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Welcome to the beginning of the Psychology of Energy Lessons. Although all of the subjects of Empath Psychology are related to the concept of "the psychology of energy", I have labeled this section specifically so that you can begin to think about all of our topics tying together mind - body - and energy. Take your time with what you are learning. Work at your own pace. I strongly encourage you to join the Empaths Group on Yahoo so that you can post questions, get feedback, support, and fellowship. Members there come from all walks of life, all creeds and religions, and all areas of the world. It is not required but is is free and is a great way to get support and meet other authentic Empaths.

ø The Psychology of Energy

Dictionary. COM provides the following definition of psychology:

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary - Cite This Source

Main Entry: psy·chol·o·gy Pronunciation: -jE Function: noun Inflected Form: plural -gies 1 : the science of mind and behavior 2 a : the mental or behavioral characteristics typical of an individual or group or a particular form of behavior <mob psychology> <the psychology of arson> b : the study of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field of knowledge or

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activity <color psychology> <the psychology of learning> 3 : a treatise on or a school, system, or branch of psychology

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

This is a course in Empath Psychology which is, in effect, the psychology of energy. Everything in existence is composed of energy and interacts with the energies around it. Human beings are no exception. We live in an ocean of energy that surrounds us at all times. Yet most of those energies are invisible to the naked eye and to the senses in general. As Empaths, we are especially interested in the "invisible energies," as they seem to impact us on a daily basis.

An Empath is a person who is highly sensitive to energy and energy states. The ability of an Empath to read and interpret the emotions & mental states of others is tied into a complex grid of energy interactions. Through this course you will become acquainted with a comprehensive model which includes thirty-six energy states and how those energy states are experienced and perceived by us (Empaths). But first, there are some core building blocks that you must learn. These building blocks are called "Nodes," or "Empath Nodes."

Empath Psychology is also referred to as "Implicate" Psychology", which is an emerging body of thought that investigates intuitive abilities and the evolution of consciousness. By definition, Empath Psychology is a form of Transpersonal Psychology even though it has not been formally recognized and is not a formal discipline. Transpersonal Psychology was founded by Abraham Maslow and Anthony Sutich in 1969. Transpersonal Psychology investigates the psychology of spiritual experience and the role of consciousness in the evolution of the human being. The works of Carl Gustav Jung and William James also contributed to the development of Transpersonal Psychology. Empath Psychology differs from other schools of thought in that it utilizes intuition and creativity for heuristic research instead of the empirical approach. This intuitive approach does not detract from its seriousness or meaning. It is a pioneering body of work leading to new insights into the human experience. Empath Psychology is like the "Montessori" school of Transpersonal Psychology.

Ø Implicate Psychology is based upon the premise that the universe, in general, is holographic in nature. In a holographic universe everything is interconnected and interdependent. The use of the word "implicate" is derived from the work of physicist David Bohm who proposed the holographic theory and who labeled the source of the holographic universe as "implicate order." (see "Wholeness and Implicate Order" by David Bohm). Implicate Psychology focuses on the development of empathic individuals as possibly reflecting a critical trend in human evolution towards "holographic consciousness," which may be the key to higher levels of functioning and resources for the future. Implicate Psychology treats consciousness and the

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central nervous system as potential resources for new technologies of the future. Extra sensory perception and the empathic response are just tips of the iceberg relative to what may be possible. (see "The Holographic Universe" by Michel Talbot) The School of Empath Psychology refers to a "school of thought", i.e., a philosophical exploration into the nature of intuition and the nature of highly intuitive individuals, not an institution.

I am going to share the information on the "Psychology of Energy" without spending a great deal of time with formal references and technical explanations. I have taken my research and put it into user friendly formats. However, if you wish to go deeper into any subject mentioned, please engage the class with discussion and ask questions. I have more information available than I could possibly post online.

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Dreamtongue: the Language of Energy

In the first class you were introduced to the language of the Empath, "Dreamtongue." Dreamtongue is a creative label applied to the holographic communication that occurs between all things. Everything is energy and all energy is information. All information is communicated through energy. All energy is communication. As a budding Empath, you will learn to look at everything as a form of communication and you will find that your natural abilities will begin to plug into your experiences in new and exciting ways! When I use the word holographic I intend to imply that the entire universe is one seamless energy field. We exist within that energy field and are, in effect, energies within that field. All things are interconnected. This holographic nature of existence indicates that we, human beings, are all interconnected. We are all one, as the Buddha said. All life on this planet is interconnected in ways that are not apparent to our eyes and ears, but something deep inside the Empathic nature confirms that we are all connected. The thought of empathic communication is not so hard to grasp once you grasp the holographic nature of existence.

You are an energy field. You might think of the concept of the human aura and think of that as an energy field around your body. In fact, the dense matter of your body is also energy. Your body is the densest part of that field and what has been classically referred to as the "aura" is the least dense part of that energy field. Yet what you experience is a heavy, earth-bound vessel that you experience as "physical" and dense. Still your body generates electricity, an electromagnetic field, and nuclear force. You are an amazing vortex of spinning and interactive energies. Yet all of these energies are locked into place by one "master" energy, and that is GRAVITY. The better you understand the literal and metaphorical role of gravity in your life, the greater will be your development as an Empath.

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Gravity Gravity is our greatest friend and our greatest foe. Gravity is not completely understood and defined by science, yet it is the most pervasive energy we can recognize. Gravity has the most profound effect on you as a human being and as an Empath. The purpose of this lesson is to introduce new insights relative to Gravity and what it means to your development as an Empath.

If you grasp the full point of this lesson on gravity and actually work with gravity as recommended, you will automatically be able to master all of the following lessons. From our subjective perspective: gravity is THE master energy. If you do not master it, it will master you. There is no way around it except through fantasy and denial. If you do not develop the ability to work with gravity you will not develop very well or very far in any area. I say that with great sincerity and awareness. What I will share with you in this lesson will change everything you do and will change your life profoundly. Yet, I have learned over the last thirty years that the majority of people exposed to this information tend to avoid the lesson at the heart of this energy.

To make it simple: Gravity is the Master energy. It controls all of the other energies in highly significant ways. To master your Empath skills you must develop skills for dealing with gravity.

Sounds "odd" at this point but keep reading!

Gravity is represented in this material as the yellow square of "prithiv."

Beta communications are the most impacted by gravity. Beta communications contain the most energy.

Gravity keeps you grounded on the Earth. Gravity pulls on you every second of your life. Gravity ultimately makes you age and return back into the Earth. Gravity pulls at your skin and your body shape throughout your life. Gravity makes you tired and makes things heavy. Gravity is everywhere and to ignore it is to ignore your opportunity to be powerful and strong. Gravity is the greatest teacher and the hardest lesson.

You start as a tiny infant held in place by gravity (your body/beta). As you start to physically evolve -grow- you gain the ability to start mastering gravity, to resist it. Overtime you learn to move and eventually to crawl. Gravity keeps you

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close to the ground until you develop the STRENGTH to resist gravity and stand. In the beginning you fall a lot because gravity is forever pulling you down.

As a young child you can stand upright and move in horizontal directions with ease, surfing gravity as if it were no concern whatsoever. That is, no concern until you fall, crash your bike, or knock an important vase off of a table.

As an adult gravity starts to become an issue. If your body grows in mass (increased weight) you get heavier and slower. The need to sit down and the need to rest becomes critical. Age gradually weakens your ability to resist gravity as you get older. As you lose mastery over gravity you become weaker.

Physical strength represents your relationship to physical gravity. The greater your physical strength the greater your mastery over physical gravity.

Be patient, this is all leading to a very critical point!

There is "outer" and "inner" gravity. Outer gravity is physical gravity and inner gravity is "psychic" or psychological gravity. Both present the biggest challenges in our lives.

As if physical gravity weren't hard enough to deal with, Inner Gravity is even tougher. The key to this lesson is that Inner Gravity and Outer Gravity are CONNECTED and strongly affect one another.

Inner Gravity

Inner gravity plays a major role in the psyche of every individual on the planet. Every person you meet is dealing with gravity in some form or another. As an Empath you will be specifically interested in how people are dealing with inner gravity.

Everything that is happening on the "outer" is mirrored by the "inner." Your inner universe is a microcosm of the outer universe. By understanding the holographic principle, you also understand that the reverse is true, "your outer universe is a reflection of your inner universe, your inner world."

Inner gravity at its most extreme takes the form of depression and depressive feelings. For anyone who has experienced even mild or severe depression, you know how powerful it is. All of your thoughts and feelings are pulled down to the lower levels of thinking and experience.

Yet inner gravity also works in milder more unconscious ways. Inner gravity is always holding our thoughts into place, sometimes making us rigid and inflexible. When inner gravity takes over we begin to feel less motivated, apathetic, disinterested, discouraged, and pessimistic. We tend to give up or not care. By learning to diagnose inner gravity you will be able to assist with inner gravity. But is is very important that you start with recognizing

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it within yourself. The basic axiom for Empath development: what you know about yourself you know about everyone else.

How often have you had a new goal in mind where you start off with great enthusiasm and intent; as time passes, and as gravity begins to pull at you - inside and out, you lose interest and eventually stopped pursuing the goal? In other words how many times have you started something and quit? How many times did you start to exercise or break a habit then quit before you accomplished your goal? When we give up in our direction, inner gravity has pulled us down.

Have you ever met someone who felt "heavy"? I am not referring to weight whatsoever. A very lightweight and thin person can "feel heavy." This is a sign of inner gravity dominating that person.

When inner gravity dominates we lose our inspiration, our motivation, our reason for living, our zest for life, and our perspective.

Why are we starting with such a "heavy" subject? Because gravity will be the only obstacle to you being very successful and happy as an Empath (and as a human being for that matter).

Now, we are going to take this discussion to another level:

Your first task is to learn to recognize Inner and Outer Gravity (remember they are really one and the same). Learn to recognize it in yourself and you will learn to recognize it in others.

Again, the essential Empath axiom that I teach goes as follows: "What you know about yourself, you know about everyone else."

Just keep that in the back of your mind for now. It is a profound and powerful realization that will cause multiple insights to continuously unfold in your mind, in your life.

Your psyche, your mind, is a hologram of the rest of the universe. Your inner world (microcosm) is a finite version of the outer world (macrocosm). So, the purpose of learning the Psychology of Energy is to learn how outer energies correlate to your inner energies.

Your psyche is an energy field inside the energy field that is your body. A circle within a circle. The same energy/communication grid that exists in nature also exists within your psyche.

The part of your psyche that corresponds with the energy of Gravity is referred to here as EFFORT. The word EFFORT in all caps refers to the psychological energy that you have to deal with Gravity.

Picture this: you are standing at the bottom of a gravity well that "wants to hold you in place." Before you is a staircase of thirty-six steps leading up to a

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liberated psychic state that I refer to as a fully actualized Empath (the Implicate State). With every step up the staircase your view becomes broader and your sense of self expands. EFFORT is the first step necessary to reach the other steps. I say 36, because I have broken them down into 36 steps. The process is much more important than the number but having a number gives you a guide to follow.

EFFORT is the first state of consciousness that you want to develop. We can start anywhere in the hologram- it's really all one and the same energy. Yet if we make a logical plan so that each step leads into a higher state of progression, then we have a clear map and direction to follow.

I challenge you to come up with "one word" replacements for the label EFFORT. Remember, the label is mostly a "placeholder" so that we can communicate on this subject.

EFFORT is the Empath skill most commonly missing in individuals I meet claiming to be Empaths. As a group, we "tend" to be daydreamers. There are, of course, plenty of individual exceptions.

So now let's turn our discussion into EFFORT as an Empath skill:

A close "true example" of a fully embodied EFFORT state (skill) is found in some of the Yogis in India. Specifically those who have developed control over their mind and body. You do not have to be a Yogi to exhibit the skill, instead, your goal is to strive for your own level of discipline and STRENGTH of mind. For us regular people, EFFORT functions as self-control, coordination, ability, effort, discipline, exertion, and the ability to manage our own physical environments.

EFFORT is the state of consciousness which results from practicing self-control and self-discipline. This is an elusive concept to many but I will make it accessible and simple before this lesson is complete. Straight to the point: the higher your degree of EFFORT the greater control you have over your Empath abilities, the more effective your Empath functioning, and the more power you will have to direct and experience your own life.

On the flip side: the absence of EFFORT is at the root of almost every problem, challenge, or difficulty. Whether these issues be physical, emotional, or mental. Health issues, financial issues, emotional issues, social issues, can all be traced back to the lack of EFFORT. (the ability to master gravity). There are always exceptions to every rule, but the lack of EFFORT is a major concern relative to all areas of life. It is possible to get diagnosed with cancer, having no control over how and when it happened. It is also possible to have had warning signs all along that could have been used to seek preventative treatment. Scenarios vary from person to person. In a scenario where someone had no control, then the EFFORT required is in seeking and maintaining treatment. As a cancer patient, I do not speak lightly of these issues.

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I have thrown out a lot for you to think about. I will follow up by illustrating these points from various vantage points and illustrating the application of these information. Work with this material before proceeding on.

Gravity continued

© 2006 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

Class Format Comment: Teaching the Psychology of Energy via long distance learning (i.e. the internet) presents unique challenges. Normally I teach in person which provides opportunity for dialogue and clarification. By presenting online I am giving information in tidbits and "gestalts", so it does require an additional thought process when reading over the materials. I may provide "half of an equation" in one section then the other half in the next section; then summarize the two in a third. In order to avoid confusion or incorrect conclusions please make a point to ask questions, discuss, and request clarification. This will enhance your learning experience tremendously! Each point made in a post can be expanded upon significantly. You can post your questions in the Empaths Group, which was created for this purpose.

Important areas covered so far:

The key to this lesson is that Inner Gravity and Outer Gravity are CONNECTED and strongly affect one another. Each mirrors the other. As an actualized Empath you will be able to read one to access the other, for example:

By reading the pattern of outer gravity for a person you will be able to access the pattern of inner gravity for that person - and vice versa- by reading the patterns of inner gravity you will be able to access the pattern of outer gravity.

As an Empath you will be specifically interested in how people are dealing with inner gravity. This will be among the first signals that you

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receive from another person. We can refer to this as "psychic gravity." As you master psychic gravity within yourself you will become capable of helping others overcome psychic gravity. If you are a healer, counselor, consultant, or just a person who likes to help - you will want to get a solid grasp of this subject. I am only giving excerpts in this lesson so please feel free to ask for expansion on any subject ( to include asking how it can be applied in specific situations.)

The purpose of learning the Psychology of Energy is to learn how outer energies correlate to your inner energies. (and vice versa) What goes on in the "inside" shows on the outside. What goes on in the "outside" shows on the inside. Everything that is happening on the "outer" is mirrored by the "inner" and vice versa. Your inner universe is a microcosm of the outer universe and vice versa again.

I challenged you to come up with "one word" replacements for the label EFFORT. Remember, the label is mostly a "placeholder" so that we can communicate on this subject.

It is on this note that we reach what I call the "Conversion" level of the lesson. That means that this is the point where we take the information further and see how it converts into energy. This is where we see how you can use it and where it applies.

Converting EFFORT into Energy

If you are reading ahead then you may short change yourself. I strongly recommend reading the lessons in order and completing the suggestions before progressing. If you read ahead then your risk of forming erroneous conclusions is very high.

In the first section I gave you a challenge to find a one word replacement for the label EFFORT. I hope that you have made some attempt at this, made some "effort" to do so.

The learning process is this:

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(1st) becoming familiar with the concept, (2nd) learning details about the concept, (3rd) getting clarification on the concept; (4th) relating the concept to your own personal understanding - then (5th) converting it into a useable form. Hmmmm... do the five points

seem familiar?

So if you are reading this now I am going to assume that you have done the first four steps. (whenever it is that you begin to access these lessons).

Now that you are familiar with EFFORT and the role of gravity, and have at least a beginning understanding of how it impacts your life, and the life of others, we need to understand how I selected one word which will embody the part of us that masters Gravity.

How did I do that? Well, we know that the word "gravity" sums it all up but that seems too abstract and outside of our own personal associations. We know that gravity is the master energy from this perspective, so "mastery" comes to mind, but that too, is not completely defined enough to make it useable. We know that at the heart of the subject of gravity, what we are talking about is "strength." We can extrapolate from there and say that dealing with physical gravity leads to physical strength and that dealing with psychic gravity leads to psychic strength - that is the obvious conclusion. But the secret that is often over looked is this: Physical strength leads to psychic strength and Psychic strength leads to physical strength.

