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Tool #1: Creating Purpose - IKIGAI

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being." It indicates the source of value in one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile or "the reason for which you wake up in the morning." Each individual's ikigai is personal to them

and specific to their lives, values and beliefs. It reflects the inner self of an individual and expresses that faithfully, while simultaneously creating a mental

state in which the individual feels at ease. giving the individual satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life

Tool #2: Positive thinking

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side

of life and expects positive results. A person with positive thinking anticipates

happiness, health and success, and believes that he or she can overcome any

obstacle and difficulty.

Tool #3: Growth mindset

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. They tend to achieve

more than those with a more fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts). This is because they worry less about looking smart and they put

more energy into learning. When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed; they also

receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation.

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Tool #4: Values in action

As your definition of success changes, so do your personal values. This is why keeping in touch with your values is a lifelong exercise. You should continuously revisit this, especially if you start to feel unbalanced... and you can't quite figure

out why. When you define your personal values, you discover what's truly important to you.

Tool #5: High Self- efficacy

Self-efficacy is an individual‟s belief in his or her innate ability to achieve goals. Albert Bandura defines it as a personal judgment of "how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations". Expectations of

self-efficacy determine whether an individual will be able to exhibit coping behavior and how long effort will be sustained in the face of obstacles. Individuals

who have high self-efficacy will exert sufficient effort that, if well executed, leads to successful outcomes,

Tool #6: Internal locus of control

A person with an internal locus of control believes that he or she can influence

events and their outcomes, while someone with an external locus of control blames outside forces for everything. Individuals with a strong internal locus of control

believe events in their life derive primarily from their own actions: A lot of what we do depends on how we think about ourselves. Sometimes we feel invincible

and we can do anything “we feel enthusiastic, energetic, in control, believe we have a choice and are ready to put our thoughts into action.”

. Some other times we feel weak and incapable. It is as if all the energy to do something has gone away or we simply believe that there is no way we can pull it off. “We feel helpless, paralysed, miserable, and depressed.”

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Tool #7: Lateral thinking

Lateral Thinking is a set of processes that provides a deliberate, systematic way of thinking creatively that results in creative and innovative thinking in a repeatable manner. Lateral thinking is more concerned with the "movement value" of

statements and ideas. A person uses lateral thinking to move from one known idea to creating new ideas.

Tool #8: Emotional Dialogue

Dialogue is the creative thinking together that can emerge when genuine empathetic listening, respect for your negative emotions, suspending self- judgment, sincere inquiry, courageous inner- speech, and discovering and

disclosing assumptions to guide internal conversations. It is an activity of curiosity, cooperation, creativity, discovery, and learning rather than moving away

persuasion, competition, fear, and internal conflict.

Tool #9: Goals management (OGSM)

Objectives, goals, strategies and measures (OGSM) is a strategic planning process that provides clear goals and identifies the strategic choices to achieve them. It defines the measures that will be followed to assure that goals are met and helps

groups work together toward common objectives, across functions, geographical distance and throughout the organization. The OGSM framework forms the basis

for strategic planning and execution as well as a strong management routine that keep the plan part of the day-to-day operations. It aligns the leaders to the objective

of the company, links key strategies to the financial goals, and bring visibility and accountability to the work of improving the capabilities of the company.

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Tool #10: Performance management

A process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee‟s work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the

continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives

and career goals. Managers need to manage 6 levels of holistic performance Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Communicational, Behavioral and Executional.

Tool #11: Managing inner change “Saboteurs”

Inner voice is a product of our logical brain. It is hard to know exactly what it is, though we all seem to have it and need to deal with it. To know what this inner voice is all about, recognize and overcome Internal Saboteur – that inner voice

that protects you from taking risks, may also inhibit progress when you‟re trying something new. It‟s full of old judgments, limiting beliefs and entrenched rules

and External Saboteur – the other voices that undermine your changed behavior are other people‟s defense mechanisms. They may feel unconvinced or even

threatened by your new CUP technique.

Tool #12: Personal change 5 stages

All change involves loss at some level and the "Five stages" model has been used to understand people's reactions to change for many decades.

