




Efforts on Foot to Bring Over

ThattiHra Kanmvlna andIda Rubinstein.


Kjaiio O'Oa.v'' to Re Revived

in Musical Form, WithHelen Lowell in Cast.

When Vlaw Nljlrmky take hl place

M the head of the Ballet Huwie aa Ita

grtwtir director In place of tterge niaghl-t(f- ,

who wjh the flrat to bring the ballet

(0 the attention f the countries! ouUlile

cf Russia, Ill" dancing partner will be

the famous TliaiimM Karpavlna.

William J. ttuard, who has Juki left

fit York for Ituxala, Is undertaking

the Journey with the object of bringing

to the United States the dancer whoconnected with thetin been eo cloudy

tme of N'lJInsky. They have dancedtogrther In all the large cities of Kurope.

tin Knrs.1 vina. who .ai prevented bydomestic duties from coming to thisrouidrv with the ballet last winter. Is

S.I.I..I H ,1... ..I.the wife i a uussiuii imih.-i- i m-- .inuimtlve service and when she Is notdunclng In the Ballet Iluaee, Is the mostdonwtlc of wives.

Mr. (Suard hopes It will be possible toher to thin country so that the real

Fillet Utilise may at latt be seen here:It ..u only after the arrival of M.v.i.,.Lv that the performances of thedoners last wring took on anything ofth artltlc quality which had been ex-tr- ri

hv New York audiences but..Hiv missed until his Influence waa felt.With the dancer at the head of thecnnT.iny nd Mine. Karsavlna aa his

the Ballet lluewe is expected tomike the ramc Impression here It did Inthe cltUs of buriipe.

Then there is another artistic personllt lavs most Important to the suc-- .era of the Ballet Uusse that Mr. Uuard

i. m trv to bring along with Mme. Kar- -

nvltia' Thl:? Is Mlkall Koklne, who Is

responsible for many of the most Im-

portant hsllets. He ws also among themi.iTi lat.t season. There were varicut explanations for his absence. HeKtt Mhl to be In the army, he waa saidto be afraid of the American climate,which, .iftcr Russia, seemed dubious. At. i evejitu he will In all probability aa- -nume all that part of the direction ofth ballet which does not fall to Nt--Jlniky

Anna Pavlowa goes to the Hippodromeand there will be certain membera ofher company there with her. MaxJUMroff Is now endeavoring to persuadeIda Rubinstein to come to the Unitedprates to take the place In his opera com-pany left vacant by the retirement ofMme. Pavlowa- - Ida Kublnsteln hadbeen one of the beauties of the BalletRtase since tt first panned over thefrontier of Russia ten years ago.

Mile. Rubinstein to not a graduate ofthe ballet school of the Martentheatre tnPetrograd or of any school. She Is airdree. To her fell always the partesuch as the beautiful Flora Revallesperformed last winter with the companythat came here. It was she who firstplaed the wife of the Sultan In "Schere-isV- "

jjer beauty caused a sensationfi I'm r is. Gabriels d'Annunalo wrote for.r lie patomlme wtth music. The

.Ur-;-'lot- of Saint Sebestaln.' and shebecame a figure In the artistic Ufa ofParis.

Max IUblnoff sails for Prance nextweek and expects there to complete thefinal arrangements to bring Mile. Rubin-stai- n

to thin country.

In the meantime Mile. Revalles. whohas remained here for the summer, hasbssn telling her friends that she Is to besomething more than a dancer duringthe coming season. She expects to singat the Metropolitan If her present plansare realized. Mile. Revalles was a so-prano at the opera In Marseilles beforeshe joined the Dlagheleff company.There was little probability that therewould be much demand for her servicesa a singer until the war was over. So

he went to Lausanne and there studiedlong enough to qualify her for her per-formances In the ballets. Now Mile.Hrrallee thinks the time has come forher to lift her voice in song again, andshe has selected the stage of the Metro-politan Opera House for that purjwse.Until Mr. Oattl-Casaz- returns fromIJurope she may Indulge these ambitionsto long as she wants to.

A. H. Woods, who Is part owner of"Plvlltmlon," Is already such an ad-

mirer of the fllf plays that he has In-

vested In another. At the Liberty The-Mr- e.

following "The Kail of a Nation."e win Introduce "Purity," In which thernod-- Aubrey .Munson, is to play thehrolne. Miss Munson has. accord-- n

to the preliminary announcement,posed s "Descending Night," 'The Run-ning Iiana" and "IVAIIegro" and wasITftsuiTuhly selected to pose as the her-on- e

of "Purity" on account or hfr sue-ce- p

as a model.

"lien Willard Mack first wrote foriinanrne mug the play which waH onceknown as "Jane O Day of .Broadway" hele. -- Broadway and Iluttermlnk,""hl.'h x.ry well described the bucolic and";'tr'itan character of the piece. Now

renerlek .McKay has decided to returnthe first name. Helen Ixiwell wille her orlblnal role In th play, and"ther, .,, appear In It will he Calvinfhonas and William P. Carleton. Mr.ha converted the ple--e Into a

l ,,1,-u-,, lyr)(., b. 8rnuypr..',." H,,n omposed the clever ones Inr iood IMdle."rmn Hamilton, who wrote 'The

Remarkable Story"

Alice Brown's New Novel


PRISONER4 Editions in 4 Weeks

"A novel that deserves tobe ranked with the best,most significant Americanfiction of recent yeara. . . .

A story true to the essen-tials of human nature,with a cunningly contrivedplot that keeps the readerinterested and puzzled tothe end." A Y. Times.

At all bookstores, fi.50

Illlndnesn of Virtue," and lit now with I

the English army In France, has pro-vided the text for a musical play whichthe Mhuherts will soon produce, lenllnHtewart, author of "Klorodora," haswritten the musk. Ho Is now In thiscountry.