From the "strength" required to work in both directions I use the word "EFFORT."

These interrelated bi-directional concepts are what I think of as "circles." Learning to see these circles will open your eyes to a new world of energy and wonders. This involves switching from a a "binary type" of perception to a more holographic perception. Changing your perception from seeing things in

"squares" (separate categories) to seeing things in "circles" (interrelated categories).

Binary Perception: Binary perception occurs at the Beta (surface) level and is integral to our survival on the planet. Yet it is the most primitive and limited level of our abilities and can often prevent us from growing and expanding.

Binary perception is "black and white" thinking. Everything is either one thing or another, such as: good or bad, off or on, right or wrong, this or that, up or down, left or right, 1 or 0. Computers primarily "think" using binary principles ( ones and zeros) but our brains are much more than computers. Your brain generates an energy field that is a gestalt of all the inner processes. That field

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effect supports meta-abilities and higher levels of functioning. This is why "psychic" ability cannot be located within the brain, because it is not "in" the brain as much as it is in the field of energy created by the brain. Binary perception by itself can lead to very rigid, inflexible, and problematic thinking. I am sure you have met a "binary personality type."

So instead of seeing psychic gravity as one phenomenon and physical gravity as another phenomenon, we can learn that they are both part of one phenomenon, (a circle) with multiple dimensions and p.o.v.s (perspectives, points of view) available. Instead of looking at the "inner world" as one thing separate unto itself and the "outer world" as one thing separate unto itself, we can see that they are both part of one circle, not really separate from each other at all.

Power Point: the mind is the body and the body is the mind. (another circle). What happens to the body happens to the mind. What happens to the mind happens to the body. They are inseparable. This is an extremely important piece of information to wrap your thoughts around, if you are interested in phenomenal results.

I say that, knowing that most people want to get "straight to the psychic stuff," without discussing the conductor involved. That part is coming, I am simply supplying you with ALL of the information instead of only parts.

There are five degrees of perception relative to this course:

1st degree: (beta) Binary - black/white, off/on, right wrong, good/bad, fight/flight body/mind reactions 2nd degree :(alpha) Fluid - random associations, multiple p.o.v.s, imagination, wide open, reactive, approach/avoid emotional reactions. 3rd degree:( theta) Focused - discerning, discriminatory, analytical, comparative, synthesizing, evaluative, utilitarian, objective. 4th degree: - (delta) Crystal - accurate, effective, actualized, integrative, productive, insightful, clear/unfettered, comprehensive. 5th degree: - (gamma) Implicate - holographic, integrates the other four degrees in fluid form, spontaneous, transcendent, benevolent, constructive, in-synch with all levels.

(a discussion on the five degrees of perception is available on request)

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So, are all of these numbers, levels, degrees, and Greek letters important? No, absolutely not! They are only training devices. Exposure to the information as it is structured provides training and stimulates awareness. If I were to give an exam at the end of the lesson it would not be anything related to knowing the numbering, the labels, the degrees, etc The exam would be an essay on how

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you are growing and what awareness is taking place within you as a result of your studies.

To convert any concept to energy requires expanding the degree of your perception of the concept. As you learn each of the energy states (elementals) you will have the opportunity to "activate" that elemental within your psyche. As more elementals become active within you, your abilities evolve and your understanding begins to accelerate - I have watched it happen many times with many different types of individuals.

Learning Aid: visualize your psyche as a circle. We traditionally think of a circle as having 360 degrees. There are thirty-six points on that circle that represent elements of your psyche (elementals). With each lesson you will learn how to "turn on" that elemental, or activate that potential within yourself. When all thirty-six are active and integrated, that state is referred to as "fully actualized."

I put the word EFFORT in all caps because I am not using it in its ordinary sense. I am using the common word to embody everything we have discussed so far with all of the implications. Throughout these lessons when I use the word EFFORT in all caps, you will know I am referring to the psychic (or inner) required to mastery and work with gravity, with all of it's dimensions. Using one word such as EFFORT brings the issues of Gravity into a degree of crystalline perception (4th degree/Delta). A better phrase actually comes from Buddhism where it is referred to as "Right Effort." But for our purposes we need one single symbol to convey our understanding of gravity and the psychic elemental which develops when we work with it.

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© 2006 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

So far, we have established the word EFFORT in our Empath Psychology vocabulary. The word EFFORT appearing in all caps represents everything you are learning and will learn about dealing with inner and outer Gravity. EFFORT is your response to Gravity - both internally and externally. EFFORT is the first of the "psychic elements" you are learning about in the Psychology of Energy. EFFORT is the key to mastery relative to the remaining elements (or elementals). Without EFFORT an Empath is extremely susceptible to imagination and delusion. All of this may sound like an obvious point, but EFFORT is more far reaching than you might imagine.

Traditional or classic approaches to "psychic" or "intuitive" development historically skipped past EFFORT (BETA) and went straight for visualization and imagination, typically producing inconsistent or unstable results.

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Applying EFFORT to your development, your growth, and even to your life, will produce phenomenal - meaningful results. Anyone who has deal with very, very hard times knows intimately what EFFORT is, but the situation does not have to be dire or critical for your to apply EFFORT.

The last power point that I shared with you was:

Power Point: the mind is the body and the body is the mind. (another circle). What happens to the body happens to the mind. What happens to the mind happens to the body. They are inseparable. This is an extremely important piece of information to wrap your thoughts around, if you are interested in phenomenal results.

Right now this lesson is focusing on Beta, the yellow square of Prithiv, the

"outer world", the surface - so to speak. I am addressing the box we call "reality." Which is, in essence, only our "perception" of reality. All we can ever know is what is in our heads. The reality you know and experience every moment exists primarily in your brain. Everything you can perceive/detect/observe is occurring within the cells and chemistry of your brain.

Knowing that the reality we experience is inside our heads, we are given the opportunity to alter or change that reality. The four sides of this box can also be thought of through associations such as "north, south, east, and west"; "up, down, left, right", even "fire, air, water, and earth," and so on. It is the symbol of our experience confined by sensory perception.

No matter how much you visualize yourself to be "psychic" or "empathic", no matter how much you imagine wonderful things about yourself, you will always

have to deal with this: . But there is a great secret to the "box" that I am about to share with you. This gives an entirely new meaning to the phrase "thinking outside of the box."

Here is where this information can be meaningful in our lives:

No matter how psychic or empathic you are, you will still:

1) Will wake up every morning inside your own body; you will either feel well or feel ill; you will either have enough energy to do what you have to do or not; you will look good (healthy) or not (not well); you will either be tired or energized; you will like what you see in the mirror or not; you will have physical symptoms to deal with or not; you will still be susceptible to pleasure or pain. Your body exists: it is where you are and who you are for now.

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2) You will still approach every day with a feeling of optimism or pessimism; you will feel good or bad about yourself; you will feel encouraged or discouraged - varying from day to day; you will feel motivated or apathetic; you will be prone to moments of joy as well as moments of depression; you will be susceptible to being offended or having your feelings hurt; you with feel balanced & stable or out of control and uncertain.

3. You will be clear on who you are and what you want or you will be preoccupied with doubt and anxiety; you will still have to make decisions on a daily basis which affect your life both short term and in the long term; you will either have goals you are pursuing or you will be just getting by one day at a time; you will have a sense of direction or a sense of aimlessness; you will still understand what is going on in your life or be confused by events.

4. You will still feel empowered or helpless at any given moment; you will have a vision of the meaning of your life or feel a sense of emptiness; you will see the world as a cornucopia of opportunity or a prison of limitations; you will experience the unbearable lightness of being or the heaviness of burden; you will be acutely aware of how to "move" the dance of life in the direction you desire or you will be at a loss as to how to change your circumstance. Like most of us, you will probably be somewhere in between all of these extremes.

5. You will still have all four of the above points happening simultaneously, fluidly shifting from moment to moment; You will still have to pay your bills, clean your house, shower and dress, work or tend to your affairs, get along with other people, and fit into society (in whatever fashion is unique to you) surfing the great waves of life like some cosmic surfer - always vulnerable to falling off and always wondering if you will be able to "get back on again."

No matter how much of an Empath you are, if you are reading this lesson right

now via the internet or email, you are still inside the box , still in the Beta state of being physical, and are subject to all the conditions mentioned above (and more.)

Now, so much for BETA representing our limitations - on to the great "secret." I only call it a secret because it was so frequently overlooked in the past.

The Beta level (the physical level) is not only a "locked box" that holds us into place with gravity it is something oh so much more.

The yellow square of Beta is not really a box at all, instead it is a door:

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Beta is the doorway into your inner world and all that is and could be inside it. You can spend your entire life guessing what is in the box, imagining what is inside the box, speculating about what is inside the box, learning about what is inside the box, and talking about what is inside the box


You can access the doorway and gain entry into the box. You can open the door and can access the controls which profoundly influence your life. This is the goal and purpose of this course. This occurs as you advance to higher degrees of perception and action.The appreciation of the full extent of what I am referring to requires points that are covered in the upcoming lessons. Your understanding of this will expand and improve with each of the lessons to follow. Inside this door are channels that access every area of your mind, channels that are called "nodes.' We will be discussing nodes at great length.

There are two ways that I teach access to Beta as a doorway into the inner workings of your mind, the inner workings of reality, and the deeper mysteries of life. Each method is profoundly powerful, I have no hesitation in making that statement and standing behind it. Teaching it to you through long distance is a challenge, so I will rely on your own efforts and EFFORT to get the full picture and benefit.

I hope that by now you realize that opening the "door" of Beta requires EFFORT. This is true not only for Empathic development but for happiness and success in your life. EFFORT produces meaningful results in 360 degrees of your life.

The first method for "transforming" the box of Beta limitations into a doorway of infinite access to energy is something I call "The Magick Mirror." The Magick Mirror is the subject of the next lesson in The Psychology of Energy.

Take your time to work with this information.

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The Magick Mirror

©2006-2007 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved


The Beta level (the physical level) is not only a "locked box" that holds us into place with gravity it is something oh so much more.

The yellow square of Beta is not really a box at all, instead it is a door:

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Beta is the doorway into your inner world and all that is and could be inside it. You can spend your entire life guessing what is in the box, imagining what is inside the box, speculating about what is inside the box, learning about what is inside the box, and talking about what is inside the box


You can access the doorway and gain entry into the box. You can open the door and can access the controls which profoundly influence your life. This is the goal and purpose of this course. The appreciation of the full extent of what I am referring to requires points that are covered in the upcoming lessons. Your understanding of this will expand and improve with each of the lessons to follow.

There are two ways that I teach access to Beta as a doorway into the inner workings of your mind, the inner workings of reality, and the deeper mysteries of life. Each method is profoundly powerful, I have no hesitation in making that statement and standing behind it. Teaching it to you through long distance is a challenge, so I will rely on your own efforts and EFFORT to get the full picture and benefit.

I hope that by now you realize that opening the "door" of Beta requires EFFORT. This is true not only for Empathic development but for happiness and success in your life. EFFORT produces meaningful results in 360 degrees of your life.

The first method for "transforming" the box of Beta limitations into a doorway of infinite access to energy is something I call "The Magick Mirror."

Once you understand that the physical world (Beta) is a two way mirror that reflects the inner world of an individual, you will have a powerful tool at your disposal. This tool will be invaluable in helping you increase EFFORT within your psyche. As EFFORT increases inside you as an energy source, you will start to experience major advances and progression towards your goals and towards mastery of your abilities. It will help you diagnose and resolve important issues in your life, and in turn, help you diagnose and resolve important issues in the life of anyone you counsel.

The "Magick M irror" involves the use of Beta as the mirror, or a tool for viewing the "inner worlds." In the old perspective the a ability and practice of

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looking at reflective surfaces to gain special information was called "scrying." Scrying could involve looking at the surface of water in a bowl, looking into a crystal ball, or looking into a mirror. Although this was considered an "occult" or "psychic" practice, I would like to suggest that it is also rooted in a grain of truth, "the Beta mirror" concept. There are two powerful Beta mirrors available to you right now. The very best way for you to learn how to effectively use the Magick Mirror of Beta is to practice on yourself. Once you have done that enough to see the results and improve the quality of your life, you will be able to use it on others.

The first Beta mirror available to you at all times is :

Your Physical Body - period. Your flesh, bones, blood, and all aspects of the dense matter which is the physical conduit for who you are. Everything that occurs with your physical body is connected to the inner workings of your mind. Please bear in mind that this discussion is focusing on your physical body alone and not the environmental influence around it.

Let's start with the obvious examples: (Beta) if you are feeling encouraged, motivated, and feeling well (strong) your physical body will move more energetically, with more kinetic force, your posture will tend to be more erect, you will be more physically active, your eyes life, your facial expressions expand, you become more physically engaged with your environment, etc.

If you are feeling discouraged, unmotivated, not well (weak) then your physical body will tend to move slower, with less kinetic force, your posture will be more likely to slump, you will tend to be less physically active, and less physically engaged with your environment because you are more mentally engaged..

At the Beta level anyone can "diagnose" your overall energy state by observing you. If you exhibit weak EFFORT people typically respond by saying "Are you feeling okay?" or "What's wrong?"

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It does not require an Empath to read that level of energy but that level of energy is still apparent to the Empath. This is where body language also fits in to the overall scheme of the communication grid. We will not spend any real time on body language in this course but it is a very valuable study for budding Empaths (despite those who wish to imply that Empaths are "deaf, dumb, and blind", that we do not use our conventional senses .

(alpha) if you are feeling sad, depressed, anxious, fearful, or angry, your body will also display these alpha signs through your facial expressions and body movements. Your outer body, to include your face, reflects your emotional

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state. Yet because this alpha level of energy is "one degree removed" from the physical surface, it is also possible to hide or mask those emotions by manipulating your body. For example, if you are really unhappy with something that someone did and you are speaking to that person - you can manipulate your facial expressions into a relaxed smile, hold your body in a relaxed posture, and keep your voice at an even tone, all effectively masking the alpha level of energy that you are experiencing. Some people are masters at this. Some people do not "hide their emotions" well. Most of us are somewhere in-between depending upon the intensity & impact of the emotions. Someone who is very reactive and "over-reactive" is highly obvious with exhibiting their own alpha signals through their body. Someone with a "poker face" is masking the alpha with their body/face. As an Empath you will sense the Alpha layer no matter what kind of persona is being projected.

(theta) The Theta level of the body is two degrees removed from the surface. This level is almost completely hidden from the eyes - in other words you cannot directly tell what a person is thinking by looking at the body: at the face, position, activity. Only in the most overt scenarios is this usually possible, i.e., - if you are in a meeting room with a group of people and it is announced that there is cake on the table for everyone to eat - go dig in; then a person jumps up out of their chair and runs over to the table with the cake - it is safe to assume that the person who jumped up was thinking about getting a piece of the cake. It may seem silly to spend time going over such obvious points but I am actually building a thread that will lead to deeper and deeper access. Can you think of other examples of determining what a person is actually thinking based upon the physical movements/expressions of his or her body?

(don't forget: this discussion is focused on the outer body mirroring the inner world and the two way interaction that occurs).

You cannot typically read a person's thoughts by looking at the body or the actions. This is the big "rub" for skeptics. We are constantly challenged to "read minds" in order to prove who we are, but it is an ignorant assumption. Theta is not immediately adjacent to Beta, so Theta is more hidden. But the body is still frequently used to express Beta! Can you guess how?

It is not the eyes that access the Theta level of a person through the Beta mirror (body) , it is the ears. A person's body mirrors his or her own Theta level by speaking. The act of talking is a physical act. It involves moving throat and laryngeal muscles, facial muscles, and the tongue. The "theta of Beta" is expressed through speaking. By listening to what a person is saying you are accessing the theta level of that person through the body (throat & tongue). Speaking is somewhat of a direct expression of Theta through the physical body. There are many levels of control between Theta and Beta (between the 'mind' and the 'body") so the evidence of Theta in speech can be completely manipulated and controlled. Yet very few people are aware of how much they are revealing in their own speech.

This is where the issue of lying comes in, related to the ability to tell if someone is speaking the truth or not. There are really good books and resources out there right now showing how to tell if a person is lying. It would be a great

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subject to pursue as an Empath - so as to not rely upon your imagination. Such research will tremendously contribute to your skill set.

By listening to a person talk you are accessing the Theta level of that person through Beta.

