
Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

As there are so many different companies and products out there in the supplement and weight loss industry, how can you make yours stand out? It takes more that just having a quality product to build and maintain a loyal customer base.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers Offering great customer service and providing weight loss

support to your customers can really help your company and product pull ahead of the rest. Keep reading to find out a few ideas on how your company can better support its customers, leading to higher sales.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

Be available and show that you care: This idea goes along with having great customer service. Responding quickly and effectively to your customers emails, phone calls, and visits shows that you place them and their needs at a high priority. They will keep coming back if they feel their needs are being listened to and that the company cares about them.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers Provide motivation: Losing weight and achieving a healthy

lifestyle is hard. Providing motivation through words, images, or give away events can really help your customers who are trying to make the change. Become familiar with various behavior change theories and find ways your company can help foster change.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers Share exercise ideas/tips: Doing a bit of quality research

on proper exercise recommendations and sharing it with your customers can go a long way. Check out national websites likes,,and for good information.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

Share recipes: Providing healthy recipe ideas can mean a lot to customers who are starting a new diet plan. With so many things available on the internet, it is not hard to find a few recipes to share with your customers. Providing information that is practical and easy to use is also important.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

Social media and newsletters: So you may be wondering how you can get all of these supporting materials to your customers. With today’s instant and constant access to technology, the answer is pretty easy. Social media is huge right now and a well managed Facebook or Twitter page can really increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

You can also send bi-weekly or monthly newsletters to your customer base. This is a great way to communicate motivation or healthy tips and you can promote your product or sales at the same time. A win-win situation!

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

Get feedback: Another aspect of providing support to your customers is asking for feedback on how you can improve your services and then actually making the suggested changes. Customers love companies that will listen to their needs and concerns.

Providing Weight Loss Support for

your Customers

Provide ways for customers to give product reviews or contact you via email or social media. You could even offer incentives such as gift cards or coupons for giving feedback on services.

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