Five stages represent the normal range of feelings people experience when dealing with change in their own lives or in the workplace. The 5 stages are: Pre-

contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintaining and / or Decline.

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Tool #13: Collaboration - Personality Colors

According to proponents of color psychology your favorite color (Orange, Gold,

Blue, Green) say a lot about your physical, mental and emotional states. Similarly,

colors you dislike tell a lot about your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. They do not recommend to avoid any color altogether, instead incorporating a little bit of

everything is preferable and also understand other stakeholders colors. A change of color preference is thought to be triggered by changing life circumstances. Your

new color preference may help you develop new qualities necessary to deal with your new circumstances.

Tool #14: Teamwork – Team Credo – Develop

A credo is “a statement of the beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions” ( It‟s vital to share and agree with other team member your team / leadership credo. A credo is a belief or value set that guides all company or

department actions. For example, Wal-Mart follows the "3 Basic Beliefs" defined by founder Sam Walton. These beliefs are "respect for the individual," "service to

our customers," and "striving for excellence."

Tool #15: Persuasion – Storytelling

Storytelling, serves human being‟s foundation for biological function of encouraging pro-social behavior. Effective stories reinforce the concepts. A story

must do three things: (1) emotionally transport (2) include characters facing problems and trying to overcome them, and (3) communicate some message or

moral, meaning some set of values or ideas. Otherwise, the story will seem “empty” and not important enough to pay attention to.

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Tool #16: Conflict Resolution – The 6 human needs

While our beliefs and values amongst human beings are different, the primal

NEEDS that we have are universal. The six core human needs are certainty, variety, significance, love and connection, growth and contribution. The first four

needs are defined as needs of the personality and the last two are identified as needs of the spirit.

Tool #17: Managing performance - PRVA technique

You can choose to feel miserable, or you can choose to feel happy and moving

forward. Your thoughts are completely under your control and no one can take this

power away from you. You can simply choose to think differently. It is totally up

to you how you want to talk to yourself. Positive thinking and applying PRVA

values also reduces your stress. Less stress in turn makes you feel more

comfortable with your life and since you feel happier you are more likely to think

positively. This leads to a virtuous cycle and all you need to do is to consciously

start thinking positively. it only takes a shift in attitude and a positive mentality

which is rather easy to achieve. Use keep moving forward statement and PRVA


Tool #18: Self- affirmation

Self-affirmation theory is a psychological theory that focuses on how individuals adapt to information or experiences that endorse and support their self-concept.

Self-affirming events include, receiving positive feedback from others and reflecting upon positive aspects of oneself and expressing one's core values and

endowments. Self-affirmation as a strategy to enhance self-control is that the act of self-affirmation allows people to respond in a manner that counters their automatic response tendency. In other words, self-affirmation counters habits of action, and

this is the essence of self-control - our action is consciously volitional as opposed to habitual.

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Tool #19: Optimism TIE approach

Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology summed up perhaps the

greatest characteristic of the optimist in one of his most acclaimed books, Learned Optimism:

“The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events will last a long time, will undermine everything they do, and are their own fault.

The optimists, who are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world, think about misfortune in the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a

temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: Circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought it

about. Such people are unfazed by defeat. Confronted by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge and try harder.” Reflect on current challenge and train

yourself to regard it as TIE.

Tool #20: The Zoo thinking technique

Resilient people tend to take a problem-solving attitude toward stressful situations.

That attitude is closely linked to optimism and hope, which are known to foster

resilience. A doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution, Brian Adams said:”

Difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping-stones to greater

experience. That‟s why we suggest 12 ways / strategies of thinking of Lion, Snake,

Eagle, Hyena, Shark, Ants, Crocodile, Octopus, Bees, Monkey, Lizard, and Deer.

Tool #21: Values in Action

This is essentially an evaluation filter. The value filter enables us to decide whether

the incoming data is good or bad. Our values are the result of our understanding of the world which is based on the model of the world we create for ourselves. Our

model of the world can be different from those of others. This is why we can end up in a conflict while communicating with those with a different world view and

values.Our values identify those character strengths that most motivate, inspire and propel you through life -- even if you haven't used them often or even been aware

of them until now.