Arthur Hammerstein yesterday announced that he would have live musicalcompanies under his matmgeinietil dur-ing the coming season, tn addltligi totwo singing "Katlnka," which had sucha long run here IilhI winter nt theFoKy-fourl- h Htrcet and the l.yrle the-atres, and one company In "High Jinks"he, will give In connection with the Hhu- -berts it new musical comedy, also onewritten by those ponular collaboratorsOtto Hauerhach and Rudolf Friml. Anew rart called "Coat Tails." by

Clarke, will be given In August,and "Tlvs Mother Woman." by CosmoHamilton, for which Christine Normanhas been engaged to pUy the leadingrole. Is to be acted In September. Thefirst "Katlnka" company will open Itsseason In August at the I.vrle TheuteeThis Is the fourth season that Mr. Hammerstein has sent a company to playjiisn jiiikb on me roan.

tvl Wynn. who artils no muh in thdialogue of other authors, will now havean opportunity to show what he can doas a playwright. He has been engagedby the Shuberts to write a fntvc fornorence --Moore after she concludes horpresent engagement at the WinterGarden.


tlvle Orchestral Society Aided bySpalding-- In I'mirammr,

The flrst effort In the nlan to furnishclassical music to New Yorkers duringthe summer waa made last night at Madison square Qarden. The Civic Orches-tral Society gave Its Mrst coicert. Theoccasion was distinguished by the

of such a notable Americanvirtuoso an Albert Spalding, the violin-ist, who played, to the great delight ofthe large audience, the Mendelssohn con-certo In K minor. Walter Henry Both- -well has been selected us the conductorol the new orchestra, which comprisesmore than eighty musicians selected fromthe permanent orchestras of the city.

The vast Interior of the Uarden hasbeen tastefully adapted to Its new artis-tic purpose. There are seats for thosewho would do nothing but listen to themusic. There are tables for those whoare minded to take their musical enjoy-me-

with tobacco or other soothing accompaniments. But above all there Isan admirable orchestra. There are to beconcerts twice a week at moderate pricesand New Yorkers In search of the bestmusic well performed ought to be grate-ful for this opportunity to hear It duringthe summer.

Mr. Rothwell's programme last nightopened with Hugo Kaun'a "FestivalMarch and Hymn to Liberty." Schubert's "Unfinished Symphony," Tschalkowsky's "Italian Caprloso," two numbers by Orleg and the prelude to "DieMelsteralnger" made up the Interestingremainder.

Concerts will be given on Tuesdays andFridays. Loretta del Vail will be thesoloist Friday and there will be orches-tral numbers by Dvorak, Wagner, Massenet ana Elgar.


Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Mills will opentheir place In Newport y for theseason.

Mrs. Paul Morton Is a guest of Mrs,John A. Logan, Jr.. at Newport for afew days.

Mr. and Mrs. Nils Florman are visiting Mrs. William H. Force at her summer place. Ilescote, Bar Harbor.

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller. Jr.have opened their cottage at Seal Harbor. Me., for the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stevenson haveJoined the colony at Narragansett I'lerfor the polo season. They are at vaia- -

feld Karma, the home of Mrs. Stevenaon's father. Philip S. P. Randolph.

Mr. and Mrs. William B. OsgoodField, who had bevn at Peeksklll sincethe early part of the summer, haveopened Hlghlawn, their place at Lenoxfor the remainder of the summer.

Joseph M. Ganam. Jr., who recentlyvisited his family at Newport, Is nowat the Plattsburc camp.

Mrs. Danford II. Knowlton has closedher house at 102 East Thirty-eight- h

street and Is at Bar Harbor.Mrs. Benjamin Brewster Is at the fif.

Regis before starting for her summerDlace at Caiienovla. .N. i .

Mrs. Walter Andrew of Newport Isat the Vanderbllt for a brief visit.


Mr. and Mrs. John Howaid Delamaterhave announced the engagement of theirdaughter. Miss Small Ioulse Delamater,to Hathornc Coll.unore tlcer or thl cityMr. Oeer It. a Lieutenant In the SecondField Artillery. N. ! N. v.. which wentto the Mexican border.

The engagement has been announcedof Miss Katherlne Lawrence Wlckham.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen HullWlckham of Fluliln to James Rush-nioi- e

Wood, son by a former marriageof Mrs. J. Arthur Bramwell of 449 Parkavenue. MUs Wlckham Is a grand-daughter of the late William H. Wlck-ham. at one time Mayor of New YorkMr. Wood is at the Mexican border withthe Seventh Regiment. No date hasbeen set for the wedding.

Mrs. Frederick W. Hitter of New Torkand Oreenwlch has announced the en-

gagement of her daughter. Miss DorothyCushman Rltter, to Paul J. Flagg ofYonkers. No date haa been set for thewedding.


Valentine Bay den.Announcement has been made of the

marriage on Saturday of Miss IsabelBayden of Wellecley Hills, Mass., to Lin-

den Morgan Valentine, son of Mr. andMrs. Kugene Valentine of Now Rochelle.The wedding ceremony took place at thesummer home of the brlde'e .sister. Mrs.Curleton Urant Bobbins, Wolfehoro, N.

if,, In the presence of a small companyof relatives, the Rev. William Hath-wa- y

Pound officiating. After a weddingtrip to the White Mountains Mr. andMrs. Valentine will live at New Rochelle.

Moore Dyke.Elizaskth. July 11. Ml.s Lily Dyke,

daughter of Mrs. Kdwln Pyke of London,was married last night to William JohnMoore, son of Mrs. Philip Moore of

Kngland. The ceremonytook place In Trinity Church, the Rev.Wlntleld B. Baer officiating. Mrs. AlfredJames Heckman, cousin of the bride, waamatron of honor and William Rallley ofthis city was best man.


NKW IX1NDON, Conn.. July II. Heavyfog and dlreble weather kept flmnypleaaure rratt from ninlng ThHteuni ysrht lunger, Thorns W. Hlorimi,arrived from Marlon. Mi., and the Wenonah. Waller ilraenie l.ariil. from NewVol. The power yacht Cagle, WilliamHeiiltr. alo arrived. All are of th NewYork Yacht Club.


Mailing today by the United Kriilt steam-ship Almirante for porta of the Caribbean:Mr and Mn. William Mist S, A Wrlvht,

C Proctor. Morrla Krtrham,J C. Harris. K. K. NoyeaMr and Mra. H. A. R. W. K Hunt

ll.nlela. r. N. K .NethersoleArrival! by the Red Croia ateamihip Ste

from Newfoundland anil Halifax:ahano Mra. W. II. Mlaa dare W Hum

Oreenhew. phrrrMr. snd Mrs. W. T. Capt. fc. V Abu

Sears. Urophy,Mlia T. T. Jinsef.



Fifth Annual ExhibitionOpens With 1S Pictures

From 01 Artists.

July 11. The opening to-- 1

Art Asioclaium of NeoVI prV-ie- 'a.,attraction for many of the colony. There,arc isa pictures hung, representingninety. four ' arllsls.

Mrs. u. ll. r Belmont and her guest.Mrs. T. S. Shevlln. J. ftalph Blo,.mer tin.iHenry V. Da), were tillable to start forMarbleheail on the houseboat SeminoleVtV. i.,V., Wlckes have

C M,r,n"from,.., " " compliment to Mlsa France?Tuxedo I'nrk. '"rk of 1 '"Hadelphla. Among the play--

Registered at the Casino v .wereMrs. Seaton Schroeder of Washington,Henry V. Day of New York nnd ArthurCampbell of Washington.

