Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-12-11 ...€¦ · in 5 minutes' walk of Fourteenth-st. local Ifirst class.inallof their conveniences easy terms.-Homes builton



Andersen. George' . 1- vons."Alhertß. ;Akerblum. Adolf '. \u25a0 MatTeth, Kll.nCrane. >lrs.lLouise J. MuUig»B,BernardConradBoii, Agnes

'* Masopost. JosephColeman, Hannah "'.* McColgan, SusanDonohoe, Thomas Pedersen. BtrihinensEves, J. W. \u25a0Piovard, Laura

1ElenaFritzsche, Minnie Paul. Elizabeth C.Frichette, Marie It.D. Roifson, Rolf ,Hogan, Daniel ..."Rigney, LizzieHamilton/Andrew Schroeder. Theodore•Haves, Michael Joseph • Shanley, Annie L.

-Judson, MaryE.. Wnlff. Emil

:*"-: Withee. Joseph M.

ANDERSEN Tn this city, December 'lO, 1895.George Andersen, anative of Norway, aged 50years. .'


Friends and acquaintances are r>; \u25a0\u25a0 •

fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Thursday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the par-lors of Theodor DierKs. 957 Mission atreet.In.ennent I.O. O. F. Cemetery.

AKERBLUM—In the City and County Hospital,December 10, 1895, Adolf Akerblum, aged 40years. *

CRANE—In Oakland, December 9, 1895. Mrs.. Louise J. Crane, beloved mother of Harry H.andCarlton C. Crane, a native of New York, aged 58years and 9 months. [Rochester (N. V.)papersplease copy.J v.;\u25a0.•',

Friends and acquaintances are respect-fully invited to attend the funeral THIS.DAY(Wednesday), at 2o'clock p. m., at the parlorsOf the First Presbyterian Church. Oakland. In-. terment private at MountainView Cemetery.

COLEMAN—Inthis city,December 10. 1895, Han-nah, beloved wlte of the late Hyman Coleman,jand 1mother of Mrs.:E. A.• Jaujou, Mrs. I." S.'Cohen, Charles, Morris, William, Harry andJoseDh Coleman, a native of Wreshen, aged 68years.

V CONRADSON—In this city, December 8, 1H95,Agnes, beloved wife of the late Alfred Couradsonand mother of Agnes and Helena Cpnradson, a 'native of Sweden, agea 38 years 2months and 3days.

• .;. •-'. '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0."JBS"Friends and acquaintances are respect-

fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Wednesday ), at 1 o'clock p. m., from her lateresidence, 33V2Zoe street, thence to Foresters'Hall (Sherwooa Circle), where services willbeheld. Interment I.O. O. F. Cemetery.

DONOHOE—In this city.. December 10. 1895.Thomas Donohoe, a native of New Fork, aged67 years.

EVES—In the City and County Almshouse, De.cember 10,1895, J. W. Eves, a native of Canada,

': aged 44 years.FRITZSCHE—In this city, December 8, 1895,

Minnie,beloved wife of Charles F.Fritzsche, andmother of Edna and Richie Fritzsche, a native ofNew York.aged.2B years 9 months and 25 days.[Rochester (NyY.)papers please copy,i?SglBHfl

JB3y*Friends and acquaintances • are respect-

fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the par-lors of the Golden Gate Undertaking Co., 2429Mission street, near Twenty^firsu IntermentI.O. O.F.Cemetery.

FRICHETTE—Inthis city. December 9. 1895,Marie Rosa Dellna, beloved wife of Edmond fn-chette, aud mother of Henry, George, Arsene,Sarah and Rosa Frichette, and sister-in-la.v of L.D.r.nd Othate Frichette, a native of Canada.aged45 years and 7months.

JB3TFriends and ,acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from her lateresidence. 1437 Valencia street, thence to St.James Church, Twenty-third and Guerrerostreets, where amass will be said for the reposeof her soul.

- .HOGAN—Inthis city, December 9, 1895, Daniel

Hogan,' a native of County Tipperary, Ireland,aged 49 years. ;• , .. . . .

HAMILTON-Inthe City and County Hospital,December 10,1895, Andrew Hamilton, aged 28years-

HAVES— this city,December 10,1895, MichaelJoseph, beloved son of Mary A. and JeremiahHayes, and 'brother of Mamie, Willie, Daniel,John, Agnes and Eveline Hayes, a native of SanFrancisco, aged 10 years 8 months and 14 days.

JUDSON— In city, December 9. 1895, Mary.iS., beloved wife of Thomas R. Judson. andmother of Nettie, Clarence. Florence, Frank,Fanny, Robert, Minnie and Harry Judson, a na-. tive of New York, aged 48 years 3 months and24 days. \u25a0-:,. : : : • \u25a0

JKF" Friends and acquaintances are 'respect-fully Invited to attend the funeral FRIDAY.December 13, at 12:30 o'clock p. ir., from herlate residence, Alvarado and Douglass streets.Interment Cypress Lawn Cemetery.

LYONS—InOakland, December 10,:1895, Albert8., beloved husband of Theresa Lyons, a nativeof Peru, aged 49 years.

flSTNotice of funeral hereafter. Remains at par-lors of A. W. Martin <fc Co., 118 Geary street.

MULLIGAN—Inthis city,December 8, 1895. Ber-nard Mulligan,dearly beloved brother of OwenMulligan, anative of County Fermanagh, Ire-land, aged 60 years. ''.*.V-? • . .\u25a0\u25a0•-« \u25a0f'Vii •-;\u25a0.'

JBQS"Notice offuneral hereafter. Remains at par-lors of Carew <fcEnglish, 19 Van Ness avenue.

MASOPOST—Inthis city,December 6, 1895, Jos-eph Masopost, a native of Austria, aged 57 years.

Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from theparlors of Carew &English,19 VanNess avenue.Interment Laurel HillCemetery.

McCOLGAN—In this city, December 10, 1895,Susan, relict of the late Eugene McColgan. and: beloved mother of John and the late Charles Mc-Colgan. and sister of Mrs. K.Murphy,anative ofthe parish of Moville, County Donegal, Ireland,aged 72 years.

MAFFETH—Inthis city,December 9, 1895, EllenM.iiYe:h. relictof the late Charles Maffeth. ana-tive of the parish of Ballyheigh, County Kerry,Ireland, aged 55 years.

«S-The funeral will take place TO-MORROW(Thursday), at 11 o'clock a. m., from the par-lors of J. C. O'Connor &Co., 767 Mission street.Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery.

PROVARD—InOakland.December 9, 1895, Laura• Elena Provard, anative of Tucson, Ariz.,aged' 13 years 8 months and 14 days.PEDERSEN— InSouth San Francisco, December

10, 1895, Berthineus, beloved husband of AneE. Pedersen, and father of Otto, Alma and Al-fred Pedersen, Mrs. Üba Barnes, Mrs. AmandaReddy and Mrs. Rosa Klein, anative of Kger-sund, Norway, aged 61 years 2 months and 9days. A member of .the Scandinavian Societyand Samaritan No.13, Order of Chosen Friends.. Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyInvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Thursday), at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. from his lateresidence, 938Eleventh avenue, South San Fran-cisco. Interment Laurel HillCemetery. . ...

PAUL— Alameda, December 10,1895, ElizabethC. Paul, a native of England, aged 85 years 11months and 1day.

aarFriend* are respectfully invited toattendthe funeral TO-MORROW (Thursday), at 11:30o'clock a. m., at St. John's Episcopal Church,corner Fifteenth and Valencia streets. Pleaseomit flowers. Interment private. \u25a0

BIGNEY—Inthis city.December 10,1895, Lizzie,beloved wifeof the late John Rigney. and be-loved .daughter of Mrs. Ellen Burdett andthe late John O'Connell, and beloved mother ofFrancis. Eddie and Walter Rigney, a native ofSan Francisco, aged 35*years 10 months and 15days. v


- -•

jJS-Friends and • acquaintances are resDect-fullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW(Thursday), at 9 o'clock a. k., from her lateresidence, 222 Chestnut street, thence \u25a0to St.Francis Church, where a solemn, requiem high,mass willbe celebrated for the repose of her soul,commencing at 9:30 o'clock a. v. Interment;

IMount Cavalry Cemetery. ; ;

-. ,

N.D.G. W.—Alta Parlor No. 3—Sisters: You arehereby notified to attend the funeral of our de-ceased sister, Mrs..Lizzie Rigney, from her lateresidence, 222 Chestnut street, on THURSDAY,December 12, at 9a. m. Byorder of

MBS. DORA KING,President.M.E. Grotk, Secretary. : • '

'."?.'Y.L.l.—Young Ladies 1Institute No. 2—Sisters:

You are requested to attend the funeral of ourdeceased sister, Mrs. L.Bigney, THURSDAY at9 o'clock a. m., from her late >residence. 222Chestnut street.


KOLFSON— thiscity,December 9, 1895, RolfJ.Bolfson, brother of Ole Bolfson, a native of Nor-way, aged 40 years. .; •\u25a0\u25a0-'. V \u25a0'•-.*:

IS"Friends and acquaintances are respect-fullyinvited toattend the funeral THIS DAY

\u25a0 (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. »r., from the oar-jlors of H. C. Porter <& Co., 122 Eddy street.Interment Laurel HillCemetery.

