
EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project - i -June 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents 1INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2OVERALL OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................. 2 1.3ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION ................................................................................................. 2 1.4STUDY APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .................................................................................... 3 1.5ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT TEAM ........................................................................... 3 2PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 4 DEVELOPER CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................................ 5 PROJECT LOCATION .............................................................................................................................. 5 3BASELINE CONDITION OF THE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT ......................................... 6 3.1GEOPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1Location ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.1.2Climate ............................................................................................................................. 7 3.1.3Vegetation ......................................................................................................................... 7 3.2SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................... 9 3.2.1Population ........................................................................................................................ 9 3.2.2Economic Activities .......................................................................................................... 9 3.3SETTLEMENTS AROUND THE HOUSING PROJECT SITE .................................................................. 9 3.4ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL SITES ................................................................................. 10 4PUBLIC MEETINGS/ CONSULTATIONS ............................................................................ 11 4.1APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................. 11 4.2KEY PRESENTATIONS, QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS FROM THE CONSULTATIVE MEETING ........ 11 4.3COMMUNITY CONCERNS ........................................................................................................... 11 5POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS....................................................................... 12 6PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA ................................................................ 13 6.1SCOPE OF EIA ........................................................................................................................... 13 6.1.1Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks .................................................................. 13 6.1.2Description of Project Activities ..................................................................................... 13 6.1.3Baseline Environmental Information .............................................................................. 13 6.1.4Potential Environmental Impacts ................................................................................... 14 6.1.5Mitigating Measures ....................................................................................................... 15 6.1.6Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan ........................................................ 16 7REPORT FORMAT ................................................................................................................... 17 EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 1INTRODUCTION ThisdocumentistheFirstScopeofAnalysis(FinalScope)fortheproposed ChomaHousingProjectsEnvironmentalImpactStatement(EIS).ThisFirst Scope has been prepared to describe the proposed project, present the proposed framework for the EIS analysis, and discuss the procedures to be followed in the preparationoftheDEIS.ThisEISwillbepreparedpursuanttothe EnvironmentalManagementActNo.12of2011anditsimplementing regulations.

OralsubmissionswerereceivedduringthepublichearingheldbyGreenfields Consulton24thMay2013atChomaCivicCentre.Themajorityofthe comments relevant to the Scope focused on (1) the proposed projects effects on directandindirectdisplacementofbusinessesandresidents;(2)compatibility and connectivity of the proposed project to its surrounding neighbourhoods; and (3) construction-related impacts. 1.1Background ChomaDistrictisstrategicallylocatedintheheartorcentreofSouthern Province and plays an important role in the economy of Southern Province. ChomaTownwasrecentlyre-establishedastheadministrativecapitalof SouthernProvince.Thisdevelopmenthasexacerbatedthealreadyexisting housing deficit being face in Choma, with many of the existing housing units in deplorable condition and overcrowded. Choma municipality has tried to provide someplotsinanefforttocushionthetownshousingproblem,however,in recentmonths,Chomatownhasexperiencedafastgrowingurbanpopulation. This has left Choma with housing shortage more serious than in the major towns across Southern Province. In order to help alleviate the housing shortage, Baptist Mid Mission (BMM) has come up with a housing project which is purely a private sector driven initiative to compliment the efforts of the Choma municipality.EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 1.2Overall objective The principal objective of this report is to undertake an environmental impact assessmentstartingwithaScopingReportandTermsofReferenceforthe Choma Housing Project in Choma District of the Southern Province. 1.3 Specific Objective Thespecificobjectivesaretoprovideasetofhousingdevelopment environmental impact analysis scenarios for the Choma housing which can be usedfortheshortterm,mediumtermandlongtermdecisionsregarding environmental management. 1.3Environmental Legislation ThisScopingReportispreparedinaccordancewiththelegalframeworkon EnvironmentalManagementenshrinedintheEnvironmentalProtectionand PollutionControlAct,Cap204oftheLawsofZambiaanditssubsidiary legislation,theEnvironmentalImpactAssessmentRegulationsS.I.No.28of 1997.Section3(1)oftheEIARegulationsstatesthat,adevelopershallnot implementaprojectforwhichaprojectbrieforenvironmentalimpact statementisrequiredundertheseRegulations,unlesstheprojectbrieforthe environmental impact statement has beenconcluded in accordance with these regulationsandtheEnvironmentalCouncilofZambiahasissuedadecision letter. TheproposedprojectisoutlinedintheEnvironmentalImpactAssessment Regulations S.I. No. 28 of 1997, Second Schedule (Regulations (7)(2)) Section 1(a) under the heading: Designing of new townships which are more than 5Ha ormoreorsitescovering700dwellingsandaboveshallrequirean Environmental Impact Assessment. ThescopingexercisewasconductedinlinewiththeprovisionsoftheseEIA Regulations. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 1.4Study Approach and Methodology Themethodadoptedduringthescopingprocessinvolvedconsultative meetingsanddiscussionswithrelevantgovernmentinstitutionsatdistrict level,localcommunities,representativesfromNGOsandresident developmentcommittee.Theprocessalsoincludedinitialenvironmental survey of the project site. Responsesfromtheconsultationsanddiscussionsprovidedtherelevant background information and helped identify major environmental concerns of the communities in the project area for this Scoping report. 1.5Environmental Impact Assessment Team The Environmental Impact Assessment is co-ordinated by: NoNamePositionRole 1.Pearson KasapoEnvironmental Scientists /Urban Planning Expert EIA Team Leader/ EIA Co-ordinator 2.Lewis. TumbamaSocioeconomic/Sustainable Development Specialist Ass.EIACo-ordinator 3.Jones MulombaNatural Resources SpecialistTeam Member 4.Peter Mwale Environmental EngineerTeam Member 5.Isaac FwembaAgro-Forester/Meeting facilitator Team Member 6.Mainza SibajeneEnvironmentalistTeam Member CVs of the EIA team are attached in the Annex. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 2PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background BaptistMidMission(BMM)hasacquiredFarm79AinChomaDistrict,whichis locatedadjacenttoRiversideresidentialarea.Thefarm,measuringabout714 Hectares,islocatedabout2kmfromtheChomaCentralBusinessDistrict.BMM intends to develop the farm into a prime urban residential housing complex and other relatedfacilities.Thelandwhenfullydevelopedisexpectedtohostaprimeurban residentialhousingestate,residentialsmallholdings,shoppingcomplexes,andother social amenities. ThedevelopmentofChomaHousingEstatewillinvolvetheconstructionofabout 3000 houses and social amenities on an area of about 714 Hectares. The table below gives a detailed description of the project and proposed landuse: ITEMDESCRIPTIONQUANTITY

SIZES (m2)TOTAL AREA (m2) 1High-cost residential1,7711,5752,789,325 2Medium cost residential1,1868751,037,750 3Secondary schools228,00056,000 4Primary schools424,00096,000 5Nursery schools518,00090,000 6Churches81,57512,600 7Shopping malls556,000280,000 8Factories418,75075,000 9Office space102,50025,000 10Open space810,00080,000 TOTAL 3,003 4,541,675

Choma Housing Project is a private sector-driven housing development that is seeking to close the gap in the housing supply deficit that has rocked Choma ever since it was EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project re-establishedastheprovincialcapitalofSouthernProvince.Theprojectisprivate sectordrivenfrominceptiontoimplementation.Theprojectdeveloperproposesto haveastrongcontrolonthequalityandpaceofdevelopmentsoastomaintainhigh standards of housing. Developer Contact details The Developer of this project is Baptist Mid Mission in Zambia. The contact details for the developer are as follows: Mr. Jim Smith Baptist Mid Mission ZambiaP O BoxChoma Zambia Tel:Project Location The housing project will be located Southwest of Choma, about 2km from the Central BusinessDistrict.Thisissuitablyclosetothetowncentre.Thesiteborders Riversideontheeasternfringe,NahumbaMissionontheSouthandMacharoadon theWesternside.Theproposedsiteisanexistingfarmthathaslargelybeenunused for a long period.