James p. v rutting has returned toNew York. Hamilton W. Cary Is lit athis summer home.

The Italian Ambassador. Coiuit V.Mncchl de Cellere, came from Beverly

y to visit the Btisslan Ambassador. He m return to Heverlvrow. Amhassndor and Mine. Bakhmeteffgave nil Informal luncheon at the em-bassy.

t.ommnnder and Mrs. Carl T. Voifel- -gesang gnvc a dinner ut the Naxal WarCollege, this evening. Mr. mid Mrs.Charles A. Baldwin gnvc the flrst of aseries of dinner parties .it Snug Hnrlior,

Mr, and Mrs. Frederick W Vander-bllt. who had hem guests of Mr. nndMrs. James Laurens Van Alen. starteilfor Bar Harbor y In their steamyacht Vedette, hut the heuvy fog madetnem return, nr. nnd Mrs. AlexanderHamilton Rlr. have returned from Newiork and Mrs. John A. iwui. Jr.. fromOhio. Mrs. Lllsha Pier gave a dinnerit Wayside

Capt Lloyd Phoenix has returned toNarraganett Bay on hi yacht Intrepid.innn ii. iieresrord or .New Kochelle nndDr. Ordnsy of New York are his Kuest.Mr. and Mrs. Jerome N. Bonaparte ofwasninuion nave arrived at P neeroft.The Uovernor and Mrs. Heeckman gavea dinner this evening at Knd.


Mr. Spencer and .Mra. I.yndf--

Anionsr Dinner Knterlalner.Lkkox, July 11, Mrs. I'd wards Spencer

gave a luncitcon at Shlpton Court y

for Miss Annie Meigs of Philadelphia,a guest or Miss K.mlly W. Blddle. atBreezy Corners. The cuests were MlBlddle. Mrs. J. Frederick Schenck. Mrs.William K. H. Crlswold. Mrs. William

Wood. Miss Mary A. Tamiaii.Miss Ueorgtana W Sargent, Mrs. RossW Whistler, Mrs. Charles Astor Brlstedand Mrs. Herbert Spencer.

Henry Hnlllster Pease and David T.Dana started y for the Plattshurgmilitary camp. .nr. ami Mrs. WilliamHall Walker will give the second ofseries of concepts at llrookslde on Thursday arternoon. On Friday evening theywill give a ball. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodward Haven and their guest. LivingstonKean, motored to New York

Mrs. Rollln ifarpe Lyridc gave a dinner at her Stocktirldge villa entertalnlng for Rear Admiral and Mr...Bradley A. Flske and Mis CharlotteHnke. Mrs. Charles M. Oieenough andfamily have gone to Ottawa for a monthMiss Irene Blgelow will start this wecKfor a six weeks trip to Alaska. Mr. andMrs. Frederick . Reekman. who hadbeen with Mr. and Mrs. Newbold Morrishave gone to Bar Harbor.


I.arryer Who Drew Will Says Testator Wouldn't Hroolt Dictation.Lucius II Beers, a lawyer of 49 Wall

Street In whose office Amos F. Kno madethe will In which he bequeathed one thirdof his llS.onn.OOO estate to ColumbiaI nlverslty. took the stand yesterday before Surrogate Coli.ilan In the contestover the will to testify that he hod seennothing In Mr. Uno's actions to Indicatethat he was Irrational. He knew MtKno personally and was oflen a gustat his hnuo In Saratoga.

Mr. Hno took advice. Mr. Beers admit-ted, but never dictation, md he was ofmi Independent nature. Mr, Beer saidthis to refute charges of relative) thatMr. I. no had been unduly Influenced bynun.

Kugene Soulhack. of IIS Hist Sixtyfourth street. In denying that Mr. Kno

a penurious, said that on many occaslons when he dined with him wineflowed fieely and good cigars weie notnaming, although hi hcet did notsmoke.


ItnllnsT tilven In mar of fTDO.OOO. Ilonulnnd Katate.

Aji executor of an estate who I alsotiustee cannot obtain commissions forturnlns money over by himself In onecaimclty to himself in another capacity

The Appellate Division decided this inreveixtng a decision of the SupremeCourt In regard to the estate of HudsonHoMslicnd. who left $700,000, of which14.40,000 was to go into certain trustfunds, lieorge Iask nnd Thomas II.Iloagland are executors and trustees.and when they charged the estate withmultiple commissions nunc of the heirsMarled suit

says Women Workers Hqnal Men.II, B. Tremalne, president nf the

Aeolian Company, who sailed jrsterdayfor Falmouth on board the Holland-Americ- a

steamship Nleuw Amsterdam,will spend two months with the com-pany's i:ngllh branch, where, hesaid, women workers, who had to alarge extent replaced the men gone towar, were proving equal to the Job ofturning out pianos and pianolas of qual-ity.


NKW LONDON. Conn , July 11, Ar-rivals ti) MOl'tmnlttl at tin Mohlran HotalIncluded Mr and Mrs. A! W lUrh.inr.Ne Veirle Mr. and lr 11. A.

Dttaua, Nell. Mr. ami Mrs. II.htlrKsl. Mr and Mrs, M Stled, NewYork! Ir. and Mrs. W. W Morden, Wash-Inglo-

.Mr and Mrs. Frank cl Ward, cm-cag-

Mr Slid Mrs Theater Curtis, St.Ixiul.: Mr and Mrs. II. .1. W Itarhdor,Osford, Mleh , Mr and Mrs ,s c" Il.trniimami purt. Ilisl orange, N .1., Mr, andMrs. V. I.. C'lHi.p mid f.uiillj. 1'hllHilslphla

M ANf'lircsTIJIt, Vt. .lull II. Arrivalsby AUtomolills at the I'qtilnox Hon in-clude l.awton il. KarKtant, Herbert rSneath, Charles .1. Klttrldge, Nan MavrnIMtllrl, Mr. and Mr. Ii II, Prhmtdt.Brooklyn I Dodge), .Mn. Hugh I. Ilond,Mrs. Hlchard .larkson, Palllntore U'ack-ard- li

Mr. and Mr, B. Clarrme Miller amiparty, Philadelphia t Packard); Mra. Ilsn-Jnin-

.1 Hrentnn, I'rsnton llrsnien, Will-lai- n

Hreiiton, Yonkers K'liandlsrl ; Mrs.Hauiuel Hlnan, Harrison, Mra. Battle Cult.New York ( Dslaunay i Mr. and Mrs. I.B Oakln, Mr. W. T. lliirdet, Hal Flow-er- .

