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November 2011 • Volume 25 • Issue 11 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

MJCCA Book Festival - TBT Sponsors Senator Lieberman Event Cover Story

Veterans Info Wanted Page 2

Falcons Fundraiser Page 6

Youth News/Events Page 7

Fridays with Friends Page 7

Seniors Luncheon Page 8

Sisterhood Events Page 8

Operation Paperback Page 9

Turkey Drive Page 11

Food of the Month Page 12

B’nai Mitzvah Page 13

Blood Drive Page 14

Contributions Pages 14 & 15

TBT is thrilled to be a community partner with the MJCCA Book Festival for the Esther G. Levine Community Read with Senator Joe Lieberman at the MJCCA, Sunday, November 13 at 7:00 p.m. In his book, The Gift of Rest, Senator Lieberman offers the gift of Sabbath observance – a gift that has anchored, ordered and inspired his life – to readers of all faiths. Combining personal and political memoir with history and broadly informed religious reflection, this book is a practical how- to-guide, with simple suggestions for introducing the Sabbath into your own life.

A Look Inside

Our Gates

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Kavod to our Veterans

Until the nineteenth century, most

nations in the world denied Jewish

residents the right to bear arms in

defense of the homeland. In sharp

contrast to this trend, American Jews

first sprang to arms in the early colonial period when they

participated in the common effort to protect the community

from hostile attack. Since that time, American Jews have

taken part in every military struggle from the American

Revolution to Operation Enduring Freedom.

(Visit to see their online

“Jews and the American Military” exhibit.)

Our Jewish predecessors developed their own roots in this

country; they sought out every opportunity to show their

support of the United States, often putting themselves in

harm‟s way through military service.

The Jewish community has its own fair share of American

Heroes, too. Major General Maurice Rose, the highest

ranking Jewish soldier during World War II, was killed

in action as the commander of the elite Third Armored

Division. Commodore Uriah Phillips Levy, who reached

the highest rank in the Navy in the 1860s, repeatedly

confronted anti-Semitism and advanced human rights by

eliminating flogging from the Navy. Chaplain Rabbi

Alexander Goode was one of the well known Four

Chaplains who gave their lives to save other soldiers during

the sinking of the USAT Dorchester during World War II.

These servicemen, among so many others, left their mark

on the military, on our country and our Jewish community

by providing significant leadership.

For the past two years, I have been inviting our veterans

to come to services to be recognized and thanked for their

past or current service. This year, Veterans Day is

November 11. I would like to invite all of our Veterans

to join us again. This time, I have asked our Sixth Grade

students to lead our service. Younger generations of

Jews are farther removed from our military and are less

familiar with people who have served. I believe our

veterans of past years and in recent months can show our

youth that serving our country is meaningful and valiant.

Since it is one of our Family Services, we will have

our Oneg at 6:00 p.m. and our service will be from

6:30-7:30 p.m. In addition, we are joining our JCC in

supporting Operation Paperback, collecting books for our

men and women serving abroad or in military hospitals in

the U.S. (Please bring new or gently used books; sorry,

no romance novels.)

If you are a veteran, let us know that you are coming:

[email protected]. If someone in your immediate

family is currently serving, we hope that you rsvp and

stand in for him/her.

Keep our troops in our hearts and prayers. They are

providing a great service and we are grateful.

Rabbi Fred Greene

For additional ways to support our troops, check

out the Jewish Chaplains Council,

and Operation Pal, which sends letters to wounded


Are you a veteran?

Rabbi Greene would like to know!

This will be the third year which we honor our veterans at Beth Tikvah.

There are 17 that I know of. Let me know if you have

served in our armed forces...

Then plan on joining us for services on Friday night,

November 11 at 6:30 p.m.

Even if you can't make it, send a note over to me

at [email protected].

We are Looking for a Few Good Men & Women

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Maybe Cantors aren‟t supposed to have favorite prayers, but when I try to calm my mind in the brief moments of silent

meditation, I find this prayer to be very grounding. The words come from Psalms 19:15. I am puzzled, however, by the

order of the prayer. I would have expected that the “meditations of my heart” to come before the “words of my mouth,”

as it is our thoughts that lead to our spoken words which in turn lead to our actions.

One of our Beth Tikvah High School students recently posted something amusing and thought-provoking on Facebook:

“We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in public.”

I think there is much truth to this quote, but I‟d like to think that we CAN grow up and that our thoughts and prayers can

mature to the point that they are more in synch with our actions. I always come back to our “Yih‟yu L‟Ratzon” prayer,

because if the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart are not acceptable to God, then I am truly headed

down the wrong path. As I have shared with you in the past, quieting my mind does not come easily to me and I am not

one who can claim to meditate. But for those brief moments of silence when I read and re-read the “Yih‟yu L‟Ratzon”

prayer, I am reminded to bring my prayers back that which is acceptable to God.

