
Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011



Design Document Version: 2.5

Figure 1(Box art by: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Presented by: TEAM LIGHT-SPEED



Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White



Development History


Version 1.10 included our initial concept and design choices. After weeks of development here is what we had designed so far:

1. Sci–Fi Space Race: Our original game concept pitted ships of different classes against each other, it included combat, ship upgrades, captains with special abilities, a monetary system, and a point system to decide who won.

2. Resource Overload: We established a monetary system for players to purchase upgrades to their ships that utilized the stones in our goody bag. Combat was executed through battle cards. Special items could be purchased in a shop with resources to interact with challenges, which would give the players points also tracked through stones.

All of these mechanics did not have any way to directly interact with each other or balance each other out. There were simply too many resources for the player to manage.

3. Lack of Focus: With so many mechanics it was difficult for ourselves and later, the players to understand what was our core mechanic.

4. Theme: Our theme was well developed and we as a team enjoyed creating content tied to our original concept, the only issues we faced was a sense of scope and understanding of how to make the mechanics we had developed into something playable.

Here are some examples of our unique captains, their abilities, and unique ship types within our three classes that players can choose from as their champion in the race (Developed by Marcus Fletcher – Narrative Designer):

*(Development history continued on page 8)

Characters Concepts (Marcus Fletcher – Narrative Designer)

Name: James Brandford

Sex: Male

Species: Human

Age: 32

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 275 lbs.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Personality: James is your all-around “good guy”: handsome, clean-cut, dashing, charming – many would call him the poster boy of the racing circuit. Ever the crowd pleaser, his daring racing style and fearless attitude has won him the hearts of millions galaxy-wide.

Background: Born on Earth, James had dreamed from childhood to fly high in the sky. Raised in rural Kansas near an airfield, he would watch the planes take off and land for hours on end.

With brown wavy hair, green eyes and chiseled features, James would most definitely be the idolized racer among the general masses – part of why his image is most seen during advertisements for the Galactic Racing Circuit.

When he turned 18, he enlisted in Earth’s Galactic Military, where he served as a starship pilot. His passion for flying and his great skill earned him the privilege of representing Earth in the Galactic Racing Circuit, where he would compete against the best starship pilots in the galaxy.

Needless to say, he is now living his dream.

Racing Style: Trained professionally, James is capable of flying a wide array of ships, with the ability to maneuver and operate with efficiency.

HP: 40Attack: 8Defense: 8Speed: 4Special Ability: Master Pilot – Able to fly any ship.

Name: Alicia Sanyo

Sex: Female

Species: Polarisian

Age: 34

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 124 lbs.

Personality: The beauty of the racing circuit, Alicia is in it for the thrills, so to speak. She is conceited, competitive and a bit flirty, but highly focused and intense when it comes to racing. Her beauty and skills have earned her a great deal of fans.

Background: Born on Polaris, a planet in the Beta Quadrant of the galaxy (Earth is in the Alpha Quadrant), she looks human enough, save for her species’ characteristic birthmarks, which appear as intricately traced tattoos all over their body. Alicia’s are a light blue. She also has long black hair often tied in a ponytail and blue eyes. Her skin is very pale.

She entered the racing circuit from the very bottom. Her competitive edge and passion for the profession rocketed her straight to the top.

Not much is known about her past – only that she enjoys the thrill of the race and the danger involved.

Racing Style: She loves to go fast, and excels far better with maneuverability than she does with combat or ship defense.

HP: 20Attack: 3

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Defense: 7Speed: 6Special Ability: Light Speed – Once per race, the player may roll the 10-sided die. Whatever is rolled is added to her Speed for that turn.

Name: Krylon za Benza

Sex: Male

Species: Azmodian

Age: 302

Height: 8’9”

Weight: 875 lbs.

Personality: Brutal to the very core, Krylon is a very aggressive individual – not evil, per se, but his aggressiveness is often viewed as such. He enjoys a challenge, and while he may not be the fastest or the most skilled racer, he is indeed one of the most reckless, who would not be above doing some questionable things, in order to win.

Background: Born on the planet of Azmodia, to the clan za Benza, Krylon he seeks to bring his family honor by way of earning glory in the racing circuit.

His race being reptilian in appearance with crimson eyes, Krylon himself has green scales, spikes all down his spine, and large gashes across his scales in several scales.

