Page 1: Y10 Half Term Exam 1  Mark Scheme

Name: Form Mrs Pennock G C S E H a l f Te r m E x a m 1- MA R K S C H E M E

1. (i) Which of the following components of skill related fitness is important to a sprinter to get a good

start from the blocks?

A Strength

B Coordination

C Body composition

D Reaction time (1)

(ii) Which of the following is a correct statement about reaction time?

A The time taken to perform a movement

B The longer a runner takes to react to the starter’s gun the quicker his time will be

C The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the start of movement

D It is a component of health related exercise (1)

Flexibility is an important aspect of fitness. Which of the following statements defines the term


A A form of physical activity designed to improve health

B The range of movement possible at a joint

C The ability to move from one position to another easily

D A performer who can take on many different roles (1)

2. Complete the statements below about the benefits gained from participating in practical activity.

(i) Many people take part in physical activity to Relieve/reduce/lose/lower/get rid of/release/stop/relief

stress. This is a . Mental/psychological benefit of physical activity (2)

Page 2: Y10 Half Term Exam 1  Mark Scheme

Name: Form Mrs Pennock

(ii) Weight loss as a result of physical activity is a physical benefit of exercise. Weight loss could also

have a mental benefit to the individual, for example,

It can increase confidence/feel better about themselves (1)

(iii) Weight loss as a result of physical activity is achieved by

1st mark for reference to ‘more/working harder’ than you normally do

2nd mark for reference to ‘using more calories than taken in’ . (2)

(iv) Some people take part in physical activity for the benefits, for example, it allows them to

meet new people and make new friends (1)

(v) People who take part in physical activity, especially activities such as gymnastics and dance, can

gain an

Aesthetic .... appreciation of the activity due to the quality of the movements being performed. (1)

3. (a) What term is being described in the statement below?

‘The ability to meet the demands of the environment’

..........................Fitness .... (1)

4. Flexibility is an important component of health-related exercise. Give an example of how flexibility

would help a gymnast and a long distance runner (2)

Gymnast ……… Achieve body position/shape required/swing around rings (or equivalent)………….

Long Distance Runner ---- Greater stride length/good technique/reduction in chance of injury ---

Page 3: Y10 Half Term Exam 1  Mark Scheme

Name: Form Mrs Pennock

5. Look at the images and complete the table below by stating how each of the performers will use

s p e e d in their performance. (3)

Athlete – Sprinter Games player Athlete –


H o w s p e e d i s u s e d in th e i r p e r f o r m a n c e ?

At h l e t e – S p r i n t e r

To get to finish line quicker / run faster/ win race

G a m e Pl a y e r To beat opponents to the ball/ to lose opponents / to get around opponents

At h l e t e – Di s c u s

To throw further / to increase power / to move faster across the circle / move arm faster

6. Provide a definition for body composition? (1)

The % of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone

7. Coordination is also important to the three performers above.

(i) Define Coordination ability to use 2 or more body parts together

(ii) Giving an example of the parts of the body being coordinated

(iii) Explaining how your example of coordination is important to the performers (5)

Gi v e an e x a m p l e of th e p a r t s E x p l a i n ho w yo u r

Page 4: Y10 Half Term Exam 1  Mark Scheme

Name: Form Mrs Pennock of th e b o d y b e i n g

c o o r d i n a t e de x a m p l e of

c o o r d i n a t i o n i s im p o r t a n t to p e r f o r m a n c e

At h l e t e – S p r i n t e r Ar m s a n d le g s G o o d te c h n i q u e to

in c r e a s e s p e e d / p o w e r

G a m e Pl a y e r Fo o t an d ey e s Lo o k i n g (v i s i o n )

wh e r e to ki c k a n d ki c k i n g

8. There are a number of different factors which influence a person’s choice of activity and continued

involvement. Explain how people can help to encourage participation in physical activity and give an

example. (2)

Friend / family / role model e.g. if friends go can copy them, want to be like role model

9. Select a di f f e r e n t component of Skill Related Fitness to complete each of the following


(i) A high jumper needs ...power... at take off to achieve the height to clear the bar. (1)

(ii) Racket players need ........coordination.... to move the hand holding the racket to the right place to

strike the ball correctly. (1)

(iii) Footballers need .speed .. to beat their opponents to the ball. (1)

(iv) A gymnast needs .....balance..... to maintain her position on a beam. (1)

( ___________ 28 marks)

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