Warrni, Ohio IMarnioni, Mr. anoMrs. J S. Harvey. Anns II. Harvey, .1 S,Harvey, c T. Harvey. Itailmir, 'allluli'k); Mrs. Mlln il. Mattenon, Mr andMrs. I. A. Maleon. It, W. Mallraon, Chi.cago i I'alhllndi'r) . W. P llrouks Miss .1

K. Mallev, Ml" M V. Hultere, WorrenterI Cadillac') i i:. I). Oaliorne, W II. O.botli",New York IChalniers).

WATKIUHUItY, July II. Motor arrivalsat the Hotel Kltnn over the Tour In.eliidrd Mrs J. Stuart White. Mrs. WilliamJ, Hatciti, MIhi Marie Young, New York(darfordi, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Wilcox, NewYork (I'lerce); Mr, and Mm. II. Holmeand liaimliler. Summit, N. J I Packard),Mrs I,. 11. Place Mrs. A. MoCaiighey, I.K. Place, L. W Place, Wiilren. U. I

(Hudson), Mr and Mrs .1, Whltlne, NewYork K.Wii I)r ami Mrs. ll Wliltford,Mr. and Mm K .lohnsnn, I'lalnlleld, N J,aVIIlei; Mr. nnd Mrs I. Mann, .Mlsa AliceMann, Miss I, Hlrkey. Washlnston (Peer-less); Dr. and Mra. II, Hlrharda, Bloom-nel-

N. J. (Packard)-- , Ueorge Fisher, B.Klein. Samlers, F, "telnsn. Olevetsna(OvirUsa).




Xarrnffansett Sojourners (Hve

Hridfre Parties Also forWar Sufferers.

NAWunANSETT Pikr, July 1 1. Several"ortalnn.ent,. Including bridge partiesn" "ewlng bees, were given here y

for war sufferers. At Iltalrlusk on thelurkH, the villa of Mr. and Mrs. frankHn,m,Fl of ''""adelphla, their, daughter.

Bessie Samuel, entertained at abridge followed by a tea. The affair was

ers were Mrs. Rowland Hazard, .Mrs.

C. Cohurn Darling, Providence: Mrs.Caryl Roberts, Philadelphia ; Miss Mar-- 1

guerlte Prescott. Washington Miss LisaNorrls, Philadelphia, and Miss Bessie j

Munnlkhuysen, Baltlmorr.The Misses Beatrice and (.crtrude dri

Coppet, daughters of Mr and Mrs. Henry f

de Coppet of New York, entertained ata dinner at their villa, Sumtnerstay, inhonor of Mrs. George C. White of New

orK. The guests were Mrs. John K.1VII. Mis. Kdward L. Welsh. Mrs. AlexBrown, .Mrs. Frances Robinson, Philadelphia, Miss Sally Baldvilu, Baltimore ;

.Mrs. William Harding Jackson, wasli- -Inmon, and Mrs. Philip Stevenson, Newiork.

The Junior war relief society, of whichMiss Henrietta Porter of Nen York isthe president, met this afternoon, the villa of Mr. and Mrs. Sam-uel II Valentine of New York, to pre-pare ImndaKes for the war sufferers

The Narraganett branch of yueenMary's Nocdlwork Guild met this after-noon nl the country hoti"e of Mrs PercyWright of Providence. The membersspnnt the afternoon sewing for the Brit-ish soldiers,

Philip S. P. Randolph of Philadelphiaand h: dauxhter. Miss Hannah Ran-dolph, have arrived at their villa. WildField Farm, from West bury, L. 1., whereMr. Randolph had bef i playing i)lo.

Mrs. .1 P Almy of Philadelphia, whohad been vlsltl..g her son in law anddaughter, Mr, and Mrs Henry Llppltt,at the farm of Senator Henry F. LlpplttIn tumberland, R. I., returned to theMnssasolt for the season

Dr. Sonirra Jtealans Hospital Job.Dr. Klbert M. Somers of IStn Caton

avenue. Flaibueh, who has been superintendent of the Brooklyn State Hos-pital for five years, has resigned. Hesaid yesterday that ill health and "personal reasons" dictated his decision.


M IIS. OKUTHt'DE MII.I.I'.U HA IN. lateof li Kaat Nlnny-fouri- h ureei filed

shos that the prlln Ipa; benend'cryI Ihe decejsnt's duughter, llealrlre Mciantz. who receive th house at Ninetyfourth street and Park avenue, In whichher mother died, other real estate enlint Spring avenue. Motitt Ito, Cat. mo.tof her tnotb.r's Jewelrv her automobileand tsit. thirds Of her re.lcluuri estate thevalue of which I not slvcn The remain-ing third of ihe residuary estate une tothe decedent's son, Krastus T Teftt ofJ!l We.t nishtv-eecon- d ir.ei the

e'atlrg In her will that this becietIs made nnt because .he held him In legaffection than his sister but becnu-- e hehad receive, conslderatde properly fromher during her lifetime The husband.Kerdlnund It. Ilaln. Is the recipient of aspecltlc bequeet of SZO.OdO ltequeets ofJewelry are made to u few friends andrelatives.

JL'I.IA A Mlt.I.AIt. died Aprl'. 3 1U.sit diys after the death of her hu.bnnd(ieors W Millar, wholesale paper denierof whom she was chief bnrnc-Ur- InheritIna an estate of l:i:.:cl which by in-former's will pasted tn imiiy relative nndover two score ernplovee. of Mr Mll'ar I'harle- - Mii.n.l ; total 970 net .state. I300.U3 To MaryK drover, niece, w:i utven $24, vo. toKllen S. Brow n. sister (Irace Uren, niece.(Irace I drover, and .lulls W Mi.lllefnrt.crattdnlece, fls.Kir, eich, snil to thV

(,eori:e W Monr. Jams. N Weill.Marvin S N.ur I.e. lie W I.eMillar, Kdlth Mcciee and lease Krolumet.Jo; eiicll to John I.lot l Thiuna", S)l.

