Page 1: Three My Favourite Food

1. Prewriting

Brainstorming of listing:

three my favourite food

easily find and get; and make satisfied

taste, smell, sights, price and place

are different of three my favourite foods

make addicted

make atrract attention of most people

2. Outline

a) introduction thesis statement :

Do you like food? I’m sure you like and have several favourite foods.

b) Body 1:

TS 1: First, pizza is Italian food.

SS: Doremi pizza has some kinds and measures.

CS: So that, most people who really like Doremi pizza because satisfied, and it texture

which attract attention.

Body 2:

TS 2: Second, mie ayam is Indonesian food.

SS: Noodle has difference characterictics with doremi pizza.

CS: Accordingly, I like it because it taste is delicious, and cheap food although the

location in streetborder and small.

Body 3:

TS3: Third, fried chicken is American food.

SS: Fried chicken has difference characterictics with doremi pizza and mie ayam.

CS: Nevertheless, chicken meat smooth enough, but also it texture make addicted.

c) Conclusion:

Thus, I loved three my favourite foods

3. Revising

Three My Favourite Foods

Do you like food? I’m sure you likes and have several favourite food. I have three favourite

food. There are pizza, mie ayam and fried chicken. I likes food it because it is easily to find and get;

and make satisfied. Below, I would explain about my favourite food.

Tiara Nur Hidayana

Page 2: Three My Favourite Food

First, pizza is Italian food. Usually, pizza in Madiun named is doremi pizza. Doremi pizza has

some kinds and measures. Besides that, it taste is delicious; it looks is big and colorfull; and it smell is

familiar. Sometimes, my boyfriend and I nor my friends went to there. Meanwhile, don’t worry about

the price! Because it price achievable between fifteen thousand rupiahs until fourty thousand rupiahs

appropriate measure. We can buy doremi pizza at Food Repulic in Matahari Plaza Madiun. So that,

most people who really likes doremi pizza because satisfied, and it texture which attract attention.

Second, mie ayam is Indonesian food. Oftentimes, mie ayam named is mie ayam Gajah

Mungkur. Mie ayam has difference characterictics with doremi pizza. Moreover, mie ayam taste is

salty and sweet; it smell is familiar; and it sights are colorfull and smooth. Because taste and lot of

portion make most people likes it. In addition, the price begin five thousand rupiahs until six thousand

five hundred rupiahs. Sometimes, my friends and I went to there. We can get it at Asahan street or

Kemiri street in Madiun where location in streetborder and between the houses. Accordingly, I likes it

because it taste is delicious, and cheap food although the location in streetborder and small.

Last, fried chicken is American food. Fried chicken has difference characterictics with doremi

pizza and mie ayam. Fried chicken looks big and crispy; it taste is delicious too; and it smell is familiar.

The price begin thirty thousand rupiahs by the portion. We can eat fried chicken at KFC in SriRatu

Plaza Madiun. In addition, fried chicken is comfort food. Therefore, most people likes eat fried

chicken. Nevertheless, chicken meat smooth enough, but also it texture make addicted.

Thus, I loved three my favourite foods, such as: pizza, mie ayam and fried chicken because has

taste, smell, sights, price and place which different one and others of food. In addition, their food can

make satisfy and pleasant; the price is achievable; the texture colorfull; make addicted; and make

atrract attention of most people. Then, we can easily to find and get their food.

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