Page 1: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

WHAT YOU’LL NEED:• Nametags & Sharpie• Clip Boards• Customer Profile• Pens

FOR CLOSING• Retail Order Worksheet• ASVP Re9 & Nutrition - Printed Front & Back• Catalogs

At Closing Table• 150 order options laminated• Open Date Sheet• Calendar• Calculator

• Host Planner Brochure (#2872)• Open Date Sheet• Curiosity Packs

PRODUCTS• Awaken Sea Salt Scrub• 3 Favorite Products• Complete RE9 & Genius (ASVP) • Complete Healthy Living ASVP + Arbonne Greens• Hostess gift (Sea Salt Scrub or gift for Deal or No Deal)• “On Time” drawing gift (hand cream or little sample gift)

DEMO SUPPLIES• Dixie Cups & Tea cups• Fizz Sticks• Detox Tea• Shake ingredients & equipment• Shaker Cup or Blender• Almond/Coconut Milk• Frozen Berries & Spinach• Protein Bars/ Bites - make & freeze• Game Supplies (optional) - • Deal or No Deal Envelopes, Q&A game prizes & tickets• Headbands & Washcloths

SET UP:• Name Tags - front table (prefilled out if possible)• Product Display with RE9 ASVP & Healthy Living ASVP items• RE9 Results Flyer, Before and Afters and EOAS• Close Table (order forms, curiosity packs, calendar, open date sheet, calculator)• Music Playing • Well-lit presentation area• Pour/ serve Fizz, Protein drinks and Detox Tea (only serve Tea if you are in a home)

Overview Presentation Card # 01

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AS GUESTS ARRIVE:• Greet Each Guest• Invite them to the sink to try our Sea Salt Scrub• Say: “Before we get started, I want to give you an opportunity to try one of my favorite products!” (As you scrub only one hand with the sea salt scrub, take this chance to get to know them. Ask how they know the hostess, what they do for a living. Our #1 goal here is to connect over selling the sea salt product) • Give them a sample of the protein shake to try while you are with others at the sink.• Pour Fizz Sticks and serve while guests are sitting down to fill out Customer Profile.

Page 2: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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OPENING RELATING/CONNECTING:Hostess Welcomes - Shares testimonial, introduces presenter.How many of you have heard of Arbonne before? Presenter -

• Thank you for being here and trusting me with your time. • Relate - I’m a ________ like you. #1 Goal you get value and are glad you came.• I am passionate about helping people live the life they were created for . . . mission -

To change the health and wealth of people around the globe, one family at a time.

YOUR 3MINUTE STORYHave a compelling, confident, passionate story that creates vision. Connect with the guests!

Introduce yourself

• Give background, what you didn’t like and why you started Arbonne

• How you were introduced and hesitations

• What you realized

• Success you have seen and your vision

• Why you invited them


• “Why Arbonne” - Why take dollars and “Switch” to Arbonne’s P, Safe, & B• Why Switch for health and for results!• If shared all products- take all night! Biggest problem- most want everything! • Share quick 20 seconds (while fanning catalog). We have 6 skin care lines, body care, hair care, etc . . . So I’ll be sharing the core, foundational products most important to start

SAVE• If you’re like most people - like a discount, you’ll love our PC Program. • Don’t fight malls, can shop online, delivered to door! • Tonight - incredible values beyond basic discount- get FREE $50 product of choice!


• Watch what I do, if looking for another income stream. Simple, fun, built around life/current job. • We have teachers, doctors, etc. Doesn’t matter where from, teach/train you to work p/t from home to earn f/t income. • If time/money no object, what would your life look like? Think - where travel, live, spend time? Debt paid off? With current income, how long to realize these dreams? 5 years, 20 years, never? • Whether it’s car pmnt, extra vacation $, paying off debt, quitting job so more time w/ family, give more, you can through Arbonne. Some people join for purpose-passion for sharing .

Products• You can earn product by hosting a small get together like this.• Most generous host plan around

Page 3: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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THE ARBONNE STORY Optional (Explain Q & A Game)• Founded by Peter Morck- what you put ON your body as well as what you put IN your body.

Swiss standards, known for precision and quality.

• Cutting Edge R & D in the US proud of Phenomenal Scientific Advisory - Mayo Clinic & Yale School of

Dermatology, among other top contributors to our industry.

• You won’t find us in stores, magazines, we don’t advertise/ pay expensive models.

Catalog- Arbonne Consultants and their families.

PURE SAFE BENEFICIAL1,000’s of companies- what sets us apart, our formulations. Pure and Safe- best of all, they work.

Can you guess how many chemicals the average person comes in contact with every day?• 200-500 chemicals to their body daily and many are harmful. • Arbonne formulates according to Swiss standards and the EU (European Union) which bans 1400 chemicals from skin care.

