  • 7/29/2019 The Arab Spring, Social Media and Democracy


    Nygaard 1Gabrielle Nygaard

    MSCM 345

    Final project

    The Arab Spring, Social Media and Democracy

    The yet ongoing uprisings that started around late 2010 in Tunisia known as the Arab

    Spring have been coined Facebook and Twitter revolutions for the pioneering, if overstated,

    role of social media. Social media is generally considered to be any web-based or mobile

    communications technology that allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content

    (Dewey, Kaden, Marks, Matsushima & Zhu, 2012, p.3). Facebook, the social networking site,

    and Twitter, the microblogging site, are the two most recognized platforms both worldwide and

    within the Arab Spring. These technologies that allow for widespread citizen participation in

    discourse have been hypothesized to be democratizing. The Arab Spring, in which social media

    was used for informational, organizational and motivational purposes by activists pursuing more

    democratic political systems, is oft cited as a case in point. However, a factor often overlooked is

    that the governments targeted by these movements utilized the same technologies to stifle and

    counter such voices to varying degrees of success, thus throwing the viability of such a

    classification into question. Via a literature review, this proposition as well as counterarguments

    will be considered against the unique features of social media as framed by the Arab Spring.

    Egalitarianism and civic participation

    Social media is interactive and, unlike many other mass communication mediums, allows

    for not only unlimited consumption but creation of content by all parties. Without space or other

    constrictions, all voices may be published and potentially heard. This quality is believed to

    promote civic participation and democracy by constituting a forum in which all sides have the

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    Nygaard 2opportunity to be represented and for their views to be disseminated and regarded. Manuel

    Castells network theory notes that this egalitarian nature of online communication is one

    characteristic of social networks that is valuable for political activism (Storck, 2011, p. 17).

    Democracy is often considered a political realization of egalitarianism, and the nature of

    social media has been defined similarly. The ability to participate in political discourse supplied

    by social media is argued to promote not just civic engagement generally but democratic systems

    of governance because its organization fosters democratic values. Says Hilbert (2007),

    democracy is the opposite of coercion of power. Less coercion of one person over

    another leads to more equal standing among citizens, and therefore equal participation in

    the formation of the common will is seen as positive and more power relations among

    people as negative. (p. 7)

    The many-to-many organization of social media, as opposed to mass medias traditional one-to-

    many format, appears to cohere with these sentiments as it puts all users on a level playing field

    and facilitates such formation of common will. Such qualities are factors that have led to

    recognition of the technology as democratizing.

    Unregulated sphere

    Furthermore, social media is considered an alternative sphere because it constitutes a

    realm in which discourse and even dissent can occur unregulated and uncensored by groups in

    power. This serves informational and organizational purposes in political mobilization efforts, as

    groups theoretically have access to and can publicize information that might otherwise be

    suppressed. Such possibilities appear distinctly opposed to the principles and stability of

    autocratic rule. Acknowledges Shirky (2011), communicative freedom is good for political


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    Nygaard 3The unregulated sphere social media currently constitutes is one hard for regimes to exert

    control over, and as such allegedly more suited to utilization by citizens, who can voice diverse

    and even dissenting views that might otherwise be quashed, than by established authority. In the

    Egyptian uprising, citizen journalism via social media allowed those directly involved in protest

    activities to shape their own narrative (Storck, 2011, p. 27). The magnitude of social media in

    comparison to other channels also provides for this; 1,000 Twitter users are more difficult to

    exercise control over than 10 newspapers. Likewise, established authority may see losses in

    influence for similar reasons in these media; an officials tweets may be lost in the sea of content

    created by citizen users.

    Although social media is generally unregulated, a crucial factor to consider is who

    controls social media as a channel. Currently, key platforms including Facebook and Twitter lie

    in the hands of private companies whose conduct can determine the parameters users worldwide

    must work within (Joseph, 2012, p. 151). Joseph (2012) raises the question,

    What social or human rights responsibilities do these entities have to their users? Is it

    appropriate to place any faith in them as facilitators and guardians of a revolution? What

    if they oppose a progressive, democratic revolution? After all, the status quo often suits

    big business. (p. 176)

    Thus, although it is not the government, those who preside over these media are nevertheless

    self-interested parties which may pose a threat to activists ability to utilize social media.