The Choma Housing Concept Thedeveloperproposestodevelopanunderutilizedandunderdevelopedareaby providingresidentialplots,retail,hotel,publiclyaccessibleopenspace,roadsand parking space. All houses would be built to international standards within the confines of a safe, secure and exclusive community in an environmentally friendly setting. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Total Project Cost/InvestmentsThe estimated total investment of the Choma Housing Project will be reflected in the draft report. 2.1 PURPOSE AND NEED Theoverarchinggoaloftheproposeddevelopmentistotransformanareathatis blightedandlargelyunderutilizedintoavibrantmodernmixed-usecommunityas well as cushion Choma housing deficit. The proposed project aims to provide greatly neededaffordableandmarket-ratehousingandfirst-classshoppingmalls.The proposed project is intended to more specifically, Contributetootherstakeholdersefforttomeettheshort-andlong-term demand for affordable and market-rate housing; andFosterandsupportgrowthofChomathrough:(a)thecreationofjobsand economic activity during construction and operation of the new housing units, commercialoffice,andretaildevelopment;and(b)theintroductionofnew households, which will stimulate the local economy by purchasinggoods and services from local businesses; 3BASELINE CONDITION OF THE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT 3.1Geophysical Environment 3.1.1Location ChomaDistrictisintheheartofSouthernProvincemakingitstrategically located both as an administrative capital for the province as well as playing a major role in the economic activities of the Southern Province. TheDistrictliesapproximatelywithinlongitudes26030Iand27030Ieastof Greenwich, and latitudes 160 and 170 45I south of the equator on the plateau of southernZambiaandcoversatotalareaof7,296squarekilometres.Itshares EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project boundarieswithfiveotherdistrictsintheprovincenamely:Namwalainthe North,PembaontheEasternside,GwembeintheSoutheast,Sinazongwein theSouthandKalomointheWest.Thedistrictispredominantlyruraland agriculture forms the mainstay of its economy. 3.1.2Climate Mostofthedistrictlies at1400metresabovesealevel.Thisdistrictisfound onhighgroundwithtypicalclimateofsouthernZambiaoftemperatures between 140c and 280c, sunshine ranging between 9 and 12 hours per day. The highesttemperaturesoccurbetweenthebeginningofOctoberandtheendof December. In normal instances when the rains start, temperatures tend to fall, partlybecauseoftherainandpartlyduetotheoftenheavycloudcover.The lowest temperatures are usually recorded in June and July. The rains generally start in the middle of October and continue through up to the beginning of April. Rainfall reaches its peak around January after which it diminishesslightlyuptothebeginningofAprilwhenusuallyitceases entirely. There is an average rainfall of 800mm, of which 369mm, fall between JanuaryandFebruary.Therearehowever,variationsintotalrainfalland rainfallpatternsfromyeartoyearandeveninaparticularseason.These variations can have a major impact on cropyield in the different zones in the area.Humidityfallstoabout33%untiltheonsetofrainsinOctoberafter whichitskyrocketstoabout77%inFebruary.Humiditynosedivesoncethe rainsceaseinApril.ThewindispredominantlyfromtheEastandSouth- West,andtoalesserdegreefromtheNorth-East.Thestrengthofthewind from these directions can be comparatively strong. 3.1.3Vegetation The vegetation of the project site is principally Acacia grassland with clumps of trees on anthills. anthills are widespread in project site. Most anthills have largeEuphorbiaontop.OthercommonlargetreesareCombretummolle, ErythrinaabbysinicaandZiziphusmucronata.Thebulkoftheanthill vegetationconsistofsmalltreeschieflyAzanzagackeana,Markhamia EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project obtusifolia, Popowa and Securidaca longependiculata with Drospyros spp and Eudea spp locally frequent. Grasses comprise species of Andropogon, Brachiaria, Digitalia,Cymbopogon, Heteropogon,Hyparrhenia,Setaria,Loudetia,Eragrotis,Aristida.Weed speciesseentoflourishintheprojectsite.Thefollowingareespecially prominenttowardstheendoftherainsBidensspilosa,Hibiscusssp,Sida spp, Solanum spp. Riparianwoodlandoccursinadiscontinousstripalongthetwostreamsthat frank the project site.It is dominated by Syzygium spp both S. Cordatum and S.guineensewithstretchesofsalix,andRhussppbothR,longipesandR. quactiniaus. Doclonea, Phyllanthus and Sesbania sesban fill some of the gaps Phragmites rush the rest. MiombowoodlandoccursonavarietyofsoilsdominatedbyBrashystegia boehmii,B.SpiciformisonJulbernardiaglobiflora,separatelyorin conjunction. 3.1.4 Hydro geological Information TheDolomiticlimestonesoilsarepredominantintheprojectsiteandcarry open woodland with scattered trees in dense fall grass. Granite sands cover the fringes of the streams while quartz ridges and schistol soils are present favour dominance of B, spiciformis. Thedrainageoftheprojectsiteischaracterisedbytwoperennialstreams. Thesearealsoembarkedatdifferentpointstoprovidewaterreservoirs(i.e. Dams) for human and animal consumption. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 3.2Socio-economic Environment 3.2.1Population Ofthe247,860populationofChoma,120,689aremaleand127,171are female.Ithasatotalof44,483householdsofwhich33,078aremaleheaded and 8,502 female headed. (CSO: 2012). The most dominant ethnic group in the district are the plateau Tonga who are foundineverypartofthedistrict.AmixtureoftheIlaandtheBawe,which arethedialectofTongaexistmainlyintheeasternpartofthedistrict. However,recentmigrationfromotherpartsofthecountryhasbroughta representation of most tribes especially in urban Choma.3.2.2Economic Activities Famousforcattleranching,Chomaisalsothemajortransittownbetween LusakaandLivingstone.Thedistrictattractstrafficoftouristsandbusiness executivesenroutetositessuchastheVictoriaFallsinLivingstoneandalso boasts the Choma Museum as a tourist attraction. Today, not including retail and wholesale concerns, there is a large and active base of over 20 major privately owned companies operating in Choma District. Theareacontinuestoattractahighnumberofinwardinvestmentsandnew start businesses. Choma has a total of 32 health facilities (with one a government hospital and a missionhospital)andonehundredandsixtyprimaryhealthservices/home based care arrangements, 124 schools, 2 tertiary institutions. 3.3Settlements around the housing Project SiteTheproposedsiteforthehousingprojectliestotheWestofChomatown, about2kmsfromLusaka-LivingstoneRoadandcoversastretchof approximately,714Hectares.ItformsaboundarywiththeRiverside residentialareaandfallswithintheKulundanawardofChomacentral constituency. There are no settlements within the project site. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 3.4Archaeological and cultural sites Theinitialfieldfindingsdidnotshowanyculturallysensitivesitesthatfall within the proposed project area. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 4PUBLIC MEETINGS/ CONSULTATIONS 4.1Approach and Methodology Themethodadoptedforcommunityconsultationswasopendiscussionswith the relevant local institutions at district level, representatives from NGOs and community based organisations and residents from communities living around the proposed project site. Responsesfromtheconsultationsandinterviewsprovidedtherelevant background information and helped identify major environmental concerns of thecommunitiesaroundtheproposedprojectsitewhichhelpedinthe preparation of the Scoping Report. 4.2KeyPresentations,QuestionsandConcernsfromtheConsultative Meeting Duringpublicconsultativemeetingswiththelocalcommunities,the environmentalteamgavepresentationsontheprojectandalsoreceivedthe questions/concernsfromthecommunityonissuesthatshouldbeconsidered and investigated in the detailed EIA. These discussions were centred on: Theproposedprojectsiteanditssurroundings(land-use,natural resources, water, etc.) Themostimportantfeatures(e.g.marketplaces,gatheringsites, schools, clinics, quarries, and access roads, etc.) Sensitive areas (protected areas, graveyards, historical sites, etc.) Employment opportunities Benefits and inconveniences 4.3Community Concerns Thecommunityconcernsfromthepublicconsultativemeetingsare documented in the minutes contained in the annex. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 5POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Theconcernsofthepublicandthekeypotentialenvironmentalimpactswill all be carefully addressed in the EIA. Fromtheconsultationsandfieldsurveyoftheproposedproject,itisthe opinionoftheprojectproponentthatthefocalenvironmentalissueswhen setting up the housing project are: Environmental issues likely to be of concern during the construction phase of the houses include: Increased incidences of HIV/AIDS, other STIs and pregnancies Eutrophication of nearby streams Employment for the local community Theconcernsofthepublicandthekeypotentialnegativeenvironmental impacts will be carefully addressed in the detailed EIA study. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 6PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIA The developer will undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and theoutputfromthiswillbeanEnvironmentalImpactStatement(EIS)also containinganEnvironmentalManagement&MonitoringPlan(EMMP).The EISwilldescribethenegativeandpositiveimpactsoftheprojectduringits entirelifecycle.Thestudywillrecommendmeasuresformitigationof negative environmental effects and enhancement of the benefits. 6.1Scope of EIA The scope of the EIA shall comprise, but not necessarily be limited to: 6.1.1Policy, Legal and Institutional Frameworks Thissectionwillelaborateonthepolicy,legislativeandadministrative frameworksonwhichtheEnvironmentalImpactAssessmenthasbeen conducted. It will explain the EIA requirements in Zambia. Itwillidentifyinternationalenvironmentalconventionsandagreementsto which Zambia is party which are of relevance to the project. 6.1.2Description of Project Activities Description of the project activities to be carriedout at different stages of the project.Thedescriptionwillincludenotonlyadescriptionoftheprojectbut also a description of its operation and the types and amounts of materials and sources to be obtained from including wastes to be generated. 