It involves not only what the person is saying but also what the person is not saying; the words that someone is choosing as well as the words not being used or avoided. A very large amount of information about the person speaking is available to an Empath by learning to listen to how people talk, what words they use, what words they do not use or avoid, how speech patterns change during conversations, and the type of imagery that is built up by the overall words spoken. This is an art and a science.

Once I plugged in all the pieces of the communication grid (all the energy states from this lesson and the remaining lessons) I began to experience deeper levels of this process. As we get into the extra-sensory realm, I will go more in-depth. Eventually you will be able to fine tune this skill into what can be called "clairaudience." With sufficient EFFORT you will be able to hear previous conversations in a person's speech. There are always traces of a previous conversation in a person's current speech. (Of course, speech can be broken down into levels like everything else; to involve tone, pace, volume, and pattern.

Most average people, who believe they are "controlling" what you hear and therefore what you know about them, reveal more in their speech than they will ever be aware of. The more controlling a person is being in the moment, the more data available to an astute Empath. I read people's speech constantly, combined with body movements/language. These two skills build a strong bridge that provides me with a massive amount of data. Still, keep in mind, gathering data and making use of data are two separate functions/skills.

(delta) Delta can be thought of as your "innermost self", the most hidden side of you at the Beta level of perception. Is Delta reflected in the Magick Mirror? If you are acquainted with the holographic universe, then you will know that :yes, Delta is definitely reflected in the Beta mirror. Delta is even further removed from the Beta level than Theta.

The obvious examples of Delta through the body/physical presence involves taking in the overall visual impact of what you are seeing. Not just the physical movements and behaviors, not just the emotions of the facial expressions & related actions, not just the speech patterns, but the entire picture - to include any symbolic representations. People tend to extend their own inner Delta level to the physical through symbols. These symbols include : jewelry, tattoos, clothing, symbols on clothing, colors, hair styles, make up, and the overall image projected by the person. Delta is revealed more on a symbolic level, sometimes obvious, sometimes not.

Delta is the 'existential" level within each person. It is where we are "alone" and "individual" in this great universe. It is at the core of who we are and it is the

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context in which we see/experience ourselves. A somewhat obvious example is to look at trends and styles. If you look at what was called "Goth kids," typically teens who dressed all in black and who utilized a great deal of macabre symbolism, you will see an overt expression of Delta. By the same token, if you look at people who wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats, you are look at their level of Delta expression. It is that simple and it is also not that simple. It is entirely possible to present a false expression of Delta. It is not so much about the physical image someone presents as it is the "context' implied and the meaning represented by the choice. Delta reveals who a person is at the core -whether or not that person intends for it to come across that way. A saying to keep in mind here is 'appearances are deceiving." Just because you can see the image a person projects does not mean you are reading the Delta level of where that image originates. More people jump to wrong conclusions regarding this level than any other.

By training your Empath skills, over time you will gain greater and greater access to the Delta level of perception. This was probably your goal to begin with (using the language of this lesson). It is what many profess to be able to do. My only hope is that the ones who are claiming this ability are really accessing genuine information and not just indulging their own imagination & needs. We are all at risk for that when not careful.

(always remember: that the gamma level is all four levels combined interacting with each other fluidly and spontaneously).

By looking at your body, your behaviors, and your speech you can see into your own inner world. By looking at the body, behaviors, and speech of others you can see into their own inner world.

If you are not keeping up with your hygiene, your grooming, and your physical appearance - it is a sign of things going on inside your mind. If something is "wrong" on the inside it will show on the surface of the outside.

If you are unhappy, confused, unmotivated, unaware, suffering, struggling, distracted, addicted, etc., it will have a physical representation in your life somewhere.

It will show in your face, your movements, your clothing, your body health, your activity level, your speech, and your overall presence. The more unconscious you are of an issue the more like it is to be "sticking out" or showing through Beta. The more conscious you are of an issue the more opportunity you have to mask it or control it to a certain point.

Critical Matter: if you are inactive and sedentary in your physical life, it indicates that you are also stalled out in your psyche somewhere. (i am not referring to debilitating illness or disability - those matters should be addressed separately).

If you have the ability to move your body and you are not, then there is a psychic obstacle at work. Your body was meant to be used and to move. It is

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genetically designed to do so. The more inactive you become the more sluggish and weak you become. The most important thing to remember about Beta is: the body is the mind and the mind is the body. "They" are both one and the same thing. If the body is sluggish , the mind is sluggish. If the body is weak , the mind is weak. By the same token, reversing those statements reveals the two way mirror: if the mind is sluggish then the body is sluggish; if the mind is weak (confused, unfocused) the body is weak. I am speaking about the average person with the average ability to move and express EFFORT in the most common ways.

All of this represents extremely good news for us all. It represents a channel for making changes and taking control of our own experience. If I feel apathetic, unmotivated, unclear, and unfocused I have a channel to change all that. It is absolute fact that if you begin to engage your body, put it into motion and activity that you will improve your overall strength and physical functioning. When you improve your overall physical strength and functioning then your overall psychological strength and functioning begins to improve.

K.O. (Kinetic Ontology) Applying EFFORT to your Beta energy (body) produces energy that goes to every level of your being (alpha, theta, delta, & gamma).

Your physical body is genetically engineered for movement, use, and activity. The greater you participate in this design the more powerful and confident you will become in your own life. The more you ignore this design the more problematic your experience will become. Put your body in motion to produce meaningful and powerful changes in your overall energy state. Resisting gravity is the key here.

Recharge your batteries and enhance your EFFORT through:

walking running skating swimming dancing aerobics increased physical activity

The simple act of walking can produce profound changes in your body and mind. Energized walking four to five times a week produces very important health benefits and psychological lifts.

In the last few years, even being fully aware of this information, I allowed myself to be slowed down by gravity. I became less and less active over the years. I went from working out at the gym all the time, rollerblading, and bike riding to just coming home and sitting down. I started to watch more tv and spend more time on the computer. My job involved just sitting at a computer so I was becoming totally sedentary. Over time I started gaining weight, looking different and feeling different. By the beginning of 2006 I couldn't recognize

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myself in the mirror. I had put on so much weight, I looked bad and I felt bad. I became unmotivated and started to completely lack any will power. I couldn't focus as well as I used to and I began to suffer from a host of physical symptoms. I developed high blood pressure and started developing diabetes. Gravity was pulling me down hard. I started to feel like I was trapped and had no control over my life. Just walking up the stairs was a struggle that put me out of breath. It was only by gradually slowing down over the years, giving in to gravity, that I began to develop heavy "inner gravity' which kept me from doing everything I knew to do. Psychic gravity enveloped my thoughts and my emotions as I slowly began to "sink into the quicksand." By March of this year I was facing a potential fatal illness as the result of me no longer having my body in motion, resisting gravity.

It took me hitting rock bottom to review all the information I had learned. If I was being overcome by physical gravity then what the Magick Mirror was telling me, was that I was being overcome by psychic gravity. Based on what I knew, I realized that if I were to start to resist physical gravity I would develop the ability to resist psychic gravity (EFFORT). Each one would interact with the other in the alchemy of my life and I should be able to save myself.

I did just that. I was struggling with an entire inner universe of issues at the time but I did the simplest thing (which produced the most amazing results). I began walking every day. At first, I was in such bad shape that I could barely walk a quarter of a mile without having to sit and rest. Each day I would walk a little more and gain a little more strength. At the time it felt like the pain and the misery would never ever go away, I simply longed to feel good again. I did not know at that time whether I would live or die, or if I would ever feel well again.

Yet, I put myself in motion every day. I walked each day no matter what. Gradually I increased my walk and eventually had to rest less and less. As time passed, as I kept walking daily (resisting gravity) my strength and my stamina improved. My emotions and mental outlook also improved. I started having confidence that I could be well again and that I could overcome the gravity that was pulling down my life.

Overtime I got to where I could walk two miles a day. I walked those two miles nearly every day for six months. My energy level went up, my weight went down, my health started improving, and my thoughts started getting focused and clear again. I became more and more optimistic and my symptoms started disappearing. The impending disease that was starting to eat away at my life began to go away! I saw the EFFORT principle directly working right in front of my eyes, just when I needed it the most.

I am now fit and trim, symptom free, and have taken ten years off of my appearance. I feel motivated, energized, and enthusiastic about my life. During this time I got a promotion and a raise because my performance at work shot through the roof, and an entire domino effect of events were set into motion - all good. All from practicing a simple form of EFFORT.

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Consider (EFFORT) to be the "power" button on your own system. When you turn "it" on, you turn your whole system "on." You turn on the controls and begin to drive the vehicle in the direction you want. If you ignore it, then you are not at the wheel, instead you are at the back of the vehicle trying to push it up a hill, doing everything the hardest way possible. I don't know about you, but I spent too many years trying to push my vehicle up that hill!

I am still walking to this day. Now I am also working out again and practicing healthier habits. It was a very hard lesson in gravity that I had to relearn, but now I am grateful that I did. I now call my daily walk my "medicine walk," because it literally saved my life.

It's that easy and it's that hard. EFFORT leads to leverage in every other area of your life.

Without EFFORT we tend to get stuck in our own heads imagining what "should've, would've, could've" been. With EFFORT results become real and manifestation is accelerated. Goals start become realized and results start happening in a meaningful way in your day to day life. EFFORT is the secret key to MANIFESTATION. period.

So take a look into the Beta mirror to see what's really going on. Of course, I have not yet addressed the issues which actually prevent us from taking such a look, but that will come in time.

If you can be direct and honest with yourself by looking into your own Beta mirror, you will become highly effective at looking into the Beta mirror of people you encounter.

"The Other Beta Mirror" - the one that tells all to everyone around us, with or without our consent!!

The Magick Mirror continued


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"It's that easy and it's that hard. EFFORT leads to leverage in every other area of your life.

Without EFFORT we tend to get stuck in our own heads imagining what "should've, would've, could've" been. With EFFORT results become real and manifestation is accelerated. Goals start to become realized and results start happening in a meaningful way in our day to day lives.

So take a look into the Beta mirror to see what's really going on. Of course, I have not yet addressed the issues which actually prevent us from taking such a look, but that will come in time.

If you can be direct and honest with yourself by looking into your own Beta mirror, you will become highly effective at looking into the Beta mirror of people you encounter."

Unfortunately, many, many people want happiness, change, and success in their own lives without having to use EFFORT. Let the results speak for themselves. We live in a world dominated by gravity and only those who master the resistance of gravity see consistent and powerful results.

What is especially interesting about me, as a writer and a teacher, emphasizing this point, is that I have spent the largest part of my adult life teaching mystical, spiritual, and psychic practices. In the nineties I had an average of three very full classes running constantly every week - emphasizing the rich traditions of metaphysical systems and spiritual practices. I encountered thousands of people who had spent their own lives studying metaphysical thought and gathering volumes of information. Yet the large majority of those people also expressed the most unstable progress, the least satisfaction, and the least tangible results in their own lives. Everyone was an information collector -always searching for the next newest thing. The information being collected did not convert into energy.

After years of seeing that pattern in so many people, I began to switch the focus of my own teaching and began to emphasize "transformation." Transformation - meaning converting information into energy and transforming the Self into a conduit for energy.

Right now I am sharing a lesson with you that will change your life in a meaningful way. Yet I know that in this part of the lesson I am emphasizing the Beta aspect of the transformation process. This has traditionally been the least favorite subject for many students.

I am going to continue to emphasize this topic in this lesson because it is the secret behind making everything work in your life. Your intuitive abilities, your Empathic nature, your psychic potential, your spirituality - all rest on the foundation that is your Beta world. Beta is the rock, the foundation, and the conduit for all that you want to do - for all that you aspire to be.

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Depending on the level of discussion that we reach in this lesson, I may digress into a "metaphysical" version of this message, in order to speak to those who prefer to overlook this life enhancing step in their own personal path.

In the following lessons the emphasis will build towards more "psychic", Empathic, and spiritual issues, as you learn about EM Nodes. Yet it will always be the degree of EFFORT that you embody that will determine how well you can access and utilize those higher abilities.

There are thirty six "energy centers" within consciousness that I teach. EFFORT is the label for the first one encountered in the process (Beta of Beta). No matter who you are, where you are, what you have done, or what you intend to do, - if you are reading this you are in your physical body. You deal with your physical body and your physical world every day. EFFORT is the level of energy potential you embody and have available to you for everything you do or aspire to do.

REALITY CHECK: do you have a high degree of EFFORT available to you every day producing the results you need and want or do you have a long list of reasons why you have low to minimal EFFORT available? Only you know and it only matters to you - so it's a very private realization.

Now, on to "The Other Beta Mirror" - the one that tells all to everyone around us, with or without our consent!!

Your physical body is a mirror of your inner world. If your body is weakened your mind will be weakened. Again, remember that I am speaking of the average person in the average situation. Someone who is paraplegic would still have avenues available for developing EFFORT.

If your body becomes sluggish, de-energized, out of shape, etc. - your mind also becomes sluggish, de-energized, out of shape - because they are both one and the same unit of energy. Your body is your mind and your mind is your body. Once that statement is fully realized in our society, in our world, major advancements in health and well-being will start to take place. So much is happening that is moving in that direction, but we still have a long way to go. Once you realize it in your own life, positive changes will begin to happen on a regular basis.

But this is good news, it means that if you are feeling unmotivated, unclear, unable to focus, unable to get a grip on your life - you can begin with your physical body to initiate changes. By using your body, by putting it into motion, by resisting gravity and developing strength - you will start to build your EFFORT potential, - the physical strength will translate into mental strength, -which is the ability to focus and get things done. Your thought process will clear up and you will gain more and more control over your habits. By becoming physically active and gaining physical strength you strengthen your mind -which is the conduit for your Empathic abilities. This strength, EFFORT, clears up mental noise greater than any other factor. It separates imagination from reality and gives you the ability to develop crystal clear perception. It turns a sluggish

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unfocused mind, riddled with imaginary perception, into a sharp laser of concentrated ability. The hard part: it's a matter of choice.

Not only does your body/mind act as a two way mirror to your inner world - (a mirror that can be temporarily cloaked from others) but there is another mirror that cannot be hidden from others:

Your Environment

In the same way that your inner world is reflected in your physical body, your inner world is also reflected in your immediate environment. This reflection of your inner world occurs in what could be thought of as concentric rings. The closest ring to your physical body is your physical appearance. By appearance I am referring to how you dress and groom. When you are feeling good, energized, motivated, and strong, it shows in your appearance. In other words more EFFORT is applied to how you look. The opposite is also true: when you feel weak, out of control, unmotivated, unhappy, etc., it also shows in your appearance.

The next concentric ring is any of your immediate environments. We can map these rings out by degrees -starting with where you are the most "physically anchored." By physically anchored, I mean where you keep your body the most. So, the next ring would start with your own bedroom - the place where you sleep. This may bring back flashbacks of your room as a teenager! Or if you have teenagers, as I do, you will relate to this immediately.

A teenager's bedroom is frequently a microcosmic version of Hiroshima. (No disrespect intended towards Hiroshima). The bedroom of a teenager is usually cluttered with clothes, items, garbage, and "other" to such an extent that it looks as if a tornado passed through. This naturally reflects what we understand about adolescence. Adolescence is a time of upheaval and major change in a person's life. Chemically, physically, socially, psychologically a teenager's inner life is in transition. Their inner world is not settled and their outer world shows it.

Your bedroom is your most intimate space - however it is configured. It is where you place your body to sleep at night. How you maintain it is an intimate reflection of your Self. Yet, this ring expands to include your home. Your home reflects your inner world at any given moment. The more you are attending to and caring for your home environment, the more you are typically attending to

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and caring for your inner needs as well. When you allow your outer world to get out of control, to become disorganized and messy, it is often a reflection of what is going on inside. When you feel out of control on the inside it is usually reflected in your home. The lack of EFFORT shows in your private living space the same way it shows in your body. The rings continue to expand to wherever you spend time.

Your car, your vehicle is another "mini-environment" which mirrors your inner world. Your work space -whatever that is - is another mirror. How you treat your physical environment reflects how you feel about yourself and how you perceive your reality.

As an Empath you can read a person's environment to get a sense of what is going on inside of him or her. What you are especially aware of now, is the level of EFFORT in that person's life. A higher degree of EFFORT means greater mastery over Gravity; a lower degree of EFFORT means a lesser degree of mastery over Gravity.

The beauty of this principle is that it also works by reversing the process from perceiving what is going on to actually being able to change what is going on.