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Tool #22: Assertive Attitude

Assertiveness is the ability to express your needs and uphold your own integrity

and dignity without violating others‟ rights. Naturally, an assertive tone sounds

confident. Confidence comes from knowing what you want and where you want to

go. Alfa Male and confident people always seem to have a clear mission, a goal

that will come to define their behavior.

Tool #23: Conflict Resolution 5 Strategies

When resolving conflicts, you may use different approaches depending on your

power attributes you have. It is easy to habitually fall into a particular style to deal

with all issues confronted, but using appropriate styles for the right circumstances

is often more effective. As a result, it pays off to be familiar with all of these styles

and use them when appropriate.

Tool #24: Conflict Resolution 6-Step Formula

There is a lot that can be done during the initial stages of conflict‟s lifecycle by

focusing on win/win solutions. In the early stages, there are many areas to consider

such as verbal statements, non-verbal statements, and emotional skills and so on. In

this formula, we will focus on verbal statements. When entering a protracted

conflict on an issue, use the 6 steps formula to resolve the problem before it turns

into crisis.

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Tool #25: Giving Positive feedback

Influencing people sometimes becomes frustrating especially when you need to

give constructive feedbacks. How can you inform someone of their negative or unhelpful behavior and action without getting a defensive reaction? The techniques

consist of Orange light – behaviours they do well, Green light- behaviours to start doing, Red light- unwelcome behaviours.

Tool #26: Clarify Your Life Purpose!

Clarify or determine your vision...…the purpose, the logo (meaning) of your life. The best way to start is by answering these questions in a simple and direct way.

We recommend reverse engineering approach to live a life of fulfillment. That means first you determine what you want and what it looks like. Then you can

work backwards to figure out how to make those things happen. With this activity, you clarify your vision, you‟ll work backwards to create a grand objective for each

of the six dimensions of life featured, always linking back to your personal purpose.

Tool #27: Sell anything - AIDA persuasion technique

A time-tested and very effective formula is known as „AIDA‟, which stands for,

Attention-Information-Desire-Action. The idea is to follow this sequence of

activities to get the desired behaviour from the target audience.

This technique is not limited to writing alone; it can be used in any type of


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Tool #28: Beating Burnout

Are you spending more and more working hours with less productivity, do you

have eating and sleeping disorders, are you having decreased job satisfaction, withdrawal from challenges, and low sense of accomplishment? These are clear signs of burned –out employees and you need to know, how far are you burnout

and how to overcome these signs simply by investing in spiritual, emotional, mental and physical dimensions.

Tool #29: Break the Negative Cycle

If you find yourself in a vicious negative cycle, you need to take steps to reduce it

and eventually reverse it to a positive cycle. There are several places to break the

cycle such as: Artificially boost your own view. Do it differently from what you

normally do. Assume they might use wrong stereotypes. Interpret their behavior as

a reaction to yours. And correct their opinions about you. To be able to judge other

people‟s behavior, you should be able to keep your composure and don‟t get

affected by other people‟s lack of EI skills.

Tool #30: Negotiation Psychological Tactics

When you are in a negotiation, you might be attacked verbally, intimidated or

forced to accept the other party‟s terms. In short, a variety of psychological tactics such as Lack of Authority, The Only Option, Response,Anger, Bottleneck might

be used to force you to submit to their terms. You need to be able to spot these tactics and know how to respond to them.

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Tool #31: Decision Making “Best option”

Sometimes you may need to know the implications of going with a particular

option and want to systematically examine what happens if you go with that

option. A traditional technique is weighted pros and cons where you simply

identify what is good about going ahead with the option (pros) and what is bad

about it (cons).

Tool #32: Positive Coaching

As a team leader, you should know your team members, their strength and

weaknesses and be able to help them develop based on their abilities and resources.

You are no longer just managing resources. You want to make a cutting edge team

that is capable of delivering more than the sum of its parts. It means, you should be

able to spot bottlenecks, miss-communications and clashes and then guide your

team members to improve themselves so that they can function at their peak.

Tool #33: Delegate Effectively

In order to get more done, sometimes it is necessary to offload some of your tasks

to others. Enter the art of delegation. It‟s a skill that you should master throughout

your life both on professional and personal levels. Although delegating work to

others can free up your time, it can be a recipe for disaster if you don‟t get it right.

