
Sunday, September 3, 2017 10 am

WELCOME to Asbury First United Methodist Church

We are a caring,

Christ-centered community,

Our hearts and doors are open to all.

We invite you to join us in worship,

in learning about faith,

and in loving our neighbor.

We are Asbury First, and we are glad you’re here.


Welcome visitors! We invite you to sign the ritual of friendship pad during the service. Please complete a visitor card, found in the pews, and take it to the welcome desk in the Welcoming Hall, where we have a small gift for you. Informational brochures are available in the Welcoming Hall. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our community, please check the appropriate column on the ritual of friendship pad, or contact any pastor. Again, a deep WELCOME!

Worship Aids: Large-print bulletins, Bibles, and hymnals are available from the ushers. Braille hymnals and ASL interpreters are available with one week’s advance notice to the church offi ce, 585-271-1050, x103. A hearing loop in the sanctuary is available for those who have hearing aids with T switches; you may also request earphones from the ushers that will aid you in hearing the service if needed. CDs of our Sunday morning services or just the sermon may be borrowed or purchased; call or stop by the offi ce and speak with the receptionist during the week.

Prayer Request Cards are in the pew racks. We invite you to place prayer requests in the off ering plates, so that our pastors and the Intercessory Prayer Group may pray for you. Your prayer request is confi dential.

Coff ee Fellowship: You are invited to enjoy coff ee, tea, or cocoa and conversation every Sunday, 9:30 am to 11:30 am, at Heavenly Grounds in the Gathering Center. Treats may also be available.

Giving to Asbury First: Donations to Asbury First may be made during the service by placing your gift (cash or check) in the off ering plate when it is passed. You may also give online at www.asburyfi Questions? Contact Morgan Dornsife at 585-271-1050 x112 or mdornsife@asburyfi

As a community of faith, we believe that children are sacred gifts and they are welcome in our worship. We recognize that children can become restless during worship. Excellent nursery and childcare is off ered. Children’s bulletins are available. Please see an usher for more information.

After the service we welcome you to sit in the chancel choir pews to meditate and listen to the organ postlude.

We kindly ask that as you enter the Sanctuary you turn off your cell phone.

Worship on Radio – Each Sunday morning from 11 am-noon you can tune your radio to WYSL 1040 AM or 92.1 FM to hear today’s worship service. You may also go to and hear audio of the service.

LIVE & Archived Worship on your Computer: We off er live video streaming of the 10 am service on our website at www.asburyfi A video archive of past services is also available. We welcome your suggestions on how we may improve these off erings.

Reconciliation Statement: Asbury First United Methodist Church prayerfully strives to live in its community with open hearts, open minds and open doors. Affi rming that each person is of sacred worth, we seek to be a fully inclusive church, believing that all people are God’s children, created in God’s image, loved and blessed equally by God. It is our purpose to be a Reconciling Congregation. Th is means extending hospitality and encouraging full participation of all, regardless of age, race, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status or family structure, education or economic background, and physical or mental ability. We recognize that we hold a variety of opinions. We do not seek to erase our diff erences, but to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect. We believe that reconciliation to God and to one

another is central to our mission and ministry.

Reconciliation Statement: Asbury First United Methodist Churchprayerfully strives to live in its community with open hearts, open minds andopen doors. Affi rming that each person is of sacred worth, we seek to be a fully inclusive church, believing that all people are God’s children, created in God’s image, loved and blessed equally by God. It is our purpose to be aReconciling Congregation. Th is means extending hospitality and encouraging full participation of all, regardless of age, race, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status or family structure,education or economic background, and physical or mental ability. Werecognize that we hold a variety of opinions. We do not seek to erase our diff erences, but to journey together in faith toward greater understanding and mutual respect. We believe that reconciliation to God and to one

another is central to our mission and ministry.



Our Mission Statement

Love God and neighbor.Live fully. Serve all. Repeat.

Sound Bite

Love. Live. Serve. Repeat.

WORSHIP SERVICE13th Sunday After Pentecost • 10 am • September 3, 2017

As the community gathers, may the music of the prelude draw your hearts and minds to God.


