Page 1: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Unit 8: Renaissance and

ReformationScience and Technology

Daily Questions:- What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did the innovations of the Renaissance change the way of life? Way of looking at the world?- How did the printing press transform Europe? World?

Page 2: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did


5. One factor that enabled the renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had

1. A wealthy class that invested in the arts

2. A socialist form of government

3. Limited contact with the Byzantine Empire

4. A shrinking middle class

If you finish early, then do the extra questions for extra credit

Page 3: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Warm-up Reflection How did you arrive at your answer?

What strategies did you use?

Why did you choose the answer you did?


Page 4: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

Tycho Brahe (1546-1601)

Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Polish priest, studied astronomy, believed Earth was not the center of the universe, created heliocentric theory (sun as the center and planets revolving around it), believed the moon circled Earth, didn’t publish theories until after his death (because he knew they contradicted the Church’s teachings)

Wealthy Danish astronomer, observed the stars and planets, created measuring system for positioning, disproved ancient theories about movement of planets, made him a celbrity (own island from King of Denmark), hired Kepler as his assistant.

Impoverished (poor) Danish astronomer, sun is the center, laws describing motion of the planets, orbits around sun are oval.

Renaissance Man, studied medicine, math and curious about everything, set out to disprove theories about structure of the universe, all falling objects drop a the same speed, built a telescope (10x), saw details of sunspots, mountains on the moon, moons orbiting planets, universe all made of same material

Page 5: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Quotes“We shall place the sun himself at the center of the Universe. All this is suggesting by the orderly movement and harmony of the whole universe, if we only face the facts, as they say, ‘with both eyes open.’” - Copernicus

“Neither power nor wealth, only Art and Science will endure” – on Brahe’s tombstone

“The diversity of the phenomenon of nature is so great, and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich, precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.” - Kepler

“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” - Galileo

Page 6: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Gutenberg and the Printing Press

1400s: books expensive and rare, written in Latin, few people can read, Christians depend on the priest to read the Bible

1448: German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg invents printing system with wine press and thousands of casts of metal letters to make “movable type” with oily ink on new paper made of linen rags.

First book to print was the Bible – WHY?

Each page had two columns and 42 lines and Gutenberg’s Bible totaled 1,300 pages. He printed over 175 copies. Artists even added colorful drawings known as illuminations. The sheets were gathered and bound.

The process took several years, but was completed in 1455

This revolutionized the spread of information and knowledge. Within 50 years, millions of books were printed. The books were printed in many languages so anyone could read them. As a result, literacy increased.

Page 7: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Simulation:Transfer of Knowledge

1. ORAL: Game of telephone

Page 8: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Simulation:Transfer of Knowledge

1. ORAL: Game of telephone

2. ORAL + COPY: One person will read (but can’t repeat anything) and you must copy down what is said – word for word.

Page 9: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Simulation:Transfer of Knowledge

1. ORAL: Game of telephone

2. ORAL + COPY: One person will read (but can’t repeat anything) and you must copy down what is said – word for word.

3. WRITTEN + COPY: You will have a written version that you can look at and copy down

Page 10: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Romeo and JulietAct I Scene I

Chorus:Two households, both alike in dignity,In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.From forth the fatal loins of these two foesA pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,Whose misadventured piteous overthrowsDoth with their death bury their parents’ strife.The fearful passage of their death-marked loveAnd the continuance of their parents’ rage,Which but their children’s end, naught could remove,Is now the two-hours’ traffic of our stage;The which if you with patient ears attend,What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Page 11: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Simulation:Transfer of Knowledge

1. ORAL: Game of telephone

2. ORAL + COPY: One person will read (but can’t repeat anything) and you must copy down what is said – word for word.

3. WRITTEN + COPY: You will have a written version that you can look at and copy down

4. PRINTING PRESS: Multiple copies passed out

Page 12: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Reflective Discussion What was the difference between these


Which was the hardest? Easiest? Why?

As someone who only knew one language, how was it being able to get a copy in your language?

As someone who could now understand and get an accurate version, does it encourage you to read? Why?

Page 13: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

“From Gutenberg to the Internet”

Textbook p. 368-371

Popcorn read Call on someone Read at least 3 sentences OR say “pass” (for

no credit) Call on someone

BRAINSTORM: What are the similarities (or differences) between the Printing Press Books and the Internet?

Page 14: Unit 8: Renaissance and Reformation Science and Technology Daily Questions: - What innovations and technology were made during the Renaissance? - How did

Journal Reflection 5 Answer ALL of the following questions:

1. How did the printing press transform Europe?

2. How does the Internet change your life?

3. Why did the printing press have a similar affect on the world as the Internet?

Homework: Journal 5 and make up any missing work

Collecting: #

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