This goes back to your fears of delegating a task thinking that you may lose control

or that it is not carried up to your standards. Here is a list of common fears usually


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Tool #34: Overcome Negative Self-talk

The first step towards beating shyness is to get rid of negative self-talk. Self-talk can be extremely destructive. If you keep telling yourself that you are shy or

incapable of performing, you will only reduce your confidence. Next time, you deliver a less than ideal performance and this only confirms your self-made prophecy which in turn feeds into more and more shyness. To get out of this

vicious cycle, you need to stop the self-talk. Simply being aware of the damage that self-talk can do can significantly help you to identify it and stop yourself from

doing it.

Tool #35: The 9 influence strategies

When communicating with people, there is usually a need to convince them of

something. This can be persuading them to buy your products or services, or

simply to understand and follow your ideas. These 9 Persuasion strategies can

significantly increase your chances of success.

Tool #36: Getting positive Negotiation Results

Every negotiation is a trade. You give something to get something in return. The

trick is to simply ask. Just go ahead and pop the question. If you get a „no‟ or a

„maybe‟, then you can either negotiate to get better results or abandon the whole

thing if it is not crucial. However, you will be surprised how often the answer is

„yes‟. Asking is a lot like fishing. As long as you have got your line in the water,

anything is possible. But if you do not have your line in the water, you will almost

certainly get nothing.

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Tool #37: Negotiation Preparation

The key is that you are exerting pressure on the other party to settle where you

want him to. The pressure, ultimately, is what is going to enable you to get what

you want out of your negotiation. Aim to increase the number of options you have.

The more options available, the more leverage that can be used in the negotiations.

The next best thing is to make the other person think you have options, even if you

do not. Do your best to conceal your degree of the need for the deal. Give him the

impression that you have no great stake in settling with him at all. Let him believe

that you have other alternatives if he stops listening to you. Equally well, always

think what his options are and determine if he is bluffing.

Tool #38: Creativity Principles

Creativity is a skill and like any skill there are wrong and right ways of doing it.

By knowing how creativity actually works and what you can do to maximise its effectiveness, you stand a chance to benefit a lot more from it. Creativity Principles

To get the best from your creativity sessions, you need to follow a number of well-established and time-proven principles. The following guidelines are based on extensive research as well as empirical evidence.

Tool #39: Change of Perspective – Chunk Up& Down

When as a group you are engaged in creative problem solving, you may need to spend a considerable amount of time on a subject before you understand it. The

more you analyse, the more you are involved which although it expands your knowledge about the problem, it may come to limit your perspective. Knowing too

much about a problem may lead you to use conventional solutions because of your familiarity with the problem. This is why when an external person joins a group

who has already been extensively involved in analysing a problem, can come up with novel solutions in record time and wonder how others didn‟t see the obvious


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Tool #40: The 5-Whys Technique

Series of systematic questions you seek to find the underlying causes to problems. This technique was first popularized by Toyota production systems in the 70s. The

technique was developed to find the root of problems rather than wasting time over examining the symptoms. This type of questioning is closely related to the „Ishikawa Diagram‟ (fishbone diagram) which aims to find contributing root

factors when investigating a problem.

Tool #41: Six Thinking Hats

The Six Thinking Hats attempts to align everyone together, so they all put on

similar hats at the same time, and think about the problem from the same perspective. Each of the Six Hats represents a different point of view. The idea is

to put on a specific hat (either literally or imaginary) and view the problem from that perspective. By going through a sequence of these hats, the group can analyse

the problem thoroughly using a structured approach. Same thing can work with 12 species represent in zoo of creativity.

Tool #42: 6 Levels of Delegation

Delegation is a great way to save time. Apart from saving time, delegation helps

motivate your staff by giving them responsibility. Your team will benefit by

participating in activities and the decision making process and therefore becomes

more capable and autonomous over time. As a result, a manager must constantly

think about delegating tasks to others not just to save time but also to help the team

grow and become more capable.

