Page 1: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

St. Mark’s Messenger

JUN E 2015

“Saved by Grace, we are called to Celebrate, Serve and Make Disciples for Christ”

Vacation Bible School

July 6-10, 9 AM—12 Noon

Embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. You won’t want to miss it! Register now at If you’d like to volunteer, we’d love to have you—please see Traci.

Page 2: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,


Dear Friends,

I believe all of us have known people who have held a grudge

against someone. And maybe, we’ve even held onto one


When a person is unwilling to give up a grudge, they can

inflict great mental, emotional, physical and spiritual damage on those who have offended them,

as well as on themselves.

A merchant in a small town had twin sons who worked for him in his department store. When he

died, they took over the store.

Business went well until that fateful day when a single dollar disappeared. One of the brothers left

the bill on the cash register and walked outside with a customer. When he returned, the dollar

was gone. He asked his brother, “Did you see that dollar bill I left on the cash register?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Well, dollar bills just don't get up and walk away! Surely you must have seen it!”

“Sorry. I didn’t,” said the second brother.

The first brother couldn’t leave the matter alone. Tempers rose and resentment set in. In a short

time, the brothers didn’t even speak to each other.

They built a dividing wall through the center of the store. For twenty years the bitterness between

the brothers and their families grew.

One day a stranger stopped his car in front of the store. He walked in and asked the man behind

the counter, “Sir, how long have you worked here?”

The man laughed and replied, “All my life.”

“Well,” the stranger said, “I need to confess something. I rode into town in a boxcar twenty years

ago. I hadn't eaten for days. I came in here looking for a hand out. There was a dollar bill lying on

the cash register. No one was around, so I slipped it in my pocket and walked out and bought me

a little food. I haven’t been able to forget that I stole that dollar here. It wasn't much money, but I

simply had to come back to confess and beg your forgiveness and repay that dollar.”

The stranger was surprised to see tears welling up in the eyes of the man. The man said, “Would

you do me a favor? Please go next door and tell that same story to the man in that store?”

Though he thought the request was odd, the stranger said, “Sure.”

As the stranger finished telling the story next door, he was surprised to see tears well up in the

eyes of that man, too. Without saying a word to the stranger, the man walked out of his store. The

stranger followed the man out of the store.




Page 3: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

There on the sidewalk in front of the stores, the stranger was amazed to see two middle-aged

men who looked a lot like each other embrace and weep in the front of their stores.

After twenty years, the brokenness that had divided the brothers and their families began to


Too often, it is the little difficulties, disagreements and disappointments in life which become the

seeds that blossom into the grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses that divide people,

families, businesses, communities and yes, even churches. And if they are allowed to grow, they

are very capable of breaking us and leaving us looking and feeling like shards of broken pottery.

There is a simple solution: LET IT GO!!

If you want to live your life as Christ promised, you simply must LET GO of those negative thoughts and emotions towards


Saying “LET IT GO” is a lot easier than doing it. But if you want to live your life as Christ promised,

you must learn to LET IT GO.

It’s always a choice: LET IT GO or hang on to it.

If you choose to hold onto them, six things will take place in your life.

1. THEY WILL EAT YOU UP INSIDE. People carrying grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses

often have all types of physical ailments in their bodies. And they often have spiritual problems, too,

because they refuse to forgive as they have been forgiven.

2. THEY AFFECT EVERY RELATIONSHIP YOU HAVE. Holding on to those negative emotions

will isolate you from your family, friends, and acquaintances, because very few people want to be

around someone who spews venom all the time.

3. THEY RARELY AFFECT THE OTHER PERSON. That person is moving on with their life, while you

are still having a pity party.

4. THEY DRAIN YOU OF ENERGY. You will waste a lot of mental energy trying to dream of a

way to get even or get revenge.

5. THEY WILL ENSLAVE YOU. Hold onto those negative emotions, and you will become a slave

to them rather than being the master of them.

6. THEY PLANT SEEDS OF BITTERNESS IN YOUR LIFE. Seeds of bitterness grow in the fertile

soul of a person who can’t let it go. And that person will end up becoming a bitter person.