SCHBOEDEB— Inthis city,9,1895, Theodore, be-lovedhusband of Augusta 1 Scbroeder, dearly be.

I loved son of Anton and Matilda Schrocder, andbrother of Mrs. Bertha Hand man, anative of St.Louis, aged 29 years 2months and 16 days.

Friends and'acquaintances

-are respect- •

fullyInvited to attend the funeral THIS DAY(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from his late

\u25a0- residence. • 1020 Shotwell street, near Twenty-fifth. Interment I.O. O. F. Cemetery.

SHANLEY—In Oakland, December • 10. 1895,. Annie Loretta, beloved daughter of Mr.and Mrs.William Shanley, a native of Oakland, aged ISyears 5 months and, 15 days. [Salem (Mass.)papers please copy.j \u25a0 .... Friends and ;acquaintances

'are \u25a0 respect-

Ifullyinvited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW•(Thursday), at 10 o'clock a. v., from the resl-aence of the parents,. 818 Twenty -first street,thence to St. Francis de Sales Church, where arequiem high mass w!ll be celebrated for the

I'repose of her soul 'at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Inter-ment St, Mary's Cemetery."

WITHEE—Inthis city.December 8, 1895, JosephM.Withee, anative of Maine, aged 69 years. A-member of Uarfield Post No. 84, G. A.R., and a'private of Company B,Sixth Maine Infantry.

-: Si"Friends and acquaintances and members

OfUarfield Post, W. R. C. Comradesof G. A.P..,and kindred associations are respectfully invitedtoaitendthe funeral THIS.DAV (Wednesday)at1:30 o'clock P. m., from the parlors of A. W.Martin<ft Co., 118 Geary street. Interment Na-

\u25a0 tional Cemetery. ...WULFF—Inthiscity, December 9, 1895. Emil,

beloved and youngest son of Catharine and thelate Peter WuliY,and brother of Annie, Margar-

B ethe, Peter, Johnny, Willieand Carl Wulff, ana-t ive ofSan Francisco, aged 1year and 11days.

\u25a0 ffß~Friends and acquaintances are :respoct-"fplly invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY•(Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resi-

d ence of his mother, 211y3 Bartlett street, near. Twenty .;Interment I.O. O. F. Cemetery. ."

UNITED uxdkkta 1


;-\u25a0Everything Requisite forFirst-class Funerals i

: /:;- at Reasonable Rates."



Telephone 3167. •\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0- 27 and Fifthstreet.


tli j-' ' Telephone 3080. •, ;^ :;; ,yy

'CYPRESS UAWH CEHETEnYTTNSANMATEOCOUNTY;NON-SECT AR^I;J. laidout on the lawn plan perpetual care:<ieaa-tlful, permanent and easy of access; «ccitOefor*.bluing aburial place elsewhere. ,-/"\u25a0*"• City Office, 8 City Hall Av»du«,


\u25a0:.. -\u25a0>.- OAKLAND.KEAb KSTATE.

"POULTRY BANCHES AND SMALL HOMES-C in Oakland atid Fruitvale for sale, rent or ex-change. E.HILL,room 34, Donohoe Building,S.P.

TjiINE HOMES FOB SALE; CALLAND SEEX1the 8 and 10 room 'houses we are completing:in 5 minutes' walk of Fourteenth-st. local Ifirstclass .inall of their conveniences easy terms.

-Homes builton your

"own plans and sold you on

easy terms: this side of the bay. •.•''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• -<-, \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0: 1:Also some fine exchanges for clear vacant lotsor- country property.* C. P. KERN, Central Bank

building,Oakland. . - - -:;

at^A CASH AND $15 PER MONTH; SAME«IrUUas rent; new cozy 4 rooms andbath; good locat.on; total price only 1000; thisis a bargain; apply at once. HUGHM. CAM-ERON, 479 Ninth st., Oakland.T>UTCHEB-SHOP; FIXTUBES COMPLETE;-D excellent location: established 16 years; rentreasonable. ApplyisL'2i/2 Seventh, Center station.ffltOAMONTHLY FOR fi-ROOM COTTAGES;tJpZils plans free. F.BOEGLE. Golden Gate statn.<2*"ICn LOTS NEAR THE ALTENHEIMIN«fl'-L<-)l/.Fmitvale; electric cars; only $1 downand $1a week: selling fast; good improvements.H.B. PINNEY.owner. 802 Broadway, Oakland. .AWEEK'S NEWS FOB 6 CENTS


WEEKLY CALL.In wrapper, formailing.-





fltlOH DOWN.BALANCE^iiaNTKLSrTpAY**IP_LU"/ ments— Fine nearly new modern 2-storyhouse, 7 rooms and bath;near station, school andchurches: must be sold: call and see at once. H.P. MOREAL,1432 I'ark St.. Alameda.

fIJJI (\(\ DOWN —ELEGANT NEW 5-ROOM<J?IUUmodern cottage incenter of city,close toschool and station; lot 35x150: price $2250. Forimmediate sale Alamedu :Land Company, 1500Park St., Alameda.<S*Af\f\(\ new ANDMODERN house OF 7(JPIUUIF. rooms and bath: lot 42x147:6; ingood locality; terms easy; installments. JOSEPHA.LEONARD CO., 1364 Park St., Alameda.



J> $1500— Cottage 4 rooms; large lot 100x125.$450—Corner 48x79; $50 down, 10 monthly.$350—1 acre on side hill.$500—1 acre on eminence.$600—Corner 100x115 withcreek.Slso— Lot 25x102; $10 down, $5 monthly.$175— Lot 31x135; $10 down, $10 quarterly.$4500—3 acres on fine street.$:-;oo—Lot48x100.CHAS. A.BAILEY,46 Market st., San Fran-

cisco,' or Berkeley station, Berkeley. . -. C. .. •:;



TO CLOSE ANESTATE. ;f:-.--.$1600-40x130; NW. cor. Durant aye. and Ful-

ton St. \u25a0. :ft>- '/-. .

$1500—50x130: Fulton St., nr.Dnrant aye.-

1 $1600—40x130; AW. cor. of Bancroft way andUnion st. •

$1750—50x130; Bancroft wav, nr. Union st.$1600—40x110; SE. cor. of Durant and Tele-

graph ayes.-'\u25a0

$1500—50x110; Telegraph aye., nr.Durant aye.$1800—46x120; NE.cor. Bancroft way and Tel-

egraph aye.$1SOO— 70x138; Hillegass aye.. nr.Bancroft way.$2000—70x140; Telegraph aye., .ur. Bancroft

way. •\u25a0 :_\u25a0•\u25a0.'

-$2500—91x138; University aye., near the Uni-

versity grounds. ;$2000—120x119; Shattuck nr. VinesU

-$1800— An acre lot near the TownHall.Also 70 lots at Ashby station; cheap; on easy

terms. Come quick if you want the choice ofthese bargains. : r-;--^

M.L.WUBTS,Opp. Dwight-way station, Berkeley.

/CHEAPEST ANDBEST INAMERICA—THE\J WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address in theUnited States or Canada one year for $150, post-mre free.


S^^Tx^TTA^BEIoN^ETFXTFrD^BV^rHEdirectors of the S. F. and S. J. V. R. R. Co.

(Valley road) for the principal station in thesouth-eastern part ol San Joaquin County and is destinedto become at once- the most important of all thestations on the line of th« railroad on

-account of

the vast bodies of rich, alluvial loam lands sur-rounding the town, every acre of which willbesold with a perpetual water right. ;,-;',V-;v-;.'

Take some of your money out of the 4-per-centeavings bank and invest in this coming center ofsoutheastern s»n Joaquin County.

For m.ips, descriptive matter, etc., address E.E.HARLOWE <fc CO., 430 East Main St., Stockton.California.


ANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS.' 19,000 acres in subdivisions for fruitplanting.

Apply to C. H.PHILLIPS,proprietor.

32 East Santa Clara St., San Jose, CaL


ONEY WANTED TO LOAN IN SUMS OF$200 and upward, on first and second mort-

gages and other collaterals.-

Full particulars atLaymance Real Estate and Investment Company,466 Eighth St., Oakland, Cal. . »\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.--<Si1f\(\ t\l'M\ TO LOAN-CITY,OAKLAND,

IUU.UUU Alameda orBerkeley real estate;firstmortgages. HUGH M. CAMERON,Broker,479 Ninth st:, Oakland.

ONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY ANDother valuables \u25a0at the Security Loan Office,

1106Marketst.,nr. Mason; private entrance 7 Turk.OKROW; MOSEY' ON YOUR DIAMONDS,jewelry,furniture and pianos without removal:

lowest rates. Call or write to HARRY ANKEL<fcCO.,Mills bldg. sth floor,r 6; strictlyconfidential j

TRICTLY PRIVATE LOAN OFFICES. 850O Market, cor.btockton, rms. 17 and 18,nrst floor:established 30 years; always open. "Uncle Bill."WHY PAY *5.ON THE HUNDRKD COM-'» mission to the broker when you can get thesame direct fromthe loaner without it and with-out charge for making out papers on your pianosand furniture of private families, which furnitureis now under the new law mortgageable; lowest in-terest without removal: any amount from $100 to$5000. 418 Ellis St., room 22. . , :T OANB-ON-BEAL ESTATE IST AND 2NDXJ mortgages, undivided interests, estates, and onfurniture or pianos, without removal. in the cityand 'Oakland or Alameda: Any amount: lowestrates; all business confidential: savings bank booksbought. Callor write to BECKER.24O Montgomery.