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Tool #43: Perspective Taking

Perspective taking is the ability to understand another person‟s viewpoint and

circumstances. It is related to having empathy and taking account of what others go through to better understand their specific behaviour. Empathy means “feeling into” another person. Being empathic means

understanding what another person is going through. It is about blurring the line between self and other.

Perspective taking is about the cognitive aspect of empathy where a person deliberately put‟s himself in the position of another to understand their point of

view better. Perspective taking is about stepping into another person‟s shoes while remaining objective and impartial.

Tool #44: Change the Way You Feel

As you have seen so far, your actions tend to be decided based on how you feel. In turn, your feel in a certain way based on how you interpret a situation and make a

story of it based on what you have recently sensed and what you have experienced in the past. Hence, to change your actions, you need to change how you feel about

it and for this you can manipulate the story that captures your interpretation of an event.

Tool #45: The 4 persuasion strategies

Persuade your stakeholders to shift the focus from their opinion and make the

decision to your favor. To get this right, you will take the person to the future,

explore his desires and fantasies and paint him a world where the product is

bought, or an idea has been implemented. After the visualization of the future, you

will then ask him something about that world while assuming the decision is

already made. You can then bring him back to the present and follow up with

talking about your service or product or demand to an examine to see how you can

move forward to get to the imagined world.

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Tool# 46: Project Initiator Role

Not being afraid to take action, to take the first step…to make something happen,

demonstrates your leadership abilities. Not only are you willing to take action, but

you‟re willing to take a risk, because being first doesn‟t always mean being right.

Still, it‟s a risk worth taking in developing responsibility and personal growth.

Being proactive, not reactive, is a great way to lead by example.

Tool# 47: Accountability Partner Role

One of the best ways to improve in some area of your life is to hold yourself and

others accountable, that role will empower you to accomplish. Knowing someone

is going to call to see if you did what you said really gives you the incentive to get

it done.You both hold each other accountable for certain actions leading to your

specific goals…you count on each other for input, encouragement and to ensure

there are consequences for the missed milestone.

Tool# 48: Project and Task manager Role

Leading a project from its inception to execution. This includes planning,

execution and managing the people, resources and scope of the project.” While

they may not participate in any of the „hands-on‟ work of the project, they maintain

the „birds-eye view‟ of the entire project, ensuring all the players and pieces are

coming together successfully.

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Tool # 49: Executive Coach Role

A coach‟s job, no matter what their focus, is to help people change. A life coach

helps an individual look at and embrace changes in their lifestyle, whether it‟s to

be more positive about oneself or recover and work through a traumatic experience

that‟s held them back. A business coach helps professionals create a business plan

and then stick with all the changes and risks necessary to reach those goals.

Tool # 50: Politician Role

Knowledge comes first. Before you can leverage anything, apply anything, you

have to KNOW something. That means that assessing the knowledge or

intelligence of your company are step one. Karl Albrecht‟s The Powers of Minds at

Work: Organizational Intelligence in Actioniwill help punctuate the importance of


“Organizational Intelligence: the capacity of an enterprise to mobilize all of its

available brain power, and to focus that brain power on achieving its mission.”

Tool # 51: Inspirer Role

Keep people motivated and encouraged. Whether it‟s celebrating the wins or

working through the losses, motivation matters. If things go awry, employees need

to hear that there is hope and everything will get back on track. When things go

right it‟s vital to celebrate those wins in order to encourage your team to do it

again. you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his


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Tool # 52: Problem Solver Role

Bottom line, being able to fix a problem or offer solutions will go a long way in

your being successful in your business or career. Whether the problem is internal

or external, big or small, or easy or hard, part of being a good problem solver is

having a solid process and confident approach. That means you‟ll spend less time

creating solutions, but those solutions will be more effective, and who doesn‟t

want that?

Tool # 53: Relationship Builder Role

It‟s important to remember ultimately, who makes the final decision. In other

words, no matter how great your product or service is, if people aren‟t

buying…you won‟t have a business, at least not for long. And, even if you have

plenty of new customers, if they don‟t become repeat customers your success

comes with too much hard work and too many limitations. Keeping your current

clients happy and working on developing long-lasting relationships with them is

the true key to longevity and success for a business.