6.1.3Baseline Environmental Information Descriptionoftheenvironment,whichmaybeaffectedbytheproposed projectdevelopment.Thisincludescollection,compilationandanalysisof environmentalandsocio-economicdataintheprojectareas.Thefollowing elements are covered: Location(regionalcontext,physicalconstraints,landtenure,surrounding land uses, local infrastructure); Boundaries (of the development and of the development effects); EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Biophysicalenvironment(e.g.climate,soil,geology,hydrology, topography, flora and fauna); Socio-economicenvironment(e.g.demographics,standardofliving, employmentlevels,housing,education,socialinfrastructure,water supply); Culturalandhistoricenvironment(e.g.sitesofculturalinterest, cemeteries landscape) Interested and affected Parties Other aspects of particular significance or value Reference to specialist reports 6.1.4Potential Environmental Impacts As far as relevant, assessment and prediction of actual and anticipated positive andnegativeenvironmentaleffectoftheproject,includingalternativesfor project development, on: Social, economic and cultural values; Effects on generation or reduction of employment in the area; Potential threats to health from pollution; Social cohesion or disruption (resettlement); Local economic impacts; Effectsonsocialservices/amenitiesi.e.educational,healthand recreational; Water; Effects on surface water quality and quantity; Effects on underground water quality and quantity; Effects on the flow regime of the water course; Effect on downstream uses and users; Effect on riverine ecosystems; Potentialsecondaryorcumulativeimpactsaffectingothernatural communities. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Landscape; Effect on the aesthetic quality of the landscape; Effect on the character of the area; Effect on the preservation of scenic views and valued features; Effect on natural features such as streams; Visual impacts (features, removal of vegetation, etc.); Compatibility with surrounding areas, and Effect on natural heritage sites. Ecological values; Effectontheecologicalfunctioningofnaturalcommunitiesdueto physical destruction of the habitat or reduction in the effective size of the community. Effect on plant or animal species of significant conservation, educational or scientific value; Air Quality; Effects on the quality of the ambient air of the area; Type of amount of possible emissions (pollutants); Effectonquantityandtypeofparticulatematterwithreferencetosize, composition and chemical stability; Potentialeffectsonhumanhealth,crops,wildlife,livestockandother potentially affected organisms Traffic and Road Safety; Health and Safety; Analysis of the environmental impacts of the palm oil plantation project; Identification of environmental benefits, if any. 6.1.5Mitigating Measures Propositionofmeasuresformitigatingtheadverseenvironmentalimpacts of the project. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Whereverpossible,quantifyinmonetaryvaluethecostsandbenefitsof these environmental measures. 6.1.6Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan Preparationofamanagementandmonitoringplanforimplementingthe mitigatingmeasuresduringtheconstructionandoperationallifeofthe palm oil plantation. Preparation of a proposal for public information. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 7REPORT FORMAT TheEIAwillbeconciseandthediscussionlimitedtosignificant environmentalissues.Themaintextwillfocusonfindings,conclusionsand recommendedactions.Theconclusionsandrecommendationswillbe substantiated by relevant data in annexes. TheEISwillcontainanon-technicalsummaryinastyleofwriting understandableforthemajorityofthegeneralpublic.TheformatoftheEIS will be in accordance with the following outline for the table of contents: NON-TECHNICAL CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION Background to the EIA study Objectives of the EIA study Scope of the study Study Approach and Methodology CHAPTER 2POLICY,LEGALANDINSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Legislative and institutional framework in Zambia Environmental Legislation in Zambia Requirements for EIA Institutional framework for environmental management Land tenure and land acquisition CHAPTER 3DESCRIPTIONOFTHEPROPOSEDPROJECTAND PROJECT ACTIVITIES Nature of development Surface area (Coverage and floor area) EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Area of land which may be influenced Layout and Design Project Key Data Landscaping Time schedule RehabilitationPhases(design-construction-operation-maintenance) Duration of the Rehabilitation phase Days/hours of operation Description of machinery Site operations Waste amounts and types to be generated Sources and volumes of raw materials Energy and water requirements On-site infrastructure Support services Personnel CHAPTER 4DESCRIPTIONOFTHEBASELINECONDITIONOF THE PROJECT SITE 4.1Zero-Alternative 4.2Description of the Proposed Sewage Treatment Works Location(regionalcontext,physicalconstraints,landtenure, surroundinglanduses,directionanddistancetotown,local infrastructure); Boundaries(ofthedevelopmentandofthedevelopment effects); Biophysicalenvironment(e.g.climate,soil,geology, hydrology, topography, flora and fauna); Socio-economicenvironment(e.g.demographics,standardof living,employmentlevels,housing,education,social infrastructure, water supply); EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Cultural and historic environment (e.g. sites of cultural interest, landscape) Interested and affected Parties CHAPTER 5ENVIRONMENTALIMPACTSOFPROPOSED ACTIVITIES 5.1Environmental Impacts ofhousing project Impacts on soils Impacts on vegetation Impacts on wildlife and fauna Impacts on water quality Impacts on air quality Impact of noise Impacts on landscape and aesthetics Impacts on land-use and surrounding environment Impacts on socio-economic environment Impacts on cultural and historic environment Impacts on human settlements Impacts due to quarries and borrow pits Impacts of traffic and road safety Impacts on Health Significance of selected environmental impacts CHAPTER 6MITIGATION MEASURES CHAPTER 7ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & MONITORING PLAN CHAPTER 8LIST OF REFERENCES CHAPTER 9ANNEXES EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Annex 1:List of People Met/ Consulted No Name Position Organization1 Mr.Mubita Stean Acting District Statistical Officer CentralStatistical Office2 Mr. John KairaAquaculturist Department of Fisheries 3 Mr. Jones K. MulombaDistrict Forestry OfficerForestry Department 4 Ms. Florence Beenzu District CoordinatorNPZ+ 5 Mr. Hartley MuchenjeDWODept of Water Affairs 6 Ms Cathrine ChishalaActing District Coordinator Dept of Disability7 Mrs Sandra SikaputaCoordinatorDept of Cultural Affairs 8 Mr. Vincent SikanyeelaDAOOOP 9 Mr. Lawrence ChiholiI.ODEC 10 Mr. Meckson MachilikaDSWSocial Welfare 11 Ms.KhanyisileC. Maunga AccountantBICC-CCDP 12 Mr. Sandie MkandawireSnr Health InspectorCMC 13 Ms Ritah SyafunkoMALA.N.O 14 Mr. Humphrey MasumuBMMConsultant 15 Mr. Ben MbanguReporterZANIS 16 Mr. Victor NakasamuACDODCD 17 Mr. Isaac FwembaConsultantGreenfields Consulting 18 Mr.Lewis TumbamaConsultantGreenfields Consulting EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Annex 2:Annex 3:MinutesoftheCommunityConsultativeMeeting HeldintheChomaMunicipalCouncilConferenceRoomon24th May, 2013 at 08:30 1.1Introduction As part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process a meeting was arrangedattheCivicCentreon24thMay,2013justbeforeconsultantsvisit to the project site. A total of 18 people attended the meeting. 1.2Purpose The Community consultation meeting was held with the affected communities andmembersoftheDistrictDevelopmentCoordinatingCommitteeandwas intended to present information on the project and to obtain the views of those consulted in the public meeting. 1.3Composition and Expertise of the Consultants Team TheConsultants(Greenfield)consistedofthreepersons(LewisTumbama Socio-economic/SustainableDevelopmentSpecialist,JonesMulomba NaturalResourcesSpecialistandIsaacFwembeAgroForestry/Meeting Facilitator),theConsultantsconductedthecommunityconsultationmeeting and delivered the presentations. The agenda of meeting were as follows: i)Prayer. ii)Introductions. iii)Opening Remarks. iv)Purpose of Meeting v)Presentation of Proposed Project Activities vi)Presentation of Impacts on Bio-Physical Environment vii)Presentation of Impacts on Socio-Economic Environment viii)Open Discussion/Concerns and questions by the community ix)Summary x)Prayer EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project xi)End of Meeting The meeting was tailored to focus on key issues and concerns of the community. WELCOMING REMARKS Mr.VincentSikanyeela,theDistrictAdministrativeOfficerforChoma Districtcalledthemeetingtoorderat09:10hours.Hewelcomedallthe consultants to the district and informed them that there could have been more participantsifthemeetingdidnotcoincidewiththeburialofHisRoyal Highness Chief Mapanza. He further informed the consultants that the District Commissioner could not afford to reschedule this meeting because it seeks to addresstheaccommodationcrisisthathasbesiegedthetownofChoma.He urgedtheparticipantstocontributetothismeetingeffectivelyiftheyhaveto meetitsobjectivesandcontributetotheaccelerateddevelopmentofChoma. After the DAO gave his welcoming remarks, he asked each of the participants to introduce themselves. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING MrIsaacFwemba,theenvironmentalspecialistoutlinedthepurposeofthe meeting. He explained that Baptist Mid Mission had sent a team of consultants (ofwhichhewasteamleader)tocarryoutanEnvironmentalImpact Assessment for the Choma housing project. He then explained the importance of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to such projects. 1.4Presentation of Proposed Project activities This was presented by Mr Isaac Fwemba 1.5Presentation of Impacts on Bio-physical Environment This was presented by Jones Mulomba 1.6Presentation of Impacts on Socio-economic Environment EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project This was presented by Isaac Fwemba 1.7Summary of Community Questions/ Concerns Afterallpresentationsweremadetherewasasessionforquestionsand answers,whichwasdesignedtocollectviewsfromtheparticipants.A summaryoftheparticipants'questions/answersovertheChomahousing project is presented in the following section. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project PROCEEDINGS Session 1:Introduction to the Consultation Meeting Facilitator:District Administartive Officer, Mr. V. Sikanyeela The Meeting was called to order at 09:10 hours after a prayer was given by Mr Sikanyeela.Self-introductionofbothConsultantsandparticipantswasdone and the meeting commenced. Session 2:Presentation of the Project Activities Facilitator:Isaac Fwemba He explained to the participants how consultants would handle the EIA, taking intoaccountalltherelevantconsultations.HeexplainedtheEnvironmental ManagementActNo12of20011wasthesupremeLawinterms environmentalmanagementinthecountry.Heexplainedthatthisprocessis veryimportantinthatitformsthebasisfordevelopingTermsofReference specialist studies. He highlighted that after scoping activities, specialist studies are conducted, environmental impacts are determined and mitigation measures are proposed. MrFwembainformedthemeetingthatconcernsthatareexpressedbythe publicshallbeincorporatedinthedraftreportwhichshallbesubmittedto ZEMAforinitialreviewandafteraddressingtheircommentsonthedraft report, the final EIA report shall be submitted for consideration. He hinted that atthisstage,ZEMAdecideswhethertoapprovetheprojectornot.Thefinal outcome of the process is a Decision Letter which states whether the project is approvedorrejected.Ifrejected,reasonsshallbegivenandifapproved, conditions of approval shall be given. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Session 3:Presentation of Project background Facilitator:Humphrey Masumu MrMasumuexplainedthattherewasacrisisintermsofhousingunitsin Choma.Hefurtherexplainedthatgovernmenthastopartnerwiththeprivate sector in order to nurture a lasting solution to the supply deficit. Mr Masumu informedthemeetingthatthisprojectaimsatclosingthegapinthedemand andsupplyofhousingunitsthathasbeencreatedduetothechangeinthe statusofChoma.Heindicatedthatbesidesthehousingunits,theareahas provisions for places of worship, shopping malls, filling stations and schools Session 4:Presentation of Impacts on Socio-economic Environment Facilitator: ThesessionwasfacilitatedbyLewisTumbamawhopresentedthesocio-economic impacts of the project. He explained the impacts associated with the project activities during its life cycle. Session 5:Discussions; Questions and Answers; Suggestions for Issues to be Integrated in the project. Facilitator:Isaac Fwemba The following Questions/Concerns were raised: Concern:TherewasconcernraisedbytheoneoftheparticipantsMr ChikolithatChomaresidentsmustbegivenfirstpriorityto purchasetheplots.Alsothecontractorsshouldcomeand employ the local people skilled in a number of skills. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Concern:Another,concernwasraisedbyMrVictorNakasamuthatthey wantthecontractortogivefirstprioritytothelocalpeople before they can even consider outsiders for employment. Answer:Its clear that unskilled labour is got locally but for skilled labour itsdifficulttogetthelocalsbecauseitinvolvesoperationof complexmachineswhichareexpensivetoreplaceonce damaged,hencetheneedforskilledlabour.Asforunskilled labour may be the locals can register with there area councillors so that they employ the people you know. Question:Mr Mubita: How many plots are expected to be sold? Answer:Three thousand plots Concern:MrMecksonMachilikaraisedaconcernthatthecommunity shouldbeconsultedonsitesformaterialanduponthe completionoftheconstructionofthestructures,thecontractor shouldmakesuretheyburythepitsfromwhichtheygetsand and also replace the trees that they will use. Question:JonesMulomba:FromwhatIhaveobservedwehaveonly talked about traffic, employment and deforestation. Do you have anyotherareasthatmaybeimpacteduponbytheconstruction of the roads and houses? Answer:Mr.SandieMukandawire:SpreadofHIV/AIDSislikelytobe anareawhereconstructionofthehouseswillimpactonthe community.Hefurtherobservedthatthereshouldbesome deliberate programme to sensitise both the workers and the local community.Duetocashflowschoolgirlsmaystopschool opting for money and in the long run contracting HIV/AIDS. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Concern:Ms Rita Syafuko:Is it possible to consider treeplantingas part of mitigation measures. Answer:IsaacFwemba:Basically,therewillbeanEnvironmental ManagementPlanfortheprojectandintheplanthecontractor shouldworkinlinewithgovernmentdepartments,local authority and local community and ensure that if any tree is cut thenitshouldbereplantedandwerecommendthatthetrees replantedarethesameindigenoustrees.Sothelocalforestry officeshouldworkinlinewiththecontractor.Alsolocals shouldplantnurseriessothattheycansellthetreestothe contractor. Concern:MrSandieMukandawire,therewillbenoise,radiationand ground water contamination through pit latrines in the area Concern:Florence Beenzu: There are no graves near the project site. Concern:MrsSandraSikaputa:Comeupwiththereportbasedonthe submissions then the second stage call for submissions. Conclusion:IsaacFwemba:Hegaveconcludingremarksandthanked participantsforhavingbeenactiveduringthedeliberationsand furtherinformedtheparticipantsthatfurtherconsultationwill followinadetailedEIAafterapprovalofthisScopingReport and TORs by ZEMA Closing RemarksTherebeingnofurtherquestionsandconcerns,Mr Sikanyeelathankedthemembersofthemeetingand closed at 12:25 hrs. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Annex 4: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST A.BASIC INFORMATION ON THE COMMUNITY 1.Name of the Community---------------------------------------------- 2.Location (Village)------------------------------------------------------ 3.District------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Distance from the District Centre------------------------------------ 5.Total Population of the Community--------------------------------- 6.Type of propsed project, (e.g. Construction, rehabilitation, etc)- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Expected number of beneficiaries------------------------------------ B.ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE PROJECT AREA/SITE 8.Climate of the area. (Seasons and related activities)-------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.Topography (upland, wetland, rocky, etc)-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 10.Type of natural vegetation. (Grassland, type of trees, e.g. Miombo) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.Air quality (Community perception as they inhale, presence of industries, etc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C.SOCIAL-ECONOMIC STATUS 12.Currentland-useofprojectsiteandsurroundingareas(e.g.Forestedareas, cultivated land, settlement, etc) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.Indicate type of, availability, and source of the following: Water supply------------------------------------------------------------ Energy source----------------------------------------------------------- Roads--------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.Listdownsourcesoflivelihoodforthecommunity.IncludepotentialIncome generating Activitie and their likely effect on the environment. Source of livelihood---------------------------------------------------- Expected effect on the environment--------------------------------- D.DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL IMPACT EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 15.List down type of material to be used, source and the environmental implications on the source of material. ActivityTypeof material Sourceof material Resulting effect(soil erosio, deforestation, ditches, etc) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 16.Will the implementation of the project affect the surrounding of the project site ? Ifyes,inwhatways.(Beforeyouconsideprovideinformationinthefollowing table, consider in detail the resulting effect in the table above). EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project ActivityDescription of works Potentialimpacton thesurrounding environmentduring construction Potential impacton the surrounding environmentupon completion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. F.ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES 17.Summarisebelowidentifiedenvironmentalconcernsandproposedmitigation measures. Please note that these should be derived form the tables above. ActivityIdentifiedEnvironmental Concerns Propoed Mitigation Measures EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 18.Listdownthenamesofofpeople,institutions/organisationsthatyouconsulted during field work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19.What are the project benefits to the area (positive benefits), e.g employment to the local community, easy access to markets, clinics, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20.Whatarethelikelysocialimpacts(incidencesofSTDsandHIV/AIDS),dueto interaction with camp workers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21.Any other issues not covered above: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Annex 5:CURRICULUM VITAE FOR PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL STAFF Profession Position:Forestry Specialist NameJones Kalumbwa MULOMBA ProfessionForestry Resources Specialist NationalityZambian Key Qualifications DiplomainForestryfromCopperbeltUniversity,ZambiaForestryCollege,Kitwe, Zambia. Certificate in systems assessment (Mapmaker GIS software) for the forestry sector. CertificateinTotalQualityManagement(TQM)inEducation(Conductedbythe Forestry Sector Coordination Unit of SADC, Lilongwe Malawi). Certificate in Data Survey Methods and Application (Conducted by the University of Twente; Netherlands in Arusha, Tanzania. CertificateinGenderAnalysisinEnergyandEnvironment(Conductedbythe University of Twente; Netherlands in Arusha, Tanzania. Certificate Formulating proposals in Energy, Environment and Climate Change ITC, Enschede, Netherlands Certificate in cleaner production technologies, Sirim Berhad, Selangor, Malaysia Educational Qualification Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts from UNZA ForestryDiplomafromZambiaForestryCollege,Kitwe,CopperbeltProvince, Zambia. ObtainedaHighSchoolCertificate,MunaliSecondarySchool,Lusaka,Lusaka Province, Zambia. Obtained a Junior Secondary School Certificate, Kawambwa Boys Technical School, Kawambwa, Luapula Province, Zambia. Work Experience 2013NaturalResourceSpecialistworkingwithGreenfieldConsulting, Lusaka EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Main Responsibility Tocarryoutenvironmentalmanagementassessmentsrelatingtonaturalresource management and developing strategies and Management Plans. 2002SeniorTechnicalCounterpartinForestResourceAssessmentsforZambiaunderthe EUROPEAN UNION FUNDED Programme Main Responsibilities TodevelopaLargeScaleForestInventory(Mapping)Systemthatwillhelpfacilitatethe collection of forest resource information at Provincial and National Levels. Carrying out vegetation mapping (remote sensing), and Ground Forest Inventories (GFI) in 4 provinces of Zambia namely: Western, Northern, Eastern and Lusaka covering in total about 51 million hectares. Updatingofforeststatistics/datasets(vegetationmaps)for3otherprovincesofZambia namely:Central,CopperbeltandLuapulacoveringintotalabout16millionhectares. Previously mapped in 1995/6 under PFAP (a FINNISH Funded Project).T Toanalyze,manipulateandcompareSouthernprovincevegetationmapcurrentlymapped accordingtonationaldigitalmappingstandardswiththerestoftheprovincesandcreatea seamless vegetation spatial database for Zambia. ToproduceanupdatedZambiavegetationmap(Nationalcover)thatwillbeavailablein digital for future reference and update at National Level. 