He quickly earned himself his ruthless reputation when he joined the circuit when he disabled every other racer in his very first race.

Racing Style: Adopting the mentality of “a good offense is the best defense”, Krylon is not often seen on the defensive – nor is he seen racing neck and neck. He will more often than not be seen chasing other racers, trying to disable them any way he can.

HP: 50 Attack: 13Defense: 7Speed: 2Special Ability: Bloodlust – Once per race, the player may roll the ten-sided die. The value rolled is added to his attack for three turns.

Name: Keza Gistona

Sex: Female

Species: Hrisalian

Age: 1,098

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 109 lbs.

Personality: Calm, collected and peaceful, Keza detests open conflict and does her best to avoid it, if she can. Friendly to a fault and always having a smile on her face, she has many friends and few enemies.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Background: Born to the peaceful world of Hrisalia, Keza is one of the oldest racers in the Galactic Racing Circuit (though, she is quite young within her species).

Humanoid in appearance, her species is characterized by blue skin and thick, vine-like tendrils in place of hair on her head, those of which are also blue in color. Her eyes are a golden color.

She entered the racing circuit to promote peace and harmony throughout the galaxy, representing her home world in that effort.

Racing Style: While she has combat ability, she prefers not to use it – instead, focusing on defense and retreat. In light of that, she also has excellent piloting skills, and is able to evade, as well as defend.

HP: 30Attack: 4Defense: 14Speed: 3Special Ability: Calm Mind – Once per race, roll the 6-sided die twice. The first value is added to her ship’s defense and the second is added to speed for 3 turns.

Name: Oswald Nijimiwa

Sex: Male

Species: Martian

Age: 37

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 197 lbs.

Personality: Intelligent and calculating, Oswald tends to be a bit quiet. In light of that, not much is known about him – though, his racing ability is top-notch, if a bit meticulous.

Background: Not much is known about Oswald, save that he was born on Mars, and served in the Galactic Military. How he ended up in the racing circuit, and his motives, are a mystery.

Asian in appearance, with a scar across his left eye, and a grim set to his jaw, one could argue that Oswald has seen a great deal in his lifetime. Though, then again, a great many rumors surround the man.

Racing Style: Sacrificing defense for attack and speed, Oswald is a master at pinpointing weaknesses of other racers and exploiting them, making his attacking quite deadly.

HP: 30Attack: 11Defense: 8Speed: 4Special Ability: Combat Mastery – Once per race, roll the 6-sided die. If the value is odd, the value is added to his attack and all hits are critical hits for three turns.

Name: Hido Jumas

Sex: Male

Species: Sylonian

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Age: 756

Height: 4’9”

Weight: 87 lbs.

Personality: Ever the jovial one, Hido can often be seen laughing it up in cantinas, or telling jokes. Though, despite that persona, he is quite skilled in his races, taking a level-headed approach to them. He rarely gets angry.

Background: Born on the planet of Sylonia, Hido was always seen smiling, making friends and having fun. He enlisted with the Galactic Patrol for a time as a starship mechanic, but joined the Galactic Racing Circuit a few years later under the same profession, maintaining the vehicles of the racers.

It was some years later that his fun personality was noticed, and he was offered a position as a racer. He did quite well, and knew his racing vehicles quite intimately, so his position as a racer became quite permanent.

Small, bald and grey with eight black eyes, he is not much to look at, but people love him for his carefree nature and witty, comical attitude.

Racing Style: He has adopted the “turtle” style of racing, where he moves rather slowly, and has high defense – if attacked, he is able to defend very well and retaliate very well in kind.

HP: 20Attack: 6Defense: 8Speed: 4Special Ability: Master Mechanic – Once per race, if disabled, can automatically repair his ship.

Name: Alexia Drisel

Sex: Female

Species: Nironian

Age: 38

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 117 lbs.

Personality: The only truly “evil” racer, she cares little about honor or the feelings of others. She is in it only for the fame and glory, and to further her own status as the best, while lining her pockets with gold. To that end, she is quite intelligent, playing to the personal weaknesses of others in order to get ahead.

Background: While she is quite outspoken and boastful, not much is known about her past, other than the fact that she was born on Nironia.

With silver hair and grey eyes, she could almost pass for a human – the defining trait of her species, however, are the leathery wings on her back, like a bat’s – those being white in color.

