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The Great War:1914-1918

C a u s e s o f W o r ld W a r I -M





ilitarism – policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war

lliances - agreements between nations to aid and protect one another

ationalism – pride in or devotion to one’s country

mperialism – when one country takes over another country economically and politically

ssassination – murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

M A N I--A





International Anarchy

NationalismPan-Slavism: The Balkans, 1914

The“Powder Keg”of Europe

Pan-Slavism  - movement to unify all of the Slavic people

Causes of World War I - Nationalism

Aggressive Nationalism

Causes of World War I - Imperialism

Triple EntenteTriple Entente:: Triple AllianceTriple Alliance::Germany



Great Britain



Causes of World War I – Alliances-map, page 816


Order of International Crises leading to the assassination!!

• European powers…before WWI confronted each other in a series of diplomatic clashes that could have resulted in war.

• Moroccan Crisis of 1905:

(also known as the Tangier Crisis) was the international crisis over the international status of Morocco between March 1905 and May 1906.

Kaiser Wilhelm II protested Fr. dominance of Morocco, a

Territory considered by the Fr. to be a private sphere of

Influence. Wilhelm II advocated Moroccan indep. & sent

a warship to the country.

Balkans Crisis of 1908-09• The Balkan Crisis of 1908 was the Annexation of

Bosnia by Austria-Hungary despite the vocal complaints from the Serbs who wanted the territory with its 3 million Serbs. Map, pg. 820

• Russia sides with Serbia

• Crisis is checked when Germany joined Austria’s cause & balanced

the Russian threat.

Second Moroccan Crisis 1911• Also known as the Agadir Crisis, or the Panther


• the international tension sparked by the deployment of the German gunboat Panther, to the Moroccan port of Agadir on July 1, 1911

Gunboat Panther on Agadir harbor

First Balkan War 1912-13• pitted the Balkan League (Serbia, Greece,

Montenegro and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire

Second Balkan War 1913

• Serbia(backed by Russia), Montenegro, Greece, Rumania, & Turkey joined to defeat Bulgaria.

• This crisies brought Russia & Serbia closer together & intensified the animosity of Russia & Serbia for the A-H empire

Sarajevo, Bosnia – June 28, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie Sarajevo, Bosnia - June 28th, 1914.

Causes of World War I - Assassination

Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist who believed that Bosnia should belong to Serbia.

Causes of World War I - Assassination

The Assassination! June 28, 1914

Black Hand (Serbian: Црна рука, Crna ruka), officially Unity or Death

Gavrilo Princip after his assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Causes of World War I - Assassination


• Shocked Francis Joseph blames Serbia, feels Serb Gov’t knew of the plot

• Believed that Serbia wanted south Slav empire

• Wanted to deal harshly with the Serbs

• Needed German backing first

• Kaiser Wilhelm II told Austria that Germany would support any action they saw fit

• Essentially giving Austria a blank check to do anything.


• Austria sends Serbia a severe ultimatum or final set of demands 7/23/14

• Serbia must end all anti-Austrian agitation and punish and Serbian official involved in the murder.

• Dismiss all officials hostile to Austria-Hungary• Allow Austrian officials into Serbia to investigate the

Archduke’s murder themselves• Serbia agrees to all of the terms except the last, rejecting

it as an infringement on Serbian sovereignty.

• 7/28/14 Austria and declares war on the Serbs—1 Month after the assassination!!

“Blank Check”

• Germany issues “blank check” to Austria• Will back her up no matter what course they take• Serbia agree’s to most terms but wants to

negotiate others

• A-Hungaryabsolutely not!• July 28, 1914 Austria declares war on Serbia!!

The Point of No Return:

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Austria blamed Serbia for Ferdinand’s death and declared war on Serbia.

Germany pledged their support for Austria -Hungary.· example of Pan-German nationalism

Russia pledged their support for Serbia.· example of Pan-Slavic nationalism

The Point of No Return:

The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Germany declares war on Russia.

France pledges their support for Russia.

Germany declares war on France.

Germany invades Belgium on the way to France.

Great Britain supports Belgium and declares war on Germany.