2001Senior Technician to the FINNISH FUNDED Forestry Resource Programme Main Responsibilities Carryingoutvegetationmapping(remotesensing),andconductingGroundForestry Inventories (GFI) in Southern province of Zambia covering in total about 8 million hectares. To provide the current status of Protected Forest Estates in Southern Province and to generate information on the distribution of forest resources through out the province. ToproduceacurrentvegetationmapforSouthernProvinceaccordingtothedeveloped DigitalMappingStandardsbyZambiaSurveyDepartmentandothermappingstakeholders and institutions in Zambia. To produce district vegetation maps showing the current status of natural resources (forests) 1998Appointed Instructor at Zambia Forestry College EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Main Responsibilities: ConductingpracticallessonstoforestryDiplomastudentsinwildlifemanagementand ecology. Conducting practical lessons in Forest Resource Assessments in indigenous forests and forest plantations. This included forest inventory planning and execution. DatabaseManagement,maintenance(recordkeeping)andstorageofforestryandforest related information (i.e. satellite images, aerial photos, analogue maps, forestry management publications in a computerized databank). In-house training on the maintenance and use of computers within the College. Developing lesson plans, and preparing practical equipment. Conducting practical lessons in Botany to both Certificate and Diploma students 1997Herbarium Technician Southern African Botanical Diversity Network (SABONET) University of Zambia; School of Biological Sciences Main Responsibilities Collecting plant specimens Curing and mounting specimens Plant identification Entering specimens in a electronic data base 1995Appointed District Forestry Officer for Namwala 1994Appointed Extension Forester Choma Achievements 2002 Produced a current Vegetation Map for Southern Province of Zambia from Land-sat 7 TM (August 2000), resolution of 30m x 30m, with a total coverage area of 8+ million hectares using Arcview 3.2a GIS by digital (unsupervised classification) processing.2000Produced a Compendium on basic forest pathology 2000Producedanin-serviceAgroforestrytrainingManualforKasempaandMumbwa District Natural Resource Management Committee funded by MTNER/UNDP Utility Specialization I have considerable skills in the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing tools, equipment, software, and datasets such as: EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project GPS Devices (Hand held - Trimble, Garmin, Magellan, and GPS 3) Digitizers (A3, A1, and A0 Tables) and their accessories Map plotters and printing machines Cartographic and drawing tables GISSoftware((PCARCINFO,DAK,ARCVIEW,ERDASIMAGINE,IDRISI, MAPMAKER, ATLAS GIS, DYNAMIC KNOWLEDGE) and GPS software programs Haveconsiderableindatacapture,analysisandinterpretationusingbothqualitativeand quantitative tools. I have good knowledge in the use of Computers: MS DOS, Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Access, MsPublisher,Power-point,Photo-paint,ColoradoBack-up,andseveralotheraccessory computer programs. Professional Bodies Member ofZAGIS (Zambia Association for GeographicalInformation Systems) since 2001, Lusaka, Zambia. ZambiaAssociationofNaturalResources,Tourism,EnvironmentandEnvironmentalHealth Practioners (ZANTREHP) since June 2002. Name of Consultant:Jones Kalumbwa MULOMBA Authorised Company Representative: Lewis TUMBAMA_________________ EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project

LANGUAGE SKILLS Language Reading WritingSpeaking English ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGood Basic French ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGood Basic Chinese ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGoodBasic ExcellentGood Basic Other languages: Tonga, Nyanja, Bemba and Lozi. 18.1 18.2EDUCATION August 1999-December 2004: The University of Zambia (Bachelors of Arts Degree). Completed studies leading to the award of Bachelors Degree with major in Development Studies and minor in Economics where I graduated with merit. September 2008 to June 2010: China University of GeosciencesCompleted studies leading to the award of a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Science. 18.3TRAINING18.46th-10th November 2006: Leadership and Personal DevelopmentAttendedaworkshoponLeadershipandPersonalDevelopmentatMindoloEcumenical FoundationsponsoredbyUNDP/UNESCOandtheCommonwealthSecretariat(Foundationsof Africas Future leadership) 18th -22nd June 2007: International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation AttendedacourseinPublicprivatepartnershipsfordecentjobsandbetterservicesintheurban context in Turin, Italy. 19th -21st May 2008: Copperbelt Health Education Project SuccessfullycompletedtraininginHIV/AIDSMainstreamingatCHEPTraining&Research Centre, Kitwe 14th-18th July 2008: Monitoring, Evaluation and Donor Management skills SeminarAttended a seminar in Monitoring, Evaluation and Donor Management skills seminar at Mulungushi University in Kabwe. Family Name: SibajeneFirst Name: MainzaPassport No.:ZN050182 Sex: Male Marital status: Married Date of birth: 9th January 1981 Place of birth: Livingstone, Zambia Telephone: +260-974-491472/+260-963-402542 Email: [email protected];[email protected] Contact Address: C/o Etambuyu Twembuchi Sibajene, Ndeke High School, P.O. Box 21498, Kitwe, Zambia EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 26th -27th January 2011: Survey Department, Ministry of Lands Attended an GIS practitioners workshop at Survey Department, Ministry of Lands Employment Record: EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Date16/01/2010 to date LocationKitwe CompanyKitwe City Council PositionSenior Planner (Socio-economic & Environmental Planning) DescriptionTasks assigned include: Urban development planning and environmental planning and management. Environmental planning & management through the conducting environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies in conjunction with and on behalf of the Zambia Environmental Management Agency in the city of Kitwe. Scrutinizing Environmental Project Briefs and field inspections of proposed projects on behalf of Zambia Environmental Management Agency in the city of Kitwe. Mainstreaming environmental and social issues into council operations Social impact assessment studies of all projects and programs in the city of kitwe Capacity building of communities and strengthening community structures such as resident development committees in order to create the necessary social capital which will enable communities to negotiate and participate in decisions affecting their development. telopment. Monitoring and evaluation of development projects Assist communities and organizations to mobilize resources for priority projects through identification of relevant cooperating partners and also the preparation of bankable project proposals. To identify, prepare and appraise project proposals in the Kitwe community to improve service delivery of the council Preparation of resettlement action plans for various developmental projects Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the city of Kitwe IwasinvolvedinthepreparationoftheKitweCityEnvironmentalProfile,Environmental Planning and Management City Consultation Report, Mufuchani Resettlement Action Plan, AMCOResettlementActionPlan,Zambia:KitweUrbanProfile,KitweDistrictStateof theEnvironmentReport,KitweCityCouncil2012-2016StrategicPlanandother documents. Date January to December 2011 InstitutionCopperstone University PositionPart time Lecturer Description IwasaparttimelecturerintheFacultyofOccupationalSafety&Health Environment. I taught courses such as Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Ergonomics,OccupationalSafetyandHealth,OccupationalSafetyandHealth Economics and other courses as assigned to me. Date06/08/2012 to date LocationKitwe CompanyKitwe City Council PositionSenior Planner (Socio-economic & Environmental Planning) DescriptionIt has been 5 years since the World Bank funded Mufuchani Resettlement Action Plan on the feasibility study for the construction of a bridge over the Kafue River at Mufuchani, Kitwe was prepared. As the project is earmarked for implementation, it has become necessary to review and update the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) to take care of the possible changes that may have occurred from the time the RAP was prepared to date.Tasks assigned include: Hold meetings with the RAP Local Steering Committee and Project Affected Persons Conduct assessments for the Project Affected People covering the issues of structures and population trends Hold Meetings with the RAP Local Steering Committee and the traders currently occupying the resettlement site Engage with ZESCO to relocate the power lines Facilitate the processing of title deeds to individual households Date01/05/2012 to date LocationKitwe CompanyKitwe City Council PositionSenior Planner (Socio-economic & Environmental Planning) DescriptionTheGovernmentoftheRepublicofZambiahasreceivedaloanfromtheAfrican DevelopmentFund(ADF)tofinancetheNkanaWaterSupplyandSanitationProject (NWSSP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments under the contract for the LOT1B-KitweSanitationWorks,NWSC/AfDB/07/2011.TheKitweSanitation Rehabilitation works will include sewer trunk mains, sewer collection networks, Nkana East Sewage Treatment Plant and Sewage Oxidation Ponds at Mindolo and Ndeke. The projects EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 18.5 18.6RESEARCH EXPERIENCE April to July 2007 I was part of a team that was assigned to assess how mining activities and other sectors were affecting floral diversity in the tributary streams of the Kafue River, Zambia. September 2009 to May 2010 IworkedonathesistitledTowardsaRapidAssessmentMethodologyforPoyangLakeNationalNatureReserve, Jiangxi Province, China July 2010 Ihaveco-authoredapapertitleMinimumEcologicalWaterDemandoflowerreachesofMountainRiversin Hydropower projects: A case of Maojiahe Reserviour hydropower station, ShennongjiaForest Region, Hubei Province, China. 18.7OTHER RELEVANT SKILLS IamabletooperateandeffectivelyusethefollowingcomputerprogramsandapplicationswhichincludeMicrosoft word,Excel,PowerPoint,Publisher,InternetExplorer,Access,StatisticalpackagefortheSocialSciences(SPSS), Canoco, ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine. 18.8INTERESTS AND HOBBIES I like playing football, reading novels, watching movies and making friends. 