Racing Style: She specializes in stealth and sneaking – though, is able to deliver potent strikes when and if necessary.

HP: 30 Attack: 6

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Defense: 5Speed: 5Special Ability: Untraceable – Once per race, roll the 6-sided die. If the value is odd, she cannot be attacked for three turns.


Pilot: Krylon za Benza

Name: Azmodian Destroyer

Classification: Attack

Background: A “cavalry” ship, it was originally designed for quick, tactical strikes. The pilots of these ships have to be very capable, or very brave – the hulls of these ships cannot withstand much fire.

Stats:HP: 30Attack: 13Defense: 7Speed: 4

Name: Martian Interceptor

Pilot: Oswald Nijimiwa

Classification: Attack

Background: Your standard combat ship most pilots tend to use. Often seen zipping about in dogfights with other Interceptors, or targeting other ships. It boasts a more rounded defense than the Destroyer, at a small sacrifice of attack power.

Stats:HP: 30Attack: 11Defense: 8Speed: 4

Name: Sylonian Battlecruiser

Pilot: Hido Jumas

Classification: Defense

Background: The slowest of the ships, it makes up for it with versatility. It can take a hit and retaliate in kind. Often takes point in ship formations, and is guarded by several other support ships, making this a fearsome contender.

Stats:HP: 40Attack: 7Defense: 10Speed: 2

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Name: Hrisalian Peacekeeper

Pilot: Kesa Gistona

Classification: Defense

Background: While it does not boast a high attack power, its strengths lie in its high defense and average maneuverability. Often seen in the center of battle formations, and carry people of great importance, such as commanders and ambassadors.

Stats:HP: 50Attack: 4Defense: 14Speed: 3

Name: Polarisian Speeder

Pilot: Alicia Sanyo

Classification: Speed

Background: Designed purely for speed, the Speeder’s aerodynamic design has close to zero resistance when flying, but is quite weak in the areas of defense and attack, compared to other ships. Often used as messenger ships, to deliver vital information.

Stats:HP: 30Attack: 4Defense: 5Speed: 6

Name: Nironian Infiltrator

Pilot: Alexia Drisel

Classification: Speed

Background: As the name suggests, the Infiltrator was designed with high speed and stealth capabilities. Used mostly for covert operations, it does not boast a high attack or defense power, though it does make up for it with some excellent upgrade capabilities.

Stats:HP: 20Attack: 6Defense: 5Speed: 5

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Development History

Version 1.10 – LIGHTSPEED RACERS!*Continued*

5. Combat is Key: After looking at all of the aspects of gameplay we realized that our combat system was the most promising to develop further and so we reworked the concept to fit a more combat centered design.

Here are a few early illustrations of prior board designs and concept art for our initial space race concept:

Figure 2.1 (Initial sketch by Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Figure 2.2 (First full board design by Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Figure 3.1 (An example of a special ability combat card by Mark Schmitt – Combat


Fig. 3.2 Fig. 3.3

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Fig. 3.4

Figure 3.2 - 3.4 (Daniel White – Resource Designer, developed these 3 concept combat cards)

Fig. 4.0(First board design to incorporate laps, board design updated with a card to track a player’s resources, player’s ship upgrades, and to be developed, player ship cards. By Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Development HistoryVersion 2.0 – LIGHTSPEED WARRIORS!

Version 2.0 includes a complete redesign of the board, and a zeroing in on our primary mechanic, the mechanic that worked best and made our game the most unique; fast paced combat.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/20111. Back to the drawing board: After working on the board’s design and trying

to tie all of our elements together, it became clear that we would need to pull back the scope of our game to really find what was fundamentally fun to play about our concept.

2. Class Warfare: Our race mechanic was very hard to manage with our three different ship classes: Battlecruiser (defense heavy but slow), Stealth (defense light, but very fast), and Fighter (Well rounded class with an emphasis on attack). Any traditional track would have the players with the fast ship classes speeding laps ahead of the other players, while having players within the slower classes moving at a crawl.

Since the classes had been developed with the purpose of giving players an advantage over each other in battle it became clear that we would have to focus on a way to showcase those differences in battle more so than in a racing sense.