0S .lame II Cnddlns 1 3 21. lie.irce WUnit. .;. Murv w.l.h. Kttle Martin.I.eille Mcciee. William 11. .May and I.ilkMartin I4,l each, and In twenty-flv-

other emplotees smaller amounts to alow as 11,600, Asset nutnerou holdlnsof nicirtKHKe I realty, 145. 00 dspot III,Jcwe'ry IT.iv.1. stoic and bonds, t',and Interest of l.'i! :1 111 e.tate of herhub ind

WILLIAM II H MIMSTIIONH. diedrebriinrv .( nil tppraler. cleoreCotnpton, total et. $47. 21i. net e.tate. $ 14 743 To Anna 1. Armstrongwhlou. was given tlLOO Die trustee ofthe Ktrt chur. h of Newburgh, N Y. I". 000. in the V M C AOf the einie ct, $5,000, til Ihe .McAllMission of New York city. $;,liti

Mils IOI.V IIAIIN, died Septemberl'.ll appral-er- , Charte Sweetie, totalor,., $,. ',1V. nel date, $33.AVJ -

Ired Hahn, hubanl. wa nam,i sole benel-clar-

IB.I.AHRTH h'l'LI.ICK died I'eliruary23, 1915. appral-e- r Albert J llerwln, total

bmM $27.v5i;. net ewtate $21 S 47 Nine-teen inustns were namd beneti, urb-- , cchrei I'lvlUK $v".l I'ullb k, nephew,wus Klien $2,500. Mr l.lKie (i Marshall,niece, .',500 and a palntlnic of MozartTwenty-liv- dollar to Vasar aiii:i.aihi: w.vtiiiiman.died July 11). IM5. nppnileer. Joycvll Wspencer, total n,-i- $17.lnil. net etate,$16,090, Tn .Inhn Slat.r Waterman, hus-band, was clveri $5.2ii3. Nora Ciondcvln, l

ler, t:.5.'7, Kllth Delmar, mother $3,ooo,and tlm lo four sister and a fewfriend- -

MHS l.OI'IPK C.ltAr.r. died December2i, KM3. .ippraler. Jneili V areeldent of Allenhurst, N .1, leavlni; agro-- s otlte taxable In New York State ofll.'.c,,'. net .'State, $11 7I Total VU. nftin- - ettate wa hot dlcloed There weemany small be,ijcit In relatlvee andIrtcnds

Mil-- tii:ouii:TTi: i:mi:i.inh woi.rn,ilp',1 Krhruary IV, 1912, appral-e- r. Bowers;a resident of St l.nule, leaving proper!)livable III S'ew York Stale appraised at$l,ono, Total amount of deceiient's etaiewas not dl"! lo-- ei c'hiiiiren and other rela-tive welc n iniV'd t'enettrlarle

M US I, UNA K A 1'1'M A NN, died April .10.1 aipraU r. Albert .1 llerwln, tola'

2,,.I'.M net clnle $2J,I21 Willlam ii K', son, and Carrie Wolfand lltum.i Kaiifmann. dauKhters, werenamed benetic lerlc

Mil.-- VI.VV I .MASK died .March ISiMii. uppralier. Albert .1 llerwln. total asets f net estate, $Hiil.52 ToHeM-l- e I'flklhH Sherwnn,. e, e was Blvenlewelr) worlh $o,s0 and a life interest in$loo,noo and decree t.eask, husband theresiduary of l.'lit.onj afler the pavment ofmnnv trust fund nnd legacies tn relativesand friends Tn linrrlsmi Perkins Slierwood graudnrphow. was Klven a life Interet In $7.'..oon. Kaunie It Perkins nln.Jewelry valued at $1,175 and a life estateIn $15,000, Cora II Hood, cousin, Jcwetrvworth $l,"no and a life Interest In $;s.nonMetropolitan Museum of .Art. decedent sold Stafford hlstorlat plate value,) at f n a,and lo various I'resbvterlnu boards of chartty and mission trust fund totalilttK$25,100, I'asHileua llospila. nf Pasadena,Cal legai of $10,000, Fifth Avenue prebvlerlan church, legacy nf I":,, (loo and cuntlngent remiilntler In trust fund of $25,000,and N'lirthfleld school of Hast Northfleld,Mass, remainder In trust fund of $50,000

The decedent had no lealtv. Her sto, ksand bond were valued at $."2 l'.is, Thelargest holdings of slock were 200 sha-- s.standard (HI nf New Jersey. $!0,ii00,405 shares Pullman Company. $75,7!'5 30shares (Jencral 17leeulc Cotupanv $iH,M,r.o ehsres standard oil Company of Indlana, $32.0, lo shares standard (illCoinpanv of New Vnrk. $.11,950; -- 00 sharesCnnsnlldateil lias Cnnipiliy nf New York,$27,300 III shares Ohio oil Company.$27,132, There were also stock dividendsdue. the largest of which wa $l;',2(0 mi42 share or standard on enmpany or

HI1F.TVON WooriH, N H, .lulv IIMotor arrivals ut the Mount WashlnitloMover the Ideal Tour to day Included .1. MKiellk. Delrolt (Cadlllacl, tleorgi. WFraker. Wyntiewnod, N J (Chandler!, cs Wrlahl. MoiitM'ller ( Franklin i. A Hi.ledo, New- Yotk (Mormon), ll. It, Prow n,Mnllti'lalr (Olds), J. K liuopiT. Chicagollludsonl. S. K Hall. I'aseulc ( MitchellF. 1,. Bally, Philadelphia ( Cnillllac , II AKlrbv, Newport (l.oroniobllei 1) p. il.u-- !

Inrer. Quebec ll'aikaldl. J I, Powell '

Kansas City llludsou). c 17 tloodspeed.lloslnn (Cadillac'), W L. Tower, Clvelnnd(Cailliloc). Arrivals at the Mount Plea.,ant were T H Hlnehtnan, Detroit l Dodge), 'I' ll, ibcrrlson, Philadelphia ( Franklin i

I). F. fleysr, New York ( I'.ick.iid I ; c MHasklns. Ilnsion illitlck). I

cooPF.IIHTOWN, N, Y, Jul)' 11 Auto.III. il, lie urrlvnls al the 0....H(r In. day III.rludsd Mr. and Mrs II K. Kmipp. Me.nominee, Wit, (Hudson), ll. Flugerald,Htainford, Dr. Ilealey, New York and n

A. Riley. Stamford (Cola); q.Mlaa ft. M. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T.

II, Yawger, Itorhetter (I'alga), '

JULY DIVIDENDSYou cannot find a better In-

vestment for your July dividendsthan our Tax Ixempt First Mort-gage Participation CertUcates.