    Although these companies generally originate from democratic societies, their loyalties do not

    necessarily lie with such causes elsewhere (although this has generally been the case so far); they

    also originate from capitalist societies, and profit may be their priority. When governments

    request these companies to limit their services or censor content, the continued viability of social

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    Nygaard 4media as a tool for political activism is at the mercy of those who control the channels. Hence the

    mobilization opportunities of social media depend on such decisions of individuals. In the words

    of Gillespie (2012), Despite [Twitters] nominal (and in practice substantive) commitment to

    protecting speech, they are a private provider, that retains the rights and responsibilities to curate

    their user content according to rules they choose.


    Movements fostered on social media, especially Twitter, have been said to have less

    clearly defined leaders than movements fostered in other realms, perhaps because of the

    previously discussed egalitarian nature of these media that gives all parties opportunity for

    participation and all content equal space, or perhaps arising out of a conscious decision by

    activists to utilize the unique possibilities the structure of such social media allows for.

    Regardless, this tendency against hierarchal structure, beyond being recognized as a

    primer for democratic values, has been said to be beneficial to the democratizing causes of the

    Arab Spring. Howard et al. (2011) explain, For the most partthe political uprising was

    leaderless so there was no long-standing revolutionary figurehead, traditional opposition leader,

    or charismatic speechmaker who could be arrested (p. 9). Because the leadership of these causes

    is often less distinct, identifying the head of the snake in effort to kill the body becomes

    challenging. However, social media revolutionaries can achieve fame; for example, Wael

    Ghonmim who started as an unknown online activist but reached celebrity, honorary leader

    status via Facebook, was indeed arrested, demonstrating that movements fostered on social

    media are not completely immune to hierarchy.


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    Nygaard 5The reach of social media, potentially universal and currently spanning many corners of

    the globe, allows for wide dispersal of knowledge and diversity of opinion. The worldwide reach

    of social media postings from one uprising have been said to be contagious, acting to encourage

    similar motions in other states or areas. In addition, parties beyond the nation in which an

    uprising occurs can, as a result of social media or through it, provide support to these causes. For

    example, in the case of Tunisia, Outside the country, the hacker communities of Anonymous

    and Telecomix helped cripple government operations with their Operation Tunisiac denial-of-

    service attacks, and by building software activists used to get around state firewalls (Howard et

    al., 2011, p. 8). Social medias capability to spread messages on a global scale can engender the

    support of outside forces. Although cases of this thus far often exhibit individuals from

    democratic societies aiding dissenters in the pursuit of democracy, this ideology is not embedded

    into the medium, as for example Facebook pages disparaging activists have been used to

    engender support in the opposite direction.

    Encouragement of expression and proliferation of viewpoints

    Social media is believed to promote freedom of expression and varied opinion. The

    multiple viewpoints it facilitates, by providing a wealth of voices beyond those mainstream or

    mandated, are central to deliberative forms of democracy. Although room for varying

    perspectives is key to democracy, it can also pose challenges. Brisson and Lee (2011) note,

    This explosion of voices and perspectives in Egypt is undoubtedly a positive force Yet

    it remains unclear to what extent the numerous and divergent channels will contribute

    value to a national dialogue. Many are likely to just add noise. The challenge faced by

    media policymakers in Egypt is a sharpened version of one that societies are facing all

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    Nygaard 6over the world. In the age of new media, how can a country develop an inclusive,

    constructive discourse on national issues? (p. 17)

    A proliferation of voices in not necessarily constructive, and can in fact result in noise

    that detriments progress and delays consensus, especially in nations starting from scratch such as

    those that successfully overthrew their governments in the course of the Arab Spring. Dewey et

    al. (2012) write, increased access to online information by the public, combined with the often

    unregulated ability to publish a wide variety of information, can actually lead to an oversupply of

    confusing, inaccurate and distracting information (p. 10). Thus the nature of social media may

    not necessarily lend itself to the realization of effective democracy or any form of government,

    but rather to the dethroning of an undesirable one that is already in power.