(continued on page 3)

Page 4: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,


How do I know those six things can happen to you? Because I have experienced all six of them

in the past when I tried to hold grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses. And during those

times, I wasn’t always the nicest person to be around.

I know that letting go of your grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses is hard – especially when they caused you great

pain. But God can help you love that person, no matter how deep the pain you carry.

So how do you get beyond the grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses against others? There

is only one way I know that works every time: PRAYER!!

Confess your sins against others to God. Not only ask him to forgive you, but ask him to help you

get on with your life by getting beyond those things.

If you’ve only been carrying those feelings a short time, a few prayers may help you get beyond


But, if you’ve carried them for a long time, they have probably cut a deep channel into your soul

and it may take many prayers to be set free from them.

Prayer can literally set you totally free from them! You can refuse to carry them any longer.

I know that before today is over, I may get angry with someone, or hurt by something someone says or does to me. And I

may even want to pout for a while – ‘That just wasn’t fair.’

But I absolutely refuse to allow myself to be enslaved by carrying around grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses

against someone else.

When you REFUSE to carry those negative emotions and thoughts in your soul, you’ll be surprised

how much energy you’ll have to build the bonds of love with others. AND you will be surprised

how much better your life will become!

LET IT GO!! It is not worth what it will cost you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually to

carry grudges, resentments and unforgivenesses.

Here’s to growing wise and refusing to carry around those negative emotions and thoughts!!

With prayers of healing for all of us!


Pr. Warren

Page 5: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

Call Committee Update

The call committee has recommended a candidate to our church council for the senior pastor position. Over the next few weeks, the council will have the opportunity to meet with the candidate and determine the path forward. The committee is forever grateful for God's love and guidance as well as the congregation's patience and support through this process.

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St. Mark's Supper Club

Whether you've been before or not, join us for June's Supper Club night out! Mark your calen-dars and sign up on the bulletin board across from the playground.

This is for any and all adults at St. Mark's, young or old, parents or single, we will all come together for some fun, food and fellowship. If you do have children, there will be childcare at the church. Drop your kids off at 6pm (after they have eaten) and join us at the restaurant at 6:30pm.


When: Saturday, June 13th

Where: Hildegard's German Cuisine (2357C Whitesburg Dr)

What time: 6:30pm reservation (child drop off at 6pm at the church)

Who: Adults, couples, parents, singles, etc.

So we have an accurate headcount to make a reservation (and for childcare purposes), please sign up in Communication Central (on the bulletin board), or contact Courtney Spadaro ([email protected]).

Hildegard's German Cuisine is a family owned restaurant near downtown Huntsville that has been serving authentic German fare for over 20 years. All the food is made from scratch and Hildegard herself makes all the desserts. Specializing in sausage plates and schnitzel, food prices range from $10 - $20.

Page 6: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,


Children & Family

Contact Traci Billman for more information and to learn how to

get involved in our summer programs!

June 14-19 Affirm (in Rome, GA)

June 15-19 Lutheroad Day Camp

June 29-July 3 VBS Prep Week

July 6-10 Vacation Bible School

July 26 - Aug. 1 @ Lutheridge For those coming out of kindergarten

through fifth grade.

Day Camp is a wonderful blend of

outdoor and congregational ministry!

“Cool” Christian witness, crafts, and

music created for children by

experienced counselors from Lutheridge.

Day Camp includes three field trips (e.g.

Botanical Gardens, Green Mountain, and

rock wall climbing)

Snack is provided; each child asked to

bring a sack lunch each day

Registration form and a $40 deposit are

due ASAP to insure a place at camp. Total

camp cost is $85; balance due on the first

day of camp. Registration forms are

available online at –

see Traci with any questions.

from June 7-July 26 we will offer activities to our preschool thru high school classes. Meet in the chapel to start, we will read a story, followed by an activity. Volunteers are needed, please sign up on the SS bulletin board. This month’s stories: June 7 Abraham June 14 Joseph June 21 Moses June 28 Samuel

On behalf of the confirmands, thank you for a lovely day: the prayers, cards, gifts and flowers.