If at any time in your life, your life feels "out of control" or there are events which are actually beyond your control - all of which is difficult and anxiety provoking; you can manipulate your environment to gain control over your inner world. By actually putting your house into order, by cleaning and organizing you can create harmony in your environment which will translate into inner harmony and a greater sense of inner control. It is not likely going to solve the "problem at hand" but it will increase your inner sense of control and stability, which will in turn, help you be more effective in handling the problem. It also relieves a great deal of stress when you have your own environment in order.

By applying EFFORT to your appearance and to your immediate environment you can increase the Beta energy available to you and strengthen the EFFORT principle inside your own psyche. When your home is clean and orderly your inner world feels more "clean and orderly." Physical clutter represents mental/emotional clutter. The more mental noise a person is struggling with the greater the "chaos" will be in their outer world. There will be times when that mental noise is too strong and overwhelming. When the mental noise is overwhelming you can begin to put your home in order and, in turn, put your thoughts in order. This is only one principle, of many, that we will discuss, so please keep perspective on this topic.

Your immediate environment and how you impact it, is the side of the Beta mirror that everyone can see. Even though you are an Empath, that does not mean that you are blind to the physical world. It does not mean that you are "exempt" from the physical world. It is the starting point for all perception and experience and it is the ending point of all perception and experience. Another circle.

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If you are like me you probably go through cycles with maintaining your environment. Normally I keep it clean and organized, but I go through phases where I work so much and put out so much EFFORT in other areas that I begin to get a little slack. I start to let a few little things go, then over time, the chaos starts to build up. You can read what kind of cycle I am going through by taking a look at my home on any given day. When you see my home all clean and organized then you know that my EFFORT level is high and that I am on top of things. If my place is cluttered and disorganized then I am feeling more challenged and taxed at that time. The result of me applying EFFORT to my environment, to restore harmony and balance to my outer world, is for me to experience the effect of EFFORT which restores harmony, balance, and strength to my inner world.

It's that simple. I realize this subject deals with what might be called "obvious" but that is what we are doing -starting with the obvious : BETA and working our way inward to the less obvious.

Next: the final section of this lesson - a daily practice that increases the amount of EFFORT you have available to you for any purpose. This is an exercise that anyone can practice and will increase your energy level, your ability to concentrate and focus, AND the amount of EFFORT in your life!

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© 2006 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

Growing and Spreading Your Wings

So far, in this course, we have begun to look at the energy of Gravity. Gravity is located at the Beta level of the energy grid and impacts the Beta level of communication. Not only is Beta a source of information, it is the first control point of information.

In the first course, "Dreamtongue " you were introduced to the communication grid available to aware Empaths:

1.The Beta of 2.The Beta of 3.The Beta of 4.The Beta of 5.The Beta of

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Beta Alpha Theta Delta Gamma 6.The Alpha of Beta

7.The Alpha of Alpha

8.The Alpha of Theta

9.The Alpha of Delta

10.The Alpha of Gamma

11.The Theta of Beta

12. The Theta of Alpha

13.The Theta of Theta

14.The Theta of Delta

15.The Theta of Gamma

16.The Delta of Beta

17. The Delta of Alpha

18. The Delta of Theta

19.The Delta of Delta

20.The Delta of Gamma

21.The Gamma of Beta

22.The Gamma of Alpha

23.The Gamma of Theta

24.The Gamma of Delta

25.The Gamma of Gamma

The above "communication grid" represents levels of information available to a trained Empath. If an Empath is not trained on these levels, he or she may not be aware of specific areas or may not understand how they inter-relate with one another. Being "full of emotions" and sensitive to the people around you will not make you an effectual Empath. Just as you had to learn the alphabet to master reading and writing; you will need to learn that the "river of information" that flows through you can be understood by it's components - and that you can train yourself to recognize those components. If you follow along with the coursework you will see the grid transform into an amazing model of human consciousness. (the P.H.I. model)

The communication grid also thought of as an inner network, or "Empath InnerNet" which can be accessed and utilized by a trained Empath. Each section of the grid (or element) represents a level of interaction and a type of energy pattern. Each element also represents a "state of consciousness" (S.o.C.) which has the potential to be developed into skill or ability.

I differentiate skill and ability here in the following ways:

Ability - is something that you can do, just naturally; you don't really know why you can do it or how you do it but you can, at times perform the ability. I have the ability to press the keys of a piano and occasionally make sounds resembling music.

Skill - is something that I have taken time to learn about, practice, and develop. If I take music lessons and actually learn how to play the piano, then I have a skill. I can continue to improve this skill with EFFORT and master the act of playing the piano - if I had some ability to begin with.

The first lesson in the Psychology of Energy course is an introduction to the subject of converting the Beta of Beta level of communication and ability into a skill.

That skill is labeled : EFFORT.

EFFORT is your own personal power reserve, it is your physical as well as psychic strength. It is the ability which controls ALL other abilities. There are many channels for increasing your level of EFFORT. I am concluding this

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introduction to Gravity/EFFORT with a powerful exercise that anyone can do. I have taught it for many years, and find that those who actually make it a part of their own lifestyle experience amazing results. I will share results I have had with this practice through various points of the remaining lesson.

The practice of Focused Sitting activates "EFFORT" energy within your psyche and energizes the grid within you; energizes your access to the "Empath InnerNet." It is equivalent to charging your own batteries. Not a bad idea, eh?

"Focused Sitting" (Xen-Chi) (this section is repeated and expanded upon in the XenChi section of the Home site) One of the primary goals of Empath training is to encourage and support Empathic individuals to progress, evolve, and actualize their full human potential. To awaken within the "dream", to experience life directly, and to realize the power of Empathic connections. Empaths in training are encouraged to adopt the practice of Focused Sitting, the foundation for Xen Chi (pronounced zen chee) , a practice of personal discipline for Empaths. To begin this part of the lesson I wish to share a story with you that I have told in almost every class I've ever taught. Obviously, it is one that I think is very important and useful. I first read the story in a Michael Talbot book called "Mysticism and the New Physics." If you have read "The Holographic Universe" you will know that any Talbot book is going to be a good book. This is the famous "Chicken Story" (that many students know by heart by now. The chicken story has become a parable of how people are trapped by their own perception of the world around them. A group of Peace Corps volunteers went to a small society somewhere in New Guinea. Their mission was to educate the locals in hygiene and more "civilized" living habits. The villagers all gathered around the area that had been set up for viewing a film. They sat patiently and politely through the film which depicted technicians demonstrating new and better habits for them to follow. At the end of the film the volunteers asked the group, via interpreters, what exactly did they get out of the film? The audience was very hesitant to respond. It took some coaxing for any of them to speak. The volunteers were perplexed by their reaction. Finally, one brave soul spoke up. She said that, she wasn't sure but that she thought she had seen some chickens in the film. Then everyone else's faces lit up and they all starting saying something like, "yeah, I saw those chickens, too!" Everyone was excited and delighted in sharing about the chickens! The point, of course, is that there were no chickens in the film! But for a "primitive" society, the images in the film were foreign and basically unrecognizable. They couldn't even make out what it was they were seeing --- so they projected onto the images what was familiar to them. When people are confronted with the unknown and/or something new, they (we) are faced with a "blank space" internally. We tend to project what we know into that blank space. The bottom line: we only perceive what we know. When faced with the unknown, we make up a meaning or scenario based upon what we know (or think we know.)

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Many of the emotional / mental struggles that we experience as humans, and especially as Empaths, come from "seeing the chickens," in other words, not really seeing things clearly for what they are. YOU can only experience what you already know. As an Empath in training, it behooves you to open up to knowing more than ever before. True knowing only takes place through direct experience. Empath training formally begins once you have made a CONSCIOUS commitment to being fully present in the moment, to train your awareness to focus in the NOW of every experience. This commitment prepares you mentally for achieving higher levels of consciousness which will help you manage and weld your Empath nature. How often do you find yourself in the midst of an experience, such as talking to a friend, or working, and you are focused on everything except what is actually happening. You are focused on something that has already happened in the past, or focused on what you imagine will happen in the future, or focused on what you are imagining is happening instead of experiencing it? This focusing on subjective states instead of the experience is called being "trapped within the dream." Your growth and development as an Empath will be based upon your commitment to awaken within the dream, realize how much of it is your own subjective creation, and to begin to focus on experience as it is happening in the moment. As you progress in the training decide and continuously review your decision, to make something of your training experience. What you get out of the training will be totally of your own creation. You will be provided with more information than you'll ever be able to fully use. But gathering the information is not completing the training. The information is just some raw resource for you to use as you create your experience. This is a new mode of training for many people. To master this approach simply requires that you move from a passive (waiting) mode to an active mode. Don't wait for something to happen - make it happen! This is a vital transition for most Empaths who have made being "passive" into a lifestyle. So, is it hopeless? Are we doomed to only see the chickens? To live in a dream? No, of course not. We have more tools to choose from than we can even imagine. One of the most powerful tools available for mastering the human nervous system comes from the ancient practices of Zen. To calm the storm, to awaken from the dream and to see beyond the chickens, all we need to do is to practice a very basic form of discipline. A discipline that could totally unleash the powers of perception and open the direct channels to transformative experience. With clarity and focus you can become a fully conscious actualized Empath.

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The application of focused sitting within the Empath training program is referred to as Xen Chi, referring to a western adaptation of Zen. The word "Zen" is an

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abbreviation of the Japanese word "zenna," which is a transliteration of the Sanskrit "dhyana" and Chinese "ch'an" or "ch'anna, i.e., the process of concentration and absorption by which the mind is tranquilized and brought into one-pointedness for the purpose of Self-Realization. Focused sitting, or the practice of Zazen, is known as the "gateway to total liberation." By ordering and immobilizing of feet, hands, trunk, and head in a lotus like posture, and by regulating the breath, the methodical stilling of the thoughts and unification of the mind through special concentration; with the developmental control over the emotions and strengthening of the will; and with the cultivation of a profound silence in the deepest recesses of the mind - through the practice of focused sitting - there are established the optimal preconditions for looking into and actualizing your Empath (implicate) nature. The uniqueness of focused sitting practice is this: that YOU, at the core, are freed from the mind, freed from bondage to all thoughtforms, visions, objects, and imaginings, however sacred or elevating, and brought to a state of absolute internal freedom, from which you may one day perceive your own true (implicate) nature, and the nature of the universe. It is in focused sitting that the body-mind's force and vigor are enlarged and mobilized for the breakthrough into this new world of freedom. Energies which formerly were squandered in compulsive drives and purposeless actions are preserved and channeled into a unity through Xen Chi practices; and to the degree that mind attains one-pointedness through focused sitting, it no longer disperses its force in the uncontrolled proliferation of idle thoughts. The entire nervous system may be relaxed and soothed, inner tensions eliminated, and the tone of all organs strengthened. In the broad sense, focused sitting involves more than just correct sitting. To enter fully into every action with total attention and clear awareness is the ultimate state of efficiency for Empathic functioning. Single mindedness and of bare attention are the foundation for an entire hierarchy of skills available within an actualized Empath. In the "ordinary state", the mind is a jumble of thoughts and emotions, opinions, prejudices, where bare attention is nearly impossible. The ordinary mind is centered not in reality itself but in our ideas of it. By focusing the mind wholly on each object and every action, focused sitting strips the mind of extraneous thoughts and allows us to enter into a full rapport with life. Focused sitting and mobile focus are two functions equally dynamic and mutually reinforcing. One who sits devotedly in practice everyday, the mind free of discriminating thoughts, finds it easier to relate wholeheartedly to daily tasks, and one who performs every act with total attention and clear awareness finds it less difficult to achieve the sense of "amazing space" during the sitting periods. Amazing space is that state of consciousness which is timeless and limitless, a sense of inner expansion and tranquility which can be achieved through regular practice.

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Focused sitting practice for the student Empath begins with you counting the inhalations and exhalations of your breath while you are sitting motionless in xen chi posture. This is the first step in the process of stilling the bodily functions, quieting discursive thought, and strengthening concentration. It is given as the first step because in counting the in and out breaths, in natural rhythm and without strain, the mind has a scaffolding to support it, as it were. When concentration on the breathing becomes such that awareness of the counting is clear and the count is not lost, the next step is a slightly more difficult type of focus, namely following the inhalations and exhalations of the breath with the "mind's eye" only, again in natural rhythm. The blissful state flows from concentration on the breath and the value of breathing in terms of spiritual and psychological development have been lucidly set forth by prominent teachers throughout history. The following quote from Lama Govinda highlights the benefits: "from this state of perfect mental and physical equilibrium and its resulting inner harmony grows that serenity and happiness which fills the whole body with a feeling of supreme bliss like the refreshing coolness of a spring that penetrates the entire water of a mountain lake. Thus breathing becomes a vehicle of spiritual experience, the mediator between body and mind. It is the first step towards the transformation of the body from a state of more or less passively and unconsciously functioning physical organ into a vehicle or tool of a perfectly developed and enlightened mind. The most important result of the practice of mindfulness with regard to breathing, is the realization that the process of breathing is the connecting link between conscious and subconscious, gross-material and fine-material, volitional and non-volitional functions, and therefore the most perfect expression of the nature of all life." To discover your full Empath (implicate) nature, first requires emptying your mind of "conceptual thought." The mind itself, as a conglomerate of thought, ideas, beliefs, etc., is the only obstacle on the path. Developing the mind, in this regard, is to develop the wall, the barrier to your goals. Focused sitting is the first tool on the path to gain control over the mind and to reduce it to it's proper functions. Before achieving this goal, most people are imprisoned within their minds. Focused sitting is a self-made key for escaping from the prison. Once you escape, ironically, you find that the prison was never there to begin with, only a mirage. All thoughts, whether ennobling or debasing are mutable and impermanent. They have a beginning and an end even as they are fleetingly with us, and this is as true of the thought of an era as of an individual. In Buddhism, thought is referred to as the "stream of life and death." It is important in this connection to distinguish the role of transitory thoughts from that of fixed concepts. Random ideas are relatively innocuous but ideologies, beliefs, opinions, and points of view, not to mention "factual knowledge" accumulated since birth (to which we attach ourselves) are the shadows which obscure our view of reality. So long as thought continues to interfere with experience we cannot distinguish truth from untruth. It is imperative in Empath training, that these thoughts be stilled. Once they abate, the mental noise begins to subside and thoughts begin to clear. The moment of such realization is referred to as "awakening", the apprehension of the true substance of our self-nature (implicate nature). Unlike

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moral and philosophical concepts, which are variable, true insight is imperishable. Now for the first time we can live with inner peace and dignity, free from perplexity and disquiet, and in harmony with our environment. Step One -- is to select a quiet room in which to sit. Lay out a fairly soft mat or pad some three feet square, and on top of this place a small circular cushion measuring about one foot in diameter to sit on, or use a square cushion folded in two. The important thing is to create a stable and comfortable seat with a cushion. Use what you have and create what works for you. Preferably you should not wear long pants or socks since these interfere with crossing the legs. Loose "yoga style" pants could work fine. Ideally it is best to sit in the full lotus position but this is difficult for many people. To sit in the full lotus you place the foot of the right leg over the thigh of the left leg and the foot of the left leg over the thigh of the right leg. The main point of this particular method of sitting is that by establishing a wide solid base, with crossed legs and with both knees touching the mat, you achieve absolute stability. With the body thus immobile, thoughts are not disturbed by physical movements and the mind more easily becomes tranquil. If, like most westerners, you have trouble sitting in the full lotus posture because of pain, sit half-lotus, which is done by putting the foot of the left leg over the thigh of the right. For those of you who are not accustomed to sitting cross-legged, even this position may not be easy to maintain. You will probably find it difficult to keep the two knees on the mat and will have to push one or both of them down again and again until they stay down. In both half and full-lotus posture the uppermost foot can be reversed when the legs become tired. For those who find both of these traditional postures acutely uncomfortable, an alternative position is the traditional Japanese one of sitting on heels and calves. This can be maintained for a longer time if a cushion is placed between the heels and the buttocks. One advantage of this posture is that the back can be kept erect easily. However, should all of these positions prove too uncomfortable, develop your own position which achieves the same goal of physical stability. Ultimately, you could use a chair if you have to. Step Two -- is to rest your hands in your lap with all fingertips touching. You are forming an oval with your fingers, extending the thumbs upward and the other fingers downward. This murder, or hand position, is referred to as the position of "space", symbolic of all space. Hold this position during the entire practice, once you form this hand position practice has started. Once you release it, practice is over. After you have crossed your legs, bend forward so as to thrust your buttocks out, then slowly bring the trunk to an erect posture. The head should be straight; if looked at from the side, your ears should be in line with your shoulders and the tip of your nose in line with your navel. The body from the wait up should be weightless, free from pressure or strain. Keep the eyes open and the mouth closed at this point. Ideally, the tip of your tongue should touch the back of your upper teeth. If you close your eyes you will fall into a dull and dreamy state.