DVANCESON DIAMONDS,JEWELRY ANDj\ all securities. Columbia Loan and CollateralOffice, 9Grant aye. . \u25a0>„ :. '

, .ANVAMOUNT:IST,2D or 3DMORTGAGES;A estates, undivided interests, real estate inpro-bate. 1McCOLGAN,24 Montgomery, rooms 2-3.


"IST AND 2D MOBTGAGES; CITY OR COUN«X try: administrators' mortgages, interests in es-tates, diamonds, pianos, etc, MURPHY,628 Mkt.


CENT -^ONmortgages. A.F.JOHNS <fc CO., 632 Market st.


cents Issued ;of Monrovia, Cal.;partic-ulars upon application. DE VAN<& CO., Los An-geleB,Cal. . _ '

PERSONS WHO WANT 4 TO 7 PER CENTX interes a year on their money should '

consultI.W. ENTZ<fe CO., 401 California st.

ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ONyour furniture, pianos or real estate: lowest

rate; call and state your proposition or write; openevenings. J. NOONAN.loai Mission su



~~"\u25a0 •

:Bessie Olsen against Peter Olsen. .Divorces granted : \u0084


"Bartholomew Ratio from Delia Batto fordeser-

tion, byJudge Sanderson. .-. -.v •\u25a0': ; :.

BIRTIIS-HttARRIAGES-DEATIIS.[Birth, marriage and death notices sent bymail

willnot be inserted. ,.They must be handed in ateither of the publication offices. and be indorsedwith the name and residence ofpersons authorizedto have the same published.]

- .. \u25a0 *.; _<-\u25a0

„.' '. :'!\u25a0 \«r" '

BORN. ,'".. \u25a0

CBOOKS—Inthis city, December. 3, 1895, .to thewife ofSamuel R. Crooks, a daughter. \u25a0

HAAS—In this city,'December 8,1985, to the wifeof B. Haas, a son.;... ._ _\u0084 ;. j\u0084.,;.

KELLEY—In this c!ty, November 17, 1895, to thewife ofJ. H. Kelley,a daughter.


SALOMON— this city,December 10,1895, to thewife of Sam Salomon, a daughter. .-. «_. . -


; jiakkied. -,--;;•.."! ., \u25a0

BRUCE— SCABLETT—Inthiscity, December 8.1896, by the Bey.C. O. Brown, Henry C. Bruceand Henrietta Scarlett,

'i.-? \u25a0\u25a0'*.- ;.

LOBING—BEED—InAlameda, December 5,1895,by the Bey. J. K.McLean, Francis H. LoringofKobe, Japan, •and Emma :Louise ,Beed .ofAla-meda. \u25a0:•.-.* tVS »":."- '\u0084.'... . ',\u25a0\u25a0 -ii'-i

METZKEB—WILEY-Inthis :city, December 9,-. 1895, by the Bey. P. Flawith, John O. Metzkerof

-Willow Ranch. Modoc County, and Minnie

Wiley ofCedarvlUe, Modoc County. ;>.-*-; ..• j

SHAW—RAY—InOakland, December 10, 1895,Palmer H. Shaw and jHannah *K.\u25a0 Bay of -Na-

\u25a0 .\u25a0varro, Cal. •-;..r \u25a0-.-. .•;. -i.-r \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0..' :\u25a0 \u25a0 < ,-.?.^;'


C.BEMIS.-' —-^-——--—"^-—7--?—^. REALESTATE ANDLANDAGENT,' -:\u25a0•324 MONTGOMERY ST.


«]r • *t\J\J business property on Market st.- •

"1Ojixl9s—N\V. COR. OF A ST. AND 27THJL^jwaye.; as a whole orIn subdivisions. :

©11 AAll corner pacific AYE.AND11.UUU.Baker su: 55x137:6 feet.

fltOi'AA E. SIDE BTANYAN ST., BET.«JD.SJUUU. Carl and Frederick; 25x100.

-<j£l^n T CARLOS-VILLA LOT;100x150

j»^7Afi? 50x127:6 FEET ONJACKSON ST.,t]pU1 \J\J» overlooking the Presidio and bay. ..<3i£nnn 2 MODERN HOUSES of 8 ROOMS«IDUUUU. each, at 25x137:6 feet; electricroad passes houses; make'offer. "'- -'\u25a0..'\u25a0


OO\J\J. Harrison St.. bet. First ana Fremont.\(\(\ LOT ON :DTTNCAN ST., BET. NOE

•tIPttUU. and Castro: 25x114 feet. .Q!iQKAA ELEGANT NW.CORNER OFCOLEtJpOJUU. and Carl sts. . ....(JfcQAA CHOICE BUILDING LOTS NORTH

OUU. of park. -COIiNTK* K£AL ESTAT£,.'

ANCHES s ANDRENT. SENDXV for catalogue .or see .E. E. UUNCE, 1008Broadway, Oakland.AA-ACRE HILL CHICKEN RANCH; 25JtU acres cultivable; plentyof wood and water; asightly,pretty place: lovely shade trees; $400;halfcash. ,D.H. TWING,Sonoma City, Cal. Par-ticulars at 632 Market St., room 5.

" • '.




We have sold and exchanged properties'during

bard times. .Why? Because we have a long listof the best properties in the State at the lowestprices, and parties wishing country lands find ex-actly what they want.


Immediately,on account of leaving the State: afine 10-acre. fruit farm at Mountain View,SantaClara County, with trees in fine healthy condition, |in fullbearing, and also some berries for home use; ihouse or 5 rooms, barn; chicken-houses to accom-modate 1000 chickens; place is ia fine«rder, hav-ing always had the best ofcare.

; ALSO$12.000— A very desirable place near Concord,

Contra Costa County, consisting of 105 acres; 70acres rich bottom land,' balance fine fruit land;good house, outbuildings; family orchard; itsnearness to the San Francisco market makes tnisplace specially suitable for raising vegetables;terms are easy; JjSIOOO or $1500 down, and balanceon time, or willexchange inpart forcity property.

EDWIN K.ALSIP «fc CO.,No. 9, rotunda, MillsBuilding,

San Francisco. •\u25a0

rnr\ ACRES— SS PER ACRE-. PLENTY OFuUU water; good .hog ranch. P. E.LAMAR,313 Montgomery st. \u25a0 . \u25a0


Beautiful young orange groves in tracts of 5acresand upward, lyingalong the Stanislaus River, twoand a half miles from Oakdale.the principalstationof th'-Southern Pacific Railroad on theline betweenStocKton and Merced. The Stanislaus and SanJoaquiu Irrigation Comnuny's canal runs directlythrough the colony,and the property ha 3' a per- Ipetual water right.

Wears prepared to sfll portions of the property Ieither unimprovpdor already planted to Washing- jion Navels, Mediterranean Sweets and MalteseBloods. Tho property Is;under the immediatedirection and care of an experienced horticulturist,who has received diplomas and medals at eightdifferent county fairs in the State and for a small Iconsideration cares for the orange groves for non-residents.

A high and drycountry, with a perfect naturaldrainage system. Allkinds of small game near byaffords excellent sport torhunters. -.-\u25a0-.-,

• -Prices forland, including a perpetual water right i

ana planted to orange trees, $175 per acre.'Un'rn- j

proved land .with fullypaid up water rlphts, $70per acre. Terms: The purchase price payable Insix annual payments,

-without Interest; title per-

fect and liberal discount forcash.For further particulars, maps and catalogues, ad-

dressKASTON,ELDRIDGE <fc CO., -638 Market Street.

San Francisco. Cal.OrF. T.KNEWING, our representative,

'Oakdale, Cal.

"1 A ACRES, «100: MORE SAME PRICE; PAY-1U able $2 a week, without interest; level valleyland; railroad nius through . the tract; 'the bestbargain inCalifornia; secure a home; you willnot jmiss the $2 a week: willbe worth $5 to $1.WESTERN LAND COMPANY, 640 Market st.

UGAR-PINE TIMBER FOR SALE. J. J.BIGLOW, second floor,room 3, Mills building.

TO 8 ACRE CHICKEN RANCHES ON 10years' credit. D. H.TWIN'G. Sonoma City.Cat.


TO EXCUAi. «li.

rfio^xciiATrG^^criTf-E^G^To^s^i^L^cKJL from Fruitvale station forstock ofmerchandise.Address G. X., box 144, Call Office. . j

INKRESIDENCE OF 7 ROOMS ANDBATH;|J in Mission, to exchange for good buildinglot inWesfrn Addition. WORKMAN A FRENCH, !630 Markot st.