Prelude “Trumpet Prelude”—Arcangelo Corelli“Adagio and Trumpet Tune”—Tommaso Albinoni

*Call to Worship All are invited to read aloud the bold-faced type; the lay reader will read the unbolded type

Th e Lord, our God, is calling us to act. Will we answer?Th e Lord, our God, is calling us to act. Will we answer?In the midst of joys and celebrationsTh e Lord, our God, is calling us to act. Will we answer?In the midst of trials and tribulationsTh e Lord, our God, is calling us to act. Will we answer?In the midst of pain and suff eringTh e Lord, our God, is calling us to act. Will we answer?In the midst of our ordinary and mundane livesTh e Lord, our God is calling us to act. Will we answer?

*Processional Hymn #159 “Lift High the Cross”

*Greeting & Passing of the Peace

*Greeting Hymn #382 “Have Th ine Own Way, Lord” (vv. 1, 3)

Prayer of Confession

Merciful God,we confess that we have not loved you with our whole heart.We have failed to be an obedient church.We have not done your will.We have broken your law.We have rebelled against your love.We have not loved our neighbors.And we have not heard the cry of the needy.Forgive us, we pray.Free us for joyful obedience.

[Silent Confession]

3* please stand, in body or in spirit

Words of Assurance Hear the good news:Christ died for us while we were yet sinners; that proves God’s love toward us.In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!Glory to God. Amen

*Gloria(tune of )

All glory be to God, all praise and thanks be given; Whose Son and Spirit reign as one in highest Heaven; Our one eternal God, whom earth and heaven adore; For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.


ScriptureExodus 3:7-15

Th en the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their suff erings, and I have come down to deliver them from the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land fl owing with milk and honey, to the country of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Th e cry of the Israelites has now come to me; I have also seen how the Egyptians oppress them. So come, I will send you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” He said, “I will be with you; and this shall be the sign for you that it is I who sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God on this mountain.” But Moses said to God, “If I come to the Israelites and say to them, ‘Th e God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” He said further, “Th us you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I am has sent me to you.’” God also said to Moses, “Th us you shall say to the Israelites, ‘Th e Lord, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you’: Th is is my name forever, and this my title for all generations."

Hymn #382 “Have Th ine Own Way, Lord” (v. 4)


ScriptureMatthew 16:21-28

From that time on, Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and undergo great suff ering at the hands of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “God forbid it, Lord! Th is must never happen to you.” But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” Th en Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will fi nd it. For what will it profi t them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their life? "

Anthem "Come, Th ou Fount of Every Blessing"—arr. Richard Walters

Come, Th ou Fount of every blessing,Tune my heart to sing Th y grace;Streams of mercy, never ceasing,Call for songs of loudest praise.Teach me some melodious sonnet,Sung by fl aming tongues above;Praise the mount! I'm fi xed upon it,Mount of Th y redeeming love.

Here I raise mine Ebenezer,Hither by Th y help I'm come;And I hope, by Th y good pleasure,Safely to arrive at home.Jesus sought me when a stranger,Wandering from the fold of God;He, to rescue me from danger,Interposed His precious blood.

Oh to grace how great a debtorDaily I’m constrained to be!Let thy goodness like a fetterBind my wandering heart to Th ee;Prone to wander, Lord I feel it,Prone to leave the God I love;Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it,Seal it for Th y courts above.

Children’s Time All children are invited forward at this time and may bring their prayer requests and off erings.



Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Th y name. Th y kingdom come, Th y will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Th ine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn #582 “Whom Shall I Send?” (vv. 1-3)During the singing of this hymn, children four years old through fi fth grade are invited to exit the sanctuary for Enrichment Time.

Sermon Th e Costly Call

Call to Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Response


Invitation to Discipleship, Membership,

and Commitment

You are endowed, by your Creator God, with the gifts of time, talent, and treasure. You will fi nd, within the worship folder, invitations to enrich your faith journey and enhance your commitment. We invite you to prayerfully consider these opportunities.

You are invited to sign and pass the ritual of friendship tablet from the center aisle down the pew. Prayer request cards are available in the pew racks and may be placed in the off ering plate as it is passed, or they may be placed in the wooden boxes located in the Narthex and Welcoming Hall.