The CertUcates may be pur-chased In amounts of $200 andupwards and yield 41,, interestpayable semi-annual- ly. Theyare secured by a Guaranteed firstMortgage covering a specific pieceof New York City property.No investor hat ever tost a dollar

Capital fi Surplus, $10,000,000l7Bwt7.N.Y. 178Ren. BTUya



De eloper of Nlgrrrla Spent itll

tears In the Task.,....,.. ,,...,. Wal- -

n, . who was" for many years In thejserxlce of the British (Jovernment in

Nigeria, Mled nl Ills residence in Devony

Sir William Wallace was born Sep.tember li, H.1K, and for thlrt-t- o

jcare, as administrator of the NigerCompany's territories, mms occupied InnciiuIrliiK and conolidatltn; British In-

terests and political Influence In Nigeria.He concluded many treaties with na-

tive potentates ami served In nmr- - thanthirty military expeditions. Sir Williamretired from the Government service In191.


ttles nf n Cnmpllcatlnn nf lllaaaesLeaves S2II (I.I)O(I natate.

Watkhtown, July 1 Col. W. B.H.i den of New York city died of aetiteIndigestion, appendicitis and hearttrouble last night at his summer homenear Alexandria Bay, on the St. Law-rence Itlver. lie refused to undergo anoperation. He was In hi seventy-firs- t

ear,Col. Hayden was formerly In the eteel

foundry business In Columbus. Ohio,ills estate Is estimated at $:0,no0,Q0n.Th body will be taken to Kenelco forburial

He was born In Columbus. Ohio, Sep-tember 57, 13!, and was the sun of thelate I'eter Hayden and Alice Booth Hay-den of New York. He leaves Ills wife.Matilda l.ansrilim Hayden three ilauch-ter-

Mr. Kdward Qulntard of CatsMIt,Mrs, Alice Hajdeti V'rench uinl MisCalvin Burr of New York, a brother,Charles H Havden, and his step-mother, Mrs. I'eter lladen of Yonkers,N. Y

Mrs. Helen Will Miller.Kvst Oranuk. ,' J.. July 11 -- Mr.

Helen Will Miller, widow of Bear Ad-

miral Joseph Nelon Miller, who ascommander of the I'acillc squadron Inlfrts raised the Stars and Stilpes overthe Hawaiian Islands, died last night atthe home of the Admiral's nephew,Hubert M. Ogden. 4?3 Central avenue.She was US years old.

flnnaldDonald K. Itlchardson, formerly I'iiiu'

States Collector of Customs for I'oii i

Bb o and Commissioner nf Instil ir IV-llc- e.

dl.-- yesterday at 2 "5 Weststreet of heart disease. He .,t,w

a sister, Mrs. H M. (Tat son of William.-- -

Imrt, Pa., and a brother, the Itev. JohnM.icClaren Itlchardson, of Bridgeport,Conn. Mr. Itlchardson was burn in (!neva. N. Y.. In 1S73. tie wus a memberof the Sigma I'hl fraternity of llob'irt

"Allege and of the I'nlnti and (" of San Juan ami the New Yj l

Yacht Club.

The Itev. Arteinos Dean.MofNT c'AUMI'.l.. I'a.. July 11 The

Hev. Artemus Dean, said to be the old-est surviving alumnus of Amherst i'o.lege and a ptnmineui Presbyterianclergyman, died here yesterday. He wasborn In Chelsea, Vt.. hi I Hit

William Von.Will'am Van, vaudeville performer,

died in leeue llopltal elerd.cyafternoon from cerebral hemorrhage,lie was teinoved to the hospital on v

when he suffcn-- l an apoplellcsiroke. lie was forty-fiv- e ears old andlived at ."'ol West Forty-elxt- h street

Michael J. Keating.Michael .1. Keating, 76, for many ye cr

chief of police ,n Daiiluiry, Conn, andfather nf Dr. Arthur II. Keating. Demo-cratic lead.r In tjtieens, died at his hum.Ill Danhur.v ctcrd.i follnwltig an op-

eration for iippi'iiill.'itls.

Ilrnry II. 4 arrler.lswnio, slul.v 11 Henry It. ('airier,

aged M', an attorney, and for manyvars Supreme Court stenographer of theFifth Judicial district, died of heart dis-ease v

Or. Charles B. fiatrs.Dr Charles it date, (, who had

practised denlstry In Brooklyn fur tencars, died yeterday at Ills home, 2 IS

Schermerliorn street.

niniichnrd I'nnernl Thl lnrolou.Funeral services for James A Blanch- -

ord. formerly Justice of the SupremoCourt, will lie held thlx mornini; at inii'cIiH-- at Ills late home, 11 Cast Ninety,second stteel. Derail ( Irnsvennr nf theCathedral of St. John the Divine williilllclatc Interment will be In WoodlawnCeini'teiy. and tlm linnorary pall hearerswill be .luetics. Henri A illlclersleeve,John I'roctor Clarhc. William It Will-in- i,

Morgan J O'Brien, lalwnrd 11 McColl, Itinjannn M Cardo.a, (len Aiimhi(. ..Mi'Cniik, Senator Jiuiie A )'( liirtn in,lleniy .1. Hlixcli, Warien Leslie, Abr.i-ha-

ii. Mills and Arthur C.itjcr lltiine

The Romance oj the Rockies

Is in These Pages

They of theHigh Trails

"Here I lookwhich ('IK'S, It Istrue, de i withWestern people,with cowhos ;iii(outlaws, with (iV.itlins well ;i with life,hilt it rle.'ils with

flfV it miisterfiillv ; itMibonlin.'ites meieHAMLIN picturesque detailmid oscitiiiK situ, i

GARLAND Hons to the rc.ilpurjiiso of seriousiicnoii. me cmiiditionof hiiin;mcli;ir.'icter and huni.inidiosyncrasy "

Cliic.MRO liveiiiiiKPost.

. SI. if nel.

HARPER & BROTHERSEitabllttud 1117



Portrait of Ills UrandsonJohn. l.:i0 in



Christie Auction.I


fipfrinl Cablt titupnlrh oTnr. Si'

laiNpciN, July II, A portrait of JohnPenn. M P., grandson of William Penn,by Sir William Beechey, was sold fortl.CfiO (Id, 300) at the sale of family por-

traits, books and manuscripts relatingto William Penn and his descendants,owned by the late J. Meyrlck Head, atChristie's A portrait of JohnPenn. son of Wllllnin Penn. who, withhis bro.hers, Thomas and Richard, suc-

ceeded their father as Joint proprietorsof Pemislvanla, painted by lllghmore,brought tr.25 (".). Hlghmore'sportrait of Richard Penn was sold for

141 (i'J.:05).Romney's portrait of John Penn.n- - I .. I. f

William I' b'artibrought f4 (1420).

library, founded.

