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My Brain Made Me Do It!!


Welcome!Christopher Kaufman, Ph.D.(207) 839-5548 (office)(207-272-4672 (cell)e-mail: [email protected]: kaufmanpsychological.org1My Brain Made Me Do It!!The Educators Guide to Social Cognition and Emotional Regulation

Christopher Kaufman, Ph.D.Licensed Psychologist

Secondary VersionIn every person, even in such as appear most reckless, there is an inherent desire to attain balance.-- Jacob Wasserman German Author (1873-1934)

Agenda8:30 Mean Max & Descartes Error: Why All Social & Behavioral Problems Have a Biological Basis

9:00Social cognition: What it is and why it matters

9:30Emotion and its self-regulation


10:15Emotion and its self-regulation (Continued)

11:00The biological bases of fear


12:30Strategies 1: Concrete implications for prevention and classroom management (emphasis on the teaching of social-emotional literacy)


2:20Strategies 2: Skill-building and collaborative teacher-student problem-solving

3:00Case study discussions and Q & A


Part 1Mean MaxAnd . . Descartes Error

Bwa ha ha ha ha!!Oopsie ,

My bad . . Meet Mean Max

His teachers admission: I know its wrong and Im kind of embarrassed I do this, but thats what the other kids call him sometimes because hes so aggressive and in your face - its hard not to view him as evil.Descartes Error (Damasio, 1996)17th Century French Philosopher

Advocated a dualist perspective of brain and soul

Viewed social/behavioral difficulties as problems with the soul (and, therefore, moral lapses)

All social/behavioral problems are a product of both . .


Fact: All learning, including learned behavior, is a function of . . synaptogenesis Cartesian notions of mind-body dualism have had major influence on western culture and philosophy over the centuries, and continue to shape the ways in which we view elements of behavior.

Although, as Goldberg (2001) points out, few in our society question the neuro-biological basis of language, perception, and motor functioning, the larger culture continues to brand elements of behavioral and social functioning as attributes of the mind that exist separate from neurological function (Goldberg: As if they were attributes of our clothes and not our body).

Descartes error remains rampant in the educational community, with behaviors such as frequent aggression and noncompliance commonly attributed to failures of the soul (Hes such a brat!) rather than to the neurodevelopmental profiles that contribute to them. Key Points:

Its time to put aside Descartes error

Sorry Id take it back, but, well, Im dead.



Bottom line: All behavior problems have a neurological basis, just as all learning problems have a neurological basis!Your Turn . . .

Select a kid on your past andconcurrent caseload.

Consider the extent to whichhis/her social-behavioralchallenges stemmed from:

Biological factors (cognitive processing challenges; i.e., impulsivity, anxiety, mood labiality, attention deficits, etc.)

Habits/tendencies shaped by environmental influences

Social Cognition

What it is Why it mattersPart 2Banduras Social Cognitive Theory

SCT maintains that a persons reality and social/behavioral presentation are formed through the interaction of environment and his/her cognitions.We tend to get stuck here!Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) requires educators to . . Understand that kids social/behavioral challenges flow from a mismatch between their cognitive capacities/individual constructions of reality and the environments that help shape the constructions.

Develop intervention packages that target both the cognitive/personal and environmental contributors!

SLT also emphasizes the importance of observational learning; that is, learning by watching the behavior modeled by others. Mirror Neurons enable this!!Development of Social Cognitive SkillWhen kids are little, their behavior is highly regulated by adults, who teach directly (Do this) and indirectly (via modeling)

As kids get older, they increasingly substitute self-redirected internal controls for adult-directed external controls. In order for this substitution of internal control for the external control to be successful, kids must possess developmentally appropriate levels of self-regulatory ability!

Our Focus Today!Developmental weakness here . . Combines with challenges/limitations here . . To produce problems here!!EmotionIts Self-RegulationPart 3And . .

AKA . .Affective Information Processing

22The BRAIN: Its two hemispheres and four lobes (source: Jacob L. Driesen, Ph.D.)

