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171Unit 8 - Show Me How ....


Show Me How ....

• Cutthevegetables.• Boilthewater.


• Addseasoning.• Mixthesoupwell

• Thenoodleisready

In this unit, you will learn how to: respondtospokenmonologuetextsofprocedure. createspokenmonologuetextsofprocedure. identify the meanings, the linguistic features and the text structure of written texts of

procedure. createwrittentextsusingthelinguisticfeaturesandthetextstructureofprocedure.

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172 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Section One:

Spoken Procedure


Activity 1

Listen and repeat after the teacher.

1. Takeasheetofpaper,please.2. Cutthepaper,please.3. Please,showmeyourcard.Let’smakeabirthdaycard.4. Don’tcutthewrongedge.5. Don’tputtoomuchglue.


Activity 2

Listen and do your teacher’s instructions.

1. Standup,please.2. Sitdown,please.3. Say“howareyou?”,please.4. Nodyourhead,please.5. Shakeyourhead,please.

Activity 3

From Activity 2, how do you give command?

Note:As in sentences 1-5 in Activity 2, to give command, we use thepresentformofverbs,suchasstandup,sitdown,etc.

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Activity 4

Listen and do what your teacher says.

1. Don’tstandup.2. Don’tsitdown.3. Don’tsay“hello”.4. Don’tshakeyourhead.5. Don’tbequiet.

Activity 5

Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Andi :Howdoyoucooksotoinstantnoodle?Budi : That’s easy. First put the instant noodle

into400mlofboilingwater.Boil it for3minutes.

A :Thentheseasoningandoil?B :Yes,puttheseasoningandoilonabowl,

andthenaddhotseasoning.A :Andthenwhat? B :Putthecookednoodletogetherwiththe

soup into the bowl. Finally, mix it well.Now,thedeliciousnoodleisready.

A :Thatsoundseasy.



Notes:Thewordsfirst, then, next,andfinallyareusedtotellaprocedure.First isusedtobegintheprocedure.Thenisusedtotellstepsduringtheprocedure.Finallyisusedtoendtheprocedure.

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Activity 6

Match the verbs in A and the phrases in B based on the listening above

A B1. Put a. thewater

2. Boil b. theseasoningandoil

3. Add


c. thesoupwell4. Mix d. thenoodle

Activity 7

Based on Activity 6, write the steps to cook Soto instant noodle in the blanks below. Practise telling the procedure with your partner.

1. First,……2. Then……….3. Finally……….

Activity 8

Read the text below. What is it about?

• Beattheeggswell.• Addsalt,pepperandlittlemilk.• Heatthebutterinafryingpan.• Addthemixtureandfryforfiveminutes.

Activity 9

Now demonstrate the steps of making an omelette as in Activity 8.

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Activity 10


1. Cutup 2. Slice

Whatdoyoucutup? Whatdoyouslice? Whatdoyouusecutup? Whatdoyouusetoslice?2. Grate 3. Peel

Whatdoyougrate? Whatdoyoupeel? Whatdoyouusetograte? Whatdoyouusetopeel?4. Mix 5. Stir

Whatdoyoumix? Whatdoyoustir? Whatdoyouusetomix? Whatdoyouusetostir?5. Pour 6. Boil

Whatdoyoupour? Whatdoyouboil? Whatdoyouusetopourinto? Whatdoyouusetoboil?

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7. Fry 8. Scramble

Whatdoyoufry? Whatdoyouscramble? Whatdoyouusetofry? Whatdoyouusetoscramble?


Activity 11

By using the verbs in Activity 10, think of the verbs and nouns used to explain how to make soup. Start like this:

Tomakesoupweneed:……………….……………….,.Thecookingstepsare:First cut up ………………. , then chop up………………. , slice……………….,pour……………….,mix……………….,boil……………….,etc.

Activity 12

Listen to your teacher. She will read how to make a birthday card for you. Take notes on the steps.



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Activity 13

Listen again to your teacher and give a tick to the commands you hear.

getpaper. takeanotherpieceofpaper. cutthepaper. putglue. drawapicture. foldthepaper. pressit.

Activity 14

Answer the following questions based on the text in Activity 12.

1. Whatmaterialsdoyouneedtomakeabirthdaycard?2. Whatisthefirststepyouhavetodo?3. Doyouneedcolourfulpapersandbeautifulpictures?4. Doyouneedanenvelopeforthecard?5. Whatisthelaststep?