The Major Players: 1914-17

Nicholas II Nicholas II


George V [Br]George V [Br]

Pres. Poincare [Fr]Pres. Poincare [Fr]

Allied PowersAllied Powers::

Franz Josef [A-H]Franz Josef [A-H]

Wilhelm II [Ger]Wilhelm II [Ger]

Victor Emmanuel Victor Emmanuel II [It]II [It]

Central Central PowersPowers::

Enver PashaEnver Pasha[Turkey][Turkey]

World War IWorld War I

Allied PowersAllied Powers:: Central PowersCentral Powers::Great Britain






Ottoman Empire

July 28, 1914 – Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

July 30, 1914 – Russia prepared to defend Serbia

August 1, 1914 – Germany declares war on Russia

August 3, 1914 – Germany declared war on France

August 3, 1914 – Germany invaded neutral Belgium

August 4, 1914 – British declared war on Germany

WWI: A “FAMILY AFFAIR”• many of the European monarchies - many of which fell

during the war (including those of Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary) - were inter-related

• The British monarch George V's predecessor, Edward VII, was the German Kaiser's uncle and, via his wife's sister, uncle of the Russian Tsar as well. His niece, Alexandra, was the Tsar's wife. Edward's daughter, Maud, was the Norwegian Queen, and his niece, Ena, Queen of Spain; Marie, a further niece, was to become Queen of Romania.

Lecture 2: Course of the war

• Schlieffen Plan

• Maginot Line

• Trench Warfare• New Kind of War

• “Total War”

• Slaughter

• Battles

“The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see lit

again in our lifetime.”British Foreign Minister Edward Grey

What does this mean?

Schlieffen Plan

Maginot LineAfter André Maginot (1877-1932), French

Minister of War

The Maginot Line was a line of concrete and steel defenses that stretched between Luxembourg and Switzerland along France's border with Germany

How effective was it?????

Maginot Line

Legacy of the “line”

• Considered one of the great failures of the war

• Metaphor for someting that is relied upon despite being ineffectual


In trench warfare both armies could fight from fortified

positions. It was a slow form of combat with heavy reliance on

defense. The soldiers built complex trench and dugout

systems and stocked them with weapons. Barbed wire

protected the trenches. The space between opposing

armies’ trenches was “no man’s land.” Attacks almost always resulted in injury and

death for the attacking soldiers.

The Horror’s of Trench warfare• Confined to the western front in WWI

• It has become a byword for stalemate in conflict, with a slow wearing down of opposing forces

• Trenches & dugouts opposed each other, protected by barbed wire

• “no man’s land-” land in between; not occupied!• One reason the war dragged on for 4 years!

Trench Warfare – type of fighting during World War I in which both sides dug trenches protected by mines and barbed wire; on the Western Front!

Trench Warfare

Cross-section of a front-line trench

British trench, France, July 1916 (during the Battle of the Somme)

French soldiers firing over their own dead

All Quiet on the Western Front – trench warfare (9:27)

An aerial photograph of the opposing trenches and no-man's land in Artois, France, July 22, 1917. German trenches are at the right and bottom, British trenches are at the top left. The vertical line to the left of centre indicates the course of a pre-war road.

Officers walking through a flooded communication trench.

A photograph of a man suffering from trench foot.

Soldiers digging trenches while protected against gas attacks

War Is H E L L !!

Trench Rats

"The rats were huge. They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn't defend himself."

"I saw some rats running from under the dead men's greatcoats, enormous rats, fat with human flesh. My heart pounded as we edged towards one of the bodies. His helmet had rolled off. The man displayed a grimacing face, stripped of flesh; the skull bare, the eyes devoured and from the yawning mouth leapt a rat."

Many men killed in the trenches were buried almost where they fell. These corpses, as well as the food scraps that littered the trenches, attracted rats.

Quotes from soldiers fighting in the trenches:


Schematic Illustration of trenches from a French magazine.

German trenches

All is Quiet on the Western FrontFilm Released 1930

• All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel by Erich Maria Remarque, a German veteran of World War I, who experienced trench warfare first-hand, wrote about the horrors of that war and also the deep detachment from German civilian life felt by many men returning from the front. The book was first published in German as Im Westen nichts Neues in January 1929.

Weapons of War


Poisonous Gas

• German military scientists experimented with gas as a weapon.

