Page 1: TEN PATIENTS WITH KABUKI MAKE-UP (NIIKAWA ...Kabuki make-up syndrome with Turner syndrome. Program and Abstracts in the 36th Congress of Society of Japanese Human Genetics: 117, 1994


J Tokyo( 63 (Extra)



Kayoko SAITO'} and Yukio FUKUYAMA') i)Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Women's Medical College

2)Matsudo Clinic

(Received June 22, 1993)


The term Kabuki make-up syndrome was first

coined by Kuroki and Niikawa, working indepen-

dently, in 1981i}2). Subsequently, several cases

have been reported in Japan3)ny7) and several more

in other countries8}nyi2).

Characteristics of this syndrome include a

peculiar. facial appearance: eversion of the lower

lateral eyelid, arched eyebrows ・with the lateral

one third having sparse or dispersed hair, a

depressed nasal tip, and prominent ears. Skeletal

anomalies and dermatoglyphic abnormalities are

very comrnon, and mental retardation is present

in all cases.

The derMatoglyphic pattern described byNiikawa et al'3> in 1982 included an increased

digital ulnar loop and hypothenar loop patterns,

absence of the digital triradius c and/or d, and the

presence of fingertip pads.

We experienced 10 cases of this syndrome, four

of whom had also xeroderma pigmentosum. We

report here the clinical details of our 10 Kabuki

make-up syndrome cases.


Ten patients with Kabuki make-up syndrome

were identified among the patients followed at

Matsudo Clinic (Table). Dermatoglyphic and

cytogenetic studies (Giemsa-trypsin banded pe-

ripheral lymphocyte chromosomes), and roent-

gengrams of the spinal column and hands were

obtained from all of these patients. Detailed in-

dividual past histories and family histories were

provided by their parents.


In addition to the typical craniofacial anomalies

(Figure), case 1 had dermatoglyphic abnormalities,

short fifth fingers, hip dislocation, hearing loss,

obesity, epilepsy, and xeroderma pigmentosum.

Case 2 had short fifth fingers, cleft palate, obesity,

and a VSD, but no dermatoglyphic abnorm'alities.

Case 3 had dermatoglyphic abnormalities, stra-

bismus, short fifth fingers, a rib anbmaly, and

xeroderma pigmentosum. Case 4 had one dermato-

glyphic abnormality, strabismus, short fifth

fingers, and epilepsy. Case 5, who was 45,X had

one dermatoglyphic abnormality, strabismus,

short fifth fingers, epilepsy, and xeroderma pig-

mentosum. Case 6 had two dermatoglyphic ab-

normalities, .strabismus, cleft palate, hip disloca-

tion, blue sclerae, epilepsy and xeroderma pig-

mentosum, but no shortening of finger V. Case 7

had two dermatoglyphic abnormalities, strabis-

mus, short fifth fingers, ASD, VSD, epilepsy and

xeroderma pigmentosum. Case 8 had two der-

matoglyphic abnormalities, blue sclerae, and

epilepsy. Case 9 had dermatoglyphic abnormali-

ties, obesity, strabismus, and epilepsy, but no

shortening of finger V. Case 10 had one dermato-

glyphic abnormality, and epilepsy, but no shorten-

.ing of finger V. Cases 1 to 5 had definite lower

palpebral eversion, while cases 6 to 10 had only

mild eversion. Cases 9 and 10 had arched eye-

brows but the pattern of hair growth was es-


Page 2: TEN PATIENTS WITH KABUKI MAKE-UP (NIIKAWA ...Kabuki make-up syndrome with Turner syndrome. Program and Abstracts in the 36th Congress of Society of Japanese Human Genetics: 117, 1994


Table Ten cases of Kabuki make・up syndrome

Case1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Sex F F M F F F M M F MAge(Years) 23 13 15 14 11 17 11 14 10 7

Mental retardation severe severe mild moderate mlld severe severe severe moderate mild

Chromosome 46,XX 46,XX 46,XY 46,XX 45,X 46,XX 46,XY 46,XY 46,XX 46,XY

Craniofacial anornalies

Lower palpebra玉eversion 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

Arched eyebrows with sparse十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

1ateral 1/3

Prominent ears 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 一  

Depressed nasa王tip 十 十 十 十 一 十 十 十 十 一

Ear malfQrmatiGns 一 十   十 一 十 十 十 一 一

Abnormal dentition 十 十  十 十 十

一十 十 『

Spaced teeth 十   十 十 十 十 十 十 ㎜  

High-arched palate 十 一 一十 十 十 一 十 一 一

Epicanthus 十 一 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

Strabismus}   十 十. 十 十 十 ㎜ 十 一

Cleft palate/lip一 十 』 一 一

十    一 一

Preauricular dimple 一 一 『 一 一   一   { 『

Micrognathia『 一   一 一 一 』 一 一 一

Skeletal abnormalities

Short丘nger(V) 十 十一

十 十 一 十   一 一

Short middle phalanx(V) 十 一 十 十 十 一 十 十 一 一

Scoliosis 十 『 十   一 十 十 一 一 一

Rib anomaly 『 一 十 』 一 一 『 『 一  

Hip dislocation 十 一  十


一 一 一 一

Foot deformity 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

Short stature 十 一  十

一 十 十 一 一 『

Occasional anomalies

Cardiovascular anomaly   十 一 一 } 『十 一 一 一

Blue sclerae 十 『 『十

一 十 一十 一 一

Undescended testis } 一 一 一 一 』 一 一 一 一


Susceptibility to infection 十 十一 十 一 十 十 一 十 十

Recurrent otitis media 十 一 』十

一 『 『 一   }

Hearing loss 十 一 『     一 一 一 一 一

Obesity 十 十}   一   一 一 一 }

Seizure 十   一 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

Xeroderma pigmentosum 十   十 一 十 十 『 一 一 一


Increased ulnar looPs 十 一 十 一 十 一     十 十

Absence of digital triradius c 一 一 十    十 一   十  

Absence of digital triradius d 十   十 十 一 『十 十 一  

Increased hypothenar loops 十 一 『 一   十 十 十 十 一

Presence of fingertip pads 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十

sentially norma1.