Tool # 54: Complaint Handler Role

No matter how great you and your company are at what you do, someone at some

time is going to be unhappy. It might be a missed deadline, a broken product or a

broken promise…but there was an expectation that wasn‟t met. Knowing that

someday is going to come, it‟s important to know how you‟re going to handle it.

This role reminds you that you are in a position to not only accept and process

complaints, but to use them to improve both client relations and your company‟s

systems, products and service.

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Tool # 55: Idea Promoter Role

When it comes to business, it all starts with the idea. Someone has a great idea for

a new product, service, process or system and they‟re off and running. After the

idea is developed, it‟s got to be marketed, otherwise no one knows about your

great idea. So many people think the idea (product, service, process , or system) is

enough to make them successful. you need to look at what options will work best

for your company. From branding and positioning to up-selling, cross-selling and

networking…it‟s all about marketing your idea to the right audience in the right


Tool # 56: Social Talker Role

People skills, social intelligence, playing well with others…whatever you want to

call it, a big part of being successful in the professional world is based on how well

you interact with people. Supervisors, peers and co-workers, clients and

customers…if you can‟t communicate, get along and build relationships; you‟re

likely headed for major failure. Because social intelligence is more of a learned

behavior, there is opportunity for The Social Talker to improve those skills.

Tool # 57: Trust Builder Role

When it comes to being The Trust Builder for your business, your word is your

bond, right? So if you ask a client or customer to trust you, you need to be sure

you‟re actually trustworthy. Now, this doesn‟t mean you can never make a mistake

or have a problem, because we already know that‟s going to happen at some point.

It‟s important to remember that with each transaction your business has someone is

putting trust in you.

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Tool # 58: The Collaborator Role

Improve your team‟s collaboration are more likely increase your company‟s

bottom line. While we‟ll focus primarily on internal collaboration among

employees, you should note that there can also be collaboration among business

partners and vendors, as well as customers. Regardless of the people involved, this

inclusive environment fuels today‟s businesses to greater levels of innovation,

customer satisfaction, and employee gratification.

Tool # 59: The Alignment Officer Role

Working to ensure that everyone on the team working to achieve clear mission

and/or vision statement first. Then it‟s about making sure every employee knows,

understands, believes in and performs tasks through the lens of that mission

statement. The purpose of that mission or vision statement is to provide a guide

that clarifies the company‟s purpose and passion on what they do, how they do it

and why they do it. If there‟s not a common purpose, or no one knows what it is,

then everyone comes at every task from their own personal agenda.

Tool # 60: Talent Seeker Role

When it comes to professional athletic teams, most people know the value of a

talent scout. They‟re the ones who travel around looking for players who have the

skills, strengths and personalities they need to build a winning team. They

recognize raw talent and put together a team much like a puzzle, determining who

will fit together. In the role of The Talent Seeker, you play a similar role in

building successful teams for your company. You may be a part of hiring outside

talent and new employees, or you may be building teams from the ranks of your

current employees. Either way, there are some tools you need to determine who

you need on the team, and who best fits that role.

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Tool # 61: Norm Setter Role

When a new team comes together, or a new employee comes on board, you cannot

expect them to automatically know how you want things done and what‟s accepted

and expected behavior. That‟s why most companies have handbooks and other

tools to provide an overview of what the company is all about. From sharing the

mission statement, vision and/or philosophy to the corporate hierarchy and

structure to various policies and guidelines. rules, guidelines, policies or a code of

ethics, these norms are what help your company and team interact, communicate

and get things done. Norms do not take away from individual personalities, but

create a structure that everyone can adhere to at work.

Tool # 62: Goal Achiever Role

If you don‟t have a destination, how will you know when you get there? If you

don‟t have a goal, how will you now when you‟ve accomplished something?

However, it‟s not enough just to set a goal…lots of people set goals. Success

comes in reaching your goals. In the role of The Goal Achiever, you will do more

than just set goals, you will practice the techniques needed to reach and accomplish

your goals.