The Cortical Hemispheres and Emotion

24Left and Right Hemispheres and EmotionAssociated more with positive affect

Left frontal area associated with approach behavior (and positive affect)Associated more with negative affect

Right frontal area linked with avoidant and withdrawn behavior (and negative affect)

Left RightHale & Fiorello, 2005If the left hemisphere is underactive or dysfunctional, then negative affect and avoidance behaviors may occur. If the right hemisphere is underactive, then positive affect and approach behaviors may occur.Left hemisphere lesions more associated with crying, depression, and catestrophic reactions

Right hemisphere lesions more associated with laughter, euphoria, or indifferenceHale & Fiorello, 2005The brain bottom to top:Lurias three functional blocks

Block 1 (Brainstem /reticular activating system): Regulates the energy level and tone of the cortex, providing it with a stable basis for the organization of its various processes.Block 2 (Three posterior cortical lobes): Analyze, code, and store informationBlock 3 (Frontal Lobe):Formation of intentions, anddirection of cognition &motor activity27

28Prefrontal CortexPosteriorCortexReticular Activating SystemFrontal-reticular-posterior cortical attention loop(Goldberg, 2001, p. 172)Breakdowns anywhere along this loop can lead to attention deficits and emotional/behavioral challenges!Under- vs Over-Arousal of the Cortex:Implications for Social/Emotional FunctioningUnder-arousal: Associated with extroversion, & ADHD Conduct DisorderOver-Arousal: Associated with introversion and internalizing disorders (i.e., anxiety and depression)

Hale & Fiorello, 2005

Four Cortical Lobes of the BrainFrontal Lobe: Output center, director of cognition and motor activityOccipital Lobe: Center of visual processingParietal Lobe:Center of somatosensory and spatial processingTemporal Lobe: Center of auditory and language processing31

Pre-Frontal Cortex: Primary Site of Attention and Executive FunctionA deficiency of the neurotransmitter Dopamine in frontal cortical areas has been linked to the expression of ADHD/EFD symptoms.

Not fully developeduntil the age of 21 25! Vulnerable to injury!32Pre-frontal Lobe: The portion of the brain that distinguishes us from this guy . . .

You wanna piece of me?!33Implications of frontal lobe injury . . . Phineas Gage - Harlow (1868) He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires; at times pertinaciously obstinate yet capricious and vacillating. His friends and acquaintances said he was no longer Gage.

I lost a piece of me . .34Children born with (or who develop) problems in either the prefrontal cortex or its connections are often identified with . . .ADHD

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (because of their low frustration tolerance and tendency to become easily irritated/annoyed)

An array of executive functioning problems


Mood Disorders

Time for a break . . Its #$%$# about time!36Frontal Lobe Specifics (Adapted from Hale & Fiorello, 2004)

Motor CortexDorsolateral Pre-frontal Cortex

PlanningStrategizingSustained AttentionProblem-SolvingSelf-Monitoring-------------------------------Orbital Prefrontal

Impulse Control(behavioral inhibition)Emotional Modulation

Figure 1.1: The Two Strands of Executive FunctionThe Executive SkillsThe Metacognitive Strand

Goal-Setting Planning/Strategizing Sequencing Organization of Materials Time Management Task Initiation Executive/Goal-Directed Attention Task Persistence Working Memory Set ShiftingThe Social/EmotionalRegulation Strand

Response Inhibition (AKA: Impulse Control) Emotional Control Adaptability

Your Turn . .

With a partner (its a pair-share!)

Pick one of the metacognitive EFs

Brainstorm its possible impact on social/behavioral functioning

Anterior Cingulate Cortex

An essential connection point between the prefrontal cortex and the emotion origin centersHeavily involved in emotional regulation.

Serves as our cognitive shifter (associated with cognitive flexibility)

Shifts attention between internal and external stimuli.

Helps kids shift among problem solving options!!Amen, 2000, as cited by Leonard-Zabel & Feifer, 2009

Consider the following scenarioElizabeth, a fourth grader, has been looking forward to her best friend Megans pool party for weeks. Upon arriving at the party, she learns that Megans cousin, Stacy, will also be attending. Elizabeth has a strong dislike for Stacy, finding her in past encounters to be a bossy know-it-all who hogs all of Megans attention. Although disappointed that her time at the party wont be quite as she expected, Elizabeth quickly decides to spend more time with other friends as opposed to challenging Stacy for Megans attention. Her private thoughts about this plan include, Ill swim with Carol and Heidi the most, and will try and spend time with Megan when Stacys doing other stuff.