Th e towel and bowl that are presented by the ushers at this time of the off ering symboli-cally represent the giving of ourselves in humble, compassionate service to others, as was modeled by Christ when he washed his disciples’ feet using a towel and basin of water ( John 13:1–5). Th e off ering plate of material gifts represents the ancient tradition of off ering our best from life’s blessings to God (Deuteronomy 26:1–3).

Offertory “Praise to the Lord!”—Rowland H. Prichard/Brant Adams


*Doxology #95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”

*Prayer of Dedication

Source of all life, receive these, our gifts and treasures. Bless them and sanctify them that they may be a blessing to those you call us to serve. Amen.


*Recessional Hymn #381 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”


*Benediction Response

Postlude “Trumpet Overture”—Henry Purcell

ParticipantsIn the Service

Preacher: Ian C. UrriolaLiturgists: Th e Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Cady, Th e Rev. Kathy Th iel, Th e Rev. Mike MullinLay Reader: Monica GilliganOrganist: David StrongClarinetist: Julianne BurchSoloist: Dan McInerney, tenor Acolyte: Dan HinesCrucifer: Payton ShaferAudio Operator: Victoria SlatteryVideo Operator: Jake SchwartzHead Ushers: Tim Lamica and Brian White


Sun. 9:30 Blood Pressure Screening—1040 7:00 Yoga—1040

Mon. 9:00 Monday Morning Crew—1040

Wed. 6:00 Men’s Devotional Group—1010 11:30 Choir for People with Memory Loss—1040

5:00 Intercessory Prayer Group—1010 5:30 Music Gathering—1040 5:30 Community Dinner—1040 5:30 TOPS—1040 7:30 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal—1040

Th urs. 6:00 Wellness Clinic—1040


The fl owers on the altars are given to the glory of God and in gratitude of past and present church members; and in celebration of the wedding of Hollie Johnson and Dan Marshall.

If you would like to place fl owers on the altar, please contact Jeanne Ristau at (585) 223-4356, preferably two weeks

ahead of requested date.

We off er our prayers and concern for all those who are ill at home, hospitalized, or in hospice care. Known to be hospitalized is Kathy Welch.

We off er our prayers and sympathy to Diane and Dick Dennison and family on the death of Diane’s brother, Arthur Stratton, on August 25, 2017.

If you are aware of anyone who is ill and in need of a pastoral visit, please call the church offi ce at (585) 271-


We invite you to pray for members of our church families known to be serving in the military:US Air Force: SSgt Charles Key; Amn Patrick “Rick” Smith. US Army: SPC Andrew J. Th ompson; SGT Christopher M. Birdsall; CPT Nathan Lubba; MAJ Matthew Ristau*; SGT Christian T. Dahl; CPT Scott Moncrief; CW4 Eric R. Rutsch.US Marine Corps: LT Craig R. Waldman; Cpl John Lyons.US Navy: LT Adam Kreutter; CAPT Jeff rey A. Ward; PO2 Jacob Staples.US Army Reserves: PFC Wesley Regnier; SGT Michael DiPaola; SSGT Michael Joyce.*


If you would like to add the name of a member or friend to our military listing, or if you know someone on this list who

is no longer serving in the military, email Jamie Least at jleast@asburyfi, or call (585) 271-1050, x109.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRYWe invite the children to take activity bags as they enter the Sanctuary. Th ere are two bags: one for children ages 3-6, and another for ages 7-12. Please return them to a basket after the service.

Is Children’s Ministry meeting your child’s special needs? Can we make accommodations to be helpful to you and your child? Contact Children’s Ministry at (585) 271-1050 x111 to explore possibilities.


Response to Hurricane HarveyTh e images we see of the fl ooding and devastation in Houston and beyond are heart-breaking. As we continue to keep those impacted by Harvey in our prayers, please also consider other ways you can help UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief ) as they assist those in need. Please see the list of items being collected for cleaning kits that will be distributed to UMCOR. If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Jackie Nelson at 271-1050, x104, or at jnelson@asburyfi


Have questions about the upcoming Sept. 24 vote for a capital campaign? Great—we want to hear them!

Volunteers are available after service in the Gathering Center to share the latest updated information and

answer any questions you have. Stop by, speak with us and plan to attend the Town Hall Meeting—Sept. 10

at 12:30pm. Please reach out to campaign@asburyfi with any questions, thoughts, concerns, and joys about these projects. We need your insight, opinion, prayers and support as we look to and plan for the

future. And we are better together!