    Social media is an active media, calling upon the individual to engage and search for

    information as opposed to simply delivering it as is the case with other mass media forms. As

    such, it has been argued to be inherently more galvanizing and encouraging of participation in

    discourse, and by extension civic matters including protests.

    One explanation for this may be a positive feedback; the ability to produce and consume

    political content, independent of social elites, is important because the public sense of shared

    grievances and potential for change can develop rapidly (Howard et al., 2011, p. 23). But this

    activation does not equate with predetermined social or political outcomes, warns Joseph

    (2012), social media increases participation; but greater participation does not necessarily lead

    to democracy and pluralism. It depends on the values people bring to the table (p. 174). Again,

    social media shows itself to be apt to support social mobilization more generally, unspecific of

    underlying sentiments.

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    Nygaard 7Sense of community

    Social media gives divergent views space they may not garner elsewhere. This provides

    an outlet for minority voices and the opportunity to challenge monopolies whereas other media

    may not offer the same leverage or may be controlled by an authoritarian rule that would not

    allow such views to be disseminated. Moreover, this facet of social media can alleviate

    reluctance to participate in political activities by breaking the psychological barrier of fear. This

    is achieved by providing a sense of community even to those of minority opinions as they are

    able to connect with and view likeminded perspectives. This combats the spiral of silence that

    may be a factor in regimes ability to persist. Write Zhuo, Wellman and Yu (2011), In a

    repressive society, there are dangers that each person fearfully thinks that he or she stands alone.

    Social media helped to build a sense of community and minimize this feeling of isolation (p. 8).

    This effect may create a positive feedback, as seen by Storck (2011):

    Once individuals found out that other people would be protesting, they were more likely

    to join themselves. Eventually, a tipping point occurs, when the protest or activity

    becomes self-reinforcing, and increases without further direct organization or action by

    the leadership. (p. 26)

    This ability to connect distant parties and provide a sense of unity is vital in social

    medias usefulness as a social mobilization tool. Storck (2011) summarizes that empirical

    evidence shows a significant increase in use of social media for social/civil mobilization in the

    Arab world in early 2011, a shift which did not cause the subsequent revolutions, but nonetheless

    played a crucial role in them by gathering real time information and facilitating physically

    distant and socially diverse relationships (p. 7).

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    Nygaard 8The anonymity the Internet offers is another factor in conquering barriers of fear to

    achieve participation. Storck (2011) warns that although it allows previously unheard

    individuals to express their dissent without fear of authoritative backlash, there is also the

    possibility for abuse of this anonymity, such as cases of false accounts (p. 31). These can range

    from purely those sensationalistic, to even government plants looking to undermine or counter

    the sentiments of vocal opposition.

    Attitude about authority

    Social media has been suggested to promote a certain attitude about authority that favors

    democracy and egalitarianism. Both the Internet generally and social media have been argued to

    encourage a disregard for the long chain of authority, for established hierarchies that used to

    structure decision making (Hofheinz, 2011, p. 1425). This attitude would logically result in

    democratic views, or at least positions opposed to authoritarian rule. Explains Hofheinz (2011),

    The attitude coming to expression there is one of no longer unquestioningly accepting

    what authorities decide, but checking for oneself, coming to ones own conclusions,

    making ones own decisions. And this attitude is fostered by the structure of interaction

    on the Internet. (p. 1426)

    According to Hilbert (2007), democracy is based on the principle of self-determination which

    asserts that the individual is the most appropriate party to determine their future (p. 15). The

    structure of the Internet and social media appear to promote such principles, and thus transitively

    may be seen to lean towards democratization inherently.

    Scholars such as Zhuo, Wellman and Yu (2011) see changes in some of the post-uprising

    nations that seem to reflect shifts to the types of organization mirroring that of social media:

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    Nygaard 9The ways in which the revolt played out more subtly suggest that, much like Western

    societies, parts of Egyptian society are transforming away from traditional groups and

    towards more loosely structured networked individualism. There is less group

    controland more autonomyin networked societies. (p. 6)

    Social media: Speed, size and success packaged

    As indicated, social media makes for potentially vast, quick, and weighty movements,

    qualities that culminate in a bigger threat to established authorities (Hofheinz, 2011, p. 1428).