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Your gaze should be lowered without focusing on anything in particular. Experience has shown that the mind is quietest, with the least fatigue or strain, when the eyes are in the lowered position. The spinal column must be erect at all times. Thus self-correcting is important. When the body slumps, not only is undue pressure placed on the internal organs, interfering with their free functioning, but the vertebrae by impinging upon the nerves may cause strains of one kind or another. Since the mind and body are actually one thing, any impairment of the physical functions inevitably involves the mind and thus diminishes its clarity and one-pointedness, which are essential for effective concentration. From a purely psychological perspective, a ramrod erectness is as undesirable as a slouching position, for the one springs from unconscious pride and the other from abjectness, and since both are grounded in inefficient modes of consciousness, they are equally a hindrance to the practice. Be careful to hold your head erect; if it inclines forward or backward or sideward, remaining there for any significant length of time, strain in the neck will be the result. When you have established a correct posture, take a deep breath, hold it to the count of four, then exhale slowly and quietly. Repeat this two or three times, always breathing through the nose. After that breathe naturally. When you have accustomed yourself to this routine, one deep breath will be enough to start off your practice. Now bend your body to the right as far as you can go, then to the left, about four to six times each, in large arcs at first, then smaller ones until the trunk naturally comes to rest at the center. YOU ARE NOW READY TO CONCENTRATE YOUR MIND. There are many good methods of concentration available. The easiest is for beginners in counting incoming and outgoing breaths. The value of this particular exercise lies in the fact that all reasoning is excluded and the discriminative mind put at rest (at least temporarily). Thus waves of thought are stilled and gradual one-pointedness of mind achieved. To start with count both inhalations and exhalations. Inhalations should be made by drawing in breath through the nostrils. Do this slowly and as gradually as possible but DO NOT strain, find your own comfort zone. Fill your lungs from the "bottom up." From the diaphragm in front of your stomach to the top of your lungs. Your stomach should extend outward as you fill the bottom of your lungs Make the breath as long and comfortable as possible. Once your lungs are full, hold your breath to the count of four. Then exhale by pursing your lips into a quiet whistle. Blow out the breath in a slow steady stream through pursued lips, without making much sound. Extend the breath for as long and as far as you can, emptying out the lungs. Once you have exhaled as much a possible without straining, then hold your breath again, to the count of four. Keeping track of the counts is what improves your ability to concentrate. You will notice your ability to concentrate to begin to improve due to this practice. When you inhale, concentrate on ONE; when you exhale concentrate on TWO, and so on, up to ten. Ten should always be an exhalation. Return to ONE once more count up to ten, counting as before. It's as simple as that. You goal in the beginning of the training is to be able to

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practice this for up to twenty minutes. As I pointed out already, fleeting ideas which naturally fluctuate in the mind are not in themselves an impediment. This unfortunately is not commonly understood. Even among Japanese who have been studying and practicing Zen for five years or more there are many who misunderstand Zen practice to be a stopping of consciousness. There is indeed a kind of zazen that aims at doing just that but it is not the traditional zazen of Zen Buddhism. You must realize that no matter how intently you count your breaths you will still perceive what is in your line of vision, since your eyes are open, and you will hear the normal sounds about you, as your ears are not plugged. And since your brain is not asleep, various thoughts will dart about in your mind. Now, they will not hamper or diminish the effectiveness of xen chi unless, evaluating them as "good", you cling to them or, deciding they are "bad," you try to check or eliminate them. You must not regard any perceptions or sensations as an obstruction to xen chi nor should you pursue any of them. This is very important: Pursuit means that in the act of seeing, your gaze lingers on objects; in the course of hearing, your attention dwells on sounds, and in the process of thinking, your mind adheres to ideas. If you allow yourself to be distracted in such ways, your concentration on the counting of your breaths will be impeded. Let random thoughts arise and vanish as they will. Do not dally with them and do not try to expel or repress them, but merely concentrate all your energy on counting inhalations and exhalations. In terminating a period of sitting, do not arise abruptly, but begin by rocking from side to side, first in small swings, then in large ones, for six or more times. You will observe that your movements in this exercise are the reverse of those you engage in when beginning focused sitting. Rise slowly and quietly walk around a minute or two, in what is called "kinhin" or mobile focus. Mobile focus will be a practice introduced at later stages of training. As with all Empath training modes, be sure to make a note in your journal about your focused sitting practice. Do not dwell on thoughts or images, simply progress and degrees of submerging yourself into the experience. Your practice is your artwork. Your breathing and posture are your medium. Focus on improving each breath and continuously enhancing your posture. Some sessions will be deeply satisfying, others very disappointing. Over time and determination, the practice will evolve into a powerful tool for maintaining your own psyche.

This has been an introduction to focused sitting. This information is also available under the XenChi section of the home page, along with expansions on the practice.

The Psychology of Energy lessons continue. The next section introduces you to Empath "Nodes." Learning about the Nodes is like learning little puzzle pieces. There are Eight primary Nodes to learn, so eight puzzle pieces to play with. Once you have learned about all eight puzzle pieces, you will be ready to fit them together to see the bigger picture.

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The bigger picture is the amazing Empathic system within you, embedded within your central nervous system, deeply connected within your brain.

The Psychology of Energy

The Evolution of Empathic Intelligence (Starting to Work with EM Nodes) with "built-in" review

You are an energy field. You might think of the concept of the human aura and think of that as an energy field around your body. In fact, the dense matter of your body is also energy. Your body is the densest part of that field and what has been classically referred to as the "aura" is the least dense part of that energy field. Yet what you experience is a heavy, earth-bound vessel that you experience as "physical" and dense. Still your body generates electricity, an electromagnetic field, and nuclear force. You are an amazing vortex of spinning and interactive energies. Yet all of these energies are locked into place by one "master" energy, and that is Gravity. We have discussed the fact that you have an interior, psychic correlate or elemental to Gravity, which I refer to as EFFORT in these lessons.

We took a look at the intimate role that Gravity plays in our own lives in the Gravity section of this course. We learned that Gravity influences and controls much of our experience as physical beings. As physical beings were are bound by the influence of Gravity in more ways than one. Resisting Gravity develops strength within us: not only physical strength but a type of psychic strength that we refer to as "EFFORT" in these lessons. The exercise of Focused Sitting promotes tremendous amounts of mental strength and can be adapted for use by anyone.

Not only are you and I an energy field, but we live within an ocean of energy. The visible world as it appears to our eyes and our other senses, is really nothing more than a collection of tiny moving particles seemingly held into place by energy relationships. You have heard the cliché by now, that even a solid wooden table is really a mass of moving, spinning particles that have significant amounts of space between them. "Solid" is really nothing more than our perception/relationship with what we perceive as objects.

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Every person you come in contact with, every person you know, is an energy field. Your eyes do not directly tell you this but this is now something we as a species know about our physical condition. Every person you encounter is a mass of spinning atoms and subatomic particles. Each atom and each particle communicates with each other to produce the overall effect. One central energy, directly connected to what we think of as the "lifeforce" , is the energy of electricity. We know that our bodies depend upon electrical currents and functions. The human brain, the heart, the nervous system, all involve electrical energy. When you think of of all subatomic communications occurring within your body, along with all of the electrical communications taking place, is it really such a leap to think of empathic communication between living things?

Electricity results from an electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic fields result from electricity. Electromagnetic fields are everywhere in our world. Living things all generate electromagnetic fields. You are a walking, talking, breathing, thinking electromagnetic field. You live in an ocean of electromagnetic energy. The physical world itself emanates an electromagnetic field and the civilization in which you live utilizes electromagnetism extensively in the technology which supports it.

It is not my intent to take away the charm and the romance from empathic communication. But I would like to suggest that the possibility of "psychic" communication is not really so supernatural or as fantastic as we used to think. There is plenty of possibility and even probability that communications take place from person to person at the imperceptible level of energy, especially electromagnetically. My purpose is not to provide a scientific platform here, instead, it is to suggest a grounded approach to understanding empathic communications from all levels - from the perspective of our experience, rather than empirical observation.

I strongly suggest that Empath students to read the book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot in order to gain an intelligent perspective of psychic functioning and to overcome "old school skepticism." Take time from these lessons to complete the book. It will enhance you study of the Psychology of Energy many times over.

As we start our discussion of Electromagnetism, we begin to look at the inner workings of the human being. Due to this, our focus will change and a great deal of this material will center on what will be called "EM Nodes." This is of special interest to Empaths because here is where we "live" so to speak. The very essence of our experience as Empaths occurs on the inner levels of mind and being, which have been mapped out through "Nodes." What we are receiving as communication also comes from these inner levels (Nodes) of the people around us. Here is where we should specialize but in reality, here is often where we are the least informed. The study of the Nodes seems very involved at first, but once you have the composite Empath Map in front of you, showing all the Nodes and their relationships, you have a powerful tool that you can use to accelerate your Empathic Intelligence. The Empath "Map" or PHI Model actually works like a "map" and will guide you to many profound insights and improve your ability to access a variety of empathic states.

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It is not necessary for an Empath to get a degree in Psychology – although it would be highly relevant. Yet it is important that you, as a developing Empath, take the time to learn the common issues which affect all people around the world; issues that are the result of human biology and psychology. Being well informed as an Empath only increases the amount of support and resource you have available to you.

EM Energy/Innergy

Electromagnetic energy is referred to as the Alpha level within these lessons. You were introduced to Alpha in the first course on Dreamtongue. You will not need a scientific understanding of electromagnetism to appreciate the influence it has in your life.

First, let's think about the nature of Alpha communication. Remember: Alpha communication is related to a sense of feeling attraction or repulsion – push or pull. What does that sound like? Yes, magnets. If you put the opposite poles of magnets together they instantly attract. If you put the same charge poles of magnets together, they resist and push apart. People behave very much the same way as magnets but the polarizing comes from a "psychic" or psychological place more so than a "physical field of electromagnetism." So, just like we looked at outer Gravity and inner Gravity, we will also look at outer EM (electromagnetism) and inner EM.

That last reference alone should have caught your eye and your interest. The initials for electromagnetism, EM are also the first letters of the word EMpath. Here you will be learning about your first set of truly empathic skills and the way electromagnetic relationships play out in your life: through EMotion.

In the "Gravity section" we talked about the Master energy Gravity and how it controls our inner and outer worlds. But there is oh, so much more to us than that. We can now talk about what it takes to escape or transcend the influence of Gravity. There is a phrase I like to use as a metaphor, "Escape Velocity." Escape velocity is the speed & energy required for a rocket to break out of Earth's gravitational field. As an Empath you can learn to develop your own personal level of escape velocity and achieve an energy state that transcends your own inner Gravity, in order to reach higher states of consciousness and perception.

This is the beginning of a great adventure.

© 2006 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

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Escape Velocity

So, just like we looked at outer Gravity and inner Gravity, we will also look at outer EM (electromagnetism) and inner EM.

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For research into electromagnetism I recommend the Fusion Anamoly site for it's "TechnoShamanism" twist to the subject: Electromagnetic . It is not a formal science site, it is a "curiosity and interest" site.

Our primary interest is in working with energy from our own subjective level of experience. For the purpose of these lessons we will refer to shifts in the EM field and states of EM as "EMotions." Emotional states are forms of EM states that are of particular interests to EMpaths.

As an EMpath you are particularly interested in emotions. The popularized image of an Empath is that of an individual that can read, sense, and interpret the emotions of others -remotely, or otherwise. The appeal of the Empath concept was essentially around the idea of someone who could read hidden emotional and mental states of others. This is entirely probable, but as you may have already ascertained from these lessons that I promote the idea that Empaths can read VISIBLE as well as INVISIBLE signs. This has been a source of controversy (for some reason) due to individuals who become offended that I suggest that Empaths can ALSO read visible signs. I see no reason why we, as intuitives, should ignore 90% of the information available to us. It does not at all detract from our intuitive abilities. Instead, it ENHANCES our abilities and grounds our efforts. We want to be grounded in our efforts, otherwise we get written off as another "lunatic fringe" and dismissed as superstitious and self-deluded.

If you have been following the lessons in order, you will understand that I like to refer to "circles." Circles are pieces of information that have holographic properties whereby a unified relationship exists between two conditions. In the discussion on "Gravity" we talked about how "your outer world is a reflection of your inner world" and that "your inner world is a reflection of an outer world." There is a seamless relationship between the two perceived levels. That is what I am calling a "circle." I use the circle as the most important metaphor in all my written work.

The circle we will look at now is: changes in emotional states represent changes in the electromagnetic field of a person:" and "changes in the electromagnetic field represent emotional changes in a person." To create a "shortcut" to this information I will say "your emotional states represent your EM state." Although the actual changes in electromagnetism are difficult to measure, the influence is definitely measurable. The influence of emotional states on the body is a documented fact at this time. Negative, stressful thoughts produce stress hormones and other harmful influence in the body. Positive, optimistic thoughts stimulate healthy responses within the body. Negative emotions represent changes in your EM field which in turn create changes in your cells/molecules/atoms.

When you encounter someone who is in a "bad mood", either depressed or angry (or both) the person gives off an "aura" that lets you know something is wrong. That aura consists of his or her visual presence, body language, spoken language/absence thereof, behavior, and of "unseen qualities" - that come from the EM field. We have referred to this in slang as "bad vibes." Someone who is

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in a highly negative or depressed state has a very closed, constricted aura- which "feels" heavier, slower, and resistant to change. If that highly negative state becomes too compressed it turns into anger and potentially violence of some sort. When I refer to violence I am referring to the entire spectrum of violence ranging from verbal attacks to physical attacks.

The purpose of our lesson is to learn how EM fields work for us, as Empaths, and how they work for people in general. This will be a gradual lesson that introduces layers upon layers of information that will eventually all fit together to form one larger picture. If you are a student of the Psychology of Energy I encourage you to ask questions and to seek clarification as you go. Post your questions inside the Empaths Group, that is why it is there.

It is at this point in your development that I am going to introduce the concept of "Nodes" into your Empath Vocabulary. This will be one of the most useful and powerful concepts that you will learn as an evolving Empath. For, as you will see in the long term, your Empathic impressions from other people come from these things I am calling "Nodes."

First, let's get the dictionary definition.

American Heritage Dictionary - n. "Node" A knob, knot, protuberance, or swelling.

Botany. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached; a joint. See knot1. Physics. A point or region of virtually zero amplitude in a periodic system. Mathematics. The point at which a continuous curve crosses itself. Computer Science. A terminal in a computer network. Astronomy. Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic. Either of two points at which the orbit of a satellite intersects the orbital plane of a planet. [Middle English, lump in the flesh, from Latin ndus, knot. See ned- in Indo-European Roots.]

(Sources:APA: Nodes. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved November 04, 2006, from website: MLA: "Nodes." The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004. 04 Nov. 2006. <> )

As you can see, there is quite a variety of definitions but I think you get the overall picture that a node indicates a place or position within something, such as a system. I realize that is a very vague explanation but it is sufficient for now.

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In this course the EM field refers to the "overall" energy field of a person. Whether that person is yourself or someone else, we all produce an EM field. This field has electromagnetic properties but our interest is in the EMotional field generated by people. Emotions are connected to mental states and mental states are connected to emotions.

There are eight primary Nodes in the EM field of every person. Remember the key axiom for Empath knowledge: "what you know about yourself, you know about everyone else." So I will primarily be referring to your own experience with the Nodes in order to make the information meaningful.


In this course the EM field refers to the "overall" energy field of a person. Whether that person is yourself or someone else, we all produce and "own" an EM field. This field has electromagnetic properties but our interest is in the EMotional field generated by people. Emotions are connected to mental states and mental states are connected to emotions.

There are eight primary Nodes in the EM field of every person. Remember my key axiom for Empath knowledge: "what you know about yourself, you know about everyone else." So I will primarily be referring to your own experience with the Nodes in order to make the information meaningful. Once you have understood how a principle works within yourself you can apply it others.

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Throughout these lessons I refer to "circles". I use the word 'circle" to indicate holographic properties. Holographic properties may be actual or metaphoric; either way reflects the level of information we are accessing through this study.