Save the Date:

We had quite an amazing Riverwood High School class…back in the day. You simply must come hear my dear and

talented friends perform. Courtenay Collins is an extremely accomplished actress and vocalist here in Atlanta and Laura

Patinkin will be coming to us from New York where she has had much success in performing. More details will be forth-

coming but in the meantime, I encourage you to „Google‟ both Courtenay and Laura to get an idea of the musical treat

we have planned for you!

Notes from Cantor Kassel

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I have to tell you...(and this is said with that

Jewish intonation that we‟re all so familiar

with, as in “not that it‟s my child I‟m talking

about...but this child is special!) not that this is

my Board of Trustees, but this Board IS SPECIAL!!

We all have such a terrifically dedicated group of Trustees, with

each one so very devoted to our synagogue and committed to

using the best of themselves to help create community. I want to

share with you the many areas (and this is just a smattering) in

which your Board of Trustees are involved. Upon reading this I

know you will agree, that this is truly a working Board.

Steve Astren is serving on the Budget and Finance Committee to

assist the Board and the Treasurer in planning for and monitoring

the financially related areas of the synagogue.

Jonathan Bennett, Paul Beckman, Debra Schwartz

As Vice Presidents of Finance, Administration and Programming,

each of these folks works on a regular and on-going basis with

between the five and ten committees for which they are

responsible. Often they are out of breath! Between these three

VPs there is virtually nothing that happens in their respective

areas in the synagogue with which one of them is not involved.

Sheryl Blechner We are honored and fortunate to have our

Immediate Past President on the Board and be a resource for all

of us. Sheryl participates in the Women‟s Study Group led by

Rabbi Judi Beiner, and has been a multi-year participant in the

Melton study program. She brings to us many experiences within

the greater Jewish community which might be of interest to TBT

and our congregants, such as her co-chairing Operation Paperback

for the MJCCA Book Festival and being a member of Federations‟ Israel

Outcomes Committee.

Mary Block is a teacher in our Early Childhood Education

Center, is an immediate past Sisterhood Co-Chair, helped in the

planning of our recent Shabbat Todah for all of our volunteers,

and has coordinated the synagogue offering a babysitting

certification course for our youth.

Todd Boehm Work has called Todd away from town during the

week, but his dedication and commitment to his role as Trustee

is very much present. He is sure to attend Board meetings

remotely, by dialing in via conference call. It should not be

underestimated the dedication it takes to sit through a 2 1/2 hour

Board Meeting via conference call dial in.

Gene Carasick serves as Chair of the synagogue‟s Israel

Committee, and has served as co-Chair of the Generation-to-

Generation program. In addition to this, Gene has played an

instrumental role in planning and executing the Beit Cafe

program we have had in the last couple of years.

Laura DeRiemer serves as Chair of the Fundraising Committee.

Under her leadership the synagogue raised in excess of $113,000

in the first year of the Bucket Campaign, and she and her

Committee are working hard in this second year at helping the

synagogue reach the two year cumulative $250,000 goal (by the

way - help them out...send in your pledge if you have not already

done so). Laura also served as co-Chair with Gene Carasick of

the Generation-to-Generation program.

Dave Faupel chairs our Communications Committee. In his

role, Dave plays an important role in much of the publicity that

is issued, from creating and writing the copy, to proofing copy

that is submitted by various Committees, to ensuring that each

program is well publicized both to our own synagogue

community and the greater Atlanta Jewish community at large.

Ivie Graiser serves as Chair of the Chavurot program. In her

capacity, she is a true “matchmaker,” matching those who

would like to be in a Chavurah with an existing Chavurah that

would be a good fit for that congregant. In addition, Ivie

facilitates groups of people setting up new Chavurot, if there

are folks with similar interests who would like to create a new

one together. If you are interested in developing a relationship

with approximately ten other adult members/family units who

may have similar interests as you, contact Ivie and she can

surely make a “shidach” (a match)!

Michael Gutkin serves as Chair of the synagogue‟s Security

Committee. Although we wish it were different, Jewish houses

of worship, Jewish institutions and Jewish agencies all across

the country live in challenging times when it comes to security.

Michael is kept abreast of information from the Jewish

Federation of Atlanta‟s security department and as well

liaisons with the Chief of the Roswell Police Department

regarding security matters. Michael then brings the

information from these two sources through his Committee

back to the Board, to ensure that Temple Beth Tikvah takes

appropriate steps to keep the synagogue community safe.

Michael also serves as the Board of Trustee representative on

the Temple Beth Tikvah Endowment Fund Board.