Guess how many chemicals the US bans from being in skin care? (10)

Who can tell me our body’s largest organ? (skin)• What you put on it- you absorb - clove of garlic between toes - taste it in about 15 min. • So it matters what you put ON your skin. Transdermal drug patches.

Think about everything you put on your skin every day. Let’s just take a poll (ticket if raise hand)

How many of you have taken a shower at least once in the last 3 days and used body wash? How many of you have used lotion, sunscreen?How about foundation or lipstick/lip balm?

With Arbonne, don’t worry bc products are plant-based, vegan certified, non-GMO, no artificial dyes or fragrances, don’t use animal by-products or mineral oil.

Does anyone know what a rendering plant is?• Manufacturing site - road kill, diseased & euthanized animals put in vat, ground, boiled, sold to skincare & cosmetic companies. • With Arbonne- no smearing your skin with dead & diseased animal by-products.

Does anyone know where mineral oil comes from? (Petroleum)• Like wrapping skin in saran wrap. Clogs pores, leaches moisture from your skin. • Creates hormone imbalance which can cause chronic female illness.

Page 4: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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PRODUCTS:• Holistic, or “Whole Body” approach to health and aging.

• We believe key to anti-aging- both what you put on your skin AND in your body.

• Could talk all day - 20 min. two most popular - RE9 Anti-Aging Skin Care & Essentials Nutrition.

RE9• Reason people rave about most popular skin care - IT WORKS! Clinically proven - 24 hours!• Formulated to not only slow down the aging process, but to reverse it!• Dr. Peter Matravers, VP of Product Development

“RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery system stimulates the skin to the degree needed by each cell so that cells don’t become overstimulated. Formulas that rely on strong chemical ingredients can’t differentiate between healthy and sluggish cells and stimulate all cells equally. Healthy cells that are overstimulated can burn out, accelerating aging. With RE9, the benefits are long term, not temporary. In fact, long term, your results increase. When RE9 is combined with any other Arbonne products, your results are exponential because all of our products are designed to work together synergistically.

If you had a magic wand and could change anything about your skin, what would it be? (give a ticket to each person who answers)

• RE9 - improve firmness, reduce appearance of wrinkles/fine lines, improve texture & smoothness.

GENIUS Nightly Resurfacing PadsWhat do you notice when the pavement gets resurfaced? (Smooth, even color)

• Our secret weapon to aging, lines, age spots, acne, uneven skin textures and tone.

• A BOTANICAL RETIN A without a prescription! All of the benefits without redness, flaking, etc.

(Give testimonial)

Wouldn’t you agree that your skin is one thing worth investing in? We can’t change it like our clothes, we wear it every day….after all, it has to last us our entire life!

Where do you first show signs of aging? Eyes, neck and back of hands.

Eye Cream: works fast to reduce puffiness, lighten dark circles and hide crow’s feet.

• Can try this demo set in the bathroom; let’s try now on one eye. Ring finger.

Products very concentrated. A “dot does a lot.” 2 minutes in a.m. and p.m.

When you become a Preferred Client, you can get each of these products at 20% off. Tonight, when you get the set and add the Genius Resurfacing Pads (hold up), you will double your discount and get 40% off on everything.

Page 5: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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ESSENTIALS:Ok, so we’ve talked about how we can improve our skin and health from the outside in, now let’s talk about health from the inside out.

I’m going to list some common health struggles and then ask if you can relate to any of them:

• Lack of energy/Fatigue

• Bad Eating Habits/Cravings

• Excess Weight- especially around the middle

• Foggy Thinking or Poor Memory

• Cholesterol or Blood Sugar Issues

• Gas/Bloating/Constipation

• Joint Pain/Stiffness

Raise your hand if any of these symptoms stood out to you.

Which Ones? (As each one is mentioned, ask- “Can Anyone Else Relate?”)

What is it costing us? (connect them to the pain of living this way)I believe each of us was created with an amazing purpose and wouldn’t you agree we can’t live our purpose if we’re in poor health? (nod your head)

ESSENTIALS ContinuedSo let me ask you . . .

How many of you clean the lint filter in your dryer? (Raise hand to prompt them to raise theirs)What would happen if you never did? (Let them answer)How about the oil filter in your car?

• Cars/bodies wouldn’t last/break down. Hit reset button - exactly what we do on 28 Day Plan.

• Great products/plan to help- improve health, change habits, reduce/ eliminate toxins in your body.

• During short 28 days- learn to Eat Clean, Alkalize your body (prevent disease/ aging), Balance Blood Sugar, clean elimination organs. Feel and Look better than ever!

Go through products on display: Vegan, Non-GMO, No Dairy, Soy, Gluten, Artificial Sweeteners!

• Protein Powder - 20g Vegan Protein. 20 vitamins/ minerals. Easy to digest. Delicious.

• Daily Fiber Boost - 12g - ½ daily recommendation. Helps cholesterol, blood sugar, and is a “sponge” for toxins.

