Page 1: What have i learned from my audience feedback?


From our Audience Feedback?

Page 2: What have i learned from my audience feedback?

➤ For the Feedback on the Artist Campaign, we used 3 different methods.

➤ 1. YouTube Statistics, we took information gathered from YouTube about are music video… this included, age, gender, and country of origin of our audience.

➤ 2. Online questionnaire, sent out emails to those who had sen the video and asked them a series of questions on what they liked and didn't like.

➤ 3. Focus Group, we had a group that matched our target audience come in to view the video and website and make remarks on what they liked and didn’t like.

Page 3: What have i learned from my audience feedback?

➤ Those in the target audience, reacted in the way that we expected them to, however they enjoyed certain aspects of the Music Video and Website more than other aspects, the fire element of the Music video was the most popular, and they enjoyed how the website was easy to navigate, and artistic.

➤ I found that our chosen target audience was very prominent, 16-24 year old females, but either side of this demographic there where younger and older males also watching the video. Overall, 48% of viewers were male.

➤ During the focus group, I deliberately interviewed a person who was not part of our target audience I did this because having only positive opinions, means that the campaign can’t be adjusted to include a wider audience.

Page 4: What have i learned from my audience feedback?

➤ The information was statically reliable as all three sources of information where unbiased and fair.

➤ The advantages of this methods, are that we can obtain clear information direct from the target audience, and this will allow us to make changes more effectively and specifically if there is anything they don't like, or would improve.

➤ The disadvantages are that the information was gathered from a generally small group, a few hundred overall. This means that a wider area of the target audience, may have a different view. We cant find that out unless we obtain more results. That would take more time and resources to do.

Page 5: What have i learned from my audience feedback?

➤ The feedback indicated that use of imagery was clear and interesting to the audience, wether or not they were are initial target. Most of the audience understood the stylistic choices in the video and why we included certain conventions.

➤ The most popular parts of the music video (the most paused point), were the fire dancers moments, when asked about why the remarks where generally the same, “it was the most visually interesting…” “… if it was the whole music video however it would be a bit boring”.

➤ The dancers turned out to be their favourite in the video, with a few members of the focus group remarking about the male dancer “Who is that guy?” “Whats his number?”.

➤ However another focus group member remarked “Why are they dancing? I don't understand”. This indicates that though overall concepts that we chose where popular, there are some that didn’t like them, but this was a minority.

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➤ The member of the focus group who wasn’t part of the ‘target audience’, didn't understand the concept or the reason for the dancers. He thought that they were unnecessary, and took interests away from the main singer…

➤ This indicates that our target audience is very specific, and that it would be hard to draw others in with the stylistic choices we have made with our artist.

➤ However this can be considered a strength, was we can focus in a on an age range and gender, rathe than keeping happy, a broader range of people.

Page 7: What have i learned from my audience feedback?

➤ Our target audience is specific. This means it will be hard to reach anyone else outside of the audience.

➤ The popular age range is 18-24.

➤ The female percentage of viewers is 53%, and the other 47% where male, more than we expected.

➤ The Top three countries for viewing where the UK, Italy and Germany, so if we where to tour, we know where we would go.

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