We appreciate all of your support.

Lutheroad Day Camp

June 15-19

“Lutheroad is more fun than Disney World!”

states a 5-year-old Camper.

Vacation Bible School

July 6-10, 9 AM—12 Noon Embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. You won’t want to miss it! Register now at If you’d like to volunteer, we’d love to have you—please see Traci.

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Senior High

JUN E 2015 PAGE 7

Affirm 2015

This year Affirm is June 14-19

at Berry College in Rome, GA.

Grounded in Word and Sacrament, Affirm

develops discipleship skills, leadership skills, and

teaches Lutheran theology. We follow Christ, we

live in a Christian community, and we teach

participants how to be God's hands in this world.

Register online at .

Complete the forms and mail them with $375

to the Affirm registrar, Gail Pittman. Camp

includes lodging, all meals from Sunday

supper through Friday breakfast, an event T-

shirt, and programming costs.

June 7, 12:30 PM Come in and help beautify and

personalize your youth room. A good time for fellowship and fun.

Lunch is provided.

VBS Prep Week June 29-July 3 9 AM –12 Noon

For Jr. and Sr. High (and any adult volunteers available) - a new idea… we will spend this time getting ready for VBS the following week. We will go over lessons and plans, create decorations, decorate, assemble and prepare supplies for the younger crew arriving for Everest VBS on July 6. Just want to paint backgrounds? Great! Want to help lead games during VBS? That’s great too! All who participate are welcome to help with VBS the following week, but are not obligated. We are preparing for a tremendous week of outreach, fellowship and fun—come be a part! Contact Traci to sign up or with any questions!

What’s going on with Sunday School this summer? All Jr. & Sr. Youth are invited to help the younger kids this summer.

What does that mean? Each week we will have a lesson, that you can help with by reading, crafting, or preparing tech (running the video & popcorn machines ). You can sign up for the week(s) that works best for you on the bulletin board in SS hall OR just meet in the chapel at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings. Summer Sunday School will run from June 7—July 26.

This summer, Wednesday with Word will begin on June 3, all youth are

invited to attend. Those attending the National Youth Gathering are

strongly urged to attend. From 6 PM—8:30 PM; dinner will be

provided. Look to email for addresses and last minute instructions.

June 3 WWW at the Billman’s, 6 PM (NYG Lesson #1)

June 10 WWW at the Abele’s, 6 PM (NYG Lesson #2)

June 17 WWW at the Hiller’s, 6 PM (NYG Lesson #3)

June 24 WWW at the Williamson’s, 6 PM (NYG Lesson #4)

July 1 WWW at the Provancha’s, 6 PM (NYG Lesson #5)

DIAPERS! We are collecting diapers (sizes 3 & 4) for the NYG in-kind

offering. Bring your donation to Comm. Central by 7/12, if you’d like to help!

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Adult Education

Sunday School

)Adult Mid-Week Opportunities Wednesday: Devotions, Prayer & Fellowship, 6:06 AM

Thursday: Women’s Bible Study, 1 PM

(a new study will begin on June 11: Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A Study of David)

1. Faith and Discovery: New text! Please join

us on April 12 as we start Dining with the Devil: The Megachurch Movement Flirts with Modernity by Os Guinness. An assessment of one of Christianity's most powerful movements. What shapes the message of the church? The Bible and Spirit, or society and culture? Led by Mike Hamilton.

2. Lectionary Bible Study: What is a

lectionary? A lectionary is a list of scripture readings assigned to be read on a particular day. This class will study and discuss the week’s readings used in our Sunday worship. Led by Tom Duncan.

3. Bible Studies for Life: The Ragamuffin

Gospel by Brennan Manning. Many believers feel stunted in their Christian growth. We beat ourselves up over our failures and, in the process, pull away from God because we subconsciously believe He tallies our defects and hangs His head in disappointment. The Father beckons us to Himself with a “furious love” that burns brightly and constantly. Only when we truly embrace God’s grace can we bask in the joy of a gospel that enfolds the most needy of His flock: the “ragamuffins.” Led by Gwen


Though our class list is reduced for the summer, there are still learning experiences for everyone: now is a great time to visit a new class and see if it is a good fit for you.