3. Mechanics transformed, Core fine-tuned: After rigorously playtesting, mechanics had to be dropped or combined in order to hone in on something playable in order to have something solid for our first release design document:

The resource system, and point system were combined. Resources’ unit of measurement was standardized for both a

player’s ship’s HP and their Points toward their total score: White Stones = 50 HP / Points, Red Stones = 20 HP / Points, Blue Stones = 10 HP / Points.

Card combat was limited to one engagement per turn, per player and included a timer to speed up the combat process. The HP calculations following a battle providing a quick-time math puzzle element.

Upgrade systems would have to wait until another iteration to be implemented.

Challenges for points became infused with multiple player battles and the movement mechanics, making it integral to the game’s flow.

4. Randomness limited: We limited the amount of randomness in our game’s design to dice rolls for player movement using a 12 sided die, and within combat, where the player uses a 10 sided die to add to their attack value to simulate the variables that can affect a weapons accuracy and/or greatly bolster it.

Light-Speed Warriors Version 2.0 1st Prototype Development History

Board setup

1) Place battlemat board with hexagonal side facing up.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Figure 5.2 (Board design fully setup prototype with all components Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director2) Place section makers to divide the board into two halves lengthwise (shorter

distance of the board) leaving an area of 7 diagonal spaces in the middle of the divided area of the board. The section markers will have two boxes on each side, which indicate where the player’s point markers should be kept throughout the game. P1 & P2 on the left side and P3 & P4 on the right side, in that order.

Figure 5.3 (Board design with sections illustrated by Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

3) Follow the accompanying image to place the resource point markers.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Figure 5.4 ( Resource point markers)

4) Each player chooses their ship class with a total of 2 ships of the same class limited in one 4-player game. Players roll the 12-sided die to determine player order from highest to lowest 1st player to 4th player, ties will roll again to determine a winner.

Movement1) During a player’s turn, they must move as the 1st action they take during their

turn. (If a player is within range of an opponent who has started a resource point marker acquisition phase they can skip the roll to move and go straight into battle, see combat section for more details)

2) Movement consists of rolling a 12-sided die and moving the number of space shown on the die or any number below said number. Example if P1 rolls a 6 but wishes to move 5 space, they can move 5 spaces and end their turn, however once they have moved they can not move again until their next turn.

3) Players cannot hop other players or resource point markers.

4) If a player’s ship is disabled (0 hp left) they must repair their ship before they can move again until then they cannot take part in any other action nor be battled.

CombatDuring a battle both players play their action cards simultaneously

before the 10-sided die is rolled by the attacking party, either attack, defend,

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011or evade, each of which has it’s effectiveness affected by the ship’s unique stats listed in the combat table below:

Ship Class HP Attack Defense Speed

Stealth 110 40 60 70



150 30 80 10

Fighter 120 70 50 40


Battles only occur in one of two circumstances a) random battle, which any player can instigate as long as there is no active acquisition phase going on, or b) during an acquisition phase, where the player can freely attack the acquiring player during their turn, but only if they are in range. *

a) Random battles (battles outside of acquisition) can be instigated on a player’s turn by rolling the 4-sided die, which ever player number comes up is taken into a random battle, if the player’s own number comes up then they can choose any player to battle.

*Explained more in the Acquisition section.

Using these stats the players can calculate whether or not an attack lands using simple mathematics and the three fundamental actions the players can take:

A) Attacking: An attack does the damage denoted by the ship’s stat + the amount shown on the 10 sided die (values of 00*-90 added directly)

Example: Player 1 using a fighter class ship with an attack value of 70 chooses to enter a battle with the defending Player 2 in a stealth, and chooses the attack action. P1 then rolls the 10-sided die, rolling a 20 adds 20 to the fighter’s attack value which is now 90. In the same battle the defending Player 2 used the attack action, which means that player 1 incurs a hit on their hp of 40, and player 2 incurs a hit on their hp of 90.

*A roll of 00 simply means that no value is added to the ship’s basic stats

B) Defending: If the ship’s defense value is higher than the attack, the defending player inflicts the difference in damage back to the attacker.

Example: Player 3 using a battlecruiser class ship with a defense value of 80 is taken into a battle by Player 2 who is using a stealth class ship with an attack value of 40, Player 2 rolling the 10-sided die, rolls a 10 raising its attack value to 50. Player 3 choosing the defend action with

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011a value of 80 beats the attacker’s value of 50 and does 30 points of retaliation damage to Player 2’s stealth ship.