18.9REFEREES ACADEMIC 1. Professor Jiwen Ge PhD, Professor of Plant Ecology and Conservation BiologyDirector of Institute of Ecology and Environmental SciencesChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Standing Deputy Director of Hubei Wetland Evolution & Ecological Restoration Key Laboratory388 Lumo Road, Hongshan Administrative District, Wuhan City, 430074, Hubei Province, P. R. ChinaTel: +86-27-62493959Fax: +86-27-87436235Mobile: +86-13554646398E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 2. Dr. Douty Chibamba University of Zambia Great East Road CampusSchool of Natural SciencesDepartment of GeographyP.O. Box 32379Lusaka ZambiaTel:+260-955-031113; +260-974-567744 Email: [email protected] 3. Mr. Eliphas Machacha Department of Social Development Studies School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of 32379 Lusaka. Tel: +260-955-455893 EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project E-mail: [email protected] 4. Mr. Derrick Elemu Lecturer Department of Development Studies School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of 32379 Lusaka. Tel: +260-955-928448/+260-979-928448 E-mail: [email protected] 5. Dr. Innocent Ndoh Mbue Lecturer Faculty of Industrial Engineering University of Douala Douala, Cameroon Tel: +237 77540384/+237 98789929 E-mail: [email protected] WORK 1. Dr. George Kasali Copperbelt University School of Mathematics 21692 Kitwe.Tel: +260-977-476610 Email: [email protected] 2. Mr. Promise Kaminsa Deputy Director Community Environment and Health Services Department of Community Environment and Health Services Kitwe City Council 20070 Kitwe. Tel: +260-977685000 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] 3. Ms Martha Mutalange Acting Deputy Director Community & Social Services Department of Community Environment and Health Services Kitwe City Council 20070 Kitwe. Tel: +260-955804160/260-978009514 Email: [email protected] 4. Mrs. Yaki Chiyokoma Namiluko Copperbelt University EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project School of Natural Resources 21692 Kitwe. Tel: +260-977-830770 Email:[email protected]; [email protected] 5. Mr. Jonathan Mwanza Chief Social Planner Department of City Planning Lusaka City Council 50206 Lusaka. Tel: +260-955-950142 Email:[email protected] 6.Mrs. Mwangala Chiwala Community Mobilisation Specialist Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Project (NWSSP) Nkana Water and Sewerage Company Plot 4571, Nyerere Road P.O. Box 20982 Kitwe, ZAMBIA Tel: +260-966-7870005 Email: [email protected] PERSONAL 1. Dr. Liberty Mweemba LSSE Department,University Of Zambia,P.O.Box 32379,Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260-977-498820 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Pearson Kasapo Citizenship : ZambianDate of birth : 30 August 1980 Marital Status: Single Address Plot 1277 Lubuto Road, Rhodes Park, P. O. Box 31340, Lusaka 10101, ZAMBIA Contact Tel : 260-955-879-463 /260-977-879-463 e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] Profile Key Skills Proficient or familiar with software: Microsoft Office AutoCAD Coral DrawSketch Up 3DSPSS Education 2011 to 2013Master of Technology Environmental Management (Graduation Oct. 2013)SCHOOL NAME: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur - MALAYSIA2001 to 2005Bachelor of Science in Urban & Regional Planning SCHOOL NAME: Copperbelt University, Kitwe -ZAMBIA Work Experience 8yeas Work Experience Date: from to (month/year)June 2013 to date LocationChinsali Districts ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionUrban and Regional PlannerDescriptionIntegrated Development Plans (IDP) for Chinsali Districts Date: from to (month/year)May 2013 to dateLocationChoma District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner/Team Leader DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalImpactAssessment(EIA)forproposed BaptistMidMissionChomaHousingEstateconsisting3000housingunits and amenities.EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Date: from to (month/year)September 2012 August 2013LocationKuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Institution University of Malaya Solid Waste LaboratoryPositionMaster of Technology Student Researcher DescriptionMastersThesisResearchentitled:E-wasteManagementinSelected Institutions of Higher Learning in the Klang Valley, Malaysia Date: from to (month/year)June 2012 to September 2012 LocationMkipa and Chinsali Districts ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionSite SupervisorDescriptionTechno Studies, Detailed Engineering Designs and Preparation of Tender Documents for the Rehabilitation of Approximately164.6km of the Mpika-Chinsali Road Date: from to (month/year)April 2012 June 2012LocationLusaka District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalProjectBriefforaMr.EggtrayPaper Recycling Plant. Date: from to (month/year)March 2012 April 2012LocationKalamo District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalProjectBrief(EPB)forBrightstar-Donzam mineral exploration project. Date: from to (month/year)March 2012 April 2012LocationKawambwa District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalProjectBrief(EPB)forBlueOceanmineral exploration project. Date: from to (month/year)February 2012 August 2012LocationLusaka District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for proposed Down Town Hotel consisting 269 rooms and 11 serviced apartments. Date: from to (month/year)December 2011 January 2012 LocationKuala Lumpur - MALAYSIA CompanyNeapoli SDN BHD Environmental Design and Engineering Consultants EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project PositionEnvironmental Design Assistant DescriptionDraughting engineering drawings Date: from to (month/year)November 2011 June 2012LocationPetauke District ZAMBIA CompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalImpactAssessment(EIA)forSandweOpen Forest timber harvesting project. Date: from to (month/year)August 2010 to August 2011 LocationMufumbwe and Kabompo Districts ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionUrban and Regional PlannerDescriptionPreparationofIntegratedDevelopmentPlans(IDP)forMufumbweand Kabompo Districts Date: from to (month/year)January 2010 to May 2010 LocationLusaka District ZAMBIACompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Master Plan for the Zambia-China Economic and Tradition Cooperation Zone (Lusaka Sub-zone) Date: from to (month/year)March 2010 to July 2010 LocationLusaka District - ZAMBIA CompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionProject SupervisorDescriptionSupervisionoftheconstructionof10KmEmergencyDrainageWorkson Mungwi Road. Date: from to (month/year)January 2010 to May 2010 LocationPetauke District ZAMBIACompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparation of an Environmental Project Brief for the proposed Brother Willys Filling Station Date: from to (month/year)February 2010 to March 2010 LocationKabompo, Zambezi and Chavuma Districts CompanyASCO (Z) Ltd PositionTransportation Planner DescriptionFeasibility and Detailed Design for Kabompo to Chavuma Road Date: from to (month/year)January 2010 to May 2010 LocationMkushi District ZAMBIACompanyGreenfield Consult (Environmental Consultants) EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project PositionEnvironmentalPlanner DescriptionPreparationofanEnvironmentalProjectBrieffortheproposedAlpha Enterprise Filling Station. Date: from to (month/year)May 2009 to January 2010 LocationChingola, Chongwe, Siavonga, Mazabuka, Maamba, Kafue andSinanzongwe Districts ZAMBIACompanyGreenfield Consult/JICA PositionEnvironmental Planner DescriptionMaster Plan for promotion of irrigated Agriculture for Smallholders in the Peri UrbanAreas.Studytoaccessthepossibleenvironmentalandsocialimpacts of the promotion of irrigated smallholding in Zambia. Date: from to (month/year)November 2008 to October 2009 LocationLusaka,Copperbelt,Eastern,Central,Northwestern,Western,Northern, Southern and Luapula Provinces ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionUrban and Regional PlannerDescriptionBaselineandMonitoringStudiesforOutputandPerformancebasedroad contractsTheobjectiveoftheprojectistoestablishbaselineconditionsfor new road maintenance contracts and to carry out monitoring studies in order to determine the impacts of the road development. Date: from to (month/year)October 2007 to February 2008 LocationLusaka District ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionUrban PlannerDescriptionLusakaCityRoadsTraffic CongestionManagement-Objectiveof theproject to address the immediate congestion problems at identified City road junctions by designing low-cost, but effective interventions. Date: from to (month/year)January 2007 to June 2008 LocationLusaka District ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionProject Manager DescriptionConstructionofanAlcoholAddictionTreatmentCentreatSerenityHouse, Makeni, Lusaka Date: from to (month/year)July 2006 to October 2009 LocationLusaka District ZAMBIACompanyASCO (Z) Ltd (Consulting - Engineering, Environmental, Planning) PositionUrban and Regional Planner DescriptionEngineeringDesignforReinstating/ConstructionofDamagedandWashed AwayCrossingsinRegionII(Copperbelt,Central,North-western,Southern, Western Provinces, Chibombo, Chongwe Districts and ZAWA National Parks) Drafting of engineering drawings Mapping Production of BoQ EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Activities and Interests HobbiesMusic, drawing, architecture, cooking, cars Community Service HIV/AIDS Activist RotaractClubofTiyendePamodzisponsoredbytheRotaryClubof Maluba. IservedasPresidentoftheRotaractCluboftheCopperbeltUniversity (2003 2004) and the District Rotaract Representative (2006 2007). May2005-AwardedCertificateofAchievementbyAfyaMuzuriafter training and graduating asHIV/AIDS Peer Educator TravelingFrance,Monaco,Italy,Australia,Malaysia,SouthAfrica,Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia Language skills, mark 1 (worst) to 5 (best) for competence LanguageReadingSpeakingWriting English555 Bemba353 Nyanja353 Bahasa Malaysia212 References NameJohn MurphyLewis TumbamaProf. Dr. Agamuthu P. Contact Director ASCO (z) Ltd Plot 1277 Lubuto Road, Rhodes Park Lusaka 10101ZAMBIA Principal Consultant Greenfield Consult P. O. Box 38962,Lusaka 10101 ZAMBIA Programme Coordinator (MTech Environmental Management) InstituteofBiologicalSciences, Faculty of Science University of Malaya 50603 Kuala LumpurMALAYSIA Tel: Fax: Email: +260 211 256412 +260 211 256412 [email protected]+260 977 435098 [email protected]+603 79676756 +603 79674178 [email protected]