Impact of specific EFs on behavior (Part I)AKA: Response Inhibition

Picture a rudderless ship

Prepotent responses are not inhibited

Low road problem-solving (Goleman, 2006)The cognitive workspace in which social situations are analyzed

This is also the cognitive workspace in which rationale social problem solving occurs

In other words, where the thinking part of stop and think occurs!!Impulse ControlWorking MemoryImpact of specific EFs on behavior (Part II)This EF skill determines a kids ability to act strategically in social contexts

The planning part of social problem is impacted by this skill, as well as the ability to act on the plan (and change it on the fly as needed)Life is about change

Kids with balky cognitive shifters tend to struggle greatly with transitions

And with changes in routine

And with disappointments!!Planning/OrganizationAdaptabilityTo appreciate others perspectives we must:Be able to stop (suspend) our own perspectives/points of view

Read the social context (including others nonverbal behavior)

Process this information in working memory long/well enough to get the sense of what others may be thinking.

44Impulse Control Deficits &Social FunctioningLack of frontal lobe filtering leads to:

Impulsive calling out in classImpulsively saying the wrong thing (a lot)Troubles with turn-takingTroubles with perspective takingMotor and verbal overflowLack of self-awareness and self-knowing

All contribute to rejection by peers

Any filtering going on here?And now, the primary source of emotional sturm and drang . .

The amygdala

Be afraid be very afraid . . The amygdala: Our primary source of:

FIGHTFlight&All roads lead to the amygdala

Cortical Pathway (cognitive connections with the amygdala)Thalamic Pathway (lower order connections with the amygdala)Source: thebrain.mcgill.caCortical Pathway (high and slow) vs. the Thalamic Pathway (low and fast)Source:

Thalamic pathway: Shoot first and ask questions later.Cortical pathway: Stop and think before reacting.

Daniel Goleman: High and Low Road Emotional ProcessingLow Road Processing(automatic, prepotent,initiated by the amygdala)

High Road Processing (rational, controlled, directed by the PFC)System 1System 250The balance of power between the Orbital PFC and Amygdala

AmygdalaOrbital PFCAmygdala HijackLike any skilled air traffic controller, the thalamus can quickly react to potential threat. In that case, it bypasses the cortex -- the thinking brain -- and the signal goes straight to the amygdala. The amygdala can only react based on previously stored patterns.

--- Joshua Freedman

thalamus52Whos got the power?

Pre-frontalCortex? Amygdala?

Or . . 53Manifestations of Low Road Emotional ProcessingLimited frustration toleranceLimited adaptability (these kids get become easily stuck)Limited alternate thinking skills (small problem solving repertoire)Reflexive negativity (Ross Greene)

In an nutshell, EFD kids become easily swamped by their emotions

54Its helpful to think of these kids as being in a cognitive wheelchair.

-- Ross GreeneKaufman: Its also helpful to think of these kids asmanifesting a clear mismatch in power between a very strong emotion-generation center of the brain and less developed emotion regulation centers.

AmygdalaOrbital PFC

The Neurobiology of AnxietyPart 4An essential biological basis of fear: AMYGDALAS LEARN

By jove, I thinkIve got it!!!Emotional Learning(Sousa, 2009)Implicit emotional learning(AKA: fearing conditioning)Explicit emotional learning(Learning fear from others)

Amygdale and Reactivity(Feifer, 2009, p. 40)Low amygdala reactivity: A need for greater stimulation and excitement to trigger the amygdala. Tends to be associated outgoing, disinhibited (stim seeking) behavior.High amygdala reactivity: A need for minimal stimulation of the amygdala to activate the cerebral cortex. Often associated with anxiety disorders in kids!

Kids with anxiety disorders tend to:Think too much (overactive/over-aroused prefrontal cortex)

Are hypervigilent and overly sensitive to environmental triggering of the amygdala.

Neuron (Brain Cell)Anxiety and Depression on a Celluar Level

Neurotransmitters and Emotional FunctioningSerotoninPromotes feelings of calm, emotional stability, and sleep. DopaminePromotes alertness, focus, and feelings of pleasure and reinforcementNorepinephrineLike Dopamine, it fosters nand energy (also associated with motivation and drive)GABA*Helps induce relaxation and sleep. May balance excitement and inhibition.