The orlglnnd belt ,.'William Indians. ..."Vl 2u'.ol.ig eighteen strings wampum, fig- -

Ke Ohot!,' ,Tnrfor,'7, TuvK Willismountain dally and

,;:,,,:;..,,h,hy'X'1 &r7x. 'rr'-- """"oim Mo,,nt

liroiight 70 The third wasby Iranvllle John I'enn. great- -

of to thetorlcal Scs'lety of Pennsylvania.

A Bible containing William Venn'sautograph and the family register downto 17c; brought til.'. (Ja7.-i- ) Amongthe autograph sold was the draft ofletter written by Capt John I'mil Jonesto the Imc de la Vaueuyon. the FrenchAmbassador, his refusal toaccept letter of marque, for tin(;nn) An autograph letter written1... nnf,up, lli,enH teo llilntmt nftt'iinlnp telling of the death of hisdaughter, was sold for 1Su ($f.on).


Oxford Scholar tiUen Leave nf Ah- -sence From British rmy.

(ilthert Murray of dxford I'niversl'yoegan the onclassical studies at Columbiaveerd.iy The students undnuMedlvwill cuP ''Ini I'rofcs-so- r Murray, but asmatter nf record In the British War

ifflee he is listed as Serct (', cl. AMurray. No 123 Flrt Battalion Oxford-hlr- c

Volunteer Heglinent Seigl Mur-c- h

is here with leave of absence until'Hither notice.

"It not tru that the purpon ofmy coming was to bring about better

between the Cnlted States andHreat Britain." he said yesterday "If

am able in the smallest way to helpInw-ir- that end, shall consider invselffortunate."


McALLISTKIt -- llt'NT On Turda. JulyIt. 1SI. at the Church of the B'l)Spirit, in the city of New- - Yonk, by thHev Hlchard Hughe. I.u,Hunt, daughter of Mr. ami Mre HubertHunt, lo Alexander J. McAllister ofllruiixv Hie. N. Y.


:.'J3 i:ikIii Ilfth street, aknsnidiurst.Funeral sill IsJie place Thursday. July

15. frmn hi home, th-n- re to Hi

Mar' Mother nf Jens Honian Caiho-l-

church. Btghtv-llft- s'reet anilT nt third avenue, llrookn, where

solemn hlch will be ehl forthe repose of hi soul at 10:30 o'cloi k.Intcrenint Calvary Cemetery

HAI.SUY Wllllntn McDowell Halsey, pn.I) formerls of New Yotk andMount Vernon, In hi slity seventh

ccr entered Into rest on Jul) llth i', N Y, after twenij- - ears ofll.liess.

I' servb and Interment at Ithaca,N

HAMLIN After brief Illness, on s,,lul la lo the tenth eur of h,ras llavtier, bslnied daughterof Viederlck and Alice M'hlttemoreHamlin

HAHHISON At Montc'tlr, N on Mnn.July 10, 1M. Katherlne M

widow of Nathan HirrlsonKnnral service will be held at her lae

residence, Sit Valley road, M'edncda,July i:, at M. Interment atconvenlfiice of family.

l.lst.KIt Tllll (nee r'ondtielttierl. beloieii wlfr of Montague I.cssler, at tierhome, 107 Central aienue. Tompkinsvllle, Moll, inc. July 10

Service home Thursda, July 13.

10 M. Interment at convenience offamily It particular!) requestedthat flower he omitted with thespeetful silKRestlon that friends desiring to show their love, nffectlnn andesteem will eend to the LakevlcuHome ut Arroihar, .staten Island, Inwhbh Mr Lessler was lnterete. amito which she service for m,in


Mi c'LINTin'IC Mlddetil). on Jul! 10. athi Ibt)hea.l, J. 17uiorMcC'llntock, ased 75 )ears

Funeral service al All Saint' Chiirch,head, Thursday. Ihe at

ll o'cloi k, Interment ut tireennoodini"ler

McKINNON John. I'uneral 'Till; I'l'NIlltAI. Cllt'lll'H." Hroadsuy, Sill)sixth and irrei Frank

Campbell IImIIiIIiiki Interim nt.Sen- London, la

MII.I.I'.U On MnndH) .lull 10. ll, otthe residence of Hubert ClKden, 49.1

Central avenue, ttst-- t ilralik'e. N.

Helen Will, widow Hear AdmiralJoseph Nelson Miller. I. N In herelm- slith ear

Interment al Arlington Ceineier WasifItigton, l.

l'AFF At Hempstead, N. Y., JulSarah A. i'aff, widow of Oenrga NI'aff.

Funeral eerrlce at her tale residence.Jerusalem aienue, Wednesda), July1S, at P, M. Interment UreentlrldCemetery,

HNS -- On Monday, July tO, 1IC, athis residence, at Lawrence, 1, Ale.ander Henry, In hi S3d ear. sun ufthe lam Kerby and Francesciallatlu.

Funeral Wednesday, ill II, at St.John' Church, Kar Hoikaway, 1,on Ihe arrival of the train leavingNew York, Pennaylvanla Station, at10 M HetiirnliK train arrives InNe York at 15 M.


DR. A. A. LINDSAY'Liberation Through Thought,


Lei'iures, Admissionfree Hotel Maeet,.,Sundav and Tuesday,

If. Author i: I'raethai I'sy IonHooks -- (lave 1,000Ii, Hires In Cal,, (OilDetroit Visitors we.come now, Hotel Ma.Julie.


Theodore Wehle Takes Addition tnLibrary He Knnnded.

Biikttiin WiMitis, N 11., July 11.

Golfers were out in fence y at theProfile House, Maplewood, Balsams andBethlehem Country clubs, BrcttonWoods, Craw fords and Waumbek,

Mrs. Harris G. Colt and her daughter,'Mrs. Sam Sloan, have arrived at the;

Moiintaliivlew House from New York,Theodore W Wehle of New York hasarrived at the Twin Mountain House,bringing lame collection of books for1the Wehle which heMrs. Will Barron, who went to the North i

Shore to attend has returned'to Craw fords. Miss' Katharine Post,New bold of Nevf York has takenMaplewood cottage for the season.Henry Spauldlng Schley of New York!has taken one also and has arrived withhis family. '

Mr. and .Mrs. Amos Tuck French, from Tuxedo to the MountWashington House here, have gone toBar Harbor, laiuls Frothingham. for-- ,mer Lieutenant-Governo- r nl Massachu-- 1

setts, and Mrs Frothlnghatii are at theMount Washington eu route to heItaiiKeley Lakrs

Mr and Mrs. Arthur Butler Twomblyhnve opened their cottage at Profile

:'"' f J",?:" V' i il,,h.

treaty presented to1,''''' , ' ' .

l'eiin by the couslt-- 'of of '

. arJe,o

" r,Jr;!nd curua'.m, rJtZ. who

, , ht,K'vtlon

lir.m. beltpresented i -

grandson William I'enn. His-- 1






conducting conference I






. O

a mas

. tt '



3. I a,Vlsrtnu


J .day,


s I

at atA




la thirteenth,


-Slity-seient- h i








J v



3 P



r h o







a wedding,


" "


tributes rleufls,



renewedstraight forward

This time the yeartake stock, their

the half year, thewho a bank

course a copy.Bank

fromthus a

both New Yorkthe Bank

with a large fromwhich it makes a

bank such veryinto

upon these items, withas their as their

the item cash thanhas been years

has the stocktrade with the

total assets thatinto cash very

This theneed

desireupon their shall

with them.