Activity 1

Do the following things.

1. Taketwobooks.2. Putthebooksonthetable.3. Now,openoneofthebooks4. Writeyournameonit.5. Closethebookandgiveittoyourteacher.

Activity 2

Ask your friend to do the following things.

1. Writehis/hernameonabook.2. Arrangesomebooksonthetable.3. Putthebooksintoabag.4. Givethebagtoyourfriend.5. Gohome.

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Activity 3

Do this in pair. One is to give instruction and the other one is to perform the instructions.

1. Washclothesusingdetergents.2. Useshampoo.3. Sendmail.4. TurnontheTV.5. Playacassetteusingataperecorder


Activity 4

Read and act out the following dialogue.

Teacher :Ohdear,youcutthewrongedge.Student :Oh,myGod.WhatshallIdo,Ma’am?Teacher :Canyougetanothersheet?Cutitcarefully.Student :Yes,Ma’am.Teacher :Whohasfinishedcutting?Student :Ihavema’am.Teacher :Showittome.Youdidagoodjob

Activity 5

Tell the class how to make a cup of tea based on the pictures below. Use the clues under each picture. Start like this: I will tell you how to make a cup of tea. To make it we need…………………………………To prepare it, first,…………………

1. Cup,teabag,putinto 2. Pour,hotwater,cup

3. Takeout,teabag 4. Addsugar,stir


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Activity 5

Tell the class how to make scrambled eggs. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.

1. Beategg 2. Scrambleegg.Putonion.Fry. 3. Serve


Activity 7

Show the procedure how to make a paper plane. Use the following verbs and pictures:

1. 2. 3. 4.



Activity 1

Tell your friends and demonstrate the procedure how to make apple juice. You should also tell the things you need.

Activity 2

Can you cook anything? Tell your friends and demonstrate the procedure how to make your favorite food. You should tell the things you

Activity 3

Work in pairs. Tell your friends how to make paper bird. You should tell the things you need.



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180 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Section Two:

Written Procedure


Activity 1

Read the text below and state if the statements are true or false.

Let’s make birthday cards.

What you need:EnvelopeSeveralcrayonsSomecolouredpaperAscissorsAtubeofglue.

What to do:Cutthegluedenvelopeusingscissor.Drawaninterestingpictureonthecolourpaper.Colourthepictureonthecard.



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1. Thetextishowtomakebirthdaycard. True False2. Scissorsareusedtogluethepaper. True False3. Wedrawpictureonthepaper. True False4. Thepaperhaspicture. True False5. Crayonsarenotneeded. True False

Activity 2

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Questions:1. Whatisthetitleofthetext?2. Whatmaterialsdoyouneedtomakeanenvelope?3. Whatdoyouhavetopreparefirsttomakeanenvelope?4. Doyouneedanyglueforit?5. Whatisthefinalsteptomaketheenvelopeinagoodform?


Steps:• Takeasheetofpaper.• Drawapatternbyusingyourruler.• Cutthepaperfollowingthepattern.• Foldit.• Putsomeglueonit.• Pressittogetagoodform.

Activity 3

Read the following text and underline the imperative. Discuss it with a partner.

Safety Measures in Case of Fire

A.Ifyoudiscoverafireinastoreybuilding,raisethealarm. Ifpossible,attackthefirebyusingfireextinguisher.

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182 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII

Iffire isoutofcontrol,closethedoorandleave immediatelyviaexitstaircase.

B. Ifyouhearthefirealarm,prepareyourselftoevacuate. Leavetheroomimmediately. Saveyourlifefirstbecausetimeisprecious. Donotuselifttoevacuate.C. Ifyouaretrappedintheroom,informsomeoneyouarethereorbeaton

thedoor. Keepthefireoutbyputtingwettowelorsheetsunderthedoor.D.Ifsmokeisaroundyou,don’tbepanic. Takeshortbreathsandcrawltoescape. Thishelpsyoubecausetheairnearerthefloorisclean. Donotjumpoutofthebuilding.Rescuemightcomesoon.

Activity 4

Read again the text above and match the statements in Column 1 with the statements in Column 2 below.

TextAColumn 1 Column 2

1. If you discover a fire in a storeybuilding,

a. leave immediately via exitstaircase.

