Download - The animal pizza

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The most delicious appetizer

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Are you hungry but do not have time to cook?

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sometimes do not have time to cook and do not want a big dinner like meet and soup, so we invent a delicious aperitif called the animal pizza.

is prepared with the ingredients of a normal pizza but this is even more delicious and economical.

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for mass; flour, water, salt, yeast and oil.

- 5 tablespoons crushed fresh tomato

- ½ cup of mozzarella cheese

- Ingredients to taste

- A pinch of oregano

just ask that you want in your animal pizza and we do the rest.

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we have a large variety of foods from all type, in our restaurant we offer you a lot of posibilities to eat, one of them ( the most famous the Pizza Cat.

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Misión: we want our customers are satisfied with our service. we will advance our economic level and open up more locations around the city .

Vision: We hope to move forward and open restaurants in other countries.

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