Certification: I,theundersigned,certifythattothebestofmyknowledgeandbelief,thesedatacorrectlydescribe myself, my qualifications, and my experience.EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project ________________________________________Date: _18/06/2013________ SignatureDay/month/year 1.Name of Staff: ISAAC FWEMBA 2.Gender:Male 3.Date of Birth:14/06/1982, Nationality:Zambian, Marital Status: Married, Children: One 4.Education School, college and/or University Attended Degree/certificate or other specialized education obtained Manchester Metropolitan University in collaboration with Uni people (2013) Masters Degree in Public Health ( working on my Dissertation) ALISON .U.K (2013)Diploma in Statistics Uni People, Institution accredited to ManchesterMetropolitan University,U.K ( 2012) Diploma in Public HealthDisaster Management and PlanningHIV/AIDS Evaluation of interventions Evidence Based Practices Biostatistics Health Promotion Uni People (2012), Institution accredited to ManchesterMetropolitan University,U.K Certificate in Public Health With concentration in a. Evaluation ofInterventions with emphasis on Quantitative methodologies, Change theory evaluation , Participatory evaluation, experimental and Quasi experimental designs, Result Chain formulation, logic frame and logic theory b. Evidence Based Practice with concentration on Systematic review, cross section, observation, Randomised controlled Treatment, Case Control study design review. Data collection and searching strategies, Reviewing published papers c. Biostatistics with concentration on path analysis, multi regression, SEM, Exploratory Data Analysis, ARIMA, ANOVA, MANOVA, GML, factor analysis. d. Health Promotion: cultural, social and economic determinants of healthCopper belt University(2009)Pursued BSc Agro forestry / Thesis on Assessing whether establishment of communal enterprise can enhance community participation in the management of Natural Resource Management.a.2011 Certificate of achievement in Global Health and achieved the meritorious level coursesLevelI, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health -HIV/AAIDS Surveillance course, EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project -The economic Evaluation Basics course, -Demographic and Health Surveys: Data use -The Data Quality Assurance Course, - M&E Fundamentals course, - Socio economic and Gender Analysis Training Workshop -M&E Frameworks- Global Health Positioning surveillance for Health - HIV/AIDS BasicData Use for Program Managers SPSS Training by FAO and Ministry of MTNER (2004) 5.Language Fluent: English Bemba, Nyanja, Kikaonde 6.EmploymentInstitution Position HeldFunctions Cavendish University Part Time Lecturer - Quantitative Data Analysis using SPSSAnalysing data for MBA , PROJECT MANAGEMENT & POST GRAD M&E students data- Supervising data analysis using SPSS Cavendish University Post Grad M&EMasters of Business Administration Masters of Project Management Descriptive Stat Exploratory Data Analysis Factor Analysis/ Exploratory Factor Analysis Bivariate Correlation Regression ,Multiple &SEM( using AMOS) ANCOVA,MANOVA, ANOVA,Parametric and Non Parametric tests BootstrappingCross tabulation, Chi-square,Reliability testing for both Scale composite variables and categorical variables Basic analysis of tracking indicators using logical framework. This include assessing program achievement using the actual and expected Cavendish University QUANTITATIVE DATA ANALYSISUSINGSPSS TRAINER Trained Lecturers on how to analyze RESEARCH findings quantitatively using SPSS Cavendish University MODULE WRITTER Data Analysis using SPSS for Project Management undergraduate students InstitutionRoles Position HeldYearCivil Society MDG CampaignTo writeproposals topotential donors To write reports on behalf of the campaign. To prepare petitions on various matters encompassing MDGs issues in the country To prepare and manage events for the campaign, including organising MDG races for Kitwe, and Lusaka. This was in collaboration with the United Nation Country office, Globalcall to Action against Poverty To conduct advocacy campaigns with the National Program Manager 2008 2010 EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Coordinator To conduct evaluations of the campaigns To prepare and organise MDG youth movement. This entailed working with the YouthUnited Nation Environmental Net work based at the United Nation Information CentreTo participate in the Development of Kick Out Poverty Campaign. This was being championed by 12 civil society organisations including Oxfam Facilited the staging of Stand up Campaign. This was being championed by 13 civil society including UNDP, country officeAfricare under the project called Forestry Resource Management Project(FRMP) To coordinate the implementation of the Social economic Survey, in Luapula Province Towork withDistrict Facilitorsand District Forestry Officers to implement community based forestry management interventions To work with District Forestry Officers and District Facilitators tomobilize and traincommunity members in various income generating venturesTo participate in the implementation of the Participatory Rural Appraisals ,Rural Rapid Appraisalamong other qualitative tools To train and supervise data entry clerks, in the entering, and cleaning of Social economic survey data. Intern Facilitator for Luapula Province 2004 - 2005BWALO GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT TRUST Training ofyoung reproductive health advocates for BWALO GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT TRUST Program Manager Consultant 2009 CONSULTANCY WORKS ConsultantforGlobalClimateChangePartnershipU.K,DevelopingaMonitoringandEvaluationmodule. Developed M&E tool for monitoring Output, outcome, context, Input, Planning, and Process. This is being done in collaboration with the Research Equilibrium of U.K Nameofassignmentorproject:toanalyzetheNeedsAssessmentforCapacitybuildingMonitoringand Evaluation initiative for AFRICA NATURE PROGRAMME for 20 Anglophone speaking countries. Year:2011, Location: Lusaka Zambia. Client: Africa Nature Program & UNESCO, Positions held: Quantitative Data Analyst (SPSS). 2011 Contracted to analyze the Needs Assessment for Capacity building initiative for AFRICA NATURE PROGRAMME for 20 Anglophone speaking countries.Nameofassignmentorproject:TrainingjournalistsonmediaMDGmonitoringinboththeprintand electronic media. Year: 2010. Location: Lusaka Province. Client: Media Network for Children Positions held: MDG Monitoring consultant. Training journalists on media MDGmonitoringin both the printandelectronic media. Itinvolvedamongother thingstrainingthemhowtousevariousparticipatoryM&EmethodstoevaluatestoryreportonMDGsinthe media. (Qualitative and quantitative data Nameofassignmentorproject:ProjectReductionofNutritionalVulnerability(PRUVEN),Year:2010, Location: Lusaka Province, Client: ACTION AID Zambia, Positions held: SPSS Specialist Consultant EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project SPSSSpecialistfortheactionaidZambiaundertheprojectlineprojectfortheReductionofNutritional Vulnerability(PRUVEN),M&Esection.Thisinvolvedanalyzingprojectoutcometoestablishtheproject performanceattheendoftheproject.Developmentofindicatorsforthesecondphaseoftheproject.The project staff together with the Community Based Organization Nameofassignmentorproject:ConsultativeWorkshopontheformulationofNationalFundraising strategic plan for MDG Advocacy Campaign Civil Society Organisations in ZambiaYear:2010, Location: Lusaka Province, Client: United National Millennium Campaign. Positions held: United Nations Millennium Campaign Reportour for the formulation of National Fundraising Strategy for Zambia held at Chrismar Hotel United Nations Millennium Campaign raportour, to cover the entire fundraising strategy workshop and compile a consolidated report, on behalf of 40 Civil Society Organizations and NGOs

Nameofassignmentorproject:communityclimatechangeJusticeHearinginFiveprovincesofZambia,to ascertain theimpact ofclimatechangeon variouspeopleslivelihoodsintheselectedpartsofZambia,Year:2004, Location: Lusaka, Central, Copper belt and Southern Province Client: GCAP Global, Positions held: Consultant/ Project Assistant Director Conducted a community climate change Justice Hearing in Five provinces of Zambia, to ascertain the impact of climatechangeonvariouspeoplelivelihoodsintheselectedpartsofZambia.ParticipatoryResearch methodologieswereemployed,amongthemwere,Focusgroupdiscussion,Keyinformants,reviewof literature, case studies and climate change reports.Nameofassignmentorproject:AassessingtheFisheriespotentialofLakeItezhiItezhiandthe Traditional Fishing in Kafue National Park and the associated Socio economics Year:2007 Location: Villages living in Kafue National Park Game Management Area Client: Africare Zambia,People Partnership with Nature and ZAWA- Research Consultant. Positions held: Research Consultant/ SPSS analysts To assess the Fisheries potential of Lake Itezhi Itezhi and the Traditional Fishing in Kafue National Park and the associated Socio economics.-Analyzing the socio economics,livelihoodframeworks andstrategies for thelocalpeople,coppingstrategies and also assessing the conflicts that exist between the fishermen and tour operators.-Interview ZAWA officers (ecologist), Forestry officers, Headmen, tour operators, and the community members. Tools used included PRA, PLA, Focus group discussion, and Key informants discussion, Review of secondary data, Ministry policy paper and documents.- Writing technical report and submit it to the Working group (ZAWA regional Managers) Nameofassignmentorproject:ConductedastudytoestablishthepopulationdensityoffishinLake ItezhiItezhi,Year:2006,Location:KafueNationalParkandVillagessurroundinglakeItezhi,southernProvince,Client:PeoplePartnershipwithNature-ZambiaWildlifeAgency,Positionsheld:Research Consultant/SPSS Analysts. Main Consultant sub contracted by PNP. Conducted a study to establish the population density of fish in Lake ItezhiitezhifortheconsultancyfirmcalledPeopleNaturepartnershipInterviewingFisheriesdepartment, ZAWA, Council officers and the University of Zambia, Fisheries department.Nameofassignmentorproject:AssessingtheestablishingMarketlinkagesfortheNonWoodForest Products in Lusaka Province, Year:2006, Location: Lusaka Province, Client: Forestry Environmental Vision Consultancy and BANKO, Positions held: Assistant Researcher consultant Research Consultant Carried out a study, to analyze the Market linkages for the Non Wood Forest Products in Lusaka province, Zambia. This exercise involved interviewing the crafts maker, weavers, market traders of Non WoodForestProductsaroundKafueandLusaka.ToolsusedincludedtheParticipatoryMonitoringand Evaluation methodologies like the most significant Change (MSC), PRAs, PLA e.t.c Name of assignment or project:Social Economic Survey for FRMP/PFU, Year:2005, Location: Luapula and EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project NorthWesternProvincesInvolving14districts),Client:ProjectFacilitationUnity(MinistryofTourism, Natural Environment and Resource Main project features: ositions held: SPSS Consultant/ Data Analyst 2005 Project Facilitation Unity (Ministry of Tourism, Natural Environment and Resource)SPSSConsultanttoanalysis SocialEconomicSurvey for thefourteenWorkingareas frombothLuapulaand North Western ProvinceNameofassignmentorproject;AssessingthecontributionofForestrySectortotheNationaltreasury (GDP),Year:2005,Location:LuangwaandchongweDistrict.Client:ForestEnvironmentalVision Consultancy . Positions held: Intern Facilitator ResearchConsultantforFEVCOconductedastudyontheForestrysectorcontributiontothenational economy. It involved assessing peoples livelihood strategies to enhance better livelihood outcomes, assessed howpeopleharnesseslivelihoodoutcomesbymakinguseoftheavailableassetsinthecommunity.This