    Social media is painted as a juggernaut force, if appropriately orchestrated.

    The size and speed of communications are reflected in the impressive escalation of Arab

    Spring movements following key events. Although the underlying values had long been

    incubating, social media is said to have accelerated, facilitated and made large contributions to

    the overall success of the uprisings. In an exceptionally swift case, Egyptian activists unseated

    Mubarak in a mere 18 days, which Storck (2011) attributes to the efficient use of social media

    networks as a form of organizational infrastructure, as

    Egyptian activists were able to successfully play off the strengths of the social

    networking capabilities of Facebook and Twitter by capitalizing on their many-to-many

    communication capabilities and the speed with which information can be transferred and

    spread, an inherent characteristic to any digital media. (p. 25)

    However, these same factors may, instead of benefiting, harm such movements. Scholars

    have suggested that it is possible for these movements to move too fast; Joseph (2012) writes,

    The conversations arising from newly available information might not have been

    sufficiently mature or sophisticated to establish a properly functioning public sphere or

    civil society. Perhaps the resultant loose networks moved prematurely towards

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    Nygaard 10galvanization and organization. As Morozovput it, [j]ust because you can mobilize a

    hundred million people on Twitter . . . does not mean that you should; it may only make

    it harder to accomplish more strategic objectives at some point in the future. Perhaps

    there is a danger that the authoritarian regimes in Tunisia and Egypt will be replaced by

    failed States. (p. 187)

    Joseph (2012) qualifies this by noting that It is patronizing to assume, however, that the Arab

    world is not ready for democracy, or that it is better for them to remain perpetually under the

    thumb of stagnant, autocratic, brutal, and corrupt regimes (p. 187). Rather, this observation

    points more to the challenges any nation faces after overthrowing established leadership, and

    suggests these issues might be magnified by the speed with which this was accomplished in

    some Arab Spring states. This further identifies social medias adeptness for deposing as

    opposed to instating political institutions of any sort.

    Caveats: Government utilization of social media

    A primary objection to the suggestion that social media is democratizing is that a

    government can attempt to censor, control access, or use it to mislead or spread their own

    ideology. Some, such as Evgeny Morozov, even believe that social media help dictators more

    than it does protestors; Morozov is quoted by Dewey et al. (2012) as suggesting that

    The Iranian government and its hard-line supporters used mobile and Internet technology

    all too astutely against the protesters. Gleaning information from Facebook, they sent

    threatening messages to Iranians living abroad, text-messaged Iranians to stay home and

    avoid the protests, and urged pious Iranians to fight back online. (p. 14)

    This is just one example of how these tools can be wielded to resist democracy. Further cases

    include Egyptian Facebook pages acting as virtual lynch mobs that deterred anti-government

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    Nygaard 11activities through public shaming (Howard et al., 2011, p. 16). The case of Bahrain encapsulates

    the government mirroring the exact techniques of dissidents against them, and serves as a

    cautionary tale for social media activists; write Dewey et al. (2012),

    In Bahrain, the adeptness of the government at using social media sites to track down

    dissidents highlights the ways in which social media can be a double-edged sword.

    Protestors utilized Facebook in order to reach wide audiences and transmit information at

    rapid speeds. The government similarly capitalized on this feature to locate targets more

    quickly than would have been possible with traditional media. (p. 22)


    Although activists must be aware of the risk of social media use being turned against

    them, governments face similar chances for attempts to stifle dissent having the opposite effect.