For the purposes of this discussion Nodes are CIRCLES. Wherever you perceive or experience a circle you are perceiving or experiencing a node. Specific to the evolution of empathic intelligence, Nodes are conditions in the EM field of every person you meet. I realize this can sound very abstract at first but as you work with the concept through the lessons it will become more practical. States of consciousness, states of mind and emotion, are also abstract on one level but quite tangible on another. For instance, anger is a state of mind which means so many things to us. It implies all kinds of associations and ideas. Yet there are also physiological processes at work: electro-chemical changes that are specific to anger. Some states of mind are not so clearly defined in Neuropsychology and may be referred to as "meta-states." Eventually science will have every aspect of our "beingness" mapped out (?) but for now some parts of the human soul remain elusive. These meta-states are what I will refer to as "Nodes."

A little play on words will bring this into focus. A node is a mode. I realize that sounds a little like a Dr. Seuss(ism" but it works. More accurately, a node is the source of the mode. Whatever "mode" you are in indicates the "node" that is active. For example, you may be accustomed to hearing someone say "I was in survival mode." That statement actually refers to a group of conditions within the body and brain. The phrase survival mode is used more as a figure of speech, but there is an actual survival mode which is a reaction to a life threatening situation. There are also many degrees of survival mode. Survival mode can range from needing finances to get by, all the way to trying to get out of the path of a tornado.

What you are going to learn about here can be considered "pre-set" patterns within consciousness that affect thought, feeling, and behavior. Notice I say "consciousness", instead of brain. These pre-set patterns may or may not be based solely upon conditions within the brain. When I refer to consciousness I am referring to the "field effect" generated by the brain. It is entirely probable that the field effect has it's own dimensions, conditions, and unique functions. Within the field of consciousness there are eight unique pre-set patterns or Nodes. The model I developed to represent the study of these Nodes is called the "PHI model of consciousness." It is specific to teaching Empaths how to develop Empathic Intelligence to greater and greater degrees.

The PHI model of consciousness is a teaching tool used to train Empaths and to accelerate their development. This course will introduce you to a cursory glance of the PHI model and will assist you in transforming the model into practical tools and insights. You are actually learning the PHI model backwards, beginning with the pieces. The pieces will be all put together at the end of the sections on The Psychology of Energy.

Now, let's take what you learned in Dreamtongue and take that information to the next level!

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The Eight Nodes

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There are Eight dominant Nodes in the EM field. I will introduce those Nodes to you in small steps, so that you have the opportunity to have an expanded and in-depth appreciation of what is being referred to in this course by the word "Nodes."

Everyone person has an EM field. You have an EM field. All living things have EM fields. More than likely, EVERYTHING has an EM field. But as Empaths our interest in primarily in living things, especially other people. The illustration above shows four basic orientations on a circle, which function as the orientations of the EM field, and therefore, the Nodes. Picture yourself standing in the circle, facing in, so that where it says "right", is your right and "left" is your left. The diagram (and all diagrams to follow, illustrate as the orientations as they would be, if you were facing another person.)

Nodes have a lot to do with orientation and context. Orientation to oneself, to others, to the physical world around you, to experience, to objects of perception, etc. Orientation is a very powerful concept to understand for expanding Empath awareness.

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The illustration above shows the very basic levels of orientation that are based upon our own perceptual awareness. Up, Down, Left, Right. These four orientations are very familiar to us all and serve as a good starting place to begin to develop an understanding of Nodes. I am sure you understand that UP, Down, Right, Left, have no actual physical dimensions but are extremely real to our experience. Such is the nature of Nodes: they do not have any physical measurements but have profound impact on our lives, identity, and experience.

The four orientations fit into many parts of our experience and can be compared & associated with other related patterns. This will be expanded upon throughout the discussions on Nodes.

We are going to use the above illustration to walk step by step into an understanding of Nodes. The end result of this discussion will be quite wonderful as we will begin here but "come out" in the area of "Empath Types" which is of particular interest to anyone who took the quiz "What Type of Empath Are You?". Patience and thoroughness are key to learning here.

More Directions

So far we have looked at the first four orientations of Up, Down, Left, and Right. These seem obvious and simple enough.

The diagram we are using will ultimately evolve into the PHI model, so what we are doing is building the PHI model from scratch (in reverse)..

The first four node orientations can be understood in other terms such as directional and positional:

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Now we want to tie the orientations together and relate them to what we learned in the Dreamtongue lessons.

The orientation of "OUT" (outer, outward) is equivalent to SOUTH or DOWN and is relative to BETA in Dreamtongue.

The orientation of "IN" (inner, inward) is equivalent to NORTH or UP and is relative to ALPHA in Dreamtongue.

The orientation of "FRONT" (ahead, before) is equivalent to EAST or RIGHT and is relative to THETA in Dreamtongue.

The orientation of "BACK" (behind, after) is equivalent to WEST or LEFT and is relative to DELTA in Dreamtongue.

If you are comfortable with the first four orientations (so far) then you are ready to learn the first four Nodes. I would recommend printing out the diagrams as we go and keeping them in a notebook. Don't worry about "memorizing' all the technical details of the Nodes. Once you are done with the study you will find that you will have an intuitive grasp of the Empath Map (PHI Model) that will be more important than an "academic explanation."

As I mentioned in earlier , I strongly recommend reading the "Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot. There are many benefits to reading that material. Of particular interest to us here is the concept of an "interference pattern." The EM field we are learning about is a type of interference pattern, having similar functions and properties. The concept of interference pattern serves as an important metaphor in later advanced parts of the study.

More About The First Four Nodes

Now that you have an idea of the four orientations, you are ready to learn about the actual Nodes. Nodes occur within the EM field any time a particular "area of thought" dominates a person (a person's mind). There are four fundamental "areas of thought" which originate from deep within your being, your mind/body, your central nervous system, and essentially, your genetics.. These "areas of thought" or matrices shape how you and everyone else thinks, feels, and behaves. When one of these matrices are active/dominant in a person's EM field it becomes a "NODE." On the creative side, I like to call these Nodes "innergies," but will stick to Nodes for the sake of the lessons.

Nodes appear and disappear on a constant basis. They can "appear" in any of the orientations and can shift in a fluid manner at any given

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point in time. So think of the diagram as representing a powerfully "gyroscopic" process..

Now, let's begin with a general overview of the Nodes and the pattern at work behind the node. I recommend drawing your own diagrams as you follow along with the lesson. Use the illustrations to assist you.

Node 1 Kinetic Ontology (K.O.)

Node 1 (first position) begins in the "OUT" or outer orientation of the EM field. This is simpler than it sounds when you remember that the "OUT" position refers to BETA, so you know immediately that Node 1 is related to physical conditions, states, and behaviors. To be more specific Node 1 (or the Beta Node) is oriented towards physical well-being and safety. When the Beta Node is active/dominant you are oriented towards survival, physical necessity, and existing. In the west, the U.S., so much of life is "cushioned" and "prepared" for us that we do not feel the crunch of survival as much as primitive man and woman. Sadly, this is not true for all countries of the world. We no longer are required to hunt for our food or fight off wild animals to survive. Instead, we good to the grocery store and are required to get along with our neighbors. Still, the survival node exists within us and shapes our behaviors "behind the scenes," so to speak. In your modern life, the issue of money and financial well-being is most likely to trigger your Beta Node. Even more important: we can thank the Beta Node for intuitions regarding danger, threat, and safety issues. It's primary function has become that of a "Connector" node, seeking to Connect with and understand what it is we are connecting with overall.

Node 2 Kinetic Integration (K.I.)

Node 2 (second position) begins in the "IN" or inner orientation of the EM field. This is also simplified by remembering that the "IN" position refers to ALPHA. See how this is going to work? Node 2 is related to emotional/mental states and activities. Node 2 or the Alpha Node is oriented towards emotional positioning in relation to the environment and "others." The Alpha Node displays your reactions and responses to everything around you, how you perceive it, and what you feel about it. At the very base of the Alpha Node is the need to own thing, possess something, control it, to have personal power, and have it available to you to fulfill your needs. In this sense the Alpha node makes you territorial and in need of status and power. The Alpha Node determines if you are passive or dominant, aggressive or compliant, etc. The Alpha Node is probably what you are the most sensitive to as an Empath. When you get "hit" with a strong emotion from another person, you are in effect "bumping" into their Alpha Node. Once you fully understand Nodes you will also understand how to work with them and deal with their impact.

Node 3 Linear Integration (L.I..)

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Node 3 (third position) begins in the "FRONT" or forward orientation of the EM field. This position refers to the THETA level of Dreamtongue, so you should immediately associate the Theta Node with "thought" (as a separate function from emotion) mind, intellect, language, symbols, and tools. This is the intellectual node, no matter what the configuration of the intellect might be. Intelligence of all forms is shaped here: I.Q., in the traditional sense, but even more. We now understand that there are multiple forms of intelligence, such as musical, spatial, social, emotional, etc. When you are engaging someone in a thoughtful or intellectual conversation (of any level) you are engaging the Theta Node of that person. The Theta node reveals a great deal about us. Since the Theta node is where (and how) you organize information, great quantities of information are available here to be "read" by an Empath. Once I have given you the "label" or name of this Node, you will see it's functions from a deeper perspective.

Node 4 Time Altered Ontology (T.A.O.)

Node 4 (fourth position) begins in the "BACK" or behind orientation of the EM field. This position refers to the DELTA level of Dreamtongue. The Delta Node is where experience and Self are integrated into groups and collections, and even gestalts. The Delta Node is somewhat of a memory bank, and so, is the "wizard behind the curtain" within your psyche. I realize that is an odd analogy to throw out right now, but think about it. Apart from it's core functions the Delta Node directs the relationships you have in your life. Relationships with family, friends, lovers, peers, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, and society as a whole. It is where you fit in socially and interpersonally in your own life. As you might suspect, this is a node of special interest to us all, as for the most part it remains a mystery to many.

Think on these things for awhile. Print or draw out the diagrams that I have provided. Let your self feel the "intuitions" generated by the diagram and relationships between the Nodes/orientations. In meditation, these can provoke profound insights. Take time to work with this material, when you are ready we will go deeper INTO this subject.

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Let's talk about Nodes! Our goal is to make them tangible and understandable. I say "our" goal because I am relying on you to take time to study and question as you go along. Once we have done that, you will get closer to being able to read and work with Nodes.

Once you are adept with Nodes you will be able to :

assess any situation within seconds with greater accuracy read any person you come in contact with - with greater accuracy interpret impressions and intuitions with greater accuracy change and re-direct "energies", "patterns", and "obstacles" learn steps to change your own EMotional currents at will

All of the above mentioned skills mature over time and improve with experience, so be patient with yourself.

Nodes occur wherever two "energies" intersect. Nodes exist within you as potentials and Nodes form when you interact with others. These "energies" can be actual (with physical dimensions) or abstract. Abstract energies reflect processes that we can grasp with our minds but cannot measure with any type of machinery. Being able to sense, read, and work with these Nodes is at the core of being a trained Empath in these studies.

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The first thing we want to do is to make our understanding of the Nodes "user friendly." We don't really need long words like "kinetic ontology," although it is good to have available for future reference. So let's look at some user friendly terms for the Nodes.

For the Kinetic Ontology (K.O.) or Beta Node, we can refer to it as the "Connection Node" or the "Connector."

For the Kinetic Integration (K.I.) or Alpha Node, we can refer to it as the "Presence or Presentation Node."

For the Linear Integration (L.I.) or Theta Node, we can refer to it as the "Barrier or Shielding Node."

For the Time Altered Ontology (T.A.O.) Node, we can refer to it as the "Harmony Node."

Once you have a working knowledge of the Nodes, you will not need to refer to the "node" part; you will be able to discuss or understand someone's "Connection, Presence, Shield, or Harmony."

(Note: remember throughout the courses, we are discussing concepts with "holographic properties." This means that each node also reflects every other node. In other words, every node has a "connector", a "presence", a "shield", and a "harmony" factor. This will apply in the advanced section of the course.

Here are the first four Nodes with their respective "user friendly" labels:

Nodes continued

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© 2007 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

When reading the lessons on Empath Nodes it may start to feel as if the material is getting "technical" and complicated. This is due in part to the issue of teaching this material through long distance format as opposed to a direct "in-class" format. When teaching this material in person I have the opportunity to bring the Nodes 'alive" and illustrate many perspectives (p.o.v.s). When presenting in a distance learning program, I mainly emphasize the technical information so as to be sure that it is conveyed, trusting that a diligent student will work with the technical material enough to discover the vital, fascinating, and useful applications of the knowledge.

This sub-lesson is an attempt to illustrate the Nodes beyond the functional/technical aspects. Hopefully this discussion will bring the Nodes to life a little for you, spur discussion, and create a deeper interest.

First off, why refer to them as Nodes? I did a lot of research on this and waited for years before even using that term. There is a definite "intangibility" that needs to be captured with regard to empathic connections. It is the intangibles that escape us and make it harder for us to get a grip on the process and to convey to others what we are experiencing. Nodes could be called "connecting points" or "relationship dynamic intersections", etc. but none of that captures the full potential of Nodes. The word Node itself implies an intangible area/function,

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of sorts, that is being observed, measured, or identified. That is my oversimplification of nodes anyway.

For us, (Empaths), Nodes are the invisible points where our individual energy field (the EM field) intersects or comes in contact with that EM field of another (either face to face or remotely), activating the context or matrix Node itself. By being able to REFER to that point by giving it a name, Node, we gain an advantage as far as improving our ability to work with that experience from a greater level.

The very best explanation of an Empath node lies within a completely nonverbal presentation. The photo below explains what EM nodes are on an intuitive, metaphoric level (gamma):

There is beauty and simplicity in the interaction. You might say that's all we need to know. Well, that could be true. If it is then enjoy that fact. But I have found over a period of nearly 30 years of working on this, that by mapping out these interactions, I have discovered an incredible technology which exists within all of us. It is organized, it is a system (that I call "EM Field) that I have completely mapped out in the P.H.I. model. To make it sound less technical, we could refer to the P.H.I. model as the "Empath Map," because that is how it works for us. It is a complete map of the EM field and it's interactions. (EM paths). All of the intersecting circles in the image above are the "EM paths." If you take the time to learn about these interactions, by studying the Nodes, you will gain greater insight over your abilities and the empathic information you receive.

You are a living, breathing example of P.H.I., of the EM field. Use the metaphor of water to adjust to the understanding of the Empath map, for it is you - not just a diagram. You as an energy field (EM field) to include the energy around you (aura, electromagnetism, whatever you want to call it) are a moving pool of water. In literature and metaphysical thought, the element of water typically represents emotions. Empaths are creatures of this water - who live their lives

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inside deep pools of emotion. I've often wondered, does that make us "mer-creatures" on some level? Water elementals ? Intriguing thoughts!

When we approach someone, the ripples we create move out from us in the water. When those ripples intersect with another set of ripples, the lines intersect forming Nodes. The Nodes are the circles, which already exist as "potentials", for the circles appear anytime there is a disturbance in the water/energy. When someone approaches us, the ripples come first, intersecting with ours. The diagram of the Empath Map shows the "POTENTIAL" for all the possible Nodes that form.

I share this with you to give perspective on the Psychology of Energy lessons. It is the heart and soul of what we are studying here. Once we have analyzed all the Nodes and their relationships, we can begin to "play in the water" and see that we have so much more control and direction over our own experience, ESPECIALLY in relationships. I maintain that a true self-actualized Empath should be an expert in relationships, it would be the epitome of what Empath stands for. The majority of Empaths I have interacted with over the years have said that they have the most difficulty in relationships - but there are many reasons for this. If you are able to visualize and work with the Empath Map, the P.H.I., you will find that you can master navigation through any kind of interaction with any kind of person using Empathic Intelligence, with ease and grace. Again, these skills come later, I only mention this as a point of encouragement and as a guidepost to what you are studying.

None of this will make you superhuman or above anyone else. It will simply magnify your abilities and improve your skills, making you go from a beautiful pencil sitting in a box unsharpened that has the potential to write so much but isn't - to a finely sharpened pencil ready to write anything. Kind of a silly little analogy - but hey, it works. Empaths can write in water. ;)

So, as you study the Nodes keep this water and ripples image in mind. Let the lessons simplify themselves as you intuitively feel what the message is actually about. It is not as technical as it sounds, but the technical emphasis will bring you strength. Once the map is fully laid out, I will show you the many ways to use it. You can learn to send out specific ripples and you can learn to understand the ripples that are coming to you. After awhile, it becomes automatic, second nature, and really fun to work with.