 Of the 10 patients, six were female and four

were male。 Their ages at the time of study ranged

from 7 to 23 years with a mean of 14 years. The

prenatal an~l perinatal histories of these patients

were non contributory. Weight, height.and head

circumference values at birth were all with孟n

normal range. In the postnatal per量od, six patients

had experienced difficulty in feeding which lead to

failure to thrive and delayed development. S三x


Page 3: TEN PATIENTS WITH KABUKI MAKE-UP (NIIKAWA ...Kabuki make-up syndrome with Turner syndrome. Program and Abstracts in the 36th Congress of Society of Japanese Human Genetics: 117, 1994


1 2 3 4 5

6 7


8 9

Ten patients of Kabuki make-up syndrome: Facial appearance


er . .. `'W

patients (60%) had short stature, in the -2.3 SD to

-5.1 SD range. Heights of the remaining 4 pa-

tients (40%) were within normal range. All 10

patients were mentally retarded: 5 severely, 2

moderately and, the remaining 3 mildly.

All had the characteristic peculiar face; lower

palpebral eversion and arched eyebrows, foot de-

formities and dermatoglyphic abnormalities with

fingertip pads. Seven of these patients had a short

nasal septum, prominent ears, depressed nasal

tip, abnormal dentition, spaced teeth, epicanthus

and susceptibility to infection. Six had strabismus

and a short middle fifth phalanx bilaterally, and

five had a high arched palate, scoliosis and short

fifth fingers. Cleft palate was present in 3 cases,

congenital cardiac anomalies in two: one had ASD

and PDA, and the other had VSD and a ribanomaly (11 ribs).

Noteworthy complications included epilepsy

(8 cases) and xeroderma pigmentosum (4 cases).

Among the 8 cases with epilepsy, 3 had gener-

alized tonic clonic seizure (GTCS), 3 had gener-

alized tonic seizure (GTS), 2 had complex partial

seizure (CPS), and 1 had simple partial seizure

(SPS). One had both GTCS and CPS. In three of

these cases, seizure control was difficult.

Giemsa-trypsin (G) was used to analyze periph-

eral lymphocyte chromosomes of all patients and

the only anomaly found was in the 45,X patient.

There was consanguinity on the paternal side in

one case. As to family history, three cases had

neurological disorders within the family: autism,

epilepsy and hydrocephalus in one family each.

None had a family history of Kabuki make-up



Our 10 patients all had a peculiar facial appear-

ance with skeletal and dermatoglyphic anomalies,

compatible with Kabuki make-up syndrome, as

reported by Kuroki and Niikawa. Unlike Kuroki

and Niikawa's cases, half of our patients had

severe mental retardation. In addition the com- 'plications of epilepsy and xeroderma pigmento-

sum were rnore prevalent in our cases.

Types of seizures, seizure onset, EEG findings

and response to treatment were variable.

Four of our 10 patients had xeroderma pig-

mentosum, an exceptional complication in this

disease. The unusual combination of Kabuki


Page 4: TEN PATIENTS WITH KABUKI MAKE-UP (NIIKAWA ...Kabuki make-up syndrome with Turner syndrome. Program and Abstracts in the 36th Congress of Society of Japanese Human Genetics: 117, 1994


make-up syndrome and this dermatologic disorder

has not previously been reported, to our knowl-

edge. Xeroderma pigmentosum is an autosomal

recessive disease characterized by cutaneous

photosensitivity, a decreased ability to repair

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damaged by ultra-

violet radiationi`). Children with xeroderma pig-

mentosum develop erythema, freckling, and in-

creased pigmentation after exposure to sunlight.

The onset of most cases is in early childhood.

Genetic analysis of cultured cells from xeroderma

pigmentosum patients has revealed the presence

of 8 complementation groups, all showing a de-

ficiency in the excision of UV-induced lesions in

the DNA. Excision repair cross complementing

<ERCC) chrornosomal loci -1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and6 have

been identifiedi5)Ni7).

Although Kabuki make-up syndrome seems to

be congenital, the association of other major

anomalies was variable and no common origin

could be identified. Congenital heart disease, cleft

palate, and other abnormalities can be induced in

early pregnancy, while minor facial anomalies

may develop in later pregnancy. In addition to

these findings, abnormal dermatoglyphics, scolio-

sis and short stature, which became more promi-

nent over time, were evident. There were no

familial cases among our patients. There has been

only one case report describing familial occurrence

of Kabuki make-up syndrome, in two siblings and

their father8). As Niikawa et al suggested3), Kabuki

make-up syndrome may be an autosomal domi-

nant disorder in which the majority of patients

have a new mutation, because virtually all pa-

tients encountered to date have been sporadic and

only one had known affected family members.

Several institutions have reported patients with

Kabuki make-up syndrome accompanying sexchromosomal abnormalities, such as 45,X6)7). We

also found one case with a ring X chromosome

(45,X). In addition, we have four cases of xero-

derma pigmentosum with this syndrome. These

facts may offer clues as to the role of chromosomal

anomalies in Kabuki make-up syndrome. As yet,

however, results are inconclusive.

Further clinical and molecular studies are

necessary to elucidate the cause of this syndrome.


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 1凍京女子医科大学 小児科,2)松戸クリニック

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小国美也子1)・丸山  博1)2)・小国 弘量1)

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