* -\u25a0'- \u25a0 i


r."\V."l'scblTr2i9 POWELL ST^-i'JL Specialists in female complaints and diseasesof the eye; consultation free. • , \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 r


INSTANT RE-rL lief formonthly irregularities (from whatevercause) by the most experienced ladies' physiciansInSan Francisco, restores all cases by an improvedmethod, superior to others; ladies will save timeand money, be assured of honest treatment byconsulting the doctors before calling on others;patients who have been imposed upon are spe-cialiy invited; home in confinement: treatmentwarranted :advice free, confidential. DR. andMRS.DAVIES, 14McAllister st., near Jones.

NEW PROCESS-NO MEDICINE,INSTRU-ments or worthless pillsused;every woman

her own physician forall female troubles, no mat-ter from .what cause; restores always inone day;ifyou want tobe treated safe and sur>* callonmen'sphysician ;kno\vledge cau be sent and used at home;allcases guaranteed. DR.POPPER, 318 Kearny st.

\LL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES HE-•XV stored ina few hours: safe Iand . sure relief atanytime; travelers helped at once; home in con- |finemeut; French pll guaranteed; consult free.MRS. DR. WYETH,916 Post St., near Larkin.rjnABER'S "INFALLIBLE PREVENTIVE,"1foreither sex :send 2c for information or 60cfor trial jar. TAYLORCHEM. CO.. box1896, 3..F.T ADIES


XJ ting Pills: strongest, safest, best; never fall;91 per box. WIDBER'S drugstore, 14 Ellis st-,formerly cor. Market Third sts.. sole agents.


;Jones. *Diseases of women and children^

SURE CURE FOR ALL FEMALE Dl*eases, from whatever cause; a home in con-

finement with every comfort; satisfaction guar-anteed, by MRS. DR. GWYER. 226 Turk st.

DD PRAE'S FEMALE REGULATINGPILLS; jsafe and efficient emmenagogue; 91 per box. i

RICHARDS&CO., druggists, 406 Clay Bt..sole ag'ts. ,

HOME,A FRIENDANDMOTHER'S CARE. !MRS. DR. FUNK'S, 1416 Eighth St., Alameda. i


yJ diseases of women and restores all irregularl- \ties Inone day, guaranteeing a cure or no charge; \regulator »2; home for patients. 1870 Market st- j

MRS. DR. WEGENER: PRIVATE HOME INiconfinement: irregularities cured in a few i

hours without operation; pills $2. 419 Eddy st.A LI'EAU'S FRENCH .PILLS; A BOON TO I

xi.ladies troubled with irregularities; no danger;safe and sure; 92 50 express C. O. D.; don't delaynntil too late. OSQOOD BROS., Oakland, Cal.TF IRREGULARorXnyTfemale disease i1see Mrs.Dr.Pnetz and be content- 'Zf>tV%4th. ;

. > enorosAiiS. .TOROI'O^^Lir^O^SU^pTTFEirT^R^VETE-Xrans 1Home Association— Notice is hereby giventhat sealed proposals willbe received by the board jofdirectors of the Veterans' Home Association at jits office, room 13, 320 Sansome street, San Fran-cisco, California, up to 2 o'clock r.m., Saturday, IDecember 21, 1896, and opened Immediately there- Jafter inthe presence of bidders, for furnisning and |deliveringquartermaster and commissary suppliesfor the Veterans' Home, Napa County, California(railroad station YountviUe), for the six monthscommencing January 1, 1896, and ending. June30,1896.-- *

: \u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0"

Schedules, with Information and instruct'ons forsubmitting •bids, will be furnished npon .appll-cation to the undersigned. \u25a0 Bidders willcar fully;follow the conditions of the schedules, and no bidwillbe considered unless it Is ivaccordance with.such schedules. Each bidder must accompany hisbH wiih a certified check upon some wellknown i

and responsible banking house for at least 10 percent of the amount of his bid, payable to J. C. Cur- jrier, treasurer,' conditional that, the bidder willenter into a good and validcontract, upon notice ofacceptance, bs required by law. The board re- jserves the right to reject any or all

-bids, and to ;

order any quantity over orunder the amount speci- ;

fied. Address J. J. Scovllle. Secretary Veterans' !Home Association, room 13. 320 Sansome street.San Francisco, ;California. :By order of

'the board

of directors. \u25a0-- J. J. SCOVILLE,Secretary.-

-'. 1.1 <; \u25a0VI- MOTICKS.

I~n~t~hls~su p^rTo^^^^jr^T^clty^andCounty of ban Francisco, State of California. I

Inthe matter of the estate of MARIE STUBER,deceased. -\u25a0>:- -'v--- \u25a0*-•-\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0•>•. •.-'•*• \u25a0* \u25a0\--^.v.•:\u25a0=\u25a0\u25a0-• :

Order to Show Cause— ltappearing to this Courtby the petition this day presented and filed byJ. C. RUED, Executor of tbe last will and testa-ment of -MARIE STUBER.5 deceased, > that:itwould be for tbe advantage, benefit and best inter-ests of the estate of the 'said deceased and thoseInterested therein, to sell the whole of the real. es-tate of said decedent and also tbe personal property,a general description and statement ot which ap-pears Inthe safd petition: <---; \u25a0\u25a0-:•-•.• .. -ItIs therefore ordered by this Court that all5per-

sons interested inIthe said >estate lof the said de-"

ceased appear before this Court onIthe 20th day ot }December, A. D. 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clocka. k.of said day, at the Courtroom lof said Courtat the New City Hall in-: the City and County ofSan Francisco, State, of California, to show causewhyan order should notbe granted to said Execu- ,tor, as prayed for insaid petition.for the sale of thewhole of Mti«i real -and Ipersonal | property of the :said decedent, and that a copy of thisorder be pub-lished for four successive. weeks in a newspaperprinted and published in said City and County ofSan Francisco.

'"^VsVi,^ ':

Dated November 15, 1895.': -

>. .'- J. V.COFFEY, Judge.W. F. WILLIAMSON, • v

\u25a0 Attorney for Executor, Millsbuilding.*•




Office and Salesroom.14 Montgomery si., near Market.

Call and obtain oneof our "Real Estate Records,"which contain a list of properties for sale in allparts of the city. ... -

\u25a0\u25a0 ;.

IMPROVED PROPERTY.. BARGAINS..<_\u25a0££ AAA SPLENDID INVESTMENT;rJpOU.UUU. corner onHyde St.; 8bay-windowhouses; brick foundation: stone walks: street bi-tumiuized: mortgage of $28,600 can remaia; lot137:6x137:6; water paid 'by the tenants: rent$360.

_____<_\u25a0 &{\(\(\ DORLAND ST.; MISSION WARM«;Pc/UUU. belt; bay-window:residence- of 8rooms and bath; lot 60x114; mortgage of $2500can remain. 1

_____ " •

_» f^AA ELITE LOCATION OF THE MIS-»JP'±OUU. sion; must be sold; a fine 2-story andbasement residence of 8 rooms and bath: brickfoundation: allmodern improvements: lot 30x114;plenty ofroom for stable.C_-V"7Rn A BARG CORNER ON BUCH-<jpO IijyJ. ananst.; store and 3 cottages; rent$60: mortgage of $4000 can remain: lot 80x75;this is a snap. : ____&•

dJOArn BPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO«tt)_iUOU. get a homo well located in the Mis-sion, near Valencia aud 17th sts. cottage of 5rooms and lot 26x100 to an alley; mortgage $1000can remain; rent $13.

' ,

m»£>QFrrv FULTON ST—

NEW MODERN«JpUOU\J. bay-window flats of 5, 6 and 6roomsand bath each; brick foundation; all modern im-provements and conveniences: rent $72 60 permonth;lot 25x137:6; this isa bargain.

_»nnnn fine INVESTMENTONOAKST.;tJpyUUU. 4 bay-window flats of 6 and 5 roomsand bath each, and 2 flats of 3rooms each: brickfoundation: all modern improvements; street ac-cepted: only 2 minutes' walk from Market St.:rent $71;lot 27:6x95.

(fIiQXAA VERY CHEAP; UNION ST., NR.tJpOOUU. Hyde: good 2-story house of 12 roomsand bath: rent for $30 per month; would pay bigifturned into flats.

QAAA baker st., NEARCALIFORNIAtIrOUUU. modern residence of 7 rooms andbath: lot 32:6x82:6; rent $60.

_QC AA YErtBA 6UENA ST., CLAY:<3>OUUU. houseof 7 rooms; lot 23x80 to raarstreet.

G.H.UMBSEN <fe CO., 14 Montgomery st._________ ________OR SALS!

PACIFICHEIGHTS; MARINE VIEW.Large lot, 38:4x127:6, with finest marine view,

which can never be obstructed; very choice loca-tion; a bargain. G.H.UMBSEN <fe CO.,

\u25a0 14 Montgomery st.



EXCEPTIONALLY CHOICE BUILDINGlots. $400 to $500; take the Mission-st. elec-

tric-cars, ask the conductor to let you out at Cotterstreet, you will there see the block; street graded,macadamized and carted; lots level and ready tobuildupon; positively no hills to climb and only afe.w feet from the cars, making the lots practicallyOn the Mission-st. car line; 14 buildings have beenput up on. this subdivision since we started thesale; you will find Mr.G. A.Turner on the prop-erty every morning, who willbe pleased to showyou around and give you all the information de-sired.