• Gas in battle was risky: Soldiers didn’t know how much to use, and wind changes could backfire the gas.

• Then Germans threw canisters of gas into the Allies’ trenches.

• Many regretted using gas, but British and French forces began using it too, to keep things even.


• When soldiers began to carry gas masks, they still faced a stalemate.

• British forces soon developed armored tanks to move into no-man’s-land.

• These tanks had limited success because many got stuck in the mud.

• Germans soon found ways to destroy the tanks with artillery fire.

New Weapons of War


• Both sides used planes to map and to attack trenches from above.

• Planes first dropped brinks and heavy objects on enemy troops.

• Soon they mounted guns and bombs on planes.

• Skilled pilots sought in air battles called dogfights.

• The German Red Baron downed 80 Allied planes, until he was shot down.


land ship/tank

barbed wire

Maxim machine gun

hand grenade

poison gas submarine


CICERO © 2008


the main weapon used by British soldiers in the trenches was the bolt-action rifle. 15 rounds could be fired in a minute and a person 1,400 metres away could be killed.

Machine Guns• Machine guns

needed 4-6 men to work them and had to be on a flat surface. They had the fire-power of 100 guns.

• Could fire anywhere from 400 to 600 rounds per minute.

• Overheated and jammed easily. Had to be cooled with water or later with air.

Machine Guns



Periscope Rifle

Poison gas

• There types were used:– Chlorine- used at the

Battle of Ypres in 1915 killing thousands.

– Phosgene– Mustard- burned the

lungs of the inhaler leaving them to die in agony.


The German army were the first to use chlorine gas at the battle of Ypres in 1915. Chlorine gas causes a burning sensation in the throat and chest pains. Death is painful - you suffocate! The problem with chlorine gas is that the weather must be right. If the wind is in the wrong direction it could end up killing your own troops rather than the enemy.

Mustard gas was the most deadly weapon used. It was fired into the trenches in shells. It is colourless and takes 12 hours to take effect. Effects include: blistering skin, vomiting, sore eyes, internal and external bleeding. Death can take up to 5 weeks.

Phosphorus Grenade Exploding


• These were the new versions of cannons. Never in the history of man were so many cannons used, than in WW1.

• Germans developed a stronger artillery nicknamed “Big Bertha”

• It could fire a shot at Paris from 120 km away.

• Improved shells that would explode with tiny pellets.

French 120mm guns

Advent of the Tank

Tanks were used for the first time in the First World War at the Battle of the Somme. They were developed to cope with the conditions on the Western Front. The first tank was called 'Little Willie' and needed a crew of 3. Its maximum speed was 3mph and it could not cross trenches.

The more modern tank was not developed until just before the end of the war. It could carry 10 men, had a revolving turret and could reach 4mph.


• Tanks were known as “Chariots of God”

• The first tanks were giant blocks of metal and would carry 1 to 2 people at speeds of 3-4 mph.

• Scientist worked on this and by 1918 had developed a tank that would carry 8 men and fire 208 shells and 13,000 bullets.

• These tanks were not reliable.

French Renault PT-17 tank

Original British tank prototype "Little Willie"

British Mark I tank

German A7V tank


• New types of weapons use in advanced warfare.

• Had everything from mini scout planes to huge zeppelins.

• At first they were used to deliver bombs and for spying work but became fighter aircraft armed with machine guns, bombs and some times cannons. Fights between two planes in the sky became known as 'dogfights'

• The Zeppelin, also known as blimp, was an airship that was used during the early part of the war in bombing raids by the Germans. They carried machine guns and bombs. However, they were abandoned because they were easy to shoot out of the sky.


Planes were also used for the first time. At first they were used to deliver bombs and for spying work but became fighter aircraft armed with machine guns, bombs and some times cannons. Fights between two planes in the sky became known as 'dogfights'

The Flying Aces of World War I

Eddie Rickenbacher,


FrancescoBarraco, It.

Rene PaukFonck, Fr.

Manfred vonRichtoffen, Ger.

[The “Red Baron”]

Willy Coppens de

Holthust, Belg.

Eddie “Mick”Mannoch, Br.