For parents, the nursery is available for kids up to age 5; and Summer Sunday School for school-age children June 7—July 26.

Circle Meetings

Ruth Circle will meet on

Wednesday, June 3 @ 9:00AM for

our meeting, light snack and Bible

study. Members -0 RSVP regrets

only to Gisela Rieger at (256) 881-

0973. Guests are always welcome,

please let Gisela know you will be


Rachel Circle will meet

on Monday, June 8th at 6pm at

Taco Mammas in the Hospital

Area next to the new Publix. We

welcome new members and


Deborah Circle will meet for

Brunch at Another Broken Egg (in

the Target Shopping Center on Carl

T Jones Drive) on Tuesday June 9 at

10:30 AM. All are welcome to join,

but contact Glenda Churchey

[email protected] or 256

883-1953 to be counted in the

reservation. Look forward to

seeing all of you!

Martha Circle will meet in June

11th at the home of Gwen

Dornbos. We will finishing up

our book study. We will also be

collecting for Our Place .

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St. Mark’s Faith & Fiction Book Group

Isaac Trek to King's Mountain by local author, J. Wayne Fears, is our reading selection for Saturday, June 6, at 9:30 a.m. The author and well-known outdoorsman will be our guest at the meeting. He is one our country's most prolific writers of outdoor literature and has written over 6200 magazine articles and 32 books about the subject. The novel is about the Revolutionary War and "how a young boy faced the battle at King's Mountain and became a man".

Because Our July meeting falls on the holiday, the group will dis-

cuss All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr on Saturday,

June 27. The pick for August will beThe Good Lord Bird by James McBride.

The weekly Women’s Bible Study group will begin the DVD study

"Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A Study of David" on Thursday,

June 11th at 1PM in Room 8. This is a great time to jump in with this

wonderful group of women.

My St. Mark’s Family, I want to thank you all for the wonderful reception, well wishes, support, and monetary gift. I have been blessed with so many memories within St. Mark’s and you all will forever be my family and my home. I wish each and every one of you many blessings. It’s been an honor to serve you and I can’t wait to see what great things will come. Many Thanks, Missy

Page 10: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

God’s Work, Our Hands

Food Pantry

A long-time ministry to serve hungry

families and individuals in the Huntsville

area. Make food donations (please check

“best by” dates if bringing from home) by

bringing this month’s item or any non-

perishable and placing it in the blue bins in

Communication Central.

Homeless Camps

An ongoing ministry to serve the homeless

in our area once a month. Contact Cindy

Conrad for more information. The next

visit will be June 14: meet in the old

Narthex at 1 PM.

These are opportunities for you to share your time, money, and of course, your prayers all year long.

With many on-going ministries, we’ve complied

ONE list for all items needed for our various

ministries. There are three blue collection bins

in Communication Central for all donations of

new items.

Opportunities to Serve

God’s Work Our Hands

Shopping List

Baby Wipes



Canned Fruit

Canned Meals

Canned Meat

Canned Veggies


Cheez-Its (indiv.)




Dried Beans

Fruit Cups


Insect Repellent

Instant Potatoes



Juice Boxes (100%)


Mac & Cheese

Nutri-Grain Bars


Peanut Butter

Pet Food

Pop-top Soups

Pop Tarts

Powdered Milk

Pudding Cups





Spaghetti Sauce

Toilet Paper



Tuna Pouches

Water Bottles National Youth Gathering:


For this gathering’s in-kind offering, we

will be collecting disposable diapers,

primarily sizes 3 & 4. If you would like to

help in this endeavor, please bring your

donations to Communication Central by

July 12. Thank you!

Downtown Rescue Mission

On the third Friday of every month, at

12:30 PM, a group will go into the mission

to clean the kitchen. If you would like to

participate in this effort, please contact

Janet Duncan.