/CHOICE BUILDING i-OT:FULTONST.. NR.\J Fillmore; we have 100x137:6 feet which wewillsell in subdivisions to suit the purchaser andat a price 26 per cent below anything in thi3 im-mediate neighborhood.

pLEMENTINA-ST. BARGAIN,BELOW STH\J sr.: lot 20x75:bouse of 2 tenants: price askedis $2000, and the vacant lot is worth more money;there Is no better buy south of Market st. than thislittle place. '

rriURK-ST. BARGAIN, BELOW VAN NESSaye. lot 27:6x120 through to arear street, af-

fording double frontage: streets paved and ac-cepted by the city; Improvements consist of v sub-stiintial two-story bay-window residence of 9 roomsand bath, rented at $600 year: this property isfor sale at let**than the valuation of the land, saynothing of the improvements.

©/I7^n INCOSIES4SO A YEAR;NATOMA-<iP"± 1 Ov/.St. investment property: near Fifth;improvements consist of 2 flats of 5rooms each.

CM Q AAA INCOME $1400 PER ANNUM;«_5 XO.uUU. choice corner Investment propertynicely located in the Western Addition; improve-ments new; a northeast corner: car line passes thedoor; we can show that this property has renderedthis income steadily for the last three years, eversince it was built.

MODERN BAY-WINDOW RESIDENCE ON-'L the north side of Oak St., near Scott: 7rooms ant?

-bath; htgh-tinishod basement; street

paved withbitumen an 1 accepted tiy the city lot25x100; price asked $6000; an offer willbe. enter-talned. ": .. - - _.U :. \u25a0 «^"-

MODERN FLATS IN TnE WESTERN AD-ditiou; 6 und 7rooms and bath each; Income

$52 50 a month: lot 25x106:3; nicely located;convenient to the Haicht, Oak and Page streetcarlines; ort'ereci _t a sacrifice.

piNE-STREET DOWNTOWN PROPERTY,X near Kearnv; 3-story brlc1 building;income$600 a year; price $7000.

SUTTER-ST. DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT—Positively the greatest bargain that has ever

been offered on Sutterst.: leased to one tenant for$780 per annum; rrice $12,000, and a good sub-\u25a0tantial huildine 01 13 rooms; the lot is worth theprice asked.

/1OUGn-ST. MODERNFLATS—TWO EXCEP-VItional flats of 7 rooms and batli each; totalyearly income $780; lot27x137:6: price $9500;this is positively one of the beat purchases Inthelineof flats that can be found to-day.

We have several pieces that we consider gen-uine hargalns; willbt* pleased to give you a listof them ifyou willcall.

O'FARRELL & CO.,Heal Estate Brokers,

11Montgomery st.

fi«99' MUST SELL—LOT 2 BLOCKS S. OF«Jp_i_^O. park: title insured: level; worthdouble.Call at. once, 9Powell St., room 3. •





;\u25a0•;.-; no RISK.$360 a year on $2250 buys 4 neat flats, while

citybanks willonlypay you $90.$120 a month on $16,500 for elegant corner N.

of Market; new Improvements; bank interest onlypays $50.

$2800— Cottage, dow fine business property, at518 (astro. •

$4600— Rents $40; for cottage and '£ flats onBush, torear street. . • - .

$5000— $48: 3 new flats on car line.$6500— Twoelegant flats, with a stable, on Pane.'$6750— Three elegant flats near Halgbt and Fill-

more: rents HI; lot 25x110.- •

$6800— new flats; Jackson St.: rents $65.$10,000— Store and 4 flats: new; near City Hall;

rents $Bb.~

". -'—

.$12,B00— Ellis st.:investment; rents $125.$6500—3 flats and stable in Western Addition:

rents $70.CM1 AAA 20-ROOM nouSE AND LOT,tJpXX.UUU. 39x80, at 1607 California street;terms half cash. -•<JM 9 F.{\(\ FINE CORNER; ALWAYStjDX_i.oUU. rented for$116; Relect localltv.

k>A AAA corner 110x120; NEW'IM-«Ip_iU.UUI/. provements; rents $180. :<_ (\(\f\ BUBINESS PROPERTY; LOT»_f_O.UUU. 36x120; within 150 feet of Mar-ket; near the Baldwin; with small outlay willeasily rent for $500. • •

<_1 in linn MARKET-ST. BUSINESSX\J,\J\J\J. property, near the Baldwin; 2frontages.

A.M.SPECK <t CO.,\u25a0 ; . \u25a0 602 Market st.


GreatBig lots.Clement St.,Point Lobos and 26th ayes.$375 and upward; $50 cash,$10 monthly;cheapest lots in the city.They are selling fast: don't wait.Sutro elt-rtrJc cars on Clement st.BALDWIN»fc HAMMOND,10 Montgomery st.:


JL ' Those cheap lots on 10th'and 11th ayes., M

and Nsts., south of the park; only$275, $25 down$10 a month; fine views of the park and GoldenGate; perfect title; are selling fast; only a few left.

BALDWIN &HAMMOND,- . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0..;-- . 10 Montgomery^. :OUBK AND LOT; REDUCED FROM $H6OOto $7250; .1318 Leavenworth St., bet. Clay

and Washington; house of 9 rooms; bath; elec-tric lis<htini{;hot-air furnace; marine view: termswillbe made. ApplyMADISON<fc BURKE. ,.<Bt'-*nn/t

*FLATS NEAR 9THANDHARRI-ripO\J\J\J. son sts. \u25a0at a bargain ;'if renovatedwillpay over 16 per cent on the entire Investment;lot 25x100: street accepted; offer wanted. GEO.W. ARMBRUSTEB, 24 Montgomery st. . '\u25a0 : >-_;\u25a0;-

COTTAC4ES7JUBT COMPLETED;$3600; EASY) terms; 6 rooms; bath; elegant muutels: gaafixtures, Bhades; tiled sink; high basement; allmodern: 3car lines; onen daily. E. P. E. TROY,owner, 301 California st. • •


fl> "I WEEKLY: GOODBERKELEY LOTS.«IP-L The dollar was earned fromday today;

«\u25a0 I*4The dollar was round, itrolled away. •:*. . ."-

•Save your dollar. .Own your lot,50-Lot 25x102; $1 weekly.-

*176—Lot 31x136; $1 weekly.$250— Lot 25x120; $1 weekly; sewered. >.$313— Lot 25x100: $1.25 weekly;macadamized.'- CHAS.;A. BAILEY, 46 Market su, fc>. F., or

ilerkeley station, Berkeley. . •-


track; low prices; easy terms. THE McCAR-THY CO., C46Market^ \u25a0.•*. \u25a0>••.:\u25a0: :' a--: -


I^RUITVALE TERMINALTRACT D.PRATT,XIYruitvale ':sta. THE MCCARTHY CO., 646Market st., S.F.: Lots $100 up; easy terms. \u25a0'/'TJOUSES BUILTBI6OTO $275 A ROOM;CALL-U. and examine dlan*. 1149 Mission st. ; ;/


LOCA-tion—Fruitvale Terminal Tract. Lots $100 up.

\u25a0i•\u25a0\u25a0j",: ;«\u25a0;»',; .\u25a0...'-'

\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0: . \u25a0 \u25a0>



BOAKDINCI AND KOOMS.OT^TTBEIjTI^I^GTm^BU^H^X^A^n^hotel: references given and required; allmod-

em conveniences. \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0 •.' -:• \u25a0 •'•\u25a0:.'••-- -


NICELY FURNISHEDIuUO suite: also siugle rooms; flrst-class board.'Q99 VANNESS AYE.—NEWLYFURNISHEDt/_/_i6unuy rooms; parlor .floor; comfortablehouse; excellent table; references. . . . ...^v:

Q9/« EDDY • (HOTEL NORMANDIE)—ELE-O_,l) gant sunny single rooms, with flrst-dassboard: terms very reasonable. ...A i)ALEAVENWO RTH-LAR(JE, SUNNY'Tm'x elegant rooms, single and suite; new bed-ding: excellent table; \u25a0: desirable house for gentle-'men. .'


T~HE ABBOTSFORD, BROADWAY ANDPoik St.—Quiet and homelike; charges moder-

ate- board optional : all cars direct. . . >'."VTEWHOTEL WENTWORTH, 617 BUSH ST.—-UN C'hangod hands: fine rooms: uood tnble._

CHlLUi;t:> iiOAKOKO.

Y^B^WIsIIEITB^vBV^BOUTnrYEAROLDXJ to board and care for; cood home and clothes:healthy location; reasonable. Address B, box 4,Call Otuce. '

\u25a0> ' \u25a0

ENGLISH WIDOW WISHES 2 CHILDRENTOboard ;room for parent. 47Y2Gilbert St.