Charlie Brown Auditions on Sept. 10!Do you know what happiness is? Th e kids from the Peanuts gang sure do! Th is fall, the Asbury Youth are presenting “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”, the timeless musical that explores a children’s perspective on peace, happiness and growing up. Th e simple comic strip inspired books like Th e Gospel According to Peanuts and others. Auditions for the musical will happen on Sept. 10 at 4 pm. Come join us for a fun fi lled fall as we celebrate the simplest of all emotions...happiness! Performance dates are Nov. 10, 11 and 12.



Have questions about the upcoming Sept. 24 vote for a capital campaign? Great—we want to hear them!

q p g pp g p

Volunteers are available after service in the Gathering p p gp p g

Center to share the latest updated information andg

answer any questions you have. Stop by, speak with uspp

and plan to attend the Town Hall Meeting—Sept. 10y q y p y py q y

at 12:30pm. Please reach out to campaign@asburyfi rst.p g pg p

org with any questions, thoughts, concerns, and joys p p g yp p g

about these projects. We need your insight, opinion, g y q g j yg y q g

prayers and support as we look to and plan for thep j y g pp j y g p

future. And we are better together!pp ppp p


SAVE THE DATE for the Older Adult Council on 10/19Th e Older Adult Council invites YOU to save the date Th ur., Oct. 19 for our annual fall event. You are an ‘older adult’ if you are currently 80 years young or will celebrate that special birthday before the end of this year! Stay tuned for more information.

Asbury First Music Welcomes YOU!Are you a singer? An instrumentalist? Is there music in your past, present, or future? Th en you are welcome here! September brings a season of renewal, and we welcome any and all with an interest in participating. A Fall Picnic in the Gathering Space on 9/6 at 5:30 (also the start of our Wednesday evening Community Dinners) will kick off our season, followed by a rehearsal for our fi rst Sunday back to our regular service schedule. We welcome all singers to join us! Oour regular rehearsal are: Sanctuary Choir meets Wed. evenings 7:30-9 pm, and sings at our 11 am services. Asbury Singers meets Sun. morning at 7:45 and sings at our 8:30 services. Rehearsal times for our many Children’s Choirs, Youth Choirs, Bell Choirs, Orchestra, and other ensembles are found on our webpage: asburyfi Tune up those rusty vocal pipes again, or get out that expensive instrument your parents bought—We want you!

September 2017 Church Library SelectionsSeptember marks the start of Sunday school, adult education classes, the 11 am church service, and the church Library monthly book selections. Books for all ages and on all topics can be found in our Library. Come and check them out! Selections include: Th e Adventure Bible for Early Readers by Lawrence O. Richards, Illustrated Dictionary of Religion by DK Publishing, Th e Promise of Jesse Woods by Chris Fabry, Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of A Family and Culture in Crisis by J. D. Vance, Th e Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt, Justice: What’s the Right Th ing to Do? by Michael J. Sandel, Th e Wedding Shop by Rachel Hauck, Dark Splendor: Spiritual Fitness for the Second Half of Life by Robert P Vande Kappelle, Morality and the Movies: Reading Ethics Th rough Film by Dan Shaw, Long Way Gone by Charles Martin, At Home in Mitford by Jan Karon, Th e Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom, Hannah’s List and Starting Now by Debbie Macomber, Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul by Jack Canfi eld, and Daily Guidepost Devotions.

Children’s Music Programs Begin 9/20Children’s Music Programs begin Wednesday, 9/20 and are off ered for ages 4 through 5th grade. Hallelujah Kids (Music Fundamentals Class age 4 through 1st grade) meets Wednesdays, 5-5:30 in the Music Room 205 upstairs in the Education Wing. Wesley Singers & Ringers (Vocal & Handbell Choir for grades 2nd-5th) meets in the same location on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm. Th ere is a Community Dinner off ered from 5:30-6 pm each Wednesday in the Gathering Center for $3 per person. We have a variety of opportunities to sing and ring thoughout the school year some of which include Bible Sunday, Advent Winter Wonder Night, the Christmas Pageant, Palm Sunday and a children’s musical in May. Registration forms and Fall Schedule are available at the Information Desk in the Welcoming Hall. For questions contact Holly Temming at htemming@asburyfi

