
WK2 EXPLORATION: STORYBOARDLoren Maxwell - 0004358008

Before I started the MCBS Program, I was a wanderer and student of life.

I had always thought I would do great things by following societies rules.

I would be successful, and I would be happy.

Following that path, I went to Western Washington University and began working on my degree in Music


But, after two years, I began questioning everything and became confused and frustrated.

Nothing seemed to connect. I was becoming like the sculpture on campus that led to nowhere.

And, trying to sort my thoughts, just tangled them more. Why did I need to follow societies rules?

Was this my dream, or the expectation of family and friends?

All I knew, was it felt like I was wasting time, being chased by a dream that may or may not be mine.

So I left school, and began a different adventure.

As a result, my life became one journey after another.

The journey began as I boarded a one-way flight to Hawaii with a backpack on my back.

I had no plans, no responsibilities, and no expectations. All that mattered were my own actions, and the

situations I found myself in.

markemark-19.jpg   by markemark  /  MorgueFile

I spent years bouncing between Hawaii, Washington, and California.

I had broken all the rules, and it felt perfect.

I found success without a degree, built skills, and even found love interests.

But after seven years, my choices led me to troubled experiences and troubled relationships.


It was then that my world shattered when I was diagnosed as HIV positive.

My life as I knew it, had come to an end and a new experience began. Fear, anxiety and struggle.

I spent nearly a decade lost and defeated.

I never stopped seeking opportunity or inspiration to take back my life, but never found that true connection.

And then it happened. Driving home from work, I was witness to the Coachella Music Festival being built from

the ground up.

It was that one defining moment, which was my greatest Aha! I had just found my life again.

I knew then, that I would be part of planning and producing large experiential events.

I immediately took action and chose Full Sail University as the school of choice.

I would go into the show production an touring degree program. I even visited the school and began the

application process.

But before I could complete the process, my doubts took control, and I was once again defeated.

This was a pipe dream that would never be mine. I accepted I would have to settle for less.

However a year later, a shift began to happen.

I began working on a cruise ship and was inundated by dozens of crew involved in all aspects of the

entertainment onboard.

And my dreams crept back into my thoughts like a constant buzz and yearning.

After four years working on ships, I returned to Seattle. I was looking for stability that ships didn’t provide.

Soon after returning to Seattle, I chose to join the Seattle Men’s Chorus. I needed a creative outlet in my life.

And that was the choice that made all the difference. It is their love and support that I lean on.

Friends, who choose to live their dream, each day. And friends who support me, in living mine.

It took a decade, but I understand now that HIV is not a death sentence, but only an inconvenience.

I no longer live in doubt. I no longer live in fear. I embrace what seems larger than life.

And today I walk boldly through the door that MCBS provides, confident and ready to create my future.

My time has come to unleash experiential awe in the world, and help others achieve the same.


Images are from and and are copyright compliant for commercial use.

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