Alicia Hirsch formally served on the Board of Education,

and now serves on the Board of the Temple Beth Tikvah sister-

hood. In addition, she is co-chairing the development of a new

program with fellow Trustee Lindsay Levin to address the

needs of families with pre-school age children, in terms of

affiliation with and integration into synagogue life.

Lindsay Levin co-chaired with fellow Trustee Mary Block,

our very successful Shabbat Todah program to thank all

synagogue volunteers for their service. In addition, she is

co-chairing with Trustee Alicia Hirsch the program to help

families with pre-school age children feel connected to the

synagogue and synagogue life. As an attorney, we have also

called upon Lindsay to look at several governance issues

including the changes of our very mobile and technologically

connected society, what steps need to be taken to be able to

count a Board Member who sits in a Board meeting virtually

from a remote location as part of the required quorum for a

Board meeting.

Tom McMurrain is founder and CEO of a software company.

He graciously volunteered to use his professional expertise to

recently conduct a review of the complete I.T. software

environment of the synagogue.

Continued on page 5

Shalom Chaverim - שלום חברים

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Shalom Chaverim continued...

With his help and recommendations, there are specific steps we

will be taking to ensure that the synagogue optimally uses the

software it has. Tom served on the Board of Trustees earlier in

the life of the synagogue, and has been a member of Temple Beth

Tikvah since the second year of its inception.

Rhonda Povlot As Secretary of the Board, Rhonda memorializes

the content of all of the Board of Trustee meetings as well as the

Officer meetings. By creating these minutes, we always have

accurate records to refer to of discussions held and decisions

made. Rhonda has served in many capacities in the synagogue

previously, including Chair of the Board of Education. This

year Rhonda has embarked on a new area of involvement, and

that is serving as the 7th grade teacher in Religious School. We

know that Rhonda‟s commitment to Temple Beth Tikvah and

synagogue life will certainly be felt by her students.

Esther Shultz serves as Chair of the synagogue‟s Ritual

Committee. The Committee is a resource that works with the

Rabbi to give input into ritual-related areas at his request.

As Chair of this Committee, Esther is also takes on the

responsibility of coordinating for all Greeters/Ushers for Erev

Shabbat and Shabbat Morning Services, as well as all High Holy

Day Services. Esther and her husband Walt, are active

participants in Shabbat Morning “Bagel, Learning and Torah”

with Rabbi Greene.

Ron Swichkow As Treasurer of Temple Beth Tikvah, Ron is in

almost daily communication with Becky Sullivan, our Office

Manager, regarding financial matters. There is not a single bill or

invoice that gets paid at the Synagogue that has not first

been reviewed by Ron and specifically approved by him. In

addition Ron works closely with the Vice President of Finance,

Jonathan Bennett, and the Chair of Budget and Finance on

other financial and budget related matters.

Seth Zimmer serves as Chair of the Board of Education.

As such he leads that group of synagogue members who are

responsible for overseeing the educational programs of the

Religious School and the Early Childhood Education Center.

In this role, Seth serves as a resource to Hassia Levin and

Jenifer Friedman, to ensure that as Directors, they are able to

accomplish the goals they have for our children. And last but

not least, Seth is there practically every Sunday morning,

selling bagels and nosh before and during Religious School to

help fund-raise for the program.

If you got through all of this, (1) Congratulations! and (2)

thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you the

depth of commitment of your Officers and Trustees. Hopefully

their work will inspire you to offer your gifts, whatever they

may be, in helping to build our community. As well, I know

that you join me in thanking our Officers and Trustees for their

efforts and their commitment to Temple Beth Tikvah.

L‟shalom - שלום’ל

Steven C. Gerson


Education Director

Our children just experienced such a beautiful, spiritual time during the High Holidays, Sukkot and Simchat Torah in our

school and in our synagogue. We go into the month of November renewed and dedicated to doing and being our best.

I love that we follow this time of reflection with the American tradition of giving thanks. As a school, we have so much

to be thankful for. I am thankful to have the opportunity to take part in the Jewish Education of such a diverse and

wonderful group of children. I am grateful to have such a talented group of teachers dedicated to making sure that not

only do our children know Jewish History, Bible, Music, Tradition, Hebrew, Holidays, Customs, Art, Tefillah, but that

when they walk out our doors that they are connected to their religion, their synagogue and each other. I am thankful to

our devoted Parents who lead by example in making synagogue and religious school a priority for their families. I am

thankful to our Rabbi and Cantor who spiritually enrich our program and take an important part in educating our

children. Under the leadership of Seth Zimmer, our outstanding Board of Education is constantly helping us to make

sure our children are receiving a top notch Jewish education. Our Board of Education is successful in doing this because

they have the support of our Board of Trustees, under the wise leadership of Steve Gerson. Lastly, I am thankful to my

assistant Perri, who works hard to take care of the little details behind each success.