• Fizz Sticks - B Vitamins, Green Tea, Ginseng, and Guarana give “Clean” energy & focus while alkalizing the body. Helps you and family get off soda, energy drinks and coffee.

• Digestion Plus - Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Enzymes support digestion, your immune system and serotonin production to help with mood, sleep, memory and libido.

Page 6: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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ESSENTIALS ContinuedHow many quarts of blood do kidneys filter daily?

• Herbal Detox Tea - 9 Botanicals help clean liver & kidneys.

• 7-Day Body Cleanse - Sea botanicals help alkalize and support detoxification

Purchase each individually, get 20% off. Double discount by purchasing them together.

GREENS BALANCE- Perfect Product for Free Gift! How many of you get all your colored veggies in each day?

• This “Salad in a Glass” boasts 37 Whole Veggies & Fruits - to cleanse blood, boost immune system,

and fuel your cells. (Read some ingredients from back)

• Healthy Living Special Value Pack - eligible for next Boot Camp - helps with your 28 day plan.

• Private Facebook Group - Meal plans, excellent recipes, support and education. Keep on track!

• Everyone involved is committed and has purchased ASVP.

• Kit provides 60 meals, products for 28 days. Simply re-directing $ spent on groceries/eating out

to support in creating healthier lifestyle , addressing symptoms mentioned earlier.


• Be Brief

Before we close, I want to give you a chance to ask any questions you may have before we draw for our prize

(time it for 1 minute then draw for the prize)

Page 7: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

Overview Presentation Card # 13

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CLOSE:This is my favorite part and in just a minute I’m going to pass out the special offers for tonight!

There are 3 Ways to Win with Arbonne

1. Client - If you’re interested in just a few products, you will be able to order at the retail price listed in the catalog - no membership fee

2. Preferred Client - THIS IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE DO- Shop at a DISCOUNT! The Special Value Packs are what I recommend because they are the best bang for your buck.

• 40% off• $20 Preferred Client Account Fee waived (lasts for a year)• $30-$40 Virtual Gift Card towards your next order!• Free $50 Product of Choice

* Because there are other things you will want to get, you’ll be able to shop from home at up to 48%.

CLOSE Continued3. Consultant – Our products are truly amazing. We always say in Arbonne that the products can change

your skin and health, but the opportunity can change your life.

> If you are looking for more Income, more Time, or more Purpose, excited each day about the

opportunity to make a difference and not just be a part of the daily grind, then let’s talk. I’d love to

grab a cup of coffee or provide you with some information to help you see if this could be a fit for you.


And . . . whether you are interested in earning income or not, as I mentioned earlier, you will definitely want

to host - Not only will you earn more products to start “Arbonnizing” your home, but your friends will love it,

too, and will thank you for inviting them.

Page 8: WHAT YOU’LL NEED · 2016-09-01 · “RE9 Stands for REBUILD, REPAIR AND REJUVENTATE.” RE9 competes with products that are sold at a medical level. However, our advanced delivery

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CLOSE Continued (Optional- Play booking game)

• I’ll be getting with each individually - answer questions, best value

• We have an area dedicated right over here (point to closing area) to enter your order directly online

• If you want to book a small presentation with your friends tonight - be thinking day/evening, etc.

• Headbands/washcloths at sink if interested in experiencing RE9, leaving your eye makeup on

Pass out Catalogs and Closing Documents.

Is there someone that needs to get going first?

TIP: When you are in consistent activity, you will always have a new consultant shadowing you.

Have them help you with the facials at the sink, and also help directing traffic.

CLOSING AREAClose Individually - TRIFECTA – Cover these three areas (see “Trifecta” doc)

1. Take Order (Register as a PC)Have ASVP flyer in hand and find out if they’re a 1-2-3, interested in products/business. Have $150 Order options if needed for those who do not want the ASVPs

TIP: If your guest is interested in purchasing products but they want to “go home and think about it”, take all their info as if you were signing them up as a PC. Set a time to call her within the next day.

2. Schedule an event by asking them to host a small group (If Deal or No Deal, “Do you want to take me up on my deal?”)

3. Offer the Opportunity Say: “I think you would be great at what I do! Do you have any curiosity about earning an income with Arbonne?”

TIP: If someone is curious about the business, but not ready to sign up as a Consultant right now, give them a Curiosity Packet, and say:

“Here’s what I recommend . . . sign up as a Preferred Client, place your order, and schedule to host. You’ll want to use the products and introduce Arbonne to your friends anyway if you decide to become a consultant. If you do decide to join our team, the $79 Starter kit is only going to be $59. Let’s get together for coffee so I can hear why you are curious about the business and see if this is a fit for you.”

Be really excited and give your host an idea of the rewards they’ve earned!

Remember, a happy host creates curiosity in the business and encourages others to host as well!

TAKE INITIATIVE TO BRING PEOPLE TO YOUR CLOSING AREA (order forms, curiosity packs, calendar, open date sheet, calculator)

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