    Suppressive efforts have been seen to backfire in the Arab Spring. In the case of the Egyptian

    governments shut-down of the Internet, Howard et al. (2011) say,

    taking down pieces of the nations information infrastructure crippled government

    agencies. The people most affected were middle-class Egyptians, who were cut off from

    Internet service at home. Some people apparently stayed there, isolated and uncertain

    about the status of their friends and family. But in the absence of information about the

    crisis, others took to the streets. Mubaraks move to shut off the protestors may have

    bolstered their ranks as people filled the streets to find out what was happening. (p. 16)

    Additionally, activists anticipated the block and were able to make provisions and continue

    organizing despite it (Storck, 2011, p. 23). Although attempting to silence dissent through

    control of media or efforts to track down and arrest specific protesters can serve to stifle certain

    voices, and may instill fear and promote silence, there is also potential that this will further

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    Nygaard 12invigorate the public. In this distinction, the will of the people, the historical context and climate

    of the situation rather than nature of the medium are key.

    Digital divide

    The digital divide may also pose a roadblock to social medias realization as an inclusive

    and democratic tool. Although the Arab region has experienced the highest rates of technology

    adoption amongst all developing nations over the last ten years, the demographics using social

    media are skewed young and educated, neither representative of the whole population nor

    universally available as of yet (Storck, 2011, p. 14). Compounding this, says Storck, (2011),

    [A] highly ambivalent and complex relationship between media and governments has

    developed, in which Arab autocracies have encouraged Internet penetration in the name

    of economic development, while simultaneously attempting to maintain control over the

    spread of information and media sources. (p.16)

    But in spite of such complications, both access and use of these technology continue to spread

    across the population; the digital divide may yet be bridged, and, as above outlined, autocracies

    have had difficulty managing these technologies.

    Conclusion: Neither democratizing nor autocrazing

    The upshot of the examination of these key points about the nature of the technology, as

    demonstrated in the Arab Spring, is that social media is not inherently democratizing but neutral,

    and its use depends on the purposes of the people employing it. It can be used to liberate or

    oppress. The use of social media tools does not have a single preordained outcome, assesses

    Shirky (2011), addressing the Do digital tools enhance democracy? question by saying they

    probably do not hurt in the short run and might help in the long runand that they have the

    most dramatic effects in states where a public sphere already constrains the actions of the

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    Nygaard 13government. To say that social media caused the movements of the Arab Spring invokes

    technological determinism and a narrow view. Social media alone did not catalyze the Arab

    Spring, but appears to have encouraged, hastened, and undoubtedly facilitated it. The myriad

    other contextual factors at play, including the important roles of history and the will of the

    people, were so influential in the fueling of these revolutions that that it has been argued that

    with or without social media, they would have occurred (and been successful) eventually. Social

    media only accelerated the more or less inevitable, arguably strengthened it, and further shaped it.

    From this review of the various features of social media, it does seem to be a tool that

    structurally lends itself more to the purposes of the many over the few, but that is not to say

    regimes cannot emerge as the more successful force when the public takes to mobilization efforts

    online. Authoritarian governments can and have imposed sanctions on and wielded social media

    for their own ends, including to befuddle their citizenries and suppress dissent.

    Considering such factors, rather than democratizing, social media arrive as more suited to

    felling a regime than to establishing a new form of government, especially one hinging on

    consensus. Indeed, these aspects prove social media a powerful tool for anti-government activists.

    But these tools may also be put to use to preserve autocracies. The individual nations of the Arab

    Spring can serve not only as inspiration for other uprisings, as appears to have been the case, but

    as case studies to authorities to learn how to cope with these threats. Social media thus presents

    not a panacea but a double-edged sword to democratic movements.

    Key factors that are not internal to social media but affect their function in social

    mobilizations include the will of the people and who controls the medium. Indeed, As an

    amplifier of human intent, technology will only be as effective as the offline social networks it is

    built upon, and only as good as human intent is able to direct it (Brisson and Lee, 2011, p. 31).

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    Nygaard 14Moreover, those who govern social media and have the capability to regulate it must be at least

    permissive of their causes; activists can perhaps only expect social media companies to do the

    right thing to the extent that such activism does not conflict with their commercial goals

    (Joseph, 2012, p. 186).