As you can see, we are a community and our school is successful because of all of you who share your time, love of

Judaism and commitment to the education of our children. I am thankful to all of you.

November Happenings:

November 6th – 6th grade 13 Mitzvot meeting and Family Education Day at 9:30 a.m.

November 11th - Our 6th grade students will share Shabbat with our congregation family.

There is no school Tuesday, November 8th, Sunday November 20th through Sunday November 27th.

Hassia Levin

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Early Childhood Ed. Director

A wise friend once told me, “If everybody in the

world threw their tsuris in a pot, we would all the

take our own tsuris back.”

It is that time of year again, the time to reflect on

our lives and be thankful for all that we have. My

wise friend has a point. No matter what hand we

are dealt in life, we still have so much to be thank-

ful for. Everyday in the Early Childhood Center,

I am reminded what a beautiful world we live in.

When I see the smile of an eighteen month old,

look into the innocent, bright eyes of a three year

old, or witness the growth and development of a

four year old, I am constantly being made aware of

what a wonderful world this is. The little things

that cloud up our bigger pictures are really just that,

the little things. I am guilty of it, letting the tiniest

of things; an argument, a pet peeve, the hustle and

bustle of a day, get me down. We grow impatient;

lose our tempers, shut down, after all we are

human! But it is now a new year and we must take

the time to slow down, smell the roses, enjoy the

sounds of a child‟s laughter, and thank friends,

family and G-d for all that you have. For no matter

how cloudy your picture seems, your big picture is

clear and magnificent.

Jenifer Friedman

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Youth News

Calling all Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts

We are forming courses to offer to scouts of our

synagogue (both girls and boys) to provide them

an opportunity to earn their religious emblems

for their various ranks.

For Boy Scouts, there are:

Maccabee (Tigers) Aleph (Wolf/Bear/Webelos)

Ner Tamid (Boy Scouts / Venturers ages 11-14)

Etz Chaim (Boy Scouts / Venturers ages 14-18)

Shofar (Adults)

For Girl Scouts, there are:

Lehavah Award (Grades 2-3) Bat Or Award (Grades 4-6)

Menorah Award (Grades 7-9)

Or Emunah Award (Grades 10-12)

Classes will be formed based on the level of interest.

The scheduling has not been finalized but it is anticipated

that we will be completed in time for Scout Shabbat on

February 10, 2012.

If you are interested in receiving more information, please

contact Tony Rosenberg [email protected] or

Robert Shultz [email protected].

Bonim Youth Programming for Pre-K - 2nd Grade and their Parents

Save the date for these exciting programs:

Lunch Social & Craft Activities

November 6

Mitzvah Project, Shabbat Dinner

and Family Service – January 27 Havdalah Goes Hollywood Movie Night – March 3

Fridays with Friends

Please join Friends and Family for a

Dairy Shabbat Dinner on

Friday, December 2 at 6:30 p.m.

Followed by Shabbat Services at 8:00 p.m.

$10 per person in advance

Cheese Pizza available for children

ages 10 and under $6 per person

RSVP by November 25 to [email protected]

Dinner by PAID reservations only!

Please send check to TBT marked

“Fridays with Friends”

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Sisterhood Happenings

Rabbi Thomas Liebschutz

to headline Seniors luncheon

Monday, November 14, 2011

11:30 a.m. lunch and learn

Please join us as we welcome Rabbi Thomas Liebschutz,

who will speak on a fascinating topic - "Growing a

Congregation in Exurbia."

Please RSVP to Ruth Zeidman at 770-552-1966

All are welcome!


November 2, 7:00 p.m.

New format - from 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. is an optional

gentle yoga/stretch to unwind and focus on the meaning

of the new Hebrew month.

The remainder of our time together will focus on an

activity or speaker, related to the theme. At 8:45 p.m. we

will begin a relaxation and focused meditation.

For more information, contact Pam Chanin at

[email protected].

Seniors Luncheon

Rosh Chodesh Women’s

Spiritual Group

The Men of TBT take the

top honors in our TBT

Fall Clean-Up Day!

The Fundraising Committee sponsors two TBT Clean

up Days a year. One in the spring and one in the Fall.

This fall, the Men of TBT were WELL represented at

our TBT clean up day, not just in numbers but also in

attitude. Several men said they would do anything

and they apparently meant it. Some came specifically

to volunteer but others just saw a need and stopped in

and started working! It was great.

