
The Causes OfLow Sex Drive

In Women

Contraceptive PillsResearchers compared women using birth control pills with women using non-hormonal contraception, such as condoms. The results revealed that most of the women using the pill experienced fewer orgasms and a lower level of sexual arousal than those who used condoms.

High Expectations In A Relationship

If a woman is unhappy with her partner for any reason, including her partner not being able to satisfy her, it is not surprising that she does not feel like becoming aroused with him. Therefore, she gradually loses interest in sex.

Childbirth and Lack of Libido in Women

Doctors recommend that women abstain from sex for at least six weeks after the birth of a child. This is important in order to restore the health of the recovering mother. Most experts believe that the hormones change after childbirth and this is the reason for loss of libido in women.

Termination Of Pregnancy (Abortion) and Lack Of Female Libido

The termination act itself is so sensitive that it causes all sorts of hormonal changes in a woman. The lack of desire for sex after termination is also attributed to guilt and grief experienced by the affected woman.

No Sexual Drive After A Miscarriage

The alteration of hormones also plays a role in the diminishing sex drive of a woman. According to doctors, it is normal to feel low after a miscarriage and it is perhaps one of the major reasons for low sex drives.

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