Page 1: To Ashley at Peak Employment Solutions


I am going to attempt to just clear the air. I appreciate you giving me the career opportunity that I've been given. This is the first company I've worked for in a long time where I feel welcomed, appreciated, and see a long term future here. It's very comforting and a peace of mind. I can't take this from you and Peak. For that, you have my appreciation and respect. However, I cannot tolerate your tone when addressing issues between you and I. I understand you have an aggressive, competitive personality when it comes to your work. That can be good in most cases. The issues between us need to be resolved and I would not like to have anymore problems when I come to pick up my paycheck. That's all I want when I come there. That's all I ask for. No problems, chastising, or any kind of negativity to affect the rest of my work day. I just want to go to work, prove myself as I have been, and hopefully get hired. I've had some rough dealings in the past and so far, this experience hasn't help to rectify that. All I want is a secure job where my hard work pays off and I am given a financially comfortable future. Our problems date back to the Friday a coworker and I came in to pick up our paychecks on our lunch and you noticed we didn't have our shirts on. You ranted at us both in humiliating fashion in front of other potential and/or current employees as well as your peers about it. Threatening to write us up? We were off the clock for one. For two, I'm sure you've heard from others and myself, Fridays are usually dress down days. However, as you say, all Peak Employees should be in uniform regardless of the day. That's acceptable. Do I think it's right if the permanant employess are dressed down and were are not allowed to be? No. But that is the rules, so I accept that. No need to be rude about it though. Last Friday, there was the instance with the shirts. Upon my hire, we discussed that the shirts you gave me that day were too small, but that was the only size you had. You told me to try to wear them and alternate with gray shirts and that would be acceptable. I tried wearing them, but could not keep them tucked in and they were too tight. I have since spent almost $50 on a week or so worth of gray shirts to get me by which I have been wearing in the meantime. Therefore, to charge me again for shirts after finally receiving a correct size I felt was not right. I understand you can't do anything with them, but neither can I. I can't even use them to work on a car or yardwork if I wanted because they were that small. You stated you've come by three times and haven't seen me with my Peak shirt on, but you have only been there once which was Thursday, the 6th. This week, I have been wearing my 2 shirts 3 out of the 5 days I worked. This is a rule and I am fine with that. I addressed what to do about the 2 shirts I have already and what we could've done about it last Friday, and you blew me off. So, yes, I went to a supervisor about it because every bit of money I make helps. Not to get you in trouble or start anything, but for myself, to help myself. I didn't even mention you or how you came across to me about it. All I did was addressed the situation and asked if there could be a solution. That was all I was concerned about. That got squared away during the week, so I'm thinking everything is okay. Then, this morning, again, all I'm coming to do is pick up my paycheck and you start getting on me about going over your head and biting the hand that feeds me, etc. It was 8:45am. I had to be at work in 15 minutes, and was there just to get my check. I asked you if I offended you because obviously I did. That wasn't my intentions. The last thing I want at this point is to have a bitter working relationship with you. I haven't been saying anything because I'm not a confrontational person and I was raised that if I didn't have anything good to say, to not say anything at all. However, I can see how this would come across just as rude as saying something, but again, with how hostile you've been to me, I haven't known how to approach this. It's the question of how do you talk to someone who is mad? There has been no reasoning with you about anything which is why I've kept mum about it all. I am a positive person, simple, and just want to go to work and focus on my job. It's a shame I'm having to type this but it's the only way I can start to address anything with you. It's a shame I am using my time for this and using yours to try to clear this up. But if it works, then it's worth it. I don't mean anything personal. I am not trying to start problems when I contact your boss, just trying to find a solution. I DO

Page 2: To Ashley at Peak Employment Solutions

NOT want to lose my job. I DO want to work. Again, I DO appreciate this opportunity. I am 30 years old and like most, have been through, well, life. I am thankful for the good and the bad for it has made me the man, son, and father I am today. Do not talk to me like a child, but as a coworker. This can all be handled and resolved in a professional manner. Not like this. Not through lengthy emails due to lack of communication. I did not contact you the other night because your email in all CAPS came across as demanding and I could tell the tone wasn't good. Therefore, why would I respond to that? Communication is the key. Positive, constructive, communication. I want to continue to work with Peak and working towards onboarding permanently with this current opportunity. I was 48 minutes late for work this morning due to this. I arrived to work at 8:50 avoiding further confrontation, only to return and receive a chastising over what seems to be something personal. That is an hour less of work on my check for this week which I need. This just needs to stop and things need to move forward. I do not want to contact anybody's boss because something isn't being resolved. Especially something small like this. This is a waste of energy and waste of time for everyone involved. Please do not threaten my job anymore unless it's a serious work occurence or violation. It's not worth it. If I appear to have a chip on my shoulder, ask me. Do not assume it's you or I am in a bad mood. Most of the time I may seem that way but I am just focused in "Work Mode." I am almost always in a good mood even when I'm not smiling. Let's work together and move forward. Please. Also, please refrain from using obscenities with me. Threatening to "fire my ass" and so forth are not professional ways to make your points. I already knew your were upset, so need to further show that in a non professional manner. I only left, without saying anything only to avoid confrontation and get to work. Not to be insubordinate. Thank you for taking time to read this. I sincerely hope this all works out.

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