Major thanks goes out to Richard

Quintana, Jonathan Bennett, Pam

Alterman, Ellen Weiner, Jason Pickett,

John Rabson and his son Jake, John

Restler, Ted Nathan, Larry Heit and

Scott Povlot. Together we washed

windows in and out, planted a few

flowers, polished silver in the display

case and the Torah plates, polished all

the wood in the sanctuary, in the lobby

and in the Social Hall.

And let‟s not forget all the men from the Men‟s Club

who constructed the Bimah and Sukkah!

The Fundraising Committee thanks you for all of

your help!

Schmooze News & Kudos Corner

Mazal tov to…

Arleen and Mark Reese on the engagement of their

daughter, Lauren to Allen Heffner

Wanda and Michael Cohen on the marriage of their

son, Preston to Elizabeth

Thank you to…

Aunt Kimmy’s Creations in Roswell on Canton

Street for contributing to our Oneg Shabbat

Top Dog Awards, Inc. in Marietta for placing all of

the new leaves on our Tree of Life

TBT’s Sisterhood for their generous contribution to

purchase another memorial board for the sanctuary

If you have some “schmooze news” you

would like to share with the congregation,

or say “thank you” for a job well done,

please email your schmooze news and

kudos to:

[email protected]

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

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TBT Happenings for November 2011

Tuesdays, November 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29

Tai Chi at 9:30 a.m. Join the caring

committee as they share in the art of

relaxation through Tai Chi. Contact

Esther Shultz for more information.

The Gift Shop is open during Religious

School the following hours:

Tuesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The synagogue staff will be happy to

help during normal business hours.

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Caring Committee


Friday, November 25

Candle Lighting 6:12 p.m.

Shabbat Service 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 26

Parashat Toledot

Shabbat Service 10:00 a.m.

Gift Shop Hours


The synagogue office will be closed in

observance of Thanksgiving on

November 24 and 25.

Office Hours

Wednesday, November 2 at 7:00p.m.

Rosh Chodesh Womens Spiritual


Join your Sisterhood “moon sisters”

for the monthly celebration of the new


RSVP: [email protected]

Adult Learning

Tuesday, November 15 at 7:30 p.m.

Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, November 22 at 7:30 p.m.

TBT Officers Meeting


Youth Group

Sunday, November 6 at 12:00 p.m.

Bonin Youth Group Program

For more information, please email

[email protected].

Seniors Luncheon


Thursday, November 3 at 7:30 a.m.

Business to Business Networking

RSVP: [email protected]

Friday, November 4

Candle Lighting 6:25 p.m.

Shabbat Shalom Yeladim at 6:00 p.m.

Shabbat Service w/Choir at 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 5

Parashat Lech Lecha

Shabbat Service at 10:00 a.m.

B‟nai Mitzvah of Ryan Bruckman

and Matt Diamond

Friday, November 11

Candle Lighting 6:19 p.m.

Oneg Shabbat 6:00 p.m.

Family Service Honoring our

Veterans Led by 6th GR at 6:30 p.m.

Saturday, November 12


Shabbat Service 10:00 a.m.

B‟nai Mitzah of Rebecca Bradley

And Matthew Fibus

Friday, November 18

Candle Lighting 6:15 p.m.

Shabbat Service 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 19

Parashat Chaye Sarah

Shabbat Service at 10:00 a.m.

B‟nai Mitzvah of Shelby Estroff

and Adam Estroff

Shabbat continued

Saturdays, November 5, 12, 19 & 26

from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

B.L.T. - Bagels, Learning and Torah

Join Rabbi Greene every Saturday for

an in-depth look into the Torah. Starting

with Genesis, this group goes through

the Torah one verse at a time.

Thursday, November 10 at 7:00 p.m.

Women’s Study Group -Dreamgirls

of Jewish History: Ancient Babes and

Middle Age Mammas with Rabbi Judy

Beiner as the facilitator.

Sundays, November 6 and 13

Shacharit Morning Minyan

Join us on Sunday mornings when

religious school is in session for

morning davening.

Sunday, November 6 at 11:00 a.m.

Beginners Hebrew Level III

with Cantor Kassel

Mondays, November 7, 14, 21 & 28

Melton I and II at TBT

Sunday, November 6 at 11:00 a.m.

w/Rabbi Don Tam - Exploring the

Worldview & Thought of Our Major

Prophets, and Their Message for


Sunday, November 13

From 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Global Day of Jewish Learning

For a copy of our Adult Learning

brochure, contact the office or go to

Thursday, November 17 at 7:30 p.m.

Israel Affairs Discussion Group

For additional information and to

RSVP, please contact Gene Carasick at

[email protected]

Israel Committee

Monday, November 14 at 11:30 a.m.

