  • Product News

    Clinical analyser and low running costs.A second generation discrete analyser is MSE Scientific Instruments, Manornow available from Vitatron. The PA800 Royal, Crawley RHIO 2QQ, a micro-computer based analyser onwhich both large batches and smallnumbers of samples can be run. A non- Computing integratorprimed dispensing system means rapid A computing integrator for gas andtest changeover and this, coupled with liquid chromatography ..has been intro-simplicity of operation, allows one duced by Pye Unicam. The CDP1operator to run all the analyses. It also computing integrator is designed aroundallows the operator enough time on large an ’easy key’ control giving rapidbatches of samples to perform otherjobs familiarisation and simple operation. Itround the laboratory. Additional feat- is available with or without a digitalures include full programming flex- display and has a built-in printer whichibility, small sample and reagent volumes outputs parameters, peak retention

    times and areas or heights, with baselinecodes, followed by the calculated result.A choice of manual, semi-automatic

    and automatic methods for peakdetection ensures accurate area alloca-tion throughout the analysis. A fullself-integrity check with built-in signalgeneration to check correct integration,is also incorporated. Three built-incalculation methods are available, area% normalisation, normalisation with ascale factor, and an internal standardmethod.Pye Unicam Ltd, York St, CambridgeCB1 2PX, UK.

    Uo a’en"ar o 0 .Box 1, Kensington, NSW, Australia1 l th International Congress of Clinical

    Editor’s Note: Chemistry 4th European Congress ofOrganisers of conferences, seminars etc. Clinical ChemistryshouM send details for inclusion in this August 30-September 5, Viennacalandar as soon as the relevant informa- Congress Secretariat, Interconvention,tion is available and not later than three POBox 35, A-1095 Vienna, Austria.months before the event.

    Immunoassay workshop

    3rd International EPR Symposium August 31-September 5, Guildford, U.K.Courses Secretary, Department of Bio-August 11-14, Denver, U.S.A.Gareth R. Eaton, Department of Chem- chemistry, University of Surrey, Stagistry, University of Denver, Denver, Hill Guildford GU2 5XH, U.K.Colorado, U.S.A.

    Annual meeting of the British Assoe-Gordon Research Conference on Analy- iation for the Advancement of Sciencetieal Chemistry September 1-5, Salford.August 1-15, New Hampton. Miss J.ll. Dring, BAAS, 23 Saville Row,Gordon Research Conferences, Colby- London W1, U.K.Sawyer College, New London, NH0325 7, U.S.A.

    2nd Chemical Conference of the NorthAmerican ContinentAugust 24-29, San Francisco.A.P. Winstead, American ChemicalSociety 1155 16th St. NW, Washington,DC 20036, U.S.A.

    Laboratory methods and techniquesSeptember 2-4, Portsmouth.J.M. Potts, Room 306, ChemistryDept, St Michael’s Building, PortsmouthPolytechnic, White Swan Road, Ports-mouth P01 2DT, U.K.

    12th Annual Conference of the EuropeanGroup for Atomic SpectroscopySeptember 2-5, Pisa.

    7th European Congress on Electron A. Gozzini, Instituto di Fisica, Univer-Microscopy sita di Pisa, Piazza Torricelli 2, 56100August 24-30, The Hague. Pisa, Italy.Laboratory for Electron Microscopy,University of Leyden, Ri/nsburgerweg International solvent extraction10, Leyden, The Netherlands. conference

    September 6-12, Liege, Belgium.Measurement and control of chemical Conference Secretary, ISEC 80, Depthazards in the workplace environment of Chemistry, University of Liege, SartAugust 25-28, San Francisco. Tilman, B-4000 Liege, Belgium.Gangadhar Choudhary, National Insti-tute for Occupational Safety and 3rd World Filtration CongressHealth, DPSE, Mail Stop R3 4676 September l3-17, Philadelphia.Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio Filtration Society, Shippensburg, Phila-45226, U.S.A. delphia, U.S.A.

    12th Australian Spectroscopy Confer- Modern techniques in centrifugationence September 14-19, Colchester.August 25-29, Sydney, Australia. Liaison Officer, University of Essex,Professor B.S. Orr, School of Chemistry, Wivenhow Park, Colchester C04 3SQ,The University of New South Wales, U.K.

    6th International Symposium onAdvances and Applications of Chroma-tography in IndustrySeptember 16-19, Bratislava, Czecho-slovakia.Jan Remen, Analytical Section CSVTS, pri np Slovnaft, 82300, Brati-slava, Czechoslovakia.