ERMAN WIDOW WISHES CHILD 1411 Twenty-flfthSt., near Sanchez.



names given, 25c up; systems taught to playraces and sure tips given. 828 Howard, bet. Fourthaud Fifth. • •



AND HAPPINESSforall who consult him. Rememiier Prof. Eugeneispermanently located in San Francisco; don't failto call;read his Sunday's advertisement.

1728 Market st.

ME.DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REVEAL-er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past,

present, luture; consultations on all affairs; noth-ing except ed; names given: good advice:surehelp;restores lost love bysympathy; mistake imp-

ossible; fee $1: letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin.'UGUSTA

'LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER:_x n.u-'ic charms: love tokens; true picture offuture wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling;develops clairvoyance, slate writing,etc.;has tueseven holy seals and the Palestine wonder ch»m>;fee Si -net upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth.

TARLIGHTMEDIUMATONE GLANCE RE-veals past, present, future. 865 V3Market, rm. 2.

PR E N i',^PAST ANDFUiURE. 25c. MME.LEGGETTE.311 Teliamu St., near Fourth.

(ILAIBVOYANIAND LIFE READER: LA-\J dies 25c. 230 Clara st., bet. Fifth and Sixth.t>est CLAIRVOYANTAND CARD READER-D on earth; ladies and gents, 25c. 206 Fourth st.

ME. ARNDT.BEST GERMAN FORTDNE-teIIer; ouly25c and 50c: show you the picture

of your future husband or wife. 724 Harrison st.

ME.MOREAU,BEST MEDIUM;REVEALSpast.present aud future ;25c up. 754 Howard st.

PROF. LEON, CLAIRVOYANT. PALMIST,-L trance charmer, hasnoeqnal; valuable advice,

reunites lovers, causes speedy marriage, removesevil influences; troubles healed." 533 Post, 9to 8.

THEL QBAY, CARD-READER, PALMIS-'try and masnetist. 1031 Market St., rooms 1

i.nd 2. \u25a0\u25a0 <


YPSY MEDIUMANDPALMIST:ARTICLESread: sittings 25c. 1003 Mission st.

DB. WOOD, INDEPENDENT SLATE-writer and trance medium. 597 Ellis st.

Maa C. 3. MEYER, TBANCE BUSINESSmedium: circles Monday and Friday evenings.

2514y Sutterst.

mEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c. MME.YOUNG,1605 McAllister st. Skeptics invited. ,MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT

trance medium: sittings $1. 218 ktonst.

'I?ASTERN STAR PLANET-SKERESS ANDJ-i psyebometrist: consultation 50c. 917 Market.

RS. MAYOSTEERS. TEST ANDBUSINESSmedium: readings dally. 101 Grove, cor. Polk.


structions in English branches and music torboard. M.S., box 137, Call Office.

MRS. MELVILLE-SNYDER,519 VAN NESSaye., .piano, singing and elocution in all

branches; drama and opera specialties; ladles audgents coactic 1 for private theatricals.

MISSBOLTE'.S SCHOOL.'J'.'e" SACRAMENTO:board, English, French, German, piano. $30

Imonth: sepaiate French kindergarten: coach.-

USIC AND THE DRAMA—FREE INSTRUC-tion in vocal music, elocution and acting;

stage rehearsals; successful .debuts guaranteed;pupils rltted for concert, rhoir and stage. Officehours 2 to 4, rooms 123 and 124. 1236 Market st.

-'^LOCUTION—DRAMA,DELSABTE, PHYSI--Ci cal culture, voice culture.' OLIVE HOFFSCHROEDER, 299 Hyde at.: call after Ip.m.

PaNISH. FUEN« H.(iEHMAN;MODERATE.'Meisterschaft School Languages, 122 O'Farrell st

EALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 24 POST ST.Bookkeeping, business practice, shorthand,

typing, electrical engineering, telegraphy, modernlanguages rapidly taught. Write for catalogue.VTIOHTSCHOOL;I±EALD'SBUS.COLLISGE;24i-^Post :commercial, shorthand, English: low rate*"\TIOLIN,MANDOLIN,CELLO, BANJO; RiSA-\ sonable. PROF. FRAN< 1045y3Valencia.7~' 1EMISTBY AND ASSAYING. CUNNING-\J ham's School, cor. Gtary and Powell sts.

S" ANFRANCISCO BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1288Market; scud for cat.: day and evening session.

"V^IOLIN, MANDOLIN, GUITAR, CORNKTV taught. Prof. L.MERKI,226 Geary reasonableI)I.I.ASCO'S"LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING—X> Private theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsedonstage. R.sit 12. 1.0. O. F.block, 7th and Market.

ELECTRICAL, CIVIL,"MININO,ME:0 chanical engineering, surveying, architectureassay: estab. '64. VANPER NAILLEN.723M.kt.pHEAPESTAND I'.EST INAMERICA—\J WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address in theUnited States or Canada one year for$1 50, post-age free.


Di^i^VEltrirATE~O]ri4B»IXTH ST., RE-movedto 1012 Mission, near Sixth: gas given.

R.L.T.CRANZ-EXTRACTION PAINLESS,crown work, bridge work and teeth without

plates a specialty. .103 Geary st., cor. Grant aye.

r.rea,3oo TURKST—ALLDENTALWORKat lowest piices ai>d warranted onenevpnintts.

ETAL PLATE fB; TEETH EXTRACTEDorrilled painlessly by my patent un;esthetic,

soc: won 2(i prizes. Obdontunder Dental I'arlors,8153,4. Gearv St., bet. Larkln and Hyde, oppositefc-araloga Hall. R. L. WALSU,D. D.S./ ROOME DENTALASSOCIATION, 759 MAB-\J ket, bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists; only reli-able agent for painless extraction: artificial teethfrm $5: fillingsfrm $1: extracting 60c. with gasfl.dfc/T A set for teetii; warranted AS»1P 1 good as can be made; filling$1. DR. SIMMs,dentist 93o Market St., next Baldwin Theater.

D" B.H. O. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETHwithout plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st.

11R. LUDLUM HlLju, 1443 MARKET ST.,XJ near Eleventh: no charge tor extracting whenplateg are made: old plates made over like new;teeth from $8 per set:extracting 50c: gas given.



—Open evenings: Sundays tillnoon.

A~LL WORK REASONABLE AND WAR-ranted. DR. J. W. KEY.1122'Market st. >\u25a0

DI GEORGE W. LEEK, TilE~ GENUINELeek dentist, discoverer ofpainless extraction

and patentee of improved bridge work or te«thwithout any piate, moved from6 to 2o O'Farrell st.


RT^riL^nEsWH^^rv^rn^RTN^n^^^geon 1for 8. F. Police Department. Office and

hospital, 121 CityHall aye.: telephone south 401.

1C A SETS »E \V AND SECOND-HAND HAB-JLt)Uness: also ,wagons, .buggies and horses :contracting outfit; sand wagons and scrapers. 1128Mission st. \u25a0\u25a0:

• .--.-• -

HORSES PASTURED; $2 A MONTH; GOODcare and feed; send for circular. The Hyde

ranch, 630 Commercial st. \u25a0 -t: -\u25a0

AC\ HORSES FOR SALE; ALSO WAOON.i!"vbuggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcade HorsiaMarket, 327 Sixthst. ;auction sales every Wednes-day. BULLIVANA DOYLE, Auctioneers. > _1A SETS tJECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALLIUUkinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts;

also 20 cheao horses. Klfteentli and Valencia sta.

\VA<rt» • A-NjL». CAIUUAGES.

AGONS, CARTS. HAR^JESsTETaTcHEAP'» at E<: -\N'S. 2117 Mission; wagon wanted.

\ ,".:: •. ISTOKAGJE :. ~~T

OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANBFEP.' CO.,Fifth and Bluxome sts., furniture:and goods

packed, shipped and stored: 9 large fireproof ware-houses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388.

TORAGE OFFURNITURE, PIANOS,HODSE-hoId goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st.ILSON BROTHERS. 7TO MARKET—Storage: lowrates; telephone tjouth 762. :.



A'^DVICeTbEE;15lv6R"CB'"^rND >R'6BATElaws a specialty; •suits, superior. Justice and

Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc.G.W.HOWE, att'y-at-law,860 Market .cor.Stock

. W. DAVIDSON,ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,43a.CallfornU st.. nns. 14-16: advice free.

; \u25a0•-. \u25a0

"to _ease. \u25a0••'. -,\u25a0\u25a0-. T~~".

p^c^TcTLJfF i'jTbbickrbuTldingT aljysize; with or without power: suitable for laun-

dry, *\u25a0 manufacturing, etc.- '*Apply:GEORGE .;' U.

HIND,411 Montgomery St. >

\u25a0-\u25a0 v /\u25a0; •- bicircLES. ; \\u25a0T>AKK CYCLERY—NEW WHEELS^TO "LET?J best > accommodations.

*Terminus Geary,' Mo-

\u25b2Ulster and Powell st. car lines.


Continued.i'-'s;i'i'. . "Tehama Street..

71 TEHAMA,BF.T.EIGHTHANDNINTH—111 Two furnished rooms, complete for house-keeping.

Tenth Street.

]1Q TENTH—2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP-_-*-<-> ingrooms; piano; family; reasonable.