Seniors Luncheon

Join the Seniors for their monthly

pot-luck lunch. For more information

and to RSVP, contact Ruth Zeidman.

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TBT Happenings for November 2011

Friday, November 4 at 9:45 a.m.

ECEC Family Shabbat

and Mezuzah Ceremony

Monday, November 7

ECEC Parent/Teacher Conferences

(No ECEC Classes)

Friday, November 18 at 12:00 p.m.

ECEC Shabbat and Thanksgiving


Monday - Friday, November 21-25

No ECEC Classes

Early Childhood Ed.

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Submissions for the

January KT are due

to the synagogue

office on December 1. [email protected]

Religious School

Religious School Class Dates:

Sundays, November 6 and 13

Tuesdays, November 1, 15 and 29

Sunday, November 6 at 9:30 a.m.

B’nai Mitzvah 13 Mitzvot Meeting

and Family Education Day

Sundays, November 6 and 13


Kibbitz and schmooze while your

children are in class!

Sunday, November 13

Family Education Day

for 2nd Grade

Monday Nights - Post B’nai Mitzvah:

Kesher - November 7, 14 and 28

Confirmation - November 7, 14 & 28

Kivunim - November 7 and 28

Sunday, November 13

from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

TBT’s Annual Blood Drive with

LifeSouth sponsored by Men‟s Club.

To volunteer or donate blood, please

contact [email protected].

Mondays, November 7, 14, 21 & 28

Families Anonymous at 7:00 p.m.

Interested in learning more? Contact

Jeff at [email protected].

Healing continued

One to One Support

Looking for support? We can partner

you with a congregant who has

experienced a similar situations such as

illness, divorce, loss of a loved one and

other life crises. Contact the synagogue

office for more details.

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Honor a special person

or event with a leaf

on our Tree of Life

Temple Beth Tikvah‟s Tree of Life was established as a way to honor

many different life cycle events. Leaves can be purchased through the

Temple office at a cost of $180. They are a beautiful and permanent

way to celebrate and honor a special person or event.

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

B’nai Mitzvah

Ryan Bruckman will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 5, 2011. He is the

son of Adrienne and Adam Bruckman, and brother to Eric. Ryan is the grandson of Sandy and Ron

Cohen of Dallas, Texas and Steve Bruckman of Long Island, NY, and the great-grandson of Sydney

Bruckman, also of NY. He is in the 7th grade at Mabry Middle School where he is a Principal‟s Honor

Roll student and participates in both the Symphonic Band and the Jazz Band and plays on the Junior

Trojan Lacrosse team. Hobbies include electric guitar, basketball, wake boarding, skiing and playing

with Freeway his golden retriever.

Matan (Matt) Diamond will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 5th, 2011.

He is the son of Dyann and Mitchell Diamond and big brother to Noah Diamond. He is a seventh

grader at the Davis Academy, where he is a guitarist with the school fusion band. He also participates

in the school debate team and the golf team. He holds a junior black belt in tae kwon do and also loves

fencing. Matt's Bar Mitzvah projects included gathering food for the Shearith Israel Women's Shelter,

Hands on Atlanta community garden and volunteering at the Cohen Home.

Rebecca Mae Bradley will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 12, 2011. She

is the daughter of Susan and Allen Bradley and sister to Benjamin and Brian. Rebecca is a 7th grader

at Haynes Bridge Middle School where she has participated in the Academic Bowl team and school

soccer team. Her hobbies include various arts/crafts, playing soccer with the Newtown Rockets,

tending to her fish tank and spending many hours cuddling with her poodle bichon puppy Brie.

Rebecca‟s mitzvah projects have included collecting dozens of shoes for North Fulton Community

Charities and volunteered many hours helping the East Coast Humane Society. Rebecca is looking

forward to sharing this special moment in her life with the TBT community, her friends and especially

her extended family including grandparents Walter Charpentier, Joan and Bob Bradley, Sara Carruthers, and uncle

Rafael Bradley.

Mathew Fibus will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 12, 2011. He is the son

of Risa and Jeffrey Fibus. Mathew is in the 8th grade at Dickerson middle school. He is the rank of

Star in Boy Scouts Troop 1011 and plays on the Walton Jr. Raiders Lacrosse Team. He loves good

food, travelling, swimming and playing Xbox with his friends.

Shelby Rose Estroff will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on November 19, 2011. She is

the daughter of Eric and Dianne Estroff and sister to Noah and Sydney. She is in the 7th grade at

Hightower Trail Middle School where she participates in School band. Shelby swims for Stingrays

Swim Team enjoys both water and snow sports. Shelby will be donating a portion of her Bat Mitzvah

gifts to Our Pal‟s Place Animal Shelter, in Kennesaw, Georgia.