Women on Wednesday (WOW) on 9/13Please join Women on Wednesday (WOW) on Wed., Sept. 13 from 12-1 pm in the dining room of 1010 East Ave. We’ll have a roundtable review of summer project reading, featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning fi ction by Women Authors. Discussion of Joan Chittister’s Between the Dark and the Daylight will begin Sept. 20. Th is is a contemporary exploration of concerns of modern life and making peace with the unsolvable riddles of the soul. WOW meets every Wed., Sept. to May, from 12-1 pm in the dining room of 1010 East Ave. Readers who enjoy exploring books, learning together and good company are always welcome. Bring your lunch and your curiosity. We hope to see you there!


JOIN US For Dining In for Outreach on October 14, 2017 (Formerly Known as Dinner Among Friends) Just as we did when we were children, we enter September with sharpened pencils, crisp new notebooks, and renewed purpose. We are focused on Dining In for Outreach, our opportunity to support the Rochester community, the global community and our own Asbury First community. Proceeds from this year’s Dining In for Outreach, will benefi t all our Outreach ministries.

You are invited to join us on October 14, 2017, for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. We will start the evening at 5 pm with appetizers


in the Gathering Center. From there you will join your hosts at their home for a delicious meal and an evening of fellowship. Th e suggested donation for this fundraiser is $50 per person---but feel free to donate more or less (even if you can’t come). To RSVP, or for more information, please contact Adelaide Svoboda at [email protected]. Stop by the table in the Welcoming Hall to sign up or get further information.

Volunteers Needed for Monday Morning Crew Volunteers needed to assist with light maintenance items around the Asbury First campus. Anyone interested can contact Ken Carr via phone (271-1050 ext. 120) or email (kcarr@asburyfi

School #17 NewsWe are excited to relay to you our decision to tutor at the Enrico-Fermi #17 School. Our decision is based on one of the goals of the Outreach Task Force; to focus outreach ministries in one area of the city. Th e school is located in the JOSANA neighborhood located at 158 Orchard Street. Th eir program is called “Help Me Read” and is operated in conjunction with the Arc of Jesus Church and the Celebration of Life Program. Volunteers will need to participate in an orientation program before beginning in late September or early October. Dates for the training (located at 395 Westfall Road in the 5-Star building) are as follows: September 7 at 10:30 am and September 19 at 10 am. If interested in volunteering, please contact John Smalt at jhsmalt@ or (585-924-8624). If you would like to bring school supplies to help the children of School #17, the following is a list of needed items which can be brought to our gathering Sunday, Sept. 10:

• Backpacks• pencils (4X24 count)• colored pencils• eraser and eraser tops• ink pens (blue, black & red)• crayons• color safe markers• highlighters• child safe scissors• glue sticks• pencil boxes or pouches• index cards• sticky notes• solid color folders with pockets • 3-ring binders• composition books• graph paper• tissues• liquid hand sanitizer

John Smalt looks forward to hearing from you—and a special thanks to Asbury First members for your support!

Storehouse DonationsTh e Storehouse is in need of boys pants, sizes 6 through 14. Th ank you for your generosity!

Together in Ministry Sunday—Sept. 10

We return to our regular worship schedule with services at 8:30, 10 and

11 am.

Also on Sunday: • Sunday School Open House• Bounce House on the Grang-

er lawn• Friendly conversation at the

turquoise tables with friends both old and new!

• Tours of the Asbury First Campus

• One 5-Gallon bucket with resealable lid o Buckets from fast-food restaurants or bakeries

can be used if washed and cleaned o Do not use buckets that have stored chemicals o Advertisements on the outside are acceptable • Liquid laundry detergent o One 50-oz. or two 25-oz. bottle(s) only • Liquid household cleaner o 12 - 16 oz. liquid cleaner that can be mixed with

water o No spray cleaners (continued on next page)

UMCOR Cleaning KitsOver the next several weeks, we’ll collect items from this list to assemble into cleaning kits to send to UMCOR. Please bring any of the listed items to the Welcoming Hall on Sunday, or, give to UMCOR’s relief and recovery efforts: U.S. Disaster Response, Advance #901670 at, or note UMCOR or Harvey on your check or envelope placed in the offering plate.