C) Evade: If a player chooses to evade and the attack is equal or lower than the defending player’s evade value no damage is done to either party, if the attack value is higher than the evade then the difference in damage is done to the defending player’s ship.

Example: Player 4 using stealth class ship with a speed value of 70 is taken into a battle by Player 2 who is using a battlecruiser class ship with an attack value of 30, Player 2 rolling the 10-sided die, rolls 50 raising its attack value to 80. Player 4 choosing the evade action with a value of 70 is beaten and incurs 10 damage to their hp from Player 2’s attack.

Damage taken during combat is denoted with a marker on the player’s ship card in the combat table, blue markers for values of 10, red markers for values of 20, and white markers for values of 50. If a players ship has been disabled the player places 4 white markers on their ship’s card to indicate it has been disabled.

Resource Point Markers, Acquisition, & Winning1) Resource Point Markers: These markers Blue = 10 Red = 20 and White = 50

are the points with which a player wins the game.

2) There are two ways to gain resource point markers, a) through acquisition and b) through disabling opponents in battle.

a) Acquisition: During acquisition, a player in a space adjacent to a marker (blue, red or white for various point values*) on the board begins the acquisition processes and flipping the sand timer to begin the phase. During which no other player can begin another acquisition phase until the prior phase is finished. An acquisition phase ends if the player’s ship is disabled or if the time runs out and they successfully acquire the marker for their point section.

During acquisition any and all players can engage the acquiring player in battle during their turn if they are in range (any direct line of sight across open hexagonal spaces). The object being to disable the acquiring ship before the time runs out through consecutive battles.

*Once one of the 3 white point markers is acquired the players are sent back to their original starting positions on the bottom edge of the board and the next round begins, once all three have been acquired the game ends and points are tallied)

b) Disabling an opponent’s ship during a battle will award the player a single Red resource marker valued at 20 points to be added to their player section of the board and tallied at the end of the game to determine the winner.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/20113) The winning order of players is determined by a player’s total point markers

and their values at the end of the game, which ends after the three rounds have been played / all 3 white markers have been acquired)

Development HistoryVersion 2.5 – LIGHTSPEED WARRIORS!

Final Prototype

Version 2.5 includes a complete restructuring of our design. We retreated from the ambitious and ambiguous mechanics of version 2.0 and focused on our combat mechanic rebuilding the game from there. We fine tuned gameplay and redesigned the board for clarity and a good challenge.

1. Combat Refined: After playtesting with groups of friends we found that the game was too complicated to track and so we began to implement easier ways for players to keep track of their unique ship’s stats and created a Combat Table players could easily reference and keep track of their damage from battles.

We produced several concept versions of our final assets which can be seen here:

Fig. 5.0(Combat Table Concept: Mark Schmitt – Combat Designer)

* Development History continued on page 16

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Fig. 5.1(Combat Table Player Damage Section Concept: Mark Schmitt – Combat Designer)

Fig. 6(Ship Class Cards Concept: Marcus Fletcher – Narrative Designer)

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Fig. 7(Battle Action Cards Concept & Point Tracking Card Concept – Daniel White)

(Ship Art taken from various sources)

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011y=360&dur=1397&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=121&ty=101&page=6&tbnh=137&tbnw=178&start=146&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:24,s:146&biw=1600&bih=772!Bw46GGgCGk~$

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Development HistoryVersion 2.5 – LIGHTSPEED WARRIORS!

Final Prototype *Continued

2. A Whole New Board: One of the greatest challenges we faced as a team was developing a good board design to take advantage of the interesting mechanics; combat & racing, that we had previously developed. Eric Hitchcock our Goals & Challenges Designer early in week 3 presented his board concept, which worked so well in playtesting that we kept it as our now final design. With a good board to design around and playtest with we were back on track with our game’s development.

Fig. 8(Board Concept for Light-Speed Warriors!: Eric Hitchcock – Goals & Challenges Designer)

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/20113. Points that count: The majority of our work for Light-Speed Warriors 2.5

version, was balancing and making sure that the primary mechanic, combat, and secondary mechanic, racing played off of each other to give the player a sense of connection between the two. To do so we implemented a point system, which would determine the winner based of off overall performance during the match. The following were our main areas of focus when transitions from development to fine-tuning our prototype:

The battle mechanic awards players points toward their final goal if they disable another player’s ship that increases player competition.

