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Page 1: What is Communism?

What is Communism?

• Has it been given a bad name?

•Far Left wing

•Equality for all

•Health care


Page 2: What is Communism?

Advantages•Ideally no government •Everyone is equal•Everyone has what they need•No class distinctions•Incentive to participate•Efficient•Universal healthcare


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•Turns into dictatorship

•No incentive to work hard

•Large populations tend to become hierarchies

•Blocks out external influences

•High taxes


Page 4: What is Communism?

At first glance, communism seems to be dead in modern society.

When we actually evaluate the modern world, a lot of things that are popular Communist beliefs are very prominent in Canada today.

Communism. Working for the greater good.

High government spending, High Taxes, and a very very effective country.

The things that affect Canada the most that was also prominent in Communism Are things like the building around you. Public Security.

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Moral Values

•Everyone is treated equally

•Everyone is employed


•Everything is done for the common good

•Everyone is given what they need to live comfortably


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Economic values

•No extreme poverty or wealth

•The people collectively own everything

•Everybody is working (producing)

•Large Government involvement (social projects)


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Political values

•No expensive elections

•No political polarization

•Things get done

•The government does what is best for the collective whole


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Stranded on a island with your gr. 11 Canadian Politics Class, your tired, hungry and scared.

The question comes up as to how the nation should be run.

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Page 10: What is Communism?

Why is Communism best for the island

•Things get done quickly

•Rescores need to be shared

•No fighting over who owes what

•Brings people together

•Everyone needs to pitch in so every one can survive


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It Has The Best Interest For The Citizens

• Health Care

•Things are done quickly

• Thing are done for the collective good

•Social Programs

• Jobs

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How Will Communism Work

• There will be one leader

• The rest of the party will be advisers

• There will be an election every five years

• There will be high taxes

• Supplies disrupted evenly


Page 13: What is Communism?

It is what's best for the people

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