Page 1: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

Campion SchoolR o y a l L e a m i n g t o n S p a

Aspire Engage Achieve

Page 2: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

AspireWe feel that one of the most important values that we can instil in our pupils is self-belief. This gives your child the confidence to set their aspirations high, achieve their goals and embrace the challenges that life will bring. We provide the very best education for our pupils and offer them great opportunities. We actively recruit the finest, highly qualified and motivated teachers. We are at the forefront of new ideas; whether this is in the classroom or beyond. Our teachers seek original and creative ways to inspire pupils. We are pleased to be involved as a pilot school in innovative schemes, such as the National Grid’s Careers Lab Initiative and Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant.

EngageSchool life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide emotional security and a clear sense of moral and social responsibility. Life at Campion will enrich and enthuse your child; planting the seeds of ambition and helping them to blossom. Campion is a community where our staff and pupils look forward to coming to school in the mornings; an ethos that is commented on frequently in glowing terms by parents and visitors. This is achieved through engaging and challenging lessons, an excellent range of extra-curricular activities and an insistence on good behaviour through self-discipline and mutual respect.

AchieveOne of our key strengths is our ability to develop each young person as an individual, equipping pupils to meet their full potential. Being a small school with highly motivated staff, we are able to tailor lessons to meet each pupil’s learning needs. We work hard to identify what we can do to make sure that each child makes excellent progress during their time here.Learning extends beyond the school day; we encourage continued dedication from our pupils offering them a wide variety of sporting, academic, social and artistic clubs and activities. We also work hard with our pupils and the wider community to promote a sustainable environment - from our nature reserve and courtyard garden to our solar panels and recycling club.We actively forge positive relationships with parents and carers and greatly value your input. Having a successful partnership between the school and home is the key to maximising our pupils’ future prospects. We are proud of our pupils and are delighted to have the opportunity to be a part of their individual journey and future success. Campion School is an exciting, inspirational and happy place to be.

Jassa Panesar – Headteacher.

Welcome to Campion School

Leaders at all levels are passionate about ensuring that every student can achieve his or her best and are diligent in their pursuit of this aim.

- Ofsted, 2014“

Page 3: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide






I love science because it is fun and interactive. I really like my teacher and the lessons are great.

- Year 7 pupil“

Page 4: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

The following core values are at the heart of all that we do at Campion:

Academic excellenceWe develop, in pupils, the ability to learn in a self-disciplined, independent and flexible manner in line with the demands of the modern world. High expectations and excellent teaching by well-qualified specialist staff enables them to develop lively, enquiring and creative minds. We have superb support teams for every pupil and aim for each child of every ability to excel.

Reaching full potentialSchool life has to be about more than high academic achievement. A rich and varied extra-curricular programme complements the formal curriculum so as to enable each pupil to develop a breadth of interests. We work with a wide range of agencies to provide stimulating and challenging opportunities for all our pupils depending upon their interests and aspirations.

A happy, safe and caring environmentStaff and pupils are all members of our school community and conduct themselves with courtesy

and consideration. We set very high standards of behaviour and appearance. The school has a caring and supportive ethos to which all are expected to contribute.

Broad, balanced and relevantOur curriculum underlines our commitment to provide each pupil with the resilience, skills and aptitude required in today’s workplace. Society is ever changing and our pupils will be at the forefront of managing and leading change in all walks of life.

An effective and purposeful partnershipOur sense of community is our strength. All members of our community - pupils, parents, staff and governors - have a combined role to play in supporting achievement.

Our Values I would definitely recommend this school to other parents.

- Year 7 parent“

“We are expected to work really hard but that is good because it prepares us well for our exams and there is a lot of support.

- Year 9 pupil“

“ All teachers share the Headteacher’s determination and passion to make the academy the best it can be.

- Ofsted, 2014

Page 5: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide






I’ve only been here a few weeks and I feel really settled and have made lots of new friends already.

- Year 7 pupil“

Page 6: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

At Campion we offer a range of opportunities, both in and out of the classroom, to enable our pupils to develop their self-belief and achieve their full potential. Through excellent academic support and unequalled pastoral care your child will be inspired, engaged and supported as they strive to achieve their goals.