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JUN E 2015 PAGE 11

The next Saturday meeting will be June 13th

and we will follow this schedule:

10:00 - 1:00 Lutheran World Relief Quilts

10:00 - 11:00 Small craft – Jelly Roll Pillow – 1 jelly roll, 1 yrd matching fabric

for backing, 1 yrd batting, matching thread for backing.

11:00 - 12:00 Placemats – Father’s Day pattern

Quilt Guild

Dear Friends,

A thank you note doesn’t adequately express our sincere

thanks and gratitude for the many kindnesses and acts of love

that have been poured upon us in the recent months. We were

tremendously blessed by the bridal shower hosted by Traci

Billman and Connie Jaramillo. They are both wonderful

co-workers, but more over they are great friends! The gifts, cards, and sharing in

our celebration mean more to us than we could ever tell you. We treasure the advice

that many of you have given us on a happy marriage.

The St. Mark’s family that welcomed

me here, almost 5 years ago to the

day, have welcomed Stan in such

a loving way now. We are

blessed beyond measure by the

friendships we have made and the

love you’ve shown us.

With Love,

Stan and Emily Jacobs

Page 12: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

June 7, 2015 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Roberts Abele Anne Knowles

Lay Asst. Dave Schultz, Jed Deason

Lector Robert Burkhardt Tom Duncan

Acolyte Aija Abele Lana Leo

Server Call to Volunteer! Call to Volunteer!

Greeter Karen & Glenn Cunningham Glenn Dasher, Deby Boss

Greeter Bob Dornbos Ellen Brusick

Usher Call to Volunteer! Peg Skrenes

Usher Call to Volunteer! Norm Skrenes

June 14, 2015 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Barry Rogers David Schultz

Lay Asst. Anne Knowles

Lector Shelby Billman Vol Needed

Acolyte Lija Abele Zoe Falkenberg

Server Mat Thies, Aidan Pittman Meredith Mullin

Greeter Gun Abele, Sesalie Satterfeal Glenn Dasher, Deby Boss

Greeter Abby Williamson Ellen Brusick

Usher Norwood Cutter Gloria Woody

Usher Marilyn Rogers Andy Sieja

June 21, 2015 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Brenda Holsopple John Mahony

Lay Asst. Norm & Peg Skrenes

Lector Gwen Dornbos Julie Satterfeal

Acolyte Grace Billman Sarah Thornton

Server Shelby Billman, Alyssa Armstrong River Skrenes

Greeter Norwood & Carol Cutter Glenn Dasher, Deby Boss

Greeter Allen & Penny Krell Ellen Brusick

Usher Michelle Price Jim Mullin

Usher Mike Price Stan Reinartz

June 28, 2015 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Haley Bodin Pam Birkholz

Lay Asst Gisela Rieger

Lector Judy Jung Becky Hamilton

Acolyte Laura Heim Sesalie Satterfeal

Server Felina Sarmiento, Katelynn Bodin Sam Sykstus

Greeter Bob Dornbos, Karen Szymczyk Glenn Dasher , Deby Boss

Greeter Judy Jung Ellen Brusick

Usher Vol Needed Butch Lloyd

Usher Brandon Hiller Anna Lloyd

If you are unable to serve as scheduled,

please make arrangements for a substitute.

Worship Assistants

Page 13: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

Flower Notice: As of Easter Sunday, Albert's Flowers is now providing the Altar & Narthex arrangements each week. The cost is $47.00 per arrangement. Payment should be made directly to the church office. Albert's will be billing the church directly.


St. Mark’s provides each family a subscription to The Lutheran magazine. Please contact the church office if any of the following apply:

* you would like to receive the magazine and are not,

* would not like to receive the magazine and you are,

* need to update your address for the magazine, or

* you have questions about the magazine.

Do Your Part

To Take Care of

the Church

Use the Key Log in the Usher’s Closet

when locking and unlocking the build-


If you are the last to leave an area, do a

quick check to see that coffee pots are

off, lights are off, etc.

When hosting an event, use the

Fellowship Hall and/or Kitchen check-

lists to be sure you are leaving the

space the way you found it (or better!).

If something seems wrong, tell a staff or

council member and ask them to check

into the issue.