Stationary Star Shards (point markers) were places all across the track for players to acquire for their point totals this added to the race mechanic putting a player’s focus on for forward progress.

Combat was carefully balanced between the three classes, which we had to playtest several times to ensure that no class was too powerful or too weak.

Game Overview

Game Design Goals:

Goal 1:Our primary goal for our game is to provide fast paced, competitive, space

combat gameplay.

Goal 2:Our secondary goal is to provide players with a game with a high level of

replayability, interesting strategic choices, and with several avenues to win.

Goal 3:Our tertiary goal is to create a fun, competitive, game that is accessible to a

large strategy-based gaming audience.

Common QuestionsWhat is the game?

“LIGHTSPEED WARRIORS!” is a fast-paced; turn based strategy game set in the future battlegrounds of space. Featuring 3 unique ship classes to choose from, the players will fight their way across the racetrack through a strategic card battle system to come out on top.

Why create this game?

We, Team Lightspeed, wanted to create this game because of our love for the science fiction genre, and felt we could implement new and interesting mechanics to the well known genre by combining racing and combat.

Where does the game take place?

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011“LIGHTSPEED WARRIORS!” takes place in the distant future where ships from

across the universe have shown up for an intergalactic race for resources. Facing battles from their opponents players will not only be racing towards Star Shards for point but also fighting their way across the finish line.

What do I control?

Each player controls one ship, of which there are three classes; Battlecruiser, Fighter, and Stealth, each class has their own unique abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

How many characters/units/pieces do I control?

Each player controls one player token representing the ship of their choosing to traverse the board and to use in combat.

What is the main focus?

The main focus of the game is to try to acquire as many Star Shards of the highest value (Blue – 5, Red – 15, White – 25) while battling their opponents and trying to limit the amount of point markers their opponents gain before the first person crosses the finish line.

What’s different?

The difference between our game and others like it is the incorporation of two unique mechanics racing and combat:

Racing: Players’ movements count as they try to acquire as many Star Shards for their total points at the end of the race while gaining points can be done so on the track it can also be done through battles turning the competition for first place into a true fight for first.

FFA random battles: At any time during a player’s turn, players can instigate a random battle with another player to try and disable their ship for a Blue Star Shard. This strategy allows for points to be gained through battles won by disabling an opponent’s ship.

Card battle system: Each player can take 1 of 3 actions during a battle, (battles consist of a single action per turn), Attack, Defend, and Evade. Each action’s effectiveness is based on the ship’s unique stats:

A) Attacking: An attack does the damage denoted by the ship’s stat + the amount shown on the 10 sided die (values of 10 added directly)

B) Defending: If the ship’s defense value is higher than the attack, the defending player inflicts the difference in damage back to the attacker.

C) Evade: If a player chooses to evade and the attack is equal or lower than the defending player’s evade value no damage is done to either party, if the attack value is higher than the evade then the difference in damage is done to the defending player’s ship.

Feature SetGeneral Features

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011 Fast paced combat Multiple ways to win Several unique ship classes Space combat themed gameplay Racing

Multiplayer Features

4 player competitive play Variety in player ship classes and fight styles Constant player interaction Strategic gameplay 2 V 2 Co-op play variation


Fun and competitive combat system Multiple strategies to win and ways to play Strategic movement & ship placement Resource collection and denial Race to finish before players can beat your score Simple math puzzle mechanic (hp calculation post battle)

Game Components

Game Board, (Can use square grid side of battlemat) Player tokens (non-goody bag stones) Placed at Starting Squares 1 6-sided die 1 4-sided die 1 10-sided die (with 10’s values) Combat Table Combat cards: 12 total, 4 sets of - 1 Attack, 1 Defend, 1 Evade, 1 set

per player Ship Cards: 6 total 2 per class (Contains ship info, also found on

combat table.) Cargo Card: Cards that contain spaces for players to keep track of their

Star Shards collected from battle and acquiring them from the board. 29 stones each (from goody bag) White, Red, & Blue (when referring to

them for points they are called Star Shards, and when referring to them for damage to be noted on the combat table they are called Damage Markers)

Figure 9.0 (Dice used)


Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Board

Board Setup:

1. Place Star Shards of each color Blue, Red, and White, on their corresponding spots on the board.

2. Players choose which Ship Class Card they want to play with from the 3 classes: Fighter, Battle Cruiser, or Stealth. (6 total ships means that 2 Ship Class Cards will not be in play). Player keeps their Ship Class Card and Cargo Card in front of them.