Adam Banner Estroff will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on November 19, 2011. He is

the son of Susan and Neal Estroff and the younger brother of Skye. Adam is the grandson of Joyce and

Howard Banner of Dunwoody and Anita and Donald Estroff of Vidalia. He is an Honor Roll student in

the talented and gifted program at Taylor Road Middle School. Adam is a member of Jr. Beta Club, as

well as past recipient of the school‟s citizenship award and most outstanding Social Studies Student.

Adam participates in football, tennis, lacrosse, and enjoys competing in Triathlons. Over the past years,

he has volunteered with Project Open Hand and Medshare and is one of the coordinators of Athletes that

Care, a charity run by athletes that will graduate in 2016. His entire family is very excited about the

special tradition.

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We would like to take this opportunity to list the contributors

to our Second Year Bucket Projects Campaign who donated

this past month. Thank you for your support as we work

together to fulfill our mission and sustain a strong TBT.

Contributions as of October 17, 2011

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Year II Donors:

RoseAnn and Steve Gerson

Ilicia and Robert Shapiro

Bucket Campaign Tributes

In memory of:

Jules Kaplan

∙ Jill and Brad Kaplan

Rabbi Israel Gerber

∙ Anne and Larry Skal

In honor of:

Our grandson, Andrew Cooper‟s marriage

to Rachel Kaplan

∙ Doug Wexler and Jane Greenberger

In appreciation of:

Our High Holy Day honors

∙ Leslie and Ron Swichkow

Temple Beth Tikvah’s

Bucket Projects Campaign

Year II

Working Together to Fulfill

our Mission and Sustain

a Strong TBT

TBT Men’s Club 10th Annual Blood Drive

Sunday, November 13, 2011

8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. TBT Social Hall

with Life South Community Blood Centers

Refreshments will be provided

If you are interested in volunteering for this event or scheduling an appointment to give blood,

please contact Bart Schwartz at 770-783-1497 or by email at [email protected].

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Contributions through October 16

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

In memory of:

Arthur Pollak

∙ Carol and Bruce Waldman

Hertzel Matusow

Bill Spikes

Shirley Winkler

∙ Bonnie and David Sandfelder

Simon Reeder

∙ Gene Carasick

Harris Simons

∙ Ruth Zeidman

In honor of:

The High Holy Day services

∙ Ellen and David Herold

In appreciation of:

Rabbi Greene for the wonderful


∙ Bert Silverstein

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

In memory of:

Irving Kaiser

∙ Barry Kaiser

In honor of:

The High Holy Day services

∙ Ellen and David Herold

In appreciation of:

Rabbi Tam

∙ Bert Silverstein

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

In memory of:

Hertzel Matusow

Bill Spikes

Shirley Winkler

∙ Bonnie and David Sandfelder

Delores Wexler

∙ Doug Wexler

Duane S. Rutte

∙ Kathleen and Joel Schoenblum

David Soniker

∙ Fern and Marty Soniker

Russell J. Elliott

∙ Jeanne Lipsitt

Stan Albert

∙ Rhonda Schweber

Celia Mendelson

∙ Ruth Zeidman

In honor of:

The High Holy Day services

∙ Ellen and David Herold

In appreciation of:

Cantor Kassel

∙ Karen and Jack Korshak

Endowment Fund

In memory of:

Sheryl Blechner‟s aunt

∙ Pam Alterman

Judy Friedman

∙ Sheryl S. Blechner

In appreciation of:

My High Holy Day aliyot

∙ Sheryl S. Blechner

Building Fund

In memory of:

Stanley Berke

∙ Andy Berke

In appreciation of:

Temple Beth Tikvah

∙ Bernard Taranto

General Fund

In memory of:

Leah Restler

∙ June and Don Restler

Kehillat Chesed/Caring Fund

In memory of:

Judy Friedman

∙ Sheila and Aaron Stieglitz

∙ Addie Myers

∙ Carol Shutzberg

∙ Jane Greenberger and Doug Wexler

∙ Pat and Fred Landsberg

∙ Lois and Jim Shaevel

∙ Anne and Larry Skal

∙ Marilyn and Rabbi Tom Liebschutz

∙ Aviv Chavurah

∙ Ruth Zeidman

∙ Alice and Sam Herndon

Larry Keller

∙ Lois and Sid Malkin

Elizabeth Hodes

∙ Leslie and Ron Swichkow

Rabbi Israel Gerber

∙ Jane Greenberger and Doug Wexler

∙ Rosalie and Carl Rosenthal

∙ Debbie and Stuart Rosenthal

∙ Marsha Gilberg

Hertzel Matusow

Bill Spikes

Shirley Winkler

∙ Bonnie and David Sandfelder

Religious School Scholarship Fund

In memory of:

