  • 1. The Story of Cow by: Kimberly Waltz

2. Story Line Story line: Cow, Dragonfly, Lion, Fox, Beth & Jill (2 birds), and Sheep are in the same class. Dragonfly is the popular girl. Cow is not popular; she is always grouchy. One day, they get a new student; Hippo. He is kind and genial. He notices Cows unhappiness and gets her story. Her siblings are unkind to her and she has a low self-esteem. Beth & Jill, having eavesdropped on them tell the story to the others. They become a lot friendlier to Cow. Cows self-esteem eventually rises and she enjoys school more. (Read only if you didnt understand the story) 3. Character List Cow: moody, unpopular girl Dragonfly: popular girl Lion: popular, athletic male 2 birds: the gossips Fox, Sheep: other classmates Hippo: the new kid Owl: teacher 4. Cow headed into the classroom with a gloomy cloud looming over her head as usual. She slid into her seat and waited in silence for the other kids to come in. The kids came; Dragonfly with her dainty step, Lion with his manly stride, Beth and Jill (the 2 birds) chatting the whole way, then Fox and Sheep. 5. (Conversation before class starts) Hey, are you free next Friday? Yea!! Great! Meet me at the bowling alley Friday. Okay. Dragonfly is so lucky! Totally! She is so pretty and skinny Yea! And she just got asked out by Lion! That lucky duck. Hmph OMG! Did you just hear that moo? Yea! Interrupting cow as usual Shes always so grumpy sheesh Totally They wouldnt be talking if they knew what was going on in my life 6. ahmm Thank you. Class, I would like you to give a hearty welcome to your new classmate Hippo! Hi!! Im Hippo. Nice to meet you! class continues as usual 7. (Recess time) Hey Hippo! Hi!! Wow! Hippo is such a nice person! Hmmph Yea! Man, what is that cows problem? Is she having a cow? (haha see the pun) Umm, thats not very nice Lion. Im going over to check on her. Tootles for now. Uh, ok. Umm sorry? Oh, ah bye. Hey Cow! Is there anything I can help you with? Hmmph. Go away No, really. I want to help you. Please. Ok. FINE. Since you asked so nicely But dont you dare go around telling others. No, no. Of course not. Ok. *sigh* Here it goes 8. (Center in on Hippo and Cow) *Titters* This should be good. Shh!! Not so loud. Okay so What was that sound?!? Uh, I didnt hear anything. I hope so Ok. My older siblings at home are super mean. They always use me as a scapegoat. Continue please They tease me, call me fat, and beat me. Theres nothing I can do about it! My parents dont listen to me at all. After awhile, it really started getting to me and my self-esteem dropped tremendously. I also got grouchy and unapproachable; I thought other kids would bully me too if I let down my guard. Yea. So thats basically why Im always in a bad mood. Wow. Im sorry. DONT GIVE ME THAT PITY LOOK!! Oh, ok. Sorry. How about we become friends and I help you out? I am perfectly fine on my own fyi Mr. Hippo. Uhh ok. But could we please be friends? Maybe. Only if you dont talk like I am mentally retarded. Yea yea. Of course. Ok. Then we can be friends. Wow. Theres a lot more to Cow than we thought. Yea. Im really sorry about the mean things I said about her. Same. Lets go tell the others. Okay! Lets go. 9. (Beth and Jill head to the others, leaving Hippo and Cow on their own) Hey guys! Gather in a group. We need to tell you something. Ok. So we were eavsdropping on Hippos and Cows conversation. Huh. Uh~, ok. Yea. So, you know how Cow is always grouchy and aloof? Yea Well, theres a whole lot more to her than we thought. She has a lot of problems at home, which make her unapproachable here. I think she would be nice if we warmed up to her like Hippo did. What do you guys say? Yes or no? Yes. Yes for me. Same here. Yes! Alrighty then. Starting from now we will be a lot nicer. Ok. Meeting dismissed. 10. (Hippo and Cow come back) Hi Cow!! How are you? Uh, hi. Um, okay I guess. Great! Do you want to play tag with us? Uh, sure? Awesome!! (whisper) Hippo, why are they being so nice all of a sudden? No clue. Go along with them and have fun. Ok then. (to the others) Coming!! Alrighty. Lets play! 11. As Cow got to know her classmates better, she began to feel better of herself. She was no longer the grouchy cow from before. Even though she still had problems at home, school was her safe haven where she could have fun as a normal kid. Epilogue 12. Fun, fun, fun! Tag, your it! Hip, hip, hooray!

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