involveinterviewingcarpenters,collectorsofNonwoodForestProducts,makersofcuriorsfromselected communities,officialsfromtheministryofAgriculture,Forestrydepartment,sawmillersandownersand officialsfromrevenuecollectors.ToolsusedincludedPRA,PLA,Focusgroupdiscussion,Keyinformants discussion, Review of secondary data, Ministry policy paper and documents Referees Masters in Public Health Dissertation Suppervisor Professor Seter Siziya Copperbelt UniversitySchool of Medicine Ndola Campus Mobile +260 955 752 646 Work Referees Mr Hikachila ClementDean of Studies Cavendish University P.o. Box 34625 Lusaka Mobile 0979 1531 01 Mr Mwamulowa Kagosi Acting Director East CentralNational Heritage Conservation Commission Dedani Kimathi Road Box 320013 Lusaka Zambia. Mobile +260 977 500 243 Dr Thomas Dowing EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project Global Climate Adaptation Partnership (GCAP) Suite F7 | Oxford Centre for Innovation| New Road | Oxford | OX1 1BY | UK T: +44 (0)1865 261425 |M: +44 (0)7790 155687 | F: +44 (0)1865 261401| CURRICULUM VITAE FOR PARTICIPATING STAFF 1. Family name: Tumbama 2. First name: Lewis 3. Date of Birth: 21.03.1978 4. Nationality: Zambian 5. Marital Status: Married 6. Education: Institution (Date from- date to)Qualification(s) obtained University of South Africa, (Started)MSCEnvironmentalManagement(By thesis/distance learning) University of Zambia (1999 - 2004)BSW(SocialWork)/Development Economics/Studies with upper Merit SerenjeBoysTech.SecondarySchool, Central Province, Zambia. (1992 - 1996) JuniorSecondaryCertificate&General CertificateofEducation/Grade12 Certificate. 7.Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic) LanguageReadingSpeakingWriting English111 Nyanja111 Bemba`111 Tonga222 Lenje111 Soli111 Sala442 Ila133 Kaonde355 EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 8. Membership of Professional Bodies: Associate Member of the Water and Sanitation Association of Zambia (WASAZA), FullmemberoftheImpactAssessmentAssociationofZambia(HousedwithinZambia Environmental Management Agency) 9. Other skills: (e.g., Computer Literacy etc): Microsoft Office, Excel, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). 10. Key Qualifications LewisholdsaBachelorsDegreeinSocialWorkandDevelopmentEconomics/Studiesfromthe UniversityofZambiawithconcentrationsinCommunityDevelopmentandChange,Monitoring and Evaluation, Social Planning, Social Research, Social Welfare and Development economics. Lewisismoreofasocio-economicspecialist/SocialImpactAssessmentforSustainable Development,EnvironmentalImpactAssessmentprojects/Studiesandhasanaccumulatedwork experience of about 8 years in Consultancy work, particularly participating in conducting qualitative baselines,Social andEnvironmentalImpactAssessments,MineEnvironmentalAudits(Surfaceand Underground),Trunk,districtand Ruralroad socio-economic Baselines and impact assessments and Evaluative Community-Based Social Researches in both Rural and Urban Areas of Zambia.Currently,LewisistheZambian/NationalResettlementExpertonthepreparationofthe ResettlementActionPlanfortheLusakaWaterSupply,SanitationandDrainageProjectunder TETRATECH/Millenium Challenge Account Zambia. As aSocio-Economic,Cultural, andEnvironmental Consultant, Lewis has been exposed to diverse culturalsettingsacrossalltheprovincesand97%ofthedistrictsofZambiaandhassofar facilitatedmorethan450differentcommunitymeetings,mainlytodowithsocialand environmental issues/impacts that are as a result of different development activities/projects taking placewithintheirimmediateenvironments.Heisthereforeveryfamiliarwiththeuseofdifferent Participatory Tools. Between early 2009 and end of 2010, Lewis was involved in a Country-Wide study on Poverty and /Socio-EconomicAssessmentsalongFeeder,TrunkandDistrictRoadsinalltheprovincesof Zambia(Zambiasfirstsetofstudiestoascertaintheimpactofruralroadsoncommunity socio-economic wellbeing under EU /RDA funded Output and Performance Related Road Contracts (OPRC) Programme). In thisstudy, Lewis had been leading in Community andother StakeholderConsultationsandhadsofar(onthisexercise),conductedmorethan70community and other stakeholder consultations using different participatory methodologies. Further, Lewis has been engaged (Oct 2010- January/February 2012) as a socio-economic specialist on an Integrated Development Plans Project for two (2) districts (Mufumbwe and Kabompo) in the EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project NorthWestern Province of Zambia.In light of the Town and Country Planning Act, Cap 283 of the LawsofZambia,thiscomprehensiveassignmentinvolvedpreparationofsettlementplansthat would effectively guide the growth and development of the two small towns/districts with potential of serious mining activities. His work experience dates back to 2001 when Lewis started participating in social research projects underinternshiparrangementswhilststudyingattheUniversityofZambia.Since2001,Lewishas workedwithdifferentconsultingfirmsandindividualconsultantsonanumberofprojectsacross Zambia. Since graduation from the University, Lewis has never worked in full time employment for a long time and is currently a free lance development Consultant. ACCOMPLISHED ASSIGNMENTS/ON-Going 1. March-May2013,Socio-economicImpactEvaluationofUrbanMarkets inLusakaandCopperbelt Provinces under ASCO/European Union. 2. April-May2013,Preparationof2EnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsforPRLProjectsforthe construction of the Manganese processing plant in Serenje and Mining in Mansa. 3. April-May2013,preparationof2EnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsforDangoteIndustriesfor limestone prospecting in Lusaka East 4. February-Today,2013,PreparationofaSocio-economiccomponentandidentificationof potentiallyaffectedhouseholds,farmsandgardensandbusinessplaces/forEnvironmental ImpactAssessmentReportfortheClimateResilientProgrammeofselectedroadsintheKafue Basin(KalomoDistrict-KalomotoDundumwezi(75.25km,NamwalatoItezhi-Tezhi D180 (52km, Itezhi-Tezhi to Dundumwezi through Ngoma and Nanzhila (124km) 5. October2012-ongoing,UnderTetratech/MilleniumChallengeAccountContractedasNationalResettlement Specialist on the preparation of the Resettlement Action Plan- for the Lusaka Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation Project. 6. OctoberDecember,2012,ZambiaAgricultureResearchInstitute(ZARI),Chilanga/WorldBank, Preparation of a Resettlement Policy Framework for the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA). 7. September2012,Preparationof4EnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsformineralExplorationin Central and Northern provinces of Zambia for Afro Asia Mining Ltd. 8. September2012PreparationofanAbbreviatedResettlementPlanforthe168kmEU Funded Mpika Chinsali (T2 road). 9. September2012,PreparationoftheResettlementPolicyFrameworkfortheZambia Agriculture Research Institutte. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 10. September2012PreparationofanAbbreviatedResettlementPlanfortheKanyendaFarm Ltd under Greenline Consulting Ltd. 11. 2012July-August,Socio-Economist,-ZhonghuiMining,KalulushiDistrict.Farmand HouseholdSurvey/ResettlementActionPlan,fortheproposedUndergroundMinein Ichimpe Forest. 12. KasempaFoundryLimitedPreparationof2EnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsfor mineral exploration in North Western province of Zambia. 13. 2012July-Sept,Socio-Economist,-TYPSA/ASCOEngineering,MpikaandChinsali Districts.EnvironmentalImpactAssessmentfortherehabilitationofthe168kmMpika-Chinsali stretch of the Nakonde Kapiri road.(COMESA/EU Funded, RDA project) 14. 2012March-MayConsultantDeepholeMining,Brightstar-DonzamMining,Preparation of10EnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsformineralexplorationinSouthern,Central, Eastern, Copperbelt and North Western provinces, of Zambia. 15. 2012April-Socio-Economist,-ZMAT,ZambiaLimited,MasaitiDistrict.Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Lime Plant. 16. 2012, (Feb-todate) Xiangguang Mining LTD, Mazabuka and Serenje districts,. Preparation of threeEnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsformineralexplorationinChief Mwanachingwala and Chief Mailo s areas respectively. 17. 2012Feb-Consultant,-FairfieldCommodities,ZambiaLimited,LusakaIndustrialArea, Environmental Brief for the proposed Biscuit Plant. 18. 2012 Feb- Socio-Economist,- Zhonghui Mining Group,Zambia Limited, Kalulushi District.Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Ichimpe Underground Mine. 19. 2012Jan,Socio-Economist,-GreenlineConsultancy/GoldenLayFarm/KanyendaFarms, Mpongwe District.Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed 600Ha soya beans, maize farm. 20. 2011,(October-November)RVVentures/METMINLTD,Masaitidistrict,Copperbelt Zambia. Preparation of an Environmental Project Brief Report for LimeStone exploration in Chief Chiwala area. 21. 2011,(OctobertoDecember),LeadConsultant/Coordinator,-XueJiangTimberCoLtd, PetaukeDistrict, ChiefSandwe,inSandweOpen Forest,Eastern,Zambia.Environmental Impact Assessment for the timber Harvesting project. 22. 2011,(OctobertoNovember),Socio-EconomicSub-Consultant,-ZENITH Consulting/MazabukaMunicipalCouncil,MazabukaDistrict,Southern,Zambia.Environmental Impact Assessment for the Council Housing Estate project. EIA SCOPING REPORT & TORs Baptist Mid Mission Choma Housing Project 23. 2011,Chantete/GrizzlyMine,LufwanyamaDistrict,Copperbelt,Zambia.Socio-economic component of the EIS for the mine open pit.24. 2011,BenduTransportLtd-Ndoladistrict,CopperbeltZambia.Preparationofthe3 Environmental Project Brief Reports for Waste RockDumpReclamationonformer Bwanamkubwa Waste Rock Dumps. 25. 2011,(JunetoDecember)DangoteIndustries-MasaitiDistrict,Copperbelt,Zambia.Implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan. 26. 2011,HandmanParadiseMasaitiDistrict,Copperbelt,Zambia.Implementationofthe Resettlement Action Plan27. 2010/2011,GITEC/BICONZambia.SouthernProvinceofZambia,Preparationoftwo comprehensiveEnvironmentalProjectBriefReportsforthespotrehabilitationoffeeder roadsinSouthernProvinceundertheRuralTransportandPovertyReductionProgramme funded by the German Development Bank (KfW Development Bank ) 28. 2011JICA/NTC Intl. Lusaka DeskReviewandcompilationofareporton communities and Sustainable use and management of Dambos in Zambia. 29. 2010 / 2011 ASCO Z LtdMufumbweandKabompoDistricts,NorthWesternProvince ContractedtocarryoutaSocio-EconomicstudyonanIntegratedDevelopmentPlans Projectfortwo(2)districts(MufumbweandKabompo)intheNorthWesternProvinceof Zambia. 30. 2009 ,2010 Dangote/JA ConsultantMasaiti District, Copperbelt ProvinceSubcontracted to carry out a Socio-Economic Study of the EnvironmentalImpact Assessment including a Resettlement Action Plan31. 2010,ASCOZLtd,Northern,Southern,Luapula,NorthWestern,CentralandWestern ProvincesSocio-economicmonitoringoftheimpactofroad

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