Judy Friedman

Rabbi Israel Gerber

∙ Anonymous

Torah Fund

In honor of:

My aliyah on Yom Kippur

∙ Bert Silverstein

Zalkin Memorial Library Fund

In memory of:

Judy Friedman

∙ Renee and Sy Davis

Margaret Danzig

∙ Stan Reich

Harold Goldsmith

∙ Amy, Steve, Jennifer and Ellen Fine

Please send all contributions to:

Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road

Roswell, Georgia 30075

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Page 16: TBT November Kol Tikvah 2011


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the

passing of:

Judy Friedman

∙ Sister of Esther Shultz

∙ Aunt of Rob Shultz

Rabbi Israel Gerber

Gary Glazer

∙ Brother of Ginger Glazer

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Condolences In Loving Memory

“It is hard to sing of oneness when our world is not

complete, when those who once brought wholeness to

our life have gone and naught but memory can fill the

emptiness their passing leaves behind”. The following

Memorial Plaques have been placed onto the Memorial

Board this past month:

Abree Carole Pickett

∙ Mother of Jason Pickett

Hertzel Irving Matusow

∙ Brother of Paula Sandfelder

∙ Uncle to David Sandfelder

∙ Uncle to Michelle Mogilski

Collaborative Divorce: Giving Everyone a Voice

A growing trend nationwide, collaborative divorce focuses on helping couples make decisions without having to go to court. Using teams of lawyers, financial advisors, therapists (or “coaches”) and, when children are involved, child specialists, it’s about doing what’s best for the family.

“There are so many issues brought up in a divorce, and this approach puts more control into the couple’s hands as opposed to a judge’s hands,” said Elisheva Funk, a clinical social worker in JF&CS’ Counseling Services – Tools for Life division who specializes in children and adolescents.

The process usually starts with the parents choosing their attorneys, who then help put together teams of professionals certified in collaborative divorce. But parents may request certain specialists like Elisheva, who trained with the Collaborative Law Institute of Georgia (CLIG) to take on a coach or child specialist role.

For parents at any stage of the divorce process who would like to learn the skills taught in collaborative divorce, Elisheva will facilitate a co-parenting workshop Nov. 13 at Congregation Etz Chaim in Marietta. The discussions will focus on the needs of children, communication between parents and helping parents manage their emotions and getting the support they need. For more information about the workshop, please contact Elisheva at 770-933-0081 x3015 or [email protected].

If you are an attorney looking for child specialist or coach, or if you are a parent who would like to know more about the coach or child specialist role in collaborative divorce, please contact JF&CS. Peggy Kelly, Director of Clinical Practice Management, can be reached at 770-677-9405 or [email protected].

Page 17: TBT November Kol Tikvah 2011


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

For A Special Friend: A courtesy examination & x-ray at no

charge when you present this card


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1180 Grimes Bridge Rd., Roswell, GA


Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Administrative Assistant - Bernice Isaac

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Adult Education To Be Determined Budget & Finance Ron Swichkow [email protected] Chavurot Ivie Graiser [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications Dave Faupel [email protected] Fundraising Laura DeRiemer [email protected] Gift Shop Pam Alterman [email protected] Carrie Bickwit

[email protected] Rhonda Schweber [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected]

Human Resources Karen Moss [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Membership Recruitment Kim Peters [email protected] Lori Goldstrom [email protected] Membership Transition Scott Block [email protected] Michael Braun [email protected] Men’s Club Neil Goldstein [email protected] Nominating Committee

Bart Schwartz [email protected] Andy Goldstrom [email protected] Outreach To Be Determined

Purim Mishloach Manot To Be Determined Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected] Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Pam Chanin [email protected] Security Michael Gutkin [email protected] Seniors Ruth Zeidman

[email protected] Sisterhood Heather Braun

[email protected] Sheri Weiner [email protected] Social Action Jeff Willard [email protected] Social Committee To Be Determined Youth Group Julie Perlson [email protected]

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Page 19: TBT November Kol Tikvah 2011


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Publication’s Title and Number: Kol Tikvah • Volume 25 Issue 11

Issue Date: November 2011 Frequency: Monthly

Authorized Organization’s Name and Address:

Temple Beth Tikvah • 9955 Coleman Road • Roswell, GA 30075

Page 20: TBT November Kol Tikvah 2011


Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Steve Gerson


Paul Beckman

Vice President

Jonathan Bennett

Vice President

Debra Schwartz

Vice President

Ron Swichkow


Rhonda Povlot


Seth Zimmer


Board of Education

Attention Postmaster:

Time Sensitive Materials

In home date November 1, 2011

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