3. Hand out 1 Cargo Card per player to track their Star Shards acquired4. Place player tokens on the green starting line, two on one side and two

on the other.5. Hand out 1 set of Battle Action Cards to each player 3 total: Attack,

Defend, Evade6. Players roll the 6-sided die to see who goes first; ties are broken

through consecutive rolls.

Figure 10(Game Board Design: Eric Hitchcock – Goals & Challenges DesignerGame Board Rendering: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Ship Classes, Ship Cards, & Player TokenUsing colored stones (different from those used for Star Shards & Damage Markers) to denote the ships of each player 1-4, players can choose from 6

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011unique ships from 3 unique ship classes; Battle Cruiser, Stealth, and Fighter, which have various advantages and disadvantages in battle. Each Player receives their own ship card to reference their ship’s abilities during battle.

Figure 11(Ship Card Design: Marcus Fletcher – Narrative Designer, Ship Card Rendering: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Player Actions & TurnsPlayers can take two actions per turn:

1. Move

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011


2. Only one of the following actions:a) Repair (takes up a player’s turn and returns their ship to full HP

& mobility)b) Instigate a Ranged Battle*c) Instigate a Random Battle*d) Acquire a Star Shard (land on a space with a Star Shard token

ends move)

*Ranged Battles, and Random Battles explained in Combat section

MovementShip Movement:

Movement actions consist of the player rolling a 6-sided die to determine the number of spaces they can move. They can move that number of spaces or any number less than their total. (Players can only move once per turn)

Players can only move straight lines, no diagonals.

Players cannot roll to move or enter a battle if their ship has been disabled and must take their turn to repair their ship, which returns their ship to full HP.

During a movement action a player can alter their course once.

Example: Player 1 rolls a 3 and decides to move two spaces up and one space left, their move phase ends and they choose a second action. Player 2 rolls a 4 decides to move 4 spaces down, their move phase ends and they choose a second action. Player 3 rolls a 6 and decides to move 4 spaces up and two spaces right, their move phase ends and they choose a second action. Player 4 rolls a 2 and decides to move one space down and one space left, their move phase ends and they choose a second action.

If the player moves to a space with a Star Shard on it the player acquires it for their Cargo Card and their turn ends.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Combat During a battle two players can choose from 3 actions: attack, defend,

or evade. Each of which has its effectiveness affected by the ship’s unique stats listed in the Combat Table below:


Figure 12(Combat Table Design – Mark Schmitt – Combat Designer, Combat Table Rendering – Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Damage taken during combat is denoted with a Damage Marker on the Player’s Damage section of the Combat Table:

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Blue Damage Markers for values of -5 HP Red Damage Markers for values of -15 HPWhite Damage Markers for values of -25 HP

If a players ship has been disabled the player places 6 White Damage Markers on their Damage section of the Combat Table to indicate it has been disabled.

BattlesBattles only occur if another player is in range and through direct line of sight (no diagonals) or in random battles and only contain 1 action taken simultaneously by both players by playing one of their battle cards:

Ranged Battles: 1. Range consists of an opponent being in direct line of sight to the player

to be entered into a battle. 2. For up to 3 spaces between the players involved in battle the players

will deal the full attack damage their class and +value roll determine, for every space beyond 3, the attack damage values will be lowered by 10 points per space.

Random battles:Battles independent of range, can be instigated on a player’s turn by

rolling the 4-sided die, which ever player number comes up is taken into a random battle, if the player’s own number comes up then they can choose any player to battle. During Random Battles all participants are considered in range.

Figure 13

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011(Battle Card Design: Daniel White – Resource Designer, Battle Card Rendering: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Combat Actions & Battle CardsUsing the Combat Table stats the players can calculate whether or not an attack lands using simple mathematics and the three fundamental actions the players can take:

D) Attacking: Normally an attack does the damage denoted by the ship’s stat shown in the combat table. If the person who instigated the battle chooses attack then they attack with their attack value + the amount rolled using the 10-sided die (values of 00*-90 added directly). The player who instigated the battle is the only one to roll the 10-sided die.