© 2007 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

Jad Alexander Empath Consultant Author of "The Book of Storms Series" Owner of "The Empaths Group"

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The Greater Nodes

Before going on to the next four Nodes, let's take a quick look at the first four:

Review of the First Four Nodes:

For the Kinetic Ontology (K.O.) or Beta Node, we can refer to it as the "Connection Node" or the "Connector."

For the Kinetic Integration (K.I.) or Alpha Node, we can refer to it as the "Presence or Presentation Node."

For the Linear Integration (L.I.) or Theta Node, we can refer to it as the "Barrier or Shielding Node."

For the Time Altered Ontology (T.A.O.) Node, we can refer to it as the "Harmony Node."

You may have begun to notice, that in discussing Empath Psychology, language becomes "fluid". Words begin to represent more than just the literal meaning. Many words are used to represent one simple idea, because the idea cannot be fully held by the words. The purpose for this is to illustrate the "holographic nature" of Empath experience. The entire PHI model of

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consciousness (which you are studying in parts) is based upon the holographic principle. The holographic theory explains why Empath nature is a reality and can be tapped as a resource for growth in transformation; that what we are, as sentient beings, living holograms. Now, I do not mean to imply that we are "laser projections," please do not take me so literally. The fundamental nature of our very substance is based upon a holographic reality.

Evolving as a self-actualized Empath (or Implicate) means that your perception of reality also becomes more fluid or malleable. This does not mean to disconnect from the solid and unforgiving reality (gravity) but instead to "see deep" into it.

Seeing Deep

As an evolving and emerging Empath you are learning to "See deep." Seeing deep means to "see through" "see into" and "see past" appearances and boundaries. You have the raw ability to see beyond the surface and to sense and probe what is there. Yet if you do not train this ability you may never get to experience the full benefit of having the ability. An untrained, unbonded Empath is ruled by emotion and is quite often the "victim" of his or her own emotions. We have all been there, yes?

An "old fashioned" word for psychic is "clairvoyant," which is based in French and essentially means 'clear seeing." For Empaths I propose the phrase "seeing deep" , as we not only "see" but "feel" as well. Visions are not as meaningful as the responses we experience within ourselves. I call myself a human thermostat. You can put me in a room with other people and if there is anything wrong inside the room I will begin to pick up on it and eventually my body will react to whatever it is. On the Beta level I am ultra sensitive to any chemicals in the room or in the air. On the Alpha level I am ultra sensitive to the emotional expressions and states of the people. On the Theta level I am picking up the mental states and messages of the people around me. On the Delta level I am seeing the bigger picture of the impact the time/place/event is having on everyone - and on the Gamma level I am experiencing a profound insight into the meaning of all the levels interacting.

"Seeing deep" does not make you rich, popular, or famous. You cannot "see deep" into lottery numbers, let's say. Lottery numbers have no depth, no dimension, or even existence until they occur. Please note, I am not referring to precognition in this discussion - that is another lesson at another time. If anything, "seeing deep" creates a monumental distraction to the average Empath. It is not uncommon for us to be preoccupied with the river of information flooding through our "empathic system." This is a source of stress for many. This flooding of information can produce anxiety and a strong desire to withdraw.

Learning about the "Nodes" (Innergies) will help you train and refine your perceptions so that the "river of information" can be more organized and less overwhelming. When we talk about Nodes within these lessons, we are referring to any point where two energies (Innergies) intersect. These can be

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inside yourself or involve you and another person (or other people). When you get empathic impressions you are sensing this intersection, you are sensing a Node. The diagram shows potential consistent Nodes (or energy states).

The best way to learn nodes is to learn how they work inside of you first. Once you can relate to what they are within you, you will start to be able to recognize them in others. THEN you will advance to knowing how they form when two people intersect and eventually, when multiple people intersect. It's going to be a lot like "connecting the dots" from childhood. It's not only fascinating but it can be actually fun.

The "Greater" Nodes (the 2nd set of 4/internal/implicate)

The "Lesser" Nodes (the 1st set of 4, external/explicate) © 2007 All Rights Reserved Jad Alexander

More on Positioning:

If necessary, I hope that you have taken the time to review the early lessons on the Nodes, specifically the lessons that cover orientation and position. For example, you should be comfortable with the following statement: "The Connection Node is in the south, representing down, and forward in the PHI map." If that sentence is not a clear statement for you then please review the lessons and/or post comments in the group for support at .

We can now refer to the first four nodes as the "Lesser Nodes." It may strike you as odd, if you really think about it, that I would refer to them as "lesser" nodes. I mean, aren't they the most active and pronounced of the nodes? Yes, they are. The Lesser nodes are truly the dominant nodes "from our perspective." From a subjective point of view (p.o.v.) the Lesser Nodes control and determine everything! So, why do I call them the Lesser nodes? It all comes from my treating the entire Empathic system of an individual as a form of technology. By sometimes subtle uses of language, I can adapt how a piece of information works for someone I have not yet met. With students all over the world, I am primarily communicating with Empaths I have yet to meet. The labeling of Lesser and Greater nodes acts like a small clamp on the concepts, something I use to tighten up the meaning and to hold a preferential response into place. If that doesn't make sense, please let's discuss it in group, I am attempting to be brief in each area.

By labeling the dominant Nodes the "Lesser" nodes, I am positioning the information intuitively and providing a "hidden message." Not hidden as in secretive, but embedded. I have found over the years that by using such embedded messages that more can be taught in a shorter amount of time with greater results. The intuitive feed off of the embedded message can be extensive and meaningful.

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By labeling the dominant Nodes the "Lesser" nodes I have indicated that although these Nodes appear to dominate our Empath experience and personal perspective, there is a suggestion now that there is a "greater" or bigger picture that goes beyond our scope. It is the desire of every budding Empath to view and grasp that "greater scope."

So the Lesser nodes are very important to us. They seem to direct and impact all of our relationships and experiences. Yet, it is because that they are so dominant that we often cannot see beyond them. Ultimately, we are controlled by them - controlled when we are only "reacting" to the information they retrieve. The Lesser Nodes are not "less" in any way but the fascinating news is that, despite all appearances, Lesser nodes do not control the flow of things. It is by reaching deeper within oneself and within one's own awareness that you can access the Greater nodes and start shaping your Self from the inside out. Accessing the Greater nodes involves the continuing transformations of the Empath. As you grow, transform, and mature, the Greater Nodes begin to play a bigger part in your psyche/awareness.

So, let's do some practical work! (Suggestion: practicing drawing samples of Nodes in your Empath Journal/Toolbox!) When you are finally able to draw the entire PHI model, with all nodes and connecting pathways, you will have the full picture!

Lesser Nodes: Node 1 - CONNECTION - front - south - down (Outer Nodes)

Node 2 - PRESENCE - back - north - in

Node 3 - SHIELD - forward - east - front

Node 4 - HARMONY - behind - back

All of the relationships between these Nodes on the PHI are based upon "right angles." If you draw these lines into the circle, they are essentially right angles. I know that is an over simplification but you get the point.

The reference to "right angles" should also be a slight intuitive stimulant, stirring up images of the yellow square of Beta. The Beta square is also "all right angles." These associations are only meaningful when understood in the context of Dreamtongue. This leads to further associations: since the Lesser or Outer nodes are "right angled" or patterned by Beta, then you can safely assume that the Outer nodes deal more with the physical world, concrete reality, substance, and form. By understanding the levels of Beta, you also know that this includes the dynamics generated by the physical world, concrete reality, substance, and form as well.

Here is where the whole thing shifts or even "pivots""

Greater Nodes: Node 5 - diagonal - northwest (Inner Nodes)

Node 6 - diagonal - northeast

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Node 7 - diagonal - southwest

Node 8 - diagonal - southeast

You are learning the inner technology you possess as an Empath. If you are excited, you have good reason to be. You are a pioneer in a brand new field and level of human evolution. It's only the beginning but we had to start somewhere!

It should be somewhat intriguing that the first four nodes all function in specific directions, yet the last four nodes all work diagonally. Your intuition should be "twinging" at what all that could encompass. You will be learning how to "move" your mind, move your consciousness by following these EM pathways. You will be learning a great deal about "diagonal movements." It is the diagonal movements that fascinate us all. The right angled movements all deal with what the senses and brain can retrieve. The diagonal movements deal with information from ALL other sources. Yes, we are probing now into the extrasensory, the psychic, the holographic. But we want to proceed with caution and keep a well grounded position as this information is provided in stages. We are now ready to discuss the Fifth Node.

© 2007 All Rights Reserved Jad Alexander

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The Fifth Node: InSight

The Lesser Nodes constitute what will be called "The Outer Ring" of consciousness. As we begin to look at the Greater Nodes, we are entering the realm of the "Inner Ring" of consciousness. It is important to understand the fundamentals of the Empath Nodes before getting into the Inner Ring, before talking about the Fifth Node, as I have stated earlier. So far, you have learned about the Outer Ring, the Lesser Nodes. To build a bridge between discussing the Outer Ring and discussing the Inner Ring, we will start out with a visualization. Take some time to work with this visualization before going further into the lesson.

VISUALIZE; your body completely surrounded by a bubble of light. This light is invisible but you can visualize it's dimensions by picturing it as a transparent sphere. Now, play around for a minute with picturing the first four Nodes in their resting positions. ( - as they are displayed in the illustrations). Do it on your own first, to test your memory and comprehension then go to the guide below.

Node Position Guide - I am putting a reminder here for node positions in case you've forgotten or just need refreshed. When visualizing the Nodes in their "resting" positions, the following applies: When picturing yourself within a sphere the Connection Node is beneath your feet, the Presence node is over your head, the Shield node is in front of you (about equal to the position of your heart), and the Harmony node is behind you at the same height. These resting positions are primarily for teaching purposes only - as the Nodes are never really in a resting position, even when sleeping.

Once you can visualize the four Lesser nodes, then practice visualizing that you are moving them. Move them anywhere on the sphere. For example, bring the Connection node in front of you where the Shield node would normally be. What happens? Most people report tendency to have the Shield node move to where the Connection node is. There is a general tendency to have more than one Node move at once, as if they were "connected" and can't occupy the same space at once. By the way, they can - but that's for more advanced work.

So, in this exercise you are somewhat of a Juggler, juggling balls in the air. Which is a fairly good metaphor for being an Empath, as those "balls" represent

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connecting points with multiple levels of information. Juggling is not easy and requires practice. In a meditative visualization, you can do remarkable things. You can have the Nodes spinning and changing places in the wink of an eye. In real life, the Nodes seem to have a will of their own. But, just like is Olympic sports, if you start by visualizing your goal ahead of time, you are much, much more likely to realize that goal when the test comes. There are specific visualizations that equate to a form of psychic yoga (advanced XenChi). I will share some of those intermittently and to anyone who expresses interest.

There are some questions that should naturally spin off from this exercise. I will wait for them to be posted in the group and answer them for everyone's benefit.

Once you have played with moving the Nodes around, focus on putting them back in their resting positions. As you hold that thought, of each one of the four in their resting position, what are some feelings and observations? (This is normally best taught in person so that I can work with the dynamics directly. We will have to do the best we can with this distance learning format). One thing that I am looking for in a response is: your left and right side feel kind of "open," "naked", "empty." If you didn't have that response don't worry - it is just for teaching purposes.

Some of this has to be conducted in a live class for best results, so I am sharing the bare bones with you so that you can work with the imagery, note your questions and results, then share those with the class. Your ability to visualize the nodes in various positions is KEY to mastering your Empathic skills.

All four of these nodes are "Outer Ring" nodes, meaning that they are accessible to your mind, can be managed, can be developed, trained, manipulated, honed, etc. The Outer Ring is the outer surface of the "sphere." The Inner Ring is at a deeper level that cannot always be intentionally accessed. Accessing the Inner Ring comes from maturity, experience, and transformational growth. For the sake of learning, we are now going to step into the "Inner Ring" and begin a discussion on the Fifth Node. Node Five is one of the Greater Nodes and exists within the Inner Ring.

The Fifth Node: InSight

Node Five is the first node that we will discuss that is on a "diagonal" axis with regard to the P.H.I. diagram. All nodes on a diagonal axis are interchangeable with each other as far as positions go, but do have core properties that are represented in the PHI model. Here is the simplest explanation that you can also apply to the remainder of the Greater Nodes:The Fifth node is positioned on the diagram as in the Northwest. The Fifth Node takes information from the joining of the Presence Node and the Harmony node. (I recommend having some Node diagrams in front of you when you read this, so as to have visual aid with the lesson). So, simply put, the Fifth node is the result of the 2nd and 4th node joining together. While the Outer Ring nodes have a "independent life," so to speak, the Inner Ring nodes have to be

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Every time the Harmony Node and the Presence node join together, they form the Fifth node. The Fifth Node is then activated for a short time then seemingly disappears. Right now, you only have access to the Fifth node when this joining or collision takes place. As an evolving Empath, you are on your way to learning how to access the Fifth node all the time, at will.

Node 5 (fifth position) is the Insight node. Anything that you can think of relative to the word "insight" applies to this node but there is a lot more. Where the first four nodes correspond to the first four levels of Dreamtongue, ALL of the Inner Ring nodes access the Gamma level of Dreamtongue in some fashion. So, that should give you some more "insight" into the nature of the Fifth Node. In review, Gamma properties are instantaneous, spontaneous, holographic, etc. The InSight node "spontaneously" appears within your EM field and then disappears.

The following dictionary definitions of insight all apply to the Fifth Node:

* penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth.

* an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, esp. through intuitive understanding..

* an understanding of relationships that sheds light on or helps solve a problem.

* the recognition of sources of emotional difficulty.

* an understanding of the motivational forces behind one's actions, thoughts, or behavior; self-knowledge.

The InSight node has a great deal more potential than we realize as a civilization right now. We tend to passively wait for it to appear, like a flash, and show us "the way," "the solution," or the "inner workings" of something. I spell the word InSight with a capital S inside of the word to indicate that the Fifth node is different or more than just plain insight. Takes some time to appreciate the Fifth node as insight and all the benefits that come from insight. Insight from the Fifth node is "real insight.' It is important to your development to understand that the possibility for "imagined" insight always exists. We are all subject to imagining that we understand something or have insight into something. An evolving Empath must test his or her own assumptions rigorously and be clear about what is actual and what is imagined. This takes time, practice, and experience. It also takes maturity and the wisdom that comes from time.

Now, if you have taken time to think about the Fifth node as "insight" and feel

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comfortable with that, it's time to look deeper into the Fifth Node. The Insight node is the result of overall TOTAL body/mind intelligence fully engaged and linked up within a person. This means that every cell in your body has consciousness, every molecule has information, and every atom contributes to what you know. The primary reason that the InSight node is so "elusive" to us, is because we have separated out the concepts of Mind apart from Body. Our language even forces it. I can say body/mind to make a point but the slash still shows that we have it divided. Lots of people are working with the body/mind connection right now but sadly, there is no one word which gives everyone an "AHA!" experience of the connection between body mind. The ancient Greek word "soma" has been used by some to indicate both body and mind but the separation remains ingrained within us.

For full Empathic development to take place, it is my position that you (the student, the Empath) must work on a personal realization that the mind and body are all one unit, inseparable and seamless. What happens in "one," happens in "the other." (See how language forces the division). Once we as a culture, as a civilization tap into this information fully, we will have more impact and control over illness and healing. The Fifth Node is the bodymind Node, when it is fully engaged we have the power to "see deeply," like never before.

So, let's sum all this up for right now and simplify it a bit: The InSight node is the body/mind connection. It is the realization of your full Intelligence ( meaning full body/mind). The very tip of the iceberg is experienced by us as a moment of "insight," which can frequently be an intuition. We experience it more as a "feeling" that comes from within the body/mind. It surfaces like a bubble in a pond that lasts for a moment, the bursts and is gone. The Insight node is HOWWE KNOW things as Empaths, as it draws information from the deeper Nodes.

Now, can you think of how the Insight node is different than the others? Spend some time contrasting the Fifth node with the first four. Then proceed with the lesson.

© 2007 Jad Alexander

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The Greater Nodes

In the last section we were discussing more on positioning with respect to the nodes. In the diagram above you can visually determine that the first four nodes (the Lesser Nodes) are positioned opposite of each other or at 90 degree (right angles). You can also see that the relationship between the last four nodes (the Greater Nodes) can be visualized as "diagonal" in the circle. For the purposes of our discussion, which is to build towards the complete model of P.H.I., the Lesser nodes constitute the "Outer Ring" of consciousness and the Greater Nodes constitute the "Inner Ring" of consciousness".

