

Lauri Vehviläinen

MX Electrix Oy



• Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring

– Development and research by Hannu Pihala / VTT

– Invisible electrical device monitoring

– Special NIALM-meter manufactured by MX Electrix Oy


• Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring

– Development and research by Hannu Pihala / VTT

– Invisible electrical device monitoring

– Special NIALM-meter manufactured by MX Electrix Oy

• Proper way to monitor electrical device usage

– No separate wiring

– No multiple plugs or visible sensors

– Easy and fast installation


• Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring

– Development and research by Hannu Pihala / VTT

– Invisible electrical device monitoring

– Special NIALM-meter manufactured by MX Electrix Oy

• Proper way to monitor electrical device usage

– No separate wiring

– No multiple plugs or visible sensors

– Easy and fast installation

• Many possibilities

– Detect device usage

– Energy usage profiles

– Detect broken devices

Senior monitoring

• NIALM-meter is the most elegant way to monitor elder people

– Invisible

– Easy installation

Senior monitoring

• NIALM-meter is the most elegant way to monitor elder people

– Invisible

– Easy installation

• Device usage monitoring

– Amount of usage

– Time of usage

– Duration of usage

– Energy consumption of devices

eQL Care

Lauri Vehviläinen

MX Electrix Oy


eQL Care

• Senior monitoring system

– Automated device detection

– Based on data of NIALM-meters

– Developed with Aalto University

eQL Care

• Senior monitoring system

– Automated device detection

– Based on data of NIALM-meters

– Developed with Aalto University

• Intuitive UI

– Designed with UI experts of VTT

– UI designed for care takers and relatives

eQL Care

• Senior monitoring system

– Automated device detection

– Based on data of NIALM-meters

– Developed with Aalto University

• Intuitive UI

– Designed with UI experts of VTT

– UI designed for care takers and relatives

• No end user device requirements

– HTML based UI

– Works with every browser

eQL Care features

• Activity monitoring

– Based on device usage ratio

– A special Activity Index is calculated per senior

eQL Care features

• Activity monitoring

– Based on device usage ratio

– A special Activity Index is calculated per senior

• Alerts

– Activity decrease

– Device left on

eQL Care features

• Activity monitoring

– Based on device usage ratio

– A special Activity Index is calculated per senior

• Alerts

– Activity decrease

– Device left on

• Routines

– Easy way to monitor routines of seniors

– Broken routine indicates problems

eQL Care pilots

• City of Salo

– Using eQL Care at the moment

– Row and detached houses monitored

eQL Care pilots

• City of Salo

– Using eQL Care at the moment

– Row and detached houses monitored

• Saga Care Finland Oy

– Assisted living buildings

– Nearly 200 apartments monitored

eQL Care pilots

• City of Salo

– Using eQL Care at the moment

– Row and detached houses monitored

• Saga Care Finland Oy

– Assisted living buildings

– Nearly 200 apartments monitored

• Excellent results in both cases

– Successful device detection

– Active care taker and relative users in city of Salo pilot

eQL Care Service

• eQL Care will be available as a service

– Installation of the NIALM-meter

– Username creation in the eQL Care system

– Introduction to the usage of the eQL Care UI

– Possibility to get the end user device too

– Monthly fee

eQL Care Service

• eQL Care will be available as a service

– Installation of the NIALM-meter

– Username creation in the eQL Care system

– Introduction to the usage of the eQL Care UI

– Possibility to get the end user device too

– Monthly fee

• No customer limitations

– Cities and towns

– Senior care companies

– Private customer

– Assisted living buildings

eQL Care Service

• eQL Care will be available as a service

– Installation of the NIALM-meter

– Username creation in the eQL Care system

– Introduction to the usage of the eQL Care UI

– Possibility to get the end user device too

– Monthly fee

• No customer limitations

– Cities and towns

– Senior care companies

– Private customer

– Assisted living buildings

• For everyone who cares

Thank you!

Lauri Vehviläinen

MX Electrix Oy

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