Tool # 63: Team motivator Role

No matter how great your team, your goal, your vision and your mission…if you

can‟t keep people motivated you‟re likely to burn out before you reach success. In

the role of The Team Motivator, your job is to keep people fired up, passionate, on

task and on target. That may be easy enough when the project starts, but what

happens down the road when stumbling blocks get in the way? How will you keep

people motivated when the time line has been moved up or the budget had been


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Tool # 64: The Financer Role

With the recent ups and downs in the economy, many people have shifted (or

refocused) their thinking about personal finances. More than just earning money,

they want to keep more of it and do more with it, regardless of the economy.

That‟s where the role of Financial Wellness comes into play. The goal here is to

help you feel more in control of your financial world, give you steps and ideas to

achieve stability, and help you identify where you are and where you want to be

when it comes to your finances.

Tool # 65: Self Pamperer Role

Is there something about taking care of yourself that makes you feel guilty? Do

you think that you can‟t take some time out of your busy day to have a moment to

yourself? Too many people believe they have to get everything else done and

everyone else taken care of before it‟s okay to have some „me-time.‟ If you have

any of these thoughts, stop! I understand that the idea of self-care and self-love

(self-pamper) might seem a little selfish, but it‟s actually the opposite.

Tool # 66: Fitness Coach Role

People tend to focus on only being physically fit, when mental fitness plays just as

important a role in your overall health. Sure it‟s hip to be fit, but I mean the

healthy, balanced, reasonable kind of fit. So be hip and get fit, but forget the fads.

Being fit, or not, is the result of how you live your life. And, a major part of a fit

lifestyle is regular physical activity, eating habits. Along with reducing risk of

injury and disease, physical activity - or exercise - increases stamina, strength and

mental health. Exercise can actually help you right down to your bones!

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Tool # 67: Sleep Master Role

When you sleep, it‟s that chance for your body to restore and recharge. It‟s when

your brain helps get you ready for the next day. It‟s when you can truly relax and

your body has a chance to distress. We will provide you with the benefits of

sleeping, the challenges and issues with not getting quality sleep and some proven

techniques, rituals if you will, to help you get the rest you need.

Tool # 68: Self-Developer Role

Personal development anyway is “the process of improving oneself through such

activities as enhancing employment skills, increasing consciousness and building

wealth. The growing success of the self-help and personal development movement

has assisted many business managers in obtaining more qualified and motivated

personnel for their companies, and it has also encouraged more people to go into

business for themselves how you can become a Self-Developer that‟s always

improving. If you‟re not moving forward in life in some area, chances are you‟re

falling behind.

Tool # 69: Life-Coach Role

In order to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you have to be ready, willing and

able to be your own best cheerleader and motivator, and be willing to hold yourself

accountable. When you miss a deadline, get off track or feel discouraged, that‟s

when you need that inner voice, that life coach, to keep you focused and moving


When you‟re a good life coach for yourself, you‟ll feel confident and have the self-

esteem you need to improve your circumstances, one step at a time. You tap into

your potential and work to develop yourself. It‟s really more about facilitating

change in yourself, rather than forcing or imposing habits.

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Tool # 70: Play Pal Role

With any family, the more fun you have together the more you like being

together…and that‟s why playing and laughter are so important in building strong

relationships. That may sound easy enough, but for some relationships it‟s going to

take work…especially when there‟s bumps along the way. But really working on

understanding the importance and value of laughter will improve your

relationships dramatically. Smiling and laughing with our family members is one

of the most joyful things we can do with those we love.

Tool # 71: Pleasure Partner Role

There are emotional and health benefits that are very important to having strong

relationships with your spouse or intimate partner. There are actually four types of

intimacy: Intellectual Intimacy “exchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions.”

Experiential Intimacy “working „in-sync‟ on an activity”. Emotional intimacy

“sharing and understanding of each other‟s feelings.” . Physical intimacy “sensual

expression with another.” That‟s why it can mean different things for different


Tool # 72: Order keeper Role

The way a person functions within their family is the cornerstone for how they

function within society. It is with your family that you learn some of life‟s most

basic principles and concepts that help you interact with others in order to succeed

in the world. So, it seems clear that having a sense of order, structure and

boundaries for a family is vital to the success of each family member, the family as

a whole and eventually their greater community. Being able to have that order

comes from understanding and practicing those basic principles.