\u25a0 ; Turk Street.

BTURK-2 SUNNY ROOMS FOR HOUSE-kpeplng,or without.- 1 .; ;

,Van. Ness 'Avenne. :

91 VANNESS AYE.—NEWLY FURNISHED—-L sunny suites for housekeeping; very reason-

able and comfortable: with baths.Washington Street.

KA9 WASHINGTON—SUNNY UNFURNISH-Kf\j^4ed housekeeping rooms.

AVelsh Street.


Birch Avenue.

q»10 4ROOMS; 527VBIKCHAYE. APPLY<$ XU. ON RHEINi.CO., California st.

Bush Street.Ql-I BUSH-NICE SUNNY PLEASANTUK.X.rooms: gas and bath; $7 and $9.



NICELY FURNISHEDj:V'«J rooms: single and housekeeping; newhouse. . "

California Street.1J.l7 CALIFORNIA—NICELYFURNISHED-L^i-L1 room ior1or 2;private family; very rea-


Devisadero Street.170"^ DE\T[SADERO— LARGE SUNNY FUR-L i\JtJ nished rooms; $5 and $6 per month.

Eddy Street.

Ci~\Q EDDY—NICELY FURNISHED ISUNNYvJ-LOfront room; gas and bath: $8.

Eighth street.

1Q(\ EIGHTH—3 LARGE SUNNYROOMS TO-LOUlet, unfurnished. . - ,

Eleventh Streeet.

mELEVENTH—SUNNY FRONT FUR-'nished. room suitable for young man, $5 ;

month; bath, etc \u25a0

I'olsoin Street.Q7_ FOLSOM—DOUBLE OR SINGLE ROOM 1VI*±cheap; housekeeping.

.Garden Street.

1Q GARDEN, NEAR HARRISON AND ;J-O Sixth—Front room, nicely furnished for two,$7 a month;also front room, S5 amonth.

<Jeary Street.f?O_ GEARY—NICELY FURNISHED COSY"Ott suite; also single room for leman.

olden Gate Avenue.

AQ.±GOLDEN GATE—NEWLY FURNISHEDTtO"± rooms; hotand cold water: gas; bath.

Gough Street.

71 C GOUGH—SUNNY FRONT ROOM, WITHI±O closet, forgentleman; $6.

ilayes Street.


LARGE, SUNNY FURNISHEDfront room, suitable for two; Cheap.

Hyde Street.

Ql 9 HYDE—VERYLARGEROOM; MODERNOJ.^. conveniences: rent reasonable.

Jones Street.

9 A,7 JONES—

THE VAN WINKLE: NEW—VImanasement: elegant sunny suites andsingle; newly furnished; bath, etc.; $10 to *30.

Kearny Street.

riKEARNY—LARGE FURNISHED BOOM, 2 i«J» beds, $12; single. $5: grates; cas; closets.

\u2666 RLINGTONHOUSE, 127 KEARNY—PLEAS- |_\- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first clasj

inevery respect: terms reasonable.


NICELY FURNISHED—Ol' rooms: terms reasonable.

_eavenworth street.

Ol A LEAVENWORTH-PLEASANT SUNNY |OJLU rooms; home comforts; gentlemen only;references.,

A!arket Street.


SUNNY FRONT ROOMS,f—JL newly furnished, clean and respectable;also small rooms.\u25a0\TOSEMITK HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET.J. Sixth and Seventh— Sln?le and suites; per

eight, 35c to $1: week. ,?1 50 to $5: families3lagon Street.

nMA«ON ST., NEAR MARKET—SUNNroom, nicely furnished; $1a week.

Minna Mreet.

fUifJ MINNA. CORNER EIOHTH-NICELYDUI furnished bay-window room: $1a week.

Mission Street.

QQ9 MISSION—ROOMS TO LET.FURNISH-OO_i ed orunfurnished; f6 and upward.

IA'Q MISSION— LAUGH SUNNY" FTTB-JA»«JG nished room, withgrate fireplace; privatefamily. • ' .

UROPE HOUSE. 1169 MISSION-NICELYXjfurnished rooms, single or en suite: transients.•1 999 MISSION - SUNNY FRONT ANX

— —.—iback 'parlors; furnished; single or en

suite: rent cheap."I79Q1 MISSION, NEAR THIRTEENTH

—XI_Jty2 Large sunny front room, furnished;heater; bath; cheap.

Oak Street."I r*OAK


XO front room.O'Farrell Street.

THE CORNWALL— ELEGANT FURNISHEDsunny rooms: In suite or single;by day, week or

month. 416 O'Farrell st.

Pine Street.

f>-\ 1 PINE— SUNNYROOMS: $4, ?5 AND$10OIK per month.

-ft9] PINE—SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS;O—X rent reasonable.

1QfiflW'N'KiCOR. HYDE—NICELY FUR--LOV/U nished sunny front room; $8.

Tost Street. :s--'AQ POST


tJv/O rooms en suite or single: reasonable prices .rjr\OPOST—NICELY FURNISHED FRONTf \JO alcove room; also sunny back parlor.Q| qb POST—NICELY FURNISHED FRONTt/lDsuite; also sunny single rooms in modernflat;terms reasonable.

Seventh Street.

-|O7 SEVENTH—FURNISHEDROOMSJ. •iIfrom$1 week up; also housekeeping andtransient. , . . •

Sixth Street. \QQ SIXTH


00 rooms; single and en suite; $1 to $1 SO a day.)AASIXTH—NICE SUNNYSiNGLKROOMS;—itttfc rent very reasonable. . •

Stevenson Street.


NICE FUBNISHEDU—<I front room cheap. . . ;

Stockton Street.' .'..'1Ql ASTOCKTON—SUNNY FRONT SUITE;XO-Ltfc doctor's office; eleeantly furnlshd; cheap.

/ Sutter street. \u25a0

mSUTTER-LARGE FRONT ALCOVE;rent reasonable. ' .

. ; Third Street. vTiriNCHERTER HOUSE— 44 THIBD, NEARM Market: most convenient and respectable; 200

rooms 26c to $1 50 per night; *150 to $6 per week;electric lights inevery room :reading r'm;free bus.. Turk Street.rag TURK-SINGLE SUNNY BOOM; GAS;OttO bath: f5.

Van Ness Avenue.

QAO VANNESS IIANDSOMELY FUB-ijyj^inished suite; rent reasonable.

Miscellaneous. '

FULTON HOUSE, OPP. CITYHALL—-T nished rooms, single or en suite; 98 and fl6up.

\ MERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL REOPEN--Tx ed on the European plan: light airy roomsfrom 25c to $\ per flay,$4per month and up.


BTOKK9 TO _et.

QTORE'A'NirRAsl^MT^n^kO bath, cor Hayes and Webster. .734 Hayes st.

TfOR RENT—LARGE FRONT.OFFICE AND_• part of store. 221 and 223 Market st.

l*tt't<Jt^-» : .'i»».Liil. ."^XR^^oTT^F^TCETiFrjRI^H^DT^H^APX rent. 609 Kearny St., room 8.

- - :\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' ;'.-



tenants; cottageß, flats, »5 up. SPECK _CO.,802 Market Bt. ; • "'\u25a0'-•'\u25a0\u25a0:"':-

OlH GEARY ST.-PARLOR FLOOR, SUIT-_XIable for doctor's office. Key2l7y^. ..IPLEGANT OFFICES IN NEW SPRECKEL3Hibuilding, 925 Market: rents low; no extracaarge for eaa, janitorservices or beating. Applyat bnildiiig or G. H.UMBSEN ACO.. 14 Mont<.si.

BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION.r^O^TINENTXITBmL^ING^A^^'LOA^'^iS;\J sociatlon— Home office, 222 Bansome St., S. F.General savings &loan business. Ed E. Hill,Pres.;

OliverEidridge. V.Pr.; W Corbin,Bee._ Cien.Man.

Horses to T.,fcT.

"rO^CEiTsTT^ET?TAcTcs^N^AI?rT^A^UF7c—'»J Neat 2-story bay-window house; 8 rooms andbath; rent low to a good .tenant.

Bush, bet. Mason and Taylor—Fine^Hfcy bay-window house; 9 rooms and bath; rent low to agood tenant.

Golden Gate aye., bet. Hyde and Larkin—2-storybay-window; 10 rooms and l)8th

O'Farrell St., bvt. Mason and Taylor—2-story ;9rooms and bath. \u25a0*

'*\u25a0 \u25a0 -ivi^;-:

Apply to C. s. CAPP &CO.,House Brokers andReal Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st.

O| 11 MISSION—COTTAGE, 7 ROOMS,_Jt:l.X bath. i: 1137 Guerrero, 6 rooms, bath,yard, $22 50: 136 Fifteenth, nr. Howard, 6rooms,;bath, $20: 929Mi Natoma,' 6 rooms, $16. W. H.( KIM<te CO., Lie Montgomery st.

--"1A PAGE Sl'.; COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMSXO and bath; key in rear. :.-.\u25a0

OUSE 11 ROOMS AND HOUSE 6 ROOMS.Apply26 Natoma St., bet. 2 and 4 o'clock.