    As argued by Storck (2011), the Internet is not a deterministic one-directional force for

    either global liberation or oppression but one that can and has allowed all these forces to

    flourish. Storck emphasizes the dangers of overgeneralization in pointing out that

    though Tunisian and Egyptian activists were seemingly able to exploit the benefits of

    social networking to great success, in other Arab states, such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia,

    protesters who tried to replicate strategies used in Egypt were quickly crushed by state-

    led security forces. (p. 36)

    According to Dewey et al. (2012), U.S. presidents from Reagan to Obama have argued

    that the long-term survival of authoritarian states depends on their ability to control the flow of

    ideas and information within and across their borders (p. 29). As such, it can be tempting to

    conclude that because social media seem to democratize the flow of ideas and information, they

    are politically democratizing; however, it does not follow that the culmination of an open flow of

    information is always democratic sentiments, much less governance. Perhaps the flaw in the

    social media is democratizing line of thought is the assumption that democracy is the only

    logical and universally most favorable system. Instead of pinning social media as the harbinger

    of democracy, it may be more useful to note its potential as a disrupterof regimes. Storck (2011)

    reminds, though the Internet may possess enormous liberating potential, it is harnessing this

    potential and translating it into political reality that proves itself to be far harder to accomplish

    (p. 38). Echo Dewey et al., the lack of substantial democratic change in Iran hints that the mere

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    Nygaard 15dissemination of a message does not automatically result in tangible change, i.e. democratization

    (2012, p. 14). In fact, there are certain potential roadblocks to achieving consensus it presents.

    Thus the role of social media in future stages for the nations of the Arab Spring may be as crucial

    as that behind in shaping political outcomes, be it to help or hurt democratizing efforts.

    Questions that now must be considered include, given these circumstances, what

    provisions can be made to ensure the availability of social media as a tool to oppressed peoples?

    What are the implications of these media being controlled by private companies? What will

    social medias role be in establishing new political organizations post-uprising?

    For centuries, the importance of expression of opinion as a vital safeguard against the

    despotic use of state power (Thompson, 2011, p. 99) has been recognized, and successive new

    communication technologies have been prematurely hailed as great liberating forces only for

    their dark sides to later become apparent. New media conducive to fostering participation can

    indeed increase [freedoms] such as access to information, and the freedom of citizens to

    converse with one another, says Shirky (2011), just as the printing press, the postal service, the

    telegraph, and the telephone did before. Perhaps the missing ingredient needed to understand

    the nature of social media, still in its infancy as a mass media, is retrospect.

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    Nygaard 16References

    Brisson, Z., & Lee, P. (2011). Egypt: From Revolutions to Institutions.Reboot. Retrieved from


    Dewey, T., Kaden, J., Marks, M., Matsushima, S., & Zhu, B. (2012). The Impact of Social

    Media on Social Unrest in the Arab Spring.Defense Intelligence Agency. Retrieved from

    Gillespie, T. (2012, July 31). Is Twitter us or them? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

    Hilbert, M. (2007).Digital Processes and Democratic Theory: Dynamics, risk and opportunities

    when democratic institutions meet digital information and communication technologies .

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    Hofheinz, A. (2011). Nextopia? Beyond Revolution 2.0.International Journal of

    Communication, 5, 14171434. Retrieved from

    Howard, P., Duffy, A., Freelon, D., Hussain, M., Mari, W., & Mazaid, M. (2011). Opening

    Closed Regimes: What Was the Role of Social Media During the Arab Spring?Project on

    Information Technology and Political Islam. Retrieved from


    Joseph, S. (2012). Social Media, Political Change, and Human Rights.Boston College

    International and Comparative Law Review, 35(1), 145-188. Retrieved from

  • 7/29/2019 The Arab Spring, Social Media and Democracy


    Nygaard 17Shirky, C. (2011). The Political Power of Social Media. Foreign Affairs, 90(1), 28-41.

    Storck, M. (2011). The Role of Social Media in Political Mobilisation: a Case Study of the

    January 2011 Egyptian Uprising.Institute for Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved from



    Thompson, J. (2011). The trade in news. In D. Crowley & P. Heyer (Eds.), Communication in

    history: Technology, culture, society (6, pp. 95-100). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

    Zhuo, X., Wellman, B., & Yu, J. (2011, July/September). Egypt: The First Internet

    Revolt? Peace Magazine, 6-10. Retrieved from


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