*gamma-aminobutyric acid

Neurotransmitter Reuptake and Selective Reuptake Inhibition63LUNCH TIME!!!

64Part 4: Preventing Problems and Building Social/Emotional Regulation Skills

An essential fact with which to start the afternoon:Social/emotional skills are just that SKILLS.

They are skills that exist on a bell-shaped curve, just like academic and cognitive skills.

They are skills that can be accommodated to and taught to.

Just as kids enter school every day with varying amounts of academic and cognitive skill, they enter school with greater and lesser amounts of social/emotional skill.

Overarching Strategy Motto for the Afternoon SessionIt is essential to remember that the vast majority of kids with significant social/emotional/behavioral challenges have social learning disabilities!!An second essential fact with which to start the afternoon:80% of office referrals come from 11% of teachers . . .

Why????Kaufmans observation after 25 years in the business . .Kids with substantial social/emotional regulation deficits do far better in some teachers classes than in others.

True dat Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a process for creating school environments that are more predictable and effectivefor achieving academic and social goals. For some schools, PBIS will enhance their current systems and practices, for others it will radically change the culture for the better.

How PBIS Works . .A keystrategy of the PBISprocess is prevention. The majority of students follow the schools expectations, but are never acknowledged for their positive behavior. Through instruction, comprehension and regular practice,all stakeholdersuse a consistent set of behavior expectations and rules. When some students do not respond to teaching of the behavioral rules, PBIS schools view it as an opportunity for re-teaching, not just punishment.

Pills & Skills: How psychostimulant medications workThey increase the availability of dopamine in the central nervous system (by inhibiting the dopamine transporter increasing the the time that dopamine has to bind to its receptors on other neurons)

They increase the receptivity of inhibitory receptor sites on neurotransmitters

In so doing, they chemically ramp up the wattage in the pre-frontal cortex

Prevention #1: Build all students social/emotional literacy

Emotional Literacy/Intelligence Improves Academic Performance!Recent studies have revealed that an average student enrolled in a social and emotional learning program ranks at least ten percentile points higher on achievement tests than students who do not participate in such programs. T. Shriver and R. Weissberg, New York Times, August 16, 2005Numerous studies have shown academic success to be strongly associated with several dimensions of emotional intelligence. Second Step

Explicit emphasis on violence and bullying/aggression prevention and social problem-solving

Pre-K/K, Elementary, and Middle School Versions

Strong research base (now in use in 26 countries . . )

Its use has also been correlated with academic success

Kids seem to like it a lot.

Emotional Literacy Resources for use at the High School Level

Prevention #2: It all starts with . .

Goodness of Fit (Greene & Ablons Transactional Perspective)Kidsneuro-developmentalprofilesThe settings in which they must operateRoss Greenes ALSUP

Assessment of Lagging Skills & Unsolved Problems

Best social environments for kids with regulation weakness includeClear cut rules that have been explicitly taught and practiced Lots of adult-directed activity, less kid-directed activity

Lots of adult supervision

Pick FEWER ACADEMIC battles (go core curriculum)

Neuropsychological fact 1: When individuals engage in any act of self-control, they become depleted and have less self-control available for subsequent acts of self-regulation (Baumeister et al, 2007).

Neuropsychological fact 2: Self-regulatory systems can be recharged by putting people in a positive mood (happiness, relaxation, etc.)

Goodness of fit: Recharge depleted self-regulatory systems

Good deeds change brainsSome research has shown that thinking about some elses problems lights up the same part of the brain that gets activated when we reflect on our own, while compassion registers in the brains pleasures zones.And in the same way that it pays to eat broccoli several times a week, research suggests that youll be healthier and happier after offering up regular servings of compassion. Some studies suggest that five acts of altruism a week can substantially improve

On a neurological level, it is far better to give than receive.IMPLICATIONS FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL-BASED CLINICIANS?The goodness of fit between EFD and social settings also improves when . . School staff uses their own emotions to control those of the kids around them (remember: mirror neurons).