Let Sthot


it'ic iv

Mallnee , in

JCTft E3 V II w ii Kii". aI $ Ml lav X

ll'oav Ki jiiSal 11 Vil

Popular Matinee lo.dav g A



sunA a

r.i:in i i.i iiinit siioi in hi iiM I' IMI.IIK I I'llllM,.' funeiAnthorlirriIn I. S.


S Inns While' caianairn, rrankin

Mlt ui runs i oiitaine. vninani a

$1 w '

iitini".A crew

Lemonade Seriect

Ituimlt4iiiMir Al

DHMftiiCtHih-ei- , TolUlllHIII 4rpn1ni.

Kaelory.Ileaullful .'I Ureal


Arthur DeaaonIt I U I Cansllio, Wll.l I 5nrlghlnii h WOl.niM. OTIIKHH.

ui w. au


l'.mplorea Honor Hint on BirthdayDespite Ills A bar

adw.I'IIIA, July II JohnIs 78 Numerous

rioral were sent f xwhowere unaware of Wanamaker's ab-

sence from city Ills employes senta which said i

especially delre to expressveneration for your power,

jour devotion,loving kindness,

pride your achievements, ourfame, our

determination to follow,on in path Il-

luminated by ourIt at the Wanamaker store

here that would returnwithin a few days. Is enjoyingbest of health.

Taking Inventoryis the of when merchants

inventory, or and make upfinancial statements for andmerchant is borrower at his of

sends his bankersThe Harriman National is exceedingly

pleased see that statements received itscustomers far reflect gratifying conditionof business in and throughoutthe country, and Harriman Nationalis favored number of accountsinterior merchants, of specialty.

The analyzes statements care-

fully, taking consideration first the cus-

tomer's liabilities: second, his assets, andthe proportion of two

reference much characteramounts, the customer's credit is largely based.

In general, of is larger itfor some past: the volume of

business increased; amount ofis generally consistent character

of the business; and the proportion of liabilitiesto may be quickly converted

is an excellent augury for immediate

future, and if any merchants feel theyextended banking facilities or to improve

present banking relations, wcbe pleased to confer


Wt A. TO



null nndday and'iil nnie'lv




Mat sv.Vh' llistl 1II'J




erhisvi inntliin with 'apt lii.nlg

telle loll


Intel Inn.


i'nney'a Tununci TmI.

unci Night




ears oldby



for our ty

for your ourfor

for secure n,g1



He the


to to




Formal rninsf-- r Is Vtactc fur I'arlcami Mnaellltl

I'ark Cabot Ward ac-

cepted on behalf of thethe historic house,corner of "tilth street,and It and its giniiiiils as Dyck-

mati House I'.irk nnd Museum. Thehouse was bv Mrs.Dean MrsWelch In memory of tlndr pirents, Mr.and Mrs. Isaac Michael

I'lof. Dean made the speech ofentatlon and Mr Welch keysto Ward. house wasbuilt In 17s.l to replace thehome burned b the British, Manyrelics are in the house.about city lots, are set out lis anold fashioned garden.


MI i;m M


AT 2.10 ,

3t" ifp Mil fhoiitrn)

THE FALL I. III I K or the thrill-i-

i 'i otio ,

i lln lii'si i ,r VI

.er Hie.Sa..r...y

sielllim Week In Illume e.

FI 'I' v" l;vc a' Ll.

" Twlrii llailj I'lipnlar" .v .-- i i , i i


ilAI I'alrlimk In Tlmw llair-llrec- s Ullartettn rri.n.N'wav A I'J i kuiiiimiii, ".oioistH.i. char-ll- o

ir.'.'.-i-.'s'- i. Chaplin in

O Iron si H'wayA 7th Wallace.1

-- .C I li'oQIIU , ,tu . ti, sin,tlMra I'eat harle liaplln Tlm


14th near

Harriman nationalFIFTH AND 44TH ST- - NEW YD !.!


HltONX.Ale ,...hrour.h Aiem.e. cor, :!,h Stree,.

K' Irldge Street, cor llltCIUKI S.a,. St. cor l.. it;-- n Stheienth Al. Hth and (Iraham Avcni r In ...i t

' I.eilnnlon Ave., cor Ulth Street. I'ltkln Avenue 11 Ave.'or. nd Str-- si cor Clinton Slre-- t. ,.,.vl. n, v, XKast ;:! M., Iiet Leilng toii 3d Ave.. A .nNS I " I WITHINi:.,st Houston t cor i:e St. TWci WIVKS I'ltOM 1 ATK


AMl'xHUKNI- -.

iLINHnillil'M.l?'I .inc. "''

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Toil 1.--.

tHalilillB'-W- B

CACINn Mats TnI..Mi.

i l

.'f'li'.av tI l.'i

dm mi. tut Kit.mi dm: "



I'KKITII (leuPitALACE ArilellAI'n Kian

ii'.....Dalll i.'.. ia.Klrila

stiliinnrine linerIn l

Tree In Ol.

withOthr-- r Ml tYii.iir

sttrDA I'rit Mil


lllh H




Wana-mak- er









yesterday cityDyckmati northwest

Broadway anddedicated

presented Baslifordand Alexander McMillan

Dyckman.pros- -

nave theCommissioner The


The gtotintls.four





IL.Slry s::m.


Seal t


A0LUMRI1n rni'ivi.


R Trtll0,1'',l-- '


Held"Ull m tt'onSm."

In Vagalajnd.


Street, Fourth Avenue.







esssrswpasrmn TKL.





Prince (iconic otel J

lfth Avr mt Slth t. 4miM lo i mi titan. ut, J

tiiii 1 -

hotel mm--

III I TI ll,


Top Related