Strong communityCampion has a strong and respectful ethos, one of community and togetherness; it is impossible to pass through our corridors unnoticed. Whether you are a member of our Sixth Form or a young Year 7, you will be welcomed into our community and recognised for the unique individual you are. This sense of identity is reflected in our small class sizes. We ensure that no child is lost in the crowd and that our teachers can nurture our pupils, developing both their confidence and sense of success. We maintain a strong feeling of mutual respect between members of staff and our

pupils, and between the pupils themselves, which creates an environment where all can succeed.

Every child mattersCampion is an inclusive, multi-ethnic school, welcoming and valuing all students whatever their age, race, orientation or background. We pride ourselves on helping children from overseas to integrate themselves into school life, educating students from across the globe who all add to our rich and vibrant culture. This contributes to a harmonious community, inspiring our students not only to excel educationally, but also culturally, by learning first-hand from their peers.We are proud of our strong links with prestigious organisations such as the Smallpeice Trust which seeks to inspire the engineers of tomorrow, alongside STEM, the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics network. Campion is one of only six schools that are actively involved with the National Grid’s Careers Lab project.

School Life

Students’ behaviour is good and attitudes to learning are positive.

- Ofsted, 2014“

“Great school – couldn’t be happier.

- Year 10 parent“

Page 7: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

The teachers here are really supportive and I love the fact that this is a small school.

- Year 9 pupil“



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Page 8: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

The strong desire to succeed is evident in our classrooms and along our corridors. All our pupils are individually challenged to meet their full potential; with the added benefit of having a small school we are able to ensure that our pupils receive one-to-one attention. Our classes are structured so that every child can make excellent progress and be rewarded with success for their efforts.

Academic successCampion works with organisations, such as Teach First and Schools Direct, to recruit the very best qualified and motivated new entrants to the profession. We provide a highly effective training programme to ensure that all our staff teach high quality and engaging lessons.Our academic success is due, in part, to the fact that our pupils can choose a bespoke pathway tailored to suit their wants and needs by selecting from a wide range of academic and vocational subjects. We have invested heavily in the core subjects of maths, English and science and we have well-resourced vocational and technical subjects.

Campion is proud of its continuous improvement in pupil achievement. The number of pupils gaining five or more good grades at GCSE, including English and maths, has doubled in recent years. We encourage all of our students to become fully independent learners, equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for success in the future. Our pupils make outstanding progress and no child is lost in the system.

EnrichmentWe offer a range of enrichment activities to inspire our pupils and encourage them to set very high personal goals in life. These include: inviting visiting speakers to the school, such as the CEO of National Grid and the Managing Director of Sharp Laboratories; educational visits to Jaguar Land Rover, the British Museum and the Houses of Parliament; and regular visits to top universities. We have a range of activities to engage all our pupils including sports leadership, opportunities for public performance and a gifted, talented and aspirational programme for high attaining pupils.


Teachers know their students well and plan lessons that engage and interest them.

- Ofsted, 2014““

My son has benefited from high quality teaching, together with care and nurturing from teaching staff.

- Year 11 parent“

Page 9: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide






Campion is a school where everyone knows each other. This makes Campion a really friendly place to be.

- Year 11 pupil“

Page 10: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

Learning does not just happen in the classroom. We offer a host of extra-curricular and enrichment activities, giving our pupils ample opportunities to enhance their skills and immerse themselves in new experiences.

Sporting excellenceWe are especially proud of the variety of sports teams and clubs that we offer, providing competitive opportunities for boys and girls in chess, football, basketball, netball, rugby, athletics and cricket.We listened when our pupils were being inspired by the Olympics and, as a result, we have secured specialist coaching in many sports including fencing and archery. Campion is the home of the Central Warwickshire School Sports Partnership, enabling pupils to become involved in coaching roles. Many pupils have developed specialised skills in sports coaching, leadership and organisation. These skills are put to good use in our inter-house winter and summer sports competitions.

Pupil leadershipLeadership also blossoms away from the sports field. We have a thriving eco-group, who not only make a difference to school

life and its environment, but also take an active role in the wider community. Eco-group members have led discussions with our local MP at Westminster and expressed their views at board meetings of the Midcounties Co-operative. Our pupils are encouraged to show initiative. One positive example of this is that our pupils have set up our own branch of Amnesty International, putting everything that they have learned about the world from their teachers and peers into practice.

Visits and residentialsOur pupils experience a wide range of residential opportunities, both in the UK and overseas, with trips to places such as Coombe Abbey, Cambridge and Europe. They also have many opportunities to visit theatres, galleries and other centres of educational interest. Our pupils have the chance to apply what they have discovered and learned through a variety of channels including: workshops with local artists, performing on the stage in Campion’s Got Talent, or by giving something back to the community through involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.