    Clinical laboratory automationSeptember 19-20, Tokyo.Japanese Society of Clinical LaboratoryAutomation, 9-3 Nakamarucho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, Japan.

    High performance liquid chromato-graphy courseSeptember 22-26, Loughborough.Miss J.M. Brown, Department ofChemistry, Loughborough University ofTechnology, Loughborough, Leics.LE11 3TU, U.K.

    Trace and ultratraee analysisSeptember 23-25, Cardiff.The Secretary, Analytical Division,Chemical Society, Burlington House,London W1 V OBN, U.K.

    7th Annual meeting of the Federationof Analytical Chemistry and Spectros-copy SocietiesSeptember 28-October 3, Philadelphia.S. W. Fleming, Engineering PhysicsLaboratory, Du Pont ExperimentalStation, Wilmington, Del 19898, U.S.A.

    Analysis 80 The installation andmanagement of micro and mini com-puters in the laboratorySeptember 29-30, London.Scientific Symposia L td, 33-35 BowlingGreen Lane, London ECIR ODA, U.K.

    ASTM E-19 Meeting on the Theory andPractice of ChromatographyOctober 1-3, Pennsylvania State Univer-sity.Clayton O. Ruud, 159 Materials ResearchLaboratory, Pennsylvania State Unz’ver-sity, University Park, Pa 16892, U.S.A.

    170 Journal of Automatic Chemistry

  • Calendar

    INTERKAMA 80 8th International D-8000 Munchen 12, Federal RepublicCongress and Exhibition for Instrumen- of Germany.tation and AutomationOctober 9-15, Dusseldorf, West Ger-many.Arbeitsgemeinschaft INTERKAMA,Postfach 700969, D-6000 Frankfurt/M 70, Federal Republic of Germany.

    Pollution analysis and controlOctober 14-16, Stoke-on-Trent.Assistant Secretary, British CeramicSociety, Shelton House, Stoke Road,Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent $14 1DR, U.K.

    MAC ’80 20th International Exhib-ition of Chemical Analysis, Research andTest EquipmentNovember 11-15, Milan, Italy.MAC- Via Domenichino 11, 20149,Milano, Italy.

    1st African and Mediterranean Congressof Clinical ChemistryNovember 11-15, Milan, Italy.1st African and Mediterranean Congress

    New spectroscopic methods for biomedi- of Clinical Chemistry, Via Keplero 1 O,cal research 20124 Milan, Italy.October 20-21, Columbus, Ohio.Karen Waite, Battell-Columbus Labora-tories, 505 King Ave, Columbus, Ohio43201, U.S.A.

    Multidiscipline Spectroscopy Sympo-siumOctober 27-31, Chicago.Donald H. Arendt, Wells ManufacturingCo, 7800 N Austin Ave, Skokie, lllinois60077, U.S.A.

    New directions in automation in theclinical laboratoryNovember 17-18, Dusseldorf.Robert S. First Inc, 19a A venue Marnix,1050 Brussels, Belgium.

    Electronica80November 6-12, Munich.Munchener Messe und Ausstellungs-gesellschaft mbH, Postfach 12 10 09,

    Electro-analytical techniques indus-trial and clinical applicationsNovember 25-27, London.Sira Institute Ltd, South Hill, Chisle-hurst, Kent BR 7 5EH, U.K.


    Biotechnology second EuropeanCongressApril 5-10, EastbourneSecretariat, ECB2, c/o Society ofChemical Industry, 14 Belgrave Square,London SW1 8PS, U.K.

    Euroanalysis IVAugust 23-28, Helsinki, FinlandAssociation of Finnish ChemicalSocieties, Executive Secretary, PohLHesperiankatu 3B10, SF-oo260 Helsinki26, Finland


    International symposium on application International Congress on Automationof microprocessors in devices for instru- in the Clinical Laboratorymentation and automatic control April 19-22, Barcelona, Spain.November 17-20, London. Dr. R. Galimany, Departmento deIMEKO/IFAC Symposium Organising Analisis Clinicos, Seccion de Automa-Committee, The Institute of Measure- tizacion, Cuidad Sanitaria ’Principes dement and Control, 20 Peel Street, Espana’ Hospitalet de Llobrogat,London W8 7PD, U.K. Barcelona, Spain.

    172 Journal of Automatic Chemistry

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