As we enter into the territory of the Inner Ring of consciousness, we enter largely unexplored areas. We enter into the world of the subconscious/unconscious, the hidden levels within the psyche, the domain of the "psychic" in the most real sense of the word. When I talk about the "sleeping Empath" within you, I am essentially referring to the Inner Ring. To completely understand the Inner Ring takes time, patience, and a willingness to

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apply effort to the study. I make this point because of the following. The Outer Ring or Lesser Nodes, represent somewhat familiar and easy concepts. If you study them and work with them in a personalized way, they are easily identified and manageable. The Inner Ring or Greater Nodes, represents parts of yourself that may be completely unfamiliar, unknown, and hard to realize-easy targets for fantasy and imagination. The subjects covered when discussing the Inner Ring lend themselves to endless speculation. The subjects deal with intangible areas of experience and a different level of reasoning. The level of reasoning involved in the study of the Greater Nodes involves the ability to think more abstractly, intuitively, creatively, fluidly, holographically, etc. When indulging in such fluid holographic thought processes it is very easy to lose touch with "reality", and by reality I just mean the basics of common sense, groundedness, and practicality. It is CRITICAL to stay grounded when studying the Greater Nodes.

In the seventies and eighties, "Psychic Development" classes were popping up all over the place. Everyone, anyone, everywhere suddenly was an expert on psychic development. How could so many people suddenly be experts? You can answer that for your self. The problem with the "field of psychic development" is that it had no social backing, no authority, no cornerstones to establish research and development. It didn't require academic backing, schooling, credentialing, or anything. All you had to do is advertise and people came. I am not implying this is good or bad, it just simply was. So, quite innocently, most if not all teachers of psychic development promoted jumping in and turning on all of your psychic abilities unconditionally. We (as I was certainly one of them at the time) were talking about opening up all channels, the third eye, crown chakra, etc, all the higher channels, as if it were just like ordering cable for your TV. Very little effort was ever put into preparing for such openings, so people were tuning into higher channels of consciousness all over the place. But did it change their lives? Did it get the desired results? From what I saw over twenty-five years and in discussing with other teachers and leaders in the field, people attended classes and tuned into higher abilities but had no control over their own lives. The typical student tended to be someone who had no strong sense of identity, whose life was very unstable and unmanaged. Sure we could help you tap into clairvoyance but tomorrow your electric bill is due and you still haven't found a job.

What good is it to reach higher consciousness if it doesn't filter down to your roots, your foundation, and feed you from the ground up?

I will keep this brief, as I can get on a soap box about this. My main point: THIS is why I take so long in my lessons to start to teach DIRECTLY about psi ability. I insist that you work with the simple principles of Dreamtongue to build a grounded and solid foundation for yourself. That way, when we start to talk about the intangible stuff, you can keep your footing ( manage your life) and stillexplore the VAST unknown territory of your psyche. Dreamtongue is carefully structured to take you deeper into the subject without losing perspective.

In the past we used to go into the mountains or the desert to find enlightenment,

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to talk to spirits, to find ourselves. We can't go to those mountains or deserts anymore in that same fashion. We have to go to work, take care of our homes, pay bills, rest, and find recreation. If you have the luxury of retreating like a mystic then you are either well off financially or have some lucky opportunity. The modern "mystic" must find the path within her or his own daily life. The Book of Storms is written for the modern "mystic." By mystic, I am using the word in it's most germane sense: one who seeks to know, to connect with the greater picture, one who seeks to commune with life at the greatest possible extent. By seeking to develop your Empath nature you are seeking to open up at a level that was once called "mystical." Today, we have a new word which puts a "grounding" value to the mystical search, and that word is "transpersonal." The field of Transpersonal Psychology explores the nature of human spirituality and the need for spirituality. Empath Psychology is a form of transpersonal psychology, even though it is not a formal discipline.

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As we go "deeper" into the Nodes, i.e., higher in number, further into the circle, we are going deeper into the unconscious. Node 1 represents the very surface of consciousness (BETA), Node 2 represents the territory just under the conscious, Alpha, Node 3 the processing center for the first two levels, Theta, and Node 4 the deepest level of the conscious mind, Delta. The first four Nodes constitute the "Outer Ring" of consciousness, the conscious layer that interacts with the environment (includes both exterior and "interior" environments). As we delver deeper and go looking for Insight Node we are entering into the Inner Ring of consciousness, the Unconscious mind. The Inner Ring primarily interacts with the interior most environments of the individual psyche. In other words, the Inner Ring picks up signals/stimuli from deep within you and may or may not transmit those signal to your Outer Ring (conscious mind). This whole process creates subtle feelings and intuitions within us.

The Sixth Node is called the "TelePathic Node." It is in the Northeast section of the Empath Map (P.H.I.) It could be called many things but the word telepathic is actually very important is related to this Node. The prefix "tele" is very important in imparting the nature and function of this node. Tele essentially means distance. Information traveling and being received from a "distance" as opposed to a connected physical junction or source. The connections that occur here may or may not have a physical substance. It is most likely that the substance that causes the connection here is electrical in nature. We live in a highly charged electrical world. We are all electrical creatures in a large electrical web. It is also likely that the connections here are primarily "electro-chemical," resulting from the interactions produced by our brain and electrical current. Overall this Node correlates best to Electro-Magnetic energy, especially as it influences the brain and overall central nervous system. It is more of a "sensor" than a definer. Definition usually takes place in the 3rd node, Shield. The TelePathic node is where we receive remote information, where we sense energy changes, and where we have the capacity to improve skills related to telepathy. Telepathy, for our purposes, is the fundamental psi ability. As an Empath, telepathy is germane to empathic communication. The Sixth Node only receives, it does not send. This is where most people run into a wall. So many students that I have seen are trying to communicate FROM the TelePathic node. It does not send, only receives. It is the BETA Node that sends. Seems obvious but isn't until you talk about it.

As the Telepathic Sixth node is deeper into consciousness, just under the InSight node, it is very elusive to the conscious mind. It has no direct ties or controls from the Outer Ring. That makes it hard to do what you want with it when you want to. By training your mind with skills of focus and concentration you can have better access to the TelePathic mode but it will still operate under it's own rules.

It is through this Node that you can receive information remotely from other people (and other living things). Every living thing is giving off an EM field and affecting the overall EM field of it's environment. The Sixth Node picks that up. The Sixth Node corresponds with the idea of the Sixth Sense. Extrasensory perception is a real phenomenon just not fully understood. A large part of it

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seems to occur as communication between two people. For example, the old test of guessing geometric shapes on cards that are flipped over, relied on a tester holding the cards and looking at the image. The subject who is trying to "psychically" see what the card is gets the information on a telepathic level, from the tester. Now, this phenomenon goes deeper into a subject typically called "clairvoyance." In that case, a subject should be able to read cards flipped over on a table, without a tester also seeing them. This is a substratum of TelePathic node that comes up later on. For now, we are concerned with information from one person passing to the central nervous system of another person.

That is essentially what telepathy is - the transfer of information. It is rarely experienced as "reading someone's thoughts," although that can happen. What is sensed is the overall pattern of the information, it's intensity, it's direction, it's overall feeling. The receiver usually has to interpret all of those sensations and let the 3rd Node (THETA) try to make sense of it. When you feel sadness coming from someone and you have no visual queues whatsoever, then your TelePathic node is activated. Whenever you are getting a strong intuitive sense, your Sixth node is activated and extending itself into your awareness, coming forward into your Outer Ring. It doesn't stay there long and leaves a very, very faint "footprint" that we sometimes think of as the "small still voice within" or the "dream voice," as we discussed in earlier lessons.

Since the Telepathic Node and the InSight Node both are within the Inner Ring, they work closely together. When having moments of insight, the gates to intuition open wide. The gates to imagination also open, so this is where experience and maturity come in. Only through time, trial and error, and experience, do you gain the ability to sort out the different forms of information. Imagination is a form of information and can be used in many constructive ways. But it has to be understood separately from intuition. Working with imagination is like mining for gold, having to sift through dirt to find the rare pieces that you are wanting. Within imagination are tidbits of intuitive information. As you learn to sort them out you grow strong in your ability to work with the Sixth Node.

(Food for Thought: Sense a pattern yet? InSight is the unconscious equivalent to (BETA) the Connection Node, Telepathic is the unconscious version of (ALPHA) the Presence Node. )

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The Seventh Node

©2007 All Rights Reserved Jad Alexander

The deeper we go into the nodes, the more encompassing the topics become. To keep the lesson relevant and condensed I am just selecting the core pieces that fit in with our study. With each of the previous Nodes there is considerable more information available, but that is something you can learn over time.

The Seventh Node is tied in to your place in the human genetic pool. It is tied in to the place where you are connected to everyone and everything else at the genetic level. Every genetic molecule in your body is loaded with information and intelligence. That genetic consciousness is filtered through the Seventh Node, but it is so much more. In order to capture the practical essence of the Seventh Node, it is referred to as the "Collective Node," the place where you are connected to the Collective Mind of the planet, also the Collective Unconscious of Humanity. In this "realm" you will encounter Archetypes, best explained by Jungian models, group memories, and levels of "stored knowledge" that have accumulated across time. Access to the Seventh Node is a very powerful experience. It can happen randomly or you can train yourself to access it by careful discipline.

The Collective Node can best be expressed in the language of intuitive metaphor, Dreamtongue, so I will give examples of that to get you started in a sampling from the Auroraportes, a special group of books I wrote using "Dreamtongue" as a language, heavily emphasizing intuitive metaphor. Storytelling can be a powerful way to tap into the Collective Node. Yet the Collective node is not easily "activated." By activated I want to make clear that all nodes are working all the time.

"Activated" means that a node becomes engaged with a subject or target creating a communication flow between you and the subject.

All nodes rest as "potentialities" until engaged. Even the Connection node, which almost always seems to be working, rests when we are daydreaming or thinking hard about anything but where we are at the moment. Theoretically

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speaking, the Collective Node "remembers" everything that ever happened to the human race (or even more). That means that somewhere inside of you is the genetic memory of every stage of human evolution, every era of mankind, and every civilization that ever existed. Makes you sound like a walking library, right? Well, at this level you are. The challenge is accessing these great records, which is possible and is something you can train yourself to do.

As a higher number node you know that it is a "deeper" or harder to access node. This does not imply that it is not relevant to your own personal experience, only that it is a specialized part of your psyche that is not always called upon. It is where you are "plugged in to humanity" at a genetic level - through biochemistry, nuclear physics, and whatever explanations we have not yet uncovered. Tapping into the Seventh Node is like tapping into an amazing "crystal ball" which can show you the history of life on this planet, down to individual lives that were lived. It is possible to tap into this information and mistake it as "past life recall", when really it is only a record that is being accessed. This level of mind has been relegated to the "metaphysical" and "speculative", yet is a very important part of our foundation when it comes to finding true perspective when looking at human behavior. In order to understand individuals we have to also understand the group. As an Empath, you are in the position of becoming an expert on the human condition by virtue of your abilities/gifts combined with the studies and disciplines you take on. Just being able to "read" people is not enough - you need to know what you are reading and you need to know what you are talking about.

When your Collective Node is activated, you will tend to be in much more of a "reflective, introspective" mode, combined with a "learning" mode, because when we open to deeper nodes - the outer ring or conscious mind learns from that. This is where the process of information "coming from within" happens. You can actually be taught by your greater nodes. I observed and studied this process over twenty-five years in my work with the Qabalah. I worked extensively with the Mystical Qabalah, as laid out by people like Dion Fortune, who took a universal perspective on the subject. The core of the word "qabalah" means "reception" - and the teaching itself implies "direct reception" or "direct teaching." The principle is fairly simple: Everything is energy. All energy is information. Where we connect with energy we also connect with information.

The main distinction between the Sixth and Seventh Nodes is that the TelePathic node picks up "active, dynamic" information - events/energies currently in play. The Seventh Node accesses stored and collective information which is always available, it is a great data bank which exists within the holographic fiber of existence.. As you might be thinking, as you mature as an Empath you will have greater access to these nodes, whereas right now they may seem elusive or unfamiliar to you. What I mean, essentially, by a fully awakened, self-actualized Empath, is that a self-actualized Empath has developed a conscious working relationship with all Eight Empath Nodes. You will see, that as we covered the last of the nodes, this is not such an elusive goal. You have come further than you think

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The deeper you reach into your mind, the deeper the node you are reaching for, the greater the wisdom required. Yet the wisdom exists within those deep wells and the experience of "diving so deeply" within yourself opens doors to personal transformation. Once you start reaching for the greater nodes you set into motion a series of transformations. These transformations "recapitulate" or "replay" the whole structure of the mind, meaning all of the nodes and EM Paths, touching each level. It is not really necessary for student Empaths to study the transformations themselves but some choose to use them as guideposts, benchmarks, etc. in their own development.

Once we have discussed the eight Primary Nodes, we will begin to talk about transformation, the 36 transformations of the Empath, and the process of maturing into a fully awakened, self-actualized Empath. 36 sounds like a lot of transformations, and it is, but it is really nine stages of growth that occurs on four levels.

The "Implicate" Node

The Eighth Node is the easier to understand, and therefore, is also the easiest to misunderstand. Because the description of it fits within just about anyone's

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view of the universe, belief system, etc., it is easy to assume that Eighth node pops right into place. This is not a bad thing, I simply point it out in order to emphasize that when it comes to understanding the Eighth node, do not be complacent and just accept the first impression that comes to mind. Over time your perception of the Eighth node should expand considerably and become more developed as you develop.

The Eighth Node is referred to as the "implicate" node. It can be called the "holographic node" which would mean essentially the same thing but subtler points are lost. I strongly encourage all budding Empaths to read the book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot, in order to get a comfortable grasp of the holographic theory of the universe. At the core of holographic theory is the concept of "implicate order," the source of all things. The Eighth Node represents the part of us (via mind/psyche) that is fully connected to the rest of the universe. It can be thought of as a universal umbilical cord that can never be cut or severed. Even though we are talking about holographic properties to a certain extent here, this certainly invites speculation with regard to spirituality and the oneness behind all life.

The Implicate Node works at a high degree of energy but at levels that are elusive to our conscious brains. The Implicate Node processes information at a subatomic level - energy within energy. The Eighth Node is the highest number, therefore the deepest node within the design of the psyche. It is the "place where we are plugged in to the rest of the universe itself." This "plug" is permanent and untouchable - it cannot be harmed or altered - it simply exists. Only our minds can concoct ways that we end up feeling separated, isolated, or disconnected. We are never truly disconnected but our brains can easily convince us that we are.

When we are engaged with the other nodes we are generally experiencing some form of communication taking place. When a node is active there is usually incoming and outgoing information in process. When, and if, the Implicate node is engaged we experience a profound sense of either internal freedom (liberation) or the need/desire for freedom/liberation. The Implicate node is connected to the very source of our energy and is all about energy. Energy that is unbound, free flowing - and must remain so. The essence of the Implicate node cannot be captured in a belief, an idea, or intellectual constraint of any kind. I wrote the piece on "Implicate Philosophy" - the philosophical foundations for the group - attempting to let words capture the nature of the Eight Node, yet the deepest nature cannot be expressed by words. Here are the words again, as this is the best summary of Eight node context that I have to share with you:

Implicate Philosophy: (reflecting the Eighth Node) You have the right to be free. Free to think your own thoughts. Free to embrace the beliefs that nurture you and benefit the quality of your life. Free to learn and grow unconditionally. Free to play and celebrate your life. Free to love and share with others. Free to create, to sing, to dance, to write, to shape your life into your masterpiece. Free to connect spiritually with your life, without

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answering to any authority but the ineffable divine mystery of life. - Jad Alexander

As we now have all Eight pieces of the puzzle to put together, we can now start to assemble the full Empath Map and see how understanding the nodes can be applied to a large variety of situations, giving you - the trained Empath distinct advantages with your intuitive abilities. I strongly recommend that you keep notes about the nodes and the map (diagram) itself. Draw images of the nodes frequently, for there is also an innate "sacred geometry" at work. As you learn to "connect the dots" you will find that the P.H.I. model acts like the perfect blueprint for the human psyche and the interactions that occur between psyches. This map is an indispensable tools for Empaths who are seeking to self-actualize and to develop advanced Empath skills.

© 2007 Jad Alexander All Rights Reserved

Stay tuned for the "EM paths", the connecting pathways between the Nodes. They are the keys to transformation and expansion of Empathic Intelligence.

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