Students quickly gain a strong understanding of British values through well thought-out opportunities for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

- Ofsted, 2014

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Page 11: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

I love being a school leader and enjoy taking the opportunity to engage with and support younger pupils.

- Year 10 pupil“



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Page 12: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

As well as a thriving reputation for academic excellence and fantastic teaching, we pride ourselves on unequalled levels of pastoral care.

House systemCampion has four houses: Griffin, Pegasus, Phoenix and Unicorn, which are organised into mixed-age tutor groups. Each house is managed by a learning leader who, through a buddy system, encourages older pupils to serve as role models to our new pupils. Older pupils act as mentors to new pupils, smoothing the transition from primary to secondary school. Tutors and House Learning Leaders play key roles in the nurturing and encouraging of all our students.

TransitionWe aim to make the move from primary to secondary school as seamless as possible. As well as the house system, we have a team of staff dedicated to ensuring your child will quickly settle at the school. We run a renowned Primary Liaison programme where children from Years 5 and 6 at our feeder primary schools experience taster lessons, such as science and technology, here at Campion, as well as working with visiting teachers in their own primary schools. Our dedicated Primary Partnership Co-ordinator, who works with our feeder primary schools in dance and

drama, prepares the primary pupils to perform Shakespeare and street-dance here in Campion’s school hall. These activities encourage primary-aged children to gain insight into our friendly and inspiring community.

Pupil voiceWe make sure our students are heard by making use of regular pupil surveys. In addition, we have developed a successful Pupil Council which not only represents the school at functions and events but also advises on matters concerning the pupil body. Older pupils can apply to be one of our pupil leaders and act as role models for younger pupils. Our Head Boy and Head Girl are chosen from this group of pupil leaders. We employ a specialist fully-qualified counsellor to be on hand three days a week for any pupils who may need this extra specialised support. We have an effective partnership with St Mary’s Church and their Youth Project. We provide professional advice through our careers advisor, who will address all aspects of life after leaving school, arranging help with university applications and staging practice interviews. This support, twinned with our excellent links to both local and national businesses and institutions, ensures that our students are more than prepared for life after Campion.


Students and staff respect each other. Students hold doors open and stand aside to allow others through first.

- Ofsted, 2014


Page 13: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

The best thing about Campion is obviously the great education you receive, but I value it because in many ways being here is just like being part of a family.

- Year 11 pupil“



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Page 14: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

Campion has a vibrant, thriving and growing Sixth Form offering an array of academic and vocational subjects. It combines specialist teaching with small class sizes, making our Sixth Form the ideal place for pupils to continue their education whilst preparing for life after Campion.

High expectationsWe are extremely proud of the achievement of our Sixth Form pupils. Results for the number of our pupils with three or more A levels, individual grades and the overall average grade per pupil are all above national average. We expect our Sixth Form pupils to work hard and we have provided a study centre in the Sixth Form block, with a supervisor present to support private study sessions. Pastoral care is equally important in the Sixth Form and we have a specialist team of tutors to work with our pupils and to help them prepare for life beyond Campion. Increasing numbers of

our Post-16 are going on to study at the country’s top universities such as Warwick, Cambridge, Birmingham and Oxford.

Next stepsSixth Form pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of enrichment activities including debates, trips to places such as Barcelona and New York, residentials and school leadership. The school’s partnership with cutting-edge companies and institutions carries on throughout the Sixth Form with workshops at Oxford and Cambridge Universities; careers events with National Grid; university application support from Warwick University; taster day events at a range of higher education institutions; and work experience placements at the Head Office of the Midcounties Co-operative.

FutureAn increasing proportion of most-able students go on to study at the top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

- Ofsted, 2014“

“As a new student to Campion, I have really enjoyed becoming part of this community and I am certainly excited to spend the next two years immersed in such a welcoming environment.

- Post-16 pupil

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Page 15: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide






The staff and pupils have good relationships and the school ethos is that everyone matters. This enables pupils to do really well here.

- Year 11 pupil“

Page 16: Welcome to Campion School · Warwickshire’s Big Career Grant. Engage School life at Campion provides the perfect balance of personal development and academic achievement. We provide

Campion SchoolSydenham DriveLeamington Spa

CV31 1QH

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