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Tool # 73: Family Counselor Role

In order for a family to have great communication, realize that it starts with you

and your spouse having great communication. That‟s not always as easy as you‟d

like it to be. Helping yourself, your spouse and your children understand and

practice honesty, trust and respect…three pillars required for strong families. The

role also means modeling careful communication to keep those three pillars intact.

I‟m going to be sharing some great guidelines and tools to build up your family.

Families are too precious to go it alone if there are real issues.

Tool # 74: Community builder Role

For most people, giving back is a part of basic living. Whether it‟s through

donating money and materials or volunteering time and talents, the majority of

people give back to their greater community. This is all a form of volunteering in

that you are doing it of your own free will. As a Community Builder, your role is

to guide your family in its volunteering activities. And, while it‟s about supporting

your community, these types of activities also help build and strengthen your


Tool # 75: Spouse Lover Role

It‟s about compassion and keeping your commitment to the marriage in the

forefront. People should enter into marriage with their eyes open, but their hearts

wide open. We will all make mistakes, it‟s really just a matter of time. We can

hope the mistakes will be small and that our love with our spouse will outshine the

negative action. As Spouse Lover for your marriage, you will need decide now that

you are fully committed, will love unconditionally and will to take on the mantle of

forgiveness. Let‟s take a closer look at three topics: Why forgiveness is a part of

marriage, how to forgive your spouse and what happens after forgiving.

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Tool # 76: Praiser Role

Being grateful for what you have, counting your blessings, saying thank

you…these are all ways we show our gratefulness toward others (including

God).The reason there have been movements to keep gratitude journals or practice

30-days of gratitude is because there is a great power in being thankful. When

appreciate what we have, put aside what we don‟t have and just live in the

moment, we feel joy and peace. While it may be an intentional, even „forced‟,

making a habit of being thankful will help you focus on the good in your life.

When you focus on the good things you have, you will be happier, feel less stress

and find more joy in everything you do.

Tool # 77: Knowledge seeker Role

It‟s wise to never stop learning. Whether a formal or informal setting, when we

continue to reach out for education, for learning, we improve ourselves. Focusing

on your spiritual learning. This role will empower you to attain a depth and breadth

of spiritual, or faith-based, understanding that can and will impact your life in each

dimensions. Many religions value wisdom and learning, especially when one

understands that knowledge both comes from God and is a way to grow closer to


Tool # 78: Legacy builder Role

We all want to be remembered after we‟re gone. It‟s about feeling that you

mattered, that you contributed something to the world. For some people it is the

driving force behind everything they do. Whether your dream is to leave something

monumental behind, something that changes the world or if it‟s on a more modest

scale and you just want to have mattered to your friends and family…it‟s all


Often we look at legacy in the image of money and material things, but a legacy

can also be that intangible thing we can leave behind that shows others who we

were, how we lived our life, what we valued and who we loved.

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Tool # 79: Manner Educator Role

Unfortunately, one important thing people have control over is something many

avoid and like to pretend they cannot control. That one thing is…behavior. From

your friend and co-workers to people in the news, if you believe what most people

say, nothing is their fault. We don‟t like to accept responsibility for our own

actions and behavior. Too many people are used to being in „victim-mode‟ where

things happen to them instead of by or because of themselves. Show yourself and

others how your manners can impact lives.

Tool # 80: Inner Peace Maker Role

The world around us buzzing with messages, information, data…noise. When it all

becomes too much, you just want some peace and quiet. We get tired of phones

ringing, or computers dinging or commercial singing…so we crave a retreat where

there is no noise. we desire more mental silence…or inner stillness.

Tool # 80: The Believer Role

You need to be sure you know what you actually believe in. Your belief system is

truly personal to you, no matter your faith or religion, how you practice it will be

unique and personalize. For those with faith, you are believing in something

outside of yourself…a greater power and creator who has a hand over all that is in

the world, but is still not of the world. Having a true belief that there is a divine, a

God, a Creator brings great comfort to all who believe. There is a peace in

knowing everything is not up to you. There is hope that each day can be better and

true joy is possible. Believing also becomes a common ground as you connect with

like-minded people and you share your faith with each other. That can develop into

the center of your community and your social world.

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