what is the PURPOSE?--could someone type ideas into this section while we talk?

LI: To be a collaborative learning community.SC: Sharing by more than one person.

Purpose ICT tool

Improve pronunciation and intonation. Motivation for accuracy.Instant student feedback.Students reflecting on their learningPotentially use this as a role-play check.

Backwards google translateScreen capture the proof that they correctly pronounced it.Expand that to a mini movie

To investigate cultural understandings through language conventions, including world view.

Google translate

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I am interested by: Jenna- green screen ap (or other video)Isabel- talking avatar about the Susan- talking avatar or puppets to publish conversations

My purpose is: Jenna- weather forecast. To learn basic weather words and say what the weather will be tomorrow.Isabel - To learn game language like turn taking and instructions.Susan - To invite people to do things

Preparation (resources, learning, support, tenacity)Jenna- find a green background and place, can the ap be acquired by the school, how to put aps on the kids ipads.Isabel - booking the ipads to the Italian room, checking they all have the ap, negotiating with the classroom teacher, create a model with a few student ict leadersSusan - investigate avatars/puppets, find what the students already have, experiment with a few grade 6 students, attend the central ict day

I will touch base with:We will touch base with each other and talk about it at the next meeting.

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ICT for Differentiation

Some of my thoughts….

It seems to me that when I teach my 280 students on a Thursday, I have 280 stories, hopes, likes, learning styles and learning capacities.

What can I do to offer them choice, time to hear them, inquiry spirit, their personal level of challenge?????

LI: To contextualise the ICT tools I use.SC: To be able to see how the tools apply to this context.

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ICT for DifferentiationI can make an easy ones, harder ones and a really challenging ones.

Students can self-select and go as far as they like.

I can make one about fairies, one about dinosaurs and one about ordering sushi.

Students can self select their topics.

LI: To see differentiation as a variety of things: difficulty, topic, learning styles.SC: Be able to write more than one differential.

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ICT for Differentiation• FUN and EXCITING

• SELF PACED = optimal stretch-challenge level for each student = engagement

• GROUNDED IN PROGRESSION and connected to the Australian Curriculum

• EVIDENCE BY TESTS/SUCCESS CRITERIA/RUBRICS with student ownership of their data

• GROWTH MINDSET that I am competing with myself only. That brains can and do change. Effort is the road to improvement. Nothing is ever ‘finished’. Mistakes are learning opportunities. Carol Dweck

• TIMELY INDIVIDUALISED FEEDBACK often online where I can respond to students thoughts, questions, mistakes etc.

• STUDENT TO TEACHER FEEDBACK ON WHERE TO NEXT? Students can request their next learning step. Frequent mistakes become my next direct teaching focus.

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ICT for DifferentiationCapture–

• you tube, • screen cast, • podcast (audio) • stile, • books


• Google forms, • quizlet, • socrative •• Language

perfect• Language nut


• Video• screencast, • Google docs• Google slides • Role plays• apps• books

LI: To get a bag of tricks for ICT.SC: To write more than 4 without looking.

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You Tube/VideoWhat I do…

Creating your own clips – to flip the classroom

Creating your own clips – to filter into the general classroom

Using others’ clips – for self-directed learning (Helene stile)

LI: to explore uses for your tube clips.SC: be able to describe one use.

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A space to postWhat I have been doing….

St Mark’s: Portal. I post things that we have been learning in class. I post links to quizlet. (I decided it isn’t worth having students sign up to quizlet) I post links to google forms, and docs. I post video.

St Mark’s: Group email to students.

Brighton Beach PS: Edmodo

LI: To see that post spaces are useful.SC: To be interested in setting one up.

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QuizzesSome I have used….

Quizlet – (free or $25 for teachers for the year) - demo

LI: To see that quizzes are useful.SC

: To be interested in setting one up.

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QuizzesSome I have used….

Socrative –

LI: To see that quizzes are useful.SC

: To be interested in setting one up.

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QuizzesSome I have used…. – great for whole class competition around a learning focus. Also excellent for feedback or discussion.

LI: To see that quizzes are useful.SC

: To be interested in setting one up.

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QuizzesSome I have used….

Google forms – great for assessment pre/post tests. Also great for feedback eg: what activities did you like most this term.

LI: To see that quizzes are useful.SC: To be interested in setting one up.

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What I will be trying in my classes.

I would like to share my experiences for 2 or 5 minutes.

The number of Language teachers I might speak to between now and the 4th September meeting. (Please let them know about it.)

My rating for the content of this meeting. (out of 10.)

My rating for the presentation of this meeting. (out of 10.)

What I would like to explore in the next meeting.

EBI even better if….?

LI: To improve the learning experience.


ll participants fill out the

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