2 Famous Flying AcesManfred von Richthofen better known as the Red Baron. likely the most famous flying ace of all timeThis German fighter scored the most kills.Richthofen was killed just after 11 a.m. on 21 April 1918, while flying over Morlancourt Ridge, near the Somme River. Richthofen was hit by a single .303 bullet…then a crash landing.Controversy and contradictory hypotheses continue to surround the identity of the person who fired the shot that actually killed Richthofen.

Looking for the “Red Baron?”

2nd Famous Flying Ace•Eddie Rickenbacker•American fighter ace in WWI & Medal of Honor receipient•American "Ace of Aces." He recorded 26 official victories against German aircraft during World War I•pioneer in air transportation, particularly as the longtime head of Eastern Air Lines• In 1995, the United States Postal Service issued a postage stamp in honor of Rickenbacker's accomplishments as an aviation pioneer•He died in 1973, the same year he published Fighting the Flying Circus(Rickenbacker's account of the airwar during World War 1).

Naval Units

• British specialized in battleships

• Germans specialized in submarines also called U-boats.

• The primary weapon of a U-boat was a torpedo, self propelled under water missiles.

• The Germans had 375 U-Boats in WW1.


Torpedoes were used by submarines(U-boats). The Germans used torpedoes to blow up ships carrying supplies from America to Britain.

Terms• Total war

War activities which involved mass civilian populations that require rationing, employing both men & women in war industry, exciting society with propaganda

• Victory gardens:

vegetable, fruit & herb plants planted at private residences in US, Canada, & Br. During WWI & WW II.

• Slaughter

Describes extent of the killing, violence & destruction

Otto Dix: War


• 1st Battle of the Marne(Sept. 1914)

• Battle of Verdun(Feb.-Dec. 1916)

• Battle of Jutland(May-June 1916)• Battle of the Somme(1916)

• 2nd Battle of the Marne(Jul.-Aug. 1918)




The main objective of the Allied Powers was to stop Germany and the Central Powers’ attempts to expand their land in Europe and Asia. The American conflict with

Germany stemmed from Germany’s violation of a neutrality

agreement when German submarines attacked American

passenger ships.

The main objective of the Central Powers was to acquire as much land as possible in Europe and

Asia. Germany believed France, England, and Russia prevented

its expansion. Germany was determined to expand its


Armenian Atrocities during WW I-pg. 826-827

• aka.,Armenian Holocaust, the Armenian Massacres

• deliberate and systematic destruction (genocide) of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire during and just after World War

• one of the first modern genocides• the second most-studied case of genocide after

the Holocaust• starting date of the genocide is conventionally

held to be April 24, 1915

Turkish Genocide Against Armenians

A Portent (omen) of Future Horrors to A Portent (omen) of Future Horrors to Come!Come!

Armenian Atrocities, con’t• Ottoman military uprooted Armenians from their homes and

forced them to march for hundreds of miles, depriving them of food and water, to the desert of what is now Syria.

• The Republic of Turkey, the successor state of the Ottoman Empire, denies the word genocide is an accurate description of the events

The remains of Armenians massacred at Erzinjan-

Results• Estimates vary between 300,000 (per the modern Turkish state)

to 1,500,000 (per modern Armenia, Argentina, and other states). Encyclopædia Britannica references the research of Arnold J. Toynbee, an intelligence officer of the British Foreign Office, who estimated that 600,000 Armenians "died or were massacred during deportation" in the years 1915–1916.

• The Republic of Turkey's formal stance is that the deaths of Armenians during the "relocation" or "deportation" cannot aptly be deemed "genocide," a position that has been supported with a plethora of diverging justifications: that the killings were not deliberate or were not governmentally orchestrated, that the killings were justified because Armenians posed a Russian-sympathizing threat

The Eastern Front of the War

• The Eastern Front was a theatre of war during World War I in Central and, primarily, Eastern Europe.

• In Russian sources, the war was sometimes called the Second Fatherland War

• Started under Czar Nicholas II & will end with the rise of Lenin and the collapse of The Russian Empire, as Lenin will get Russian out of the war(Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)

The Eastern Front

• Russian army moved into Eastern Germany on August 30, 1914– Defeated

• The Austrians kicked out of Serbia

• Italians attacked Austria in 1915

• G. came to Austrian aid and pushed Russians back 300 miles into own territory

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