2. Ifpossible,attackthefirebyusing b. raisethealarm.3. If fire is out of control, close the

doorandc. fireextinguisher.


Column 1 Column 24. Ifyouhearthefirealarm, d. immediately.5. Leavetheroom e. lifttoevacuate.6. Saveyourlifefirstbecause f. prepareyourselftoevacuate.7. Donotuse g. timeisprecious.

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TextCColumn 1 Column 2

8. If you are trapped in the room,inform

h. wet towel or sheets under thedoor.

9. Keepthefireoutbyputting i. someone that you are there, orbeatonthedoor.

TextDColumn 1 Column 2

10. Ifsmokeisaroundyou, j. theairnearthefloorisclean.11. Takeshortbreathsand k. don’tpanic.12. Thishelpsyoubecause l. crawltoescape.13. Donot m. comesoon.14. Rescuemight n. jumpoutofthebuilding.


Activity 1


1. Standup,please.

2. …………………………………….

3. …………………………………….

4. …………………………………….

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5. …………………………………….


Activity 2

Combine the first imperative sentence in Activity 1 with the next sentences. Use connectors: First, then, then, finally.

First, stand up, then, ……………………………………., Then, …………………………………….,Then…………………………………….,Finally…………………………………….

Activity 3

Based on the pictures below, write the procedures of keeping book after reading. Start with picture no. 1. Use verbs: open, study/read, write, close, put.

First,openthebook……………………….... ……………………..

……………………… …………………………


Activity 4

Based on the pictures below, write the procedures of answering a teacher’squestioninaclass.Startwithpictureno.1.Useverbs:listen, raise, and give.

1.……………………… 2.…………………...... 3.……………………..Pic8.15(Dit.PSMP,2006)

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Activity 5

Write how to make a glass of coffee. Look at the following the pictures.

1. Takeahalfspoonfulofcoffee.

2. Takeahalfspoonfulofsugar.

3. Putintotheglass.

4. Mixwell.

Pic8.16(Personalphotos)Goal : How to……………..

Materials :…….............. ……….......... ……….......... ……………..Steps1. …………………………………………..2. …………………………………………..3. …………………………………………..4. …………………………………………..5. …………………………………………..


Activity 1

Write a simple text on how to wash clothes using detergent. Include in your writing, the materials, the length of time needed, and the step by step activities. Write in no less than 50 words. Use the clues below:


Steps- Prepare…….(what?)- Mix……(what?) - Wait…...(How long?)- Put…….(what?)- Washtheclothesbyhand.


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Activity 2

Complete the following procedure of preparing a glass of milk. Then, rewrite the complete procedure.

How to ……

Materials…….- .........Water.- .............Milkpowder.- Glass.



Activity 3

Complete the following procedure of using a water dispenser. Then, rewrite the complete procedure.

How to use……Clean the ….. Put the ……..Connect the cable to electic power.Press the on to turn on the hot water.


Activity 4

Complete the following procedure of borrowing a book from school library. Then, write the complete procedure for your school library.




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Activity 5


1. 5-6earsofbabycorn,5spoonsofmilk,1spoonofbutter,1spoonofflour,saltandpepper.

2. Heatbutter,putflourafteritmelts,mixevenly.3. Boilbabycornandletitcool.4. Putinpowderedcornwithsalt,pepper,andmilk.5. Letitsitforfiveminutesinmediumheat.6. Grind/powdercornwithablender.

Goal : How to cook baby corn soupMaterials :…….............. ……….......... ……….......... ……………..Steps1. …………………………………………..2. …………………………………………..3. …………………………………………..4. …………………………………………..5. …………………………………………..


1. Inagroupoffive,gotoafoodstore.Asksomebodythereabouthowtocookthefoodtheyprovide.

2. Dothefollowingproject.Askyoumothertotellyouhersecretfoodrecipe.Writeyourprojectthatincludesthematerialsandthestep-by-stepproceduretocookthatfood.Givetitle“MyFamilyRecipe”.

