Page 1: Talent is Social: Sourcing & Vetting Candidates via Social Media

TALENT IS SOCIALUsing social media to match your company with the best employees.

A presentweetion for the time-starved.


Social Media 101 Conference

September 25, 2009

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1:51 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Excess hype, overshare,pokes, "how well do you knowme" quizzes, stalkers. Who’duse this for finding “talent”?#GottaBeKidding

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1:52 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BOOMERS = propriety. Trained in formalities, don’to end, guarded means safe, not so great with “random.”Suit & tie = trust.

1:52 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

GENS X&Y = a nity. Formalities ignored, sharingmeans finding, tech is easy, random is life. Consideryour lens. Suit & tie = distrust.

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My last 3 jobs came thru social media. Like onlinedating, SocMed provides more info than ever before.Geography unimportant.1:53 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

1:54 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

SocMed also introduces new risks for all parties. Let'stalk abt tools, approaches & how employers/employees

can benefit by going social.

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TRADITIONAL SPRAY-AND-PRAY JOB SEARCH: orgopens job req, publicizes, resumes flood in,recruiters sift, candidates validated, o er made.1:54 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: recruiters overwhelmed, no incentive/no way to vet all applicants. They resort toemployee referrals & online search.1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: As a door-knocker, you are making theask for time, attention from time-starved recruitersacting as gauntlets. Most rejected.1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

REALITIES: Less data = more risk. Everyone’s hopespiled up on questionable opportunities,questionable candidates. #WhyAgain?

1:55 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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RISK FOR RECRUITERS: dysfunctional/flaky/badhires=wasted $$, reputation loss, damaged teams.How trustworthy is this candidate?1:56 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

RISK FOR CANDIDATES: sharky envirnmts,employer loyalty gone, salary not assured. Whatwill boss be like? How trustworthy is this employer?1:56 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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TRUST IS ALREADY BEING DETERMINEDONLINE. Your company is already being talkedabout. Best to engage rather than avoid.1:57 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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Candidates, don’t get too smarmy. Whathappens when LinkedIn adopts Yelp- or

eBay-like performance ratings?1:57 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

“Jim flaked on a key project during our rebranding efforts. He

never delivered agreed-upon assets and we were forced to

terminate our relationship. Beware: bad hire!” July 27, 2009

Jon Connolly, President/CEO, Iris Media, Inc.

was with another company when working with Jim at

ItCouldHappen LLC

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REALITY: both employers and candidates need to

be found and build trust through social channels.

less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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1:59 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BIG REASON #1: the more u put out thereabout your company or yourself, the morelikely u are to be found by the ppl who woulddig u most.

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2:00 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

BIG REASON #2: the more you put yourselfout there, the more likely people will TRUSTyou know what the hell ur talking abt. #werd

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Employers: let’s look at sourcing & vetting talent.less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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2:02 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

WHY SOCIAL MEDIAFOR SOURCING?Resumes never tell thefull picture. Passions?Quirks? Work habits?

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2:03 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2MM people signing up for LinkedIn EVERY MONTH. 80% ofcompanies using it to find employees. Vs. 50000 job boards.One place to look!

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RT @ElaineVarelas: “Job bds usedless & less by emplyrs as a sourcefor new candidates.”

RT @LinkedIn: “Easier to sourcehard-to-find professionals usingsocial networks.”

Work & personal lives rarelyseparated anymore. When weboomers separate the two, GenXassumes we’re concealing stu .Trust key to hiring!

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

2:04 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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September 25 at 2:05pm - Comment - Like - See Wall-to-Wall

Eric Weaver WATCHOUTS: Don’t shotgunJDs onto any soc netwk you find. Bad form.Also, check ur soc netwk emails daily.

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2:06 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

VETTING CANDIDATES: proof of workexperience, thought leadership, relationships,

tenure, public blowups, fraud. Evencheesecake pix.

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

LinkedIn testimonials can be reciprocal.,, youtube, flickr. Chk

sales figure claims, online "fights." A big deal?

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Do they badmouth former (worse: existing)employers online? Realize: it’s often in a

venting-to-peers context.

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2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

MANAGING EMPLOYEES: Twitter, Facebookmean that info, photos can & are often sharedw/world. RT @emarketer: 29MM smartphonesin US!

2:07 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Some employers banning any social sites toforce getting wk done. Problem: this turns adeaf ear to important external conversation.

2:08 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

Most emplyees not out to damage brand. RT@sharlyn_lauby: blogging guidelines crucial.Focus on what they CAN do, rather than don'ts.

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2:09 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

TIP: Measure what employees get done, notsocial time. Good old-fashioned performancemeasurement, done through hands-onmanagement, works.

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2:10 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

PR crises can happen in theblink of an eye. Set uplistening tools to monitorblogosphere & avoid gettingblindsided. Ex: @dominos

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2:11 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

LEVERAGE UR EMPLOYEES: their contentextends mktg e orts, shows “real” side of biz.Ex: @Deloitte held empl film festival tellingcomp story.

2:11 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

When employees are engaged, they oftenproduce more work—and on their own time.Foster creativity and esprit d’corps.

2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

UPDATE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK! Acknldge rightto persnl time, expression; claim the right tothe brand; connect their activities to the brand.

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Employees: be found. Demonstrate others’ trust.less than a minute ago - Comment - Like

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2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

The new job search is about BEING FOUND, notknocking on unmarked doors—or worse,busting them down. Don’t be a stalker on amission.

2:12 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

The bigger ur online intellectual footprint, themore likely u will be found by the rt people.But also, be interesting, personable, real.

2:13 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

This way, you’re in the driver’s seat. Less likely to beblocked/deleted. They’ll vet u, & when they call,you’ll know they’re interested.

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The same mktgtactics u hate (spam,bombardment,interruption) annoyrecruiters,companies. Let urvalue speak for itself.Let 'em find u.2:13 PM Sep 25 fromPowerPoint

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Spray and Praydressed up as socialmedia. This ismonologue, notdiscussion. Chk out #of comments. DON’TBE THIS GUY.

2:14 PM Sep 25 fromPowerPoint

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RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: honesty (liesare outed). O er proof everywhere.Be relatable. Flu /glitz not req'd;clarity/brevity/audibility are!

2:15 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

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2:16 PM Sep 25 from PowerPoint

MORAL OF THE STORY: this is all about TRUST. Thatyou are (Employer, Employee) who you say you are.That you will not injure the other.

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slides: @presentweetionme: @weavecompany:

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