Th e Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Cady II, Senior Minister, scady@asburyfi rst.orgTh e Rev. Kathy Th iel, Minister for Congregational Care, kthiel@asburyfi rst.orgTh e Rev. Mike Mullin, Minister for Discipleship and Youth, mmullin@asburyfi rst.orgTh e Rev. Jacqueline J. Nelson, Minister for Outreach, jnelson@asburyfi rst.orgPaula Dugan, Director, Children’s Ministry, pdugan@asburyfi rst.orgHolly Temming, Children’s Ministry Assistant; Director, Children’s Music, htemming@asburyfi rst.orgMelody Guadagnino, Administrative Assistant, mguadagnino@asburyfi

Ken Carr, Property Care Manager, kcarr@asburyfi rst.orgMorgan Dornsife, Director of Development and Communications, mdornsife@asburyfi rst.orgMichele Cooley, Director, Dining and Caring Center, mcooley@asburyfi rst.orgRichard Moncrief, Financial Administrator, rmoncrief@asburyfi rst.orgJamie Least, Communications Coordinator, jleast@asburyfi rst.orgDavid Strong, Church Administrator; Assistant Organist, dstrong@asburyfi rst.orgDeb Bullock-Smith,Administrative Assistant, dbullocksmith@asburyfi rst.orgIan C. Urriola,Ministry Intern, iurriola@asburyfi

Dr. William Weinert, Director of Music, [email protected] Prill**, Organist, [email protected] Lamica, Director, Youth Music, clamica@asburyfi rst.orgBrian Bohrer, Director, Asbury Singers, [email protected] Church, Director, Asbury Ringers, [email protected] Dugan, Director, Youth Th eater, [email protected] Lajewski*, Bonnie Kay*, Storehouse Directors, [email protected] Kennedy*, Director, Asbury First Orchestra, [email protected] Switchboard: (585) 271-1050.*Volunteer leadership** On sabbatical

UMCOR Cleaning Kits list (continued from previous page)• Dish soap o 16-28 oz. bottle, any

brand • 50 Clothespins • Clothesline o One 100-ft. or two 50-ft.

lines o Cotton or plastic • 7 Sponges o No cellulose sponges

due to mold issues o Remove from packaging • 24-Roll heavy-duty trash bags o 33-45 gallon sizes o Remove from the box

• 18 Cleaning wipes o Handi-wipes or reusable wipes o No terry cleaning towels o Remove from packaging • 1 Can air freshener o Aerosol or pump • 1 Insect-repellant spray o 6-14 oz. aerosol or spray pump with protective cover• 2 Pairs kitchen dishwashing

gloves o Should be durable

enough for multiple uses o Remove from packaging

• 1 Pair work gloves o All Cotton o All Leather o Cotton with Leather

Palm • 5 Scouring pads o Remove from wrapper o No stainless steel,

Brillo pads or SOS pads (nothing with soap built in)

• 1 Scrub brush o Plastic or wood

handle • 5 Dust masks

If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Jackie Nelson at 271-1050, x104, or at jnelson@asburyfi

There’s Something for Everyone at Asbury First!

Find out more at

Would you like to become a member of Asbury First? Please join us in the fall for the next New Member

Orientation! Watch your bulletin, weekly e-newsletter, and Facebook for future dates. For more information, or if

you have questions, please contact Melody Guadagnino at 585-271-1050 x103 or mguadagnino@asburyfi

Ministry & Space Task Force Recommended Campus Updates

Have Questions? Comments? Joys? Concerns?

Please contact [email protected]

and join us at the upcoming Town Hall Discussion!



Town Hall on all buildings In Fellowship Hall



Mark your calendar!On Sept. 10, we will return to our

regular worship schedule:8:30 am – Traditional Worship

10 am – Chancel Worship with Holy Communion

11 am – Traditional Worship with Sanctuary Choir

Fall Schedule Begins Sunday, Sept. 10

Join us for Community Dinner

Every Wednesday, enjoy a delicious dinner served family style (in-cluding dessert!)prepared by Chef Ryan.5:30pm in the Gathering Center

Free on 9/6 (following Wednesdays, the cost is $3 per person)All are Welcome!!

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