3. Getapackageofdrinkingproducts.Readtheinformationaboutthedirectionstopreparethedrinks.Tellyourfriendhowtopreparethem.

4. Getawrittenprocedureofstartingacomputerinyourschool.Then,writeitinEnglishandputitontheinformationboard.

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Inthisunityouhavelearnedhowto:1. identifythekindsofverbsusedintellingprocedure.2. tellhowsomethingworks.3. tellhowtomakesomethingyouknowwell.4. understandwrittenproceduresofcookingsomefood.5. writesomeproceduresofcookingsomefood.6. writeaprocedureofdoingsomedailyactivities.


A. What are the following activities about?

1. Beattheeggswell.2. Addsalt,pepperandlittlemilk.3. Heatthebutterinafryingpan4. Addthemixtureandfryforfiveminutes.

B. Rearrange the activities of cooking instant fried noodle below.Put number on the boxes.

a. Then,dressthenoodlewithfriedonion. b. First,boilthenoodlein2glassesofwaterin3minutes c. Finallythenoodleisready. d. Afterthat,separatethenoodlefromthewater. e. During the boiling, mix the seasoning, seasoing oil, ketcup, and chilli


C. Use the following phrases below to describe the process of sending mail orally.

o writeletter o geta-Rp2,000-stampo puttheletterinanenvelope o putthestampontheenvelope,o writetheaddress o putitinamailbox.

D. Read the following text on the Jelly package and complete the sentences with the information in the text.

Jelly is a high fibre healthy food, made from seaweed, fortified with vitamin, calcium and prebiotic.Serving Direction:

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1. Mix well jelly powder with 200 g of sugar or according to taste.2. Pour the mixture into 700 ml of water, stir till dissolved and boil.3. Turn off the flame, wait for 3 minutes then add fruity acid and stir well.4. Pour the solution into jelly mould.

Completethesentencesbelow.1. Thetextisabout……………………………………..2. Thereare…..........................stepsinthetext.3. Thejellypowderismixedwith………and……….4. Fruityacidisaddedafterthemixtureis…………..5. Jellymouldisusedfor……………………………….

E. Write a procedure of how to pay your school fee at your school. Use the clues below.

F. Write a procedure of how to cook fried rice below.

How to …………………..

Prepare….…………and ………..………………… Go to…………...counter………..…………………Give the…………and ………………….…………Get the………… from the……………………….. You have now paid the school fee.

Goal : How to ……………..Materials :…….............. ……….......... ……….......... ……………..Steps1. …………………………………………..2. …………………………………………..3. …………………………………………..4. …………………………………………..5. …………………………………………..

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Cultural Notes

1. Aboutmeals inBritain.Themainmealofthedayformost British people is the evening meal. Seven outof ten families with chidren sit down at a table fortheir weekday evening meal. What about Indonesianpeople?Whichmealisthemainmealoftheday?

2. The U.S. government have strict rules about whatthingsyoucanthrowintothegarbageandwhatthingsyoucannot.Peoplewhobreaktheruleshavetopaylargefines.WhataboutinIndonesia?



1. Thisunitgivesme(putatick): newexperiences. usefullearningexperiences. nousefullearningexperiences. usefullearningstrategy. nousefullearningstrategy.2. Themostinterestingpartinthisunitis………..3. ThingsthatIwanttostudymoreare………………4. Readthestatements.Then,giveatick(√)toyes, no, some.

Statements Yes Some Noa. Icanidentifythekindsofverbsusedintelling

aprocedure.b. Icantellhowsomethingworks.

c. IcantellhowtomakesomethingIknowwell.

d. Iunderstandwrittenprocedures.

e. Icanwriteproceduresofcookingfood.

f. Icanwriteaprocedureofdoingsomeeverydayactivities.

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191Unit 8 - Show Me How ....

Vocabulary List

Words Parts of speech

Phonetic transcriptions

Indonesian equivalent

aroma n bau

bake v mengoven

barbecue v memanggang

beat v melumatkan,mendobrak

broil v memanggang

chopup v memotong

crawl v merangkak

demonstrate v memperagakan

edge n pinggir

equal adj sama

evacuate v menyelamatkan

fold v melipat

form n bentuk

grate v memarut

measures n tindakan/langkah

mixture n campuran

nod v mengangguk

paste v menempelkan

peel v mengupas

pepper n merica

pleasant adj enak

pour v menuang

precious adj berharga

repellent n obatnyamuk

seasoning n penyedaprasa

shake v mengocok

steam v menanak

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stir v mengaduk

storey n tingkat

solution n adonan

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