Reappraisal: Help kids learn to recognize and change their distorted/unrealistic thinkingClassic cognitive distortions

All or nothing thinkingOvergeneralizationCatastrophizingDisqualifying the positive

Teaching anxious and easily angered kids PURPOSEFUL SELF-DISTRACTIONSelf-distraction is among the commonly used coping strategies among adults

Kids can also be taught this skill to help them . .

Delay gratificationCope with frustrationAvoid or cope with anxiety

Ill think about that tomorrow . . Teachers can and should explicitly teach this!!Teaching

Teaching Self-RegulationModeling and having kids practice the power of . . SELF-TALK

Start with demystification

Before demystification: Why does everybody hate me all the time?

Why do I freak out so easily and piss everyone off?After demystification: You mean Im not a horrible jerk? I just get angrier easier than other kids, and need to learn to control this better?

Teaching Self-DistractionTeacher should model via role play and think alouds how to . . Cope with the annoying behavior of others

Cope with/set aside bothersome thoughts

Cope with/set aside self-defeating emotions

For Middle and High School Students with Big Time Anger Management Issues

Arnold Goldstein, Ph.D.The ZIPPER strategy for avoiding/managing conflictZ Zip Your mouthStop and take a deep breath!

I Identify the problemWhat do I need? Whats the problem?

P PauseTake a moment to calm down before doing anything!

P Put yourself in chargeTake control of my actions

E Explore choicesWhat could I do? (E.g., walk away, change the subject, take a deep breath, ask an adult for help, etc.)

R ResetPick an option

Bad to better, or bad to worse?Bad thing happens to kid . .The CHOICE ZONEChoice made things bad to better?Choice made things bad to worse?

For kids heavily prone to amydala hijacksFocus first and intensely on just getting them to stop and either walk away or get help.

Thats it.

For older kids, focus the choice zone thinking on . . Goals (Keep your eyes on the prize)

Realistic options that are meaningful/relevant for them

What do you want?

Behavior Management Strategies for Kids with SR Weakness95Surrogate frontal lobe:

Teacher coaching at the start of the day and then, as necessary, throughout the day, can have profound impact on students behavioral presentation.

Whats the worst way to respond to an amygdala hijack?


Responding effectively to amygdala hijacksApproach low and slow!!

Stay nearby, but say little (raging amygdale make lousy conversational partners . . )

First change the body, than change the mind (or . . first walk, than talk)

Manage the energy and frustration levels of kids with EFD by . .Picking academic and social battles very carefullyTeacher: John, I know youre tired from the field trip and bus ride, but the school day isnt over for another hour and youve got to write at least one paragraph on your field trip reflection sheet.

John: What? Forget it Im not doing it! Just give me a zero.

Teacher: Then I guess your choosing to stay with me after school today until you get it done. Im not fooling around with this.

John: $%$#@ it! I dont care!

Social MentoringMentor (a school social worker, pulling 10 year old Adam aside just before he enters the cafeteria): Okay, buddy, before you go in, lets just quickly touch base on what youre going to work on in the cafeteria and at recess today.

Adam (rolling his eyes and sighing heavily): I know, I know. Im really going to try and eat neatly today, not talk with my mouth open and grossing the other kids out with my food and stuff, and at recess Im going to stay really cool during four-square.

Mentor: And what have we talked about cool meaning for you?

Adam: Cool means not changing the rules and just accepting it when I get out and not getting all mad at the other kids. I know! Can I just go in and eat now?! Im really hungry.

Mentor: Yes, go and enjoy, and dont forget that Ill be watching for a while today while youre eating and playing. Oh, and Im really proud of how well youve been doing. No office referrals in two weeks. You rock.

Key Behavior Plan ElementsSpecification of target behaviors (one or two, tops . .)FBA (Hypotheses about the function of target behaviors)Accommodations (to improve goodness of fit between a child and his learning/social environment)Skill building (training of replacement behaviors)Motivational elements (reinforcers and consequences)101

102Pick one behavior at a time, at one time of the dayKids with EF deficits cant change all problem behaviors at once.

If calling out is a major problem, than focus on hand raising first, targeting the most problematic time of the day. Than add other times/settings as the student is successful.

Individual Behavior Plans (AKA: Positive Behavior Support Plans)Lets return to the case of . . .

Mean Max

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