-911 GEARY—HOUSE OF11 ROOMS; BATH;J.X-L rent reasonable. Key -17V2- ___:1HQQ TWENTIETH— 4 ROOMS; LARGEiUOO grounds: rent $14. Keyat grocery." \u25a0

OVSE 7 ROOMS, BATHANDSTABLK. 11Farren aye., bet. Pierce and Scott sts.

_» 0- BEAUTIFULMODERN 9-KOOM TWO-t^—O. story corner house; garden: yard: 1521Dolores St., "cor. Valley.. HAAS,cor. Thirtiethand Sanchez. \u25a0

OUSE, 4 ROOMS: STABLE FOR 5 HORSES.•_7:h and Alabama st.

C,-1 ft COTTAGE OF 4 KOOMS AND BATH.J^ID. Corner of Union and Laguna st. r

OAVED—DOLLABST^ ES AND NICKELSo'bv rent: a house from BALDWIN & HAMMOND 10 Montcomery st.




- or 3 months $30, to responsibleparry; very reasonable at this price. 10 Octavia.j COMFORTABLE ROOMS; BATH; 2 BEDS:4" all necessaries. 1917 Geary st.

COTi'AoKS io _XT.

• I-

~i\ 2050 . Ni:s. IiETTTNION^AXI)>^Ii.t)U. Filbert; neat cottage: 4 rooms and1ath. Apply to C.s. CAPP &CO., House Brokersand Real Estate Agents. 413 Montgomery st.OUNNY COTTAGKS OF 4 AND 5 BOOMS.0 bath, basement ana yard. 534 Fifteenth St.,near Dolores.^COTTAGES^ i. i:MS.. $14, $18; SUNNY BAY-\J window: modern improvements; planked base-ment: reaaonabie; furniture for sale. 126 Fulton...1,. COTTAGE .X ROOMS; MAPLECOURT,JJp LU. off 1' rarteenth, bet. Gueirero and Dolores.Apply to C.S.CAPP&CO, 413 Montgomery si.,House Brokers! and Heal i.state Agents.


*-..- r.f\ Ci-'TTAiTE ROOMS: GOOD OR-.J> I.i)U.der: water free. Applypremises, 945J<ryam Ki-'hrh.orroom 7i>. 62SMontsomery.


C« 19 ?UV oiSa nb. fi6Eai>^<>l—.t>". Lower flat; 4 rooms: win give halfmonths rent free to eood tenant. SHAINWALD,BUCKBE—& CO., '.J-0 Montgomery st. ."/.--r. 1/' SSIa HAVEs ST.. BET. WEBSTER•_ L\J. iixui Fillmore; middle bay-window flat; 4

looms and bath.$B—Also lower flat: 3 rooms and bath.$25- 2054 Jones md Filbert sts., SE. corner; 8

rooms and bath.Applyto C. S. CAPP &CO., nouse Brokers and

K«al Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st.I1NEW FINE BOOMS WITH 2"BATHS;ONJ"T s.-cond and third floors: can be used together

or as two flats: on Hayes st., bet. Octavia and La-,.isßa: also 2 neat tlats. b rooms and bath each, oni.inden aye., bet. Hayes and Fell. Octavia aud La-guna sts.: rent low to good tenants. Applyto C. S.CA \'V tt COt. 413 Montgomery St., House Brokersand Real Estate Agents.

H:I 7 SUNNY ROOMS;bath: larce basement and yard; reut only 520;

721 Fourteenth st., near Market. BALDWIN «fcHAMMOND,10 Montgomery st.

I^IVESUNNY ROOMS AND BATH;;YARD;rent $13. 1724 San 'Carlos aye.


-Shotwell, nr.Fourteenth: $14 and §lB.

AY-WINDOW SUNNY FLAT—FURNISHEDor not; 5 rooms and bath; laundry. 106

Eleven; h st. bakery.

9A7-209 WEBSTER— DESIRABLE SUNNY_\J Iflats; 6 and 7 rooms; rent reasonable.

1 ROOMS; BATH: YABD;CELLAR; CARS;~± -«12 50. 1413 Pacific St., neajj Hyde.'[\u25a0 \u25a0' LET—$l7 50: FLAT 5 ROOMS, PATENT-Iwater-closet and bath: 37 Langton St., bet. How-ard and Foisom, west of Seventh. Inquire oppo-site, or room 14. Hotel Pleasanton, Sutter st.

Qj] " SUNNY FLAT: 5 BOOMS, GAS AND*ZM-*J'bath. 128 Twenty-sixth St., near Capp.

EXTP. \ CONVENIENT SUNNY FLAT, 7XJ rooms, bath. 1314 Fell, near Baker.T OVELY FLAT:5 800 8 ANDBATH. 8141j Nineteenth st.,bet. Noe and Sanchez: very.lowrent to good tenant; key downstairs.OAVED-DOLLARS, DIMES AND NICKELSO by rent a flat from BALDWIN St HAM-MON D.10 Montgomery st. _____.>i'lJ/T8: 13 fjI'.V.VYROOMS: MODlfifiNIM-

\' •-

r h- n \u25a0'--\u25a0 Howard."

Of)fv _\'2 50 AND 825,4 FINE FLAT OF 6.'.-

"\|jm3 and bath each, on Gough St., nearMcAllistti: $20, 6 roomsi bath and basement. 9l2Bryant st., near Seventh. Apply to T. P. RIOR-DAN,63 Market st.


THB- »- WEEKLY CALL.Inwrapper, lormaillcg.


2 \u25a0V 1 tM'ERFLAI: ALsi>. U>W E X FLAT,0 unfurnished; o*vnergoins; East. 2514 ,-a Sutter.



CORNER FURNISHEDJ. 1 X flat, 6 rooms complete for housekeeping;rent $27.

Devisadero Street.

9 OR 3 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR—. lighthousekeeping. 2004 Devisadero st.

Jitldy Street.

/>1Q EDDY-LARGF.UNFURNISHED FRONT\JXtJ bay-window'EDDY-4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS,''li)fine location: private family: ref»"ren<


3 ..SUNNY BOOMS AND__1 store; large yard; allconveniences: $10.


VICELY-FURNISHEJS FRONT PARLOR,-N with lighthousekeeping. 504 Ellis. ';.-'


3 NICELY URNIS HE D%\J\j sunny housekeeping rooms: also others; for

gentlemen. - :iolsom Street.

Q7A FOLSOM—SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS0IU for housekpg; also single; rent reasonable.

Fourth street.

9A7FOURTH-SUNNY FURNISHEDi)Ut front room for housekeeping from %'Z 50 up.

Franklin Street."

..117 FRANKLTN-2 SUNNY FUBNISHED"HI rooms and bath; for housekeeping. \u25a0

Geary eet.

91 TlGEARY—TWO HOUSEKEEPING—i- '£ rooms: rent reasonable.

1Ol 1GEARY ST., OPP. THE PARK; f16;JLOXX a.cove suite and adjoining room, withporcelain sink, bath. 3closets; partly furnished.

Howard Street.

IQ'^ HOWARD-2 SUNNY FURNISHEDXOOzt front housekeeping rooms; range; bath;rent $12 50.


Uyde Street.

11A HYDE—THREE ROOMS FURNISHED1 ,1U complete forhousekeeping; $20 a month.

• v Kearny Street.

CIKEABNY—PLEASANT UNFUBNIRHED02 lightbousekpg: closets; running water; grates.

—afayette Street.Q1 1LAFAYETTE,BET. ELEVENTH ANDOl Twelfth—2 large unfurnished rooms, $7.

Leavenworth Street.

Ql (\ LEAVENW O R TH—2 BASEMENTulu rooms, with laundry: suitable forcouple;housekeeping.

" - '

-liewis Street.

T Q LEWIS. OFF TAYLOR,NR.POST— LAROEXOunfurnished room and kitchen; cellar: $9.

3linna— treet.

C>* C MINNA—3 UNFI'RNISHED ROOMSOlDforhousekeeping; sunny and central.


000 front rooms, furnianed complete forhskpg.

191 Q MISSION-SUNNY HOUSEKEEPINGX_,Xt7 rooms; gas and range; no children.

O'*arrell Street.

Q9Q O'FARRELL -.3 OR fi FURNISHEDO_,O rooms fortiousokfceplng; good location. Callbetween t> and 1. \u25a0 \u25a0 . -' '-

I'olk Street.

1 fiH9POLK, COR. GEARY-TWO SUNNYXUUZisuites; complete for housekeeping; sep-arate kitchens: gas stoves: allconveniences; mod-ern apartment-house; rent 817 50 and 925.

Prospect Place. J^ '\u25a0!-''\.'-.}

\H9 PROSPECT PL., BET.PINE AND CALl-—l_<fornia, below Powell— Unfurnished * front

room; light housekeeping; 6; single furnishedr<J°ni,ifs. . -

liuHS Street.

Q43 RUSS-LARGE. FRONT ROOM AND__^*Jatchen; wlyfurnished; light bousekpng.

Seventh Street.

IQfJ BEYE NTH-NICELY FURNISHED-"«housekeeping roomb; single orensuite; yard.

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