Example: Player 1 using a Fighter class ship with an attack value of 70 chooses to enter a battle with the defending Player 2 in a Stealth class ship with an attack value of 40. Both choose the attack action. Player 1 then rolls the 10-sided die, rolling a 20 and adds 20 to the Fighter’s attack value, which now becomes 90. In the same battle Player 2 attacks with an attack value of 40, which means that Player 1 incurs a hit on their hp of 40, and Player 2 incurs a hit on their hp of 90.

*A roll of 00 simply means that no value is added to the ship’s basic stats

E) Defending: If the ship’s defense value is higher than the attack, the defending player inflicts the difference in damage back to the attacker. If the defense value is below the attacker’s attack value they incur the full damage of the attack. If the values are the same no damage is done to either party.

Example: Player 3 using a Battle Cruiser class ship with a defense value of 80 is taken into a battle by Player 2 who is using a Stealth class ship with an attack value of 40, Player 3 chooses defend, Player 2 chooses attack. Player 2 rolls the 10-sided die and rolls a 10 raising its attack value to 50. Player 3 with a defense value of 80 beats the attacker’s value of 50 and does 30 points of retaliation damage to Player 2’s Stealth ship.

F) Evade: If a player chooses to evade and the attack is equal or lower than the defending player’s evade value no damage is done to either party, if the attack value is higher than the evade then the difference in damage is done to the defending player’s ship.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011Example: Player 4 using Stealth class ship with a speed value of 70 is taken into a battle by Player 2 who is using a Battle Cruiser class ship with an attack value of 30, Player 4 chooses evade, Player 2 chooses attack. Player 2 rolls the 10-sided die, and rolls 50 raising its attack value to 80. Player 4 with a speed value of 70 is beaten and incurs 10 damage to their hp from Player 2’s attack.

Disabling a ship in battle awards the player 1 Blue Star Shard worth 5 points*

Winning, Points, End Game ConditionEnd Condition

The game ends once a player has reached a Red Square in the finish line area.


Points are given out for each Star Shard the player collects by landing on the space a Star Shard occupies:

25 points for White Star Shards15 points for Red Star Shards5 points for Blue Star Shards

Disabling a ship in battle awards the player 1 Blue Star Shard worth 5 points*

(If a player is still on the space where they recently collected a Star Shard they can lose it if they are battled and disabled before they move to another space, if they are disabled in a battle they must move their ship 3 spaces away (can hop players if necessary) and place the Star Shard back where it was before they collected it, their ship remains disabled)

Player’s Star Shards are kept on their Cargo Cards

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

Figure 14(Cargo Card Design: Daniel White – Resource Designer, Cargo Card Rendering: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

*Players can switch out stones i.e. 5 blue Star Shards for 1 white Star Shard or 3 blue Star Shards for 1 red Star Shard, if they are needed to give out points to other players.


Winner: The player with the highest point tally from their Cargo Cards wins the game and the following players place according to their scores.

Tie: If there is a tie, players fight 4 battles to determine a winner, for two battles the first player gets to roll the 10-sided die for a critical hit boost, and for the other two battles the second player gets to roll.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011

2 V 2 Game Modification

Light-Speed Warriors can also be played with 2 v 2 teams, the following includes the rule changes and board modifications:

Figure 15 (Game Board Design: Eric Hitchcock – Goals & Challenges DesignerGame Board Rendering: Andrew Mantilla – Creative Director)

Rules for 2 on 2 gameplay(Eric Hitchcock – Goals & Challenges Designer)

Players set up the game as they normally would. Players then pair off in two groups of two. One player from each team will place there token on each of the starting point. Players then play the game mostly as normal. They race down their track (red or blue) to the finish. Players must stay on their respective tracks, until the come to the white War Zone areas. These are the only areas where all players converge in one area. This makes for some intense combat situations. The game

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

Andrew Mantilla - Mark Schmitt - Eric Hitchcock - Marcus Fletcher - Daniel White

Team Light-Speed 08/21/2011ends when any two players get to the finish spots. The first player to finish gets 100 points and the second player gets 50 points. After the game ends players tally up their points the team with the highest score wins.

Team Light-Speed Design DocumentLight-Speed Warriors! Week 3 Assignment

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