Before or during services, please sign into the red pew book. The books are located on each end of the pew and pencils are in the pew racks. This is a place that you may leave a note to the church office for any need you may have.

All information is confidential.

Page 14: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,

If your birthday is in June

and it is not listed,

please contact the church office at 256-539-


Carl Altvater

Keith Armstrong

Ellen Barnett

Claire Birkholz

Carley Bodin

Mike Brown

Nina Brumfield

Carla Burkhardt

Robert Burkhardt

Josh Cutter

Dena Dana

Sally Dasher

Jed Deason

Derek Emmerson

Roger Erickson

Joy Forst

Leah Gradl

Bruce Hiller

Carrie Horst

Lew Ingalls

Michael Ise

Christopher Ise

Judy Jung

Jeff Lienau

Ella Markle

Maggie Markle

Stephen Markle

Jennifer Matthews

Bruce Mullin

Missy Ontiveros

Brian Paulus

Christopher Pedersen

Michelle Pedersen

Aidan Pittman

Gail Pittman

Michelle Price

Nick Radovich

Kinsley Satterfeal

Beth Shepherd

Andy Sieja

Norma Stagner

Dale Stevens

Marianne Stevens

Terry Szymczyk

Erica Trapp

Page 15: Vacation Bible School · summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency –fun gizmos, team-building games,


1 9:30AM Staff Meeting

2 1PM Knit & Crochet

5:30PM Bd of Learning

5:30PM Handbells

6:30PM Wind Ensemble

3 6:06AM Prayer & Devotion 9AM Ruth Circle

12:45PM Ukulele Choir


4 1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team


SE Synod Assembly


SE Synod Assembly

9:30AM Faith & Fiction Book Group

2PM Altar Guild

7 SE Synod


8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional Worship

12:30PM Sr. Youth Room Party & Lunch

8 9:30AM Staff Meeting

5:30PM Exec. Comm. Meeting

6PM Rachel Cir-cle

9 10AM Deborah Circle

1PM Knit & Crochet

5:30PM Bd of Learning

5:30PM Handbells

6:30PM Wind Ensemble


10 6:06AM Prayer & Devotion

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

4PM Bd of Worship


11 1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team

6:30PM Praise Team

7PM Martha Cir-cle


13 8AM Men’s Breakfast

10AM Quilt Guild

2PM Altar Guild

6:30PM Supper Club


8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional Worship

1PM Homeless Camp Visits



9:30AM Staff Meeting

5:30PM Church CouncilMeeting



10:30AM Deliver Meals on Wheels

1PM Knit & Crochet



6:06 Prayer & Devotion

10AM Brookdale Service

1:45PM Ukulele Choir




1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team

6:30PM Praise



12:30PM Downtown Res-cue Mission-Kitchen

20 2PM Altar Guild


Father’s Day

8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional Worship




9:30AM Staff Meeting

23 1PM Knit & Crochet

24 6:06AM Prayer & Devotion

12:45PM Ukulele Choir



1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team

6:30PM Praise



2PM Altar Guild

28 8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional Worship

29 VBS Prep


30 VBS Prep Week


1PM Knit & Crochet


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St. Mark’s Staff Directory

Church Address: 200 Longwood Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801

Church Phone: 256-539-4361 Church Fax: 256-539-4388

Interim Pastor: Extension 15……………..……..…..Warren Casiday ([email protected])

Music Director: Extension 17………..………………...Ferdinand Murati ([email protected])

Int. Dir. of Christian Education: Extension 16…..….….Traci Billman ([email protected])

Office Manager: Extension 14……..…….................………...Emily Jacobs ([email protected])

Office Assistant: Extension 10…………………....Connie Jaramillo ([email protected])

Organist/Pianist: ………………......………….. …..,,,,……………..Dr. Mira Kruja ([email protected])

This month, let’s support the youth as they head to the ELCA National

Youth Gathering in July.

DIAPERS! We are collecting diapers (sizes 3 & 4) for the NYG in-kind offering.

Bring your donation to Comm. Central by 7/12, if you’d like to help!

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